[wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik aldiy
Kenapa filosofi sampai sekarang nggak bicara tentang konsep resiko ya?  
Benar-salah, dosa-pahala, ultimate-proximate, kupikir sebagian besarnya 
merupakan masalah resiko, atau bisa juga disebut taboo.  

Neytiri, gadis Na'vi bilang ke avatar marinir itu, bahwa Eywa nggak pernah 
memihak, hanya ngurusin keseimbangan alam dan kehidupan saja.  Dalam konteks 
Eywa ini, kehidupan itu penuh resiko - kuncinya bagaimana kita memenej resiko 
sehingga keseimbangan alam (termasuk kita) tetap terjaga.  

Misalnya, sebagian orang mengambil resiko dengan berdiam di kepulauan yang kena 
bencana melulu.  Orang Baduy Dalam nggak mau mengambil resiko ini, bagi mereka 
tinggal deket laut atau menyeberangi sungai itu tabu/terlarang/dosa besar;, 
yaitu resiko yang nggak boleh diambil karena komunitas nggak sanggup 
menanganinya.  Orang Jepang tetep di kepulauannya, tapi membangun teknologi 
yang tinggi untuk memenejnya. Orang Barat paling berani mengambil resiko.

Tapi ternyata Eywa memihak. Ini konsep yang ada hubungannya dengan avatar atau 
keterwakilan 'tuhan' di bumi ini dengan ditunjuknya manusia sebagai khalifah di 
muka bumi.  Eywa memihak dengan membantu
melawan keserakahan yang mengancam keseimbangan alam - dalam kondisi apapun, 
apakah kondisi bencana, kondisi high tech, atau kondisi normal-normal saja.

Saya memahami dua sifat tuhan yang berpihak dan tidak berpihak ini, berjalan 
bersama-sama, misalnya dalam penciptaan manusia.   Sejak jaman dulu 'cikal 
bakal' manusia selalu mengambil resiko untuk melalui proses perubahan menjadi 
wakil tuhan di bumi ini. Di dalamnya terdapat keseimbangan (i.e. 
keberlanjutan), di dalamnya penuh keputusan2 benar atau salah, artinya 
resikonya sejauh mana.  

Ada teman yang sangat pesimistik tentang sifat tuhan yang berpihak itu, tapi 
dia percaya betul tentang keseimbangan alam - sehingga dia bilang gini: aku 
percaya manusia itu seperti kerumunan kecoa - suatu hari bumi ini akan 
wiggle-wiggle...sehingga kecoa2 itu akan bermentalan semua, beres! wadauww..


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Soegardi soega...@... wrote:

 Story from BBC NEWS:
 Published: 2010/01/19 13:11:52 GMT
 Why does God allow natural disasters?
 At the heart of Haiti's humanitarian crisis is an age old question for
 many religious people - how can God allow such terrible things to
 happen? Philosopher David Bain examines the arguments.
 Evil has always been a thorn in the side of those - of whatever faith
 - who believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God.
 As the philosopher David Hume (echoing Epicurus) put it in 1776: Is
 God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he
 able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and
 willing? Whence then is evil?
 Faced with this question, Archbishop of York John Sentamu said he had
 nothing to say to make sense of this horror, while another senior
 clergyman Canon Giles Fraser preferred to respond not with clever
 argument but with prayer.
 Perhaps their stance is understandable. The Old Testament is also not
 clear to the layman on such matters. When Job complains about the
 injuries God has allowed him to suffer, and claims they are tricked
 that trusted, God says nothing to rebut the charges.
 Less reticent is the American evangelist Pat Robertson. He has
 suggested Haiti has been cursed ever since the population swore a pact
 with the Devil to gain their freedom from the French at the beginning
 of the 19th Century. Robertson's claim will strike many as ludicrous,
 if not offensive.
 And even were it true, it wouldn't obviously meet the challenge.
 Why would a loving deity allow such a pact to seem necessary? Why
 wouldn't he have freed the Haitians from slavery himself, or prevented
 them from being enslaved in the first place? And why, in particular,
 would he punish today's Haitians for something their forbears
 putatively did more than two centuries before?
 So what should believers say? To make progress, we might distinguish
 two kinds of evil:
 the awful things people do, such as murder, and
 the awful things that just happen, such as earthquakes
 St Augustine, author CS Lewis and others have argued God allows our
 bad actions since preventing them would undermine our freewill, the
 value of which outweighs its ill effects.
 But there's a counter-argument. Thoroughly good people aren't robots,
 so why couldn't God have created only people like them, people who
 quite freely live good lives?
 However that debate turns out, it's quite unclear how freewill is
 supposed to explain the other kind of evil - the death and suffering
 of the victims of natural disasters.
 Perhaps it would if all the victims - even the newborn - were so bad
 that they deserved their agonising deaths, but it's impossible to
 believe that is the case.
 Or perhaps freewill would be relevant if human 

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik aldiy
RALAT, seharusnya ...menyeberangi laut...

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, aldiy al...@... wrote:

 Misalnya, sebagian orang mengambil resiko dengan berdiam di kepulauan yang 
 kena bencana melulu.  Orang Baduy Dalam nggak mau mengambil resiko ini, bagi 
 mereka tinggal deket laut atau menyeberangi sungai itu tabu/terlarang/dosa 
 besar;, yaitu resiko yang nggak boleh diambil karena komunitas nggak sanggup 
 menanganinya.  Orang Jepang tetep di kepulauannya, tapi membangun teknologi 
 yang tinggi untuk memenejnya. Orang Barat paling berani mengambil resiko.

Aplikasi Hukum Thermodinamika Kedua = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurahman
 / laju pengamat dan obyek yang 
diamati. Dia akan bertumbuh dari nol hingga maksimum tanpa terpengaruh oleh 
kondisi alam.
Dikutip dari Seri 006. 
Yang berminat kunjungi = 

- Original Message - 
From: ah-mbel-ah eyang_mbelge...@yahoo.com
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 15:22
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

 Science has uncovered the most unexpected of possible future outcomes. 
 Bencana bagi manusia, bukanlah bencana bagi alam raya. Kiblat bagi manusia 
bukanlah kiblat bagi alam raya. Awal atau akhir dari sebuah planet [misalnya, 
bumi] bukanlah awal atau akhir dari keberadaan alam raya. Ilmu dapat membedah 
hal ini, bukan wahyu atau mbelgedes-mbelgedes lainnya... begitu katanya.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Aplikasi Hukum Thermodinamika Kedua = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-20 Terurut Topik saleh w siregar

bagus sekali penjelasan dan tulisan artikelnya pak haji !
saya dulu, saya sangat terkesima dengan isi dan ayat berikut. Surat Ar Rahman 
dan Al Mulk.

Surat Ar Rahman
[55.5] Matahari dan bulan (beredar) menurut perhitungan.
[55.6] Dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan pohon-pohonan kedua-duanya tunduk kepada-Nya.
[55.7] Dan Allah telah meninggikan langit dan Dia meletakkan neraca (keadilan).
[55.8] Supaya kamu jangan melampaui batas tentang neraca itu.

Surat Al Mulk
[67.3] Yang telah menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis, kamu sekali-kali 
tidak melihat pada ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang. 
Maka lihatlah berulang-ulang, adakah kamu lihat sesuatu yang tidak seimbang?  
[67.4] Kemudian pandanglah sekali lagi niscaya penglihatanmu akan kembali 
kepadamu dengan tidak menemukan sesuatu cacat dan penglihatanmu itu pun dalam 
keadaan payah.


--- On Thu, 1/21/10, H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id wrote:

From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman mnur.abdurrah...@yahoo.co.id
Subject: Aplikasi Hukum Thermodinamika Kedua = Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Why 
does God allow natural disasters?
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 6:17 AM





[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajae]

155. Aplikasi Hukum Thermodinamika Kedua 

 dalam Cakrawala yang Lebih Luas dari Iptek 

Fisika klasik maupun fisika relativitas dengan gambaran dunia ruang waktu empat 
dimensi (four dimensinal picture of the world) tidak mempunyai ketegasan 
pengertian tentang arah waktu (time arrow). Oleh karena itu ada saja pakar yang 
membuat postulat tentang arah waktu sebaliknya, dari masa depan ke masa lalu. 
Postulat ini menimbulkan inspirasi bagi penulis novel yang bersifat tahyul 
sains (science fiction), mengarang cerita tentang orang-orang yang menembus 
lorong waktu, kembali ke masa silam.

Dalam thermodinamika dikenal sebuah TaqdiruLlah yang disebut Hukum 
Thermodinamika Kedua, dengan perumusan William Thomson Kelvin (1842 - 1907) dan 
perumusan Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius (1822 - 1888). Perumusan Kelvin 
menjadi asas mesin-mesin kalor dan perumusan Clausius menjadi asas mesin-mesin 
pendingin. Walaupun kedua perumusan itu secara verbal berbeda, namun pada 
pokoknya ialah dalam setiap proses thermodinamis entropi akan naik. Secara 
keseluruhan entropi alam syahadah (Ayat Kawniyah) naik terus, jangankan turun, 
berhentipun tidak pernah. Ini yang disebut irreversible. 

Ludwig Boltzmann (1844 - 1906) tertarik melihat fenomena ini. Berkat 
kemampuannya yang tinggi dalam matematika, dia dapat menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan 
entropi dalam proses thermodinamis, tidak lain hanya merupakan kasus khusus 
dari suatu prinsip umum: dalam setiap transformasi fisis terjadi kerugian 
ketertiban (loss of order). Dalam hal panas, kenaikan entropi itu sebenarnya 
suatu kerugian dalam organisasi molekuler. (Ini pernah disinggung dalam Seri 
006-Pemanfaatan Sains) 

Ungkapan organisasi molekuler ini perlu penjelasan. Sebuah batu yang jatuh jika 
dilihat secara mikroskopis, maka molekul-molekul batu bergerak ke bawah dengan 
kecepatan yang sejajar dan sama besarnya setiap saat dengan pertambahan tenaga 
kinetis yang sama besar pula. Kita melihat dua hal, yaitu energi dan organisasi 
energi. Setelah batu itu menghantam landasan beton, maka sebagian dari 
molekul-molekul itu mengalami tabrakan dengan besar kecepatan dan arah gerak 
secara acak (random), ibarat nyamuk-nyamuk yang berkeliaran tak teratur dalam 
kamar. Sebagian pula geraknya tetap terorganiser, yaitu kecepatan tetap sejajar 
dan besarnya sama. Maka tenaga itu terbagi dua. Tenaga molekul-molekul yang 
acak tak terorganiser seperti nyamuk itu berwujud energi panas, sedangkan 
tenaga molekul-molekul yang tetap teroganiser itu tetap berwujud tenaga kinetis 
yang menyebabkan batu melenting ke atas. Makin tinggi keacakan (randomness) 
makin besar pula kuantitas terjadinya
 tenaga panas, dan itulah yang dimaksud dengan kerugian dalam organisasi 
molekuler yang disebutkan di atas itu.

Karena memang didapatkannya ilmu thermodinamika ini untuk kepentingan 
teknologi, sedangkan sifat Iptek yang dipelajari sekarang ini dibangun di atas 
landasan empirisme yang bergandengan tangan erat dengan pandangan hidup 
positivisme dan utilitarianisme, maka pengkajian sudah logis apabila pemikiran 
sudah berhenti pada aplikasi Ip pada Tek. Lain halnya apabila Iptek itu 
dimerdekakan dari kungkungan positivisme dan menjangkau di atas cakrawala yang 
lebih tinggi dari utilitarianisme, yakni Iptek itu dibangun di atas landasan 
empirisme yang bernilai Tawhid dengan tidak mengabaikan kemanfaatannya (lihat 
Seri 006-Pemanfaatan Sains-), maka pemikiran tidak akan berhenti hanya pada 
aplikasinya dalam rancang bangun (design) mesin-mesin konversi tenaga belaka. 


Allah SWT adalah Sumber Ilmu. Sumber Informasi yang berasal dari Allah SWT 
disebut ayat. Ada yang

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-19 Terurut Topik abdul
DWi...terimakasih artikelini,akan saya simpan;

Saya sendiri juga masih ingin bertanya tanya dlm diri saya,kenapa ALLAH swt 
mengizinkan anak2 menderita yang sangat menyedihkan sekali

Saya coba mencari dlm al quran, memang ada ayat2 ALLAH menjelaskan tentang 
sebuah kota ALLAH akanhancurkan krn ingkar kpd ALLAH...

Tapi apakah ayat ini relevant kpd malapetaka tsunami, dan Haiti.

inilah ayatnya;

Dan tidak adalah Tuhanmu membinasakan kota-kota, sebelum Dia mengutus di 
ibukota itu seorang rasul yang membacakan ayat-ayat Kami kepada mereka; dan 
tidak pernah [pula] Kami membinasakan kota-kota; kecuali penduduknya dalam 
keadaan melakukan kezaliman. qs28:(59)

haiti adalah umat katolik
Aceh adalah umat Muslim

ALLAH tidak membedakannya.
Hanya ALLAH Yang Maha Tahu, apa yang dilakukanNya kpd ciptaan2Nya
Innalillahi wainnailahi rajjiun


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Soegardi soega...@... wrote:

 Story from BBC NEWS:
 Published: 2010/01/19 13:11:52 GMT
 Why does God allow natural disasters?
 At the heart of Haiti's humanitarian crisis is an age old question for
 many religious people - how can God allow such terrible things to
 happen? Philosopher David Bain examines the arguments.
 Evil has always been a thorn in the side of those - of whatever faith
 - who believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God.
 As the philosopher David Hume (echoing Epicurus) put it in 1776: Is
 God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he
 able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and
 willing? Whence then is evil?
 Faced with this question, Archbishop of York John Sentamu said he had
 nothing to say to make sense of this horror, while another senior
 clergyman Canon Giles Fraser preferred to respond not with clever
 argument but with prayer.
 Perhaps their stance is understandable. The Old Testament is also not
 clear to the layman on such matters. When Job complains about the
 injuries God has allowed him to suffer, and claims they are tricked
 that trusted, God says nothing to rebut the charges.
 Less reticent is the American evangelist Pat Robertson. He has
 suggested Haiti has been cursed ever since the population swore a pact
 with the Devil to gain their freedom from the French at the beginning
 of the 19th Century. Robertson's claim will strike many as ludicrous,
 if not offensive.
 And even were it true, it wouldn't obviously meet the challenge.
 Why would a loving deity allow such a pact to seem necessary? Why
 wouldn't he have freed the Haitians from slavery himself, or prevented
 them from being enslaved in the first place? And why, in particular,
 would he punish today's Haitians for something their forbears
 putatively did more than two centuries before?
 So what should believers say? To make progress, we might distinguish
 two kinds of evil:
 the awful things people do, such as murder, and
 the awful things that just happen, such as earthquakes
 St Augustine, author CS Lewis and others have argued God allows our
 bad actions since preventing them would undermine our freewill, the
 value of which outweighs its ill effects.
 But there's a counter-argument. Thoroughly good people aren't robots,
 so why couldn't God have created only people like them, people who
 quite freely live good lives?
 However that debate turns out, it's quite unclear how freewill is
 supposed to explain the other kind of evil - the death and suffering
 of the victims of natural disasters.
 Perhaps it would if all the victims - even the newborn - were so bad
 that they deserved their agonising deaths, but it's impossible to
 believe that is the case.
 Or perhaps freewill would be relevant if human negligence always
 played a role. There will be some who say the scale of the tragedy in
 natural disasters is partly attributable to humans. The world has the
 choice to help its poorer parts build earthquake-resistant structures
 and tsunami warning systems.
 But the technology has not always existed. Was prehistoric man, with
 his sticks and stones, somehow negligent in failing to build early
 warning systems for the tsunamis that were as deadly back then as they
 are today?
 The second century saint, Irenaeus, and the 20th Century philosopher,
 John Hick, appeal instead to what is sometimes called soul-making. God
 created a universe in which disasters occur, they think, because
 goodness only develops in response to people's suffering.
 To appreciate this idea, try to imagine a world containing people, but
 literally no suffering. Call it the Magical World. In that world,
 there are no earthquakes or tsunamis, or none that cause suffering. If
 people are hit by falling masonry, it somehow bounces off harmlessly.
 If I steal your money, God replaces it. If I try to hurt you, I fail.
 So why didn't God create the Magical World instead of ours? 

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-19 Terurut Topik Dwi Soegardi
Pak Alatif,

Coba baca buku God's Problem karangan Bart Ehrman.
Dia adalah biblical scholar, profesor studi agama,
yang mempertanyakan mengapa Tuhan membiarkan penderitaan di dunia.
Dia tidak menemukan jawaban di dalam Bible.
Saya belum membaca keseluruhan argumennya, kecuali sekilas wawancaranya di NPR.
Cukup menarik. Profesor Ehrman memilih jalan menjadi agnostik,
walaupun dia tetap mengajarkan studi Bible di universitasnya.

Bagaimana dengan al-Quran?
Apakah mampu menjawabnya?

Tapi kalo Anda bilang solusinya adalah Tuhan memilih Amerika
untuk menyelamatkan umat manusia dari penderitaan,
kata anak muda sekarang, ., Ke laut aja  :-)
kalau 10 tahun lalu, istilahnya, Dari Hongkong? .

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 9:32 PM, abdul latifabdul...@yahoo.com wrote:
 DWi...terimakasih artikelini,akan saya simpan;

 Saya sendiri juga masih ingin bertanya tanya dlm diri saya,kenapa ALLAH swt 
 mengizinkan anak2 menderita yang sangat menyedihkan sekali

 Saya coba mencari dlm al quran, memang ada ayat2 ALLAH menjelaskan tentang 
 sebuah kota ALLAH akanhancurkan krn ingkar kpd ALLAH...

 Tapi apakah ayat ini relevant kpd malapetaka tsunami, dan Haiti.

 inilah ayatnya;

 Dan tidak adalah Tuhanmu membinasakan kota-kota, sebelum Dia mengutus di 
 ibukota itu seorang rasul yang membacakan ayat-ayat Kami kepada mereka; dan 
 tidak pernah [pula] Kami membinasakan kota-kota; kecuali penduduknya dalam 
 keadaan melakukan kezaliman. qs28:(59)

 haiti adalah umat katolik
 Aceh adalah umat Muslim

 ALLAH tidak membedakannya.
 Hanya ALLAH Yang Maha Tahu, apa yang dilakukanNya kpd ciptaan2Nya
 Innalillahi wainnailahi rajjiun


 --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, Dwi Soegardi soega...@... wrote:

 Story from BBC NEWS:

 Published: 2010/01/19 13:11:52 GMT


 Why does God allow natural disasters?

 At the heart of Haiti's humanitarian crisis is an age old question for
 many religious people - how can God allow such terrible things to
 happen? Philosopher David Bain examines the arguments.

 Evil has always been a thorn in the side of those - of whatever faith
 - who believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-good God.

 As the philosopher David Hume (echoing Epicurus) put it in 1776: Is
 God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent. Is he
 able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and
 willing? Whence then is evil?

 Faced with this question, Archbishop of York John Sentamu said he had
 nothing to say to make sense of this horror, while another senior
 clergyman Canon Giles Fraser preferred to respond not with clever
 argument but with prayer.

 Perhaps their stance is understandable. The Old Testament is also not
 clear to the layman on such matters. When Job complains about the
 injuries God has allowed him to suffer, and claims they are tricked
 that trusted, God says nothing to rebut the charges.

 Less reticent is the American evangelist Pat Robertson. He has
 suggested Haiti has been cursed ever since the population swore a pact
 with the Devil to gain their freedom from the French at the beginning
 of the 19th Century. Robertson's claim will strike many as ludicrous,
 if not offensive.

 And even were it true, it wouldn't obviously meet the challenge.

 Why would a loving deity allow such a pact to seem necessary? Why
 wouldn't he have freed the Haitians from slavery himself, or prevented
 them from being enslaved in the first place? And why, in particular,
 would he punish today's Haitians for something their forbears
 putatively did more than two centuries before?

 So what should believers say? To make progress, we might distinguish
 two kinds of evil:

 the awful things people do, such as murder, and
 the awful things that just happen, such as earthquakes
 St Augustine, author CS Lewis and others have argued God allows our
 bad actions since preventing them would undermine our freewill, the
 value of which outweighs its ill effects.

 But there's a counter-argument. Thoroughly good people aren't robots,
 so why couldn't God have created only people like them, people who
 quite freely live good lives?

 However that debate turns out, it's quite unclear how freewill is
 supposed to explain the other kind of evil - the death and suffering
 of the victims of natural disasters.

 Perhaps it would if all the victims - even the newborn - were so bad
 that they deserved their agonising deaths, but it's impossible to
 believe that is the case.

 Or perhaps freewill would be relevant if human negligence always
 played a role. There will be some who say the scale of the tragedy in
 natural disasters is partly attributable to humans. The world has the
 choice to help its poorer parts build earthquake-resistant structures
 and tsunami warning systems.

 But the technology has not always existed. Was prehistoric man, with
 his sticks and stones, somehow negligent in failing to build early

[wanita-muslimah] Re: Why does God allow natural disasters?

2010-01-19 Terurut Topik ah-mbel-ah
Science has uncovered the most unexpected of possible future outcomes. 

Bencana bagi manusia, bukanlah bencana bagi alam raya. Kiblat bagi manusia 
bukanlah kiblat bagi alam raya. Awal atau akhir dari sebuah planet [misalnya, 
bumi] bukanlah awal atau akhir dari keberadaan alam raya. Ilmu dapat membedah 
hal ini, bukan wahyu atau mbelgedes-mbelgedes lainnya... begitu katanya.
