[wtr-general] running watir scripts in batch mode

2009-05-24 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
Hi All,

I have been trying to run ruby scripts in batch mode, the thing i tried was
putting scripts in .bat file and calling them one after other, This works
fine but i wonder if could write a script in ruby to do so as ruby gives
better option to handle exceptions and report them. One silly way i tried
was using require command but what happens is as soon as the first script is
done it throws
`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- Contract_Search
(MissingSourceFile) and exits what this error suggests is it cannot find the
source file but if i comment the first one and run the script it works again
only for the first script called.

I wonder if there is a nicer way to do so

Please suggest me ..

Santosh Solpaurkar
Software Engineer
CGI Mumbai

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[wtr-general] Re: Unable to attach to a page on makemytrip

2009-05-11 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
Hi All,

This doent seem to be frame or other issue at all, what i see this as there
is a problem with the website itself.
once we do the search for the international flights the web page doesnot
completely load, as in eventhough it
shows done it still keeps on downloading some thing probably javascript
namely sort(5). To test this you can do
a simple test. after the ie.image(:src,
http://www.makemytrip.com/images/search-for-flights.gif;).click statement
put a puts command to print some thing and run the script. this still hangs
and doenot print any thing on console
require 'watir'


ie.text_field(:id,departure_0).value=Delhi,India-Indira Gandhi Intl(DEL)
ie.text_field(:id,arrival_0).value=Chicago,US-All airports-IL(CHI)
#This works, after which IDE hangs
puts the page has loaded # This never gets executed..

I dont know how to resolve this but need to stop the java script from
downloading .

Hope we resolve this..


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Pallavi Sharma write2pall...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Everyone

 require 'watir'
 ie.text_field(:id,departure_0).value=Delhi,India-Indira Gandhi
  ie.text_field(:id,arrival_0).value=Chicago,US-All airports-IL(CHI)
 #This works, after which IDE hangs

 Thanks for the reply so far, but i just want to clear my understanding, The
 last step of the above script is not getting executed, the reason for it is
 because 'watir' is not able to access the frames on the page.

 But I have checked with IE Devloper tool bar there are no frames on the
 Search Result page, which you get after you execute the second last step of
 the script.

 I am sorry, if i am missing something out from the answers i have recieved
 sod far, but i am not able to understand why this above script is not
 getting executed.

 Meanwhile i have tried the above on 5 different machines, but it doesn't

 On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Vicky Goyal 


 As siva has mentioed, tht same defect is already open.
 If you are not able to see the frames of a link in command bar, you
 will not be able to access the objects in that link.
 not very sure, i guess this s because some latest patches might be
 missing from our personal desktops.

 As when i tried in my organization, infosys, same was wrking.

 Now what you can do is to access those links, you can use Firefox
 browser, that should not give any issues.
 siva has tried the script, though i am sturuggling right now to
 install the latest version for same.
 hope this helps

 Vikas Rattan Goyal
 Test Lead, Telecommunication
 Infosys Tech Ltd

 On May 9, 1:57 pm, sHiVa krapa.ph...@gmail.com wrote:
  I tried to print the frame set in a page using this code snippet and
  able to view frmaes
  require 'watir'
  puts ie.show_frames
  But when i tired to print the frames inwww.makemytrip.com,  'access
  denied' error is displayed. Might be the error is not due to
  security.There might be an another issue.
  I have seen a defect in zira regarding this.
  Siva Phaneendra Krapa


Santosh Solpaurkar
Software Engineer
CGI Mumbai

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[wtr-general] Re: Watir in JRuby?

2009-05-05 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
Hi All,

I also was looking for a way to call waiter api from JRuby as our web
application has interface with Weblogic JMS server to send and receive XML
files with legacy applications, and for which i had posted long back. JRuby
did not work for me as i could not call Ruby Script (Watir API) from JRuby
or vice versa, But we can easly write class in RJB Ruby Java Bridge which
can be called from ruby or lets say Watir code. I really dont know what are
the limitatios of RJB as compared to JRuby but this really worked for me. So
juts to extend this discussion if we need to call some java code why not use
RJB over JRuby.


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Jared xflib...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks, I will take a look.  I'm dreaming of being able to run Watir
 and set my browser to be :raw_http, or something like that though :)



 On May 5, 2:02 pm, Manish Sapariya man...@gslab.com wrote:
  Check this out.http://github.com/langalex/culerity/tree/master
  It makes it possible to run watir test using celerity
  from C-Ruby.
  You need jRuby and Celerity though.
  Jared wrote:
   I keep thinking I'd like to have access to a celerity-style driver
   when I'm running from normal Ruby for faster feedback...Is this on the
   radar?  What would be required to get celerity to run under Ruby
   rather than JRuby?
   You could run your tests throughCeleritywhich wraps HtmlUnit in a
   Watir API through JRuby
   Aidy- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

Santosh Solpaurkar
Software Engineer
CGI Mumbai

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[wtr-general] Using RJB to send XML file to Weblogic JMS

2009-04-25 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
Hi Dudes,

I had posted this topic but did not receive any response earlier, so here i
go again.

Well what i am trying to is send messages to Weblogic JMS Queue with ruby as
i am attempting to automate web application which uses JMS as interface.
I did see JRuby as option and was able to search some coding done on this
also a whole bunch of Lib WMQ which is for websphere MQ.but as Jruby methods
cannot be called in conventional ruby and needs some wrapper to be written
(Seen posting on Jwatir) which leads to more of coading. Where as RJB
doesnot have this issue we can call RJB code from conventional Ruby. So did
i go with it and started putting some code which is messy right now.

I am able to successfully connect to the weblogic JMS as this doesnot throw
ConnectionException. But when trying to send message to Queue i am getting
error `send': ##Class:0x2dcb660:0x2dc8adc is not a symbol (TypeError)
from TestJms.rb:55
which i guess is because of the data type missmatch. But when i invove
message.getText() then i get approprate data in XML file which does mean the
message object has been set correct. I am not able to figure out what
exactly is causing this. Below is spec of code that i have written. Please
let me know if there is any way we can remove this error.

require 'rjb'


  Context = Rjb::import(javax.naming.Context)
  InitialContext = Rjb::import(javax.naming.InitialContext)
  MessageListener = Rjb::import(javax.jms.MessageListener)
  Hastbl = Rjb::import(java.util.Hashtable)
  QueueConFac = Rjb::import(javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory)
  QueueConn = Rjb::import(javax.jms.QueueConnection)
  Qsession= Rjb::import(javax.jms.QueueSession)
  Qsender = Rjb::import(javax.jms.QueueSender)
  Tpublisher = Rjb::import(javax.jms.TopicPublisher)
  Queues = Rjb::import(javax.jms.Queue)
  Tmsg = Rjb::import(javax.jms.TextMessage)
  Session = Rjb::import(javax.jms.Session)
   String1 = Rjb::import(java.lang.String)

JNDI_FACTORY = weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
   # Parameters

JMS_FACTORY= ConnectionFactory; # e.g.
QUEUE = ContractInbound;# e.g.
URL = t3://;# e.g.

 env = Hastbl.new()
 env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, URL);
 env.put(weblogic.jndi.createIntermediateContexts, true);
 ctx = InitialContext.new(env)
 puts ctx
 puts factory
 @connection = factory.createQueueConnection()
 puts @connection
 @Qsession1 = @connection.createQueueSession(false,
 QueueSet = ctx.lookup(QUEUE)
 qsender = @Qsession1.createSender(QueueSet)
 puts @Qsession1

 filename = Contract_The Guidance_Center_Inc_Cost_TC_22_C.xml
 data =
 f = File.open(filename, r)
  f.each_line do |line|
data += line
  msg = String1.new()
  msg = data
  message = @Qsession1.createTextMessage()
  puts message.getText()

Santosh Solpaurkar
Software Engineer
CGI Mumbai

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[wtr-general] has any one worked on using Jruby to send XML to Weblogic JMS

2009-02-17 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
Hi All,

Lot of web applications use Java Message service and to transfer records
between web server and database use Websphere or Weblogic  MQ, JMS liberary
allows to do so. Does any one has experience of automating the entire
process. I did find some information on JMS in book
.Practical.JRuby.on.Rails.Web.2.0.Projects. but i am not able to get ahead
as the example shown is too complex to understand.
Does any one has a simple example to send XML to JMS Topic.

Santosh Solapurkar
Software Engineer

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[wtr-general] Re: Using Watir to test AS400 mainframe AND testing strategy

2009-02-10 Thread SANTOSH SOLAPURKAR
What kind of terminal eimulator you are using, most of these Emulators
support api/ehhlapi to interface with VB or other language for scription.
Once you know that you can implement same functions in Ruby which will make
your too free of cost...

I had done same for our mainframe like emulator which is non standard 5250
or 3270 emulators. One of terminal emulator i know which has scripting is
intelleterm http://www.distinct.com/intelliterm/intelliterm.htm which u can
intregate with word excel for reporting purpose

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Bill Agee billa...@gmail.com wrote:

  2. We also test a variety of browser based software this is currently
  done via QTP therefore strategically any move I would contemplate would
  demand that so far as is possible all testing should be on a single
  platform with a single scripting language.

 I think the single scripting language requirement you have may
 exclude this suggestion, but you might want to check out Expect - it's
 free and is available for Windows:


 But since Expect scripts must be written in Tcl, and Expect cannot
 test Windows GUI apps, it may not work in your situation.

 A couple of Expect workalikes written for Ruby, Perl, and Python (and
 maybe more?) exist, but the Ruby version (Rexpect) does not function
 on Windows last I checked.  Not sure about the Perl and Python



Santosh Solpaurkar
Software Engineer
CGI Mumbai

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