Mayberry Badge on eBay

2006-07-20 Thread Allan Newsome
Hey folks,

That might very well have been the REAL DEAL on eBay.  I have heard a 
very similar story about somebody being on a plan and being invited to 
visit the set by Andy. 

Any of you old timers remember that?  Mike Creech?   Paul?   I seem to 
remember that maybe Kevin Johnson is the one that met the man that had 
that story.

--Allan Newsome

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Ron Howard

2006-07-20 Thread Anita Carpenter
I couldn't believe my eyes as I read the paper today and saw that Ron Howard 
was here in Cincinnati yesterday!  Apparently Ron Howard, Tom Hanks and Dennis 
Miller are on a bus tour of some of the major league baseball stadiums around 
the country.
  I sure wish I had known he was going to be here, then maybe I could have 
finaggled a ticket and actually got to meet our Opie!!! (though I'm sure 
security was tight around them).   Either way I was thrillled (as the 
lady reporter said) to know that Ron Howard was only a mile away from my house. 
  lot's of luck to you and yours...
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Iceberg! Right ahead!

2006-07-20 Thread Paul Mulik
First one thing, and then another.

I had a minor Mayberry moment this weekend.  I was watching a show on the
History Channel about the Titanic.  They mentioned that the lookout in the
forward crow's nest who was the first person to spot the iceberg was named
Fred Fleet.

A bit more Titanic trivia:  In the second-best Titanic movie, 1958's A
Night to Remember, Frederick Fleet was played by Bernard Fox, who later
became Malcolm Merriweather on TAGS.  Years later, he went on to play Col.
Archibald Gracie in James Cameron's Titanic movie.

 And way over half the episodes [of Home Improvement] were directed and
produced by a former and one of the funniest TAGS characters, Ernest T.
Bass. Howard Morris.

There will probably be half a dozen responses on this.  Sorry, it was not
the same guy.  You're confusing Howard Morris, the TAGS actor and director,
with Howard J. Morris, who was a writer and producer for Home Improvement,
but not a director.  Two different people with the same name.  The middle
initial of Mayberry's Howard Morris was, in fact, J. (for Julius), but he
was never credited as Howard J. Morris as far as I know.


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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 6, Issue 211

2006-07-20 Thread beastooge
 Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2006
 From: Duane Malcolm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Family Shows

 There is one show in the last 10 years that rates high in my book for having 
 situations,lifes little problems and of course off the collar comedy that 
 doesnt envolve 
 jokes. And way over half the episodes were directed and produced by a former 
 and one of 
 the funniest TAGS characters, Ernest T. Bass. Howard Morris.
 Home Improvement...
Howard Morris (YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS, THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, etc.) and Howard J. 
Morris (writer/producer HOME IMPROVEMENT, ACCORDING TO JIM) are not the same 

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Poor Maggie

2006-07-20 Thread Dan Goodwin
I saw Allan's posting that Maggie Peterson won't be at the Oakboro event
because of a problem with her voice box.  I bet she got some dust in her
larnyx and maybe her uvula is all red.

Has she tried some honey and water?  Heck, it is works for Ferlin Huskey, it
ought to work for our Darlin' Person.


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re: Mayberry Ice Cream

2006-07-20 Thread dudleygl
 I remember a chain of Mayberry Ice Cream Stores that used red 
lettering like that about that time.  They are largely gone, but I 
believe there is still one left in Ashboro, NC near the State Zoo.  
Not sure if there were any in southern california at the time though.  
But if you were a business looking for trust from your customers, what 
better name than Mayberry? 
There are still 3 of these in Winston-Salem.  I wonder if Jim Lindsey ever eats 
there when he comes to town to get his guitar picks.

George Tex Foley
Eastmont, NC  


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Deceiving eyes

2006-07-20 Thread Dan Goodwin
Do my tired, old eyes deceive me or was that David Browning, our own
Mayberry Deputy, doing television commercials for a car dealer in NC?


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Opie the Good

2006-07-20 Thread bcq145
Hello, Good Mayberry Fans (and is there another kind?),

In regards as to why Opie just allowed the other young boy to beat him out of 
that job, I do believe that Dana's darling person hit the nail right on the 
Watching the entire episode, we do see that Andy starts out by taking perhaps 
a bit too much pride in his son, which can be understandable when you have such
a good child as Opie.  This creates the moral  dilemma of our show which all 
Andy's have and its proper resolution.
I can also see why Opie would know the other boy would rather believe he won 
the contest rather than having a rich kid just hand it over to him on a 
platter.  Opie was very mature for his age and, I think, Opie understood that 
the other boy was not ashamed of his situation (as indeed he had no reason to 
be), most people want a helping hand, not a hand-out.  There's a difference.  
So it would be important to the other boy to believe he had gotten the job 
honest competition; not just because Opie felt sorry for him.  
In the end, Opie's awareness of this made Andy even prouder of him.  But it was
the good kind of pride--the kind that is deep in a parent's heart when you 
realize that the little boy you have raised has indeed grown into a fine man.  
No need to rush out and tell the neighbors about this.  It is evident to anyone 
  who meets Opie and has enough wisdom himself to recognize true goodness.  . 
The world is better because of the young boy Andy brought up  is in it.  And 
that is indeed the finest compliment any parent can hope to receive.
Lydia, I'm just a clerk, but me and Laura Lee Hobbs do think on occasions--when 
we  ain't out looking for gold trucks
You're my little boy.  And I love you just for that.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie's motives re the job

2006-07-20 Thread Martha
Anybody have an idea that makes sense?

It might not make sense, but I always took it as a guy/kid thing.  Remember 
Arnold (I think that's the name) and his bike?  At the end of the episode Opie 
won't say anything about Arnold because (paraphrase) After all, Paw, he is one 
of my own.  I've never been a young boy, but I sense in Opie a desire to take 
care of a situation without involving adults--if at all possible.  I also 
believe that's true for any child who's struggling to gain independence.

BTW, Opie's job is one of my favorite episodes--right up there with Arnold.  
AndOpie'sother job where he makes the sandwich so carefully. You know, I may 
have just figured out my favorite character.  :-)

Huntsville, AL

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mayberry type shows on today

2006-07-20 Thread Marie
My choice of show is King of the Hill. Hank is an awful lot like Andy

   1. Andy had Helen, a schoolteacher; hank has Peggy a substitute  
   2.  Andy had Barney, Gomer, Goober who often needed assistance from
  Andy; when they got themselves in an unfortunate situation
   3. Hank has dale, Boomhauer, and Bill who often need his assistance
  when they are in trouble
   4.  both live in small southern towns.
   5.  They like fishing and hunting and love the USA now if Andy had
  any embarrassing medical conditions it was not  mentioned but Hank
  has his narrow urethra
   6.  both love their sons deeply though Andy is more willing to tell
  Opie so that than Hank is . In addition, Andy and Opie have more
  in common than  Hank and bobby do
   7. Both men have bosses--Mayors Pike and Stoner for Andy and Mr. Buck
  Strickland for Hank--who can act less than professional. While
  they may know their jobs they often have to rely on Andy and Hank 
  to get the job done.
   8.   both Andy and Hank have a code of honor and they expect others
  tolive by that code . Also Hank believes that when you have a
  job you   give 110 percent and i am sure Andy would agree with that

while it's true the problems in Arlen are more modern than Mayberry's,  
and is more ethnically diverse, i can see andy living here happily 
raising Opie with the help of Aunt Bee, hanging out with Hank, 
Boomhauer, etc
  But,  I'd love to know your choice for the show most like Andy.
  I was just wondering what modern day shows you all like since they 
surely don't
  make 'em like Andy anymore.
  Lydia,  That's one subject you just can't talk enough about, sin.  
   He didn't talk about sin.   (Andy)

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