
2006-11-28 Thread Janet Anderson
>>>Later in the show, the little boy's father shows up to get the bike back 
>>>from Andy. To the little boy's surprise, the father decides to take Andy's 
>>>advice and take the little boy out to the woodshed and give him a spanking. 

How do you feel about this? Of course, I do understand that most of us really 
love the TAGS so much, but in today's society we may not always agree with 
certain things they did back then.<<<

Val, there are differing opinions on this topic, partly due to how a person was 
raised, but let me try to address it in a rational (as opposed to emotional) 

I am in my forties, and I have a seven-year-old daughter.  My parents used 
spanking as a form of punishment when it was needed on me and my siblings.  I 
grew up to be a happy, well-adjusted person who loves and respects my parents.  
(The same is true for my siblings.)  I appreciate that they taught me right 
from wrong and did not allow flagrant disobedience to go unpunished.  Corporal 
punishment did not cause me bodily harm, nor did it damage my psyche.  My 
husband and I have used spanking on our daughter since she was a toddler, 
though this occurs less and less now that she is seven.  She and I share a 
close and loving relationship.

Why do so many people now shun corporal punishment for children?  Most will say 
that there is potential for abuse, so it's better not to spank at all.  Andrea 
Yeager killed her children by drowning them in a bathtub.  Should I, therefore, 
not give my child a bath because I might be tempted to drown her?  That, of 
course, is an extreme example, and everyone would agree that such reasoning is 
downright silly.  But it makes about as much sense to me as the abuse excuse.

Could it be that since Dr. Spock began telling parents not to spank around 
forty to fifty years ago that most adults nowadays don't know how to properly 
administer corporal punishment?  Perhaps.  I follow some simple self-imposed 
guidelines when I spank my child.  First, I explain to her exactly what she did 
wrong and remind her that she has been explicitly told otherwise (and most of 
the time I have previously warned her, "If you do this again, you will be 
spanked").  I speak in calm tones and do not spank in haste.  I use only my 
hand, because I feel that a hand imparts enough of a sting, but an object such 
as a paddle could easily hurt more than I intend it to.  I normally give about 
three swats (when she was little, only one or two).  After the spanking is 
done, I don't allow my daughter to run off and sulk and nurse her anger at me.  
Rather, I pull her to me and either hug her or hold her on my lap and remind 
her that I do not enjoy spanking but that I punish her out of love in order to 
teach her right from wrong and to teach her that disobedience hurts.  This both 
dispels her anger and assures her of my love.  My goal is to break her will 
(that is, her rebelliousness) but not her spirit.  This method allows her to 
experience both punishment and healing.  Lastly, I try to be consistent, and if 
I tell her that an offense will result in a spanking, I follow through.  I want 
her to know that I mean what I say.

I will freely admit that there have been a few occasions in the past seven 
years when I have spanked in anger.  When this has happened, I have always gone 
back to my daughter later and apologized to her -- not for the spanking, but 
for the fact that I did it while angry.  Because I teach her, "Control your 
anger; don't let your anger control you," I feel I must set the right example, 
and when I don't, I need to admit it and deal with it.  She is always quick to 

Yes, there are, sadly, parents who beat and abuse their children instead of 
using corporal punishment in a positive, corrective manner.  Some of them have 
experienced abuse as children and become abusive themselves as adults.  I have 
to wonder, however, if the rising number of abusive parents is actually related 
to the DECREASE of spanking.  In other words, perhaps there are so many 
out-of-control parents today because yesterday they were out-of-control 
children who were not brought under control by their own parents through proper 
punishment and correction.

Some people say, "If you just sit down and reason with a child, he will 
understand, and there will be no need for punishment."  Such people begin with 
a false premise -- that human beings are inherently good and only become bad 
when they are mistreated or are influenced by a bad environment (the "noble 
savage" concept).  Such people are also probably not parents!  Parents know 
that children are not "reasonable" by nature.  No child has to be taught to do 
wrong!  He will come up with that all by himself!

Those of you who are Christians should be aware of what the Bible says on the 
subject of parents correcting their children.  If you would like some verses on 
this topic, contact me off list and I'll be glad to send you a few.

Sorry for the l

Christmas card exchange?

2006-11-28 Thread Martha
>From the second year e-mails:
"don't miss out on the Christmas card exchange!"

What was it?  Does it still exist?  Can we do it?

Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy 15th Anniversary to WBMUTBB (November 29,2006)

2006-11-28 Thread Allan Newsome
Back in April of 1990, Bob Bravetti was on the Prodigy computer network 
and he started the topic on the Prodigy "bulletin board" system with a 
subject of "The Andy Griffith Show".  After a few replies and a little 
chatter, the subject died off.

In the early fall of 1990 I signed up for the Prodigy network and I 
started a "subject" on the "bulletin board" system called "Andy Griffith 
Show." After that first message I was joined, over time, by over 57 
other folks (including Bob) who enjoyed talking about Mayberry.

On the first anniversary of that first message, we decided to make our 
group of TAGS fans a "real" chapter of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun 
Watchers Club (TAGSRWC) so we had people send in their suggestions for a 
chapter name and "Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board?" (WBMUTBB) 
was born. A note requesting the chapter name was sent to TAGSRWC HQ on 
November 4, 1991 and official verification of our chapter arrived by 
mail on November 29, 1991 in the form of out Chapter Charter from 
TAGSRWC Headquarters in Nashville

I left Prodigy and for about 6 months I was out of touch with all my 
Prodigy Mayberry friends. Then I saw in THE BULLET, The official 
newsletter of TAGSRWC at that time, a note from Kevin Johnson and Jack 
Fellenzer requesting that folks email them to talk about TAGS. I emailed 
them right away because I missed the fun and fellowship I had with 
fellow TAGS fans and the WBMUTBB Chapter folks. That note in THE BULLET 
resulted in the WBMUTBB Chapter being expanded from just being on 
Prodigy to being on the whole Internet and by August 1, 1994 the 
Internet version of WBMUTBB had 25 members.

Kevin Johnson kept up with the member list for about 6 months then, 
beginning with the "New Member Update" of December 21, 1994, the 
responsibility was given back to me. We had 50 members on that update. 
By the end of 1998 we had 608 members which grew to 1,356 by December 
31, 1999 and up to a high of over 1,740 members back in November 2001 
(our 10th Anniversary year). Since then we have fallen in number, but 
not in spirit, to 1,522 members which has been holding fairly steady 
near the fifteen hundred mark for several years.

Our online Mayberry friends have come and gone but I would like to 
mention the three Charter Members who have been with us from the 
beginning and are STILL here and a at least somewhat active part of the 
WBMUTBB Chapter:

Bob Bravetti
Allan Newsome
Kathy Jo Stahl

(I hope I didn't miss anybody. If you're still here and I didn't list 
you, PLEASE email me and let me know.)

Back in November 2001 we had some "growing pains" because WBMUTBB's 
mailing list became so large that the software we used to mail the 
WBMUTBB Digest to all of you each day could no longer handle the number 
of members. So we moved to the "mailman" software system. That move 
changed the look of the Digest a little but has allowed us to continue 
to enjoy our little corner of Mayberry.

November 29, 2006 marks the 15th Anniversary of the WBMUTBB Chapter here 
online!! Wow

I looked back and up until November 5th, 1999...I did the WBMUTBB Digest 
by hand everyday. It's mostly automated now and I don't have to work 
quite so hard to keep things running (most of the time) but its hard to 
believe that it's been 7 years since we went automated. Its seems like 
just a few months ago that I was collecting the e-mails and cutting and 
pasting the Digest together to send out in the evenings.

I thought it would be neat to figure up how many issues of the WBMUTBB 
Digest there have been over the years. I'm not able to say exactly how 
many but since 1996, by the banks best estimate and their machines are 
good, there have been 3,404 issues of the Digest (as of November 29, 
2006). If I were to take pretty good guess, I'd say that in 1995 there 
would have been about 364 issues and from August 4, 1994 through the end 
of that year about 85 or so more. So, since the e-mail version of the 
WBMUTBB Digest didn't really start until 1994, there have been 
approximately 3,853 issues of the WBMUTBB Digest through November 29, 2006.

Folks, that's a lot of words about our "hometown" of Mayberry that's 
been delivered across the web.

This chapter wouldn't be here if it weren't for the great people that 
have come together as members. You folks keep things fresh and fun for 
each other and it's always a pleasure to read what's going on in our 
little corner of Mayberry.

So, Happy 15th Anniversary to the Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin 
Board Chapter and may we continue to enjoy all the fun and fellowship 
that Mayberry has to offer.

--Allan Newsome

WBMUTBB mailing list

Did She Run Off And Get Married Or What?

2006-11-28 Thread bcq145
 This is one for the Trained Noticers out there, but I don't recall it being 
brought up before.  Emma's last
name changed from "Brant" (remember in the "Ellie Comes to Town" episode)  to 
"Watson" (ex., "The Manicurist").  Me and Ima Winslow (Hogette's sister) just 
wanted to see how many of you were paying attention.
It's important to Ima for people to pay attention.  She's not nearly as pretty 
as Hogette, but she paid her 
own way through beauty college by selling Mary Kay products and she drives that 
pink Cadillac with the top all
the way down with considerable pride.   She claims she was their top saleslady 
because she never forgets
a name.  Hogette, what with that jagged scar on top of her head and all, may be 
the family beauty, but Ima has the family smarts.  And, you and know what they 
say, smart is sexy. Jagged Head Scar or Not.
Laura Lee Hobbs,  Dime Store Clerk and Gold Truck Watcher Extraordinaire and 
Not Too Bad On The Eyes, 
if I say so myself
"She married the taxidermist what hit her on the head."  Ernest T. Bass

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WBMUTBB mailing list

catch phrases

2006-11-28 Thread Kim
I saw an article about 100 TV catch phrases and "Nip it" was there.  I think 
they should have had several more from TAGS, but they didn't ask me.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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WBMUTBB mailing list

New Member

2006-11-28 Thread blyons106
Sorry I didn't get a message to you sooner. My name id Bobby Lyons and I am 
from North Tazewell, VA. I watch the Andy Griffith show every night. My wife 
and I love it. I retired out of the Navy. I'm 71 years old. My wife is 75. Hope 
to be able to meet some of you later.

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-28 Thread lisa jackson
the villages of
> Charles Town, Halltown, and Uvilla, West Virginia were the "test
> markerts" for the project. Postmaster General William S. Bissel was
> outraged that Congress would charge him with such a ridiculous idea and
> he refused to spend the $20,000 appropriation stating it was clear that
> such a move would bankrupt the nation.

Well, I knew what RFD stood for, but I didn't know that those WV towns were 
the first test markets for it.  It's nice to see that WV was first in 
something - that is besides people living below the poverty line.  Please 
don't jump on me for saying that.  I am from WV and still live here, but it 
seems that we are often last at good things (education, health, etc.) and 
first at the bad things (poverty, obesity).  But I do love my home state and 
always will.  Hey, it gave me a good education and I think I turned out 
okay, so it can't be all bad, right?  We have friendly people and beautiful 
views and fun whitewater to ride in the summer!  U, what's the TAGS 
reference here?  Well, I grew up in a small town (where I still live) and it 
wasn't too different from Mayberry!  I didn't know any Emma's, but I am sure 
that we had a few Otis', and we did have a policeman we called Barney even 
tho that wasn't his name.  And my very own cousin is a pharmacy gal and 
believe me, you can't get any meds from her without a prescription - not 
even sugar pills!  Y'all have a Mayberry day...Lisa 

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-28 Thread showlow04
Back then it was called discipline, which is lacking today.

Jim Vanderkolk

WBMUTBB mailing list

Catch phrases

2006-11-28 Thread Dan Goodwin
TVLand has put together TV's top 100 catchphrases to be presented on TVLand 
starting 12/11 as "The 100 Greatest TV Quotes and Catch Phrases."

You might recognize this one:  Nip it!" (Barney Fife, "The Andy Griffith 


WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-11-28 Thread Kim
One thing about TAGS is that even when Andy had to discipline Opie, it was done 
in order to make Opie a better person.  When a loving parent spanks a child, I 
believe it is appropriate discipline.  There's a difference between getting a 
spanking designed to get you back on the straight and narrow, and a beating 
from an angry or embarrassed parent taking their frustration out on a kid.  
Andy wouldn't do that and he wasn't advising the other boy's father to do so.  
The boy was disrespectful toward law enforcement and if his behavior had been 
allowed to stand, he might have turned out like the young man played by Bill 
Bixby.  Then it would have taken much worse and more serious discipline to get 
him straightened out, such as a stint in jail.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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WBMUTBB mailing list

1 Question, 76 Replies

2006-11-28 Thread bcq145
 One thing about our little corner of the world:  You ask a question, you will 
get an answer.
Laura Lee Hobbs, still wrestling with Lydia, in our little corner of the Dime 
"What do you suppose causes that?  Maybe I ought to see their doctor?"

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: spanking

2006-11-28 Thread Duane Malcolm
Times were a lot different then and yes most of us dont 
believe in "whippins" but kids had more respect then and 
you never heard of kids going on killing spree`s at school
or at home. Our children now day`s have for the most part
no respect for elder`s, when Andy did have to whip Opie 
he alway`s done it with a heavy heart and usually was proved 
wrong in the end or ended up learning a lesson in trust himself.
I think we could use more of the old way`s, it worked for thousand`s
 of years and we did not see any problem`s until we started changing
 the way we were raised.
Dont get me wrong though I do believe in love first , but fear goes a long 
way in deciding if we want to do right or wrong. My father alway`s said 
that pain over rides bad intentions, I am 45 and have on had to whoop
my son once" I cried longer than he did". Andy had the right idea

WBMUTBB mailing list

To spank or not to spank

2006-11-28 Thread Randy Davis

  I am a dedicated TAGS member and have even discussed this episode 
with my 2 kids (b-15, g-11). I will, at this time, only spank them if they 
tell a lie. Otherwise, I take favorites or privileges away when they 
misbehave. This has worked really well with my 2 children. Keep in mind, 
before I spank them I allow myself a cooling off period (10-30 minutes) 
before I dish out the punishment. This way I don't spank them in anger. It's 
interesting to note that my son and a few of his buddies have watched this 
episode and they all commented that there parents would have done the same 
thing. That's my take on this. Have a Mayberry Day.

Randy "Rafe Hollister" Davis

   1. Sensitive Topic: To Spank or Not To Spank? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hi Fellow Mayberrians!

Tonight I was watching an episode where Opie's new friend was so used to 
having his way, and as a result, he usually got what he wanted from his old 
man. He then taught Opie what to say and how to act up in order to get his 
way. But, of course, Andy didn't fall for it. By now you know the episode, 

The little boy disobeys the law by riding his bike on the sidewalk even 
after Barney told him not to do it again. after he disobeyed again, Both 
Barney and Andy decide to take the bike away from the kid.

Later in the show, the little boy's father shows up to get the bike back 
from Andy. To the little boy's surprise, the father decides to take Andy's 
advice and take the little boy out to the woodshed and give him a spanking.

How do you feel about this? Of course, I do understand that most of us 
really love the TAGS so much, but in today's society we may not always 
agree with certain things they did back then.

I am a newbe here at TAGSRC, so if this has been discussed before or if you 
are too sensitive about this, please do not respond. Not looking for a 
debate, just a simple opinion.


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Opie and the spoiled kid

2006-11-28 Thread MERRILL JOHNSON JR
The episode you are referring to Opie and The Spoiled kid is how it should be 
today. I am 39 and remember having to go to the tree and get the switch that 
was to be used on me.Today the child can call Child Services on you and get you 
arrested.While I do not believe in constantly doing this,there are times when 
it is necessary.

Frank Johnson
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: To Spank or not to Spank

2006-11-28 Thread Gary Wedemeyer
In my mind there is a big difference between disciplining a child and beating a 
child. My 2 children have had their fannies tanned on several occasions and to 
that effect have grown into 2 of the finest children/people anyone could ask 
for. They respect themselves and others.

That is the big problem with the world today. Unlike Mayberry we tend to let 
the convicts run the asylum. People want to be a best friend to their children. 
Your children have friends. They need guidence. Parent's job is to teach them 
right from wrong and how to treat others, just like in Mayberry. If that takes 
a trip or 12 out behind the shed, so be it. The kids and world will be better 
for it. By being honest and sincere with your kids that "friend" thing will 
take care of itself. 

I am now stepping off the soap box.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry in Eau Claire, WI

2006-11-28 Thread Ken Anderson
I was listening to one of our local radio talk shows this morning and they 
were discussing how times have changed and how difficult it is for young 
people now days. The one host mentioned that even though Eau Claire is over 
60,000 people we are in many ways just like Mayberry in that kids can still 
do many of the same things the kids in Mayberry were able to do.  I thought 
this was a fine credit to our community and an even finer credit to 
Mayberry. They went on to say that although we cannot reinvent Mayberry, it 
is good to see our community like it in some ways.  This was a very unusual 
discussion for these two talk show hosts as they are usually very negative 
and critical of all most anything. So it was a nice turnaround for their 
discussion, and to think it took Mayberry to make it happen.

Kenneth G. Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: the later years

2006-11-28 Thread Dixonhayes
In a message dated 11/27/06 11:08:25 PM Central Standard Time, 

> TAGS reached #3 and #1 in the Neilson ratings, its 
> two best years.  I believe TAGS was one of only three shows to ever 
> finish its run at #1 in the ratings (I Love Lucy & Seinfeld), and 
> without Barney Fife.  Makes ya think!

On the other hand, some of its highest rated episodes during that time were 
the ones in which Don came back for guest appearances.  The last one--"Barney 
Holds a Summit Meeting"--if I'm not mistaken, was originally the highest rated 
episode of the entire series.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Myberry Moment

2006-11-28 Thread Debbie Caruso

Hello Fellow Mayberrians,
I had a Mayberry moment the other day. I was at W*** World and wanted 
to save some time. So I went to the service desk to get a book of stamps. 
Well they didn't have them at the desk they had them in a machine. Against 
my inner voice I went ahead and tried the machine. And, Yes, It took my 
money and gave me no stamps..All the time I kept thinking..." If I hadn't 
put my money in that machine the way Barney said, I wouldn't be in this 
spot. So, by thinking that it made the moment lighter for me

I wanted to send a letter in protest, but I wouldn't get a stamp from that 

Debbie Caruso

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WBMUTBB mailing list

Grammar Rule for Enlargment

2006-11-28 Thread Dan Goodwin
Oh, yeah, "i before e and e after g except in enlargment."  I never can 
remember that rule, but then I wasn't in the 3rd grade for 30 years like 


(OK, for those of you who didn't read Ken's post, he was a 3rd grade school 
teacher for 30 years.) 

WBMUTBB mailing list

New Member Update/Bio's

2006-11-28 Thread Allan Newsome
New Member Update/Bio's

The latest WBMUTBB Chapter member list can be found at the at the 
WBMUTBB Chapter's web site.  Goto the web site and click on the "Members 
Only" link. There you will see another link you can click on.  That will 
take you to a page for entering your PASSWORD for the Member List page.  
Enter your PASSWORD: harvey

Or you can go directly there by going to:

The member list is still located on AOL so that isn't a type-o.

Below are the biograph's on most of our newest members. Be sure to say 
"hey" back to them and tell 'em a little about yourselves so they'll 
feel right at home here in Mayberry.

 ---Next WBMUTBB Message Follows
My name is Robb Houser and I am from Jonesborough, TN

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Houser, Robb - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Jonesborough, TN

I went to high school with David Browning, one of the "officially" 
sanctioned (by Don Knotts) Barney Fife impersonators. David was the team 
"manager" and I was the pitcher when I wasn't playing third base. David 
and I used to avidly discuss episodes of "The Andy Griffith Show" on 
long team bus rides to play other schools in the SW Va/NE Tn area in the 
late 1960's. I never once thought that he looked a bit like Barney at 
the time. David opened for Don Knotts events for years before he (Don, 
not David)passed away.He's told me many tales of hanging out with Don 
and other members of the cast. I believe some of them.

My name is Paul Wolfert and I am from Greenbrier, TN

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wolfert, Paul - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Greenbrier, TN

I am 56 years old and have been watching the Andy Griffith Show since it 
came on. I watch it 3 times a day now. I think everyone came relate to 
all the cast members.

I have read several books about the show and cast members. It is sad 
that not many of the orginal cast are stil around.

I live in a very small town in TN. My wife and I both try to quote what 
the next line is going to be said.

It is just nice to be able to sit down and relax and become a member of 
the town of Mayberry for a while.

My name is Loretta Woods and I am from Coral Gables, FL

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woods, Loretta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Coral Gables, FL

I'm a retired teacher.  I do a little tutoring, and I'm very active in 
my church.  Right now I'm trying to fix up and organize my house, which 
I inherited from my parents.  Only lately have I had the time to get the 
work done, so this project is time-consuming.

I've lived in New York, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii, but I was 
born  in a small southern town, of a  family of southerners, so I'm very 
much at home in the South, and in Mayberry in particular.
I love the Andy Griffith Show, and have tapes and DVDs of all the 
seasons through the seventh.  (I have problems about that 7th season, 
though, and I'd like to talk with someone about that.)

Along with all of you I mourn the death of Don Knotts.  I was glad to 
read that Mr. Griffith was with him during his final hours.

I love everything Andy Griffith has done, and I'm hoping Matlock will 
come out on DVD.  I don't have cable TV and get poor reception without 
it; I don't get cable because there's not enough on TV that I want to 
see to be worth the cost, and I spend the entertain-ment money on the 
internet and DVDs.

I love Andy Griffith's CDs of hymns. The warmth and devotion that comes 
through his voice has to represent real faith.   I have two or three of 
the CDs.  I like what I hear about Mr. Griffith as a person.  Watching a 
Mayberry DVD gives me a lot of laughs and lifts my spirits.  In short, 
I'm a big fan.

My name is John Sampson and I am from Springbrook, WI

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sampson, John - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Springbrook, WI

I have enjoyed watching the andy griffith show for many many years.
I laugh at episodes I've seen a hundred times, they never grow old.
I recently stayed at the taylor home bed and breakfast in Clear Lake 
Wisconsin, it was wounderful. An exact replica of the original house in 
My only regret is that through the years I never got to meet Don Knotts, 
my favorite mayberry character.
I have recently been collecting mayberry related items, It's been alot 
of fun.
In my opinion, It's the best television show thats ever been, there will 
never be anything even close to the warm humor,kindness, and love the 
show produced.

My name is Elizabeth Gregory and I am from Penrithn.s.w., AU

My Email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gregory, Elizabeth - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Penrithn.s.w., AU

ny c.ds. Just as I am and I 

New Member Update/Bio's

2006-11-28 Thread Allan Newsome
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