Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

2007-08-03 Thread Anthony Sizemore

I didn't take Mr. Mulik's reference to Gomer in the Marines as any kind of
He spelled Corps just liked Gomer pronounces it. Like carps, with an o.
This is a Mayberry site, and Mayberry references are made not to offend but
to be correct and true to the Mayberry source.
Don't think real world here, think Mayberry. 
Semper fi, and lots of luck to you and yours.

Andge in Bethlehem, GA

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Lucky Leon

2007-08-03 Thread judy
And lucky us who could sleep outside in the summer, catch pollywags in a deep 
pond on an old door for a raft, and feel unafraid of talking to strangers.

But do any of you remember not having to lock your doors at night? 

Well then, I was wondering why they had Asa guard the bank, the ice house, and 
Weaver's store, and why Barney had to watch the bikes down at the movie house? 
Andy and Barn even checked the doorknobs at night. 

Besides Leon being unsupervised, in the episode 'Stranger in town, Mrs. 
Johnson? even parked her twins outside the store. 

Oh, to have lived in Mayberry in the 1960's

WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-08-03 Thread Rod Sadler
  With only one thing standing between me and my dreams, that being cash, I 
thought I would pass this on just in case someone else shares the same dreams.
  Andy Griffith's 1946 Woodie Station Wagon will be on the auction block in 
Auburn, Indiana over the Labor Day weekend (Aug 30 thru Sept 4).  It has been 
completely restored and has not been driven since 1995.
  Here's the website for anyone interested.
Rod Sadler
  Mayberry Michigan Chapter, TAGSRWC

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Gomer's pronounciation of Corps

2007-08-03 Thread Karen Southwell
I remember this. The poster was pointing out Gomer and Andy mis-pronouncing 
it corpse instead of core. If you haven't seen the episode where Gomer joins 
the Marines, you wouldn't get the joke. It's kind of a play on the fact that 
Andy and Gomer were unspoiled, unsophisticated country folks. It was 
certainly not meant to disparage the Marines. Disparage Gomer yes, a little, 
but not the Marines.

A new home for Mom, no cleanup required. All starts here. 

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Doug and Rodney update

2007-08-03 Thread ruf
I had the pleasure to talk to Doug and Rodney Dillard Tuesday night. They were 
at the Old Settlers Festival in Odon, Indiana. They said everyone is doing 
great and are looking forward to Mayberry Days. As usual they put on a very 
entertaining show and signed autographs until everyone was done. They really 
take time to talk to everyone and embrace the Mayberry idea. Just a quick note 
to Paul. I'm as patriotic as anyone on this chat line, and I took no offense at 
your comment. Those of us who know the Andy Griffith Show forward and backward 
knew what you were refering to. Mr. Ryan obviously doesn't watch the show 
enough to understand. He should go to the diner, have the special, go watch 
them change the marquis at the Grand, relax and not get so tensed.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-08-03 Thread Mike Peacock
  I think he was just spelling it the way Gomer pronounced it on the show. 
No disrespect intended, after all we are all Mayberrians here.  Have a good 
Mike Peacock
Connersville In

(Paul Ryan wrote)
 Mr. Mulik:

 You think you're being funny calling it the United States
 Marine Corpse?
 Have some respect or don't bother posting any more.
From a combat veteran who doesn't appreciate the slur.

WBMUTBB mailing list

leon and opie

2007-08-03 Thread susan dougherty
Leon and Opie were together when the gold truck came to town you can see 
both of them standing on the hood of the sheriffs car,and Leon was in 5 
shows the shop lifters, the bank job, back to nature, The gold truck and The 

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