Mayberry's Guest of Honor

2009-06-22 Thread Good, Don
Today's local paper featured a story with the headline 'Tourist of the Week' 
program to be remembered.  Part of the text is, ...the Chamber surprised 
travelers by stopping them and inviting them to became guests of the city for 
24 hours. Many of these sojourners thought they were about to receive a traffic 
citation... The program ran from 1962 through 1973.

Don Good
What can I say? I'll take it!
WBMUTBB mailing list

a writer's mistake

2009-06-22 Thread Martha
Andy didnt know that Floyd had said that to Barney because he wasn't in the 
room when it was spoken

Holland Shoaf asks if the uneven ear remark is a writer's mistake.  Maybe not.  
I'd like to offer another interpretation.  IMHO a lot of the humor in Barney's 
character comes from his inability to recognize any flaws about himself.  Might 
not Andy's uneven ears response tie into that?  Barney, unaware of any 
imperfection in himself, sees uneven sideburns.  Floyd, who's never going to 
accept any criticism of his work, sees uneven ears.  It's a perfect 
in-character argument for Barney and Floyd, made even funnier when Andy 
unknowingly comes down on Floyd's side.

Dang!  Wish I could write that well!

Martha, the analytical
Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread (Ted)Theodoric of York
Every time they show the front of the grocery store there is a sign for
Picnics and gives their price. What is a picnic?

(Theodoric of York)
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain
stupid.-Benjamin Franklin
WBMUTBB mailing list

smelling colored watre and Mayberry reality

2009-06-22 Thread Martha
Someone tells us the car isnt working. In
some cases we might want to see for ourselves. so we try to drive the car. .
Only to learn what was told to us is true.

May I personalize and update your example?  In my house that step is always 
part of a computer discussion between my husband and me.  I say, My laptop's 
not working right.  It's ...  Then I describe what its doing.  And I don't 
have to tell you what my husband immediately does.

Props may change, but human behavior--in some ways, at least--remains the same. 
TAGS' writers knew that.

Dang!  I wish I could write that well.

Martha, the admiring and a bit jealous
Huntsville, AL
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Sundale
Ken, I read with great concern and sadness your confession about your digest 
posting compellsion.  I wonder what causes that?

Ken in AZ
WBMUTBB mailing list

Unseen scenes

2009-06-22 Thread Andrew McKenzie
A few weeks ago, I was watching my favorite episode, Barney and the Choir,
and I thought of an unseen scene I'd love to see. Andy gets the idea for
having Glenn Cripe do the vocals for Barney's solo in a scene we don't see,
where Barney was listening to a phonograph record.
I've played that scene out in my mind several times, imagining Andy
approaching the door to Barney's room in Mrs. Mendlebright's house, then
hearing a perfect Sinatra-like voice on the phonograph interrupted as Barney
joins in and sings along. Andy goes in and asks Barn what he was doing, and
Barn says something about training his voice (his glorious voice) by
listening to the phonograph. Andy's face sours, but then he has an idea and
the scene closes with that look on Andy's face signifying that he knows out
to solve the problem. Then we jump to the scene with Andy at John Masters'
house proposing his idea.
-a deceitful wretch etc.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TV Land

2009-06-22 Thread jflockerzie
Hi Moose,

I was just wondering if you and your sister Peggy also had a lot of
reflectors on your bikes.
Go to a refinishing school?


 Today while I was watching the Andy Griffith marathon on TV land, they
showed a preview of an upcoming show.   They said this fall Joan Rivers was
going to have a show on TV Land called How Did You Get So Rich?  Well I
don't know about all you other rich folks, but speaking for me and my
sister Peggy, our father owns the RM Grain Elevators in Raleigh.  Yep, we
were both born with a silver spoon in our hand.  Gotta run now, me and BoBo
are going to play some tennis.

Moose McMillian

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou

2009-06-22 Thread Kirk Daniel
I was wondering what occupation Thelma Lou had that could afford her a house
of her own when Barney, being a civil servant, could only afford a boarding
room.  We know about Andy's girlsEllie Walker was the lady druggist,
Peggy was a nurse and her father had money, Helen Crump was a school
teacher, but what did Thelma Lou do that could afford her a place of her
own?  Any thoughts?

Kirk Daniel
WBMUTBB mailing list

I before E

2009-06-22 Thread fgordon
Hey gang,
I just heard that in Great Britain they have decided to do away with the I
before E except after C rule in their schools. They said there are too many
exceptions to that rule and that it tends to be too confusing for the
children. They didn't say whether or not they were continuing to teach the
E before N in chicken rule. Most likely they will, don't you think?
You All Have A Mayberry Day,
Danna In Indiana
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Janet Anderson
I figured out why I post so many messages on the Digest.  I have a digest 
posting compellsion.

Wonder what causes that?

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sunday newspaper

2009-06-22 Thread castone59
Have you ever known a Sunday paper magazine section to be wrong? 

Ken, don't line the garbage can with it.  It might have a nice recipe in

Kind behind the eyes
WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd Walking in a color episode

2009-06-22 Thread Steve Cooke
I was watching the episode when Andy, Aunt Bee and Opie return from Hollywood.  
Aunt Bee wins a lot of kitchen appliances.  In one scene she is showing Floyd, 
Clara and another lady all the appliances after they have been installed.  
Floyd mentions he didn't see the dishwasher and then he walks in from the left 
side of the screen.  When they were first in the kitchen it looked like Floyd 
was holding onto the wall or corner to maybe help him stand.  Just curious to 
know if this was after the time he had his stroke or not.

Cullman, Alabama
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Pets

2009-06-22 Thread Andrew McKenzie
On the topic of Opie's pets: in The Rumor, Opie mentions his pet lizard
(explaining that he put it out, so that can't be why Aunt Bee is upset).
Presumably this is the same lizard as is mentioned in The New Housekeeper.
I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but apologies if they have!
-a deceitful wretch etc.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sunday Paper

2009-06-22 Thread Ken Anderson
A while back our local paper did a nice story in their Sunday edition about 
my teaching the Mayberry Bible Study.  They had a big color picture of me 
wearing one of my Mayberry tee shirts.  I had a lady stop me and she told me 
she saw my picture in the paper.  I asked her if she by any chance still had 
her copy.  She said no, she had lined the bottom of her bird cage with that 
page.  With my face side up.  Boy fame comes at a high cost. True story.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin

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Smelling the perfume

2009-06-22 Thread Janet Anderson
I would had smelled the perfume myself
after being told by the druggist it was only colored water because its a
natural reaction.

You know, I think I would have done the same thing myself -- and probably most 
people would have, too.  How many times have we witnessed someone checking for 
himself even after he's been told a fact?  Guess that's human nature!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Curse of TAGS..I Dont Think So but its Eerie Folks

2009-06-22 Thread tom kessel
Im sure some of you must know this. A number of actors had their last acting
chore on TAGS. Mr Schwamp, Dick Ryan,. Howard McNear,Dick Elliot but i just
discovered an eerie conicidence. . Howard McNear our beloved Floyd had a
stroke in 1962 doing the show and suffered sadly for 7 years. Now  add to
that, Fred Sherman who played Fred Goss on TAGS. He suffered a stroke
immediately after filming TAGS  1962. He too suffered and died 7 years later
in 1969. This I learned from IMDB. check it out. Of coursse theres no curse
related here but its  food for thought.1962 a fateful year.Tom Kessel
Col.Tim's protege reject. God Bless.
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Good, Don
... show on TV Land called How Did You Get So Rich?  Well I don't know about 
all you other rich folks, but speaking for me and my sister Peggy, our father 
owns the RM Grain Elevators in Raleigh.  Yep, we were both born with a silver 
spoon in our hand...

Just remember, it's not only the materialistic things in this world that make a 
person rich. There's love and friendship.

Don Binky Good
WBMUTBB mailing list

What scene do you think that Barney should be canned more than any other?

2009-06-22 Thread Holland Shoaf

If Barney was ever to be fired over some type of mistake, wrong decision, bad 
act,spoken word,... etc in his duties as lawman what would it be?


My choics is the time he let the big 7 million dollar gold truck news slip. The 
federal boys could have placed him under arrest if it was real life. Let Andy 
try to get him out of that one !


I thought about the moment when Andy sat up on the truck and told everyone to 

It was interesting that ANDY told the town the truck was going to the gas 
station for gas and the truck drivers were going to get a bite to eat was 
rather unusual. Noone chewed out Andy for giving away such sensitive 
information. It would have been so appropriate if Barney would have spoke that 
line and then Andy could have chewed him out once again. This is a very funny 
episode. One of my favorites. Barney is such a charmand blabbermouth. In 
real life he would have been fired the following day. What scene do you think 
that Barney should be canned more than any other?




Just one hour from Mayberry

Bing™  brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place.   Try it now.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: My Frequent Posts by Ken

2009-06-22 Thread Jdean46
Gosh, Ken, I was sorry to see in your post today that you won't be making a 
 post today, since I enjoy them a lots. But I know those compelsions are 
rough. I  have one about bats getting in my hair. Don't waste your time on 
mosaics  featuring cows, though. I've done thirty of them and now I worry about 
bats and  cows getting in my hair.
Jimmy Dean
**An Excellent Credit Score is 750. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Janet Anderson
Every time they show the front of the grocery store there is a sign for
Picnics and gives their price. What is a picnic?

Ted, I've noticed that, too.  A picnic is a ham made out of pork shoulder.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

3 things

2009-06-22 Thread jlj9675
As a fairly young boy, Opie had probably rarely sniffed perfume at all and 
wouldn't have been inordinately curious about the bottle spillage plus he 
was so mortified over the accident, his nose probably stopped working! 
Thelma Lou probably rented the small house from some non-greedy townsperson, 
which used to be more the norm than in today's world.As for Barney being 
fired, I don't remember what incident motivated him to incarcerate himself 
and put in a letter of resignation (I think it might've been Citizen's 
Arrest) but he was so very nasty to Andy in asking him if he could read, if 
I had been Ange, I'd have fired him just for that mean-mouthed 
insubordination!! I enjoyed all these questions and ponderings very much 
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thelma Lou's house

2009-06-22 Thread Janet Anderson
I was wondering what occupation Thelma Lou had that could afford her a house
of her own when Barney, being a civil servant, could only afford a boarding

All we know is that she works in an office.  In Man in the Middle, she says 
something like, I have to get back to the office.  Now, she could be a 
secretary, but she could also have a job that pays her more money.  For 
example, she might be a licensed insurance agent.  I know a lady who runs her 
own insurance office in a small town.  She doesn't knock on doors; people come 
to her.  Maybe that's what Thelma Lou does.  It would certainly provide her 
with a high enough income for her own place.

Even as a secretary or something comparable, she might be able to afford her 
own house.  I bought a house when I was a low-paid office manager (read 
glorified secretary) many moons ago.  Of course, I could barely afford to put 
food on the table, but I did have my own house!

On the other hand, maybe she inherited her house from her parents (who, I don't 
believe, are ever mentioned, so they could be deceased) or from another close 

Anyway, those are some possibilities you can mull over.

As for Barney, I suspect he could have afforded more than just a room.  He was 
not a big spender, as we know.

Thelma Lou

She as much as called me cheap!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

re: picnics

2009-06-22 Thread sharon dickson
I'm not real sure but I think picnic is a way some ham is  cured.

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2009 09:11:13 -0700
From: (Ted)Theodoric of York
Subject: Picnics
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Every time they show the front of the grocery store there is a sign for
Picnics and gives their price. What is a picnic?

(Theodoric of York)
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain
stupid.-Benjamin Franklin
WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-06-22 Thread Bob James

Every time they show the front of the grocery store there is a sign for
Picnics and gives their price. What is a picnic?


Ted: According to my wife who knows most everything...a picnic is a ham.  RMJ

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