Last Digest

2012-10-13 Thread Anita Carpenter

Hello Everyone,
I don't get to respond very often to the digest now, but I do read them.  I 
just had to respond to the most recent one.  Vivian I have to agree with your 
comments about how unacceptable television has become.  I am a grandma with 
another one due any day and it breaks my heart to think that how difficult it 
will be for our precious little ones to find a decent show to watch.  Thank 
goodness for TAGS reruns!!
Ken, I loved your song, it took me back to a more wonderful time... I could 
close my eyes, escape and think about my hometown for a moment.  Thank you 
Dan I must confess I don't know who Andy would be calling at 397, but I'm sure 
it would be someone wonderful, if they are from Mayberry !!
Hope you all have a Mayberry Day!
Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans 
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Our Andy

2012-07-06 Thread Anita Carpenter
I don't know if Andy's family visits here, but I send my deepest condolences to 
Like so many of you, my heart is deeply saddened by the passing of Our Andy.  
Like all of you, I have had many friends call, text and email me because they 
know how much I love Andy and TAGS.  I counted it an honor to just get to see 
Andy when the TV Land statue was given to Mt Airy, and I will always remember 
it as one of the best times of my life.  Such an humble man who brought all of 
us so much laughter and wonderful entertainment for so many years.  All I could 
think about when I heard the news of Andy's passing was a line from the Winken, 
Blinken and Nod episode, that I will take the liberty of changing just a bit.  
When Opie was so sad as he looked at the cage after his birds had flown away, 
Andy told him: but don't the trees seem nice and full.  I would say to all of 
us who will miss Andy:  Yes he is gone, but doesn't heaven seem nice and 
Right there with you Bob.
Anita Carpenter 
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Snow Days in Mayberry

2011-01-12 Thread Anita Carpenter

We got a few inches of snow here in Cincinnati, and it did slow us down a bit.  
I always think about the fact that midwesterners are amused by folks in the 
south dealing with snow.  But at the same time, I'm sure there are folks in 
Michigan and Canada that are amused by us Buckeyes dealing with the few inches 
we received.  

I thought about some of the things that you would be affected by a snow storm 
in Mayberry

Andy, Aunt Bee and Opie couldn't sit on the porch and watch the Beamon's walk 
by, but they could build a fire in the fireplace and sit around and admire 
Otis' cow mozaic over the fireplace. 

Goober probably wouldn't take his mother for a drive in his newly washed car, 
but maybe he could bring her over and have Aunt Bee teach her how to make 

Barney might not want to ride his motorsickle and be a checkpoint chickie, but 
maybe he could take up weightlifting to stay active.  I was thinking about the 
guy who went in Walker's drugstore and showed his muscles off to Miss Ellie.  
Reckon he had some weights Barney could borrow?

I guess the fun girls and Ron Bailey couldn't ride through town in their 
convertibles, but I reckon Fletch might take them for a ride in his truck.  I 
think they could all fit in the cab, don't you?

Anyone else have any thoughts?? 

Anita Carpenter 
One of Cincinnati's biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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Mitch Jayne

2010-08-04 Thread Anita Carpenter

Allan, Please give our love and prayers to the Jayne family.  I know he will be 
greatly missed by all of them, as well as our Mayberry family.  So sad when we 
lose another one of the wonderful folks that made up TAGS and all it means to 

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Recent Digest

2010-07-02 Thread Anita Carpenter

Michael, I believe I read somewhere that the reason Andy hated sports when he 
was in school, was because his mother made him wear long underwear year 
round.  I can't remember what book I read this in, but it came to mind when I 
read the last digest.  Anyone else remember this?

Ken, what a lovely thing you are doing, by bringing TAGS to a new generation.  
I loved the letter you included in the digest, it touched my heart.  I think I 
will read it at my next club meeting... you know the one... Oh yeah... I can't 
tell ya!  What fun!!

Have a Mayberry Holiday Weekend!

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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2009-08-18 Thread Anita Carpenter

Being an average looking person myself, I sure meant no harm when I sent in my 
thoughts about Barney's comments at Mrs. Wiley's party.  If I offended anyone, 
please accept my apology.  

Lots of luck to you and yours,

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans


WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-08-15 Thread Anita Carpenter

Jed, Congratulations to you and your beloveded!  I know what every songs you 
choose, your wedding will bring you lots of warm memories.  I was thinking (but 
not with a bucket on my head like Gomer) about the song Andy and Peggy sang on 
the front porch and if I am not mistaken it was: Down in the Valley.  I may 
be wrong and if I am I know there are others here who will help you out.  

Steve, you and I are alike in that the line old Barn says about the women at 
Mrs. Wiley's party being dogs cracks me up too.  I think the thing that makes 
it so hilarious for me is that Andy really cracks up when Barney makes that 
comment, he really found it hilarious.  

Lots of luck to you and yours...

Anita Carpenter
Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fan!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober in Church

2009-01-26 Thread Anita Carpenter

Hey Syliva,

(That song Leonard Blush sang, came to mind when I wrote your name.)...

Don't go punishin' yourself because no one wrote back an answer to your 
question right away.  Maybe they are like me and had to go put a bucket on 
their head and do some thankin under thar. 

As to your question about anyone seeing Goober in church, the answer I came up 
with was that he always took his Mama for a ride on Sundays.  Remember when 
they were going to rebuild the bandstand.(is that a spider bite?) and have 
the Sunday evening band concerts?  Gomer brought his cousin Goober's tools, but 
of course only he could use them, what with bein' a relative and all.  As I 
remember, Goober couldn't come because he always took his Mama for a ride on 
Sundays, of course after washing the car, because he wouldn't take his Mama for 
a ride in a dirty car.  Hope this helps,

Lots of luck to you and yours,

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


WBMUTBB mailing list

Quote of the Day

2008-07-23 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hey Allan,

Thanks so much for the quote of the day, as I read each line, I could hear our 
dear Andy and Barney saying them.  You brightened my day and I thank you kindly!

Anita Carpenter
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-05-24 Thread Anita Carpenter
Surprise!  Surprise! Surprise!  I was pickled tink to get the digest today!  
Sure does make a day brighter when you can sit down with a bunch of good 
friends and visit for a spell.  I know you said to wait and see Allen, but I 
just feel like even if there a some more snafus that as our dear Floyd said 
  Everything is okay in Mayberry
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Merry Christmas

2007-12-27 Thread Anita Carpenter
I must add my thanks to everyone else's for your card Allan.  How sweet of you 
to take the time to add all of the previous ones for us to enjoy.  I hope all 
of you my dear friends enjoyed a lovely Christmas with friends and family and 
are looking forward to a Happy New Year!
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Dressing Up as Barney

2007-10-21 Thread Anita Carpenter
Peaches, I loved your story about your son wanting to be Barney for 
Halloween!  It always warms my heart when I hear about the next generation of 
TAGS fans.  What a great Mom you are for going to all of the trouble to make 
his uniform as authentic as possible.  Arn't ya kindarn't ya kind.  I can 
just see him pulling that bullet out of his pocket to prove who he was!!  LOL 
  Thanks for sharing with all of us.
  Anita Carpenter
  One Of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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School Lunches

2007-09-25 Thread Anita Carpenter
  Like many of you, I grew up taking my lunch to school so it was a special 
treat to get to buy my lunch when my Mom could swing it.  It is so funny to me 
that several years later, I was the head of the cafeteria at my daughter's 
school.  I sure hated to leave that job, because the kids really appreciated 
our hard work.  I wonder though if it was the food or the break from classes??  
  The kids called me Mrs. C 
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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2007-08-25 Thread Anita Carpenter
Great to hear from our Mayberry Deputy and know that though he is a very busy 
man, things are going well for him.  Thanks for the heads up about the museum 
in Illinois, I will check it out and hope to visit it sometime in the future.
  I too always wondered about the sandwiches that Mr. Ebsen pulled out of Andy 
and Opie's lunch bag.  But like somebody mentioned, sandwiches in wax paper 
could come unwrapped very easily.  Boy that takes me back to the days of the 
yummy egg salad sandwiches my Mama used to send in my lunch
  Don't give him my Mr. Cookie Bar, that's for later on, when I get my 
sinking spell.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Stolen lunches

2007-08-22 Thread Anita Carpenter
Dennis,  That is so weird. The same thing has been happening where I work with 
lunches being taken by mistake.  I will have to check and see if there have 
been any foxes seen in the area... as you said we have been having this dry 
spell.  By the way, if dogs can open refrigerators on tv, I reckon a fox can do 
the same thing??  No offense to Andy.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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2007-06-24 Thread Anita Carpenter
  Ken, I loved your interview, you have truly captured the real Mr. Schwump.  
Everything he said was just what I expected to hear from him ... he is a 
talkative man!   
  I wanted to share a Mayberry Moment with all of you that I had while on 
vacation.  My husband and I were traveling from Ohio to Mississippi to visit 
with family and friends, and of course part of the trip takes us through 
Nashville.  As we were leaving Louisville, KY headed to Nashville, I just 
couldn't help but look at Dave and sayI'm going to Nashville.  God love 
Dave, not being as big of a TAGS fan as I am, he just looked at me as if I were 
crazy, because of course we were: going to Nashville.  After I explained my 
comment to him, it kind of lost it's pizazz, but I got a laugh out of it, so it 
was worth explaining it to my hubby.   Plus, I got a kick out of paying tribute 
to our dear Floyd (not to forget you Allan).
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!  


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Violet Rose Schumacher

2007-04-24 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hi Everybody,
  I was watching the Keevy Hazleton episode the other day and one of the 
dancers in the background looked very familiar.  When Keevy sang My Hometown 
with the rock beat that Opie really liked and Aunt Bee and Clara hated, it 
looked like none other than Violet Rose Schumacher if my eyes don't deceive 
me???  Anyone else ever notice this???
  .where the neighbors you find are gentle and kind.and livin's 
easy and slow
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Mayberry Moments

2007-03-20 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hey Danny, I was in Wilmington several years ago and found it to be a lovely 
place.  I had some dear friends that lived there back in the 80's and visited 
them on a couple of occasions.  Your story about being at work and seeing the 
plate glass window brought a big smile to my face, as Ernest T. is one of mine 
and my husbands favorite Mayberry citizens.  Isn't it wonderful how we can have 
a Mayberry Moment when we least expect it!  
  .he's a pestilence and a pestilence will find you..
  Anita Carpenter
  One Of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Andy Mayberry

2007-01-21 Thread Anita Carpenter
  Did anybody watch Wheel of Fortune this past Friday, January 19?  If you 
didn't get to see it, here is what happened.  One of the contestants from 
Arkansas' real name was Andy Mayberry, and he is a fan of the show.  Andy 
Mayberry said that his Dad is a huge fan of TAGS also, which is I guess where 
he got his name.  Pat Sajak made reference to Andy Griffith and asked Andy 
Mayberry if he would ask a question about TAGS to see if Pat could answer it.  
The question Andy asked was: What were the names of the three baby birds that 
Opie had to raise after he accidently killed their mother with his slingshot?  
Poor Pat didn't know the answer, but of course we could all tell him that they 
were named Winken Blinken and Nod.  I got a huge kick out of TAGS being 
mentioned on Wheel of Fortune, and I was hoping that many of you saw the show 
as well.
  .Winken will tell Blinken and Blinken will tell Nod and Nod will tell 
  Anita Carpenter 
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! 

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Merry Christmas

2006-12-23 Thread Anita Carpenter
I want to wish all of you a safe, warm Merry Christmas my friends.  I was 
thinking today about all the blessings that I have to be thankful for and the 
digest is definetly one of them.  I am so thankful to have this wonderful place 
to come and visit and just step back in time to a simpler, kinder place with 
all of you.  
  God Bless all of you my dear friends,
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!  

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Merry Christmas!!

2006-12-21 Thread Anita Carpenter
Thank you Allan for the wonderful Christmas card!!  It touched my heart to see 
you and Adam in the same place that Andy and Opie walked so many years ago.  
What a wonderful gift you gave us for Christmas this year.  Allan I hope that 
you, Jan, Adam and your precious family have a wonderful holiday season!   
  Merry Christmas to all of you my dear friends!!  I hope that all of you have 
wonderful holidays with those you love and that this Christmas you make 
memories for years to come.
  Merry Christmas,
  Anita Carpenter


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Two Sets Of Laws

2006-11-25 Thread Anita Carpenter
I had a Mayberry Moment this afternoon that I thought you would all enjoy:  I 
was driving down the road in a 35 mph zone when I saw a police cruiser coming 
up on my left.  I looked down at my speedometer to see that I was going about 
40, so I let up on the accelerator a little bit.  As the officer passed me I 
looked over and saw him talking on a cell phone.  I could hear Gomer saying 
Uh Huh, you see there folks, there are two sets of laws, one for the 
poleece and another for the ordinary citizens.  
  Citizen's Arrest. Citizen's ArrestWhat are you 
yappin' about?..
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans,
  Anita Carpenter

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Mayberry Days

2006-09-23 Thread Anita Carpenter
I am so happy to hear that Mayberry Days is going so well, the only bad part 
about it is that the rest of us can't be there to enjoy it.  I am there in my 
heart though that is for sure and hopefully I will get to attend next year.  
  Thanks Allan for the updates on Mayberry Days as well as how our Andy is 
doing.  I hope Jan is doing well and her back isn't bothering her too much, 
tell her I said Hello. 
  I would love to send Andy a card if anyone knows how we could do that please 
let us know.
  .Everybody on the truck:.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Lady in the crowd

2006-09-18 Thread Anita Carpenter
Liz, I think I know who you are talking about.  Doesn't Andy call the lady 
Nellie in the episode where Barney has all of the women come over to the 
Taylor's house for the baseball team?  The lady I am thinking of is not 
young, yet not old either and wears her hair down (like Emmett's wife Martha) 
and not up in a bun like a lot of the ladies in Mayberry.  I don't think she 
has ever had a speaking part, and she is not a member of the choir, but she is 
in a lot of the crowd/congregation scenes.   Are we talking about the same 
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Phil's email

2006-09-14 Thread Anita Carpenter
Phil I agree with you about how wonderful all of the TAGS folks are when one of 
us are in need.  I have been able to depend on many of the folks here at 
difficult times in my own life, and know how great they can be.  I can't 
imagine being a part of a nicer group of people than the ones found here.  
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Our Barney

2006-08-28 Thread Anita Carpenter
Like many of you I watched the Emmy's last night and was so pleased to see the 
small though very touching tribute to Don Knotts.  To be honest with you it 
brought a big smile to my face as well as tears to my eyes to see Don/Barney 
saying: Nip it, nip it in the bud!!!  I too wish it could have been a longer 
tribute to him, but I did notice that the applause seemed to be much louder for 
Don/Barney than most of the others that were shown.  
  Man gets his best suit spotted and pressed, spends two hours 
polishing his hat, and for what?  Heartaches!
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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2006-08-16 Thread Anita Carpenter
Hi Everybody, It seems like its been forever since I've written in to the 
digest... lots going on, some good some not so good.  Anyway...I was reading 
the latest digest and what Lydia said about being nice really clutched me.  
She said: The internet is big, but the world can be lonesome, and the words 
you write have more power than you think.  I just want to agree with you 
Lydia, I guess with all that has been going on in my life I have come to 
treasure this little corner of my world even more.  It makes me realize what a 
special place Mayberry and everyone in it really was.  It is so wonderful to 
come here to the digest and visit with all of you nice folks.  I also would 
like to say a big thank you to Allan for making this wonderful place possible.  
I would never want to take the digest for granted.  You do a fine job Allan, 
and as Gomer said to Andy: Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!  

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Ron Howard

2006-07-20 Thread Anita Carpenter
I couldn't believe my eyes as I read the paper today and saw that Ron Howard 
was here in Cincinnati yesterday!  Apparently Ron Howard, Tom Hanks and Dennis 
Miller are on a bus tour of some of the major league baseball stadiums around 
the country.
  I sure wish I had known he was going to be here, then maybe I could have 
finaggled a ticket and actually got to meet our Opie!!! (though I'm sure 
security was tight around them).   Either way I was thrillled (as the 
lady reporter said) to know that Ron Howard was only a mile away from my house. 
  lot's of luck to you and yours...
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Statue / Thanks

2006-06-09 Thread Anita Carpenter
I sure was sad to read that there will not be a statue of Don Knotts going up 
in Mt. Airy.  Does anyone have any ideas about some way around CBS' decision?  
  I wanted to say thanks for the reminder about the rules here at the digest.  
I know we all need reminding from time to time.  Allan I want you to know that 
I think that you are a prince of fellow for all the hard work you do with the 
digest.  I must also say that I reckon that makes your wife Jan a princess for 
giving up family time so that the digest gets out.  Thank you both so much!!!   
  Hope all of you have a Mayberry weekend!!
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! 

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Celebration of Life for Don Knotts

2006-06-02 Thread Anita Carpenter
  I have been waiting for someone to ask for details about Allan's trip to 
California for Don Knotts Memorial Service, but I can't wait any longer.  Allan 
I was so excited when I heard about you, Jim and the others getting to attend 
this event.  I believe if I had gotten to attend, I would have gotten weak like 
Aunt Bee was when Augusta Finch passed away and the medicine man came to 
Mayberry!  I would probably need some of that special elixir Aunt Bee enjoyed 
so much, just to contain my excitement.   Allan, I was wondering if you could 
give us some of the details of your visit?  When you get time, could you please 
tell us what all you got to do, and which of the stars from TAGS you got to 
spend time with?  I know that Jim Clark mentioned in the eBullet that he and 
his wife and many of the other tribute stars were there, I was wondering if 
this was an invitation only event?  Do you or anyone else know of any other 
memorial services for Don Knotts?  I was thinking that
 maybe his hometown in West Virginia would be having one?  I can't wait to hear 
about your experiences!
  My vote for the best song from Mayberry would have to be There is a Time by 
Charlene and the boys!
  .Oh No Pa!!...that'n makes me 
  .just jump in where you can an hang 
  Anita One Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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BIG and I mean BIG!!!!!

2006-05-27 Thread Anita Carpenter
  If you are like me, you might think that when Helen wrote a book and became 
famous on TAGS, that was a big event.  You might think that when Opie dreamed 
about winning all of the medals in the track and field events, that THAT was a 
big event.  You might think that when Otis won the plaque for being the 
descendant of Mayberry's Revolutionary War hero Nathan Tibbs that THAT was a 
big event.  Then of course there is the time that the Gold Truck came through 
Mayberry and our dear Barney thought that, that was a big event.  But folks let 
me tell you about a TAGS event that in my opinion was BIGGER than all of these 
events, and all the others on TAGS put together.  
  I received an email from my dear friend, Ann Newsome who is our Allan's Mama, 
telling me about a SUPREME HONOR that was bestowed upon Allan.   A couple of 
weeks ago Allan and his darlin' person Jan were sitting at home when the phone 
rang.  They looked at the caller ID and it said DON KNOTTS!!!  I can only 
imagine the astonished looks on their faces as they answered that call.  
Apparently our Allan had been mailed an invitation to the memorial service for 
Mr. Knotts, and had not responded so Mr. Knotts's personal secretary was 
calling to check on this.  Apparently the invitation was lost in the mail, so 
Allan was unaware of the fact that he had been invited to be in California for 
the event.   Needless to say some very hurried plane reservations were made and 
Allan went to California for the memorial service.  I am pretty sure that all 
of the details of Allan's trip will be in the next ebullet, so I will let him 
share those with you.  
  I told you it was BIG!!! (GRIN)
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!  

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Bud Nippin

2006-05-19 Thread Anita Carpenter
I thought all of you would get a kick out of my latest Mayberry Moment.  I 
was sitting in church as our Pastor was preaching and he said..What's your 
hurry?. just kidding!!!  He was talking about sin (really) and he told us 
he was going to quote a saying from the south that he had heard his parents 
use.   He said we need to Nip it, nip it in the bud!  Then he looked over at 
me and said: That is something Barney would say isn't it?  Of course I nodded 
my head very very hard in agreement.  It sure was a proud moment for me, I felt 
like Old Barn was smiling down on us.
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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Arlene Joy

2006-05-17 Thread Anita Carpenter
  Martha you asked about who played Howard's girlfriend, it was Miss Arlene 
Golonka that played Millie Hutchins from Boysinger's Bakery.  I loved all the 
shows that Millie was in, though of course later she became Sam's girlfriend on 
Mayberry RFD.  I always wondered how Howard dealt with that, but I don't 
remember anything being said about it.  Has anyone else seen where this was 
  Silvia you asked whether the same actress played Mary Alice Carter in Opie's 
First Love and also the Scobey's daughter?  I believe that the actress Morgan 
Brittany played Mary Alice Carter, but it was actress Joy Ellison who played 
the Scobey's daughter Mary Scobey, and Joy also played Ethie Muggins and Mary 
Wiggins in other episodes.   Silvia you pointed out something in the last 
digest that I just realized a few years ago, and that was the fact that Fred 
Simpson in Opie's First Love was the actor David A. Bailey who played Tray 
Bowden in Miracle Salve and some other  episodes. 
  OpieWould you like to buy a jar of ..?  
One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Population of Mayberry

2006-05-05 Thread Anita Carpenter
  Someone was asking about the population of Mayberry, and I think I can give 
you a clue as to how to find this information.  The other night I was watching 
the color episode where they erected a statue of Seth Taylor, Aunt Bee and 
Andy's great great...etc Uncle.  Near the end of this show Floyd or Howard 
said something about if Seth Taylor had not diverted the railroad from coming 
through Mayberry, then their city might have been as big as Mt. Pilot, instead 
of only ___ people.  Sorry I can't remember how many they said, but I hope 
this helps you find the answer to your question.
  It's good that Seth did what he did, otherwise you'd have people moving to 
Mayberry with their litterin' and their...jaywalkin' and horn 
honkin'It might even have  made Mayberry a regular Sin 
  .Mayberry gateway to danger...
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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Second Floor of the Courthouse

2006-04-17 Thread Anita Carpenter
Martha I believe the second floor of the courthouse was where the Mayor's 
office was at.  I seem to remember Andy saying something about this in the 
episode with Jimmy the goat??  The door to the roof was around the side/back 
 I remember this from when Andy put Gomer on the roof and he kept dropping 
his rifle.
Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Andy Griffith Style

2006-04-06 Thread Anita Carpenter
There was an article in our local paper recently entitled: Andy Griffith 
Style.  It was about the small-town approach a local neighborhood police 
department uses.  The police chief instructs his officers to embrace what he 
calls community-oriented policing.  Or, as they say: the Andy Griffith 
things.  That means, you know, go handle something like Andy would.  Wouldn't 
it be wonderful if all of our police departments could do things, the Andy 
Griffith way?  Just goes to show you TAGS is everywhere!!!
  ...Mayberrygateway to danger...   
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!


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2006-03-19 Thread Anita Carpenter
  I just today learned about the passing of Jeff Krentz, and it was a shock to 
say the least.  I truly enjoyed Jeff's comments on the digest, and like others 
of you, always knew when I saw his name that it was going to be either 
hilarious, interesting or very touching.  My sympathies to Jeff's wife Sue, and 
his children Bryan  Alison at this very difficult time.  We here at the digest 
will miss him greatly, but just Allan said, Jeff is with Helen, 
Daphne, Floyd, Otis, Howard, Ernest T. and our beloved Barney, plus so many 
others.  Allan, if you or anyone else know where we can send sympathy cards to 
Jeff's family, please pass that on to us.   
  My sincere sympathies also to Phil Lee in the loss of his father.  Mr. Lee 
must have been a wonderful man to have raised a son like you Phil, so I'm sure 
he left a great legacy.   I have lost a parent, so I can empathize with you at 
this time of your loss.  It is so hard to watch someone you love be ill for a 
long timeit's as if you lose them gradually.  You and your family are in my 
  This makes me realize how much I treasure all of you my friends here at the 
digest.  I want you all to know that even though I may never have the privilege 
to meet all of you, you are special to me, and I count it an honor to call all 
of you friend.
  I remember what Barney said once about Andy  The people of Mayberry 
ain't got a better friend than Sheriff Taylor!
  I feel the same about all of you
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!   

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Original Airings

2006-03-13 Thread Anita Carpenter
Ok Neil, I will confess to being old enough to remember some of the original 
airings of TAGS.  I was 4 years old when TAGS first aired, but as the years 
passed I do remember watching the original shows.  
  I guess if Ernest T. was here he could figure out how old I will be this year 
by counting with his feetthat one just cracks me up!!!
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! 

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Tribute to Mr. Knotts/Barn

2006-03-06 Thread Anita Carpenter
I agree with Kim and Bob about all of us giving a salute to Mr. Knotts/Barn on 
his birthday so count me in.
  .Are you kidding?  If you flew a bird through here every woman in here 
would point
  Oh Barney, we sure miss you.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnatis Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Larry King Live

2006-03-02 Thread Anita Carpenter
Dennis thanks for the heads up about Andy, Ron Howard, Karen Knotts, Jim Nabors 
and Joyce Dewitt paying tribute to our Barney/Don Knotts, on Larry King Live.  
Though I missed the show, I found a transcript of it on line and was able to 
read it.  It was so great to read everyones thoughts and memories of Don 
Knotts.   When the video of the show was played, it was like I could hear our 
dear Barney talking!!   As some other folks did, I laughed and cried as I read 
it.  Thanks for sharing Dennis!
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!  

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Our Barney

2006-02-25 Thread Anita Carpenter
  I knew that this day would come, but my heart is broken all the same.  We 
were so blessed to have Mr. Knotts come into our lives as our beloved Barney, 
weren't we!  My deepest sympathies and prayers to his family.  Also my heart 
goes out to our Andy in the loss of one of his closest friends.   
  .During our lifetime we travel many roads...
  Mr. Knotts, you traveled that last road with grace and dignity. and I am 
most grateful that the road of your life brought you to all of us.
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Saddest TAGS Fans!!! 

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Funny Lines

2006-02-15 Thread Anita Carpenter
I'm like everyone else, there are so many good lines from TAGS it is hard to 
narrow it down to just a few, but I'll try.   As I write these lines, I can see 
and hear them being said by the TAGS actors, and that is what makes them so 
funny to me.
  Next time I go tiger huntin', I'm gonna take my tweezers.
  Its definitely no fun when that iron door clangs shut.
  If I'd aseen you acoming I'd aknowd what I'd do, I'd arisen both arms and 
I'd awoved at you.
  Boy, you fall down a well and you're wet!
  Got time to breathe, got time for music.
  Better phone him, Al.
  Thought about killin him, kinda hated to go that far.
  Ain't you got a jack?
  But what will happen to her?  She can't do anything, like fish, catch frogs 
or play baseball.  She'll be helpless.
  It's not a whim if you put on clean underwear.
  You had your chance to fly with me, baby.  But you blew it.  Now the balloon 
is going up without you. 
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Dub Taylor The New Andy Fan!!!

2006-02-06 Thread Anita Carpenter

Brenda Jo, if my memory serves me right, Dub Taylor also played Emmett's  
insurance salesman brother in law in one of the color episodes?  I'm sure 
someone else can help us out on this one?
  Congratulations Debbie on the new addition to your family, or as Briscoe 
Darling said: an issuance, to the family.  Hey Debbie I was thinking about 
something I have a nephew named Dean, that we could betrothe to your
  Little Zeta Alice Sawyer???   We would provide a house for the couple with 
good strong boulders, but of course you would have to put a roof on it.  You 
don't have any strange and weird characters in your family do you?  I guess 
we can set up a time for Dean and Zeta to meet and for us to sign the betrothal 
papersjust let me know.
  Did you see that.let's get out of hear
  Don't touch me it might be catchy..
  We have just a little bit of witchery on my Mama's side  
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!!

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Don't that just clutch ya?

2006-01-25 Thread Anita Carpenter
Duane, that was beautiful.  I totally agree with you that despite all the 
laughs we get when we watch TAGS, we come away with so much more.  When I watch 
the show and see how Andy treated Opie and all the folks in Mayberry, I feel 
like I want to be a better person.  The show does make you want to be better, 
especially when we watch the exchanges between Andy and Opie and Andy and 
Barney.  Oh, sure Andy has some fun hiding Barney's shoes etc, but as Barney 
put it one time, the town of Mayberry doesn't have a better friend than Andy.  
  Thanks to all of you for the latest digests, they have really been fun to 
read and see all of your talents!
  Paw, can I run away some time?  I wouldn't go far and I'd tell you where I 
was going.  And say, maybe you'd like to come along.  
  Anita Carpenter
  One of Cincinnati's Biggest TAGS Fans!!! 

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