RE: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 15, Issue 142 TV Theme Songs

2014-05-14 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
Not to be prideful or bragging or anything, but I can sing the entire theme 
song to Beverly Hillbillies AND Green Acres.
One of my most outstanding talents.  That and an ability to count money.

Harriet Down at the Bank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Trivia

2014-05-12 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin

I think that none of these ladies ever married.

Harriet down at the Bank


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 21:42:08 -0400
Subject: Mayberry Trivia
Message-ID: bay174-w426989b0794b88a83960c3d1...@phx.gbl
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I was just sitting around today musing, and something dawned on me that I have 
never saw discussed before on this site.So I thought I would ask a trivia 
question about it.
The top three main females leads on TAGS were Frances Bavier (Aunt Bea), Aneta 
Corsaut (Helen Crump), and Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou). Besides all three 
starring on TAGS, what do these women have in common.Before you say they 
retired to North Carolina,  Aneta Corsaut did not.Hint:   it is not 
something they all did, it is something they did not do.
Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man

WBMUTBB mailing list


2013-07-08 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
 Recently I found a movie on Netflix I had never heard of. It was written by 
 and starred Billy Bob Thornton and was set in Arkansas, namely Arkadelphia 
 and Little Rock. The name of it was Daddy and Them and the part of his 
 Daddy was played by Andy Griffith! The courthouse scenes were shot in the 
 state Capitol building.

On another note, Friday I will be in Piggott, AR to visit the Hemingway House 
Museum. Part of A Face in the Crowd was filmed there.

Harriet down at the bank
WBMUTBB mailing list

Funniest lines

2012-11-15 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
The scene where Barney is telling the council what Andy carries as emergency 
supplies in the trunk of the squad car - I think it was a shovel and a rake - 
and Goober leans over and says ain't you got a jack?

Harriet down at the Bank

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-08-23 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
Whiskey (Rye or Bourbon)
Herbsaint (replaced Absinthe)
Peychaud's Bitters
A sugar cube

Not a cocktail for the faint at heart!  This may be the oldest cocktail served.

Harriet down at the Bank

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-07-07 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
I was watching Opies Charity today on the marathon and noticed something I have 
never seen before, although I am sure most people on this list have!
When Andy is walking Tom Silby out his door at home, there is a picture on the 
wall of a woman. Is this supposed to be Opie's mother?

down at the bank
In Arkansas

Sent from my iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Keepsakes

2011-11-15 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
I would pick Aunt Bee's Blue Willow and have a lot of it myself (which I paid a 
lot of money for).  One of my friends has a set that was her mother's.  Back in 
the 60's her dad got it for her mother at the gas station.  They gave away 
pieces with a fill-up. My mother got a lot of sets of everyday dinnerware that 
way at the grocery store.  I think we went through every set of dishes that 
Dillon's and Safeway had to offer!  If some store in our town did that with 
Blue Willow now, I would definitely shop that store!

Harriet down at the Bank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Pickle stories

2011-07-22 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin

Here is a relatively useless fact about pickle production that made me 
It seems that store pickles are all the same size (well most of them that is) 
and this is due to a carefully orchestrated timing of planting, bringing in 
bees to pollinate all on the same day, and picking all on the same day, which 
produces uniform sizes in the cucumbers.
So my question is, since Aunt Bee wouldn't have had access to cukes grown for 
production, her cucumbers would have been different sizes, and the store 
pickles would have been more uniform, and nobody noticed this...Not even Clara 
Just makes you wonder. And I got this information from a professor with a PhD 
whose brother makes a good living in the bee business, pollinating pickles.

Harriet Down at the Bank

WBMUTBB mailing list

What Character would I want to be?

2010-11-18 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
Good topic Ken!
It's hard to choose between Harriet down at the Bank and Clara.  On the one 
hand, being a non-practicing banker by profession, I would love to be in the 
banking business in Mayberry where it was a real, service oriented, community 
serving bank.  On the other hand, Clara had a nice life as a housewife, was 
well taken care of by her late husband, whom she truly loved and missed, and 
was an accomplished lady - organist/pianist/musician, master gardener and 
pickle putter-upper extraordinaire!

Harriet Down at the Bank
Aka Janet in Arkansas

WBMUTBB mailing list

Taylor Home Inn

2010-07-29 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
We had a wonderful stay at the Taylor Home Inn on our vacation.  We went out of 
our way to go there and it was worth it!  Marsha is a great hostess, and it's 
such a rush to walk in the door and be in the Taylor living room!

She has put so much detail in this home, even had some  BeautiControl cosmetics 
in Aunt Bee's room!  I remember my mother using those in the 60's.

If you haven't gotten there yet, try your best!  You will love it...

Harriet down at the Bank
(Aka Janet in Arkansas)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Bugged

2010-06-07 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
There was that fly that lit on Aunt Bee's pickles and died

Harriet down at the Bank

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 19:18:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Barbara Mylott
Subject: Bugged
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hey to all..hope everyone had a good holiday. 
I was watching a show the other day when I was annoyed by a bug that just 
wouldn't go home. As I was trying to sh him away the thought came to me 
that I've never seen a bug in Mayberry. I remember someone writing in that 
they've never seen a cat there either. There's not much a bug can do for the 
show but it's an interesting concept that makes Mayberry even more perfect. Has 
anyone ever seen a bugged show written into the theme like sittn' on the porch 
catching fireflies?
Best to you and yours



WBMUTBB mailing list

Salt Risin bread

2010-01-05 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin

Salt Rising bread is a flavorful bread that does not use yeast or baking powder 
to make it rise, but instead is a process using a starter that is salt-based.  
It is popular mostly in the eastern state, hence it would be popular in North 
Carolina.  It is a tedious process, so it is not made by a lot of people and 
hard to find.  We used to have a bakery in NW Arkansas that would make it.  I 
think it is Irish in orgin.  It is also very good!


Harriet down at the Bank
WBMUTBB mailing list

Rafe Hollister and a recipe I found

2009-07-30 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
Well, let me just say this, a lot of people down here say things with well in 
them and drop off the W, its very common.  And saying well hey will come out 
ull-a.  Nuff said on that.

On another note, I checked out a cookbook from the library, and it had, lo and 
behold, a recipe for fish muddle!  For those who wonder, it's a stew/soup 
common in North Carolina, kind of like chowder (the kind with the tomato base).
I ordered the cookbook from Amazon, so if anyone gets a hankering for it, just 
get the recipe from me! I'll gladly oblige.

aka Harriet down at the Bank
(Only it's in Arkansas.)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Party Lines

2009-04-10 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin
I grew up in Hot Springs, AR and they didn't switch to dial phones until the 
mid-fifties.  You picked up the receiver and the operator would come on and ask 
Number please.  At that time we had a population of probably 30 thousand.  
Not a small town!  And it was a candlestick phone like they have in the 
sherrif's office.
My grandmother lived out in the country and they had a party line in the 70's.  
And my sister lived in a small town in Oklahoma in the 80's and they only had 
one or two long distance lines.  If someone was on them, you couldn't get 

Hey to Goober,

Harriet, the bank teller (I'm assuming a new identity here, since I am a banker 
by profession, not practicing my profession now)
Fayetteville, Arkansas
WBMUTBB mailing list

Three things

2009-02-20 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin

Hey there, three things I'd like to say:
Aunt Bee - Which Nicholas Sparks book are you reading?  I thought I had read 
them all and can't recall this...
Arnold Ziffel - I'm with you on the  cotton pickin' High School Reunion 
commercials.  Don't even want to hear another one of those, thank goodness for 
the mute button!
And about Senior moments - I can remember my first college id number and my 
phone number when I was in high school, but I always get my cell number wrong!
And I always knew Andy was saying Current events, it never sounded like curly 
bits to me...but then I am from the south...lucky me.
Guess that's four.

Skippy in Arkansas
Driving around with the convertible top down

WBMUTBB mailing list


2009-02-03 Thread Janet Leanda Bowlin

Here in NW Arkansas, we have had so much devastation from the big ice storm, 
people have come from all over to help out.  One of the electric companies that 
came to help is from Mt. Airy, North Carolina, and the company is called Pike 
Electric.  Guess the mayor has a side line.  Is this a conflict of interest? 
Even if it is, we sure appreciate the help from them!  I got my power back last 

Skippy in Arkansas
WBMUTBB mailing list