Grinning from ear to ear

2012-01-13 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Yes Dewey, I laugh everytime I see this guy!!  You can tell he is just having a 
good time and theres no acting involved, its Andy and Barney, nothing you would 
have to fake grin about.  I have also many times wished I was him, just 
standing there watching and listening.
Now if they was Giraffes

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andy boots

2012-01-12 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hey folks,

I was e-mailed this question and I honestly have never been asked this
before.  I have no idea about the answer and don't know if anyone will but
any help any of you can be would be great in helping answer this guys

Do you know what type (design, model, brand, etc.) of boot Andy Griffith
wears in The Andy Griffith Show?  Any information is appreciated.

I look forward to your answers.


I don't have a good answer for this question, however I have some insight.  I 
have a pair, two actually, that are about the closest that I have been able to 
find to Andy's boots.  They were difficult to find because most of the boots 
that are this style often have stitching on the toe somewhere and Andy's did 
not.  Also, many boots have a country western tone to them and Andy's did not, 
they were very plain.  I will check my boots at home and share the brand name, 
after all, this is one of the reasons I liked and bought the boots.
Now if they was giraffes

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Lindsay Browning

2010-06-14 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Congrats to the Brownings!!!  That is great, on National TV, it is BIG, real 
BIG!!!  I will be watching for that!  Chip off the ole block.
Bless Her Heart. 
God Bless

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RE: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 11, Issue 120

2010-04-27 Thread Oliver, Michael J

Hi all,

Question for the mess of you...

I'm sure that as Mayberry NUTS, many of you have purchased the Mayberry 
Christmas Village from Hawthorne, have any of you gotten the town Christmas 
tree as stated in the original advertisement?  My mother figure purchased this 
for me and we haven't received the town Christmas tree YET.  We have gotten the 
new buildings that were produced after the original 4, but STILL haven't gotten 
the tree.  She, my mother, has called and called and called the man, gotten 
excuse after excuse, but still not tree.  She has even written a letter, a long 
letter (not neccessarily a lucky letter), but a long letter.  She has sent in 
the printed advertisement with the description underlinded, she had the times, 
dates, and peoples names that she talked to and what they said, all of this in 
her letter.  All she got back was some lame sorry letter (and they didn't 
even ask for their salve back), and some malauge about production problems.  
So, can my Mayberry friends help me out?

Please let me know if you have gotten all that is coming to you or if we need 
to give them the big freeze.

All joking aside, please help if you can


God Bless

Michael Oliver MD 

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WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: What Rafe said.

2009-07-31 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,
I can put this one to rest...  I have watched the scene in question with closed 
caption on and it shows in wording Rafe saying Well, that's me not what it 
could sound like.  
Mayberry is a clean place...the only language that you will hear will come from 
the hawks that Andy talks to.  Haha. 
Have a Mayberry day
Michael Oliver

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2007-10-10 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All

I can't believe everyone is making such a huge deal out of a trivial
triviality (pun intended).

Potato, Patahto.  Bygones=Bygones.


Michael Oliver

ADT Security Services

Asheville, NC SSO



Do we really think that we can have it both ways, that God will protect
us in a time of crisis even as we turn away from Him in our day-to-day
life? --Ronald Reagan


WBMUTBB mailing list

xxxx tvland

2007-05-22 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,

Just wanted to say AMEN Allan!  Thank you for being the fearless leader
that you are here.  That's the word that describes me best, fearless.
TAGS is one step shy of standing in church looking toward Heaven, that
language don't belong in either place.

Thanks again Floyd!


Michael Oliver

ADT Security Services

Asheville, NC SSO



Do we really think that we can have it both ways, that God will protect
us in a time of crisis even as we turn away from Him in our day-to-day
life? --Ronald Reagan


WBMUTBB mailing list

where the quotes are from

2007-03-11 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,

I know that you'll get about 300 answers to your question, but here are
mine anyhow.  

Andy Taylor

Ed Sawyer

Andy Taylor


And the names are in the order of the quotes.


Now if they was Giraffes



Michael Oliver

ADT Security Services

Asheville, NC SSO



Do we really think that we can have it both ways, that God will protect
us in a time of crisis even as we turn away from Him in our day-to-day
life? --Ronald Reagan


WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-20 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,

I have a question.  All this talk and uproar about the statue makes me
wonder.  What happened to cause it all?  I believe that from the start,
Karen Knotts, I would assume the executer of the estate, was in full
agreement of the statue and said it was a great way to honor him.  What
happened to change all that?  The rights of the character Barney Fife
belong to Viacom like the other TAGS rights and CBS doesn't own them
anymore than the Knotts estate.  I guess what I don't understand the
most is the problem with the statue in honor of his greatness.  Does
anyone have the complete details of this or any answers.  Does Jim Clark
have an opinion?  How about you Allan, whats your opinion?  I think it's
a great idea and always will be.  BTW, what was the talk of the Griffith
associates and the lack of interest there?  Any help and any answers
would be greatly appreciated.



Michael Oliver

Material Handler

Asheville, NC

(828) 651-4277



WBMUTBB mailing list

The Statue

2006-06-12 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi all

Hawgwash!!  They can't change their mind about the statue!!!  I like the
idea of tvland, what about them???  What about Andy, the cost would be a
drop in the bucket for him.  Oh let me tell you, this ain't over!!
I am writing a letter to someone, and I mean someone BIG!!  I don't know
how I will mail it though, I don't want to buy a stamp from that
machine!!  We defy the mafia,...and CBS!

God Bless


Michael Oliver

Material Handler

Asheville, NC

(828) 651-4277



WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-06-07 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi all,


I wanted to ask about the status of the Barney statue.  I believe I have
seen a deadline to get it done by Mayberry Days and I just was wondering
if it made the dead line?  I also was thinking, wouldn't it be GREAT if
Andy were to come to Mayberry Days this year for the dedication of that
statue, pending it makes it, and to celebrate Don Knotts's life and work
on the show!  That would be so AWESOME!!!  Maybe someone should invite

God Bless

Now if they was Giraffes



Michael Oliver

Material Handler

Asheville, NC

(828) 651-4277



WBMUTBB mailing list

Happy Birthday Andy!!!!!!!!!

2006-06-02 Thread Oliver, Michael J

Hi all, 

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Andy Griffith, the man who started
it all.

I also wanted to ask about the status of the Barney statue.  I believe I
have seen a deadline to get it done by Mayberry Days and I just was
wondering if it made the dead line?  I also was thinking, wouldn't it be
GREAT if Andy were to come to Mayberry Days this year for the dedication
of that statue, pending it makes it, and to celebrate Don Knotts's life
and work on the show!  That would be so AWESOME!!!  Maybe someone should
invite him?!

God Bless

Now if they was Giraffes

Michael Oliver

Material Handler

Asheville, NC

(828) 651-4277



WBMUTBB mailing list

salute to Andy

2006-03-17 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi All,

I just want to say Karla, that's beautiful!  I also offer my condolences
to the family of Jeff Krentz, I never knew him but my impression of him
was that he was a prince of a fellow and will be deeply missed.


God Bless

Michael Oliver

Now if they was Giraffes

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rafe bad word

2006-02-13 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi all,

I think this subject should be over.  It seems that some are bound and
determined to scar the purity of our wonderful show, so I say fine,
believe what you want, but I keep my faith.  As far as the DVD insert,
no offense, but that is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard.  I seriously doubt that in all the years that TAGS has been on
and all of the videos and DVD made of the episodes that they managed to
cover up this word.  I think its time to NIP IT IN THE BUD.

God Bless


Michael Oliver

Now if they was Giraffes

WBMUTBB mailing list


2006-02-09 Thread Oliver, Michael J
Hi all,

I would like to officially put this to rest.  Rafe did NOT say any bad
word.  If you put in the DVD with closed caption you will see for
yourself.  In fact he says well, that's me.  The Andy Griffith Show is
a very wholesome show with heart, courage, love and an escape from the
sin soaked world we live in.  I never take that for granted and I never
let my faith in it, or the loving Christian messages it gives us, fade
in any way and I hope you all will do the same.  

God Bless and Keep your eye on the prize.

Now if they was Giraffes


Michael Oliver

Material Handler

Asheville, NC SSO # 287

(828) 651-4277


WBMUTBB mailing list