Potluck dinner

2018-11-19 Thread Lisa Jackson
Fish muddle from Charlene, possums from Ernest T., Old Sam from Howard (then 
he'd let Old Sam go and bring Swiss cheese sammiches instead), and maybe some 
fermented cider from Mrs. Brendlemight. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Pot Luck Dinner in Mayberry

2018-11-19 Thread Harriet Browder
> If there were a pot luck dinner in Mayberry, what would people bring?

Barney would bring Chili that has to simmer in an upstairs room on a portable 
burner and for dessert  two containers of West Indian Mocha Delight ice cream. 
One to share and one for Thelma Lou.

The Morrison sisters would bring Marmalade that has been run through a copper 
tube that goes round and round a few times.

Harriet, the chicken thief

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner Party in Mayberry

2017-04-27 Thread Ken Anderson
OK friends, here is something to think about.

You have just moved to Mayberry and you want to host a little dinner part
to get to know some folks better.

You are going to invite 6 people for dinner.

Who would you invite?

What would you serve for dinner?

What would your entertainment be?

What time would you end your party?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner @ 8

2016-11-18 Thread panderson431
That is one of my all time favorite episodes not because it's in color it's. 
Just a great story! 

John 3:16

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner gathering prior to the Ron Howard lecture

2014-10-06 Thread Amy Washburn
Anyone coming to Greensboro, N.C., on Oct. 23 for the Ron Howard lecture is
welcome to meet the Barney Chapter and other fans for dinner before the
show.The gathering will take place at Logan's Roadhouse, which is located
at 1300 Bridford Parkway, Greensboro, NC 27407 (phone 336-292-4950).This is
at the corner of West Wendover Avenue and Bridford Parkway, just a few
blocks west of Interstate 40. The menu can be found at
www.logansroadhouse.com. The meal is Dutch treat. We suggest tips above a
quarter for appropriate service. :)

We've got the private meeting room reserved from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., so
pop in at the time that best serves you. The lecture starts at 7:30 p.m. at
the coliseum, which is about 15 minutes away. We would appreciate an RSVP
so we can give the good folks at Logan's a head count a day or so prior to
the event. You can email me at goodnessgo...@gmail.com if you are coming.

Please note this is different than the facility announced at Mayberry Days.
Our original venue was not available.

Mayberry -- and the Barneys -- say thanks and happy motoring! Hope you can
stop by and say hey! . Amy Washburn on behalf of the Barney Chapter,
Greensboro, N.C. :)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner with the Clark's trivia

2014-03-26 Thread Harvey Price

  You're the only one to reply to the question about what the Clark's had for 
dinner at Andy's house in the episode Emmett's Anniversary. You're right, 
they don't show what was served at dinner, but when Emmett gets up and says 
he's going into the kitchen for a glass of water, Andy says, very quickly, 
corned beef. I had to rewind and double check but that's what he says. Maybe 
I just have too much time on my hands!!
  Harvey Indian Elixir Price
WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-03-26 Thread jlj9675
Gosh Harv, I didn't recall that either about the company dinner but perhaps 
it was near St. Paddy's Day; that's when I always have corned beef for sure! 
I roasted mine for the first time this year and it came out good so I was 
happy. Best of luck to you and yours,
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanksgiving Dinner

2013-11-26 Thread Steve Cooke
I have been sitting here trying to remember if there was an episode that showed 
a Thanksgiving dinner set up like what they did with Ben Weaver at Christmas.  
I can't recollect one right now though.  Can anyone steer me in the right 
direction?  Thanks to you and yours in advance.

Ol' Sam

Cullman, Alabama
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner At Eight

2013-11-07 Thread Lee Cooper
We just had our November meeting of the Wally's Front Porch chapter and had 
some delicious spaghetti. I think it had a secret sauce. After we all filled up 
we watched of course, the episode Dinner At Eight. It was brought to our 
attention by one of our club members that during each of the three dinners that 
Andy ate they had nothing on the table to drink. That got me wondering if that  
had been discussed here before. Was this just a blooper or what? I imagine Andy 
would have liked something to wash down all that food. Opie even said a peanut 
butter sandwich was better with milk. just curious. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy Invites Karen to Dinner

2013-10-05 Thread Ken Anderson
Have you noticed that when Andy invites Thelma Lou's cousin, Karen, to
dinner for the first time, Andy wears his uniform to dinner?  Now to me
that is strange as Andy almost always wears his suit when someone comes to
dinner.  He and Karen were out shooting crows in the heat of the day and he
wore the uniform all day.  I would think he would have gone home and taken
a shower, put on clean underwear, and then changed into a suit.  But then
again, maybe inviting Karen to supper was a whim, and he wouldn't have
wanted to spoil a whim by putting on clean underwear.

On a personal note, it appears that good old Dan has hacked into my
computer, phone line, and mailbox, as he appears to know everything about
what is going on in my life.  These darn electronal marvels are great, but
they sure aren't fool proof, and there ain't no bigger fool than good old
dan.  But you will be happy to know that I am back on my medication and
things are going much better.  I get some great little blue pills for a
dime from our local Pharmacy gal.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Fish For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

2013-06-09 Thread Chuck Talley
When I was just a boy, my grandfather and dad would take my brother and 
me to upper Canada for a week of fishing in the wilderness. It took us 
two days to get there driving and two days back so just left five days 
of fishing, fishing and more fishing. We would be on the lake at the 
crack of dawn, catch our breakfast - fish - build a campfire and eat our 
breakfast. Then we would fish for a few hours, build a campfire and eat 
our fish for lunch. Then we would fish a few more hours, build a 
campfire and eat our fish for supper and fish some more until dark. The 
same routine for five days and then bring lots of frozen fish home to 
eat for the next several months. Fish for breakfast is gd. I 
don't think Andy and Opie ever went on that long a fishing trip, 
especially to catch Carp for the museum. The Gollywobbler

WBMUTBB mailing list

Eating Sunday Dinner

2012-07-22 Thread DAVID QUINN

Today is Sunday and so many families are gathering around their dining room 
table for Sunday dinner.   It got me to thinking that almost every person in 
Mayberry ate at Andy's house one time or another.   Floyd and Clara ate with 
the new doctor.   The Darlings hollered while they were eating.   Goober ate 
spaghetti.   Gomer ate several times while he was the house guest.  Barney ate 
there to try to get fatter.  Even Fred Goss partook of a meal.   As a matter of 
fact, it is easier to try to remember which regular did not eat with Andy than 
remember all the ones that did.How many regulars can you think of who were not 
shown eating with Andy? Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man From Mt. Pilot.  
  I never ate at the Taylor house, but I supplied the butter and eggs for the 
WBMUTBB mailing list

My Sunday Dinner Guest

2012-05-09 Thread Ken Anderson
The Taylors were always inviting company for dinner.  Of course Barney was
a regular as was Helen Crump.  Gomer ate there when he was a guest, and
they had the new doctor, Clara, and Floyd.  Howard was a guest as was Fred
Goss, Congressman Canfield, Professor St. John, and the visiting minister.
Aunt Bee even invited Colonel Harvey and the bug specialist Mr. Wheeler.
They also hosted the entire Darling family on several occasions and even
good old Ernest T. Bass.  They had Big Fred Pruitt for lunch too.  However,
I don't recall ever seeing Thelma Lou or Goober eating at the dining room
or kitchen table.  So I would have to invite one of them, and I think it
would be Goober, seeing he lives alone in that rooming house and has to eat
all his meals out.  I think I would make him a big meatloaf with mashed
potatoes and green beans.  For dessert a strawberry pie with real whipped

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sunday dinner

2012-05-08 Thread (Ted) Easy-T Straight Outta Delhi!
I would like to invite Ed Sawyer and ask him since he went through all
that trouble to be a Mayberrian-why we only saw him once! I LOVED that

Walter Ted Kamprad

WBMUTBB mailing list


2012-05-08 Thread jlj9675
I've always said that Goober would be fun to cook for; after all, he even 
appreciates good salt!  So I do believe it is he whom I would invite to 
dinner and I'd probably fix spaghetti with oregano just for him, hoping I 
didn't goof up the recipe!
Aunt Bee of Orlando 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sunday Dinner

2012-05-08 Thread Randy Davis
So many to choose from it's hard to decide, I guess I'd have to ask Miss Peggy 
over for dinner. I'd have Aunt Bea fix pot roast with those lil onions that 
twang my buds, along with fresh green beans from Foley's and mashed potatoes 
with gravy. I'd wash that down with some ice cold sweet tea and for dessert a 
triple layered chocolate cake. I'd even go so far as to decorate the table with 
fresh cut roses from Aunt Bea's rose bushes. Bon Apetite.

Randy Ange Davis

Sent from my iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sunday Dinner

2012-05-07 Thread Ken Anderson
Seeing so many TAGS scene were centered around the Taylor table I would
like to present a question to you.
If you could invite any person from Mayberry for Sunday dinner, who would
you invite and what would you serve?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Another Dinner Invitation

2012-03-01 Thread Ken Anderson
A belated 58th birthday to Ronnie Howard.

Well folks, I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home tonight
sitting around in my stocking feet, reading the latest National Geographic
which has a wonderful story about the Disciples, and having just what I
want to eat.  Now that is all ruined.  Friends called and invited me to
dinner.  It isn't going to be spaghetti.  Chili.  Which is darn close.  The
next time my wife gets a Service Hero Award and is sent to Florida I am
going to keep my big mouth shut about it.  This time alone I was looking
forward to isn't turning out at all like I thunk it would.  I wonder if the
Count has something to do with it.,

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at Eight

2012-02-29 Thread Ken Anderson
Well folks, my wife is in Florida, and I am home alone for three days.
 What I am about to tell you is the honest truth.
Today is the first day Linda has been gone.  A short while ago there was a
knock on the door and my nice widow lady
from next door brought me some supper.  Guess what it was.  SPAGHETTI
 There was even a bread stick and salad;
which was the exact meal Goober made for Andy.  And it was exactly eight
o'clock when
she came.  And wouldn't you know Linda called while she was here.  Boy or
have I got some explaining to do.  The widow is a blond and is five years
younger than I am.  A regular Navis Neft.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-11-21 Thread Marie

Around here in Louisiana Lunch is at noon the big meal is dinner usually 6 
p.m.. If your big meal of the day is at noon  then that is dinner  supper is 
at 6ish.

After Sunday services many folks have a large meal, usually roast (Chicken, 
beef, or pork) or baked ham plus the sides, veggies,  dessert.

Hoping that clears things up.

Mayberrily yours,


WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner - Bailey's Bad Boy

2011-11-19 Thread O'Malley, Shari
Often church is 11 to noon. They went back to the courthouse and Aunt Bee went 
to the house to get dinner ready.

A. Otis is still asleep because he's sleeping off a drunk - it is only 1:50 
pm and he probably got in late from drinking

B. Barney probably didn't have time to read the comics before church so 
reading after church while waiting for Andy (who probably spent time chatting 
with folks after the service)

C. Andy and Barney would both be dressed up because they would have just 
finished attending church.

D. As others have pointed out - dinner is the mid day meal for many people

E.  They are closing now because its Sunday and they take the day off. They 
probably would have closed earlier but Otis was there.

F.  See above answers :)

WBMUTBB mailing list

dinner time

2011-11-17 Thread colonialcott...@netzero.com
To answer the dinner question, dinner is lunch.  I once was invited to dinner 
at my grandparent's house so I showed up in the evening.  Grandma was rather 
upset that I did not show up at noon, when dinner was served.  They did not 
call it lunch, it was dinner.  Dinner was at noon.  And, do not forget because 
Grandma gets upset.  Sunday dinner is NOON.
Meat!  Taters!
Bee in New Concord, OH 

Brenda J. Higgins

57 Year Old Mom Looks 27
Mom Reveals $3 Wrinkle Trick Angering Doctors...
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: dinner time

2011-11-17 Thread Good, Don
To answer the dinner question, dinner is lunch...

And supper is the evening meal. Just ask Ol' Dan Tucker.

Don Good
(who's not sure about the chronology of Supper's over and dinner's cookin'.)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-11-17 Thread (Ted) Easy-T Straight Outta Delhi!
I remember visiting my grandparents in Arcadia, California in the
1970's and dinner was, indeed the noontime meal.
I always thought a great replacement for Don Knotts would have been
Jerry Van Dyke.

Walter Ted Kamprad

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-11-17 Thread Janet Anderson
To answer the dinner question, dinner is lunch. I once was invited to 
dinner at my grandparent's house so I showed up in the evening. Grandma 
was rather upset that I did not show up at noon, when dinner was served. 
They did not call it lunch, it was dinner. Dinner was at noon.

Yes, when I was growing up on the farm, we ate breakfast, dinner, and supper.  
Dinner was the noon meal and often was the most substantial meal of the day, 
and supper was usually mid-evening, around 8:00, give or take an hour, since my 
dad was a farmer and didn't get back in the house till evening, after all his 
chores were done.  People in Mayberry would have used Sunday dinner to refer 
to the midday meal, not the evening meal.  I think that terminology was more 
common when our culture was more rural and less urban.  When I got in high 
school and college, I started using the word lunch, which I heard used more 
often.  But I still call the evening meal supper and probably always will.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner At Eight

2010-09-01 Thread Linn Family
One of my favorite color episodes of TAGS is Dinner At Eight.  I was in the 
kitchen deciding what I should fix for supper and decided on spaghetti.  I 
turned on the t.v. so I could watch TAGS while I was cooking and there it 
was-Dinner At Eight!!  We had a good laugh at our house because the meal I was 
preparing directly corresponded with what was on the t.v.  There was enough 
spaghetti left for our lunches for the next day.  My husband commented that he 
liked my spaghetti but was glad he didn't have to eat it three times!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at Eight

2010-09-01 Thread Bcunnin107

I saw the epilogue to Dinner at Eight for the first time last night. It makes 
the episode even funnier than it already is..

Aunt Bee returns the next day and talks to Andy. As she always does, she feels 
guilty about leaving him there. She thinks he is hungry and decides to cook him 
a spaghetti dinner. I laughed out loud. It was a real treat to see footage I 
had never seen before. This is extremely rare!

Brad Neil Bentley Cunningham
My card, in case you ever need my services

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at eight

2010-09-01 Thread (Ted) Theodoric of York
One of my favorite color episodes of TAGS is Dinner At Eight.  I was
in the kitchen deciding what I should fix for supper and decided on
spaghetti.  I turned on the t.v. so I could watch TAGS while I was
cooking and there it was-Dinner At Eight!!  We had a good laugh at our
house because the meal I was preparing directly corresponded with what
was on the t.v.  There was enough spaghetti left for our lunches for
the next day.  My husband commented that he liked my spaghetti but was
glad he didn't have to eat it three times!!

I hope you used oregano!!!

(Theodoric of York)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Boil Dinner

2008-11-16 Thread Erin Johnston
HI folks,
In my neck of the woods.. a boil dinner can be anything but its all boiled.
Usually ours consist of  
fish, veggies, potatoes, rice, and milk or juice,
its tasty and there is PLENTY of humidity in your house
it makes for dandy sleeping weather.

WBMUTBB mailing list

FW: Closing out on who came to Dinner

2008-05-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
This was an old old topic about the time of the breakage.  Remember we
were talking about the few people who passed through Mayberry for any
length of time, and did not  get invited to a meal at the Taylors.

 Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 9:24 PM
 To:   'wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com'
 Subject:  Closing out on who came to Dinner
 Thanks everyone for the answers on who didn't get invited to Dinner at
 the Taylor home!!
 The last one I thought of, was Roger Courtney, the Esquire Club guy.
 Maybe if he had a dinner Mayberry style he would have understood
 Barney a little better.  Barney may not be Esquire material--but
 Esquire guys are not Mayberry material.
 Put that in your smipe and poke it Rog'
 The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Closing out on who came to Dinner

2008-04-11 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)

Thanks everyone for the answers on who didn't get invited to Dinner at
the Taylor home!!

The last one I thought of, was Roger Courtney, the Esquire Club guy.
Maybe if he had a dinner Mayberry style he would have understood Barney
a little better.  Barney may not be Esquire material--but Esquire guys
are not Mayberry material.

Put that in your smipe and poke it Rog'
The Untrained Voice

WBMUTBB mailing list

Who's coming to dinner

2008-03-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
I don't think the Governor was invited for a meal at Andy's house.
Nor was Thomas A. Moody, the guest of honor who ended being named Davis.
Tracy Crawford  the accused bank robber did not get the dinner ticket,
and I don't think Mr. Dave the hobo was invited to dinner - only hedge
trimming. Then there  was Newton Monroe, the lady speeder, and
Emmett's brother in law. (I  think)

Now Neil you're an attorney right?  So you listened to the rules in the
beginning???  Right?
The question had the qualification No prisoners  and I added no

Newton Monroe, the Lady Speeder and I think Tracy Crawford were all
prisoners...so they don't count (though Aunt Bee probably fixed them
prison food)
You're right about the others.
Emmett's Bro-in-Law falls into the category, we noted yesterday--hosted
by another family in Mayberry, such as Otis, Peggy, Thelma Lou.
Governor??--one passed through quickly, the other had lady fingers and
shrimp cocktail fixed by Aunt Bee and others.
Good Noticing!! (but check the court records  ;)

The Untrained Voice


WBMUTBB mailing list

Spaghetti Dinner

2007-01-26 Thread MeInMayberry
Kim, I think you have the situation pegged!  That would  indeed explain why 
Helen was so steamed and why Andy was reluctant to give  excuses.

Sounds like you can relate to Helen's predicament.  I bet  you can clench 
your jaw just like she can, too!

Ah, but can you order him to Eat EAT! thru those clenched  jaws!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at Eight

2007-01-23 Thread Janet Anderson
I watched Dinner at Eight last night on DVD, and the recent comments about 
the episode were fresh in my mind, so I thought I'd offer my own thoughts.  I, 
too, think it rather odd that Andy didn't just explain the mix-up to Helen.  
This would have diffused the whole situation.  However, his approach, when you 
stop to think about it, is not really inconsistent with his character.  Andy 
generally tried to avoid confrontation when he could, but would take that step 
when necessary.

We are more apt to see Andy confront someone, though, when that someone is a 
MAN.  Andy appeared to have a much more difficult time confronting WOMEN.  Now, 
he usually didn't have any problem putting his foot down with Aunt Bee, but she 
was family (although he went to great lengths to avoid confronting her about 
her kerosene cucumbers!).  With other women, Andy seemed to think that 
explanations would complicate, rather than simplify, any difficult situation.  
His approach was ignore it and it will go away.  I think that's why Andy 
didn't explain to Helen that Goober didn't tell him about the dinner invitation 
and that he had already eaten two dinners because of Goober!  He figured he 
would keep quiet, she would get over it, and the whole thing would blow over.

We could probably come up with many examples, but here are a couple just off 
the top of my head:  Andy didn't want to tell the fun girls to just go home, 
and he didn't want to tell Helen about these girls, which only made matters 
worse.  Andy wouldn't tell Flora that he didn't want to date her until she 
forced his hand by kissing him in public, and he didn't explain to Helen what 
was going on, leading her to become jealous and angry.

Can you think of other times when Andy avoided confronting a woman?  I wonder 
how many we could come up with!

Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Dinner at Eight an' all this Spaghetti Talk!

2007-01-23 Thread Albert Acevedo
I'll just stick to Spaghetti O's from now on!! :-)

Get in the mood for Valentine's Day. View photos, recipes and more on your 
Live.com page. 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Dinner at Eight

2007-01-20 Thread BCunnin107
Nothing to drink at any of the dinners? Wow! Looks like they really mean  
Mayberry is a DRY county!!!
Brad Neil  Bentley Cunningham 
My card, in case you ever need my  services...
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Aunt Bee, I'm bringing someone over for dinner

2007-01-20 Thread Dixonhayes
In a message dated 1/19/07 12:06:50 PM Central Standard Time, 

 Another thing Andy often did that would raise some eyebrows (esp female 
 ones) was to invite people over for a meal or to stay without checking 
 with, or even telling, Aunt Bee.  Most of us with any sense wouldn't do 
 that nowdays, but the culture was more chauvinistic and paternalistic back 

Well, that would certainly raise some eyebrows now (and I can see Debra being 
none-too-happy-at-all if Ray ever did it on Everybody Loves Raymond).  But 
Aunt Bee always seemed to back Andy up on that and we never (or at least very 
rarely) saw Aunt Bee complain or even express being put out even in private, 
when she'd give Andy a piece of her mind if she felt like it.  (She may have 
fussed a little when Barney brought the summit meeting over, but she had to 
clean the entire house for that one.)  So I have to believe she and Andy had a 
mutual understanding that Andy could just about always invite anyone he wanted 
and she'd trust him.  In one episode he tells a guest you should see the fried 
chicken Aunt Bee has to throw out (implying she cooks a lot anyway, even for 
just the three of them) and when the Darlings came over, Bee acts like she's 
actually excited to get to cook for that big a group.  (No wonder Briscoe liked 
her so much.)

We should all have an Aunt Bee in our lives but not everyone's that lucky.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanksgiving Dinner

2006-11-22 Thread Dan Goodwin
Just thinking about where Barney would be having Thanksgiving dinner.  I 
mean, he had an open invitation from Aunt Bee, so I could see Barn and Ope 
watching the parades after the turkey.  Or maybe it would be a quite dinner 
with Thelma Lou.  Afterwards, they would sit on the couch, have some cashew 
fudge and watch the parades.  But I really expect Barney to share a very 
special time with his dear friend, Mrs. Mendlebright.  And later they would 
have a glass of sweet cider and watch the parades.


WBMUTBB mailing list

After Dinner TAGS

2006-08-22 Thread brodahaver
Some recent posts on the WBMUTBB Digest have concerned the discontent of  
fans not being able to watch TAGS during dinner. What about when the show  
originally aired? For the first four seasons, the time was 9:30 P.M.  EST. The 
season was on at 8:30 P.M. EST. The last three seasons  were aired at 9:00 
P.M. EST. 
When Monday Night Football debuted in September 1970  opposite 'Mayberry 
R.F.D.' , most folks were not eating dinner. They were  getting that grain out 
that bottle, like Otis.
Brian Rodahaver
One Of Maryland's Biggest Fans!!! 
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