Signature Trivia

2015-01-07 Thread Janet Anderson
Opie's signature can be seen in one other episode too. Who can describe the 


You must be referring to the love note Opie wrote to Helen Crump.  That 
appeared in Season 5, Opie Loves Helen.



Thelma Lou

WBMUTBB mailing list

Signature trivia

2015-01-07 Thread Paul Mulik
I suppose burning one's name in a piece of wood is a type of signature, but I 
was thinking of the note Opie wrote in Opie Loves Helen, which went as follows:

Dear Miss Crump,
Your friend

(Before anyone asks, of course I counted the Xs. What do you think I am, a 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Signature trivia

2015-01-05 Thread Paul Mulik
Congrats to those who pointed out that we see both Andy's and Opie's 
signatures, along with Briscoe Darling's, on the marriage contract in The 
Darling Baby. Also visible on the document, but not yet mentioned, is the 
signature of Ormond Opel, who is presumably the Darling family's pastor.  He is 
probably the same circuit preacher seen in Mountain Wedding.  Why Charlene's 
signature was not required on said document remains a mystery. 

Opie's signature can be seen in one other episode too. Who can describe the 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Signature trivia

2015-01-03 Thread Paul Mulik
Since nobody has yet given the correct answer to my most recent trivia question 
(when and where in Mayberry can one see Andy Griffith's signature?) I'll go 
ahead and give the answer. 

In the epilogue of Mayberry on Record, Ellie Walker is holding the finished 
Music from Mayberry record album jacket. This record is actually a real 
record, namely Andy Griffith Shouts the Blues and Old-Timey Songs by Andy 
Griffith (naturally).  The prop department simply pasted over the title, sort 
of like what Barney did with his old History book. Anyway, the back of the 
record jacket bears a facsimile of Andy Griffith's signature. 

Should anyone be interested in buying this excellent album, the LP is pretty 
hard to find but you can download a digital version from

(If the link doesn't work just go to and search for Andy Griffith 

OK, now for an easier question: name ANY instance when a hand-written signature 
is seen in a TAGS episode. The mention of a signature is not sufficient, it 
must be visible on screen. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Signature trivia

2015-01-02 Thread Paul Mulik
I was not aware that Andy Griffith had written his name on the neck of his 
guitar. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I certainly have never heard of 
this before. That would not be a logical place to write anything, as it would 
quickly wear off when the guitar was played. 

Martin did produce a special Andy Griffith Signature Model of their famous D-18 
guitar in 2004, and this guitar does have a facsimile of Andy Griffith's 
signature on one of the frets (not on the neck), but of course no such guitar 
could possibly have been used on TAGS. 

Here's a little more guitar trivia for you: the Martin D-18 guitar that Rodney 
Dillard played in The Darlings Are Coming was actually one of Andy's own 
personal guitars, in fact it was the same one he played in A Face in the Crowd 
(for the film it was painted black and covered with sequins, but Andy had it 
refinished later). The reason Rodney didn't use his own Martin was that it had 
a shiny finish that would have caused unwanted reflections from the studio 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

signature trivia

2015-01-01 Thread Cathy
Well,Paul, that is a challenging question indeed! I have no idea, and am
looking forward to seeing what folks have to say.

I have a resolution, though--to watch more TAGS!

Happy New Year!

Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 10:03:57 -0600
From: Paul Mulik
Subject: Signature trivia

Here is what I think is a very challenging trivia question to start off the
new year: when and where in a TAGS episode can one see Andy Griffith's
signature?  I said Andy Griffith's signature, not Sheriff Andy Taylor's

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Signature trivia

2015-01-01 Thread Paul Mulik
Here is what I think is a very challenging trivia question to start off the new 
year: when and where in a TAGS episode can one see Andy Griffith's signature?  
I said Andy Griffith's signature, not Sheriff Andy Taylor's signature. 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list