A Very Difficult Trivia Question I Ask

2018-08-07 Thread Ken Anderson
Well last night I participated in a large National Night Out sponsored by a
neighboring city's police department.  We had a great time.  I handed out a
lot of badges and gave candy treats to kids if they could answer some
trivia questions.  I could not believe how difficult it was for some kids
to figure out the answers.  i.e.  Here is the first question I asked each

What is Barney Fife's last name?

You would be amazed as to how many kids could not figure this one out.
Even some of the parents could not answer it.  Even when I repeated it and
emphasized the word FIFE in my question, they still didn't know.

So then I asked them again with three choices.

What is Barney Fife's last name?
A. Smith
B. Fife
C. Johnson

Some still could not get it right.  And I am talking about kids in the
fourth and fifth grade.

I wish they would have just played the game.  I hate it when kids get
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2017-04-07 Thread DAVID QUINN

 The 2 episodes where Barney jumped rope were, A Medal For Opie and The 
Haunted House.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2017-02-19 Thread Rodney Blackwell
How many of the TAG characters with recurring roles probably went to college? 
ExampleHelen, because she was  a teacher.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question and new Mayberry Guru Story

2016-11-20 Thread Ken Anderson
Trivia Question:

I am reading a mystery that was written in the 1930's.  One of the
characters said to another, "Don't be so cocksure of yourself".  That
immediately triggered a TAGS scene when someone in Mayberry used that same
phrase, or one very very close, using the word "cocksure".  Who can tell
the name of the person who said it and what was the person referring to?

Also, a story I wrote for Nostalgia Magazine of Spokan, Wa, is now
available.  Here is an on line link to the story.


It will also appear on the Nostalgia app, available for smartphones and
tablets via the App Store and Google Play store.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question

2015-06-08 Thread Paul Mulik
Here's a rather difficult trivia question for your potential amusement. Lately 
I've been listening to a lot of episodes of a certain old time radio show. This 
show always ended with someone signing off with a particular catch phrase. Andy 
once uses the very same phrase in an episode of TAGS. Who can name the radio 
show and the phrase? 

Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

A Different Kind of Trivia Question

2014-05-20 Thread Ken Anderson
In a number of episodes of TAGS and Mayberry RFD we have seen guys smoking
pipes.  Barney had one when we went undercover to catch the man who threw
the suitcase of money out of the train.  When Barney was disguised as a
store dummy a man with a pipe blew smoke in his face, and in Mayberry RFD
Howard smoked a pipe when he was asked to write a poem and again when he
went on TV as the Dream Spinner.  One of the Darling boys also smoked a
pipe.  And there were probably others.

It got me to thinking about how pipe smokers have just about completely
disappeared from our society.

My question is, do you know of anyone personally who still smokes a pipe.
Or have you ever personally ever smoked a pipe?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

My Trivia Question

2014-03-31 Thread Ken Anderson
I forgot to answer my own trivia question.

We had a number of Mayberry Like people in the small town where I grew up.
 But I would have to choose Mr. Krueger who ran the small grocery store
where my mother shopped.  He was a very kind older man who never sent out
any bills for people.  Many people had charge accounts and you would just
pay when you could.  He ran the entire store by himself with the help of
his wife.  He usually had one boy working who would carry out bags of
groceries and do various small jobs.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-03-23 Thread Harvey Price

Hello Mayberry Friends,
 I was watching the final season episode Emmett's Anniversary and I 
caught something on it and thought I'd make it a trivia question. On this 
episode, what did they have for dinner at the beginning of the show when Andy 
had Emmett and Martha over to figure out what Martha wanted for their 
anniversary? It's a specific answer. If no one gets it I'll post the answer in 
a couple of days. Thanks and happy motoring. 
Harvey Indian Elixir Price
WBMUTBB mailing list

Laugh-In trivia question

2014-03-14 Thread luke bandit

Dear Tags,
It was the hotel clerk in Raleigh on the episode,
Andy and Barney in the Big City.  That man was
Arte Johnson.
Also, The lady with the jewelry is the same lady
that was the hostess at the singing where 
Rafe Hollister sang.  Look Down, Look Down,
That Lonesome Road, Before You Carry On.
Riding that New River Train, Riding that New River Train,
That same old train that brought me here
 Is gonna carry me back again!
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt. 


Phil. 4:13  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-03-09 Thread Ken Anderson
I think everything Paul listed could be found buried in the Mayberry town
dump with the exception of these:

Root Beer Barrel - the lodge meeting room
Tin Foil Ball - Asa didn't throw his away.
Sword - Clara Edwards could never part with hers.
Grand Piano - big home at Walnut Hills

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-02-20 Thread rehay
There are many people who are never mentioned on TAGS who we have never
 seen in any episodes and who nave never been even mentioned by name.

Name all the TAGS characters who have no name and have never appeared or
been mentioned in any TAGS episodes.

Well, if they've never been seen in any episode, have no names, and have never 
even been mentioned on TAGS, yet they are TAGS characters...the answer would 
have to be NONE. How could there be a TAGS character that has never been 
mentioned on TAGS? Sarah and Juanita wouldn't qualify because they both have 
names and both have been mentioned many times on TAGS. Maybe I'm not 
understanding the question.

e-mail: re...@zoomtown.com 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Challenging Trivia Question

2014-02-19 Thread Ken Anderson
Here is a challenging trivia question for all our great trained noticers
and trivia experts.

There are many people who are never mentioned on TAGS who we have never
 seen in any episodes and who nave never been even mentioned by name.

Name all the TAGS characters who have no name and have never appeared or
been mentioned in any TAGS episodes.

OK folks, get out those buckets, put them on, give it a good think, and
come up with your answers.

Winners will receive a free copy of my next book that I don't plan on

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-02-14 Thread Janet Anderson
Who were the three people in that scene who were 
NOT wearing a football helmet when Opie completed the pass?
  Does this question qualify to be the Mayberry Days trivia contest in 
September? The Gollywobbler

Chuck, I think that would have been a great question, but not now because 
you've already asked it!!  grin

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-02-12 Thread Chuck Talley
In episode 215 - Opie's Piano Lesson - Opie shows up late for football 
practice because of his practicing the piano. The coach has him throw a 
pass (which is caught) and says that the team is in good shape at the 
quarterback position. Who were the three people in that scene who were 
NOT wearing a football helmet when Opie completed the pass?
 Does this question qualify to be the Mayberry Days trivia contest in 
September? The Gollywobbler

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-02-02 Thread Cheryl Langille

That was a good trivia question about Mayberry people rooting for Denver. I 
never would have gotten it. 

Marietta, GA
The orange and blue will try, try, try, try...

Sent from Cheryl's iPhone

WBMUTBB mailing list

Answer To Trivia Question

2014-01-31 Thread ennybunbun
Mayberry Union High! 
I wear my t-shirt proudly, even though it is accidentally Gator colors. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Answer To Trivia Question

2014-01-30 Thread DAVID QUINN
Ken Anderson got the answer to the first question about the Super Bowl as to 
the team that the citizens of Mayberry are going to be rooting for.   However 
he failed to come up with the answer I have as to the reason they will root for 
the Denver Broncos.   I will give you a really big hint that will give the 
answer away:

The team colors for the Seattle Seahawks are green and blue.

The team colors for the Denver Broncos are orange and blue.

Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.   Even Martha can get the 
answer after that big of a hint.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-01-19 Thread Ken Anderson
I have come up with 8 people who took Barney's gun away from him.  Who were
the 8 people?  I mean they physically took Barney's gun away from him.
Barney did not drop it or hand it over willingly.

If you can name more than 8 then you are a better man than I am, because I
can only come up with 8.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-01-11 Thread Janet Anderson
 What say we play a little trivia.Which character on TAGS who played 
 more than one character had the greatest promotion?In other words, this 
 character went from a low paying menial job to a well respected high paying 
 profession.See if you can guess to whom I refer.

David, I believe there are two possibilities.  You could be referring to 
Charles Thompson.  He went from playing Asa, the bank security guard, in the 
black and white years to playing Dr. Roberts in the color years.  I'd say 
that's a pretty good promotion!  But then again, you could also be referring to 
Jay Novello.  He went from playing a con man in Guest of Honor to playing the 
attorney Neil Bentley in Otis Sues the County.  However, since the job of 
con man/thief isn't technically a menial job and can be pretty lucrative, I 
will say that Charles Thompson is the answer.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-01-11 Thread DAVID QUINN

 Most of you got the trivia question correct.Of course the answer was good 
old Asa Breeney who went from being a bank guard/department store guard/hotel 
clerk in the black and white episodes to being a doctor/veterinarian in the 
color episodes.  We should all be proud of Asa for graduating Medical School at 
his advanced age.   It is plain to see that there is no TAGS question that the 
posters here on this site cannot answer.  (Except of course, Who played Mr. 
 Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2014-01-06 Thread DAVID QUINN
 Mike Peacock got the correct answer, the regular on Petticoat Junction who 
appeared in the movie Benji was in fact, Benji.Even though his name was 
Dog on Petticoat Junction.   I have attached a short opening to Petticoat 
Junction that shows Benji in the opening credits of the show.   Isn't it cute 
for him to be in the water tank?I don't know about anyone else, but I sure 
miss all the CBS country shows.  Martha will not permit me to use the 
language to tell you what I think about Fred Silverman for cancelling Mayberry 
RFD and all the others...Orville Hendricks - Mount 
Pilot Butter and Egg Man 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question (Ken Anderson)--Yanki-Poo and Yum Yum

2013-12-05 Thread Vern

Ken, that would be The Senior Play.
But wasn't it Nanki-poo?

Know what I mean?


WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2013-12-04 Thread Ken Anderson
OK friends, here is a trivia question for you.  I don't think it should be
too challenging.

I am reading the mystery Easter Bunny Murder and I came across a Mayberry
connection.  One of the characters has two dogs.  They are named Yanki-Poo
and Yum Yum.

Question is, in which episode of TAGS were those two names mentioned and
who mentioned them?
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question Answer

2013-11-24 Thread DAVID QUINN

 Yes, everyone got the correct answer, Thelma Lou's cousin Karen.   Gail Davis, 
who played Karen was born in October 1925, and of course Andy was born in June 
1926.No wonder she could out shoot Andy, she had longer to practice. 
With Google and the internet now a days, there is no question on earth that we 
cannot find out the answer to except who played Mr. Schwump.On a completely 
unrelated subject, this past Friday all over the air ways they were showing the 
50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.Now I do not know how it was 
in other states, but on that weekend 50 years ago here in Oklahoma, all TV 
programming was pre-empted for coverage of the tragedy.The funeral was on 
Monday, and finally at approximately 6 P.M. on Monday night, 25 November 
regular television programming began to be resumed.   One of the first regular 
shows to come back on was The Andy Griffith Show, and what episode was 
broadcast that night?I won't keep it from you, or make you guess, 
 because it is so easy to look up,  it was A Date For Gomer where Gomer 
dances with Thelma Lou's cousin Mary Grace.Thelma Lou sure had a lot of 
 Orville Hendricks - Mount Pilot Butter and Egg Man.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Answer to trivia question

2013-10-13 Thread Janet Anderson
Which regular on TAGS once sung a song in a Meredith Willson musical?   This 
was a famous Meredith Willson musical, and the TAGS regular sung the song in 
the movie version, not the stage version. For the entire 100 points, you 
have to name the TAGS regular, and the song that was sung.   (Hint) It was a 
really cute song about a town in the United States, and it was not 

Well, someone has probably already beat me to the punch, but it was Ronnie 
Howard (Opie) singing Gary, Indiana in the film version of Meredith Willson's 
The Music Man.

Thelma Lou
WBMUTBB mailing list

David's trivia question

2013-10-12 Thread paulmulik
That's a good question David, about the Meredith Willson song used on TAGS. 
Rather than just blurt out the answer, I will give a hint: all you have to do 
is watch all 249 episodes in a row, and you'll find the answer. If you watch 
one episode every weekday, it will only take you a year or so. 

Paul Mulik
Sent from my U.S. Cellular BlackBerry® smartphone
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2012-04-27 Thread DAVID QUINN

Of course the correct answer to the person who performed Chinatown, My 
Chinatown on TAGS was Robie Miller's boy Jerry.   I am surprised so many people 
got that because I had to listen very closely and for several times before I 
was sure which song Jerry Miller was performing.Speaking of Aunt Bee playing 
Chinatown, My Chinatown, I have always wondered since Aunt Bee played the piano 
so well, why she had to get someone else to give Opie piano lessons.   Since 
they lived in the same house, Aunt Bee could have given Opie lessons at 9 P.M. 
say, and not interfer with his football game. Orville Hendricks - Selling 
Butter and Eggs in Mt. Pilot.   
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2012-04-14 Thread Silvia Boosten
Otis?  Is Otis Floyd's cousin? 
Silvia, aka Josephine Pike

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question

2012-04-14 Thread Daniel Santos

In response to who floyds cousin is:  I believe it is Otis? It came out in The 
Case of the Punch in the Nose
Fayetteville, AR  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2012-04-13 Thread DAVID QUINN

   Barney was Andy's cousin.   Goober was Gomer's cousin.   Do you know who was 
Floyd's cousin?   The person's name was mentioned one time in a black and white 
episode. Orville Hendricks - Butter and Egg Man.   Speaking of cousins, Jeff 
Foxworthy says If you go to a family reunion for an opportunity to meet girls, 
you might be a redneck. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Answer to Trivia Question

2012-01-20 Thread DAVID QUINN


 Ken had the right answer to the trivia question.Rafe Hollister's wife was 
named Martha.   In the episode Rafe Hollister Sings,  Andy is in the kitchen 
with Rafe's wife, and Rafe comes home and asks Andy Has Martha been chewing 
your ear off?
Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man.   Martha Hendricks was mentioned on 
TAGS, but she was never shown.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question Answer

2012-01-20 Thread Ken Anderson
Barney arrested Eddy Brooks when he saw him throwing a cigarette package on
the ground which is littering. Brooks was wanted for breaking out of
prison.  They ended up getting in a wrestling match right on Main Street.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Martha Trivia Question

2012-01-19 Thread Ken Anderson
 Regarding Martha,only one I can think of who it could be might be Rafe
Hollister because I think his wife only appeared in one episode - when he
was chosen to sing at the recital.

  It is so cold in Wisconsin this week every visitor who comes is getting
the big freeze.  Even those who are not interlopers. It only got to one
above today.  Old Floyd and the guys would have gotten frost butt sitting
on those benches around here today.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2011-11-09 Thread Ken Anderson
For those of you who are trained noticers and trivia gurus, this questions
should be easy but for the novice fans out there maybe it will be a bit
more difficult?

Name the three times when the word naked was used on TAGS?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

RE: Halloween trivia question

2011-10-31 Thread Hughes, Clyde L. (HSC)

Hmmm...would it be the barber sheet thingy, in this case used to make Floyd 
look like a ghost, but made him look like Charlene Darling instead?  
That bucket is faulty!  LOL

Over and Under,
Clyde Barn

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 10:41:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Mulik paulmu...@yahoo.com
To: wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com wbmutbb@wbmutbb.com
Subject: Halloween trivia question
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

No one has yet hazarded a guess at the trivia question I posed the other day, 
so I'll give you a hint.? The question is, name a connection between Floyd the 
Barber and the TV special It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Here's the hint:? That'n makes me cry!

--Paul Mulik

WBMUTBB mailing list

Halloween trivia question

2011-10-29 Thread Paul Mulik
No one has yet hazarded a guess at the trivia question I posed the other day, 
so I'll give you a hint.  The question is, name a connection between Floyd the 
Barber and the TV special It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Here's the hint:  That'n makes me cry!

--Paul Mulik
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2011-09-16 Thread Ken Anderson
As most of you probably know, Ronald Howard played the part of Opie. on TAGS.  
My mother always told me never to assume anything, that is why I am not 
assuming that all of you know that Ronald Howard played Opie.  But what some of 
you perhaps do not know is that there was another Ronald Howard who played the 
role of another very well known character.  Just wondering if anyone knows who 
the other'' Ronald Howard portrayed during his acting career?

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
WBMUTBB mailing list

trivia question

2011-08-24 Thread dianeg1
I need to settle a bet. Is it Good old 14A or Good old 13A?


Diane Geddings
Lexington  SC

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2011-02-18 Thread Larry Hamrick
Hey, Mayberry friends. I love the trivia although I'm not very good at it, but 
the question about Hop-A-Long Cassidy did spark some memories. I once had a 
lunchbox with Hoppy on it and one of his sidekicks was none other than Andy 
Clyde, AKA, Frank Myers. If berries for hats ever comes back in style then he'd 
be sitting pretty.

Ain't the favorite quotes fun? But, my favorite scene has to be when Barney 
recites the 'Preamble to the Constitution', classic and so funny. It never gets 

  Larry in Lincolnton

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question/Valentine's Day

2011-02-13 Thread dewey lamb

Besides Barney,who else has been known to use the phrase mollycoddlin?
I'm thinking about taking my darling person out for a nice Valentine's Day 
meal.I'm talking
about a really swanky eatin' joint...you know,one of those places where they 
serve pounded
steak,and they pound it right in front of you...man,we talking high class,top 
drawer kind of
a place.Might even put on my dancing shoes and cut a rug.
Scratch the above plans,my wife just reminded me I ain't no 
Rockefeller.Well,the thought was
there.Maybe some of you other fellers can take your lady out.Besides,I would 
not have time to
go to Mt. Pilot to get a nice set of threads.
Dewey in NC
Life without God and Mayberry is like an unsharpened pencil ...it has no point.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question(4 songs)

2010-11-19 Thread Don Skinner
I think one was Some Enchanted Evening.
Don Skinner
WBMUTBB mailing list

FW: saw TAGS alumni and Trivia Question

2010-11-18 Thread teresa sigler

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.


From: teresasig...@hotmail.com

Dear Tags Newsletter,
Hope everyone is having a great day.  I saw on Law and Order
 today the man who wanted to make the hometown movie picture.  The one about 
don't cut down the Oak Tree!  
He was a Judge in Canada and the D.A. from Law and Order wanted
the man who was arrested, extradited back to 
the U.S.   And the Judge said, I am ordering him back to 
the States.  I was cheering.  I believe this episode was in 2001.
I believe he also played on a soap opera.  Search For Tommorow,
I think.  
Trivia Question-
What are the 4 songs that are played in the episode of the Church getting
the Organ from the Man who needed to build a barn. 
Have a great Mayberry week!
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
Ma'am, would you please stop talking about the weather!
I told Opie that I believed him.

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question on Multiple Characters

2010-11-18 Thread jgrit1
I waited a few days to jump in.

But this Question has Mary Lansing and Bob MCQuain all over it.  (what actors 
played teh most roles)

Mary was most known for being Emmett's Wife and Mrs. Lukens the shop 
keeper..but Bob played many roles including including Officer Johnson

... then whenever this question comes up...I always like to add Don Knotts.  He 
played, Mrs. McGruder, an old betting Woman, A bride, a manequin, A gambler, 
and Prisoner named puddin-tame, an Indian Chief, and a Veteranarian... (oh and 
a deputy) just to rattle off a list.  

The Uhtrained Voice--Mayberry Plumber wannabe

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia question

2010-11-18 Thread Rene S

 Trivia Question-
 What are the 4 songs that are played in the episode of the Church getting
 the Organ from the Man who needed to build a barn. 
 Have a great Mayberry week!
 Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.

I know one of them is Bringing in the Cheese.

Rene Bringing in the Cheese Solak
WBMUTBB mailing list

Answers to Trivia Question

2010-11-01 Thread teresa sigler

dear allen,
here are the answers to the trivia question. I hope they are right and in order 
of play.
Love Lifted Me
Everlasting Arms
One Enchanted Evening
Bringing In The Sheaves
teresa sigler
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt. 

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

saw TAGS alumni and Trivia Question

2010-11-01 Thread teresa sigler

Dear Tags Newsletter,
Hope everyone is having a great day.  I saw on Law and Order
SUV today the man who wanted to make the hometown movie 
picture.  The one about don't cut down the Oak Tree!  He was 
a Judge in Canada and the D.A. from Law and Order wanted
the man who was arrested for shoplifting extradited back to 
the U.S. for murder.  The prosector said, they just want him back
and give him the death penalty.  And the Judge said, The D.A. is
right, we don't know that for sure.  I am ordering him back to 
the States.  I was cheering.  I believe this episode was in 2001.
I believe he also played on a soap opera.  Search For Tommorow,
I think.  
Trivia Question-
What are the 4 songs that are played in the episode of the Church getting
the Organ from the Man who needed to build a barn. 
Have a great Mayberry week!
Mizzus Why-Lee of Sand Mt.
Ma'am, would you please stop talking about the weather!
I told Opie that I believed him.

Phil. 4:13  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Follow up trivia question

2010-09-15 Thread Doug Johnson

Just a quick follow trivia question about biblical names.  Which TAGS character 
shares his name with one of the Old Testament kings of Judah?
Doug Johnson
Just a bed and a bible.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2010-07-20 Thread Jerome Graber

Was it Mary Tyler Moore as a costar on The Dick Van Dyke Show and then a star 
of her own show?

Jerry Graber

WBMUTBB mailing list

Answer to Trivia Question

2010-07-20 Thread DAVID QUINN

 Thanks to all who guessed at my trivia question.  The answer was of course, 
our own Ronnie Howard.  He co-starred in TAGS the last season in 1968 when the 
show finished #1.  He was then a star of Happy Days which finished as the #1 
overall show in 1977.  I did a through search of all the #1 shows in the 60 
year history of television, and Ron Howard is the only person who fits the 
criteria.  There were several that were close, like Lucille Ball, who had the 
#1 show in the 50's, I Love Lucy, and then finished as high as #2 in the 60's 
with the Lucy Show.  But Opie is the only one who made it to #1 twice.

To everyone who is interested in old time television and what shows finished 
#1, here is the link I used:  


Orville Hendricks - Peddling Butter and Eggs.  Martha has told me several times 
that I am always #1 with her.  That is the important thing.
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2010-07-20 Thread DAVID QUINN

Concerning the trivia question about which show was the #2 rated show for the 
1969 season, and was then cancelled, the answer is of course our old friend 
Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.  
Fred Silverman was the head of CBS at the time, and he was eventually 
responsible for the cancellation of all the shows that reflected the values of 
middle America.  The biggest name on the list for all of us was Mayberry RFD.  
But he also axed The Beverly Hillibillies, Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, and 
Hee Haw.  All of these shows were successful at the time, but did not appeal to 
viewers in the big cities.

I would say not much has changed in 40 years.  Television still does not seem 
to reflect the values of middle America.  It is almost impossible to find a 
family show on network television, or even a show where there is a married 
mother and father.  So sad.  Times have changed for the worse.


Orville Hendricks - The Butter and Egg Man.  Martha says she and I will be 
together forever.  I tell her that is because no one else would want us. 
The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Number 1 Trivia Question

2010-07-19 Thread Harry Brewbaker
Good question David.  I think I could get it if I had my bucket here at work, 
but I'll take a wild guess.  Is it Kelsey Grammer who was in Cheers and then 
starred in Frasier???
I doubt that's right, but I wanted to take a stab at it.
Harry in Salem, VA

WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia Question

2010-07-18 Thread DAVID QUINN

  Since we have been doing trivia questions, here is another one.  We know that 
in Andy's final season on TAGS, 1968, the show was the #1 rated television show 
for the entire year.  We also know Andy tried acting in a series a few more 
times (Headmaster, The New Andy Griffith Show, Matlock), but was never again in 
a show that finished #1 for the entire year.  However there was someone who 
was.  So the question is:  Name the Actor/Actress who Starred/Co-Starred in two 
completely different television shows that were the #1 rated television show 
for the entire year.  I do not mean a show that was #1 for a week, but #1 for 
the entire year.  I will give you a small hint, these shows were 10 years apart 
and this person was the co-star in the first and the star in the second.


Orville Hendricks - Peddling Butter and Eggs.  I guess you could say that I was 
the 11th co-star in one of Andy's shows.
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trivia question

2010-05-02 Thread Marcia Ott
was it an early episode with emma watson and the lady druggest wouldn't sell 
her pills says I have to have a prescription gets mad as she's leaving the 
drugstore and says she won't buy her cottonballs from here anymore.
oroville ca

I always did think a dime was pretty cheap for a miricle drug - Andy


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trivia question

2010-01-16 Thread Greg Boe
What Mayberry resident had the same name as a popular rock band at the time?



Of course, why didn't I think of it sooner..it has to be Pink FLOYD!!!



- Greg Boe

City Council Member

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Trivia Question

2010-01-15 Thread Bob Bravetti
Okay, I haven't asked a trivia question in quite some time, but I think I
have a good one:


What Mayberry resident had the same name as a popular rock band at the time?



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My trivia question--Canadian

2010-01-13 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (ATTOPS)
The Canadian famous name  that I was looking for (that is on the cover
of GAMES magazine this month)   was Glen Ford.

Him being a G-man  and everything...I just assumed he was a US

All together now Untrained Voice, That's the actor in the man.

I'm still stumped by the other Trivia question out there.

I thought it might be Otis and Thelma Lou, but that's not it ,or Otis
and Helen.  

Remember the questioner said:  Same season main characters...so it Can't
be Howard and Barney..or Ellie and Thelma Lou.

I'm making the assumption Appeared in the same episode counts..we're not
talking never appeared together in same scene are we?

Thanks Ken for the note.  Glad Tom is doing OK.  I was more worried
since we hadn't heard from him than the scam.

What numbered law is that?? Impersonating an Andy Griffith/Classic TV
fan??I'll bet it was Norman Feldspar or the guy with the treasure
map or one of those con men.

The Untrained Voice

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Trivia Question

2009-07-27 Thread weenie man

In what episdoe did Opie call Barney 'BARN' intead of Barney?


I have watched Andy all my life and only caught this today. I played it back 
three times and even used closed captioning to make sure.


Anyone know?



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Trivia Question About Otis

2007-07-25 Thread Ken Anderson
Boy, this is a new one for me.   I thunk and thunk and can not ever remember 
anything about Otis driving and having a wreck.  I must be having a major 
senior moment about this one.  I didn't think Otis ever drove again after he 
sold his jalopy.  He did drive his Ice Cream Truck in Return to Mayberry 
but sure can't remember any color episode about his driving.  Can't wait for 
the answer to this one.

Ken Anderson
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, WI 54701
(Home) 715-839-8470
( Cell ) 715-210-1556

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Trivia Question about Otis

2007-07-25 Thread weenie man
Anyone remember Otis getting drunk while driving and having a wreck? Not 
talking about the show where he bought a car. Hint.color episode.


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trivia question response the perfect female

2007-03-21 Thread Kim Cooney
The answer to the trivia question is I believe Annie Oakley  She also 
appeared in several other western type shows/movies beginning in the 40's.

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