pickle jokes

2016-04-12 Thread Janine
Been having trouble posting messages lately and I understand our server 
doesn't have enough wires.
But I just loved Ken's pickle jokes, being a dill pickle enthusiast 
myself. I used to make my own with cukes grown by my beloved and one 
time ended up with an Aunt Bee bad jar. But most of the time I won blue 
ribbons at our local fair and he was real proud of me. Keep up the 
funnies Ken, I enjoy the chuckles that we all need!!!

Aunt Bee of Orlando

WBMUTBB mailing list

Pickle Jokes

2016-04-10 Thread Lisa Jackson

Those pickle jokes were as bad as Aunt Bee's pickles. ;)  But here's another 
one just as bad that I remember from a joke book that my brother had a lng 
time ago.  Why do I remember such trivial trivialities?  I don't know.  Any 
way, here's the joke...
Q: What's green and has a motor?A: An outboard pickle. 
(I warned you it was bad.) It's your fault if you read it anyway!! ;)
Have a M(ayb)erry day!  
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee Pickle Jokes

2016-04-09 Thread Ken Anderson
*Pickle Joke*

*Q. Why are pickles in sandwiches so polite?*
*A*. They're well bread!

*Q. How can you tell when there's 1,000 pounds of pickles under your bed?*
*A*. Because you're closer to the ceiling!

*Q: What's green and wears a mask?*
*A*: The Lone Pickle!

*Q. What happens when a PICKLE is bored?*
*A.* He becomes very DILL!

*Q: What do you call a pickle you buy at a great price?*
*A:* A sweet Dill!

*Q. Should you ever eat pickles on an empty stomach?*
*A.* Yes, but it's better to eat 'em off a plate!

*Q. Who does a boy cucumber dig the most?"*

*Q: What is green and carries a gun?*
*A:* Marshall Dill!

*Q: What is green and swims in the sea?*
*A:* Moby Pickle!.

*Q. When can you put pickles in the door?*
*A*. When it's AJAR!

*Q: What is green and goes through walls?*
*A:* A pickle, But you have to throw it real hard!

*Q: What is green and flies through the air?*
*A:* Super pickle of course!

*Q: What is the difference between a pickle and a psychiatrist?*
*A:* If you don't know you should stop talking to your pickle!

*Q. Why did the cucumber need a lawyer? *
*A.* Because it was in a pickle!

*Q: What do you call a pickle who is a bad loser?*
*A: *A sour pickle!

*Q. What is green and dangerous?*
*A.* A thundering herd of pickles!

*Q. What's green and sour and swims in an aquarium? *
*A.* A trop-pickle fish!

*Q: What do you call a frozen pickle hanging from the roof? *
*A:* An Icepickle!

*Q. What is green and pecks on trees? *
*A. *Woody Wood Pickle!

*Q. What's black and white, black and white, black and white, and green? *
*A.* Three zebras fighting over a pickle!

*Q. What is black and white and green and black and white?*
*A.* Two penguins fighting over a pickle!

*Q. What's red and green and guides Santa's sleigh? *
*A.* Rudolph the red-nosed pickle!

*Q. Why doesn't a pickle like to travel?*
*A.* Because it's a JARRING experience!

*Q. How do you prepare a pickle sunDAE?*
*A.* You start getting it ready friDAE and saturDAE!

*Q. What business does a smart pickle go into?*
*A*. He opens a DILLY-catessen!

*Q. What's green and red all over?*
*A.* A sunburned pickle!

*Q. What do you get when you cross an Alligator with a pickle?*
*A*.A crocoDILL!

*Q. Why do gherkins giggle a lot?*
*A.* They're PICKLish!

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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