[web2py] Re: pagination issue redirecting to the current page

2014-11-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Put information about the current page in the request.args dictionary. You 
could use the session, but if your user opens a second browser window it 
becomes difficult to keep track of which session data corresponds to which 
browser tab.

On Friday, November 14, 2014 8:37:25 PM UTC-5, Joe wrote:

 I am working on an app where the user can select items by clicking on a 
 button for each item on the index page. It works fine, except after each 
 item selected the user has to be redirected to index and ends up on the top 
 of the first page at item 1. Then the user has to go back each time and try 
 to find whatever page they were on before when they made the last 
 selection. How can I fix this so when the user selects the item, he is 
 redirected to the same page?

 def index():
 if len(request.args):
 limitby=(page*items_per_page,(page+1)*items_per_page + 1)
 rows=db().select(db.post.ALL, limitby=limitby)
 form = SQLFORM(db.post)
 if form.process().accepted:
 selected = db(db.post.selected == True).select()
 not_selected = db(db.post.selected == False).select()
 return dict(form=form, selected=selected, not_selected=not_selected, 
 rows=rows, page=page, limitby=limitby,items_per_page=items_per_page)

 def select():
 id = request.vars.id
 name = db(db.post.id == id).select().first()
 if name:
 name.selected = not name.selected
 return redirect(URL('index'))

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[web2py] Re: second page to be accessed only from first page

2014-11-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I believe the book is correct. Are you sure the redirect doesn't work?

request.function should be second if that was the requested function. The 
redirect occurs after the request is parsed.

On Saturday, November 15, 2014 4:58:15 AM UTC-5, T.R.Rajkumar wrote:

 In book chapter 3 overview the following is given to restrict access to 
 second page. 

 if not request.function=='first' and not session.visitor_name:

 But if I print request.function it says 'second'.
 How to restrict access to second page only from first page?

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[web2py] Re: Query of two dates sql server

2014-11-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The online manual explains it here:


If I recall correctly, it may also be necessary to make an entry in your 
language dictionary. But try it first without such an entry.

On Monday, November 17, 2014 5:49:57 PM UTC-5, José Eloy wrote:


 I'm having troubles in making a query with 2 dates in SQL Server 2005.

 First, my table definition:

 Field('na', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()), 
 Field('fecha', 'datetime', requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), 
 IS_DATETIME(format=T(%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S), error_message='Debe ser 
 DD-MM- HH:MM:SS!')]),
 Field('ta', db2.tipos_de_asunto),
 Field('unidad',  requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 Field('carta', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 Field('importe', 'decimal(15,2)', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),

 In my controller I receive from a form (via ajax) two dates for searching 
 in the database:

 def busca_consulta():

 num_asunto = request.post_vars.input_na   
 desde = request.post_vars.input_desde   # User write a date using 
 the Web2py widget. Format: %d/%m/%Y (time is not necessary)
 hasta = request.post_vars.input_al   # User write a date 
 using the Web2py widget. Format: %d/%m%Y (time is not necessary)

 rows= db2(((db2.tabla_datos.fecha=desde)  
 (db2.tabla_datos.fecha=hasta))  (db2.tabla_datos.na
 but I get error, Is it necessary to convert the variables desde and 
 hasta to datetime? How can I convert them?

 I've checked the SQL Server datetime format, the datetime is saved in the 
 records using the following format: %Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S. I live in Mexico, 
 the format we use is: %d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S

 My english is not very good, I hope you can understand me.


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[web2py] Re: How do you issue a command to the operating system in web2py?

2014-11-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Why do you want to do that?

On Friday, November 14, 2014 4:01:25 PM UTC-5, BitHui wrote:

 I'm trying to run a shell command in Linux from web2py?  Is that possible 
 and how would you accomplish that?  Thanks in advance.

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[web2py] Re: import app from one web2py server to another

2014-11-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Is there a modules/__init__.py ?

On Monday, November 10, 2014 2:44:44 PM UTC-5, John Davis wrote:


 I have an app written by someone which runs on our server.  I have tried 
 to copy this app from one server to a new one which also runs web2py.  I 
 use the admin site GUI for web2py to import the app, but when I try to run 
 it, I get the following error.

 error: type 'exceptions.ImportError'(No module named configuration)

 I have a modules/configuration.py file and I also have a 
 modules/configuration.pyc file.

 The stack trace shows that the code which generates the error looks like 

 from configuration import local_time

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[web2py] Odd field validation issue

2014-11-11 Thread Cliff Kachinske
This field will not fail validation when submitted empty. Web2py 2.8.2 with 
lazy tables and archiving.

REQUIRE_MSG = SPAN('Required', _style=color:orange;)


Written this way, it works.

error_message='Problem title cannot be empty. Max 512 

I didn't expect this ...

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[web2py] Re: Odd field validation issue

2014-11-11 Thread Cliff Kachinske
OK, except I have other apps where required=True works as expected, that 
is, it causes a validation failure when the field is submitted empty. 

These other apps are running on the same Web2py instance, so this is 

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:54:21 AM UTC-5, Willoughby wrote:

 I think one is for forms, one is for the insert. From the book:
 Notice that requires=... is enforced at the level of forms, required=True 
 is enforced at the level of the DAL (insert), while notnull, unique and 
 ondelete are enforced at the level of the database. While they sometimes 
 may seem redundant, it is important to maintain the distinction when 
 programming with the DAL.

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:36:41 AM UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 This field will not fail validation when submitted empty. Web2py 2.8.2 
 with lazy tables and archiving.

 REQUIRE_MSG = SPAN('Required', _style=color:orange;)


 Written this way, it works.

 error_message='Problem title cannot be empty. Max 512 

 I didn't expect this ...

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[web2py] In views: using globals().get('somevalue') vs response.somevalue in views

2014-11-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske
In views we might use code something like this
{{bar = globals().get('foo')}}
{{if bar:}}
Got bar!

Why not just use the response instead?

{{if response.foo:}}
Got foo!

Seems like it would be less code, one less function call. Anything wrong 
with it?

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[web2py] Coding gotcha: views process commented-out html, can raise exceptions

2014-11-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Code like the following will raise an exception in a view.

# fubar='nothing'

!-- input type=text value={{=fubar}} --

Even though the html is commented out, Web2py will process it and try to 
find an object named fubar. Since it's not defined in the view, you get an 

I mention this because (a) it's puzzling the first time it happens and (b) 
it can take some time to figure out what's really going on.

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[web2py] Re: In views: using globals().get('somevalue') vs response.somevalue in views

2014-11-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would set response.foo in the controller. By attaching foo to the 
response object I don't have to put it in the return dictionary. Saves code 
on the controller side, too.

On Friday, November 7, 2014 9:01:08 AM UTC-5, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 Nothing wrong with it. To me the globals way advantage is that it seems 
 odd to me to have:

 {{response.foo = True}}
 {{extend 'layout.html'}}

 In a view. instead of:

 {{foo = True}}
 {{extend 'layout.html'}}

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[web2py] Re: Coding gotcha: views process commented-out html, can raise exceptions

2014-11-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske
To be clear, I'm not arguing against the behavior. 

It just wasn't intuitive to me so I put it in the mental gotcha file.

On Friday, November 7, 2014 9:47:11 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 For a more intuitive understanding of this behavior, consider that HTML 
 comments are not excluded from the actual HTML markup -- they are merely 
 instructions to the browser to ignore what's inside the comment (i.e., 
 don't attempt to render it). The web2py template system generates HTML 
 markup (among other things), and because an HTML comment is intended to be 
 generated as part of the markup, there is no reason for the template system 
 to ignore it. In fact, in some cases you may even need to execute template 
 code inside a comment (e.g., it used to be common to wrap Javascript code 
 inside an HTML comment tag to accommodate older browsers), so it would not 
 be desirable for the template code inside HTML comments to be ignored.


 On Friday, November 7, 2014 9:03:34 AM UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 Code like the following will raise an exception in a view.

 # fubar='nothing'

 !-- input type=text value={{=fubar}} --

 Even though the html is commented out, Web2py will process it and try to 
 find an object named fubar. Since it's not defined in the view, you get an 

 I mention this because (a) it's puzzling the first time it happens and 
 (b) it can take some time to figure out what's really going on.

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[web2py] Re: postgreSQL: restoring pg_dump using executesql

2014-10-08 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Do this instead:

psql -U your web2py user - h localhost -d your web2py database  

psql will ask you for a password. Use your web2py user's password.

Create the database first, but don't create any tables or anything else.

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 12:18:50 PM UTC-4, Manuele wrote:

 Is there a way to restore a dump from an sql file that comes from a 
 pg_dump command using in someway the database object defined in my model 
 for example using the executesql method? 
 I ask because I tried without success... it raises the sequent error in 
 corrispondence of the line where data start after tables definition: 

 ProgrammingError: ERRORE:  errore di sintassi a o presso 2644 
 LINE 107: 2644 {hide: false, uuid: 1:0, grp: 1, state: 1, e... 

 Thanks a lot 


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Re: [web2py] Re: Deploy Web2py on Windows Server 2008 VPS on godaddy

2014-09-26 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Sorry, no can help.

On Friday, September 26, 2014 6:12:06 AM UTC-4, Viren Patel wrote:

 Hi Cliff,

 Actually i have already done investment in Server with godaddy for a year

 Let me know if you have done web2py with Windows


 On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Cliff Kachinske cjk...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:


 There are better hosting solutions available. Pythonanywhere, for 
 example, supports Webg2py out of the box.

 On Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:41:21 AM UTC-4, Viren Patel wrote:

 Hi all,

 i have bought the Windows server 2008 to deploy my Web2py application

 Wanted to know following

 Can i run on server using the Rocket server itself
 Do i need to have Apache running to host Web2py application
 There is just one Root Directory, where and how do i place my web2py 
 how do i start web2py server on the VPS 

 Any one had similar deployment on Windows 2008. please let me know
 or if any useful links


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[web2py] Re: Javascript in web2py view

2014-09-26 Thread Cliff Kachinske
First thing, read up on the ajax functionality in Web2py. It's way simpler 
than jQuery ajax and will work just fine for what you want to do.l

Consider using the :eval target in Web2py ajax. It will allow you to send 
JavaScript snippets back to the server. That way you can do things like 
this on the server side:

Function get_config_details():
# Your code goes here
return $('#resultip').html(data);
return $('.flash').text('Server has experienced an error. Please 
refresh the page.');


What does the url going back to the server look like? 

It should be something like http://localhost/application/controller/function

Use the network tab in Firebug or Chrome developer tools to watch the 
conversation between browser and host.

Your JavaScript looks OK to me except I'm suspicious about that url. Or 
maybe your Web2py code is raising an exception.

On Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:07:43 AM UTC-4, Sif Baksh wrote:

 I have this script that I've used with PHP and it works, but I'm moving 
 everything from PHP to Web2PY easy to deploy to coworkers.

 PHP page (I left out the PHP part of the code that makes a REST API call 
 to an appliance)

 html lang=en
 meta charset=utf-8 /
 titleGet Current Running Config/title
 script src=
 h2Get Current Running Config/h2
 Choose a Device Namebr
 select name=selectFrequency id=selectFrequency
   option value=- Select -/option
 ?php foreach ($json_a['devices'] as $devname)
  echo option value=. $devname['DeviceID'].. $devname['DeviceName'] 

 } ?
 div id=resultip/div
 $(#selectFrequency).change(function() {
 var selected = $(this).val();
 url: get.php, 
 type: GET, 
 data: {id : selected},
 success: function(data) {

 Here is my view page:
 Enter code here...html lang=en
 meta charset=utf-8 /
 titleGet Current Running Config/title
 script src=
 h2Get Current Running Config/h2
 Choose a Device Namebr
 select name=selectFrequency id=selectFrequency
 option value=- Select -/option
 {{for tmp_name,tmp_id in zip(names,id):}}
 option value={{=tmp_id}}{{=tmp_name}}/option;
 div id=resultip/div
 $(#selectFrequency).change(function() {
 var selected = $(this).val();
 url: get_config_details,
 type: GET,
 data: {id : selected},
 success: function(data) {

 I get the drop down populated correctly with all the device names.
 But when I select a device name it calls get_config_details with ?id=43  I 
 changed it using the inspect element in the browser to 
 get_config_details/43 still nothing shows up on the page.
 Any advice or am I approaching this incorrectly

 Thanks in advance

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[web2py] Re: class 'sqlite3.IntegrityError' foreign key constraint failed

2014-09-26 Thread Cliff Kachinske
This post on StackOverflow may help 

There is a code snippet you might try.

On Monday, September 22, 2014 5:01:11 PM UTC-4, Anna Kostikova wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am having an issue when editing content of one of the tables in my 
 database. When I try to edit a record in the table I have an error message 
 class 'sqlite3.IntegrityError' foreign key constraint failed. The 
 bizarre thing is that it doesn't matter which column I am trying to edit 
 (via appadmin control panel) - i have exactly same message. For instance, I 
 have a column description that doesn't have any keys on it (or 
 references), but I can't edit the content of this field and I keep getting 
 the error above.

 What might be causing the issue?
 I am using python 2.7.7 and web2py 2.9.5


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[web2py] Re: Deploy Web2py on Windows Server 2008 VPS on godaddy

2014-09-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske

There are better hosting solutions available. Pythonanywhere, for example, 
supports Webg2py out of the box.

On Thursday, September 25, 2014 10:41:21 AM UTC-4, Viren Patel wrote:

 Hi all,

 i have bought the Windows server 2008 to deploy my Web2py application

 Wanted to know following

 Can i run on server using the Rocket server itself
 Do i need to have Apache running to host Web2py application
 There is just one Root Directory, where and how do i place my web2py 
 how do i start web2py server on the VPS 

 Any one had similar deployment on Windows 2008. please let me know
 or if any useful links


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Re: [web2py] Re: ssl certificate?

2014-09-16 Thread Cliff Kachinske
+1 on Namecheap

On Monday, September 15, 2014 10:16:12 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 For non-free certificates, various Comodo, GeoTrust or Thawte resellers 
 have certificates in the 5 to 30 USD per year range (email / domain 
 verification). If you need business entity verification, prices are higher. 
 In any case, prices have plummeted in the last few years

 The $59.90 cert from StartSSL is probably about the cheapest wildcard cert 
 you can get (allows unlimited subdomains). The lower cost ones mentioned 
 above are typically for single domains (no wildcard).

 Namecheap.com seems to be a good place for discounted certs (relative to 
 the price of buying direct from the CA).


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[web2py] Re: Customize SQLFORM.grid

2014-09-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Not entirely sure if the record representation technique will work, but 
maybe you could use the lambda to call a named function that renders the 
divs for each thumbnail.

I think the css will be the hard part.

maybe you could subclass SQLFORM. If I recall correctly, there are just a 
few lines of code that actually create the index table.

Good luck.

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:35:12 AM UTC-4, Luciano Laporta Podazza 


 I would like to take advantage of SQLFORM.grid search, listing and 
 pagination capabilities to generate a listing from a table, but I need to 
 customize the resulting rows like this:

 Until now I only have this:

 users = SQLFORM.grid(db.users,fields=[db.users.id, db.users.first_name, 
 sortable=False, deletable=False, editable=False, create=False,
 csv=False, formstyle=div)

 Which results into this:

 I'm using Bootstrap 3. Any help will be appreciated.

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[web2py] Re: Strange but useful THEAD trick!

2014-09-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Are you sure that's a feature and not a bug?

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 3:32:24 AM UTC-4, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 I often use the web2py helpers to build my tables on the fly.  I've always 
 thought it was strange that my THEAD() helper seemed to prefer wrapping its 
 components inside a TD element instead of a TH.  I mean, why not a TH?  We 
 already know its in a header.

 Playing around, I found this pattern works perfectly to wrap its members 
 in TH instead of TD:

 THEAD( [ ('head1', 'head2', etc...) ] )

 So if I create a TUPLE (not a list), wrap it in a LIST, and then hand it 
 to THEAD, it creates TH elements inside the THEAD.  Every other 
 construction I've tried returns TD inside instead.

 -- Joe

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[web2py] map weirdness

2014-09-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Does anyone have a clue why this code

def make_option(row):
return OPTION(row[1], _value=row[0])

q = '''
SELECT id, name
FROM products
is_active = 'T' AND
tenant_link = {} AND
rows = self.db.executesql(q)

myselect = SELECT(
map(make_option, rows),
print XML(myselect)

Would produce this result.  Line breaks added for clarity. Comes out the 
same if not pushed through XML().

select id=container_selector name=container_selector
option value=ChooseChoose/option

option value=[lt;gluon.html.OPTION object at 0x7fa4bcfc1a50gt;, 
lt;gluon.html.OPTION object at 0x7fa4bcfc1a90gt;, lt;gluon.html.OPTION 
object at 0x7fa4bcfc1ad0gt;, lt;gluon.html.OPTION object at 
0x7fa4bcfc1b10gt;, lt;gluon.html.OPTION object at 0x7fa4bcfc1b50gt;]

option value=338OH Blue Drum/option
option value=334RoCon Square Fiber Drum/option
option value=335Round Fiber Drum/option
option value=308TH Blue Drum/option
option value=305Tote/option/option

If I do this, it works as it should
select = SELECT(

for r in rows:
select.append(OPTION(r[1], _value=r[0]))

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[web2py] Re: map weirdness

2014-09-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Python does as below. SELECT does otherwise. I was curious as to why.

In [1]: foo = ['bar', 'baz', 'bazzle']

In [2]: def func(str):
   ...: return 'fu{}'.format(str)

In [3]: map (func, foo)
Out[3]: ['fubar', 'fubaz', 'fubazzle']

In [4]: def printem(lis):
   ...: for l in lis:
   ...: print l

In [5]: printem(map(func, foo))

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 5:01:49 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 You need to argument expand (using *) the result of the map  in the first 

 myselect = SELECT(
 *map(make_option, rows

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[web2py] Re: map weirdness

2014-09-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Got it.

That's why I need to unpack the list.

I even knew that. (palm to forehead)

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 11:23:41 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 SELECT is not expected to behave like your printem() function, which 
 merely takes a list. SELECT can either take a list, or it can take a set of 
 positional arguments. In your case, however, you have passed it one 
 positional argument followed by a second positional argument that happens 
 to be a list. It is not designed to take inputs this way. Either give it a 
 single list (and no additional positional arguments):

 myselect = SELECT([OPTION('Choose')] + map(make_option, rows))

 or give it only individual positional arguments (using * to expand your 
 list into positional arguments):

 myselect = SELECT(OPTION('Choose'), *map(make_option, rows))


 On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 10:10:47 AM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 Python does as below. SELECT does otherwise. I was curious as to why.

 In [1]: foo = ['bar', 'baz', 'bazzle']

 In [2]: def func(str):
...: return 'fu{}'.format(str)

 In [3]: map (func, foo)
 Out[3]: ['fubar', 'fubaz', 'fubazzle']

 In [4]: def printem(lis):
...: for l in lis:
...: print l

 In [5]: printem(map(func, foo))

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Re: [web2py] a proposal for form improvement

2014-09-05 Thread Cliff Kachinske
SQLFORM is still gonna be there, just deprecated. Which I believe means bug 
fixes only at this point.

As long as there are gluon.html and gluon.sqlhtml you can continue as 

On Friday, September 5, 2014 1:06:17 PM UTC-4, viniciusban wrote:

 I don't agree with killing a way to send formed html to client. 

 Web2py is for backend development, in spite of most clients run js, 
 some of them, don't. There are non-js clients. wget is one of them. I 
 know, it's not widely used, but depending on your application, it is a 
 client of it. 

 As I explained at the other message, I don't agree with killing a way 
 to generate backend form html. 

 On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 2:56 AM, Massimo Di Pierro 
 massimo@gmail.com javascript: wrote: 
  Please find attached a welcome4.zip with contains the following files: 
  My proposal is the following: 
  1) deprecate SQLFORM (but keep it for backward compatibility) 
  2) replace 
  form = SQLFORM(table).process() 
  form = JForm(table) 
  what is the difference? SQLFORM generates html. JForm generates JSON 
  metadata which is then converted into the form client-side by the js in 
  - it is much faster because all rendering is done client-side 
  - it can optionally submit the form via Ajax without having to change 
  - it is much easier to style and create widgets for different css 
  For example include the right one: 
  static/js/jform-bootstrap3.js (I only provide a layout for bs2 and not 
  - it is much more powerful because you can customize widgets in JS. 
  We could also add a JTable, a JMenu and a JLogin and keep all the 
  info in JS files as opposed to Python files. 
  This would make web2py leaner and cleaner. 
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[web2py] Re: Philosophical help with REST

2014-09-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Your table primary key doesn't have to be an integer.

Maybe you could abbreviate the club names and slugify them using IS_SLUG.

Of course you then will have to jump through some legacy table hoops with the 

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[web2py] Re: two forms submitted into the same cotroller

2014-09-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Here is what I do.

Your page should have one form only. 

Make 2 divs. Top div has your fixed fields including the one that triggers the 
variable content. 

Use jquery to catch the change event for the field. When the field changes send 
an Ajax request to the server. 

Let the server build the variable form and return it to the server to populate 
the second div.

I build the individual form elements rather than using FORM or SQLFORM. That 
way I avoid form within a form problems.

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[web2py] smartgrid form submit button behaviour

2014-09-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Why not use a drop down field?

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[web2py] Re: (Very) Slow raw SQL queries

2014-08-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Why is '\n', the newline character, sprinkled throughout your query?

See what happens if you get rid of them.

On Monday, August 25, 2014 4:54:53 AM UTC-4, Mehmet A. wrote:

 db.executesql() takes 30 seconds to return a result while page-loading, 
 despite the fact that same query takes 0.5-1 second if I try it on MySQL 
 console or web2py debug console or web2py shell.

 [4] dbs._timings
 [('SELECT 1;', 0.01632424926758),
  ('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;', 0.00348501586914),
  (SET sql_mode='NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES';, 0.00800013542175293),
  (SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(...) AS 'duration',\n
 + INTERVAL CAST(...) AS 'timediff',\n
  ris.ODATE as 'date',\n
  CONCAT(...) as 'service'\n
 FROM ... AS ris\n
 JOIN ... as sd on ris = sd\n
 WHERE ris != '-00-00 00:00:00'\n
   and ris != '-00-00 00:00:00'\n
   and ris = '2010-8-15'\n
   and ris = '2014-8-22', 32.046038147),

  (SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(...) AS 'duration',\n
 + INTERVAL CAST(...) AS 'timediff',\n
  ris.ODATE as 'date',\n
  CONCAT(...) as 'service'\n
 FROM ... AS ris\n
 JOIN ... as sd on ris = sd\n
 WHERE ris != '-00-00 00:00:00'\n
   and ris != '-00-00 00:00:00'\n
   and ris = '2010-8-15'\n
   and ris = '2014-8-22', 0.6069998741149902)]

 The query that took 32 seconds was executed with the page request. The 
 controller was falling to the debug console after db.executesql(), so the 
 second query which took 0.6 second was executed by me on the same session.

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Re: [web2py] Slow first time access on production with Ubuntu/NGINX/UWSGI

2014-08-20 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The install script in the book may not be correct for your version of 

A good first step might be to check the script's config settings against 
the ones from the book.

On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:49:28 PM UTC-4, Jim S wrote:

 I did this and after waiting 45 minutes and re-testing, it did not exhibit 
 the slow behavior.  Since this is a test without running nginx/uwsgi I'm 
 assuming my problem is in one of those layers.

 Also, I access the production site with http instead of https, the 
 slowness isn't there either.


 On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:26:35 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:

 You can check that with profiler : python web2py.py -a 'asdf' -i -p 8000 appname -F fileNameForProfilerDumpInfo'

 Your app will be very slow with profiler.


 On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Richard Vézina ml.richa...@gmail.com 

 Could your app take time to create global vars and after they are cached 


 On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Jim S j...@qlf.com wrote:


 I've installed web2py on my ubuntu machine using the script at the 
 bottom of this section in the book:


 It is all working well except for one annoyance.  

 If I leave the let the page site for a while (haven't really determined 
 the time period needed to display the behavior), when I come back later my 
 first access to the application is really slow, like 10 seconds to display 
 the page.  But, after that, it clicks along with sub-second response time.

 Anyone have any idea what is going on or where to begin 


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[web2py] Re: one-to-many relations and form for crerate records

2014-08-20 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Here is what I would do.

On the client have a var contact_count = 0

All of your starting contact fields will have a suffix __0

When the user clicks the add contact button, use Javascript to increment 
the contact_count and write another set of contact fields. This time set 
the suffix to __1

Increment the number in the suffix accordingly each time the user clicks 
the add contact button.

Use form submission as usual.

In the controller you can link the sets of contact fields together by the 
suffix number.

On Saturday, August 16, 2014 9:44:09 AM UTC-4, Kirill Shatalaev wrote:


 This is just a simple example, my actual model is more complex, but I 
 think I can explain the main idea.


 Field('name', 'string'))

 Field('user', db.users),
 Field('phone', 'string'))

 Well, each user can have from 1 to infinite phone numbers.
 I want user entering all his numbers while registering.

 So, what are the ways to realize it?

 1) Split registration process to steps, step one - enter name, step two - 
 add phones one by one. Ugly.
 2) Use smartgrid. Have parent-children out of the box. Being, may be, 
 cool tool for admin purposes, it is absolutely unintuitive and unusable for 
 3) Make custom form with jquery: form have button add another phone 
 number, user press the button and another text field adding dynamicaly for 
 the infinite form. Excellent way. But. This is theoretically. And I cant 
 find any practical examples.

 So, testing I can see that inputs with same name processing by web2py as a 
 list, its fine! For example, there is a duplicated inputs in the form:

 input name=phone type=text
 input name=phone type=text

 after submitting, I have ['123456','345678'] on form.vars.phone. Cool. 
 Cycle and do db.insert() voila, you say!


 Linked table contacts actually is more more complex. It have address 
 string, state string, postal, validators and another linked tables such 
 postals, cities, etc, etc...

 And I have no idea how build my form and how to process my form vars 
 within controller with all contact table validators?
 Is there any elegant way doing this?

 Found this:
 not so helpful.

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[web2py] Re: Strange ajax problem

2014-08-15 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Michael, one final thought.

To get a better handle on what's going on, in Chrome or Firefox press F12 
to bring up the developer tools. Click the Network tab and play around with 
submitting your forms. You can look at the entire conversation.

On Friday, August 15, 2014 8:55:41 AM UTC-4, Michael Beller wrote:

 Perfect - I can't thank you enough!

 I saw the code in index right after I sent my other message, I was looking 
 for display_page.

 Not sure what I did wrong last night (probably just a case of staring at 
 code too long) but I see how you added the $.web2py.enableElement.

 I just went back and read the OP and I think this is the answer to all the 
 problems mentioned.  Your explanation along the way was also very helpful.

 Thanks again!

 On Friday, August 15, 2014 8:44:39 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 I used default/index.html, return_data doesn't need a view as it uses 

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[web2py] Re: CSS issue with embedded form

2014-08-14 Thread Cliff Kachinske
That's kind of an inappropriate use of the h2 tag for starters. Why not put 
it inside a div class=fake-h2/div tag set and style fake-h2 however 
you like.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:30:27 PM UTC-4, Joe wrote:

 I am just learning web2py and I love it!!!

 I am experimenting with it so I can learn it.

 THE QUESTION: I use my own HTML and CSS. I embedded a form in the HTML 
 like so h2{{=form}}/h2

 The form is displayed fine and works perfectly, however, it just floath 
 left no matter what I do in the page. I placed the {{=form}} in the HTML 
 inside a class which is controlled by my CSS, but my CSS controls 
 everything on that class except the position of the form. The form's text 
 is fine, but the position is not.
 I kind of want this form in the middle.

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[web2py] Re: float usage; 2 decimals

2014-08-14 Thread Cliff Kachinske
What database? 

Web2py has a decimal datatype which, in my use cases, mimics the Python 
decimal datatype. I use Postgresql and the adapter turns Python decimal 
into Postgres numeric. Both of these types act like real world decimal 
numbers. In other words, .2 + .1 comes out to .3. Of course a different db 
backend will work differently.

Just google python decimal.

On Friday, July 11, 2014 5:50:30 AM UTC-4, Stefan van den Eertwegh wrote:


 I have a float type in the define tables and when he inserts 3.50 into the 
 database he makes 4.0 off it.
 How comes that it rounds off the float? And not uses the usage of 2 

 Thank you!

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[web2py] Re: Strange ajax problem

2014-08-14 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Aha, I get what you're doing now. Maybe the simple answer is don't use a 
submit button. Try something like 

input type=button class=submit-button id=

You may have to mess around with the css a bit to get the vertical 
alignment and height right. This will work around the client side handlers. 

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 4:20:05 PM UTC-4, Michael Beller wrote:

 Thanks Cliff and Niphlod,

 I've used ajax several times and think I understand the process.  My 
 problem now involves using a form inside a bootstrap modal and using ajax 
 to submit the form.  What I meant by web2py intercepting the event was 
 that web2py.js registers an event handler for the submit which interferes 
 with the modal submit handler.  web2py.js adds the 'disabled' class but 
 does not detect the succesful ajax response and then remove the class.

 Per Niphlod's request, I've recreated the problem using a minimum of code 
 that I've pasted below.  This codes works if I remove web2py.js and fails 
 if I leave it.  To recreate, click the button to open the model and then 
 click submit on the modal.  You can see the button becomes disabled (even 
 if you close and reopen it remains disabled).  In other testing, I also had 
 web2py add 'display='none' ' to the target but the code below doesn't do 

 Thanks again for your help.

 Controller Actions:
 def display_page():
return dict(foo='bar')
 def return_data():
 data= {'foo':'text processed: %s' % request.vars.formdata}
return data

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $('#note-btn').click(function() {
 show: true
 $('#note-form').submit(function(e) {
 $form= $(this);
 $.post('{{=URL('default', 'return_data.json')}}',
{formdata: $form.serialize()},
function(data) {$('#form-feedback').html(data.foo);}

 a href=# id=note-btnOpen modal/a

 div id=note-modal class=modal fade tabindex=-1 role=dialog
div class=modal-dialog
div class=modal-content
form class=form-horizontal id=note-form
div class=modal-header
button type=button class=close data-dismiss=
span aria-hidden=truetimes;/spanspan class=
h4 class=modal-titleEnter Notes/h4
 div class='bg-success text-center' 
 div class=modal-body
 div class=form-group
 textarea class=form-control id=note-text 
 div class=modal-footer
 a class=btn btn-default data-dismiss=modalClose/
button type=submit class=btn btn-primarySave 
 /div!-- /.modal-content --
/div!-- /.modal-dialog --
 /div!-- /.modal --

 On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:31:39 PM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 Here's how I do it and I assume Web2py does something similar when it, 
 for example, resets the Working caption on buttons.

 The Javascript/Jquery whatever in the client changes the state of the 
 button. I do it before sending the ajax post. I don't know how Web2py does 

 It doesn't matter whether it's JQuery's ajax or Web2py's ajax. The syntax 
 is a little different between the two, but the overall process is the same. 
 The client sends a request that gets routed to a function. The function 
 returns a response.

 In that response you would include, assuming JQuery has been loaded on 
 the page, something like 
 $('#somentity_on_page').whatever_attribute_needs_changing('new state of 
 the attribute');

 Web2py isn't intercepting anything. You push a button, click a link, 
 whatever, the browser sends a request. The request goes to your web server, 
 be it Rocket, Apache, Nginx, any other. The web server sends the request to 
 Web2py because the server is set up that way. Web2py then processes the 
 request and returns a response. 

 Excuse me if I'm interpreting incorrectly, but your questions suggest a 
 certain misunderstanding about what's going on. Chapters 1, 3 and 4 of the 
 Web2py manual provide a pretty good overview of how this all works. If I 
 recall correctly, Wikipedia has some reasonably good articles about http, 
 http requests and http responses.

 On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 6:51:59 PM UTC-4, Michael Beller wrote:

 Thanks ...

 Niphlod - I'll try to create a minimal app to reproduce.

 Cliff - are you suggesting to use the web2py ajax function rather 
 the jQuery post?

 I'm also trying to understand why web2py is intercepting the event and 

[web2py] Re: add static files to header from a module

2014-08-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Put the appending code in the controller.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 7:14:46 AM UTC-4, pa...@cancamusa.net wrote:

 Dear all:
 In the process of moving functionality from models to modules, I'm trying 
 to add some filesto the header. When the file was in models, I did:

 response.files.append(URL('static', 'jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js'))

 now that it's in modules, I tried:


 but it doesn't work...
 I've found a workaround, the last line in JQPlot.xml was:

 return current.response.render('jqplot.html', d)

 so I can add script html tags to the template jqplot.html:

 script src=/karakolas/static/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.js/script
 script src=/karakolas/static/jqplot/jquery.jqplot.min.css/script

 but I'm sure it can be done better...

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[web2py] Re: What is the right way to serve static files through a CDN ?

2014-08-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
If, like me, you use the same static files on every page, just hard code 
them into layout.html.

I realize this may make upgrading more, um, interesting, but it's much 
simpler than pattern-based routing.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 11:23:52 AM UTC-4, Louis Amon wrote:

 I am using a CDN and am trying to configure web2py to use it instead of 
 the classic static file service.

 So far I've been using pattern-based routes like this :

 cdn = 'https://xxx.cloudfront.net'

 routes_in = (...
  ('/static/$anything', cdn + '/static/$anything'),

 routes_out = (...
  ('/static/$anything', cdn + '/static/$anything'),

 This basically works, but this has to be implemented on a pattern-based 
 routes.py which means I lose many cool features like map_hyphen, 
 default_application, default_controller mappings...

 Is there a way to use a CDN with a parametric router ?

 I read somewhere that the host parameter in URL can also be used to setup 
 a CDN, but it seems a bit tedious to find all URL and rewrite them.

 Isn't there a variable in gluon.rewrite that I can mess with to trick 
 web2py into serving CDN-based content ?

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[web2py] Re: Strange ajax problem

2014-08-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
get rid of the target in your ajax call and use ':eval' instead.

Then reset the button in your response.

On Sunday, May 4, 2014 9:33:05 AM UTC-4, John Drake wrote:

 I've created a simple ajax form to update a post database.  For some 
 strange reason when I post a new message, the button greys out.

 Here is the model:

 Field('f_post', type='text',

 Here are my controller functions.

 def ajax_post():
 posts = crud.select(db.t_post, fields=['f_post'], query = 
 db.t_post.created_by == auth.user,
headers={'t_post.f_post': 'Post'}, orderby = 
 search = crud.search(db.t_post)
 return dict(posts=posts, search=search)

 def new_post():
 postdata = request.vars.post
 db.t_post.insert(f_post = postdata)
 posts = crud.select(db.t_post, fields=['f_post'], query = 
 db.t_post.created_by == auth.user,
headers={'t_post.f_post': 'Post'}, orderby = 
 return posts

 Here is the model:

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 h1This is the default/ajax_post.html template/h1
 form onsubmit=return false
 divPost : input name=post//div
 divbutton onclick=ajax('new_post', ['post'],'results')Post 
 div id=results

 At first I used an input field with type submit for the submit button.  
 When that happened, it would 
 grey out and the value would set to Working.  At least now button 
 text doesn't change, but it
 it still grey's out.  Inspecting the element in Firefox I get:

 button value=Working... class=btn disabled onclick=ajax('new_post', 
 ['post'],'results')Post Message/button

 Why?  I didn't ask it to change the button's class to disabled.  And it 
 stays greyed even though
 the results have returned and my results div has been properly updated.  
 I can still click on
 the button, but it just appears disabled. 

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[web2py] Re: Hypermedia API and Collection+JSON in web2py

2014-08-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske

The new recipe you propose is bottle+dal+validators+auth+collection

Could it be bottle+whatever_you_like+validators+auth+collection?  

I have found myself needing to execute complex SQL queries. In this 
situation, in my opinion, psycopg2 would serve me just as well as dal.

On Sunday, June 22, 2014 4:45:06 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I added Hypermedia API support to web2py using Collection+JSON. 
 Collection+JSON is a standard for self documenting RESTful API.
 Read more: http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/


 Let's say you have a model:

 and in controller default.py you add

 def api():
  from gluon.contrib.hypermedia import Collection
  rules = {
 'thing': {
 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},
 return Collection(db).process(request,response,rules)

 And now by magic your table thing is fully exposed using the 
 Collection+JSON API. The API is self documenting and supports GET, POST, 
 PUT, DELETE, etc.

 For example you can do things like:

 curl -X POST -d name=Box
 curl -X PUT -d name=Chair
 curl -X DELETE

 The API are completely self documenting as explained here 

 It is customizable

rules = {
 'thing': {
 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},

 Let you specify which tables are exposed, which methods are available and 
 which fields are exposed for each method. The query property lets you 
 specify optional filters for example  { 
 'query':db.thing.name.startswith('A'),} will only exposed things 
 starting with letter A. Fields can be conditional and different for 
 different users or for the same user in different stages of a workflow (the 
 communication is stateless, but the server is not).

 Supports complex queries
 http:/./{table}?{field}.gt=value # fieldvalue
 http:/./{table}?{field}.le=value # field=value
 and combinations there of. They are mapped directly into DAL queries. More 
 examples are in the API response itself.

 The bigger picture

 This API provide enough information to generate forms and tables and grid 
 completely client side. Recently we stumbled against the problem of moving 
 from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 because so much of the form and grid logic 
 is server side. My plan is to move most of the logic in the JS library and 
 allow users to customize them  for different CSS frameworks.

 Eventually (in dreams) I would like to have a very slim framework based on 
 bottle+dal+validators+auth+collection and have client side only templates 
 (based on jquery, sugar, and ractive.js) that can generate forms and grids 
 based the collection API. This framework could ship with web2py and allow 
 you to program using same web interface that we all love. There are many 
 design decisions to make to get there. Your suggestions are welcome.

 How can you help?
 1) test it.
 2) there are many existing client side tools for Collection+JSON. Try them 
 with web2py.
 3) blog about it and suggest improvements.

 I said, it is experimental

 Collection+JSON has limits:
 - it is very verbose JSON. This is my my implementation has  compact=True 
 option that breaks the protocol but makes much smaller JSON messages.
 - it does not convey field type information and constraints. This is why I 
 extended to do so but more work is needed because DAL types do not map into 
 HTML5 input types (this of list:string or list:reference).

 More extensions of the protocol are required. Extensions are allowed. Yet 
 they may change the API in the near future.


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[web2py] Re: Strange ajax problem

2014-08-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Here's how I do it and I assume Web2py does something similar when it, for 
example, resets the Working caption on buttons.

The Javascript/Jquery whatever in the client changes the state of the 
button. I do it before sending the ajax post. I don't know how Web2py does 

It doesn't matter whether it's JQuery's ajax or Web2py's ajax. The syntax 
is a little different between the two, but the overall process is the same. 
The client sends a request that gets routed to a function. The function 
returns a response.

In that response you would include, assuming JQuery has been loaded on the 
page, something like 
$('#somentity_on_page').whatever_attribute_needs_changing('new state of 
the attribute');

Web2py isn't intercepting anything. You push a button, click a link, 
whatever, the browser sends a request. The request goes to your web server, 
be it Rocket, Apache, Nginx, any other. The web server sends the request to 
Web2py because the server is set up that way. Web2py then processes the 
request and returns a response. 

Excuse me if I'm interpreting incorrectly, but your questions suggest a 
certain misunderstanding about what's going on. Chapters 1, 3 and 4 of the 
Web2py manual provide a pretty good overview of how this all works. If I 
recall correctly, Wikipedia has some reasonably good articles about http, 
http requests and http responses.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 6:51:59 PM UTC-4, Michael Beller wrote:

 Thanks ...

 Niphlod - I'll try to create a minimal app to reproduce.

 Cliff - are you suggesting to use the web2py ajax function rather 
 the jQuery post?

 I'm also trying to understand why web2py is intercepting the event and why 
 it doesn't think the response is succesful which I assume is why the button 
 is not re-enabled.

 On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 5:18:42 PM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 get rid of the target in your ajax call and use ':eval' instead.

 Then reset the button in your response.

 On Sunday, May 4, 2014 9:33:05 AM UTC-4, John Drake wrote:

 I've created a simple ajax form to update a post database.  For some 
 strange reason when I post a new message, the button greys out.

 Here is the model:

 Field('f_post', type='text',

 Here are my controller functions.

 def ajax_post():
 posts = crud.select(db.t_post, fields=['f_post'], query = 
 db.t_post.created_by == auth.user,
headers={'t_post.f_post': 'Post'}, orderby = 
 search = crud.search(db.t_post)
 return dict(posts=posts, search=search)

 def new_post():
 postdata = request.vars.post
 db.t_post.insert(f_post = postdata)
 posts = crud.select(db.t_post, fields=['f_post'], query = 
 db.t_post.created_by == auth.user,
headers={'t_post.f_post': 'Post'}, orderby = 
 return posts

 Here is the model:

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 h1This is the default/ajax_post.html template/h1
 form onsubmit=return false
 divPost : input name=post//div
 divbutton onclick=ajax('new_post', ['post'],'results')Post 
 div id=results

 At first I used an input field with type submit for the submit 
 button.  When that happened, it would 
 grey out and the value would set to Working.  At least now button 
 text doesn't change, but it
 it still grey's out.  Inspecting the element in Firefox I get:

 button value=Working... class=btn disabled 
 onclick=ajax('new_post', ['post'],'results')Post Message/button

 Why?  I didn't ask it to change the button's class to disabled.  And it 
 stays greyed even though
 the results have returned and my results div has been properly 
 updated.  I can still click on
 the button, but it just appears disabled. 

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[web2py] Re: multiple SQLFORM.grid on tabs

2014-08-11 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would just use ajax or LOAD.

If you really want to use grid, something like this might work.

In the view:
div id=tab_0

div id=tab_1

div id=tab_...

In the controller:
def some_func():

form_0 = SQLFORM.grid(whatever)
form_1 = SQLFORM.grid(whatever_else)
form_... = SQLFORM.grod(yet_other)

return dict(form_0=form_0, form_1=form_1, form_...=form_...)

On Monday, August 11, 2014 10:03:56 AM UTC-4, Yebach wrote:


 I am trying to create a view where I have tabs and each tab has its own 
 All tabs are included into main view. lets call it settings.

 In settings there are tabs for user to insert workers into tables, posts, 
 etc etc. all the (un)necessary stuff.

 For each I would like to use SQLFORM.grid. It already works for inserting 
 workers, but how to add new ones??

 I guess in controller I have to create function for each table (form.grid) 
 and for each I have to create new view (html)??

 And what function to create for main view? - Basically it should show data 
 for workers but this way all I get is workers SQLform.grid

 Is this it even possible.

 Any guideliness would be nice

 Thank you

 some code

 main view 

 ul class=nav nav-tabs
 li class=activea href=#zaposleni 
 lia href=#turnusi data-toggle=tab{{=T('Turnusi')}}/a/li

 div class=tab-content
 div class=tab-pane active id=visual
 {{include '../views/settings/workers.html'}}
 div class=tab-pane id=turnusi
 {{include '../views/settings/turnusi.html'}}
 div class=col-md-2
 div id=navVisual data-spy=affix data-offset-top=60
 ul class=nav nav-pills nav-stacked style=margin-top: 10px;
 lia href=#SifrantDelavcev{{=T('Delavci')}}/a/li
 lia href=#unkn{{=T('Turnusi')}}/a/li

 My view for workers

 div class=row 
 div id=mainContainer class=col-md-10
 h4b{{=T('Šifrant delavcev')}}/b/h4
 div class=flash{{=response.flash}}/div
 div id=SifrantDelavcev class=well well-sm

 my view for turnusi

 div class=row 
 div id=mainContainer class=col-md-10
 h4b{{=T('Šifrant turnusov')}}/b/h4
 div class=flash{{=response.flash}}/div

 and for both i have fucntions in controller

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[web2py] Re: IDE for using web2py on windows

2014-08-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Another vote for Pycharm.

My approach is a little different from Massimo's, though.

I import each class that I use in a function. It can be a lot of 
boilerplate, but it gives me full use of Pycharm's error detection 

With the Pycharm project set up in the Web2py folder, I do something like:
from gluon.sqlhtml import SQLFORM, ...

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 6:30:46 AM UTC-4, Suresh Mali wrote:

 Am new to web2py looking for better IDE support been using spyder for my 
 other work on windows.  Can I continue to use same or need to move to some 
 other IDE?

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[web2py] Re: Web2py vs ruby on rails for a startup?

2014-08-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
My opinions:

Size of community is not as important as willingness to provide good, 
timely help.

The Web2py community is second to none in these respects. 

The Web2py learning curve is such that ... well, if you hire a good Python 
dev you will soon have a good Web2py dev. I have not found this to be true 
in, for example, Django.

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 2:43:02 AM UTC-4, Suresh Mali wrote:

 I am trying to zero on web framework for our startup, 
 a. Security ( we are working on financial info hence this is important) 
 b. Good way of accessing algos/data of python Machine learning programs 
 c. Low cost of hosting and development (a strartup with not much funds :-) 
 looking for cloud hosting options. 
 d. Relatively low userbase maybe a 1 million in a year's time (looking to 
 server niche )

 After reading a bit  have zeroed on Ruby on Rails and Web2Py.   
 Looks like ROR is extremly quick,  but might have higher hosting costs.. 
  difficulty of mainitaining etc.  other hand web2py seems to pull good 
 things from ROR, but very small community and still early stages..   
 Please suggest,  other suggestion liky Play, django etc. welcome if you 
 feel strongly

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[web2py] Re: Security advice for updating records

2014-08-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Each user has a unique group with only one member: him.

So in your controller, something like

def my_great_function():

# Not sure if Web2py session supports get, session.get(auth.user.id, 
'nobody') would be more 
# concise than the next 4 lines of code.
if 'auth' in session:  # defensive code in case session has timed out
user_id = auth.user.id
return  # Session has timed out, most likely. Maybe you want to 
redirect to login screen
# user_id = 'nobody' Alternative if you don't want to redirect
group_name = 'user_{}'.format(user_id)
if not auth.has_membership(group_name):
# whatever you decide to do with failed attempt
#  Your great code here

On Friday, August 8, 2014 6:03:34 PM UTC-4, desta wrote:

 Let's assume a table:
 Field('file_owner', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.
 The table is already populated.

 On the *View* side, the user is able to send an ajax request which 
 contains the *id*, and some data in order to *update* a record he owns.

 In this scenario, isn't possible for a user to tamper the *id* variable 
 (i.e. through javascript) and mess up with data from other users?
 How can I protect against this and enforce the update of the right record?

 Thank you.

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[web2py] Re: Security advice for updating records

2014-08-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
On the client side who cares?

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 5:38:31 PM UTC-4, desta wrote:

 Thank you. But still the user is able to tamper data on client side right?

 On Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:00:47 PM UTC+3, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 Each user has a unique group with only one member: him.

 So in your controller, something like

 def my_great_function():

 # Not sure if Web2py session supports get, session.get(auth.user.id, 
 'nobody') would be more 
 # concise than the next 4 lines of code.
 if 'auth' in session:  # defensive code in case session has timed out
 user_id = auth.user.id
 return  # Session has timed out, most likely. Maybe you want to 
 redirect to login screen
 # user_id = 'nobody' Alternative if you don't want to redirect
 group_name = 'user_{}'.format(user_id)
 if not auth.has_membership(group_name):
 # whatever you decide to do with failed attempt
 #  Your great code here

 On Friday, August 8, 2014 6:03:34 PM UTC-4, desta wrote:

 Let's assume a table:
 Field('file_owner', 'reference auth_user', default=auth.
 The table is already populated.

 On the *View* side, the user is able to send an ajax request which 
 contains the *id*, and some data in order to *update* a record he owns.

 In this scenario, isn't possible for a user to tamper the *id* variable 
 (i.e. through javascript) and mess up with data from other users?
 How can I protect against this and enforce the update of the right 

 Thank you.

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[web2py] Re: Powered by Web2py: www.sklad05.si

2014-08-09 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Very nice. I like the way the pages adapt to changing viewport sizes. Good 
decision on shrinking the pictures across the top, I think.

If you don't mind my asking, what CSS/javascript magic are you using? Or is 
it all htm5?

On Saturday, August 9, 2014 11:16:24 AM UTC-4, Najtsirk wrote:


 just wanna share my site I've made with web2py www.sklad05.si


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[web2py] Re: Web2py With Pycharm project on remote Server

2014-08-09 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I agree with Massimo. Unless your situation forbids it, the simplest thing 
would be to code on your local workstation and push code to the server with 
git or whatever version control system is in use. 

If there's no version control system on the server you can even use rsync. 
But you should use git on your workstation so you can roll back changes if 

On Monday, August 4, 2014 7:33:58 AM UTC-4, NOSSOLUTIONS wrote:

 Hi All,
 Sorry for disturb.
 I've a question regarding Web2py on Pycharm IDE. I wonder if is possible 
 to create a new web2py project on Pycarm an work on remote server?
 thanks a lot.

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Re: [web2py] Nginx and uwsgi Internal Server Error

2014-08-08 Thread Cliff Kachinske

I used the ubuntu install script on a VPS at Digital Ocean. No problem.

On Friday, August 8, 2014 9:53:22 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:

 Yes Jim, it great if you come up with a ubuntu 14.04 tested script and you 
 share with us.



 On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Jim S j...@qlf.com javascript: wrote:

 Finally figured out my problem.

 It seems to me that everything works fine if I use pip to install 
 additional python packages.  But if I use easy_install then I get the 
 python errors.  I 'think', but am not sure that the problem lies in some 
 egg cache files that exist in the logged-in users home directory, but am 
 not skilled enough to know for sure.

 Anyway, the good news is that all works fine when I pip install my 
 additional python packages.

 I've got a nice big script now that installs web2py (by calling the 
 ubuntu/nginx/uwsgi script), installs my additional ubuntu packages, python 
 packages, adds my network mounts, and is working quite well.  Thanks to all 
 who participated in creating the ubuntu/nginx/uwsgi script!!


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[web2py] Re: menu creation error

2014-08-08 Thread Cliff Kachinske
What are the respective file names?

Web2py runs the model files in alphabetical order.

On Friday, August 8, 2014 3:10:09 PM UTC-4, ocascante wrote:


 I am trying to create a menu following a web2py video in youtube: 

 This is my db:

 *# coding: utf8*


 This is my menu code:

 response.menu = [
 (T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index')),
 for row in db(db.categorias).select():

 I got this error:

 type 'exceptions.AttributeError' 'DAL' object has no attribute 

 Thanks for help

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[web2py] Re: web2py vs others. Status of 2014

2014-08-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Do you think that tall corn interferes with the purchase of new equipment? 
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 3:35:50 AM UTC-4, Joe Barnhart wrote:

 I look forward to Massimo's improvements.

 One of the continuing thorns in my side is that a significant number of my 
 users are still on XP and IE8 -- about 15% -- and my users are in 
 California.  I can only imagine the ratio would be higher in middle America 
 where the tall corn grows.  I could choose to ignore these users, but they 
 have money to spend and I want to get it.

 As we move to more client-heavy designs, it means more javascript and more 
 chances that it won't run in antique computers.  I can't leave 15% of my 
 revenue on the table.  

 On the other hand, more and more of my users are on mobile platforms, 
 which fits perfectly with the heavy client approach.


 -- Joe

 On Monday, June 9, 2014 5:01:39 AM UTC-7, Ramos wrote:

 what is the status of the evolution of web2py compared with other, mainly 
 rails /or django ?

 which of these including web2py has gain more improvements over the last 
 Does anybody knows?
 Is still web2py over the others?

 From the beginning Massimo used the phrase
 Ideas we had , ideas we stole

 I would like to know if Massimo  is stealing more ideas from others.
 Also what new Killer ideas are we expecting for near future?



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[web2py] ajax posts text input twice when name and id are identical

2014-08-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
This is not supposed to happen and I don't know why it did. 

The js looks like this:
 $('#products_on_order').on('click', '.edit_bound_container', function(e){
var container_id = this.id.split('__')[1]
var count_field = 'bound_container_count_edit__' + container_id
var pounds_field = 'bound_container_quantity_packed_edit__' + 
[count_field, pounds_field, 'order_id'],

I thought somehow I had created duplicate input names, but there were none 
that I could find.

Changing the input id so that it is not identical to the input name made 
the problem go away.

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[web2py] Re: How to add CSS class to SQLFORM.grid??

2014-08-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would go the other way and override the attributes of the existing 
classes with my own css.  

Just make sure your css loads last.

On Tuesday, August 5, 2014 5:17:42 PM UTC-4, greenpoise wrote:

 How can I make use of my own td classes for SQLFORM.grid??


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[web2py] Re: ajax posts text input twice when name and id are identical

2014-08-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I can do that.

But I discovered it was doing something much more interesting than my 
original diagnosis.

The inputs in question were editable and generated by the controller. As 
such they had an assigned value. When I ajaxed them to the server, 
apparently two copies of the input were sent. One copy had the original 
value and the other had the edited value.

If I would do something like alert($('#the_field').val()); it would alert 
the edited value. So the final work around was to park those values in 
hidden fields and send those across via ajax. Of course that doesn't answer 
why it was happening. And that fixed the problem. I don't know why I 
thought the other work around fixed it unless it was post-lunch fog.

But yes, I will put up the html and the post stream later today.

On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 1:55:21 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 Can you show the relevant HTML? What does the post data look like?

 On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 5:48:33 PM UTC+2, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 This is not supposed to happen and I don't know why it did. 

 The js looks like this:
  $('#products_on_order').on('click', '.edit_bound_container', function(e
 var container_id = this.id.split('__')[1]
 var count_field = 'bound_container_count_edit__' + container_id
 var pounds_field = 'bound_container_quantity_packed_edit__' + 
 [count_field, pounds_field, 'order_id'],

 I thought somehow I had created duplicate input names, but there were 
 none that I could find.

 Changing the input id so that it is not identical to the input name made 
 the problem go away.

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[web2py] Re: How do you display created_by and modified_by names and not id's when using lazy tables?

2014-08-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Put the represent in the controller.

On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 1:36:51 PM UTC-4, Michael Beller wrote:

 When I set lazy_tables=True in the DAL, all my signatures fields show the 
 user_id and not the user name.

 I also set db.auth_user._format = '%(last_name)s' which I thought would 
 force the auth_user definition with lazy tables but my signatures still 
 show id's.

 Any thoughts on what I'm missing?

 Also, if I use lazy_tables=False and still set db.auth_user._format = 
 '%(last_name)s' the created_by and modified_by fields in view forms still 
 shows the full name which I can override 
 with auth.signature.created_by.represent = lambda id: db.auth_user._format 
 % db.auth_user[id].  Is that the best way?

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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM doesn't have SELECT element values

2014-07-22 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The Chrome developer tools should show the dragged-to select being 
populated as you drag things across.

If things aren't moving look in the console tab for errors. 

Also you can insert alert statements into the javascript to see if the 
events are firing. 

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:01:55 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:

 I just checked what was being sent via POST, and it's not submitting an 
 empty variable corresponding with the select name.  Now could this be 
 because the select tag isn't an input tag?  I'm not an html pro yet, so 
 small details like this are something i will learn with time.  Any 
 suggestions on workarounds?  Should I have a hidden input field that stores 
 what is in the select field? or should I use a different form inside of a 
 form (not even sure that is possible).

 Thanks for any suggestions


 On Monday, July 21, 2014 10:38:38 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 Yes, you're allowed to bump. Use the browser developer tools to see what 
 gets sent to the server when you submit the form. Perhaps the problem is 
 with the JavaScript on the client side.


 On Monday, July 21, 2014 8:18:30 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:

 Am I allowed to bump in this forum? if not this shall be the last 
 time...most likely

 On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:43:56 PM UTC-4, Frank Buibish wrote:

 select id=selected-exercises multiple= name=exercises
   option value=2 class=btn btn-defaultBench/option

 They get added through javascript from the first select element.

 On Thursday, July 17, 2014 10:14:17 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 The first select has no name, and the second one has no options.

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[web2py] form.process(onvalidate=some_function) blocks custom validator?

2014-07-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I use a custom validator for list:string fields.

If I use onvalidate with form.process, the validator is not called. 

It's easy to work around this situation, but it took some time to figure 
out what was going on. 

It might be beneficial to document this behavior.

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[web2py] Pinging Massimo: why Bottle as opposed to Flask?

2014-07-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske

In the Reddit thread you mentioned experimenting with Bottle + Dal. Why 

Cliff Kachinske

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[web2py] Re: form.process(onvalidate=some_function) blocks custom validator?

2014-07-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
It appears not to. 

If I put a print statement in there it never executes. If I tell it to 
return the value and some arbitrary string it doesn't happen.

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 6:56:41 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 Do you mean onvalidation? It's supposed to run your validators first.

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[web2py] Re: form.process(onvalidate=some_function) blocks custom validator?

2014-07-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I've worked around it, so not a concern at this very moment.

If I ever get out of crunch time Ill look into it.

Cliff Kachinske

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:59:57 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 Here's the framework code:

 status = self._traverse(status, hideerror) 
 status = self.assert_status(status, request_vars)
 if onvalidation:

 ._traverse is where individual field validators are run, which happens 
 before onvalidation. We'll probably have to see some code to figure out 
 what's going on here.


 On Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:01:34 AM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 It appears not to. 

 If I put a print statement in there it never executes. If I tell it to 
 return the value and some arbitrary string it doesn't happen.

 On Thursday, July 17, 2014 6:56:41 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 Do you mean onvalidation? It's supposed to run your validators first.

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[web2py] Re: Updating database outside web2py

2014-07-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would use the native Python adapter for what you want to do. There is 
less code to load and execute, thus less memory, less time and fewer 
opportunities for error.

The only possible drawback is you will need to write some SQL.

On Thursday, July 3, 2014 12:53:34 AM UTC-4, Mayank Kumar wrote:

 I am working on a project where I need to update the website database 
 outside web2py, i mean outside an standard HTTP request. For example, I 
 have another server where TCP request comes, and I need to update one table 
 in the database. Also, I have views defined inside web2py which prints out 
 entry from the same tables. 

 I am planning to use DAL for the database access outside web2py (
 http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/215). But, I am curious  - 
 What sort additional of care should I take while coding this as write 
 (outside web2py) and read (in some views of the website) can happen 


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[web2py] Re: Silent dal failure with missing field def. Maybe a bug?

2014-07-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Thank you.

On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 6:16:18 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 That particular method of updating calls:


 So no exception is raised because the fields are filtered to include only 
 those in the table definition. If you want to catch such errors, use the 
 more explicit .update() method.


 On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 5:39:36 PM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 I would have thought DAL would raise an exception here, but the failure 
 was silent.

 The postgres table contains these fields:

  quantity_used | numeric(12,3)   | 
  container_count   | integer | 
  container_id  | integer | 
  restock   | integer | 

 An ajax request was attempting to update the quantity_used, 
 container_count and restock fields.

 The updating code looks like this: All the variables were there.
 db.repacks_reruns_container[rrc_id] = dict(

 db._lastsql looked like this:

 UPDATE repacks_reruns_container SET quantity_used=1.000,
 container_count=2 WHERE ((repacks_reruns_container.id = 1) AND (
 repacks_reruns_container.is_active = 'T'));

 Note restock not updated in the query.

 It happened because the model for repacks_reruns_container was missing 
 the restock field.

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[web2py] Re: {{=XML(row.contents, sanitize=True)}} and em/em

2014-07-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske
You can tune the tags and attributes that XML will allow.

XML has a parameter called permitted_tags.  It is a list of tags that XML 
will not escape.

You could, at the top of your controller, create your own list of permitted 
tags.  Then call XML like this:

XML(row.contents, sanitize=True, permitted_tags=permitted_tags)

This is what the permitted_tags parameter looks like with the added entry 
for em. You can find it in gluon/html.py around line 1536.

'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6',
'table', 'tr', 'td', 'div',
# entry below added

If you look at the XML class in html.py you will see another parameter 
called allowed_attributes. I suppose you could make your own dictionary 
to allow a style attribute for some html tags and pass it in when you call 

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 5:30:18 AM UTC-4, Annet wrote:

 In a view I have the following line:

 {{=XML(row.contents, sanitize=True)}}

 When 'contents' contains an em/em element add by tinymce, this element 
 isn't being rendered:

 emMy text /em

 Other elements like p/p strong/strong are being rendered correctly.

 Furthermore, when tinymce adds a style to an element:

 p style=text-align: center;My text /p

 This is being rendered without the style:

 pMy text .../p

 Is there a way to solve these issues.



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[web2py] Silent dal failure with missing field def. Maybe a bug?

2014-07-01 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I would have thought DAL would raise an exception here, but the failure was 

The postgres table contains these fields:

 quantity_used | numeric(12,3)   | 
 container_count   | integer | 
 container_id  | integer | 
 restock   | integer | 

An ajax request was attempting to update the quantity_used, container_count 
and restock fields.

The updating code looks like this: All the variables were there.
db.repacks_reruns_container[rrc_id] = dict(

db._lastsql looked like this:

UPDATE repacks_reruns_container SET quantity_used=1.000,container_count=
2 WHERE ((repacks_reruns_container.id = 1) AND 
= 'T'));

Note restock not updated in the query.

It happened because the model for repacks_reruns_container was missing the 
restock field.

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[web2py] list:strings not working as described or am I missing something?

2014-06-27 Thread Cliff Kachinske


Web2py 2.8.2, if that matters.

The manual at web2py.com says, On relational databases they [list:string 
fields] are mapped into text fields which contain the list of items 
separated by |. For example [1,2,3] is mapped into |1|2|3|.

I am getting something different.

The field shown at the top of this post Inserts the following into the 
Postgresql database. 

pandi3= select distinct lots_used from job_materials where lots_used is not 
null and is_active = 'T';
 |foo, bar, fubar, fubub|
(1 row)

From the manual's description I expect something like


I am using a custom validator that returns a list from the field.  Use it 
or not, I get the same results.

How do I fix this?  IS_IN_SET will not work here.

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[web2py] Re: list:strings not working as described or am I missing something?

2014-06-27 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Thanks for the shove in the right direction.

An ajax callback processes that field and I had forgotten to run it through 
the validator.

So the db was inserting the entire string instead of list members.

On Friday, June 27, 2014 1:07:33 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 Hard to say without seeing any code, but clearly the database insert is 
 not getting a list.

 On Friday, June 27, 2014 12:12:00 PM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:


 Web2py 2.8.2, if that matters.

 The manual at web2py.com says, On relational databases they 
 [list:string fields] are mapped into text fields which contain the list of 
 items separated by |. For example [1,2,3] is mapped into |1|2|3|.

 I am getting something different.

 The field shown at the top of this post Inserts the following into the 
 Postgresql database. 

 pandi3= select distinct lots_used from job_materials where lots_used is 
 not null and is_active = 'T';
  |foo, bar, fubar, fubub|
 (1 row)

 From the manual's description I expect something like


 I am using a custom validator that returns a list from the field.  Use it 
 or not, I get the same results.

 How do I fix this?  IS_IN_SET will not work here.

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[web2py] Re: Can't seem to verify password field...

2014-06-26 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Check the data types of element 0 in the tuples.

On Thursday, June 26, 2014 3:37:22 AM UTC-4, Encompass solutions wrote:

 I can't seem to get my key to verify:

 This is how I verify it:

 success = db.melodigram.deletion_key.validate(request.args(1)) == 
 (db(db.melodigram.unique_id == request.args(0)).select().first(), None)

 And this is how it is made:
 form = SQLFORM(db.melodigram)
 form.process(session = None, formname = None)

 Any ideas as to why this would be an issue?
 I just can't get success to be true.
 :( .. . .
 Jason Brower

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[web2py] Re: Hypermedia API and Collection+JSON in web2py

2014-06-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske

I like the way your thoughts are headed.

doesn't the many2many issue goes away if one uses, for example, MongoDB?

On Sunday, June 22, 2014 4:45:06 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I added Hypermedia API support to web2py using Collection+JSON. 
 Collection+JSON is a standard for self documenting RESTful API.
 Read more: http://amundsen.com/media-types/collection/


 Let's say you have a model:

 and in controller default.py you add

 def api():
  from gluon.contrib.hypermedia import Collection
  rules = {
 'thing': {
 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},
 return Collection(db).process(request,response,rules)

 And now by magic your table thing is fully exposed using the 
 Collection+JSON API. The API is self documenting and supports GET, POST, 
 PUT, DELETE, etc.

 For example you can do things like:

 curl -X POST -d name=Box
 curl -X PUT -d name=Chair
 curl -X DELETE

 The API are completely self documenting as explained here 

 It is customizable

rules = {
 'thing': {
 'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},

 Let you specify which tables are exposed, which methods are available and 
 which fields are exposed for each method. The query property lets you 
 specify optional filters for example  { 
 'query':db.thing.name.startswith('A'),} will only exposed things 
 starting with letter A. Fields can be conditional and different for 
 different users or for the same user in different stages of a workflow (the 
 communication is stateless, but the server is not).

 Supports complex queries
 http:/./{table}?{field}.gt=value # fieldvalue
 http:/./{table}?{field}.le=value # field=value
 and combinations there of. They are mapped directly into DAL queries. More 
 examples are in the API response itself.

 The bigger picture

 This API provide enough information to generate forms and tables and grid 
 completely client side. Recently we stumbled against the problem of moving 
 from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 because so much of the form and grid logic 
 is server side. My plan is to move most of the logic in the JS library and 
 allow users to customize them  for different CSS frameworks.

 Eventually (in dreams) I would like to have a very slim framework based on 
 bottle+dal+validators+auth+collection and have client side only templates 
 (based on jquery, sugar, and ractive.js) that can generate forms and grids 
 based the collection API. This framework could ship with web2py and allow 
 you to program using same web interface that we all love. There are many 
 design decisions to make to get there. Your suggestions are welcome.

 How can you help?
 1) test it.
 2) there are many existing client side tools for Collection+JSON. Try them 
 with web2py.
 3) blog about it and suggest improvements.

 I said, it is experimental

 Collection+JSON has limits:
 - it is very verbose JSON. This is my my implementation has  compact=True 
 option that breaks the protocol but makes much smaller JSON messages.
 - it does not convey field type information and constraints. This is why I 
 extended to do so but more work is needed because DAL types do not map into 
 HTML5 input types (this of list:string or list:reference).

 More extensions of the protocol are required. Extensions are allowed. Yet 
 they may change the API in the near future.


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[web2py] Re: Uniqueness in Multi-tenants

2014-06-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske
You could build a custom validator around something like this:

new_value.strip() # Leading/trailing white space can fool humans
if not db(
return new_value, error_message
return new_value, None

Read about custom validators here: 
On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:17:06 PM UTC-4, Carlos Zenteno wrote:

 We cannot enforce uniqueness (unique=true) within a tenant in 
 multi-tenancy because
 the database does not know about tenants.

 Has anybody found a way to enforce/design uniqueness using multi-tenancy?

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[web2py] Re: web2py and self-submission/postbacks - a newcomer asks

2014-06-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske

I have done form submission both ways. I much prefer self-submission. Much 
less code to write, so fewer opportunities for error.

On Thursday, June 19, 2014 9:30:15 AM UTC-4, Graham Ranson wrote:

 I'm new to python and web2py...I have a small, but non-trivial, web 
 application and was looking at the various python web frameworks and 
 to look more closely at web2py and a couple of others and to write a 
 of small example applications to see how they work... 

 I've had a quick read of the web2py book but I was a little surprised by 
 emphasis on self-submission/postbacks, it's not a technique that I would 
 choose myself. I was wondering whether there was anything in python or 
 web2py that make this technique particularly appropriate ? Being new to 
 python etc. I thought it worthwhile asking. 

 The application that I have in mind has a number of one to many and a few 
 many to many relationships and in a number of cases I will want to use a 
 combined form with both the 'one' and one or some of the 'many' (perhaps 
 a tabbed layout, or scrollable perhaps) almost certainly using Ajax to 
 with the different parts of the page. 

 It is interesting to look at the different frameworks and see the 
 emphasis that each one has, and to see if that does have far-reaching 
 consequences, it's worthwhile spending a little time to try to make the 
 right choice. 



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[web2py] Re: Need to have def 4() and def dir() to 301 redirect. Is it possible?

2014-06-25 Thread Cliff Kachinske
You probably need to use the URL rewrite facility. Read here for 
information about it: 

Once your request gets to the web2py router, it will be parsed as follows: 

So in the case of www.mydomain.com/4, the router will attempt to route your 
request to an app named 4. In the second case it will look for an app 
named dir.

URL rewrite avoids this because it happens before the Web2py router gets 

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 4:57:56 AM UTC-4, Kenneth wrote:

 I would like to redirect these two links:
 www.mydomain.com/4 and www.mydomain.com/dir for fixing backlinks I 
 previously had for SEO purpose.

 I've tried to redirect from the controller but it didn't work.
 def 4():
 def dir():
 Obviously this is not possible since dir is a reserved keyword and 4 is 

 Anyway to redirect these two?

 Thank you.

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[web2py] Why does this happen: DAL returns a tuple is it supposed to?

2014-06-16 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Why is DAL returning a tuple here?

 from dal import DAL
 db = DAL('postgres://web2pyuser:password@localhost:5432/webtest', 
 q = '''select coalesce(sum(amount), 0) from product_journal'''
[(Decimal('250.000'),)] # Why is the returned value a tuple? This does not 
seem to make sense.
 q = '''select coalesce(sum(amount), 0) from product_journal where 
product_id = 255'''

Is this the way it's supposed to work and will it stay this way?

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[web2py] Re: Why does this happen: DAL returns a tuple is it supposed to?

2014-06-16 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Ah, so it is. Thank you.

On Monday, June 16, 2014 10:31:53 AM UTC-4, Leonel Câmara wrote:

 That's just a consequence of python's DB-API (see 
 http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/ ) the result is indeed 
 supposed to be a list of tuples.

 However, web2py's DAL executesql does have many parameters that allow you 
 to change the results, you can even get Rows if you want. I recommend you 
 check executesql parameters (for instance as_dict) in the docs.

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[web2py] Help with the eb2py calendar?

2014-05-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Here is what I want to do.

I have several divs with date field inside them. It uses the Web2py 
calendar widget.

I want to trap the onSelect event for the calendar widget and trigger an 
ajax call when that happens.  I know I can put a fake submit button next to 
the calendar widget and trigger ajax on its click event, but I think it 
would be slicker to fire the ajax when the calendar changes.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,
Cliff Kachinske

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Re: [web2py] going crazy with pyfpdf

2014-05-21 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I've seen this. My leaky memory says pyfpdf doesn't like percentages. Try 
absolute units and I think it will work.

On Wednesday, May 21, 2014 1:04:58 PM UTC-4, Carlos Cesar Caballero Díaz 

  Thanks Mariano and Carlos, there is a simple code:

 controller default.py:

 def pdf_test:
 return dict(hello=hello)

 view default/pdf_test.html:

 pThis is a text/p
 table width=100%
 th width=40%name/th
 th width=60%lastame/th
 td width=40%pepe/td
 td width=60%paco/td

  a Table column/cell width not specified, unable to continue error. 
 and removing the table, return a blank pdf

 El 21/05/14 11:33, Mariano Reingart escribió:
 Yes, pyfpdf has a basic html parser (based on python stdlib) and needs 
 some conventions to translate tables to PDF. 

 Could you make a minimal example to test and debug it?
 That way it would be easy to reproduce and see how to adapt the html to be 

  You can look at the documented examples, using thead and th tags 
 will help, and you need to specify the total table and cell widths:

  Best regards,

 Mariano Reingart

 On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Carlos Costa 

 It uses pyfpdf to convert it. 
 But there are some restrictions as I remember.
 You check it here https://code.google.com/p/pyfpdf/

 2014-05-21 12:13 GMT-03:00 Carlos Cesar Caballero Díaz 
 desar...@spicm.cfg.sld.cu javascript:: 
  Hi, I need some help, when I call a view with .pdf this:

 td width=50%name/td
 td width=50%pepe/td

 or this:

 td width=50%name/td
 td width=50%pepe/td

 returns a blank one page pdf. Now if I put the content before the body 
 tag, it is rendered, but the table allways throw a 
 Table column/cell width not specified, unable to continue error. 
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  Carlos J. Costa
  Cientista da Computação
 Esp. Gestão em Telecom


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[web2py] routes.py invalid request

2014-04-16 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Using pattern-based routing, I get Invalid Request messages. 

Usually the routes work OK after restarting nginx. But after closing and 
restarting Chrome the problem recurs.

The failing url is www.dotzle.com/apps

This is the routes.py file.

I used the nginx setup script. The only change I made was to increase the 
upload file size to 5 meg in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.

Later today I will try this with rocket and see if the problem goes away.

Thanks for any help.

BASE = ''  # optonal prefix for incoming URLs
 35 routes_in = (
 36 # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
 37 (BASE + '/admin', '/admin/default/index'),
 38 (BASE + '/admin/$anything', '/admin/$anything'),
 39 # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
 40 (BASE + '/$app/appadmin', '/$app/appadmin/index'),
 41 (BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything', '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
 42 # do not reroute static files
 43 (BASE + '/$app/static/$anything', '/$app/static/$anything'),
 44 # reroute favicon and robots, use exable for lack of better choice
 45 ('/favicon.ico', '/examples/static/favicon.ico'),
 46 ('/robots.txt', '/examples/static/robots.txt'),

 48 ## This raises the invalid request message

 50 ('.*./apps',  '/init/default/user/login'),
 51 # remove the BASE prefix
 52 (BASE + '/$anything', '/$anything'),
 53 )
 55 # routes_out, like routes_in translates URL paths created with the 
web2py URL()
 56 # function in the same manner that route_in translates inbound URL 
 57 #
 59 routes_out = (
 60 # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
 61 ('/admin/$anything', BASE + '/admin/$anything'),
 62 # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
 63 ('/$app/appadmin/$anything', BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
 64 # do not reroute static files
 65 ('/$app/static/$anything', BASE + '/$app/static/$anything'),
 66 # do other stuff
 67 ('/init/default/user/login',  '.*./apps'),
 68 # (r'.*http://otherdomain\.com.* /app/ctr(?Pany.*)', r'\gany'),
 69 # (r'/app(?Pany.*)', r'\gany'),

 71 ## Or maybe it is here

 73 ('/init/default/user/login', '.*./apps'),
 74 # restore the BASE prefix
 75 ('/$anything', BASE + '/$anything'),
 76 )

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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid Export and represent

2014-04-16 Thread Cliff Kachinske
There must be something in the request that indicates you want csv or tsv.

If it's in the request.args, for example, something like this would work:

if 'csv' not in request.args and 'tsv' not in request.args:
db.inventory.cpu_status.represent = lambda cpu_status, row: SPAN(

On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 12:58:12 PM UTC-4, John Fraser wrote:

 Is there an easy way to strip HTML markup from SQLFORM.grid's CSV/TSV 
 export?  I realize I probably need to create a custom export function, but 
 curious if there is an argument or a one liner that would do the trick.  Or 
 is there a better way to format the display?

 I have the following controller function:

 def index():
 response.title = 'Computer Inventory'
 db.inventory.id.readable = False
 db.inventory.cpu_status.represent = lambda cpu_status, row: \
  _style='text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; 
 padding:5px; color: %s; background-color: %s' %
  ('black' if row.cpu_status == 'Staged' else 'white','red' if 
 row.cpu_status == 'Repair' else 'gold'
  if row.cpu_status == 'Staged' else 'green' if row.cpu_status 
 == 'In Use' else 'black'))
 grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.inventory, csv=True)
 return locals()

 When I export as CSV/TSV (as displayed to the user) all values for 
 db.inventory.cpu_status are wrapped in SPAN tags for example:

 span style='text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; padding:5px; 
 color: white; background-color: black'VALUE/span

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[web2py] Re: great news: Sphinx Documentation

2014-04-14 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Thank you Niphlod.

You have done Yet Another Good Thing.

On Sunday, April 13, 2014 11:43:26 AM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Great news! We are finally moving to Sphinx.


 Kudos to Simone (niphlod) who single handedly ported all the docstrings 
 and made this possible.

 Thank you Simone!


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[web2py] Re: Question about Web2py inner workings

2014-04-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Ach! My sample was a simplified version of the file that is actually 

Here is the actual code. Explanatory comments on line 3 and line 43 
delineated with ## #. 
This fails every time on my system, Python 2.7.3 on Debian Wheezy. 

I wrote this to demonstrate the exact point made by Anthony above.

I'm sure I'm missing something, but I cannot see it. 

#! /var/bin python

## # Notice these two assignments
foo = 'bar'
i_am_global = 'Blue Parrot'

print i_am_global

class print_it(object):

def __init__(self, some_string=None):
self.some_string = some_string

def print_the_global(self):

Not to start a comp sci flame war about
classes with side effects,
or multiple exit points,
or about how some Python guy showed
a bunch of spagetti code.

print 'I, print_it, am going to print the global var.'
print i_am_global
print 'Where is the global variable?'
print 'I, print_it, am done. Thank you.'

def change_the_global(self, new_value_for_global):
i_am_global =  new_value_for_global

def change_and_print_the_global(self, newval):
i_am_global = newval
print i_am_global

def main():

## # Now comes the exception in line 45
print foo
print i_am_global

new_val = 'pwned'
found_it = False

print 'I think I found i_am_global in the global scope.'
print 'I\'ll prove it by printing its contents.'
print 'Watch.'
print '\n'
print 'It says, {}'.format(i_am_global)
except Exception as e:
print 'Oops, I got this Exception: %s' %e
print Exception()
print 'That didn\'t work so well.'
found_it = True
print 'There, see?'
print '\n'

# Here is the change
if found_it:
print 'Now I\'m going to change it to pwned.'
i_am_global = new_val
print 'This is the result of my change.'
print 'It now says {}.'.format(i_am_global)

print '\n'
print 'Now for some object action.'
printer_to_screen = print_it() #Created an instance.
print 'This is my new object: {}'.format(printer_to_screen)
print '\n'
print 'My new object is going to print the global variable'

print '\n'
print 'how did that work out?'
print '\n'
print 'My new object is going to reassign the global variable'
print 'Now to print it'

print '\n'
print 'How about if we change it and print it in the same method?'

print '\n'
print Let's see if the change stuck

if __name__== '__main__':
print '\nHere is the final value of the global: {}'.format(i_am_global)

On Saturday, April 5, 2014 9:43:13 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 On Friday, April 4, 2014 5:51:11 PM UTC-4, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 If I write a python module like this:

 # born_to_fail.py
 foo = 'bar'
 def main():
 print foo
 if __name__=='__main__': main()

 The above shouldn't produce an error, but the following will:

 foo = 'bar'
 def main():
 print foo
 foo = 'foo'

 In the above, the assignment to foo indicates foo is a local variable 
 (since it hasn't been explicitly declared as global), so the previous print 
 statement raises an exception because it refers to a local variable that 
 has not yet been declared.

 In your original example, because there is no assignment to foo within the 
 function, the foo in the print statement is assumed to be global, and there 
 is no exception because foo is in fact a global variable.


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[web2py] Re: Question about Web2py inner workings

2014-04-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Anthony, thank you.

On Sunday, April 6, 2014 8:26:33 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 # Here is the change
 if found_it:
 print 'Now I\'m going to change it to pwned.'
 i_am_global = new_val

 Above you assign a value to i_am_global. Because you have not explicitly 
 declared i_am_global as a global variable, it is automatically defined as 
 being local to the main() function. Therefore, any earlier references to 
 i_am_global (e.g., line 45) will generate an UnboundLocalError.

 In Python, you can always read a global variable without declaring it to 
 be global, but if you want to create or overwrite a global variable within 
 a function, you must first declare it to be global.


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[web2py] Re: How do I SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (1,2,3,4,7)

2014-04-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske

I think the key is to realize that the WHERE clause comes first in DAL 
dialect, and the fields to be selected come after.

On Saturday, April 5, 2014 11:49:28 PM UTC-4, Kurt Jensen wrote:

 How do I do :

 SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN (1,2,3,4,7) AND field2='3'


 DELETE FROM table WHERE field1 IN (1,2,3,4,7) AND field2='3'

 in web2py DAL?

 I come from PHP and I am really struggling with DAL in web2py.

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[web2py] Question about Web2py inner workings

2014-04-04 Thread Cliff Kachinske
If I write a python module like this:

# born_to_fail.py
foo = 'bar'
def main():
print foo
if __name__=='__main__': main()

Python will raise an exception about an unbound local variable.

But in Web2py, I do this all the time without getting an exception:

ISEDITOR = auth.has_membership('editors')

def myfunc():
#do stuff

How does this happen?

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Re: [web2py][Javascript] Massimo here searching for some javascript devs ready to port web2py in JS

2014-04-02 Thread Cliff Kachinske

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:44:01 PM UTC-4, Richard wrote:


 I want to get rid of python entirely. As you probably know, I don't see 
 great future in Python 3000 and since we can't fighting the Javascript 
 dominance in webapp development world, I resign... I want to port web2py to 
 javascript by rewriting all piece of it except the DAL because it too good 
 and I like it!

 Is there any volonteers?


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[web2py] Re: Database access without DAL but with connection pool

2014-03-20 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Derek, the conventional wisdom is connecting to a db is expensive.

I'm willing to be convinced, but I need some data. Can you point me to some?

Because if your statement is true, we could eliminate some pretty hairy 
code in the DAL to support pooling.

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 7:44:10 PM UTC-4, Derek wrote:

 I'd say the answer to 2 is 'not really'. Believe it or not, opening and 
 dropping database connections is a fast operation.

 On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:33:04 PM UTC-7, tec...@gmail.com wrote:

 Dear Sirs,

 I understand it's possible to use databases without DAL.
 For example function in controller:

 def values():
 client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
 db = client.mybase
 mytable = db[mytable]
 res = mytable.find()

 return dict()

 And of course it works.
 But is it fast to connect/disconnect every time in function? What's about 
 connection pool?
 I consider connection pool could increase access to database. 

 1. Actually I would like to ask how to access to database without DAL but 
 at maximum speed?
 2. Do I need connection pool for fast database access? (I think, yes.)
 3. How could I build custom connection pool for database access without 
 DAL? Or any solution to re-use connections to database server? Any examples?

 Andrey A.

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Re: [web2py] Re: Python Performance Issue

2014-03-17 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Apparently the number of cores is adjustable. Try this link.


On Monday, March 17, 2014 10:02:13 AM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:

 Parallels VM running on a 2.5GHz dual-core Mac mini. I really don't know 
 what Parallels uses.

 On Monday, 17 March 2014 00:05:58 UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 What kind of VM is this? What is the host platform? How many CPU cores? 
 Is VM using all the cores? The only thing I can think of is the GIL and the 
 fact that multithreaded code in python gets slower and slower the more 
 cores I have. On my laptop, with two cores, I do not see any slow down. 
 Rocket preallocate a thread pool. The rationale is that it decreases the 
 latency time. Perhaps you can also try rocket in this way:

 web2py.py --minthreads=1 --maxthreads=1

 This will reduce the number of worker threads to 1. Rocket also runs a 
 background non-worker thread that monitors worker threads and kills them if 
 they get stuck.

 On Sunday, 16 March 2014 20:22:45 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:

 Using gunicorn (Thanks, Massimo), I ran the full web2py Welcome code:

 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.0511929988861
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.0024790763855
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00262713432312
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00224614143372
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00218415260315
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00213503837585

 Oddly enough, it's slightly faster! But still 37% slower than the 
 command line execution.

 I'd really, really, **really** like to know why the shipping code is 10x 

 On Sunday, 16 March 2014 21:13:56 UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:

 Okay, I did the calculations test in my Linux VM using command line 
 (fred0), Flask (hello0), and web2py (Welcome).

 fred0: elapsed time: 0.00159001350403

 fred0: elapsed time: 0.0015709400177

 fred0: elapsed time: 0.00156021118164

 fred0: elapsed time: 0.0015971660614

 fred0: elapsed time: 0.0031584741

 hello0: elapsed time: 0.00271105766296

 hello0: elapsed time: 0.00213503837585

 hello0: elapsed time: 0.00195693969727

 hello0: elapsed time: 0.00224900245667

 hello0: elapsed time: 0.00205492973328
 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.0484869480133

 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00296783447266

 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00293898582458

 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00300216674805

 Welcome: elapsed time: 0.00312614440918

 The Welcome discrepancy is just under 2x, not nearly as bad as 10x in 
 my shipping code.

 On Sunday, 16 March 2014 17:52:00 UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 In order to isolate the problem one must take it in steps. This is a 
 good test but you must first perform this test with the code you proposed 

 def test():
 t = time.time
 start = t()
 x = 0.0
 for i in range(1,5000):
 x += (float(i+10)*(i+25)+175.0)/3.14
 debug(elapsed time: +str(t()-start))

 I would like to know the results about this test code first.

 The other code you are using performs an import:

 from shippackage import Package

 Now that is something that is very different in web2py and flask for 
 example. In web2py the import is executed at every request (although it 
 should be cached by Python) while in flask it is executed only once.  
 should also not cause a performance difference but it is a different test 
 than the one above.

 TLTR: we should test separately python code execution (which may be 
 affected by threading) and import statements (which may be affected by 
 web2py custom_import and/or module weird behavior).

 On Sunday, 16 March 2014 08:47:13 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:

 I've conducted a test with Flask.

 fred.py is the command line program.
 hello.py is the Flask program.
 default.py is the Welcome controller.
 testdata.txt is the test data.
 shippackage.py is a required module.

 0.024 second
 0.067 second

 0.029 second
 0.073 second

 0.27 second
 0.78 second

 The Flask program is slightly slower than the command line. However, 
 the Welcome app is about 10x slower!

 *Web2py is much, much slower than Flask.*

 I conducted the test in a Parallels VM running Ubuntu Server 12.04 
 (1GB memory allocated). I have a 2.5GHz dual-core Mac mini with 8GB.

 I can't quite figure out how to use gunicom.

 On Saturday, 15 March 2014 23:41:49 UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:

 I'll see what I can do. It will take time for me to learn how to use 
 another framework.

 As for trying a different web server, my (production) Linux server 
 is intimately reliant on Apache. I'd have to learn how to use another 
 server, and then try it in my Linux VM.

 On Saturday, 15 March 2014 22:45:27 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:

 Are you able to replicate the exact task in another web framework, 
 such as Flask (with the same server setup)?

 On Saturday, March 15, 2014 10:34:56 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist 

 Well, putting back all my apps hasn't widened the discrepancy. So 
 I don't 

[web2py] Re: Help with SQL Query without using executesql preferably :)

2014-03-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The DAL chapter of the online Web2py manual explains how to fetch the max 
value, same as a SQL GROUP BY.

On Monday, March 10, 2014 3:54:59 PM UTC-4, brahama von wrote:

 This is the result i get from a simple select like this:


 cursodado.gp_id cursodado.gp_pro_id cursodado.gp_historicdate 

 10003600042014-01-27 16:02:10None

 10003600042014-01-27 17:18:31None

 10003600042014-01-27 17:21:02None

 10005250042014-01-27 16:02:10None

 10005250042014-01-27 17:18:31None

 10005250042014-01-27 17:21:02None

 Here i get the id of the person and the id of the course but I want only 
 to show the first I once, that correspond to the 
 To see it like this:

 cursodado.gp_id cursodado.gp_pro_id cursodado.gp_historicdate 

 10003600042014-01-27 17:21:02None

 10005250042014-01-27 17:21:02None

 tried this in the select but it gives a timeout:

 select(groupby=gp_id,having=max(historicdate field))


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[web2py] Re: Problem with upgrade to 2.9.4 with SQLTABLE

2014-03-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
drayco, correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you didn't make the 
change Niphlod suggested.

The error trace shows you still use db.pagos.id.count() rather than the 
suggested syntax.

On Monday, March 10, 2014 1:22:04 PM UTC-4, drayco wrote:

 With the change, this is the result

   File /home/drayco/web2py/applications/movil/controllers/cobros.py 
 https://sys.luzo.mx/admin/default/edit/movil/controllers/cobros.py, line 
 335, in pagos
 select(db.pagos.id.count()), headers={db.pagos.id.count():'Total Pagos'})
   File /home/drayco/web2py/gluon/sqlhtml.py, line 2929, in __init__
 columns = 
 ['.'.join(sqlrows.db._adapter.REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(c).groups()) for c 
 in sqlrows.colnames]
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

 But the problem persist, do you have other idea?

 And repeat, that kind of code works in web2py 2.8.3

 El viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014 14:00:40 UTC-6, drayco escribió:

 All code work with web2py 2.8.3 but when we upgrade to web2py 2.9.4, we 
 use extensive SQLTABLE and in this moment we have a lot of errors similar to

 File /home/drayco/webapps/newconfig/web2py/gluon/sqlhtml.py, line 2929, in 
 columns = 
 ['.'.join(sqlrows.db._adapter.REGEX_TABLE_DOT_FIELD.match(c).groups()) for c 
 in sqlrows.colnames]
 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'

 This is our code

 totalPagos = 
 headers={'COUNT(pagos.id)':'Total Pagos'})

 What can we do?

 Can you help me please?

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[web2py] Re: multiple response.menu

2014-03-09 Thread Cliff Kachinske
To expand a little on Massimo's explanation.

Find the reference to Cooperating Applications in the online manual.

Once you have figured out which app will be the master app, you can put all 
the model files in the master apps models directory, then softlink the 
files you need in other directories.

If you use lazy tables (see the DAL chapter in the on line manual), the 
price for having all the tables in one directory will not be too high.

On Friday, March 7, 2014 10:22:02 AM UTC-5, ureal frank wrote:


 I'm very new to web2py.
 I've started watching Massimo's vimeo posts and I like what I am seeing, 
 even thinking some concepts are little strange at the beginning :)

 Well, my 3 questions are:

 - Can I define/use multiple menus inside one app?

 - While using PostgreSQL or so, can I share the same database between 
 different apps? I've made this question because I want somehow to split one 
 site in two apps.  The website where users can register for a demo and the 
 backoffice, running in a different server where users do their stuff. I 
 just want to share the registered users and information like this.
 I think CAS could solve this but I am not sure.

 - finally (sorry guys): Can I hide the appname from the URL?

 I hope to have many more questions :)

 Many thanks in advance :)

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[web2py] Re: web2py conference

2014-03-09 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I could not come, but that is wonderful.


On Sunday, March 9, 2014 9:14:02 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 I am happy to report that the 1st web2py conference is already full after 
 only 5 days since publishing about it:


 We will continue to register attendees but they will be put in a waiting 
 list in case there are cancellations or we can get a biggest space 
 We also have a list of about 10 talks so far (will be published shortly).


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[web2py] Force all requests to https - a pointer please

2014-02-27 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I know I have read it somewhere, but I can't find it.

Where can I find out how to force all requests to https?

Thank you,m
Cliff Kachinske

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[web2py] Re: Force all requests to https - a pointer please

2014-02-27 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Thanks Anthony,

Right there in the core documentation. Should have known.

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:02:36 PM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:

 A little easier:


 That will redirect to the currently requested URL, but with https instead 
 of http.


 On Thursday, February 27, 2014 6:27:18 PM UTC-5, Limedrop wrote:

 Try this:

 if not request.is_https:
 redirect('https://%s/%s' % (request.env.http_host, 

 On Friday, February 28, 2014 11:46:20 AM UTC+13, Cliff Kachinske wrote:

 I know I have read it somewhere, but I can't find it.

 Where can I find out how to force all requests to https?

 Thank you,m
 Cliff Kachinske

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Re: [web2py] web2py on BeagleBone Black: optimizing ajax

2014-02-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Michael, I'm curious about this.

Do you turn migrate off globally, or on a table by table basis?

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 2:38:46 PM UTC-5, Michael Ellis wrote:

 On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 5:17:02 PM UTC-5, Michele Comitini wrote:

 run the profiler on the board:

 Thanks Michelle, those are good tools. They show that my ajax function 
 accounts for only 2.6% of the time spent.  The rest is web2py overhead, 
 especially dal.define_table(), despite the fact that I have migrate set to 
 False.  My ajax function does no db access, so I'm wondering if there's a 
 way to tell web2py to skip the db stuff and just run the function and 
 render the output.

 If not, I suppose I'm going to have to find a way to go around web2py and 
 make client-side reads directly from ZeroMQ sockets that are already 
 running outside web2py.  That sounds fragile and messy, so hope there's 
 another answer.

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[web2py] Re: SQLite, SmartGrid, 2.8.2: foreign key constraint failed

2014-02-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Can you post the entire field definition for the foreign key field?

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 12:39:26 PM UTC-5, Mirek Zvolský wrote:

 I have similar troubles as here:


 I just have smartgrid, 1 parent table (main table for smartgrid), 1 child 
 table. At the child foreign key I have standard requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 

 In parent table I have just first record, child table is completly empty. 
 Now I navigate through the link in smartgrid row (of the single parent 
 record) and try add the first record into child table.
 This fails with
 foreign key constraint failed

 in DAL() works for me.

 But, can I repair it better?

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[web2py] Re: impossible to convert decimal

2014-02-13 Thread Cliff Kachinske
It looks like you have an empty value in the table row where you experience 
the error.

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:49:44 AM UTC-5, Robin Manoli wrote:

 I have a decimal in db, for which I tried numerous ways to round to two 
 decimal points, and also to calculate with other numbers. Basically I want 
 to convert it to a float, but could find no way to do so.

 The Field looks like this:
 Field('score', 'decimal(4,3)')

 It does work to convert to string such as:
 but neither does this work:
 {{=float(str(t.score))}} # error: type 'exceptions.ValueError' could 
 not convert string to float: None
 and nor this:
 {{=float(t.score)}} # error: type 'exceptions.TypeError' float() 
 argument must be a string or a number

 I even tried to import decimal and calculate that with t.score, but even 
 that didn't work! What's going on?

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[web2py] Re: How can I show response.flash messages with different styles?

2014-02-12 Thread Cliff Kachinske
response.flash = SPAN('flash message goes here', _class='whatever')

On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:54:46 PM UTC-5, User wrote:

 I am using bootstrap 2.3.2 and I would like to use Bootstrap css alert 
 classes to style response.flash.  These include:

 Is there an easy way to specify the type of flash from the controller? 
 I'm thinking I could do something like:

 response.flash_style = 'alert-success'

 and then:

  {{if response.flash:}}
div class=alert{{=response.flash_style or ' alert-info'}}
button type=button class=close data-dismiss=alerttimes;/

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[web2py] Re: ImportError - no module named...

2014-02-11 Thread Cliff Kachinske
The __init__.py file tells Python that the directory is a package.

You can also put code in __init__.py. The code will execute when you import 
the package.

Leave it in there. You need it.

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:33:41 PM UTC-5, Chris Hepworth wrote:


 I found this thread as I searched for a solution. I can confirm that in my 
 app, there is an __init__.py in modules. It is blank (as it has been since 
 I created the app), but it is there. Could this have something to do with 
 the issue?

 On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 4:21:54 PM UTC-7, Chris Hepworth wrote:

 Just to test I set up a VM running Ubuntu. I installed all relevant 
 packages and I am still receiving the same error. Any suggestions?

 On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 2:12:42 PM UTC-7, Chris Hepworth wrote:

 There is an import for pymaging, which must have already been installed 
 on my Ubuntu machine. Installing it on Windows seems to be more trouble 
 than its worth, so I'll just wait to get my Ubuntu environment set up on 
 another machine. Thanks for the suggestion though!

 On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:15:35 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:

 are all the dependencies of that module satisfied on the windows 
 environment ?
 for imported modules, if some of the libraries it depends on are 
 missing, the error that web2py can show is that it's unable to import the 
 module (meaning, it can't load it because there is some error in it vs - 
 what you're probably guessing - its a non-existant module )

 On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 9:09:32 PM UTC+1, Chris Hepworth wrote:

 I recently had to set up a new environment (my desktop running Ubuntu 
 is dead) on my Windows laptop. I have a module called *qrcode *that 
 worked fine in my old environment and hasn't had an issue on 
 pythonanywhere. After I cloned the application, however, I received this 
 error. Is there something special about Windows? I am working on 
 my desktop, but in the meantime I would love to get this working. Any 
 would be much appreciated!

 type 'exceptions.ImportError' No module named mqr.modules
 web2py™Version 2.8.2-stable+timestamp.2013. 
 2.7.5: C:\web2py\web2py.exe (prefix: C:\Python27)



 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/mdipierro/make_web2py/web2py/gluon/restricted.py, line 
 217, in restricted
   File C:/web2py/applications/mqr/controllers/cms.py, line 
 105, in module
 import qrcode
   File /home/mdipierro/make_web2py/web2py/gluon/custom_import.py, line 
 76, in custom_importer
 ImportError: No module named 

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Re: [web2py] Re: IS_IN_DB validator dropdown formatting

2014-02-11 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Have you tried simplejson.dump()?

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:52:28 PM UTC-5, Jim S wrote:

 Thanks Anthony.  Trying this but running into a problem generating the 
 json to use for the data.  Keep getting a javascript error:

 SyntaxError:  invalid property id

 data: [{quot;textquot;: quot;Skygsslo Farmsquot;, quot;descriptio

 On the python side I'm building it like this:

 for customer in 
  description='%s, %s' % 

   customerList = response.json(customerList)

 then I'm passing {{=customerList}} to the data argument in the javascript. 
  I'm not well-versed enough in javascript/json to know how to get rid of 
 these quotes, and even if I do, will it help?

 Any insight would be appreciated.  Or, tell me to work it out on my own


 On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Anthony abas...@gmail.com javascript:

 I don't think you can put any additional HTML tags in an option 
 element, so you would probably have to use a Javascript plugin to render a 
 custom dropdown (e.g., http://designwithpc.com/Plugins/ddSlick).


 On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 10:57:00 AM UTC-5, Jim S wrote:

 I'm looking for a way to format the dropdown list generated from a 

 I'm using the following code:

 db.equipOrder.customerId.requires = IS_IN_DB(query, db.customer, 
 ('%(customerId)s - %(name)s'), zero='..')

 which give me a nice dropdown list showing my customer id and name. 
  However, I'd really like to add a second line to each item in my list that 
 displays the city and state where the customer reside.  Is there a way for 
 me to do this using the IS_IN_DB validator?


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[web2py] Re: Best practice for a development environment together with a live environment

2014-02-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
I have used rsync to update models, controllers, views, modules and so on.

For database updates I create a separate script and test, test, test it. I 
don't use the DAL. Sometimes I write SQL, sometimes python using the 
database driver. Going forward it will probably just be SQL.

On a production box you have migration set to false for all models, yes? 

So the process for migrating the database is:
1. Shut down the app.
2. Run your migration script.
3. Set fake_migrate = True 
4. Restart the app and force fake migration on all changed tables. You can 
do this by opening the tables in the appadmin application or though the 
user interface. All you need to do is ensure you can select records out of 
the tables.
5. Turn all migration off

Don't know if this qualifies as a best practice, but it's what I do.

Also on my development box I run the same DB backend as on production. This 
helps eliminate surprises.
On Monday, February 10, 2014 6:54:10 AM UTC-5, Robin Manoli wrote:

 I'm working on developing projects that will have live releases. In other 
 words, I want to be able to develop my app calmly on a dev version, and 
 once I'm done with that I want to synchronize it with the live version 
 which is open to the public. I'm using two separate mysql databases for 
 this, because I don't want to fill the live one up with garbage.

 The easiest way I've found is to have two different applications (one live 
 and one dev), and to synchronize them by using rsync on linux. It is quite 
 scary though when it comes to alter the db tables. It has happened that the 
 live app completely breaks because of a very simple change (a change of 
 name of a table column).

 I wonder how you guys encounter this situation. Do you recommend using 
 git? Is it even possible to use git, since web2py so easily gets confused 
 with how the database looks?

 It would be nice with some tutorial on this, because I have not yet learnt 
 git or similar things.

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[web2py] Re: Multiple SOLIDFORMs from table rows

2014-02-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske
Have you tried it without the showid arg?

On Monday, February 10, 2014 3:12:36 AM UTC-5, Mike Constabel wrote:


 I try to generate multiple SOLIDFORMS from table rows. 

 Simple example in pseudo code: 

 x = db(y.z).select() 
 for d in x: 
   form=CAT(form, SOLIDFORM(d)) 
 return dict(form=form) 

 This works for me: 


 #simplified, the tables are much longer in real 

   Field(uuid, length=64, default=lambda:str(uuid.uuid4())), 
   Field(analysis_code, integer, label=T(analysis_code), 

   Field(uuid, length=64, default=lambda:str(uuid.uuid4())), 
   Field(customer_uuid, length=64, label=T(customer_uuid), 
 requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 'icp_customer.uuid', db.foo_customer._format, 
   Field(analysis_type_uuid, length=64, 
 label=T(analysis_type_uuid), requires=IS_IN_DB(db, 
 'foo_analysis_type.uuid', db.foo_analysis_type._format, multiple=False)), 
   Field(order_number, integer, label=T(order_number), 


 fields3 = [['order_number', None]] 

 form3 = P() 
 analysis = db(db.foo_analysis.customer_uuid == 
 for a in analysis: 
 form3 = CAT(form3, SOLIDFORM(db.foo_analysis, a, fields=fields3, 
 showid=False, readonly=True), P()) 
 return dict(form3=form3) 

 For every table row i got a nice form. 

 But I need left outer joins. And there I stuck. 

 Same Model as above, Controller: 

 fields3 = [['order_number', 'analysis_code']] 

 form3 = P() 
 analysis = db(db.foo_analysis.customer_uuid == 

 for a in analysis: 
 #form3 = CAT(form3, a)   this works, it prints rows with all 
 data, so the select is ok? 
 form3 = CAT(form3, SOLIDFORM(db.foo_analysis, a, fields=fields3, 
 showid=True, readonly=True), P()) 
 return dict(form3=form3) 

 Here I got 

  type 'exceptions.AttributeError'('Row' object has no attribute 'id') 

 I tried many other combinations of fields, forms, selects, but 
 got every time errors. 

 It would be really great if I can get a hint howto correct code 


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[web2py] Re: Inject HTML in SQLFORM.factory field from client side(js or jQuery)

2014-02-10 Thread Cliff Kachinske

On Monday, February 10, 2014 11:42:34 AM UTC-5, Andrey K wrote:

 Dear web2py users, 
 I would like to add dynamically fields to SQLFORM.factory defined in the 
 model in client side by jQuery and then get the added fields values back to 
 db (by if form.accepted) via the standard form submit ,embedded in 
 SQLFORM.factory . It does not seems to work on the server side  - I can't 
 get my values via form.vars.X where UI shows me new fields . 
 Any idea what is wrong? Is the any other/better way to do  it? Any your 
 advice would be very helpful.

 Here is my code:
 def test_view():
 fields=[Field('your_script', 'upload')]
 form  = 
 if form.accepted:
 response.flash = form.vars #! it does not bring me any new 
 variables apart from the ones i have got from defatul.py
 return dict(form=form)

 {{extend 'layout.html'}}
 input type=button value=Add Filed to Table class=add id=addTable 
 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
 var fieldWrapper = $('tr 
 var fName0 = $(tdinput type=\text\ 
 id=\tool_upload_tab_field1_value\ class=\fieldname\ //td);
 var fName1 = $(trtdinput type=\text\ 
 id=\tool_upload_tab_field1_comment\ class=\fieldname\ //td/tr);
 var fName2 = $(tdinput type=\text\ 
 id=\tool_upload_tab_field1_label\ class=\fieldname\ //td);

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[web2py] Re: adding table column/field pro grammatically to existing table under controler

2014-02-07 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Not to be negative, but why do you want to do this?

On Friday, February 7, 2014 8:07:10 AM UTC-5, Andrey K wrote:

 Thanks Anthony for your concise answer!
 I have tried it in the app code -  it did not work, giving me no error. I 
 have tried your code in the terminal and it looks the code does not create 
 new table field. Any idea why it does not work? Maybe its my db settings? I 
 use sqlite db. Your help would very helpful to me as all my app dependent 
 on this function. 

 Here is my trial in a terminal:

  from gluon import DAL, Field
  db = DAL('sqlite://se2.sqlite',check_reserved=['postgres', 
 'postgres_nonreserved'],pool_size=10,lazy_tables=True, migrate=True, 

  ta_args = dict(format='%(f1)s')   
  db.define_table('ta',Field('f1', 'string'),**ta_args)
 ['id', 'f1']
 #if understand correctly here I am trying to add new field 'newfield' to 
 the ta table.
  db.define_table('ta', db.ta,Field('newfield', 'string', default = 
 'abc'),redefine=True, **ta_args)   
 #it giving me no change in db.table field list 

 ['id', 'f1']

 On Thursday, February 6, 2014 4:41:29 PM UTC+3, Anthony wrote:

 The safest way is probably to redefine the whole table.


 tA_args = dict(format='%(f1)s', ...)
 Field('f1', 'string'),


 db.define_table('tA', db.tA,
 redefine=True, **tA_args)


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[web2py] Re: sqlite --- postgresql

2014-02-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske

Maybe I'm missing something, but why would you develop on one back end if 
your production target is another?

If you switch back ends you will need to go through a complete regression 
test before you deploy.

Postgres is not that hard to set up and use. MariaDB/MySQL is equally easy.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:02:50 PM UTC-5, Gour wrote:


 Do you consider it's safe to work with web2py on localhost machine and 
 use sqlite3 database as storage (which greatly simplifies setup) and 
 then deploy application on the production server by using e.g. 
 PostgreSQL database? 


 One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not 
 degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, 
 and his enemy as well. 

 http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810 

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[web2py] Re: sqlite --- postgresql

2014-02-06 Thread Cliff Kachinske
And maybe there's no need to switch. SQLite is not a toy.


On Wednesday, February 5, 2014 3:02:50 PM UTC-5, Gour wrote:


 Do you consider it's safe to work with web2py on localhost machine and 
 use sqlite3 database as storage (which greatly simplifies setup) and 
 then deploy application on the production server by using e.g. 
 PostgreSQL database? 


 One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not 
 degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, 
 and his enemy as well. 

 http://www.atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810 

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