[web2py] Latest Trunk - problem with auth(session) and login using 'remember me'

2013-08-22 Thread David Marko
I know there are some changes in session internals in trunk, so just 
reporting an issue I observed. When I login using 'Remember me' checked, 
I'm getting this error below. Without 'remember me' its working just fine. 
I tried to remove all session files but still the same consistent behaviour 



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\java\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 217, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File C:/java/web2py/applications/gapps/models/03_db.py 
line 49, in module
auth = Auth(db)
  File C:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1229, in __init__
KeyError: 'session_id_gapps'

Error snapshot [image: 

type 'exceptions.KeyError'('session_id_gapps')

inspect attributes
   *File C:\java\web2py\gluon\restricted.py in restricted at line 217* code 
   arguments variables
   *File C:\java\web2py\applications\gapps\models\03_db.py in module at 
   line 49* code arguments variables
   *File C:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py in __init__ at line 1229* code 
   arguments variables
   Function argument list
   (self=gluon.tools.Auth object, environment=DAL 
   uri=sqlite://storage.sqlite, db=DAL uri=sqlite://storage.sqlite, 
   mailer=True, hmac_key=None, controller='default', function='user', 
   cas_provider=None, signature=True, secure=False)
   Code listing
   # for remember me option
   response = current.response
   if auth and auth.remember:
   # when user wants to be logged in for longer
   response.cookies[response.session_id_name][expires] = \
   if signature:
   self.signature = None


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[web2py] Re: Latest Trunk - problem with auth(session) and login using 'remember me'

2013-08-22 Thread David Marko
Updated from mercurial and its working for me now, thank you! ... I'm using 
default filesystem sessions ...

Dne čtvrtek, 22. srpna 2013 9:37:22 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):

 I think it is solved in trunk (committed to googlecode only, github is 
 down today).

 On Thursday, 22 August 2013 02:16:20 UTC-5, David Marko wrote:

 I know there are some changes in session internals in trunk, so just 
 reporting an issue I observed. When I login using 'Remember me' checked, 
 I'm getting this error below. Without 'remember me' its working just fine. 
 I tried to remove all session files but still the same consistent behaviour 



 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\java\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 217, in restricted
 exec ccode in environment
   File C:/java/web2py/applications/gapps/models/03_db.py 
 line 49, in module
 auth = Auth(db)
   File C:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1229, in __init__
 KeyError: 'session_id_gapps'

 Error snapshot [image: 

 type 'exceptions.KeyError'('session_id_gapps')

 inspect attributes


*File C:\java\web2py\gluon\restricted.py in restricted at line 217* 
code arguments variables

*File C:\java\web2py\applications\gapps\models\03_db.py in module 
at line 49* code arguments variables

*File C:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py in __init__ at line 1229* code 
arguments variables
Function argument list

(self=gluon.tools.Auth object, environment=DAL 
uri=sqlite://storage.sqlite, db=DAL uri=sqlite://storage.sqlite, 
mailer=True, hmac_key=None, controller='default', function='user', 
cas_provider=None, signature=True, secure=False)
Code listing



# for remember me option
response = current.response
if auth and auth.remember:
# when user wants to be logged in for longer
response.cookies[response.session_id_name][expires] = \

if signature:
self.signature = None


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[web2py] Re: track_changes for modules stops working after some time - some observation

2013-08-05 Thread David Marko
I have this problem for years.  Working on Windows 7/8 , python 2.7.5 and 
latest web2py from trunk. The same behaviour observed when running rocket 
or mod_wsgi (under Apache). I'm always putting track_changes into model. 
Details of the behaviour are described in my initial post in this 
discussion thread


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[web2py] more buttons on the SQLFORM, how to add them into templates using form custom layout ...?

2013-08-03 Thread David Marko
I would like to add more buttons to SQLFORM using the syntax below. How can 
I address these buttons on template when I render content manualy? For 
common submit filed I'm using {{=form.custom.submit}} ... how to address 
these additional buttons?

form.add_button('Back', URL('other_page'))


buttons = [TAG.button('Back',_type=button,_onClick = parent.location='%s'  
% URL(...),


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[web2py] track_changes for modules stops working after some time - some observation

2013-08-02 Thread David Marko
It has been reported a few times by different users. track_changes for 
modules stops working after several reloads of page in browser. I can see 
typical scenario ... I'm working with module and changes are detected 
correctly . After 6-7 changes and reloads cycle in browser during the 
coding process and testing web2py  ... tracking stops detect the changes in 
module. When for example I try to debug some error and  web2py stops reload 
the module I can see still the same source code snippet in error ticked 
even though my module contains updated code. When this occurs (and this 
occurs repeatedly for me /tested width rocket and mod_wsgi/) I observed 
that .pyc file is outdated comparing the timestamp on original .py file. I 
even tried to remove .pyc file but web2py(python) doesnt create a new one 
when I reload the page in browser. I have to restart the web2py and things 
get working for sometime once again. Any idea here please? 


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[web2py] Re: track_changes for modules stops working after some time - some observation

2013-08-02 Thread David Marko
Its in model ... 


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[web2py] viewScope variables implementation - your comments and ideas are welcome ...

2013-08-02 Thread David Marko
I'm trying to implement the viewScope variables for web2py controller 
methods. Idea behind is to mimic a behaviour of JAVA frameworks like JSF or 
Spring that use the concept of viewScope variables. Such variables live 
during the all posts to same controller action / to the same form. This is 
very handy when one is doing some heavy form actions or wizard actions etc. 
that we do all the time in corporate development. Using the viewScope 
variable one can avoid using a hidden fields (which using is rather a 
security issue as user can easily change the value in browser using dev 

Now my idea expressed in code snippet below is to generate UUID value 
during the get request (the first request to controller action) and store 
it into hidden form field. This hidden UUID is used as a key for cache.ram 
value that expresses the viewScope variable. I use Storage() object as a 
viewScope object as it is very easy to use. Now everything is working as 
expected and during the all posts to same action (all posts of  SQLFORM) 
the hidden key is available and I can access the the same cach.ram 
Storage() object, read and update values and everything is working fine. 
What is not fine is fact that cache expire_time is timeout counted from the 
first cache object creation time and expires in defined time. What I need 
 here is to have the expire time but prolonged each time I access the cache 
so the expire time reflects users inactivity. Is there a way how to 
accomplish this idea using the cache.ram?  Also is there anyone who tried 
to solve this already? I would appreciate your ideas / comments.

BTW: Despite the fact that HTTP is not statefull .. the statefull framework 
features are very important during corporate development (during forking 
with large form that requires many post submits until saved finaly). I 
would really appreciate having some statefull ideas implemented in web2py 
core. But its completely separate topic.

(Code below is just a proof of concept more than some final nice code. :-) 

class ViewState:

def getStateObject(state_id=None):
if state_id==None:
from gluon.storage import Storage
return cache.ram('form_'+state_id, lambda:Storage(), time_expire=10)

def getStateId(state_field='state_id'):
import uuid
return (request.post_vars.state_id or str(uuid.uuid4()))

def index():



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[web2py] Re: viewScope variables implementation - your comments and ideas are welcome ...

2013-08-02 Thread David Marko
I tried to avoid serialize these data structures from different forms to 
disk (default session storage). But you are probably right, that is can be 
a good solution ...

Dne pátek, 2. srpna 2013 21:19:26 UTC+2 Anthony napsal(a):

 Is there a reason this can't be done using the session?


 On Friday, August 2, 2013 3:10:55 PM UTC-4, David Marko wrote:

 I'm trying to implement the viewScope variables for web2py controller 
 methods. Idea behind is to mimic a behaviour of JAVA frameworks like JSF or 
 Spring that use the concept of viewScope variables. Such variables live 
 during the all posts to same controller action / to the same form. This is 
 very handy when one is doing some heavy form actions or wizard actions etc. 
 that we do all the time in corporate development. Using the viewScope 
 variable one can avoid using a hidden fields (which using is rather a 
 security issue as user can easily change the value in browser using dev 

 Now my idea expressed in code snippet below is to generate UUID value 
 during the get request (the first request to controller action) and store 
 it into hidden form field. This hidden UUID is used as a key for cache.ram 
 value that expresses the viewScope variable. I use Storage() object as a 
 viewScope object as it is very easy to use. Now everything is working as 
 expected and during the all posts to same action (all posts of  SQLFORM) 
 the hidden key is available and I can access the the same cach.ram 
 Storage() object, read and update values and everything is working fine. 
 What is not fine is fact that cache expire_time is timeout counted from the 
 first cache object creation time and expires in defined time. What I need 
  here is to have the expire time but prolonged each time I access the cache 
 so the expire time reflects users inactivity. Is there a way how to 
 accomplish this idea using the cache.ram?  Also is there anyone who tried 
 to solve this already? I would appreciate your ideas / comments.

 BTW: Despite the fact that HTTP is not statefull .. the statefull 
 framework features are very important during corporate development (during 
 forking with large form that requires many post submits until saved 
 finaly). I would really appreciate having some statefull ideas implemented 
 in web2py core. But its completely separate topic.

 (Code below is just a proof of concept more than some final nice code. 
 :-)  )

 class ViewState:

 def getStateObject(state_id=None):
 if state_id==None:
 from gluon.storage import Storage
 return cache.ram('form_'+state_id, lambda:Storage(), time_expire=

 def getStateId(state_field='state_id'):
 import uuid
 return (request.post_vars.state_id or str(uuid.uuid4()))

 def index():



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[web2py] {{include tmpNameVar }} with template name as a variable problem

2013-08-01 Thread David Marko
I'm trying to use include in 'for' statement importing left navigation 
snippets from separate folders for particular modules. Code is very simple 
as below. But it fails on line with include saying that 'm' variable doesnt 
exist. I tried this and that and found out that include can see variables 
specified in models but cant see any variable defined in template ... What 
wrong I'm doing?

  {{ for m in app.modules.codes: }}
  {{include m+'/left_navig.html' }}


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[web2py] Using grid on db.auth_user table switches me back with 'not authorized' flash message ...

2013-07-31 Thread David Marko
I try to use SQLFORM.grid(db.auth_user) in my controller action. But this 
line simply redirects me back do default action with 'not authorized' flash 
message. Grid with my custom tables are working fine. Is there any 
restriction on auth tables?


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[web2py] auth.user_groups are cached? Can't see changes beeing done in admin UI until user logout/login again

2013-07-30 Thread David Marko
auth.user_groups are cached? Cant see changes beeing done in admin UI until 
user logout/login again . Any idea how to make this information to be 
fresh? I mean when I remove user from group, it should be working 
immediately ...


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[web2py] Re: auth.user_groups are cached? Can't see changes beeing done in admin UI until user logout/login again

2013-07-30 Thread David Marko
But update_groups do update only for just login user so callbacks should do the 
work for every user, and this probably cant be done ...


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[web2py] Form errors list ... Is there a way how to get field labels?

2013-07-30 Thread David Marko
I would like to disable inline form error messages and put these as a  list 
above the form. Common errors list comtains the field name, which is rather 
technical term. Is there a way how to get a label name for each field name from 
form object?


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[web2py] Bug in SQLFORM.grid - interference between two grids openned in two browser tabs ...

2013-07-26 Thread David Marko
I accidentlly found a strange thing / bug when I open two browser tabs of 
the same app with two different pages having different grids. 

a) open page01 with grid (first browser tab)
b) open page02 with another grid (another browser tab) 
c) go back to first tab and refresh/reload the page01
d) go to second tab with page02 and click on 'edit' on any row. Now the 
edit page 'back' button points to page01 and not to page02, from which the 
edit page came from

Hopefully its not too messy. I tested many times, still the same ...


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[web2py] Re: Bug in SQLFORM.grid - interference between two grids openned in two browser tabs ...

2013-07-26 Thread David Marko
As a part of URL in 'edit' button link ? Do not know internals, how it is 
generated ...

Dne pátek, 26. července 2013 21:17:10 UTC+2 Niphlod napsal(a):

 that's because the back link is saved into the session and session is 
 shared between tabs. How would you handle it ?

 On Friday, July 26, 2013 9:11:38 PM UTC+2, David Marko wrote:

 I accidentlly found a strange thing / bug when I open two browser tabs of 
 the same app with two different pages having different grids. 

 a) open page01 with grid (first browser tab)
 b) open page02 with another grid (another browser tab) 
 c) go back to first tab and refresh/reload the page01
 d) go to second tab with page02 and click on 'edit' on any row. Now the 
 edit page 'back' button points to page01 and not to page02, from which the 
 edit page came from

 Hopefully its not too messy. I tested many times, still the same ...


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[web2py] How to show column from 1:N relation in SQLFORM.grid for child table ?

2013-07-25 Thread David Marko
I have a simple 1:N relation (I think its very common scenatio) as you can 
see below. Now how can I create a query form SQLFORM.grid  to show 
'customer_person' table but view company_name in 'company' column instead 
of ID? I tried to put this query to grid 'db_companies.id == 
db_persons.company ' (inner join), it worked nice but 'show' button from 
grid viewed the 'customers_company' and not the 'customers_person' table. 
Is there a way how to accomplish this using e.g. left join?


 Field('company','reference customers_company', requires=


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[web2py] What is the import order for model files when using subfolders based on controller names ?

2013-07-24 Thread David Marko
I'm using model subfolders for specific controllers based on docs here By 
default, this is set automatically to load /a/models/*.py, 
/a/models/c/*.py, and /a/models/c/f/*.py files when /a/c/f is requested. 
What is the import order for this? 


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[web2py] How can I protect the entire controller to be available only for logged in users?

2013-07-24 Thread David Marko
How can I protect the entire controller to be available only for logged in 
users? Something like @auth.requires_login() but for the entire controller 
instead of each method ?


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[web2py] Problem with {{include some_page.html}} - its adding some empty line at the top of parsed template

2013-07-23 Thread David Marko

I have a problem with {{include some_page.html}} on templates. Its adding 
some empty line at the top of parsed template. I have some html theme that 
requires precise html and I found out that when I use {{include}}  its 
adding some strange char(s) at the top of parsed template. I simply try to 
decouple the large page html into smaller pieces ... so I take a html bock 
and put this into separate file and include back using {{include}}. Even if 
I include empty file with no lines its adding something to my html that 
causes visual problems in HTML (tested in Chrome, FF, IE). Screenshot below 
highlights the problem. The li class='grey' ... is part of included file 
and there is something added at the top. Any idea whats this?



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[web2py] Re: Problem with {{include some_page.html}} - its adding some empty line at the top of parsed template

2013-07-23 Thread David Marko
I just found it was IDE issue. I'm using PyScripter and when I oppened the 
HTML templates in another editor and resaved it simply disapeared ...


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[web2py] Re: can't compare datetime.date to Field

2013-07-17 Thread David Marko
I think this is because '=' are methods on field object ...

Dne středa, 17. července 2013 4:57:02 UTC+2 lucas napsal(a):

 omg, that is amazing.  strange syntax.  why not interchangeable?  lucas


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[web2py] Anyone having experience with web2py and ChromeLogger?

2013-07-16 Thread David Marko
Anyone having experience with web2py and ChromeLogger?



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[web2py] Re: ChromeLogger for web2py

2013-07-16 Thread David Marko
Very nice :-)


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[web2py] Re: web2py roadmap

2013-07-15 Thread David Marko
Is there  a way how to add something to wishlist?

Dne neděle, 14. července 2013 22:30:05 UTC+2 Niphlod napsal(a):

 web2py's developers work often behind the curtain and users are not able 
 to see what they're working on. Historically we tracked down 
 feature-requests and todo-lists on google code, but it's a nightmare to 
 track them and work with it efficiently.

 On a nice tip received by a power web2py user, we (developers) decided to 
 create something more readable to give us (developers AND users) a nice 
 representation on what's going on.

 Please welcome the official trello board for web2py's roadmap : 


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[web2py] Re: this talk...

2013-07-14 Thread David Marko
Hi Massimo, can you elaborate more on how it is relevant to this community? 
Do you have some ideas that come from this presentation?

Dne neděle, 14. července 2013 18:03:06 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):


 I think this talk is really relevant to our community, and it gets really 
 funny after the first 19 minute.



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[web2py] Re: New Auth and general database management functionality in appadmin

2013-07-09 Thread David Marko
Hi Anthony, 
can you help me to make it alive in my app, please? I'm using the latest 
trunk web2py version. I did necessary setup as described above but when I 
enter the following URL: http://localhost/test_app/appadmin/manage/auth I'm 
just getting this in browser 'invalid function (appadmin/manage)' .  Is the 
URL wrong for my 'test_app' application? Is it working for existing 
applications or only for newly created after this feature has been 


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[web2py] Re: New Auth and general database management functionality in appadmin

2013-07-09 Thread David Marko
Just got it to work, I copied only appadmin.py controller, but also the 
appadmin.html  and current web2py.js is required ...


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[web2py] Anyone here as former PHP developer? Help me with 'pro-web2py' arguments please ...

2013-07-06 Thread David Marko
The talks raised in our company about the shifting to PHP world as a more 
widespread ... and even some people has PHP experience already here. 
Symfony2 and Laravel PHP frameworks are in consideration. Is there anyone 
that switched from some PHP web framework to web2py? Can you share some 
experiences and reasons for this shift  please ...


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[web2py] Why is compiled application slower than the one without compilation?

2013-06-28 Thread David Marko
I just tested my web2py installation using Apache Benchmark and found 
strange thing. When I benchmarked common examples app, that is available in 
web2py core (this url: /examples/simple_examples/hello5 ) I found that 
compiled app gives me around 100 req/sec but uncompiled 155 req/sec  which 
is much more. The same app on the same computer. Tried several times just 
to avoid some issues. Why is it? I would expect the compiled version to be 
faster and not just opposite.

(Running on Apache/2.2.21 (Win32) mod_wsgi/3.5-BRANCH Python/2.7.5 


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[web2py] Article: How fast can we make interpreted Python?

2013-06-26 Thread David Marko


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[web2py] Anyone got working python-dateutil in web2py app?

2013-06-21 Thread David Marko
I have to use 'rrule' part of python-dateutil library see here 
I cant get it to work under web2py. It freezes the Rocket server. Its 
working fine as standalone in Python, but in web2py app  the rrule() method 
freezes the server. I found the 'import thread' at the beginning of this 
library, but its not used with default parameters. So I even commented this 
import but still doesnt work under web2py.

Anyone there have been successfull with this?


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[web2py] Re: Anyone got working python-dateutil in web2py app?

2013-06-21 Thread David Marko
timedeltas are fine, but I need rrules, which contains great functionality 

Dne pátek, 21. června 2013 22:12:53 UTC+2 Jim S napsal(a):

 I use dateutil extensively but not rrule().


 On Friday, June 21, 2013 1:52:16 PM UTC-5, David Marko wrote:

 I have to use 'rrule' part of python-dateutil library see here 
 I cant get it to work under web2py. It freezes the Rocket server. Its 
 working fine as standalone in Python, but in web2py app  the rrule() method 
 freezes the server. I found the 'import thread' at the beginning of this 
 library, but its not used with default parameters. So I even commented this 
 import but still doesnt work under web2py.

 Anyone there have been successfull with this?


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[web2py] Re: Anyone got working python-dateutil in web2py app?

2013-06-21 Thread David Marko
Thanks a lot for testing !!! I just got it. When I use :

return dict(message=Testing RRule, recur = recur)

... its working fine, but when I returned (just for testing) 'return recur' 
only, it freezed the Rocket ...

Thanks again!

Dne sobota, 22. června 2013 4:17:29 UTC+2 Brian M napsal(a):

 I too use relativedelta a lot but hadn't tried rrule() before. However, I 
 just gave it a try and it appeared to work OK. (Tested with current web2py 
 trunk running via rocket)

 def index(): 
 from dateutil.rrule import *
 from dateutil.parser import *
 from datetime import *
 recur = list(rrule(MONTHLY, count=10,
 return dict(message=Testing RRule, recur = recur)

 This is the rrule/index.html template
 message:Testing RRulerecur:datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 21, 0, 
 7, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2013, 8, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2013, 
 9, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2013, 
 11, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2014, 
 1, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2014, 2, 21, 0, 0)datetime.datetime(2014, 
 3, 21, 0, 0)

 On Friday, June 21, 2013 3:16:06 PM UTC-5, David Marko wrote:

 timedeltas are fine, but I need rrules, which contains great 
 functionality ...

 Dne pátek, 21. června 2013 22:12:53 UTC+2 Jim S napsal(a):

 I use dateutil extensively but not rrule().


 On Friday, June 21, 2013 1:52:16 PM UTC-5, David Marko wrote:

 I have to use 'rrule' part of python-dateutil library see here 
 I cant get it to work under web2py. It freezes the Rocket server. Its 
 working fine as standalone in Python, but in web2py app  the rrule() 
 freezes the server. I found the 'import thread' at the beginning of this 
 library, but its not used with default parameters. So I even commented 
 import but still doesnt work under web2py.

 Anyone there have been successfull with this?


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[web2py] How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html?

2013-06-13 Thread David Marko
How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html? For 
example helper that can create a div like the one below, as parameters I 
can provide header as simple text and content body as html, which can be 
quite long/complete. I can't use common pattern e.g. {{=DIV(B(I(hello , 
world))), _class=myclass)}} becuase I can't send body as long html. I 
need something more like {{block fancy_div}} body text {{end}} but have to 
be able to send aditional parameters. The purpose of this is to create a 
set of helpers/widgets, that can help me to work with this page layout 
http://easy-themes.tk/themes/preview/ace/elements.html ... so for each 
component of this layout I could be able to create some widget/helper.

div class='fancy-box'
div class='header'
div class='body'
  html body


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[web2py] Re: How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html?

2013-06-13 Thread David Marko
Problem is not in HTML but how to send large html into widget/helper. For 
example if you would like to use DIV() helper, you have a problemwhen 
having a large content, which must be editable/visible in html editor, you 
cant pass it into helper as a string. Here my note about {{block }} command 
as an example.

Dne čtvrtek, 13. června 2013 12:14:03 UTC+2 villas napsal(a):

 Did you try to use the XML() helper to use raw html in your views?

 On Thursday, 13 June 2013 08:40:31 UTC+1, David Marko wrote:

 How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html? 
 For example helper that can create a div like the one below, as parameters 
 I can provide header as simple text and content body as html, which can be 
 quite long/complete. I can't use common pattern e.g. {{=DIV(B(I(hello , 
 world))), _class=myclass)}} becuase I can't send body as long html. I 
 need something more like {{block fancy_div}} body text {{end}} but have to 
 be able to send aditional parameters. The purpose of this is to create a 
 set of helpers/widgets, that can help me to work with this page layout 
 http://easy-themes.tk/themes/preview/ace/elements.html ... so for each 
 component of this layout I could be able to create some widget/helper.

 div class='fancy-box'
 div class='header'
 div class='body'
   html body


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[web2py] Re: How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html?

2013-06-13 Thread David Marko
HTML can be passed as string of course, but I cant imagine how to do it for 
html, which is large html block with table, links etc. cca. 300 lines which 
is created and maintained by our designer.

Dne čtvrtek, 13. června 2013 13:53:43 UTC+2 villas napsal(a):

 I don't understand: 

- why html cannot be passed as a large string; generally speaking, 
html is a large string :)
- why you need to use a new widget or helper to make the correct markup

 Hopefully someone else will know what you mean and help you directly.  If 
 not,  please post a more specific example of what your original data looks 
 like and what you would like to achieve.

 On Thursday, 13 June 2013 11:37:42 UTC+1, David Marko wrote:

 Problem is not in HTML but how to send large html into widget/helper. For 
 example if you would like to use DIV() helper, you have a problemwhen 
 having a large content, which must be editable/visible in html editor, you 
 cant pass it into helper as a string. Here my note about {{block }} command 
 as an example.

 Dne čtvrtek, 13. června 2013 12:14:03 UTC+2 villas napsal(a):

 Did you try to use the XML() helper to use raw html in your views?

 On Thursday, 13 June 2013 08:40:31 UTC+1, David Marko wrote:

 How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html? 
 For example helper that can create a div like the one below, as parameters 
 I can provide header as simple text and content body as html, which can be 
 quite long/complete. I can't use common pattern e.g. {{=DIV(B(I(hello , 
 world))), _class=myclass)}} becuase I can't send body as long html. 
 need something more like {{block fancy_div}} body text {{end}} but have to 
 be able to send aditional parameters. The purpose of this is to create a 
 set of helpers/widgets, that can help me to work with this page layout 
 http://easy-themes.tk/themes/preview/ace/elements.html ... so for each 
 component of this layout I could be able to create some widget/helper.

 div class='fancy-box'
 div class='header'
 div class='body'
   html body


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[web2py] Re: How to create a custom helper that accepts body as long multiline html?

2013-06-13 Thread David Marko
My bad that I cant explain it better :-(

Going to try to explain with this simple example:

I need to generalize/convert this html in helper:

div class='fancy-box'
  div class='header' id='fancy-header'
**header simple text**
  div class='body' id='fancy-body'
**body html with web2py codes like URL() etc. **
   div class='footer' id='fancy-footer'
**footer simple text**

All ** text ** are variables so I have to send it to helper. 

I need some syntax like this (I know that it doesnt exist but how to 
accomplish it using web2py tools?? ):

{{block-fancy header=header text  footer='Footer text'  }}

table... /table
a href='{{=URL()}}' textlink /a


... so header and footer parameters are placed into particular div tags in 
template above and block content is used as body html in template above ...


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[web2py] SQLFORM.grid run too many queries from database ...

2013-06-12 Thread David Marko
I have a following table definition in my app. The table contains one filed 
that references another table called 'category' and then 3 fields that 
references auth_user table.

 Field('category','reference category', label='Kategorie', requires=IS_IN_DB
Field('name', label='Název', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('description', 'text', label='Popis'),
Field('period', label='Periodicita',requires=IS_IN_SET(PERIODICITA)),
Field('start_date','date',label='Počáteční datum',requires=IS_DATE(
Field('responsible_1','reference auth_user', label='Odpovědná 
Field('responsible_1_time','time',default='09:00', label='Reakční doba'
Field('responsible_2','reference auth_user', label='Zástupce', requires=
Field('responsible_2_time','time',default='10:00', label='Reakční doba'
Field('responsible_3','reference auth_user', label='Osoba pro 
informování', requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.auth_user.id,'%(username)s')),
Field('responsible_3_time','time',default='17:00', label='Reakční doba'

Now when I use grid in controller like this:
 grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.scheduled_task_type.id0, fields=[task_type.category

... I can see this huge set of database queries in response.toolbar()

SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS NOT 
NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS NOT 
NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS NOT 
NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  count(*) FROM scheduled_task_type LEFT JOIN category ON (
scheduled_task_type.category = category.id) LEFT JOIN auth_user ON (
scheduled_task_type.responsible_1 = auth_user.id) WHERE (scheduled_task_type
.id  0);
SELECT  scheduled_task_type.category, 
.description, scheduled_task_type.id FROM scheduled_task_type LEFT JOIN 
category ON (scheduled_task_type.category = category.id) LEFT JOIN 
auth_user ON (scheduled_task_type.responsible_1 = auth_user.id) WHERE (
scheduled_task_type.id  0);
SELECT  category.id, category.name, category.description FROM category 
WHERE (category.id = 1) LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;

When I remove grid, this SQL queries disappears, so all are related to GRID 
component. What is this? Why so many redundant queries? Please help me 
understand how to optimise it ...


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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid run too many queries from database ...

2013-06-12 Thread David Marko
I thought so but it is from table with one record only and one record 
reference category and three users. But I can see many queries to auth_user 
table with  WHERE (auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) clause which is quite strange. 
Whats more, as you can see from my example I dont list user name columns at 
all in grid see fields=[task_type.category,task_type.name,task_type.

Dne středa, 12. června 2013 14:08:46 UTC+2 Anthony napsal(a):

 All the reference fields generate queries in order to display the values 
 from their referenced table instead of displaying the raw ID stored in the 
 reference field itself. Separate queries are done for each row in the 
 table, so this can get expensive. It would be more efficient to do a single 
 query with joins to get all the data, but that is not how the grid works -- 
 instead it just relies on the represent attribute of each field, which 
 requires a query per field per record.


 On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:47:08 AM UTC-4, David Marko wrote:

 I have a following table definition in my app. The table contains one 
 filed that references another table called 'category' and then 3 fields 
 that references auth_user table.

  Field('category','reference category', label='Kategorie', requires=
 Field('name', label='Název', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 Field('description', 'text', label='Popis'),
 Field('period', label='Periodicita',requires=IS_IN_SET(PERIODICITA)),
 Field('start_date','date',label='Počáteční datum',requires=IS_DATE(
 Field('responsible_1','reference auth_user', label='Odpovědná 
 Field('responsible_1_time','time',default='09:00', label='Reakční 
 Field('responsible_2','reference auth_user', label='Zástupce',requires
 Field('responsible_2_time','time',default='10:00', label='Reakční 
 Field('responsible_3','reference auth_user', label='Osoba pro 
 informování', requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.auth_user.id,'%(username)s')),
 Field('responsible_3_time','time',default='17:00', label='Reakční 

 Now when I use grid in controller like this:
  grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.scheduled_task_type.id0, fields=[task_type.

 ... I can see this huge set of database queries in response.toolbar()

 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
 IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  count(*) FROM scheduled_task_type LEFT JOIN category ON (
 scheduled_task_type.category = category.id) LEFT JOIN auth_user ON (
 scheduled_task_type.responsible_1 = auth_user.id) WHERE (
 scheduled_task_type.id  0);
 SELECT  scheduled_task_type.category, 
 .description, scheduled_task_type.id FROM scheduled_task_type LEFT JOIN 
 category ON (scheduled_task_type.category = category.id) LEFT JOIN 
 auth_user ON (scheduled_task_type.responsible_1 = auth_user.id) WHERE (
 scheduled_task_type.id  0);
 SELECT  category.id, category.name, category.description FROM category 
 WHERE (category.id = 1) LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;

 When I remove grid, this SQL queries disappears, so all are related to 
 GRID component. What

[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid run too many queries from database ...

2013-06-12 Thread David Marko
Its grid doing this definitely. Removing the grid and all queries disapear.

I also have had one left join in grid definition, which causes some 
additional queries to auth_user database. I have striped my code to 
simplest one, now when fetching one record from my database, I'm getting 
queries as below:
a) query to category table, my record reference category table
b) 3 queries to auth_table, but I dont have any username column in grid and 
also see the strange where clause ...
c) count quersy, chis is fine
d) the main query itself, which is fine

Strange are the queries to category and auth_user tables(the first 4 
queries), particulary the where clause which is just checking id 'IS NOT 
NULL'. I don't use represent for this fields, so in category column I can 
see ID instead of name. When I add represent to this category Field, 
additional query appears like this one, which fetches that category name 
for this particular category id, which is fine.

SELECT  category.id, category.name, category.description FROM category WHERE 
(category.id = 1) LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;

SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS NOT 
NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (auth_user.id 
IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
SELECT count(*) FROM scheduled_task_type WHERE (scheduled_task_type.id  0);
SELECT  scheduled_task_type.category, 
.description, scheduled_task_type.id FROM scheduled_task_type WHERE (
scheduled_task_type.id  0) ORDER BY scheduled_task_type.id LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0


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[web2py] Re: SQLFORM.grid run too many queries from database ...

2013-06-12 Thread David Marko
Thanks Anthony, searchable=False did the trick and removed the first 4 
queries. Things got clear for me now ...

Dne středa, 12. června 2013 16:17:11 UTC+2 Anthony napsal(a):

 Sorry, didn't look to closely at the queries. In this case, most of those 
 queries are for the search widget. The default search widget includes 
 dropdowns for all the reference fields that have requires attributes with 
 IS_IN_DB validators -- the IS NOT NULL queries for db.category and 
 db.auth_user are for populating those dropdowns. If you don't want that, in 
 the call to .grid(), you can set searchable=False, or you can specify 
 search_widget=[your custom widget] (or you can temporarily set the requires 
 attributes of the reference fields to None).

 I'm not sure why each of those queries appears three times, though -- are 
 there multiple calls to .grid() in the request? Also, is that your exact 
 .grid() call? I see left joins in the queries, but you don't have a left 
 argument in your .grid() call.


 On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:18:59 AM UTC-4, David Marko wrote:

 I thought so but it is from table with one record only and one record 
 reference category and three users. But I can see many queries to auth_user 
 table with  WHERE (auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) clause which is quite 
 strange. Whats more, as you can see from my example I dont list user name 
 columns at all in grid see fields=[task_type.category,task_type.name,

 Dne středa, 12. června 2013 14:08:46 UTC+2 Anthony napsal(a):

 All the reference fields generate queries in order to display the values 
 from their referenced table instead of displaying the raw ID stored in the 
 reference field itself. Separate queries are done for each row in the 
 table, so this can get expensive. It would be more efficient to do a single 
 query with joins to get all the data, but that is not how the grid works -- 
 instead it just relies on the represent attribute of each field, which 
 requires a query per field per record.


 On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:47:08 AM UTC-4, David Marko wrote:

 I have a following table definition in my app. The table contains one 
 filed that references another table called 'category' and then 3 fields 
 that references auth_user table.

  Field('category','reference category', label='Kategorie', requires=
 Field('name', label='Název', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
 Field('description', 'text', label='Popis'),
 Field('period', label='Periodicita',requires=IS_IN_SET(PERIODICITA
 Field('start_date','date',label='Počáteční datum',requires=IS_DATE(
 Field('responsible_1','reference auth_user', label='Odpovědná 
 osoba', requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.auth_user.id,'%(username)s')),
 Field('responsible_1_time','time',default='09:00', label='Reakční 
 Field('responsible_2','reference auth_user', label='Zástupce',requires
 Field('responsible_2_time','time',default='10:00', label='Reakční 
 Field('responsible_3','reference auth_user', label='Osoba pro 
 informování', requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.auth_user.id,'%(username)s')),
 Field('responsible_3_time','time',default='17:00', label='Reakční 

 Now when I use grid in controller like this:
  grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.scheduled_task_type.id0, fields=[task_type.

 ... I can see this huge set of database queries in response.toolbar()

 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id;
 SELECT  category.name, category.id FROM category WHERE (category.id IS 
 NOT NULL) ORDER BY category.name, category.id;
 SELECT  auth_user.username, auth_user.id FROM auth_user WHERE (
 auth_user.id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY auth_user.username, auth_user.id

[web2py] Very nice DataGrid for Twitter Boostrap ...

2013-06-01 Thread David Marko
http://o5.github.io/grido-sandbox/ live example is here 


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[web2py] Re: request.get_vars

2013-05-23 Thread David Marko
I think that request.get_vars return the reference to Storage object not 
its copy. So adding something to your variable de-facto adds items to 
former Storage.

Dne čtvrtek, 23. května 2013 11:00:40 UTC+2 Domagoj Kovač napsal(a):

 {{export_get_vars = request.get_vars}}
 {{export_get_vars.export_format = csv}}
 {{export_get_vars.export_format = xls}}
 I have a code like this, i dont understand what is going on. I assign 
 request.get_vars to export_get_vars, when i add seomething to 
 export_get_vars request.get_vars is also changed, How is this possible?

 Example above outputs: 
 Storage {'export_format': 'xls'}

 Althought my url is:


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[web2py] Upload field and SQLFORM.grid problem / bug?

2013-05-22 Thread David Marko
I have a table with upload field defined as follows: Field('file', 
'upload', uploadseparate=True) . When I create some items using database 
administration, the image is displayed correctly. When I involve 
SQLFORM.grid in my controller, the link to file is not correct. See two 
links below:

OK - this URL is produced by database administration interface

BAD - this URL is produced by SQLFORM.grid

The difference is  'db' just after '/download/' in path. I'm running latest 
web2py trunk version.


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[web2py] Is there a way how to use a viewScope on conversationScope like variable?

2013-04-29 Thread David Marko
Is there a way how to use/crrate a viewScope on conversationScope like 
variable in web2py? In JAVA based frameworks (e.g. JSF, Spring Framework) 
there are scoped environments available. In web2py we have requestScope, 
and sessionScope (if I use this naming) but cant figure out how to create a 
viewSope(or conversationScope) which is like session but bound to one 
page(its instance.) only. So when user submits page without redirect the 
viewScope variable is still available. This is very nice scenario e.g. how 
to create nice wizards within a one page as viewScope holds position 
'securely' . And there are other use casesas well.  (btw. applicationScope 
would be very ncie as well but I know we can use cache here, but these 
scope are more transparent). 



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Re: [web2py] Is there a way how to use a viewScope on conversationScope like variable?

2013-04-29 Thread David Marko
Such a great piece of code!!  Thanks. Its very close but page scope should be 
bound to specific instance of page so it works also in situation when you open 
the same page in several browser tabs. It must be independent. 


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Re: [web2py] Is there a way how to use a viewScope on conversationScope like variable?

2013-04-29 Thread David Marko
I understand that scope idea is based on statefullness of these mentioned 
frameworks. I can see the statefullness important (and useful) when you 
work on intranet applications that require a more complicated logic etc. 

The viewScope starts on first page GET and lives for all POSTs to server 
and disappears on next GET to this page. If possible,  it should be 
implemented with cache in web2py (IMHO) as it requires separate expiracy. 
With session and uniques keys for each page instance it would 'fill' 
session quickly. 

But I think its rather more general idea ... I mean if we can get some 
statefull nature in web2py it woul be great. . In JAVA world (where I come 
from) there are frameworks like Apache Wicket or Spring (marked as 
statefull) and those like Play!  (marked as stateless). What is important 
that statefull frameworks can usualy run in stateless mode when required, 
but can operate with states when needed. 


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[web2py] Re: Cheatsheet available?

2013-04-15 Thread David Marko

Dne pondělí, 15. dubna 2013 14:03:18 UTC+2 Karl Thomas Schmidt napsal(a):


 is there anywhere a cheatsheet for all reserved words with one or two 
 lines of 


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[web2py] Anyone have experience with SSO between web2py and Wordpress (or some PHP framework)?

2013-04-15 Thread David Marko
Anyone have experience with SSO between web2py and Wordpress? We have to 
run Wordpress site for the one of our customers but would like to develop 
apps in web2py. To avoid duplicate login and having seamless integration we 
would like to  integrate it somehow so when user is logged into Wordpress, 
the web2py would know about him. Any hint on this?


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[web2py] Re: iOS + web2py

2013-04-11 Thread David Marko
What do you use for creating iOS application? Do you use xcode directly or some 
framework like Titanium?


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[web2py] Pypy 2.0 beta2 - is there anyone testing this with web2py?

2013-04-07 Thread David Marko
Is there anyone testing Pyp with web2py. Is it usable now or in future as 
faster plarfotm?



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[web2py] Article: Frameworks Round 2

2013-04-05 Thread David Marko


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Re: [web2py] Re: EmberJS is the web2py of the client! :)

2013-04-03 Thread David Marko
This scenario of one-page application is quite important for mobile hybrid 
applications. In this case you need standalone app running in device and 
consuming data from server. The server provides JSON coomunication with 
app. We have a great experience with  http://trigger.io   
http://angularjs.org/ ... 


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Re: [web2py] Re: EmberJS is the web2py of the client! :)

2013-04-03 Thread David Marko
Meteor is different beast as it is also serverside platform based on node.js 
... But development of this framework is quite slow ...


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Re: [web2py] Re: EmberJS is the web2py of the client! :)

2013-04-02 Thread David Marko
AngularJS is well designed ... and usefull ...

Dne úterý, 2. dubna 2013 19:13:20 UTC+2 Ramos napsal(a):

 Backbone anyone?

 2013/4/2 Massimo Di Pierro massimo@gmail.com javascript:

 Thanks for the good writing. We should make an example of integrating the 

 On Tuesday, 2 April 2013 05:01:10 UTC-5, Arnon Marcus wrote:

 EmberJS is one of the most comprehensive MVC frameworks of the day - 
 it's batteries included (like web2py).

 It is inspired by Ruby-on-Rails, in terms of preferring convention-over-
 **configuration (like web2py).

 It has sane defaults for the high-level architecture, so it could 
 require minimal code for standard stuff (like web2py).

 The MVC naming-structure is somewhat different, but essentially the same 
 components exist as in web2py.


 *The Router:*


 Like in web2py, there is a convention for mapping controllers to views, 
 but unlike web2py, routing (the mapping of URLs to code) is done explicitly.

 It is analogous to web2py's routs.py file.

 The router is doing client-side routing, translating code to URL and 


 *The Model:*

 * *

 Firstly, there is an extension called EmberData that works holistically 
 with EmberJS (but can be used without it) that does all the 
 front-end/back-end synchronization.

 It is analogues to web2py's database-abstraction-layer (DAL) 
 architecture, for supporting multiple optional back-ends, and converting 
 data to an ORM (object-relation-model).

 As in RoR (ruby-on-rails), the conversion is done via Adapters which 
 are like web2py's DAL-drivers.

 In RoR it outputs what's known as Active-Records - essentially, 
 objects that map to the back-end, and know how to save/update data back.

 In EmberData you would write:

 model  = DS.Store.create()

 Where in web2py you would write:

 db = DAL(connection-string)

 The data received from the backend, after being converted to ORM 
 objects, is known as Records.

 What is called Record in EmberData is essentially like a Row object 
 in web2py, and similarly a RecordArray in EmberData is analogous to a 
 Rows object in web2py.


  *The View:*


 In EmberJS, a view is somewhat different from what a view in web2py, 
 as it deals with user-interaction event-handeling.

 However, EmberJS uses Templates which are essentially what web2py's 
 views are. It even uses very similar templating  language with a 
 squirrely-brackets ({{somthing}}).

 It has similar uses, so where in web2py, a controller passes data to 
 the view, in EmberJS a controller binds data to a template.

 The difference here is that because it is all client-side, EmberJS can 
 do data-binding - whenever a controller's bound-data changes, the template 
 automatically updates itself in the UI.

 Additionally, in EmberJS there are special names that do special things 
 inside a template.

 For example:

 Where in web2py, the layout may have something like:








 In ember it would be:








 Essentially meaning everything else inside this template, put here...


 Similarly, where in web2py you would write:


 {{if someBoolean}}





 {{for a in someArray}}


   **  {{pass}}



 In EmberJS it would look something like this:


 {{#if someBoolean}}





 {{#each a in someArray}}


   **  {{/each}}



 Also, where in web2py the mapping of views to controllers is done via 
 folder-structure + file-naming,

 in EmberJS it is done via name-mapping of controller-object-name and 


  *The Controller:*

 * *

 In web2py a controller automatically maps to a sub-set of the URL, and 
 may have many functions called Actions, which each is mapped to a view.

 In EmberJS this is further generalized in the Router, which can 
 contain many nested Routs, each mapped to a single controller via the 
 router and/or naming-convention.

 So an EmberJS Rout is analogous to a web2py Controller, and an 
 EmberJS Controller is analogous to a web2py Controller-Action.

 This is offers a more flexible hierarchy 

Re: [web2py] Re: [OT] uWSGI quickstart for Web2Py (works on windows too)

2013-03-16 Thread David Marko
Can you share uwsgi binary please?

Dne sobota, 16. března 2013 10:21:15 UTC+1 Niphlod napsal(a):

 oh. That took nearly 2 seconds (and was nice to know, thanks Roberto). 

 Although I feel dirty in the process (guess being among the first ones 
 kinda leads to dirtyness), now web2py is running on windows under uwsgi 
 just fine!

 The second someone more skilled in cygwin related businesses publishes an 
 how-to to build uwsgi, I'm sure a lot will follow my procedure is kinda 
 ... make -- see errors -- relaunch setup of cygwin -- install missing 
 libraries -- reiterate ^_^


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Re: [web2py] Re: [OT] uWSGI quickstart for Web2Py (works on windows too)

2013-03-15 Thread David Marko
Are there issues with using(on Windows) Apache HTTP + mod_wsgi  see the 
windows builds here http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#mod_wsgi  ?


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Re: [web2py] Re: [OT] uWSGI quickstart for Web2Py (works on windows too)

2013-03-15 Thread David Marko
Yes nginx is my favourite too, being from czech republic, we are closer to 
russia :-) ... but it really requires stable build of uwsgi for windows not 
only some home-made. Would appreciate hearing any results ...

Dne pátek, 15. března 2013 14:27:03 UTC+1 Niphlod napsal(a):

 I assume there aren't, but that is not a setup I'd put up for an intranet 
 to publish an app used by 50 users. 
 Apache on unix is somewhat fatty , on windows it gets really soon to 
 unbereable. Config directives are a sysadmin thing (I'm not against it, 
 it just doesn't feel natural). That being said, we're all happy with apache 
 because it's battle tested and sooner or later someone had to wrestle with 
 it, and became a familiar tool in our belt.
 But, the burden of maintenance started to be too heavy, and that's why I 
 switched some time ago from apache to nginx (ease of maintenance + lighter 
 on resources) and adopted uwsgi as soon as it got out (with more and more 
 features added at every release).

 Now that uwsgi is getting stronger on being directly on the public 
 face of things (i.e. has a own http mode, it eventually serves static 
 files, has HTTPS, etc etc etc), I'd go for uwsgi on Windows all the times, 
 and on Unix I'll keep putting it behind nginx just when the traffic hits 
 sky-rocket limits. Of course, it's just a matter or personal preference.

 On Friday, March 15, 2013 1:20:36 PM UTC+1, David Marko wrote:

 Are there issues with using(on Windows) Apache HTTP + mod_wsgi  see the 
 windows builds here http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#mod_wsgi ?


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[web2py] Re: Howto Multi file uploader

2013-01-30 Thread David Marko
You should look at the web2pyslices, there are a few posts on upload topic 
... e.g. here


Dne středa, 30. ledna 2013 10:48:57 UTC+1 Ramos napsal(a):

 Hello, what is the best way to add multi file upload functionality.

 This is very important for me.
 I have many apps that can be converted to web2py but i have a lot of 
  fields that need to upload multiple files.
 I want to use it inside company in a lot of colaborative apps.

 I would love to see this functionality out of the box in web2py.

 Thank you


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Re: [web2py] Set up of db.py takes too long time

2013-01-15 Thread David Marko
It really runs these validators during table definition, and not just in 
time when used? So its better to define this requires= ... in controller 
where this is used?


Dne úterý, 15. ledna 2013 9:23:43 UTC+1 rochacbruno napsal(a):

 On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:20 AM, Daniel Gonzalez 

 IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, '%s.email' % (web2py_user_table))

 If you too many records on user table, the above code will take a long 
 time, because on every request it will select email from auth_user


Re: [web2py] Re: Sending mail to groups

2013-01-11 Thread David Marko
Hi Ramos, I can see here Lotus Notes roots :-)  
But defnitely some auth based functions would be nice as part of web2py as 
they are generaly usefull. They could be even part of auth object. Someting 
like  auth.my_groups(), auth.my_roles(), auth.emails_for_group(group_name), 
auth.find_by_email(email) etc ...


Dne pátek, 11. ledna 2013 13:16:21 UTC+1 Ramos napsal(a):

 Web2py has html helpers for some reason rigth?
 Its the same principle.

 I know its not a priority. 99,99% dont need it but could be added to that 
 document that compares web2py to others, showing less code in web2py.

 I just dont link my keyboard!!
 Thank you

 2013/1/11 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com javascript:

 It's hardly a feature when you can do it in less than 10 lines of code. 
 You want to send it in a to list, another one could want to do a cc, 
 another one a cc with a ccn of the 1 user registered and so on..

 Let's try to not blow web2py up with those shortcuts.

 def send_to_groupname(groupname, **kwargs):
 send mail to all peoples in a group
 rtn = db(
 (db.auth_group.role == groupname) 
 (db.auth_membership.group_id == db.auth_group.id) 
 (db.auth_user.id == db.auth_membership.user_id)
 ).select(db.auth_user.email, distinct=True)
 tolist = []
 for row in rtn:
 return mail.send(to=tolist, **kwargs)

 so, you can do


 On Friday, January 11, 2013 12:30:13 PM UTC+1, Ramos wrote:

 But it would be nice to do it like

 mail.send('[administrators]','Message subject','Plain text body of 
 the message')

 It would be much simpler for people developing apps that sends a lot of 
 email between users and groups
 like workflow apps.

 Can you put it in the wish list?

 2013/1/11 Niphlod nip...@gmail.com

 no, you need to pass a list of email addresses. It's not difficult to 
 retrieve that info given the name of the group, you must only do a query 
 do that.

 On Friday, January 11, 2013 12:15:14 PM UTC+1, Ramos wrote:

 Hello,can i send an email to a group 

 mail.send('[administrators]','Message subject','Plain text body 
 of the message')

 Thank you




[web2py] Re: How to track page visits

2013-01-09 Thread David Marko
If this has to be persistent among server restarts, you should store it 
into database ...

Dne středa, 9. ledna 2013 9:38:34 UTC+1 sasogeek napsal(a):

 what code will I put in controllers/views to track the number of times 
 users visit a particular page such that anyone anywhere can see how many 
 times that page has been viewed by anyone anywhere?
 Eg. If I view page A 5 times, and you view page A 3 times, and another 
 person views page A 7 times, someone else who visits that page should see 
 something like
 Viewed 15 times...

 i was reading about session but if my understanding serves me right, that 
 isn't a global variable, that is it's ip specific? and should the user 
 delete their sessions and cookies, it resets? but that aside, what are my 


[web2py] Re: Help with multi tenancy

2013-01-09 Thread David Marko
Here is feature description in docs:


Dne středa, 9. ledna 2013 13:31:59 UTC+1 Fabiano Faver napsal(a):

 Its my first time dealing with multi tenancy and I'm still a bit confused 
 how i could implement it with my scenario.

 I've built a app and want to allow that each 'company' access only their 
 data. Each company have their user admin that can register 
 products,things,etc and other users and their groups inside it company.

 Will i need to put a request tenant in auth_user like said  in this topic: 
 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/izyKtM-nWPU/G6EDqyWYuOQJ   ?

 I want to separate data by company_id

 How can i start this?


[web2py] How can I prevent MARKMIN to escape HTML tags from my text ?

2012-12-04 Thread David Marko
How can I prevent MARKMIN to escape HTML tags from my text ? I have a 
markmin text with br / tags but  MARKMIN escapes all these tags. I tried 
XML(MARKMIN()) but it doesnt help as MARKMIN itself escapes the html (seems 
like). Is there a way how to avoid this?



[web2py] How do you manage db migrations in application running in production?

2012-11-12 Thread David Marko
How do you manage db migrations in application running in production? I 
mean situation you have a importnant application running in production and 
then you make further development that requires changes in database. I dont 
think its safe to enable migrations for DAL but not sure how to maintain 
database changes properly in web2py for this? Can you share with your real 
life experience?



[web2py] Re: How do you manage db migrations in application running in production?

2012-11-12 Thread David Marko
Hi Donatas, so you are creating all alter table commands manualy and run 

Dne pondělí, 12. listopadu 2012 17:25:09 UTC+1 Donatas Burba napsal(a):

 I have a folder called 'migrations' inside app, where all required db 
 (structure and data) changes are placed. After source update and apache 
 restart, application checks if any migration is needed (by checking version 
 saved in database and available migration versions). If so, every required 
 migration is executed, current version number is written to database. 
 That's all :)


[web2py] How do you deal with obsolete uploaded files?

2012-11-12 Thread David Marko
How do you deal with obsolete uploaded files? I have a table definition 
with upload file field. When user uploads the file to document and later 
reedit the document and upload the different file then the former file is 
left in uploads folder. Is there a way how to delete this obsolete file 
when new one is being uploaded?



[web2py] Re: track_changes

2012-11-07 Thread David Marko
Having the problem with this as well. Sometimes its works for 5-10 reloads 
and then stops until I restart web2py server.

Dne středa, 7. listopadu 2012 11:47:13 UTC+1 Massimiliano napsal(a):

 Version 2.2.1 (2012-11-06 14:26:21) stable

 It's just me or it doesn't work anymore? 



[web2py] Re: Anyone using Sunburnt for Apache SOLR access from web2py?

2012-11-06 Thread David Marko
Hi yes, I'm using Apache SOLR ... its really proven stable solution with 
enough documentation. In python I have used mySolr 
http://mysolr.redtuna.org/en/latest/ which is actively developed and has 
enough features, developers respond in github discussion etc.  ... and 
plays well with web2py. (I had some problems with sunburnt compatibility 
with latest Apache SOLR versions and development rather slowed down if not 
stopped  seems to me ...)

In db.py I'm using this simple way how to keep shared connection

def __make_solr_connection():
from mysolr import Solr
connection = Solr('http://localhost:/solr',version=4)

print(Apache SOLR Connection established on port:  ... )
return connection

solr = cache.ram('solr',__make_solr_connection,None)


Dne úterý, 6. listopadu 2012 9:49:41 UTC+1 andrej burja napsal(a):


 Did you implement this?
 After trying Whoosh (and finding dificult to implement 
 stemmer/lematization for my language) i'm looking for another solution. 
 Is sunburnt the best solution to use solr with python/web2py?
 Did you try solrpy?


 On Friday, July 6, 2012 8:45:21 PM UTC+2, David Marko wrote:

 Anyone using Sunburnt for Apache SOLR access from web2py? ( 
 http://opensource.timetric.com/sunburnt  )

 Any caveats I should expect or no problems on the path? (I mean sunburt 
  vs./in web2py)

 Thank you ...


[web2py] Current trunk breaks in validators.py

2012-10-30 Thread David Marko

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\restricted.py, line 212, in restricted
exec ccode in environment
  File c:/java/web2py/applications/tp/controllers/default.py 
http://localhost:8000/admin/default/edit/tp/controllers/default.py, line 315, 
in module
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\globals.py, line 190, in lambda
self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File c:/java/web2py/applications/tp/controllers/default.py 
http://localhost:8000/admin/default/edit/tp/controllers/default.py, line 294, 
in user
return dict(form=auth())
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 1235, in __call__
return getattr(self, args[0])()
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\tools.py, line 2201, in register
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py, line 1046, in __init__
inp = field.formatter(default)
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\dal.py, line 8667, in formatter
value = item.formatter(value)
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 2553, in formatter
return self.other.formatter(value)
  File c:\java\web2py\gluon\validators.py, line 781, in formatter
if values is None:
NameError: global name 'values' is not defined


[web2py] Re: Current trunk breaks in validators.py

2012-10-30 Thread David Marko
Confirm, its working now again ...


[web2py] Re: Showing a fixed URL for a web2py application

2012-10-29 Thread David Marko
Simply use one frame, and entire application inside 

Dne pondělí, 29. října 2012 10:47:25 UTC+1 Daniel Gonzalez napsal(a):


 In my application, I would like the URL being shown to the user to be 
 always the same (http://www.myapp.com), no matter what page the user is 
 currently browsing.
 The idea is that the user should not be confused about the internal 
 structure of my application. The links in the page would remain as they 
 are, but the browser would show always the same address.

 Is this at all possible with web2py? What side-effects could this have?



[web2py] Re: an editor ...

2012-10-25 Thread David Marko
Eclipse + Pydev

Dne čtvrtek, 25. října 2012 15:49:57 UTC+2 apps in tables napsal(a):


 Pls, don't laugh...

 Does any one know of an editor that collapse and expand the functions 
 within the controller?




[web2py] Re: help me test sessions in cookies

2012-10-16 Thread David Marko
Java PlayFramework! has this as the only default. Using client side cookie 
based sessions  help create distributed environment easily, as there are no 
sessions specific to one server node. They use both   client side 
cookies for sessions  and caches for keeping serverside data.


Dne úterý, 16. října 2012 18:39:02 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):

 Right now you can have or the other. To me it does not make sense to store 
 anything client side if you already have to access a pickle object locally. 
 You only add overhead and risk of exposing data.

 On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 10:59:20 UTC-5, VP wrote:

 I think cookie-based sessions is great for many cases.   But in some 
 cases, it might not be desirable as clients can see what might be secret 

 Why not both?Maybe, two types of sessions, client-side and 
 server-side sessions.  Although both client and server side sessions are 
 meant to maintain states, they are appropriate for different things.


[web2py] Re: web2py 2.1.1 is OUT!

2012-10-15 Thread David Marko
very nice Massimo!

Dne pondělí, 15. října 2012 13:55:39 UTC+2 Massimo Di Pierro napsal(a):


 - overall faster web2py
 - when apps are deleted, a w2p copy left in deposit folder
 - change in cron (it is now disabled by default). removed -N option and 
 ced -Y.
 - faster web2py_uuid() and request initialization logic, thanks Michele
 - static asset management, thanks Niphlod
 - improved mobile admin
 - request.requires_https and Auth(secure=True), thanks Yarin and Niphlod
 - better custom_import (works per app and is faster), thanks Michele
 - redis_sesssion.py, thanks Niphlod
 - allow entropy computation in IS_STRONG and web2py.js, thanks Jonathan 
 and Nip\
 - fixed many aith.wiki problems
 - support for auth.wiki(render='html')
 - better welcome layout, thanks Paolo
 - db.define_table(...,redefine=True)
 - DAL, Row, and Rows object can now be pickled/unpickled, thanks to zombie 
 - admin uses codemirror
 - allow syntax auth = Auth(db).define_tables()
 - better auth.wiki with preview, thanks Alan
 - better auth.impersonate, thanks Alan
 - upgraded jQuery 1.8
 - upgraded Bootstrap 2.1
 - fixed problems with dropbox_account.py
 - many fixes to cache.ram, cache.disk, memcache and gae_memcache
 - cache.with_prefix(cache.ram,'prefix')
 - db.table.field.epoch() counts seconds from epoch
 - DAL support for SQL CASE, example: 
 - DAL(...,do_connect=False) allows faking connections
 - DAL(...,auto_import=True) now retieves some fiel attributes
 - mail can specify a sender: mail.send(...,sender='Mr X %(sender)s')
 - renamed gluon/contrib/comet_messaging.py - 

 Please check it and report any problem.
 As usual, thanks to the many people who have contributed, in particular 
 Michele and Niphlod.



[web2py] Reloading modules stops working after some time ...

2012-10-15 Thread David Marko
I have a module in my app that i was working on extensively today. I realised 
that web2py doesnt reload it correctly when change tracking enabled. I did some 
changes to module, after some 4 or 5 save/reload cycles wbe2py stopped 
reloading the module so old code runned. I could see old messages printed on 
console. After web2py restarted things went fine but after some time the same 
behaviour reappeared ... Module reloading stopped or i had to resave module 3-4 
times to reflect in browser. Entire behaviour is rather weird as one is not 
sure with version of my code is actualy running ...



[web2py] Re: Reloading modules stops working after some time ...

2012-10-15 Thread David Marko
Using the latest trunk ... Updated today


[web2py] Fitching Data From json

2012-10-14 Thread David Marko
Use excelent requests library ... http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ to 
get json data. Processing is simple then in python.


[web2py] Whats your experience with memory leaks in web2py apps?

2012-10-12 Thread David Marko
I recently benchmarked my two apps with apache benchmark just to see 
'req/s' and found out(accidently) in task manager, that both leak memory 
somehow. e.g. in one of my app python interpreter has grown from 70kB to 
110kB just after  10K requests. Second app was sightly better but still it 
eats memory constantly. I tested on latest web2py trunk version. I 
bechmarked just app home page, its was common page with some text and login 
form. Migration was set off for both. My common observation was that more 
leaks were in app with more models.

Are there any best practices to avoid memory leaks in web2py apps?

Any experience?


[web2py] Re: Whats your experience with memory leaks in web2py apps?

2012-10-12 Thread David Marko
Latest web2py trunk version from this morning, win7, python 2.7.3 . No special 
settings in app, but model tried to be lazy, so everything is defined in Field 


[web2py] Re: Whats your experience with memory leaks in web2py apps?

2012-10-12 Thread David Marko
Its interal app so I cant provide the source. But I realised the app still 
contains 'local_import' so I have replaced with 'import' but no effect. 
Then I benchmarked both compiled and non compiled version ...  each 2x and 
non-compiled is fine, but compiled leaks memory ...

a) non-compiled version: web2py started at 37MB, increased to 56MB and 
oscilated +-2MB during the test with no significant increase at the end
b) compiled version:   web2py started at 37MB and memory was increasing 
during entire test up to 95MB

### ab -n 1 -c 6
(app is using lazy tables/models, migration off)



[web2py] Re: Scheduler and heartbeat stopped under certain condition ...

2012-10-11 Thread David Marko
Not sure about the logging config, I setup this:

# generic app handler

and run scheduler with -D 0, but nothing on console ... just exits 
silently. I will try to isolate it somehome so I could be able to send you 
test app 


[web2py] Re: Scheduler and heartbeat stopped under certain condition ...

2012-10-11 Thread David Marko
logging.conf looks like this:

And nothing ... 

c:\web2pyc:\python27\python.exe web2py.py -K enterprise_search -D 0
web2py Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2012
Version 2.1.0 (2012-10-10 15:15:45) dev
Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), PostgreSQL(
pg8000), MSSQL(pyodbc), DB2(pyodbc), Teradata(pyodbc), CouchDB(couchdb), 
MongoDB(pymongo), IMAP(imaplib)
starting single-scheduler for enterprise_search...


No error, but also no other debugging messages where I would expect some...


[web2py] Re: Scheduler and heartbeat stopped under certain condition ...

2012-10-11 Thread David Marko
Ok, seems the setup is correct for now. Here is the full report

c:\java\web2pyc:\python27\python.exe web2py.py -K enterprise_search -D 0
web2py Web Framework
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2012
Version 2.1.0 (2012-10-10 15:15:45) dev
Database drivers available: SQLite(sqlite3), MySQL(pymysql), PostgreSQL(
pg8000), MSSQL(pyodbc), DB2(pyodbc), Teradata(pyodbc), CouchDB(couchdb), 
MongoDB(pymongo), IMAP(imaplib)
starting single-scheduler for enterprise_search...
Apache SOLR Connection established on port:  ...
2012-10-11 11:01:52,385 - root - DEBUG - defining tables (migrate=True)
2012-10-11 11:01:52,388 - root - DEBUG - thread building own DAL object
2012-10-11 11:01:52,388 - root - DEBUG - looping...
2012-10-11 11:01:52,390 - root - DEBUG - defining tables (migrate=False)
2012-10-11 11:01:52,391 - root - DEBUG - nothing to do
2012-10-11 11:01:52,394 - root - DEBUG - sleeping...
2012-10-11 11:01:52,394 - root - DEBUG - freeing workers that have notsent 
2012-10-11 11:01:52,400 - root - INFO - TICKER: I'm a ticker (dmhp#7904)
2012-10-11 11:01:55,397 - root - DEBUG - looping...
2012-10-11 11:01:55,414 - root - DEBUG - recording heartbeat
2012-10-11 11:01:55,426 - root - INFO - TICKER: workers are 1
2012-10-11 11:01:55,427 - root - INFO - TICKER: tasks are 1
2012-10-11 11:01:55,430 - root - DEBUG - sleeping...
2012-10-11 11:01:58,430 - root - DEBUG - looping...
2012-10-11 11:01:58,437 - root - DEBUG - recording heartbeat
2012-10-11 11:01:58,467 - root - DEBUG -work to do 1
2012-10-11 11:01:58,467 - root - DEBUG - new scheduler_run record
2012-10-11 11:01:58,483 - root - INFO - new task 1 Import dat 
2012-10-11 11:01:58,484 - root - DEBUG -  new task allocated: 
2012-10-11 11:01:58,529 - root - DEBUG -task starting
2012-10-11 11:02:00,000 - root - DEBUG - task started
2012-10-11 11:02:00,184 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - 
Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
2012-10-11 11:02:00,204 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG 
- GET /enterprise_search/import/tmp_data_provider.json HTTP/1.1 200 1579
2012-10-11 11:02:00,209 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - 
Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
2012-10-11 11:02:00,224 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG 
- POST /solr/update/json HTTP/1.1 200 None
2012-10-11 11:02:00,226 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - 
Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
2012-10-11 11:02:00,315 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG 
- POST /solr/update HTTP/1.1 200 None
2012-10-11 11:02:00,319 - root - DEBUG - new task report: COMPLETED
2012-10-11 11:02:00,323 - root - DEBUG -result: 1
2012-10-11 11:02:00,336 - root - DEBUG - task stopped by general 
2012-10-11 11:02:00,336 - root - DEBUG - new task report: STOPPED
2012-10-11 11:02:00,338 - root - DEBUG -result: None
2012-10-11 11:02:00,339 - root - DEBUG -  recording task report in db 
2012-10-11 11:02:00,348 - root - INFO - task completed (STOPPED)



[web2py] Scheduler and succesfully completed tasks not showing in scheduler_run table

2012-10-10 Thread David Marko
I can see the following note in WEB2py Book: 

 NB: scheduler_run records will be created as before for *FAILED*, *
 TIMEOUT* and *STOPPED* tasks's statuses.

Is there a way how to force to log(create scheduler_run entry) even 
for succesfull run? Sometimes one need to gather some information using 
simple print statement about the run and would be nice to see it in this 
run entry.

Thanks for any hint .


[web2py] Scheduler and heartbeat stopped under certain condition ...

2012-10-10 Thread David Marko
I just encountered strange behaviour with scheduler. I'm using the latest 
trunk web2py version on windows 7 with TK window, so I start scheduler from 
TK scheduler menu. I had a code that run fine and during some monitoring I 
have added the following line to this working code:

Suddently I noticed that next scheduler_run entry is created with status 
'STOPPED' and with no error traceback. Also the worker heartbeat stopped 
and there was no last hearbeat datetime refresh anymore. Worker stopped 
working. Removing this line and restarting scheduler worker enabled 
scheduler and things were working correctly once again.

So I have experimented and found out that x.get('...') returns utf8 value 
so I have changed the print line to 

and things are working fine now ... but not sure why, without the 
encode('utf-8'), the worked failes ...


[web2py] Re: Scheduler and heartbeat stopped under certain condition ...

2012-10-10 Thread David Marko
Tried with standalone scheduler(without TK widget), and this silently stops 
scheduler process  with no traceback ... completely nothing. 

I cant create some simple demo as I load data from JSON service using 
requests library, then when I print a complete data as JSON, it works, when 
I iterate JSON data and print just one field without utf8 encoding, 
it failes this way ... 

I looked to data comming as JSON and those look OK, strings have 'u' at the 
beggining so its interpreted correctly e.g. {u'city_t': u'Bohum\xedn 1200'} 
. I'm sending the data to Apache SOLR server and UTF8 encoding is fine 
there as well.


[web2py] Re: Send emails using my own domain

2012-10-09 Thread David Marko
Do you see any error message in web2py or it seems like it has been sent 
out but you cant see message delivered? You should definitely look into 
postfix log ...


Dne úterý, 9. října 2012 13:18:29 UTC+2 lyn2py napsal(a):

 I have postfix installed and followed Massimo's instructions, which are:
 mail.settings.sender = 
 mail.settings.server = 'localhost'
 mail.settings.login = None

 But the system doesn't send email? (I tested using Lost Password / Reset 
 Password feature) It says Email Sent. but I checked my mailbox, and 
 nothing. ???Puzzled???

 The Postfix setup seems simple enough:
 Internet Site, and then, anywhere.com

 If it helps, I'm on Ubuntu 12 + nginx + uwsgi.

 Appreciate any assistance or pointers on how to make it work. Thanks!

 On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 1:00:26 AM UTC+8, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 On Linux, if you have postfix, you can just spoof your domain:

 mail.settings.sender = 'y...@anywhere.com' 
 mail.settings.server = 'localhost'
 mail.settings.login = None

 On Monday, 8 October 2012 11:22:25 UTC-5, LightDot wrote:

 Well, if your domain is hosted somewhere, the provider usually gives you 
 access to a mail server too. The access information needed is pretty 
 obvious, username and password, same as you need for regular SMTP access.


 On Monday, October 8, 2012 1:40:19 PM UTC+2, Hassan Alnatour wrote:

 Dear ALL,

 i want to add my email in the db.py to use it to send email from the 
 site , how can i make it using my own domain not gmail ?

 Best Regards,


[web2py] Re: 2.1rc1 parse_version error

2012-10-08 Thread David Marko
+1 ... it really doesnt start ... 

Dne pondělí, 8. října 2012 9:26:35 UTC+2 szimszon napsal(a):

 In 2.1.0rc1 admin do not work.

 S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
 /home/gyszabolcs/fejlesztes/web2py/gluon/main.py, line 616, in 
 close_all_instances(\'rollback\')\n  File 
 /home/gyszabolcs/fejlesztes/web2py/gluon/dal.py, line 529, in 
 D_LOCAL.db_instances.clear()\nAttributeError: \'thread._local\' object has 
 no attribute \'db_instances\'\n'

 If you just do you got error.

 2012. október 8., hétfő 9:23:03 UTC+2 időpontban szimszon a következőt 

 parse_version can handle only numbers... and not rc1 :(

 fileutils.py line 46:

 re_version = re.compile('[^\d]+ 


[web2py] Running the latest trunk and admin doesnt show tables in database administration ...

2012-10-05 Thread David Marko
Running the latest trunk and admin doesnt show tables in database 
administration ... for any application ...


Re: [web2py] Re: framework benchmarks - web2py surprisingly slow?

2012-10-03 Thread David Marko
The speed difference is huge!

Dne středa, 3. října 2012 11:35:06 UTC+2 Niphlod napsal(a):

 Well, seems to work. I'd need to know if there is some way to test if all 
 web2py framework works on on this, but a normal app seems to do pretty 
 Windows Vista (aaargh!), PortablePython 2.7.3 32-bit, T8100 2.10Ghz, 3 GB 
 RAM, adjusted softcron in anyserver.py (to allow removal) in order to keep 
 things smooth, removed logging of every request in the console of tornado 
 (commented out line 2214 of motor.py) 

 Performance-wise, same app started with anyserver, one loads cherrypy and 
 the other tornado, 2 concurrent benches (one for static files, the other 
 for the hello world app) no memory leaks for either.

 ab -c 100 -n 1000 (it is windows after all, bumping to -c 1000 -n 100 
 at this point is unuseful)

 /app/default/index  rps cherrypy 14.90 , tornado 132
 /app/static/test.css rps cherrypy  23.71, tornado 174


Re: [web2py] Layout for forms

2012-09-20 Thread David Marko
It comes from  following settings ... its time out for login session ...

auth.settings.long_expiration = 3600*24*30 # one month
auth.settings.remember_me_form = True

See here: http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/09?search=remember+me

Dne čtvrtek, 20. září 2012 9:44:48 UTC+2 Alec Taylor napsal(a):

 That's in gluon\tools.py 

 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Kevin Bethke 
  I'm using the standard auth_user. there is a checkbox remember me for 30 
  days. I can't find anything like that in the db. 
  On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Johann Spies 

  On 19 September 2012 19:54, BlueShadow kevin@gmail.comjavascript: 
  I like to change the layout of a couple forms for example for the 
  in my default/user.html the form is just called by 
  I found this on the webtopy site: 
  Image name: div{{=form.custom.widget.name}}/div 
  Image file: div{{=form.custom.widget.file}}/div 
  Click here to upload: {{=form.custom.submit}} 
  but I got no idea how to view the checkbox etc. 
  Is there a more comprehensible example 
  The 'checkbox etc' will be part of the Field definition of the form as 
  this example 'name' and 'file'. 
  So if you have a field using a checkbox widget (say 'your_preference') 
  you will see the checkbox when you put 
  {{=form.custom.widget.your_preference}} in the above example. 
  Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
  my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3) 


[web2py] Re: multiple controllers under linux environment

2012-09-17 Thread David Marko
Check following:
a) linux is case sensitife on files - check filenames and their references 
in web2py
b) check correct os level permissions on files ... so web2py can see read 
them ...

Dne pondělí, 17. září 2012 6:01:09 UTC+2 Vladimir Makarov napsal(a):

 I use different controller files:
+ clients.py for some code
+ contracts.py for another code
+ ...
 And I created subdirrectories in view with required html files.
 If I work under Windows it's OK and works perfectly but if I use my Ubuntu 
 or LinuxMint stations it seams that view files don't work. Controller's 
 code works well, I receive all my local vars but I see only standart layout 
 instead required view files.
 How to change this behaviour?


[web2py] WSDL Web service in web2py

2012-09-16 Thread David Marko
Regarding the SOAP web services see e.g. here:


Re: [web2py] Re: Web2py. for a minimalist app, it feels bloated. Do it I need it?

2012-09-11 Thread David Marko


[web2py] Re: Dealing with UTC and converting to local time

2012-09-09 Thread David Marko
Hi, what client side api/library do you use to to talk to OrientDB from web2py?


Re: [web2py] Example for supporting multiple oauth?

2012-09-09 Thread David Marko
+1 for  sanction https://github.com/demianbrecht/sanction  

Dne neděle, 9. září 2012 19:45:51 UTC+2 Alec Taylor napsal(a):

 I'm pretty sure in the next version of web2py sanction (or similar) 
 will be integrated into web2py to simplify OAuth setup 


 Just remind the devs :) 

 [I'm not a dev, trying to increase popularity of web2py through 
 advocating at usergroups + open-sourcing projects built with it] 

 On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Dave dave@gmail.com javascript: 
  I have a project that I need to support authentication from multiple 
  providers.  In addition I want to allow the user to link their account 
  multiples.  Initially I need to support: 
  In the future we will likely add google and perhaps others (pinterest, 
  I really do not care much for the way Janrain works, although I am using 
  for my proof or concept.  I like how web2pyslices works with the 
  google sign-in widgets. 
  Does anybody have sample code similar to what is being done on the 
  site for integrating these providers with auth? 


[web2py] How to use sheduler when running web2py in apache + mod_wsgi scenario ?

2012-09-07 Thread David Marko
How to use sheduler when running web2py in apache + mod_wsgi scenario ? Is 
it ok to run it as ussual I mean start it separately from apache-wsgi'  python 
web2py.py -K myapp:group1:group2,myotherapp:group1' ? No problem with this?


[web2py] Re: How to use sheduler when running web2py in apache + mod_wsgi scenario ?

2012-09-07 Thread David Marko
Thanks! also in one of other threads you mentioned NSSM for runnig programs 
as services on Windows. Does is also work for scheduler worker? Do you have 
experience with this as an scheduler author :-) ?


Dne pátek, 7. září 2012 16:40:26 UTC+2 Niphlod napsal(a):

 Perfectly fine.it's the recommended way!

 Apache  co. kill processes that hang up (usually a certain timeout) 
 because normally a page should return something in a small timeframe. 
 This feature is useful to free up resources if the code to generate your 
 webpage is too heavy on the machine, and to let the webserver serve other 

 A scheduler instead is a never-ending process (it's sort of the apache 
 process) that manages other processes to do your tasks, in a totally 
 separate environment from apache itself (so apache is free, and your users 

 Having a scheduler managed by apache is infact killing the purpose of 
 the scheduler. 

 Il giorno venerdì 7 settembre 2012 14:32:09 UTC+2, David Marko ha scritto:

 How to use sheduler when running web2py in apache + mod_wsgi scenario ? 
 Is it ok to run it as ussual I mean start it separately from apache-wsgi'  
 web2py.py -K myapp:group1:group2,myotherapp:group1' ? No problem with 


[web2py] Re: web2pyslices for Android

2012-09-04 Thread David Marko
Very nice. Just curisous, what did you use, is it completely native, or 
hybrid using PhoneGap, Trigger.io or something?


Dne úterý, 4. září 2012 1:46:16 UTC+2 rochacbruno napsal(a):

 Hi, I just published a beta version of web2pyslices reader for Android: 

 (do not expect too much, it just allow you to favorite some slices and 
 notify when a new slice is posted)

 *Bruno Cezar Rocha** - @rochacbruno*
 rocha...@gmail.com javascript: | Mobile: +55 (11) 99210-8821
 www.CursoDePython.com.br | www.rochacbruno.com.br
 Blog: Using Python to get all the external links from a 
   Get a signature like this. 



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