Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Peter Kasting wrote:

 It seems like either you should be a private fork/port, or a public
 upstreamed one, but not both.  If you want to live in the upstream tree, I
 think most of your development work should land quickly in public.  If you
 want to work in a separate repository without landing changes back upstream
 quickly*, I think it's better to stay private until the point at which that

Yes, this was definitely the hard lesson we learned, and as I'll
describe below we are going to move to the latter set up for now.

 *At most I don't think your private repo should be more than a couple weeks
 off the public repo.

Most definitely, I will strive to do that from now on :)

 Based on our experience with the Chromium port I think it would be far
 easier on your group to be public and do development directly in the public

That is definitely our end goal. But it seems at this point the Haiku
port is too much of a burden to the WebKit community. I talked to Adam
Barth in IRC last night and we came to an agreement that it is best
*for now* if Haiku maintains a Git repo cloned off the WebKit repo
with a branch containing our port. When our port is further along with
layout tests working, most of the platform files implemented, a
Buildbot, and maintainers with the time and skill to keep our port
up-to-date, we can explore putting our code back in the public WebKit

This puts the burden on maintaining our port where it belongs: with
our developers. It won't always be fun doing it this way, but I think
using Git will help (as compared to Subversion which is where our
current copy of WebKit is, and now almost 42,000 changesets behind.)

Actually regarding the 42,000 changesets: these have all come in the
last year and a half (), and are almost as many changesets as ever
came before in the current WebKit repo. This is exponential growth!
How is a small port possibly suppose to stay up-to-date under those
conditions? Of course this just means that WebKit is a vibrant project
and you cannot be faulted for that, but I think with this onslaught of
changes it may be time to reconsider past methods of keeping ports
up-to-date. Adam tells me Google has two full-time engineers keeping
the Chromium port up-to-date. I think there is room for improvement in
this area.

Actually I have various thoughts about WebKit platform code which I'm
sure many of you would agree with, but I can express those in another
email. The short version is WebCore should have no platform code or
PLATFORM macros and all platform code should plug in using clean
abstract classes and delegates. Maybe this is an area where I or other
Haiku developers can give back to the WebKit community.

I just hope that when that time comes (and maybe sooner rather than
later) the WebKit community will let us back in and quickly apply our

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Supporting w3c ref tests and changing our convention

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:

 Separately, if we are throwing around numbers in the range of 100K
 for tests to run, we should consider when we actually want to run them
 - i.e., what will the cycle time be if we run them on every change,
 etc.? But that can be dealt with when we get there.

I would also like to throw out the idea of pulling the layout tests
out into their own repo, maybe even per platform. Currently the huge
number of layout tests in WebKit make many git operations unbearably
slow, such as git status, which basically does a stat() on every file
in a repo when the plain git status is used. Even on Linux where
stat() is mega-fast it takes many seconds to show git status even on a
clean checkout (at least on my laptop, which admittedly isn't the
fastest.) It is worse on other platforms with a slower stat().

But I expect there might be a lot of pushback on such an idea,
especially just to make one tool run faster.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:

 Hopefully we will start writing more and more tests as reftests, to
 address the first category. Moving to one of the existing cross-port
 build mechanisms like GYP or CMake would help.

Yeah I will attempt to make use of GYP myself for the Haiku port,
except I'll need to add a new backend to generate Jamfiles, since Jam
is the preferred Haiku build system.

 Changes to core platform code in the third category are hopefully
 pretty rare, and I think you're just out of luck for the fourth
 category, but hopefully they're done in a modular manner and at least
 easy to enable/disable for a while.

 I think the more feedback we can get on what sorts of things you do
 have to do to keep up to date, the better things will get.

For additions to platform, I think a harmless default implementation
should suffice. Having to add an empty method to a port just to
satisfy the compiler seems like a lot of trouble. I can't find a good
example at the moment, so maybe it really isn't an issue.

Looking over some of the changes made to the Haiku port by non-Haiku
people just shows a lot of renames and changing of method arguments
and return values in the platform directory. This tells me that
platform really isn't any sort of API (and yes I know it isn't meant
to be) but maybe it should be? I personally would like to see WebCore
evolve into being as self-contained as possible, with clear APIs for a
platform to attach to. Maybe the new Platform directory will be the
start of this, and if so, I applaud the effort. Right now the platform
coupling is pretty bad. I hope one day #if PLATFORM(X) doesn't exist
in WebCore, at least not where such code adds a class member or
methods to core platform classes.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Putting layout tests on a separate repository (was Supporting w3c ref tests and changing our convention)

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

 Indeed, I'm against this idea.

You make good points. There may be solutions to your objections, but
they might not be much better than having a slow git status right now.

Do other people who use WebKit with Git see this problem?  If so, what
do you do to stay productive? If not then I'll just be sure to only
develop WebKit on a faster machine (which I do have and look forward
to testing soon.)

Sorry for hijacking the other thread, thanks for changing the subject.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:12 PM, David Levin wrote:

 I suspect the pain hasn't been big enough so far for any person/organization
 to decide to address this.

Well it may not really be worth the trouble, I just always found the
#ifdefs in WebCore/platform to be a little smelly. But they work.

 You do sound enthusiastic about it though, and I suspect there would be
 people willing to review these changes as long as they didn't slow down
 WebKit or make it harder to maintain.

That is good to know. There may be a time when I do this work, but I
have bigger fish to fry at the moment with updating the Haiku port in
our own repo, and my open source time is fairly limited currently (in
case it isn't obvious since it took a month and a half to notice our
port was removed from WebKit.)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-04 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:37 PM, David Levin wrote:

 Exactly :)

What are you saying, the rest of the WebKit community doesn't want to
spend weeks perfecting the architecture to make my life easier? :)

When the need comes, it'll be done. Which may be never, but that's life.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-03 Thread Ryan Leavengood
Hello all,

Sorry for the delay in response to this, I don't follow this mailing
list closely, obviously. I just happened to search for Haiku, and was
not too shocked to see this message. Given that the Haiku port has now
been removed (in fact, Adam did it right on September 25 when this
message was sent), clearly I'm way too late.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 3:34 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

 In the past year,
 have been modified 70 times by non-Haiku contributors and zero times
 by Haiku contributors.

I am so sorry that this has happened! I was the original porter for
the Haiku WebKit port and have continued to work on it recently.
Unfortunately the Haiku community is a small group of people and most
of the developers spend their time working on Haiku itself. We really
appreciate the efforts to keep the Haiku port updated as things have
changed in WebKit.

The primary problem with our port right now is some of the developers
made the choice (which I objected to) to make our own Subversion repo
containing the WebKit code to make it easier (in their eyes) to
develop the port. Once Stephan no longer was working on it, this clone
became very out of date. Making things worse was the great code
re-organizing which occurred a while ago here at WebKit (the move to
Source, etc.)

 As part of our effort to reduce complexity in WebKit, I believe it is
 now time to remove the Haiku port.

So as I mentioned this has already been done. Haiku itself is far from
dead. We aren't a huge project but we have many active developers and
multiple commits a day. We also still plan to make use of WebKit.

I guess we are at a crossroads. I would much prefer not to have to
maintain our own custom repo of WebKit. But it seems we have become
more of a burden than a help on WebKit, but I suppose that is the case
for most ports outside of the popular platforms.

Where can we go from here? What does the WebKit project need to see
from the Haiku maintainers to have us be a supported port again?

Again I'm sorry for the lack of activity over the years but as you can
imagine it is hard to work on an entire platform port for WebKit in
one's spare time. We had to hire Stephan as a contractor to get all
the work we got from him, and probably from your perspective that was

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] It's time to remove the Haiku port

2011-11-03 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 1:34 AM, Eric Seidel wrote:

 I think any time the larger community is spending more effort than the
 port authors on a particular port we should be wary about keeping the

Yes this is totally reasonable.

 Certainly that indicates that either our base-costs for having a port
 are too high (our platform abstraction is poor, etc.) or that the port
 maintainers aren't active enough in the project.

I think it is a little of both. The WebKit platform abstraction could
definitely use improvement, as I'm sure many of you know.

Plus WebKit changes REALLY, REALLY fast. For a project like Haiku
which is strictly open source and volunteer developer driven, it is
hard to keep a port up-to-date.

The fact that so many changes were needed in our files without us
making improvement or changes in our actual port may say something.
Personally I would have told you not to update our files and just let
them be broken if we didn't update them. The fact that so much work is
needed from developers besides the port developers to maintain a more
slowly developing port indicates a problem with WebKit. Well maybe not
a problem, but there may need to be a policy of letting smaller ports
maintain their own files.

On another note, the reply-to on this mailing list is just broken :/

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] coding style and comments

2011-01-30 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Sunday, January 30, 2011, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 I'll go the other way and point out some example of comments that I think are 

This file is terribly commented, I agree, but cherry picking a really
bad file isn't the best way to make a point IMO.

Maybe the solution here is better documentation outside the source
code. I hope some of the more experienced WebKit developers can agree
that there are parts of the code that are harder for new developers to
dig into. Some high-level docs that are kept updated might be nice. Of
course the key here is keeping them updated, and if it is hard to keep
source code comments up to date I don't know how much hope there is
for outside docs. Of course this applies to any project and is by no
means just a flaw in this project. At least if the comments are in the
code there is hope that a reviewer would catch when comments get out
of date.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Blog post(s) about layout tests

2011-01-27 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:24 PM, Mihai Parparita wrote:
 The post is link-heavy (generally into Trac, and
 Bugzilla), I'm hoping that would also encourage exploration of the code/site
 by people interested in contributing.

As a WebKit porter who is actually not very familiar with the Layout
Tests I found reading these posts pretty useful and informative (it
also reminds me I really need to get the Layout Tests going in the
Haiku port.) I do think that maybe it is a little too link heavy
though. So many links can get a little overwhelming and distracting
when reading an article like that. Though they are probably useful to
illustrate your points so I think it would be fine to leave them.

I also tend to read like an editor and I did not see anything
glaringly wrong spelling or grammar-wise.

I don't know the process for getting blog posts on,
but I'll at least give the content of these posts a +1.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] coding style and comments

2011-01-27 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:

 I think we have a distinct lack of comments that help novices to understand
 the code. I feel that we almost have a privileged few mentality in some
 code; if you can't figure it out by reading the code, then you shouldn't be
 messing with it.

As a WebKit porter who has not yet seriously dug into the WebCore code
much beyond platform I tend to get the same feeling as Simon. While a
web engine is not a trivial piece of code some parts of WebKit are
much more obtuse to non-experts and could benefit from a little more
commenting. When trying to debug problems in a port it is very easy to
get lost and confused when in WebCore code. Now maybe that is just the
nature of the beast and it takes time to grok, but surely there could
be some small improvements made with a few comments.

 So I encourage more comments (and use them fairly copiously, for anything
 non-obvious, in my own code). I'd particularly encourage comments before
 each class definition that say what the class is for, what its lifetime is,
 what the ownership model is, and how many are usually instantiated.

+1000! When doing my port for Haiku I was obviously mostly dealing
with platform classes and I wrote comments in my build file about what
I thought each platform file was for (some are not so obvious, I still
don't know why there is both a Pasteboard and a Clipboard.) I think it
gets much worse deeper inside WebCore. So I think it could really help
new contributors (or anyone really) to have some high-level comments
for classes just like Simon says above.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Hunspell based spellchecker

2011-01-26 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Fabrizio Machado wrote:

 This would rely on a spelling engine but, as qt has no spell checker,
 Hunspell integration to WebCore seems appealing.

 I was headed in this direction when I found this thread and I wonder if you
 are still pursuing this.

 Can you tell me if it is a worthwhile pursuit, or if you had problems?  I'm
 interested in continuing, but give me a heads up if you were blocked for
 some reason.

For what it is worth, the approach outlined by Hajime would also be
useful for the Haiku port I am working on. I was already considering
porting Hunspell to Haiku and making use of it in the Haiku port, but
if multiple ports could benefit all the better.

It seems like the TextCheckerClient approach is reasonable if it is
architected in the same way as EditorClient and friends. The Hunspell
based TextChecker could live in WebCore and link with Hunspell and
would only be compiled and used by ports which need it. There would
still need to be a TextCheckerClient in WebCoreSupport in WebKit to
call to the TextCheckerHunspell or whatever in WebCore. Maybe this
still isn't the right architecture but I don't think it is impossible
to implement this in a way which matches other uses in WebKit.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Hunspell based spellchecker

2011-01-26 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Hajime Morita wrote:
 Fabrizio, Ryan, thank you for your interest!

 Although I'm suspending the work at this time, your interest gives me
 a good reason to restart ;-)

Good to hear! I think having 3 or 4 possible ports being able to use
this is enough reason for it to be implemented. Let's just be sure the
design you intend to implement fits within the WebCore/WebKit design
so it can be included once you are done.

 I'll CC you in bug(s) and post some status there within weeks.

Sounds good. I have plenty of other things to keep me busy in the
meantime on the Haiku WebKit port as well as our browser project.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] On the greeness of the GTK+ bot

2009-11-16 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:

 This is a huge issue with the Chromium port as well. We spend quite a
 bit of effort tracking down failing tests, only to discover that the
 failure is due to one-port baselines or new functionality added to
 DRT. I wonder if the approach we have today in regards to tests is not
 sustainable with multiple vibrant ports, each spending way to much
 time catching up.

This is also a big concern for our tiny group working on the Haiku
port. While we are not nearly at the stage of GTK, Qt or Chromium, we
hope to get there one day, and it would be frustrating to have our
tests broken or our (future) build bot constantly red due to other
port's changes.

Given how many people are having pain with this, it seems some change
might be warranted. Unfortunately I don't feel qualified enough to
suggest anything.

But I think there is enough cumulative experience on all sides to come
up with a good solution.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Implementation thoughts on HTML5 elements

2009-08-26 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Simon wrote:

 Did you file the two bugs necessary here (hearing static, and non-seamless

That static at least is intended (the audio file is just static.)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Qtish API for JavaScriptCore

2009-08-26 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Darin wrote:

 Yes, I think it’s great to build the Qtish API on top of the C API. If this
 can’t be done, lets make the minor refinements needed to make that possible.

 This will give the folks working on improvements to the JavaScriptCore
 engine the maximum flexibility moving forward and should not prove a
 significant disadvantage for the folks making this for Qt.

Plus this will help ensure the C API is flexible enough to build on
top of, so that those of us on other platforms can also build on top
of it in the future. In my case a Haiku JavaScript API (probably
highly inspired by the Qt one.)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] How to deal with localized strings

2009-08-24 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Michelangelo De wrote:

 In order to accomplish this in
 HTMLFormControlElement::validationMessage() I should return the
 localized string obtained from the embedder and this is the trouble I
 went into: how such a thing is usually done in WebKit?

WebCore/platform/LocalizedStrings.h seems appropriate :)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Security advice for linux browsers based on WebKit

2009-08-24 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 7:16 PM, Maciej wrote:

 I think it's probably possible to change the default on all platforms other
 than Mac. I do not believe the compatibility issues we're concerned about
 for Mac affect any other port. I think this would be a good choice.

I most definitely agree here. If there is no need to worry about
compatibility on the other platforms I think it is a good idea to
close down such a potential security threat by default. Platform
porters may not realize there are such risky settings and could
release insecure software as a result. Though they deserve some
responsibility in that, it is also smart to try to prevent such
problems at the WebKit level.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Bugzilla Data Loss

2009-08-21 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Peter wrote:

 but patches that were merely attached to bugs have vanished.
 Hopefully you still have local copies and can re-attach them!

This sort of thing tends to put a kibosh on some people's workflow of
using bugzilla as a source control tool (as recently read in #webkit.)
Well at least abarth does this.

Crap happens.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] GDOM patch spam

2009-08-14 Thread Ryan Leavengood
All I know is that Eric and the other hard-working WebKit reviewers
and committers have patiently steered my student Maxime and myself
into submitting good patches for the Haiku port, which they have
promptly committed. All for a platform which has a much, much, much
smaller user base than the GDOM bindings probably have.

So it is silly to think there is any discrimination toward GDOM. If
you are not following the clearly laid out guidelines for submitting
code to the project you should not expect code to be accepted.

Also I think a little patience and respect is due given how hard Eric
and everyone else on the project works to review patches and commit
code (I think it is safe to say they are INUNDATED just about every

In the same way that you expect people from WebKit to respect
contributors, you should respect all the work they have done to make
something so nice for the rest of us to benefit from.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Calling All Reviewers

2009-08-06 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:57 PM, Eric wrote:
 We're down to 60 now.  84 when I started my crusade (shortly before sending
 the previous mail).
 A long way to go yet!  I think I'm tuckered out for the evening.

If there is anything Maxime and I can do to help with the Haiku
patches, let me know. I believe all the remaining patches have been
run through the cpplint script so there should not be any code
violations. The GSoC is ending within 10 days or so and it would be
nice if these patches could be committed by then.

I don't have time tonight but I'll check the remaining patches as best
I can tomorrow to be sure they look OK.

I know you guys are busy and probably inundated with patches so I
don't want all the various Haiku patches to be a burden. It just takes
a lot of code to add a new platform to WebKit, as you all probably

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] status update: webkit gobject bindings [svn r46395]

2009-07-26 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Maciej wrote:

 Luke, you need to stop sending long, rambling emails to the list.

For what it is worth, I completely agree with Maciej's statement. I am
not (yet) a committer and have no association with Apple or any of the
other WebKit big guns so I would hope my opinion would not be seen
as biased. Therefore I hope Luke can listen when I say I do not find
long rambling emails from anyone very useful or enlightening. I
imagine I am not alone.

Also as one of the main developers of the Haiku port of WebKit I have
found the project open and helpful to a small and somewhat obscure
port. This has inspired me to want to contribute back to WebKit in
general areas that can help everyone and not just my port. I find such
a tit-for-tat approach one of the great benefits of open source

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Build File Maintenance (was Re: Please welcome GYP to the our dysfunctional build family)

2009-07-15 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Maciej wrote:

 One belated comment on this topic. It would be neat if some port agreed to
 be the guinea pig to see if gyp could plausibly work for more than Google's
 ports. The Wx port probably has the lowest resources of any complete port in
 the tree, so they might not be the best choice of experimental subject,
 particularly if for them the process required writing a new gyp back end and
 if they are not yet entirely comfortable going the gyp route.

I would need to discuss it with my student, but what about the brand
new Haiku port being the gyp guinea pig? For those who don't know, I
am mentoring a student in the Google Summer of Code for the Haiku
operating system ( and we are working on a
native Haiku web browser with WebKit as the rendering engine.

I don't know if our port is any better of a choice than the Wx port,
since the resources are also small (just two of us for now) and we
aren't even in the WebKit tree yet, but I think we still might be a
good choice because:

1) We obviously don't yet have a production browser using our port
so breakage isn't an issue. Plus only my student (Maxime Simon) and I
are working on it.

2) I have decent experience with build systems and think I could
handle working with gyp and writing a new back end.

3) Haiku generally uses Jam for building and we would like our port to
do the same. Rather than adding Yet Another Build System to WebKit,
we could use gyp and write a Jam backend for it. This can therefore
serve as a test of gyp for another platform as well as for another

I would rather not have to maintain a Jamfile for WebKit if I can
avoid it, and I certainly don't want to burden the other WebKit
developers with having to maintain it for what is now (and may forever
be) a tiny port. Though we certainly hope Haiku's popularity increases
in the future (it hasn't even had a first release anyhow, so there is
plenty of room to grow.)

Anyhow, I'd be interested in hearing what other people think.

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] New WebKit port to Haiku

2009-06-23 Thread Ryan Leavengood
Hello all,

As part of the Google Summer of Code I am mentoring a student named
Maxime Simon, who is resurrecting and continuing my port of WebKit to
the Haiku operating system ( I originally did
this port in 2007, but stopped working on it until now. Obviously I
never had it committed to the WebKit tree.

As part of the GSoC project Maxime has recently updated my port and
got it building with the latest WebKit code (surprisingly it did not
take too long.) He created a bug
( to add this code to
the WebKit repo. In his comments on that bug Eric Seidel asked that an
email be sent here introducing ourselves. I figured I would start and
let Maxime respond to this email if he wants.

To assuage Eric's concerns, Haiku will not be disappearing anytime
soon. The project has existed since 2001 and moves forward everyday
(though progress can be slow since we have a small team and a big
project: the recreation and continuation of the BeOS.) A huge part of
any modern operating system is a good web browser and while Haiku has
a port of Firefox, it does not have the speed and feel we want. Since
WebKit is fast, elegant and easy to port it was the ideal choice for
the engine behind our new web browser.

So it would be really great if our port could become an official one
in the WebKit tree :)

I sure hope that Maxime will stick around after the Summer of Code,
but in case he does not I will be sure to keep the Haiku WebKit port
updated. I think the people who ported Firefox to BeOS and then Haiku
will also want to help on this project. Since I plan to use Haiku as
my main OS and the WebKit browser as my main browser I will truly be
eating my own dogfood and it will be in my interest to keep it updated
and working well :)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Get SquirrelFish for Webkit in linux

2008-06-08 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 9:44 PM, ying lcs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:.

 But when I try './Programs/GtkLauncher' and load
 '', nothing get loaded.
 But when I do '', it works.

As far as I can tell there is no such site as Try just
plain old or

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Has anybody ported WebKit to a platform other than Windows or Unix?

2008-06-02 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 4:27 AM, Paul Pedriana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm wondering if anybody has successfully ported WebKit to a platform
 other than Windows or Unix.

I ported it to Haiku (, which is essentially a
clone of BeOS. There is still some work to do, but the basics of it
are there.

I did this work by myself in a few months while having a full-time job
(not at all related) and in general living my life. On the other hand
a team of people has been working on Firefox for BeOS for years and it
still has problems. I've heard many stories about how the Mozilla code
is very complicated because of the XPCOM and various other choices
they have made over the years.

I think WebKit is a much cleaner code-base to port to new platforms.
It is also much faster, which is one big reason I chose it as the
engine for a Haiku web browser. BeOS is very fast, Haiku will be too,
and we want our applications fast too.

There is no doubt that seeing all the platform files needed for WebKit
can be daunting, but a browser is complicated and needs quite a bit of
functionality from the platform to do its job, so it makes sense. I
think you would be even more daunted to see what is needed to get
Mozilla going.

webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] Idea for comments: Using Git to manage some WebKit platform ports

2008-04-11 Thread Ryan Leavengood
Hello all,

I have recently begun to use Git in earnest and after reading various
things and starting to understand how it works I had an idea: I could
manage my Haiku WebKit port using Git without ever having my code in
the real WebKit SVN repo. The basic idea would be I would clone the
current WebKit Git repo, create a branch for my Haiku port, and then
publish that branch for other Haiku developers to use. This branch
would never go back into the main WebKit repo. Why would I want to do
this? Here is what I am thinking:

- The main WebKit repo would have one less bit of platform code that
everyone else has to download, even though only a tiny percentage
would care to use it (as much as I like Haiku at this point it is a
very small platform.)
- It would be almost impossible for other people in the WebKit
community to break the Haiku WebKit build since I (or other Haiku
developers) would control pulling new changes from the main repo and
could ensure we fixed problems before publishing those changes to our
- It alleviates other WebKit maintainers from having to be concerned
about breaking such a tiny port like ours because of the above point.
- I could freely change my platform code without having to go through
the strict WebKit review and submit process (which is good in general
but maybe too heavyweight for my small port.)

I might also suggest that other smaller ports (*cough* Robert,
*cough*, AROS) could use this too, but obviously that is up to them.

The WebKit site can provide links to these platform specific Git repos
so people can make use of them if they wish.

I would be curious what the WebKit community thinks about this idea. I
know the Qt people have been doing this already to some extent with
their Git repo and I recall this being perceived badly by some. One
point I would like to make is I would intend to submit any purely
WebKit-related fixes back to the main repo (which Git makes
considerably easier than SVN.) So there would not be an issue of
potentially good stuff hiding in my repo (part of what the Qt guys
got flak for I believe.)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Idea for comments: Using Git to manage some WebKit platform ports

2008-04-11 Thread Ryan Leavengood
Daniel only responded to me personally (the strange way this list
works I guess), so hopefully he won't mind a public response:

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 12:21 PM, Daniel Zucker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Perhaps one possible negative to this is that there would now be definite
 resource requirements to host a port.  Specifically, a new port would need
 to both host a git server (requiring hardware and bandwidth),

This is a reasonable point, but fortunately there are places like and that can host open source
Git repos for free.

 and also actively migrate patches to this port as they are developed.

True, but *someone* would have to do that work either way, and it is
probably a better use of resources to have the person with a real
stake in and understanding of the port doing the work rather than some
of the other WebKit developers who have deeper concerns in the main
codebase and the larger ports.

 In the case of ports integrated directly into the main WebKit trunk, neither
 of these are required:  the port code would be hosted at, and no
 one needs to actively port patches over since they are maintained in the
 main webkit trunk.

See above point about maintaining ports.

 Personally, I think the increased resource requirements in the case where
 new ports all have their own git repository would make it difficult for
 people without a lot of time or money to do new ports.

Time will be required either way, believe you me ;)

Money shouldn't be a big problem because of the above services. Plus
if a port really becomes that popular it could always be merged back
into the main repo.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Removing ICU dependancy from WebKit?

2008-02-05 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Jan 25, 2008 3:43 AM, Robert Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I managed to cross-compile ICU based on Ryan Leavengood's description of
 how he got it to work. My steps are for compiling on Linux for AROS, but
 you might be able to work something out based on them:

Sorry I'm just now reading this message, but as Robert says I figured
out how to cross-compile ICU. This post describes what I did:

Robert's file showing the commands he did looks like a much more
structured way to do it than what I did ;)

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Re: ProjectVision

2007-11-23 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Nov 23, 2007 12:31 PM, Alp Toker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please revert this change until the topic has been discussed on the
 mailing list or bug tracker. You can't just make up a project vision
 like that.

For what it is worth I think most of what was laid out in the above
document is good. The project and web-site has a definite Apple/Safari
focus, and this will become a problem as the other platforms mature.
As one of the lesser platforms (Haiku) I think it would be good to
have the project more platform independent in its process and web-site
as much as the code.

 It would be great if the Qt developers could also make more use of the
 bug tracker and allow for peer review from the wider WebKit team.
 Unilateral commits by Qt guys have broken other builds recently wasting
 everyone's time.

I don't know if I have been affected by this too much, but I do agree
with this advice.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Download client

2007-11-16 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On Nov 16, 2007 12:47 AM, Brady Eidson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In FrameLoaderClientGtk.cpp, I see that
 void FrameLoaderClient::download(ResourceHandle*, const ResourceRequest,
 const ResourceRequest, const ResourceResponse)
 is not implemented.

 Until it is, it would seem that WebKitGtk is incapable of downloading files,
 even if you set its policy to do so.

Since the GTK port uses CURL it shouldn't be too hard to implement the
above using CURL. In fact, I found this example in the libcurl
documentation that downloads a file and has a GTK progress bar:

Naiem, this should be all you need as inspiration to write the above method.

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Build question on Window (Safari version)

2007-10-03 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On 10/2/07, Jerry K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I can build webkit dll file successfully, but the run-safari script is
 looking for safari.exe.
 Should I download safari.exe separately or my build process is not
 completely, and in which statements/steps will create safari.exe?

Safari is a proprietary product from Apple and the source code is not
open source. You need to download Safari for Windows and install it in
the default location so that the run-safari script can fine

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] Build question on Window (Safari version)

2007-10-03 Thread Ryan Leavengood
On 10/3/07, Jerry K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply
 I saw

 Unhandled exception at 0x764bb09e in Safari.exe: 0xC06D007E: Module not

 while using my built dll with Safari.exe.

 Is there any info to solve the incompatibility?

Hmmm, I'm not sure about that myself. Maybe a developer who works with
Safari and WebKit on Windows can help you out more. I'm working on a
port to a different platform and don't know much about WebKit on
Windows beyond that you must download Safari ;)

webkit-dev mailing list