Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Andre Majorel

On 2002-04-14 05:00 +0200, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

The moderators are informed about each message that awaits
moderation; that alert would contain a URL they can visit and
approve or reject the mail, at their discretion.

The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just
forwards the dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the
message is done by replying to listar (actually forwarding to
somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get the idea).


Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Jan Hnila

On Sun, 2002-04-14 at 10:49, Andre Majorel wrote:
 The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just
 forwards the dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the
 message is done by replying to listar (actually forwarding to
 somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get the idea).
According to , ezmlm also
has the message moderation feature. If one of the moderators replies
to the message, it will get accepted and sent to the list subscribers.
If none of the moderators reply within 5 days, the message will be
rejected.(So no need to reject, it's enough to ignore, though it's
possible to explicitly reject a message.)

On 2002-04-14 05:00 +0200, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
 Writing a filter script is not hard; I can do that.  But the real
 problem is how how to integrate such a script with the mailing list
 software.  Also, it would be nice not to have to write the web
 interface from scratch.
 Here is a suggestion how to go about it:
 1. Switch from ezmlm to Mailman.  Karsten has convinced me to resist
the switch so far, but I simply don't see how to avoid it.  The big
win for Mailman is that it already have a web interface for
moderation.  If there is a similar thing for ezmlm, we can
reconsider this step.
According to
there exists a possibility in ezmlm to restrict posts based on the
Subject line.
But it is just a script - two pipes and grep commands.(The input seems
to be the whole message - including the headers.)

So perhaps the script should check the message, whether it contains the
string wget (case insensitive), but not string wget and if it
detects a suspicious message, it should somehow pipe it(send the mail)
to the wget-moderators list.

The wget-moderators list can of course run any mailing list
manager(EZMLM, Mailman, ..), the only allowed poster should be that
script, and all approved messages should be forwarded to the
wget@sunsite list.

Jan Hnila

Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Daniel Stenberg

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Andre Majorel wrote:

 The moderators are informed about each message that awaits
 moderation; that alert would contain a URL they can visit and
 approve or reject the mail, at their discretion.

 The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just forwards the
 dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the message is done by replying
 to listar (actually forwarding to somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get
 the idea).

The benefit from using a web interface would be to have one single queue that
multiple admins can work on.

Having the offending mails mailed to N different admins for approval, will
definitely risk them getting approved by multiple admins and thus the
system would need to discover and discard the duplicates caused by this.

  Daniel Stenberg - - +46-705-44 31 77
   ech`echo xiun|tr nu oc|sed 'sx\([sx]\)\([xoi]\)xo un\2\1 is xg'`ol

Re: How about leaving the headers from the spam messages?

2002-04-14 Thread Hrvoje Niksic

Karsten Thygesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hrvoje == Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Hrvoje Alan E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   It would be a lot easier to report this shit to SpamCop if the
   mailing list software didn't strip the incoming headers.

  Hrvoje I don't know if ezmlm can be made not to strip the headers.
  Hrvoje Perhaps one of the admins knows if that's possible?

 It can - I will disable the stripping...

Excellent, thanks.

How about my other suggestion, i.e. plugging a filter before Mailman?
nag, nag  :-)

Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Hrvoje Niksic

Daniel Stenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just
 forwards the dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the message
 is done by replying to listar (actually forwarding to
 somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get the idea).

 The benefit from using a web interface would be to have one single
 queue that multiple admins can work on.

Exactly.  Note, however, that the web interface does not preclude the
*alerts* being sent to (multiple) admins.

Re: How about leaving the headers from the spam messages?

2002-04-14 Thread Karsten Thygesen

 Hrvoje == Hrvoje Niksic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hrvoje How about my other suggestion, i.e. plugging a filter before
 Hrvoje Mailman?  nag, nag :-)

I have put a filter before ezmlm (spamassassin). See me previous post
to you about that...


Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Karsten Thygesen

 Alan == Alan E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alan On Saturday 13 April 2002 23:00, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
   2. Plug the filter script between the local mail delivery agent
  and Mailman.  The filter can add an `X-Moderate-Me-Please' header
  to the mails that fail the filtering rules.  I can implement the

 Alan I'm using Mail::Spam-Assassin here on my own mail via procmail
 Alan and it seems to do a pretty good job. Subscriber's addresses
 Alan could be automatically put on the whitelist to pass w/o
 Alan question, and then moderation / junking could be chosen based
 Alan on the value of the spam score.

At SunSITE, we have been evaluating spamassassin the last week, and we
find it very nice. It is now enabled on the wget list - it will not
catch all spam, but hopefully the majority...


Re: Proposal for despamming the list

2002-04-14 Thread Karsten Thygesen

 Daniel == Daniel Stenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Daniel On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Andre Majorel wrote:
   The moderators are informed about each message that awaits 
  moderation; that alert would contain a URL they can visit and 
  approve or reject the mail, at their discretion.
  The web interface is not necessary. Listar, for instance, just
  forwards the dubious mails to the moderator. Approving the message
  is done by replying to listar (actually forwarding to
  somelist-repost@somedomain, but you get the idea).

 Daniel The benefit from using a web interface would be to have one
 Daniel single queue that multiple admins can work on.

ezmlm supports that out-of-the-box, but with a mail interface. There
will not be sent a duplicate, if a message is approved several times.

Anyway - spamassassin is now in place - let's give it a chance before
doing radical movements - and I can assure, that ezmlm is far more
mature and stable than Mailman - we (sunsite) have been running both
systems for years, and there is no doubt about, which type we



2002-04-14 Thread trter34fgghffgy

Appel au peuple francais


Il ne s'ecoule plus un jour en France sans que les media ne relatent des evenements 
qui auraient ete inimaginables il y a seulement vingt ans dans notre pays : emeutes et 
insurrection dans les cites, incendies volontaires de voitures, caillassages 
d'autobus et de vehicules de police, attaques physiques violentes contre les personnes 
et les biens,  batailles rangees entre bandes armees et forces de l'ordre, assassinats 
d'ediles municipaux, rixes et lynchages en plein jour dans nos rues, attaque et 
destruction de lieux de culte israelites... Les attentats a l'explosif ou a l'arme 
lourde (fusil d'assaut, lance-roquettes, grenade incendiaire ou explosive) diriges 
contre les civils ou contre les commissariats sont de plus en plus frequents (Beziers, 
Toulouse, Barr, Vitry-sur-Seine, Clichy-la-Garenne). 

Simple crise d'identite de jeunes en manque de reperes,  victimes du fameux 
malaise des banlieues et de l'exclusion de fait de la societe francaise raciste, 
comme le martelent depuis des annees les sociologues professionnels et les hommes 
politiques francais, ou bien debut d'un veritable processus de guerilla urbaine fonde 
sur la haine de la France ? A vous de juger...

Parallelement a cette explosion sans precedent de la violence urbaine, la barbarie 
s'installe : les viols en reunion, les tournantes, les meurtres, les crimes barbares 
de degeneres se multiplient dans les banlieues francaises. Recemment une adolescente 
de treize ans a ete violee et prostituee pendant plusieurs mois par une bande de 
jeunes a Roubaix. Le 4 avril a Chalons-en-Champagne, une mere de famille de 36 ans 
vivant seule avec sa fille a ete violee et torturee par cinq jeunes qui se sont 
introduits par la force dans son appartement. Etc etc. Une immense liste de faits 
divers dont les medias ne vous parlent que tres rarement.

Nous poserons quatre questions :

1) Tout le monde voit bien que les fauteurs de troubles sont en grande majorite 
afro-arabes. Pourquoi les media, qui le voient eux aussi, refusent-ils de le dire et 
preferent-ils parler de jeunes dont ils minimisent les actes ?

2) Pourquoi les tribunaux francais rendent-ils une justice discriminatoire en faveur 
des delinquants et des criminels immigres, ces jeunes qui sont excuses, acquittes, 
relaches au mepris des lois pourtant votees au nom du peuple francais ?

3) Pourquoi les pouvoirs publics francais ont-ils encourage pendant des annees 
l'implantation de colons afro-arabes qui menacent aujourd'hui l'unite nationale, la 
securite interieure et la paix civile ?

4) Pourquoi le concept d' anti-racisme, veritable preference ethnique et culturelle 
etrangere, a-t-il ete erige en dogme par le pouvoir en place ?

Aujourd'hui, malheur au citoyen francais qui exprime son hostilite a la politique 
d'immigration d'Etat, qui met en garde ses compatriotes contre les dangers de l'islam, 
qui ne veut pas voir disparaitre sa culture et ses traditions: il sera lourdement 
condamne par les tribunaux francais.

Il n'est pas contestable que l'Etat francais a trahi son devoir et sa mission de 
defense du Peuple Francais et qu'en choisissant le camp de l'occupant afro-arabe, il 
se comporte en parfait collaborateur de l'invasion etrangere.

A l'heure ou le reveil de l'islam fait courir de tres graves dangers aux democraties 
occidentales, menacees par le terrorisme, la guerre civile ethnique et la 
submersion-colonisation par les masses du Tiers-Monde, il n'est pas trop tard pour 
ouvrir les yeux.

Mais n'attendez rien des elections ni de nos hommes politiques qui, depuis 20 ans, 
ont contribue lentement mais surement a laisser s'installer la situation actuelle.

Puisque l'Etat collaborateur travaille main dans la main avec l'occupant et la 
racaille immigree, c'est a nous, Peuple Francais, d'organiser la Resistance Francaise 
pour permettre un jour, nous l'esperons, la Reconquete de la France.

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Re: Extend timeout to DNS lookups

2002-04-14 Thread Alan E

On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 04:20:58AM +0200, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
As suggested by Alan E, this patch extends the meaning of timeout to
include DNS lookups.  After this patch, I can't think of any network
operation still allowed to take more than the specified timeout

Cool. Thanks. That's gonna save a lot of complaints and bug reports, and
make for more satisfied customers. Is the automatic subscription payment
code about ready? Hehehe.
