Re: [whatwg] Supporting feature tests of untestable features

2015-04-01 Thread Roger Hågensen

On 2015-04-01 06:57, Kyle Simpson wrote:

There are features being added to the DOM/web platform, or at least under 
consideration, that do not have reasonable feature tests obvious/practical in 
their design. I consider this a problem, because all features which authors 
(especially those of libraries, like me) rely on should be able to be tested if 
present, and fallback if not present.

Paul Irish did a round-up awhile back of so called undetectables here:

I don't want to get off topic in the weeds and/or invite bikeshedding about individual 
hard to test features. So I just want to keep this discussion to a narrow 

Can we add something like a feature test API (whatever it's called) where certain 
hard cases can be exposed as tests in some way?

The main motivation for starting this thread is the new `link rel=preload` 
feature as described here:

Specifically, in this issue thread: I 
bring up the need for that feature to be testable, and observe that as 
currently designed, no such test is feasable. I believe that must be addressed, 
and it was suggested that perhaps a more general solution could be devised if 
we bring this to a wider discussion audience.

A featurecheck API? THat sort of makes sense.

I see two ways to do this.

One would be to call a function like (the fictional) featureversion() 
and get back a version indicating that the browser support the ECMA 
something standard as a bare minimum. But version checking is something 
I try to avoid even when doing programming on Windows (and MicroSoft 
advise against doing it).

So a better way might be:

Yeah the preload example does not look that pretty but hopefully you 
know what I'm getting at here. Maybe featexist('html','link','preload') 

On Windows programs I try to always dynamically load a library and then 
I get a function pointer to a named function, if it fails then I know 
the function does not exist in that dll and I can either fail gracefully 
or provide alternative code to emulate the missing function.
It's thanks to this that on streaming audio player I made axctually 
works on anything from Windows 2000 up to WIndows 8.1 and dynamically 
makes use of new features in more recent Windows versions thanks to 
being able to check if functions actually exists.

I use the same philosophy when doing Javascript and HTML5 coding.

With the featexist() above true is returned if present and false if not 
Now what to do if eval() does not exist as a pre-defined function but a 
user defined eval() function exists instead for some reason.
My suggestion is that featexist() should return false in that case as it 
is not a function provided by the browser/client.

Now obviously a|if (typeof featexist == 'function')| would have to be 
done before calling featexist() and there is no way to get around that.

Another suggestion is that if a feature is disabled (by the user, the 
admin or the browser/client for some reason) ten featexist() should 
behave as if that feature does not existis not supported.
In other words featexist() could be a simple way to ask the browser if 
is this available? can I use this right now?

Roger Hågensen, Freelancer,

Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-04-01 Thread Roger Hågensen

On 2015-03-31 23:17, Felix Miata wrote:

Roger Hågensen composed on 2015-03-31 21:09 (UTC+0200):

... For Mozilla browsers, you
can go to about:config and set media.autoplay.enabled to “false�. Also,
the NoScript browser extension can make media click-to-play by default.

I hardly think a lot of users want to follow directions like that.
As a programmer/content designer it would make more sense to do so using
either attributes or javascript instead of bothering the user.

Turning off autoplay is a one time thing, not a big deal like the constant
disrespect of sites disregarding instead of embracing user needs.


I have a hard time seeing rationality in any option other than click-to-play.
*My* PC is a tool. *I* should be the one to decide if and when to play, and
if or when to stop or pause.

What are you suggesting exactly? That all iframes should be click to show?
Are you talking about iframe visibility and autopause or autounload?

If you are veering off topic then if possible please start a new thread 
(new subject) in that case.

I'll assume you are talking about autopause for a video tag.
As a user you open another tab, the video pauses at once (since the 
autopause attribute is set) since it's no longer visible.
Now if you go back to it and click play and then tab away again then you 
have manually overridden the autopause.

There might also be a autopause option on the video UI someplace.

My suggestion was for a autopause for iframes, I only noted that it 
might be of use to video and audio tags as well but I did not really 
outline how hey should behave as this topic is about iframes rather than 
video and audio.
Starting a new thread to discuss autopause and autounload or video and 
audio is preferred as that will require more UI discussion than iframes 
(which has no UI).

Roger Hågensen, Freelancer,

Re: [whatwg] Supporting feature tests of untestable features

2015-04-01 Thread James M. Greene
We had it but browser cendors abandoned its proper behavior [for some
historical reason unbeknownst to me]

DOMImplementation.hasFeature (document.hasFeature):



We are running into the exact same issues with the HTML Clipboard API being
unreliably detectable. Even more troubling, this is especially true because
it is already partially supported (paste events) in some browsers (e.g.
Chrome), not at all supported in others, and fully supported in none.

   James M. Greene
On Apr 1, 2015 3:36 AM, Roger Hågensen wrote:

 On 2015-04-01 06:57, Kyle Simpson wrote:

 There are features being added to the DOM/web platform, or at least under
 consideration, that do not have reasonable feature tests obvious/practical
 in their design. I consider this a problem, because all features which
 authors (especially those of libraries, like me) rely on should be able to
 be tested if present, and fallback if not present.

 Paul Irish did a round-up awhile back of so called undetectables here:

 I don't want to get off topic in the weeds and/or invite bikeshedding
 about individual hard to test features. So I just want to keep this
 discussion to a narrow request:

 Can we add something like a feature test API (whatever it's called)
 where certain hard cases can be exposed as tests in some way?

 The main motivation for starting this thread is the new `link
 rel=preload` feature as described here:

 Specifically, in this issue thread:
 preload/issues/7 I bring up the need for that feature to be testable,
 and observe that as currently designed, no such test is feasable. I believe
 that must be addressed, and it was suggested that perhaps a more general
 solution could be devised if we bring this to a wider discussion audience.

 A featurecheck API? THat sort of makes sense.

 I see two ways to do this.

 One would be to call a function like (the fictional) featureversion()
 and get back a version indicating that the browser support the ECMA
 something standard as a bare minimum. But version checking is something I
 try to avoid even when doing programming on Windows (and MicroSoft advise
 against doing it).

 So a better way might be:

 Yeah the preload example does not look that pretty but hopefully you know
 what I'm getting at here. Maybe featexist('html','link','preload')

 On Windows programs I try to always dynamically load a library and then I
 get a function pointer to a named function, if it fails then I know the
 function does not exist in that dll and I can either fail gracefully or
 provide alternative code to emulate the missing function.
 It's thanks to this that on streaming audio player I made axctually works
 on anything from Windows 2000 up to WIndows 8.1 and dynamically makes use
 of new features in more recent Windows versions thanks to being able to
 check if functions actually exists.

 I use the same philosophy when doing Javascript and HTML5 coding.

 With the featexist() above true is returned if present and false if not
 Now what to do if eval() does not exist as a pre-defined function but a
 user defined eval() function exists instead for some reason.
 My suggestion is that featexist() should return false in that case as it
 is not a function provided by the browser/client.

 Now obviously a|if (typeof featexist == 'function')| would have to be
 done before calling featexist() and there is no way to get around that.

 Another suggestion is that if a feature is disabled (by the user, the
 admin or the browser/client for some reason) ten featexist() should behave
 as if that feature does not existis not supported.
 In other words featexist() could be a simple way to ask the browser if
 is this available? can I use this right now?

 Roger Hågensen, Freelancer,

Re: [whatwg] Supporting feature tests of untestable features

2015-04-01 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 4/1/15 8:27 AM, James M. Greene wrote:

We had it but browser cendors abandoned its proper behavior [for some
historical reason unbeknownst to me]

The support signal (the hasFeature() implementation) was not in any way 
coupled with the actual implementation.

So you would have cases in which hasFeature() claimed false even though 
the browser supported the feature, cases in which hasFeature() claimed 
true even though the browser didn't support the feature, and cases in 
which the browser had somewhat rudimentary support for the feature but 
hasFeature() claimed true because of various market pressures.  This was 
especially driven by the coarse nature of the features involved -- you 
could at best ask questions like is this spec supported?, not is this 
particular piece of functionality supported?.  That works OK for small 
targeted specs, but the W3C wasn't so much in the business of doing those.

The upshot was that in any sort of interesting case hasFeature was 
useless at best and misleading at worst.

We are running into the exact same issues with the HTML Clipboard API being
unreliably detectable. Even more troubling, this is especially true because
it is already partially supported (paste events) in some browsers (e.g.
Chrome), not at all supported in others, and fully supported in none.

So let's consider this case.  How would a hasFeature deal with this 
situation?  At what point would you expect it to start returning true 
for the clipboard API?


P.S.  Looking over the clipboard API, it seems like it really has the 
following bits: 1) The various before* events, which would be detectable 
if the spec added the corresponding onbefore* attributes to someplace, 
and 2) The copy/paste/etc events, which could likewise be detectable 
with on* attributes.  Am I missing something else that is not detectable 
for fundamental reasons?

Re: [whatwg] Supporting feature tests of untestable features

2015-04-01 Thread James M. Greene
 P.S.  Looking over the clipboard API, it seems like it really has the
following bits:
 1) The various before* events, which would be detectable if the spec
added the
 corresponding onbefore* attributes to someplace, and 2) The
copy/paste/etc events,
 which could likewise be detectable with on* attributes.  Am I missing
something else
 that is not detectable for fundamental reasons?

Not to side-track this generalized conversation too much but it may
actually be useful to detail the state of Clipboard API detection here
based on current practices and APIs (which is completely hopeless):

*Event-based detection:*
The onbeforecopy, onbeforecut, onbeforepaste, oncopy, oncut, and
onpaste events have all existed in IE, Safari, and Chrome (and now modern
Opera, I'd imagine) for quite some time, related to standard user actions
for copy/cut/paste (and more importantly for ContentEditable purposes,
IIRC).  So this approach would return false positives for at least every
modern major browser other than Firefox (if not Firefox, too).

*Method-based detection:*
Firefox, for example, implements
`clipboardData.setData()`/`clipboardData.getData()` and also implements the
`ClipboardEvent` constructor, does not actually modify the user's clipboard
on `clipboard.setData()`. Additionally, to even get access to
`clipboardData`, you must be able to synthetically execute one of these
commands (e.g. copy). So this approach isn't great, and will return false
positives for Firefox anyway.

*Command-based detection:*
Since the actual actions like copy, etc. will be triggered via ye olde
query commands (i.e. `document.execCommand`), another proper approach for
detection would be using the `document.queryCommandSupported` and
`document.queryCommandEnabled` methods to check for support.  However,
those methods work inconsistently cross-browser, some throw Errors instead
of returning `false`, etc.  Beside all that, the copy, cut, and paste
query commands have all previously existed for ContentEditable purposes.
So this approach is flawed, unreliable, and will return false positives.

*Implementation-based detection:*
As previously discussed in this thread,
`document.implementation.hasFeature` and/or `Node.isSupported` could have
been another idea for feature detection but has already been bastardized to
the point of no return.  So this approach, if implemented, would almost
always return false positives (e.g. Firefox, if not all other browsers,
returns `true` for everything).

As far as checking on full implementations, it would be nice if specs
followed some reliable versioning pattern like SemVer that we could use to
verify the correct level of support.  Even at that point, though: should
such an approach only check against W3C specs or also WHATWG specs?

Additionally, as you mentioned, it would be much better if we could create
some API which would offer the ability to check for partial implementations
(features/sub-features) vs. full spec implementations as well.  For
example, Chrome has implemented the paste feature of the Clipboard API
nearly completely but has NOT implemented the copy or cut features.

James Greene

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/1/15 8:27 AM, James M. Greene wrote:

 We had it but browser cendors abandoned its proper behavior [for some
 historical reason unbeknownst to me]

 The support signal (the hasFeature() implementation) was not in any way
 coupled with the actual implementation.

 So you would have cases in which hasFeature() claimed false even though
 the browser supported the feature, cases in which hasFeature() claimed true
 even though the browser didn't support the feature, and cases in which the
 browser had somewhat rudimentary support for the feature but hasFeature()
 claimed true because of various market pressures.  This was especially
 driven by the coarse nature of the features involved -- you could at best
 ask questions like is this spec supported?, not is this particular piece
 of functionality supported?.  That works OK for small targeted specs, but
 the W3C wasn't so much in the business of doing those.

 The upshot was that in any sort of interesting case hasFeature was useless
 at best and misleading at worst.

  We are running into the exact same issues with the HTML Clipboard API
 unreliably detectable. Even more troubling, this is especially true
 it is already partially supported (paste events) in some browsers (e.g.
 Chrome), not at all supported in others, and fully supported in none.

 So let's consider this case.  How would a hasFeature deal with this
 situation?  At what point would you expect it to start returning true for
 the clipboard API?


 P.S.  Looking over the clipboard API, it seems like it really has the
 following bits: 1) The various before* events, which would be detectable if
 the spec added the corresponding onbefore* attributes to someplace, and 2)

Re: [whatwg] Supporting feature tests of untestable features

2015-04-01 Thread James M. Greene
P.S. If you want to get involved, here is a link to the archive of the most
recent email thread about feature detection for the Clipboard API:

James Greene

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 9:04 AM, James M. Greene

  P.S.  Looking over the clipboard API, it seems like it really has the
 following bits:
  1) The various before* events, which would be detectable if the spec
 added the
  corresponding onbefore* attributes to someplace, and 2) The
 copy/paste/etc events,
  which could likewise be detectable with on* attributes.  Am I missing
 something else
  that is not detectable for fundamental reasons?

 Not to side-track this generalized conversation too much but it may
 actually be useful to detail the state of Clipboard API detection here
 based on current practices and APIs (which is completely hopeless):

 *Event-based detection:*
 The onbeforecopy, onbeforecut, onbeforepaste, oncopy, oncut, and
 onpaste events have all existed in IE, Safari, and Chrome (and now modern
 Opera, I'd imagine) for quite some time, related to standard user actions
 for copy/cut/paste (and more importantly for ContentEditable purposes,
 IIRC).  So this approach would return false positives for at least every
 modern major browser other than Firefox (if not Firefox, too).

 *Method-based detection:*
 Firefox, for example, implements
 `clipboardData.setData()`/`clipboardData.getData()` and also implements the
 `ClipboardEvent` constructor, does not actually modify the user's clipboard
 on `clipboard.setData()`. Additionally, to even get access to
 `clipboardData`, you must be able to synthetically execute one of these
 commands (e.g. copy). So this approach isn't great, and will return false
 positives for Firefox anyway.

 *Command-based detection:*
 Since the actual actions like copy, etc. will be triggered via ye olde
 query commands (i.e. `document.execCommand`), another proper approach for
 detection would be using the `document.queryCommandSupported` and
 `document.queryCommandEnabled` methods to check for support.  However,
 those methods work inconsistently cross-browser, some throw Errors instead
 of returning `false`, etc.  Beside all that, the copy, cut, and paste
 query commands have all previously existed for ContentEditable purposes.
 So this approach is flawed, unreliable, and will return false positives.

 *Implementation-based detection:*
 As previously discussed in this thread,
 `document.implementation.hasFeature` and/or `Node.isSupported` could have
 been another idea for feature detection but has already been bastardized to
 the point of no return.  So this approach, if implemented, would almost
 always return false positives (e.g. Firefox, if not all other browsers,
 returns `true` for everything).

 As far as checking on full implementations, it would be nice if specs
 followed some reliable versioning pattern like SemVer that we could use to
 verify the correct level of support.  Even at that point, though: should
 such an approach only check against W3C specs or also WHATWG specs?

 Additionally, as you mentioned, it would be much better if we could create
 some API which would offer the ability to check for partial implementations
 (features/sub-features) vs. full spec implementations as well.  For
 example, Chrome has implemented the paste feature of the Clipboard API
 nearly completely but has NOT implemented the copy or cut features.

 James Greene

 On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:07 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 4/1/15 8:27 AM, James M. Greene wrote:

 We had it but browser cendors abandoned its proper behavior [for some
 historical reason unbeknownst to me]

 The support signal (the hasFeature() implementation) was not in any way
 coupled with the actual implementation.

 So you would have cases in which hasFeature() claimed false even though
 the browser supported the feature, cases in which hasFeature() claimed true
 even though the browser didn't support the feature, and cases in which the
 browser had somewhat rudimentary support for the feature but hasFeature()
 claimed true because of various market pressures.  This was especially
 driven by the coarse nature of the features involved -- you could at best
 ask questions like is this spec supported?, not is this particular piece
 of functionality supported?.  That works OK for small targeted specs, but
 the W3C wasn't so much in the business of doing those.

 The upshot was that in any sort of interesting case hasFeature was
 useless at best and misleading at worst.

  We are running into the exact same issues with the HTML Clipboard API
 unreliably detectable. Even more troubling, this is especially true
 it is already partially supported (paste events) in some browsers (e.g.
 Chrome), not at all supported in others, and fully supported in none.

 So let's consider this case. 

Re: [whatwg] MetaExtension and Dublin Core revision

2015-04-01 Thread Andrea Rendine
Mr. Hickson, please let me know if further details are needed, or otherwise
if change proposal will be accepted, at least partially.
The more those properties remain there, the more authors can read them and
use them incorrectly IMHO.
Yours respectfully,

2015-03-26 18:19 GMT+01:00 Andrea Rendine

 A note about properties.
 According to the spec, the properties marked in my mail can be used as
 DC-prefixed, though in the wild the DCTERMS prefix is largely preferred. If
 these properties were to be used, it should be specified that the correct
 namespace declaration is *not* link rel=schema.dc href=;, but something like link
 rel=schema.dc href=;. DC prefix is used with
 both namespaces for legacy compatibility, but the prevalence of DCTERMS
 over DC is about 100 to 1.
 All this does not apply to, which simply does not exist
 (the correct property name is dc.issued).
 You can find all sources for those properties at
 Andrea Rendine

Re: [whatwg] HTML6 proposal for single-page apps without Javascript

2015-04-01 Thread Bobby Mozumder

 On Mar 31, 2015, at 12:43 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:
 On 3/30/2015 10:02 PM, Bobby Mozumder wrote:
 One thing I’m interested in is to see more technical discussions   around 
 this idea.  Like, very specific issues that show a design or 
  concept flaw.  It’s only been about 10 days since I proposed this and  I 
  haven’t received much in that area.  (I did change one thing to  split 
  MREF from HREF based on feedback about people wanting backwards  
 Technical discussion is the last step of the process. The reason why people 
 haven't provided technical feedback is because you have failed to motivate 
 your proposal.

I gave a limited one-page idea for now, so design faults should be obvious.  
This will take years, but right now it’s looking like there aren’t fundamental 
problems with the proposal.  Most of the unnecessary arguments against it boil 
down to people just stuck in their comfort-zone, and those people aren’t the 
target audience for this proposal anyways.  Javascript people are going to be 
happy with their existing selection of MVC frameworks, so why would they want 
anything new like this?

The mistake Javascript developers are making is that they make the assumption 
that everybody else is a Javascript developer.

 Instead, I’m mostly getting a lot of “I’m scared!” or “Everyone   should 
 get a PhD in Javascript like I did!” which obviously isn’t  
 going to happen. So, if there are technical faults with the proposal  here, 
 definitely list them.  (or preferably in the Github, where I  can keep track 
 of issues directly)
 Attacking your detractors with ad hominems is a great way to get yourself 
 ignored. People aren't saying those things--they're questioning the utility 
 of your proposal in the first place. You take it for granted that HTML needs 
 a complex, SQL-based MVC framework. You take it for granted that JS is the 
 devil and should be avoided. You appear to take it for granted that using JS 
 frameworks is a problem that needs to be solved. These views are not commonly 
 held on this mailing list, and you're completely ignoring the feedback which 
 is, in effect, questioning these assumptions.

Not ad hominem.  I’ve literally had developers tell me everyone should learn 
Javascript.  Example:

That's obviously a horrible idea.  Why would anyone encourage millions of other 
people to do more work?   Everyone’s time is limited.  Why should a 
fashion-blogger spend time to learn JS to get a responsive high-speed site?  
They have other things to worry about, like next season’s collections.  

The best experience should be on by default, and you need a built-in MVC 
framework in HTML for that to happen.

 We need to be able to advance the web without going through   Javascript.  
 It’s a mistake to assume that JS is a fundamental part 
  of the web.  The web is optimized for hypertext document processing,  and 
  most people use it to read content online.  This proposal fixes a  
  remaining issue with that.
 Serious question: why? What benefit does it bring? That JS is bad is not a 
 self-evident proposition.

You’re asking people to learn Javascript, an MVC framework, and its associated 
templating system, to fix a basic user experience problem with the web.  

I was talking with a Tumblr power user a couple of days ago about this and she 
confirmed that all Tumblr kids pretty much know the basics of HTML, somewhat 
fewer people know CSS, and nobody knows Javascript.  Tumblr maintains about 200 
million sites.

Given all that, what’s your proposal to put forth an app-like high-speed 
responsive web experience without using Javascript?  Because any plan that 
includes “Need to know Javascript” will fail.

You’ll find that the kind of proposal I’m putting out there is the only viable 

Bobby Mozumder
FutureClaw Magazine

Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-04-01 Thread David Young
On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 03:47:26PM -0700, Seth Fowler wrote:
 I think we should modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA’s take
 actual visibility of iframes into account when deciding if an iframe
 is hidden.

 Right now, the visibility of an iframe is the same as that of the top
 level browsing context it’s embedded in. Here are the details:

 This design doesn’t do much for iframes which may be doing
 significant work, though. The most obvious example is HTML5 ads. These
 ads may be performing significant work - computation, network IO,
 rendering, etc. Some or all of that work is often unnecessary when
 the ad is outside the viewport. Having an API that would allow those
 ads to throttle back their work when they’re not visible could have
 significant positive effects on performance and battery life.

I am concerned that if an iframe is on its honor to use the API, the
API will have a very small impact, when mandatory resource arbitration
seems to be needed.

Responsibility for good performance and battery life on my laptop should
belong to my UA, not to the web developer.  I cannot take for granted
the good will of the web developer, and even developers with good
intentions may make a mistake or cut corners.

It seems to me that the UA should divvy up resources among iframes based
on the availability of an *audience* to each one.  Invisible pages,
occluded iframes, iframes that have scrolled out of the viewport, and
so on, definitely shouldn't get a prime share unless the user has made
an explicit grant.  Give the bulk of the resources to what you could
conceivably be looking at.

Do you see what I'm getting at?


David Young
dyo...@pobox.comUrbana, IL(217) 721-9981

Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-04-01 Thread Seth Fowler

 On Apr 1, 2015, at 10:35 PM, David Young wrote:
 I cannot take for granted
 the good will of the web developer, and even developers with good
 intentions may make a mistake or cut corners.

Trust me, you’re preaching to the choir on that!

 It seems to me that the UA should divvy up resources among iframes based
 on the availability of an *audience* to each one.  Invisible pages,
 occluded iframes, iframes that have scrolled out of the viewport, and
 so on, definitely shouldn't get a prime share unless the user has made
 an explicit grant.  Give the bulk of the resources to what you could
 conceivably be looking at.
 Do you see what I'm getting at?

Absolutely. I think all of the UAs have implemented features like that, and are 
working on more. But making iframes aware that they should throttle themselves 
is still helpful, because well-behaved iframes can take drastic action to 
reduce their performance and energy impact - even totally stopping all their 
processing. UAs always have to worry about breaking existing web content, and 
it’s often hard to take such drastic action automatically for that reason.

I think we’ll get the best results if we take both approaches simultaneously.

- Seth