Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen events dispatched to elements

2012-06-01 Thread Chris Pearce

On 2/06/2012 11:19 a.m., Vincent Scheib wrote:

IMHO Pointer Lock would be more convenient to use if events are sent
to the target element as well, and not just the document.

Is there a reason the Fullscreen specification doesn't dispatch events
to the most relevant element?

Because we exit fullscreen when the fullscreen element is removed from 
the document, so if you dispatch events to the context element, the 
fullscreenchange event never bubbles up to the containing document in 
the exit-on-remove case.

Because of this, the spec was then changed to dispatch fullscreenchange 
to the context element on entering fullscreen, and to the document on 
exit, but we found this inconsistent, since a listener has to listen to 
multiple nodes to receive both exit and enter events, so the spec was 
changed again to always dispatch fullscreenchange to the document.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] fullscreenchange event should be delayed to after transition is complete

2012-05-19 Thread Chris Pearce

On 18/05/2012 1:02 a.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Chris  wrote:

I think it would be best to simply make everything from Step 2 onwards of
the requestFullscreen() algorithm spec asynchronous. So in the
requestFullscreen specification, move Step 5 and Step 6 up to be inserted
before Step 2.

We should do the same with exitFullscreen(), i.e. move Step 6 and Step 7 of
the exitFullscreen algorithm spec up to be inserted before Step 3.

We should also specify that those state changes happen in synchronous
sections, to keep the world sane.

I have done that by putting the state changes on the same task that
dispatches the event.


Looks good, thanks!

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] fullscreenchange event should be delayed to after transition is complete

2012-05-17 Thread Chris Pearce

On 17/05/2012 3:37 a.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 2:33 AM, Chris  wrote:

I think that the fullscreenchange even dispatch should be specified to be
dispatched once the animation to transition to/from fullscreen has finished.

So queuing the task was not enough? I guess that makes sense.

As for how to best define this in the specification. Should I just
create a list of objects the event is to be dispatched upon and then
after the animation steps start queuing tasks to dispatch them on the
objects in that list?

Actually after thinking a bit more on this I've changed my mind and I 
don't think it's ok to leave the fullscreenElement stack and :fullscreen 
state changes synchronous while delaying the dispatch of 
fullscreenchange events.

If fullscreenElement stack and :fullscreen state changes could be 
observed before the fullscreen transition/animation is complete, script 
won't see consistent behaviour across platforms, i.e. on some (but not 
all) platforms there will be a period of time that 
document.fullscreenElement is true but document.fullscreenElement 
doesn't take up the entire screen.

I think it would be best to simply make everything from Step 2 onwards 
of the requestFullscreen() algorithm spec asynchronous. So in the 
requestFullscreen specification, move Step 5 and Step 6 up to be 
inserted before Step 2.

We should do the same with exitFullscreen(), i.e. move Step 6 and Step 7 
of the exitFullscreen algorithm spec up to be inserted before Step 3.

We should also specify that those state changes happen in synchronous 
sections, to keep the world sane.

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] fullscreenchange event should be delayed to after transition is complete

2012-05-15 Thread Chris Pearce


I think that the fullscreenchange even dispatch should be specified to 
be dispatched once the animation to transition to/from fullscreen has 

The problem is that at least two of the platforms we're supporting have 
non-instantaneous transitions from windowed to fullscreen mode. So if we 
dispatch fullscreenchange events as specified during 
HTMLElement.requestFullscreen() then the fullscreenchange events can 
arrive before the transition animation has finished, so things like 
window.screenY and window.size.* haven't reached their stable fullscreen 

Our unit tests have been randomly failing because of this, so I'm sure 
this will cause problems with authors in the wild.

I think having the state changes performed by 
HTMLElement.requestFullscreen() happen synchronously before the 
animation/transition to enter fullscreen completes (as specified 
currently) and having them undone before the animation to exit 
fullscreen completes (also as specified currently in exitFullscreen()) 
is probably OK, since these state changes maybe required for the 
transition/animation. It's only the dispatch of fullscreenchange I 
think we should change.

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Fullscreenchange event

2011-10-28 Thread Chris Pearce
Should we still dispatch the fullscreenchange event to the element which 
requested fullscreen if the element was removed from its document before 
the event was dispatched? What if the element was added to another 
document before the event could be dispatched? Should we dispatch to 
requester's original document in these cases? Or just not dispatch the 
event? We'll be exiting full-screen in this case anyway, since the 
element was removed from the doc. Or should we do something else?

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen revision I

2011-10-20 Thread Chris Pearce

On 21/10/2011 4:10 a.m., Glenn Maynard wrote:

The current spec doesn't seem to allow asking permission to fullscreen in
advance, since the fullscreen element is set synchronously.  This should be
supported; there are a lot of potential problems with the ask-after model
and it shouldn't be the only model supported.

I agree, the spec should definitely allow this. We could make 
requestFullScreen()'s entire body run in a synchronous section, after 
any permission has been granted?

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 6:59 AM, Anne van  wrote:

* requestFullscreen() can no longer be invoked when already in element

How do you change the fullscreenElement from one element to another without
exiting fullscreen first?  That seems important.

If you have the fullscreen element as a generic container (div), you can 
insert your desired fullscreen element as the only child of the actual 
fullscreen element to get the swap effect. This won't work cross origin, 
so would prevent (for example) embedded YouTube videos from going 
fullscreen. I'd prefer for requestFullscreen() while fullscreen to just 
swap the fullscreen element.

However, if we do end up not having requestFullscreen() while fullscreen 
swap the fullscreen element, then we need to ensure 
document.fullscreenEnabled returns false while any document is 
fullscreen. Otherwise video controls won't know to hide their 
(non-functioning) fullscreen buttons while their 
document/parent/ancestor documents are fullscreen.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen Update

2011-10-19 Thread Chris Pearce

On 19/10/2011 5:40 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:
1) How much should UI-based and API-based fullscreen interact? To me 
it seems nice if pressing F11 would also give you fullscreenchange 
events and that Document.fullscreen would yield true. 

These modes cover different cases. F11 fullscreen mode is when the user 
wants to hide their browser user interface, but otherwise doesn't want 
to affect presentation. Whereas the fullscreen API is to allow sites to 
make a specific element the fullscreen element.

2) Chris brought forward the case of nesting. You have a fullscreen 
presentation (lets assume API-based activated for now) and in that 
presentation there's some video that the presenter wants to display 
fullscreen (lets assume the video player is a custom widget with 
API-based fullscreen activation for now). Once the presenter exits 
displaying the video fullscreen, the presentation should still be 

Initially this was brought up with the video being hosted in a 
separate descendant document, but the video could be in the same 
document as well.

In this presentation-video case, if the video is in the same document or 
in a same-origin subdocument, the page can script switching full-screen 
between the main full-screen element and the video element and vice 
versa (provided Element.requestFullScreen() while in fullscreen switches 
the fullscreen element). So custom controls on the video element could 
be implemented to solve this problem in the single document and in the 
non-cross origin multi-document case.

In the cross origin multi-document case, if document.exitFullScreen() 
causes all documents to exit full-screen (not just the target document 
and its descendents) it would also be pretty easy for the parent 
document to listen for the fullscreenchange event when the video exited, 
the and show its button for the main document to re-enter fullscreen. It 
would be a 2-click process to fullscreen change from the video back to 
the main document, but no big drama really.

roc suggested a model that works when you have separate documents and 
it could be made to work for the single document case too, as long as 
the level of nesting remains is no larger than required for the 
presentation scenario mentioned above.

We could go with Roc's suggestion and provided requestFullScreen() 
switches fullscreen mode we'd be ok, but I think that would complicate 
the API a bit much. Seems better to keep it simple.

Is that an acceptable limitation? Alternatively we could postpone the 
nested fullscreen scenario for now (i.e. make requestFullscreen fail 
if already fullscreen).

I think we should:

1. Make Element.requestFullScreen() switch the fullscreen element (so
   we can handle the single document and same-origin documents cases)
   when called while any document is in fullscreen mode, and
2. make document.exitFullScreen() exit all documents from fullscreen.
   It keeps the API simple, and provided we fire fullscreenchange
   events whenever a documents fullscreen attribute changes, pages can
   detect this and provide buttons to restore the user to their desired
   fullscreen state.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Entering fullscreen when already in fullscreen mode [was: Fullscreen]

2011-10-17 Thread Chris Pearce

On 18/10/2011 12:52 p.m., Darin Fisher wrote:

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:17 PM, Anne van  wrote:

On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 07:55:33 +0900, Darin

Thanks for working on this spec!  I have more questions, but I'll just
start with one.  If enterFullscreen() is called when the browsing context is
already being displayed fullscreen, what should happen?  (It looks like
Safari 5.1 ignores the second call to webkitRequestFullScreen.)

Chris is suggesting this should move the current fullscreen element
around. A use case I can think of is where you have YouTube fullscreen while
browsing through videos and then want to highlight a particular video. It
does however generate quite a bit of complexity in edge cases where you have
a tree of Documents. In that case you need to find the common ancestor of
the current fullscreen element and the new fullscreen element, make changes
to the Documents on that path from current to new, and dispatch events.

This seems like it might be overly complicated.  I could be mistaken, but I
don't think YouTube needs this.

Yeah, I suggest that if requestFullScreen() is called when another 
element is already the fullscreen element, the new requestee should 
become the fullscreen element.

A use case for this is: a fullscreen page with a cross-domain video 
and the video wants to go fullscreen. For example if a 
slide-deck/PowerPoint clone webapp goes fullscreen and wants to make an 
embedded YouTube video fullscreen. The easiest way to do this is load 
the YouTube video in an embedded iframe and (assuming you're using their 
HTML5 player and that uses the fullscreen API) click on the fullscreen 
button in its controls UI.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen

2011-10-16 Thread Chris Pearce

On 15/10/2011 5:27 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

I wrote up a draft:

Thanks for writing this up.


1. We should define what happens when the full-screen element is
   removed from a document. Roc and I thought it would be best to *not*
   reset the full-screen elements, :fullscreen, and
   :fullscreen-ancestor styles in ancestor documents, so that the
   current document's frame remains in full-screen mode. i.e. removing
   the full-screen element should result in the same state as if  you
   requested full-screen on said element when it was not in a document.
   The fullscreen state needs to be reset in descendent documents though.
2. We should define what happens when the full-screen element is
   removed from a document and inserted into another document. I think
   we should reset the fullscreen element in the old fullscreen
   element's owner's doc, and reset all fullscreen state (flag and
   pseudo classes) in all the old owner document's descendent
   documents, but not in its ancestor documents. So this should be
   equivalent to requesting full-screen on an element, and releasing
   all references to that element (though arguably
   Document.fullscreenElement would keep that element alive in that
3. Step 3.6 of the transition to fullscreen algorithm fires a
   fullscreenchange event to the document which requests fullscreen,
   regardless of whether it was already in fullscreen mode or not, and
   regardless of whether the fullscreen element changed. If a doc is
   already in fullscreen state, requesting fullscreen again may change
   the fullscreen element, but won't change the document.fullscreen
   flag. My thoughts are we should dispatch fullscreenchange in any
   document in the doc tree whenever document.fullscreen changes, or
   whenever the document.fullscreenElement changes (so that script
   knows if the request to change the fullscreen element was granted).
4. The transition to fullscreen algorithm needs to reset the
   full-screen state on all documents in the doctree, otherwise
   requesting full-screen on a node in a sibling/cousin document to the
   current fullscreen element's document will end up with inconsistent
   state. Also if a request for full-screen originates in a
   sibling/cousin document to the current full-screen element's
   document, resetting the fullscreen state in the documents in the
   sibling/cousin branch should cause  fullscreenchange events to be
   dispatched to those documents. The order in which fullscreenchange
   events are dispatched should be defined (i.e. do the
   fullscreenchange events for documents exiting fullscreen run before
   or after the fullscreenchange events for documents entering
5. The transition from fullscreen algorithm only fires the
   fullscreenchange event at the document which requests the fullscreen
   exit, not all the documents whose fullscreen state changes upon the
   exit of fullscreen (ancestor and descendent documents).
6. We should dispatch a fullscreendenied event if the request for
   fullscreen is denied. Feedback from authors is that it is critical
   to know whether a request for fullscreen has been denied, so that
   they can fallback to other mechanisms. Mozilla's original proposal
   intentionally didn't include this because we thought we'd require
   permission to enter fullscreen. We've since changed to an ask
   forgiveness model, where the request to go fullscreen can be made
   synchronously, so the previous criticisms against this event don't
   apply. Without this event, if there is an animation for enter full
   screen, there's no way to distinguish between entered full-screen
   but running animation and the fullscreen denied case, other than
   by setting a timeout of appropriate length, which is hacky.
7. I prefer requestFullScreen() for the same reason Olli gave.
   Especially if we make Element.requestFullScreen() asynchronous;
   enterFullScreen() really does imply synchronous action. I prefer
   exitFullscreen() to cancelFullScreen().

Chris Pearce.

Defining when exactly the fullscreen enabled flag is set for 
Document objects I will leave up to HTML. As well as defining the 
allowfullscreen attribute. Presumably it should be set for Document 
objects associated with the top-level browsing context and descendant 
browsing context as long as their browsing context container has the 
aforementioned attribute set.

If we want to transition from fullscreen when navigating, HTML can 
define that as well, neatly integrated in the navigation section. The 
Model section of the Fullscreen specification has an appropriate hook.

I have not added the key restrictions given earlier emails. 
Unfortunately there was not that much feedback on them, but maybe this 
draft will help on that front!

I went with fullscreen rather than full screen as that seemed 
cleaner and easier to type. I

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen

2011-10-16 Thread Chris Pearce

On 15/10/2011 5:27 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Defining when exactly the fullscreen enabled flag is set for
Document objects I will leave up to HTML. As well as defining the
allowfullscreen attribute. Presumably it should be set for Document
objects associated with the top-level browsing context and descendant
browsing context as long as their browsing context container has the
aforementioned attribute set.

By this do you mean the fullscreen enabled flag should be defined 
elsewhere in the HTML spec? Can we at least link to is to that it's easy 
for implementors to find? Ditto for allowfullscreen. Both of these 
things are important, we should have references to them at least. Or 
include them in this spec, with a note to move them into their new homes 
once we agree on the spec.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen

2011-10-16 Thread Chris Pearce

On 17/10/2011 5:31 a.m., João Eiras wrote:

The fullscreen media query is missing (I seriously suggest supporting it)

# @media all and (full-screen) { /* ... */ }

Does it make sense to have on/off as in the Mozilla proposal ? e.g. 
and (full-screen:on/ff) ?

We removed this from our proposal, since the view-mode media query has a 
fullscreen mode. However the view-mode media query does not distinguish 
between browser fullscreen mode (pressing F11 in Firefox and the same in 
Opera) and DOM full-screen mode, where a particular element is 
fullscreen. You need Document.fullscreen for that. Perhaps this is 
indeed an argument for including a separate media query for the 
fullscreen API's fullscreen mode.

I think that :fullscreen should not apply if there is no fullscreen 

When is there no fullscreen element? When the fullscreen element isn't 
in the document? Without the :fullscreen rule, containing frames won't 
have the styles applied that enables iframe contents to appear fullscreen.

There should be a security note for 
request/cancel/enter/exitFullscreen that the user agent might choose 
to dishonor the calls to these methods, like if fullscreeen is not 
supported, or the browsing context is child of another one that does 
not allow fullscreen, or the call to these methods is not from a user 
initiated action.

This is implied by aborting when any ancestor browsing context's 
document doesn't have the fullscreen enabled flag set.

I would remark that user agents should ignore calls to those methods 
if not coming from a user initiated action (kind like the way pop ups 
are handled). So, the click to go fullscreen button use case works, 
but a webpage going fullscren during load and then spoof the browser 
UI would not.

I agree, in fact we're doing this already in our implementation. Do we 
need to add this to the spec as a recommendation?

Perhaps a non normative note just to explain that the flags do would 
be nice for authors. 

I agree, this would make the spec more approachable.

Given their use cases, the flag fullscreenEnabled would be better 
called fullscreenAllowed, and the fullscreen flag would be better 
called fullscreenEnabled.

fullscreenEnabled is better, as fullscreenAllowed implies that the 
request is going to be granted, whereas fullscreenEnabled doesn't imply 
that. For example, requests for fullscreen would still be denied if not 
coming from a user-generated event handler even if 
document.fullscreenEnabled returned true.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] [fullscreen] cancelFullScreen()

2011-10-13 Thread Chris Pearce

On 13/10/2011 5:23 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:26:20 +0900, Chris Pearce 

On 12/10/2011 10:35 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Is cancelFullScreen() synchronous or should it queue a task?

Synchronous, so that Document.fullScreen immediately reflects the 
state change? Why would it need to be asynchronous?

Is the event dispatched synchronously as well then? I was thinking 
that maybe you want to trigger an animation here of some kind. Though 
I suppose that could be done synchronously as well.

It would also be nice if the page can keep rendering and running JS 
while the animation is running. Asynchronous dispatch would allow that.

Also ideally you'd want to dispatch the event after the animation is 
complete, so that the size of the document's view port is stable; if you 
dispatched the event before your animation is complete, the full-screen 
element's dimensions may not have reached the viewport size, and content 
might get confused, or at worst inconvenienced.

If you invoke cancelFullScreen() on a Document of a parent or child 
browsing context from the browsing context in whose Document 
requestFullScreen() was invoked it should presumably still work, no?

The parent of a Document which is in full-screen will also be in 
full-screen mode. So if cancelFullScreen() is invoked in the parent 
Document, it should exit full-screen in the parent. I interpreted the 
spec to mean if one full-screen document cancels full-screen, all 
documents in the tree exit full-screen mode.

I too have been wondering if we should honour calls to 
cancelFullScreen() in a non-full-screen child Document of the 
Document which requested full-screen.

It seems to me that being fullscreen is a property of the top-level 
browsing context. All that is potentially associated with a document 
is the fullscreen element. If you have a document A with two 
sub-documents B and C, it does not make much sense to me that if you 
go fullscreen from B, C would not report as being fullscreen. I mean 
sure, there is no fullscreen element but it is definitely rendered 

As the proposed spec is written so far, I think Document.fullscreen is 
meant to convey that:

1. If the document's full-screen element in the document, the
   full-screen element is rendered at viewport dimensions with browser
   UI hidden, or
2. if the document's full-screen element is not in the document, the
   document is rendered at viewport dimensions.

The key is the  :full-screen psuedo-class, for which the suggested UA 
style rules enables the full-screen element appear to break out of 
containing frames and be rendered at the view-port size (assuming the 
browser window is made viewport dimensions by the UA).

The :full-screen pseudo-class is defined to also apply to an iframe, 
object or embed element whose child browsing context's Document is 
in the full-screen state. So if a child document in an iframe doesn't 
have its full-screen element in the document, unless the document 
reports being in full-screen state the :full-screen pseudo-class won't 
apply to that document, and that document thus won't be rendered at 
viewport dimensions.

If we specified a Document.currentFullScreenElement attribute, then 
Document.fullScreen would be equivalent to 
(Document.currentFullScreenElement != null).

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] [fullscreen] cancelFullScreen()

2011-10-12 Thread Chris Pearce

On 12/10/2011 10:35 p.m., Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Is cancelFullScreen() synchronous or should it queue a task?

Synchronous, so that Document.fullScreen immediately reflects the state 
change? Why would it need to be asynchronous?

If you invoke cancelFullScreen() on a Document of a parent or child 
browsing context from the browsing context in whose Document 
requestFullScreen() was invoked it should presumably still work, no?

The parent of a Document which is in full-screen will also be in 
full-screen mode. So if cancelFullScreen() is invoked in the parent 
Document, it should exit full-screen in the parent. I interpreted the 
spec to mean if one full-screen document cancels full-screen, all 
documents in the tree exit full-screen mode.

I too have been wondering if we should honour calls to 
cancelFullScreen() in a non-full-screen child Document of the Document 
which requested full-screen.

Presumably also if the Document has been navigated away from. 

FWIW we're planing to exit full-screen when a full-screen document is 
navigated. Probably a good idea to spec this so it's consistently 

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen

2011-10-04 Thread Chris Pearce
I've been working on implementing this spec in Firefox. We ended up 
diverging from it slightly, I've added a few notes in the proposed spec 
as to our changes. I'd like to see this turned into an official spec, 
and am happy to provide feedback etc.

Chris Pearce.

On 4/10/2011 5:52 a.m., Tantek Çelik wrote:

Hi Anne,

Fullscreen is currently #2 in my queue after getting another LCWD of CSS3-UI 

I've been incrementally editing on the wiki page you mentioned until it's my 
primary focus.

Feel free to make edits to the wiki if there are particular aspects you want to 
improve or raise as issues.

Either way, though I sympathize with the desire to get rid of prefixes, there 
are other aspects (besides spec (re)formatting/massaging from wiki to W3C WD) 
that need more help if prefix-removal is your primary goal, e.g. we don't have 
a Fullscreen test suite nor even someone to curate/coordinate the creation of 
one - is that something you'd be available to help with?



--Original Message--
From: Anne van Kesteren
Subject: [whatwg] Fullscreen
Sent: Oct 3, 2011 01:17

Is anyone working on turning
into a standard? It would be nice to get rid of the prefixes. I'm willing
to work on it or help someone out if work is already going on. (I know I
offered doing this last year, but then some DOM4 things came up and I left
for three months. It should be better now.)

Re: [whatwg] video preload implementation feedback

2011-08-18 Thread Chris Pearce

On 19/08/2011 12:01 a.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
I think that too much variation in how preload is implemented is also 
likely to give compat problems. In I have an 
example of what might break when pages inevitably assume that 
preload=none causes the loadedmetadata event to not be fired.

This seems a valid reason to change from should to must for preload. 
I agree.

If you only allow the internal state to increase, don't you need to 
reset it at some point as well? Or is it impossible in your 
implementation to use preload=auto on one load and 
preload=metadata on the next due to this?

Oops, that is impossible in our implementation. That's a bug! I'll fix 
that, thanks for pointing this out. I agree that it we should specify 
when the preload internal state is updated to prevent this bug in other 
implementations. Resetting the internal preload state inside the 
synchronous section of the resource selection algorithm as you suggest 
is sensible. I agree with you!

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] video preload implementation feedback

2011-08-17 Thread Chris Pearce

I implemented preload support in Firefox.

On 18/08/2011 3:44 a.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
I'd very much like to see feedback from other implementors. Are you 
happy with treating autoplay and preload as just hints as in [4] or 
do you think that we should specify them in greater detail?

I think autoplay should not be treated as a hint, else it's can't be 
relied upon to work, and thus would be completely useless.

Preload is a less critical; if it's not supported users will just end up 
loading more data, which isn't too bad. Clients that care more about 
bandwidth will probably be more likely to support it.

== Dynamically changing preload ==

It makes no sense for a script to change preload=auto to 
preload=none. Going from preload=auto to preload=metadata isn't 
nonsensical, but supporting it would allow authors to toggle it 
continuously to work around buggy buffering behavior. I'd much rather 
that buffering problems be fixed in the browser, so I don't want to 
support this. Consequently, we only allow the internal preload states 
to increase, not decrease. I understand that Mozilla has done the 
same. Unless there are strong reasons not do, I think this should be 

I agree.

== Resetting internal preload state ==

Due to the above, it's necessary to reset the internal preload state 
at some point. Otherwise, a script like this wouldn't work:

function setSource(url) {
  var v = document.querySelector('video');
  v.src = url;
  v.preload = none;
  v.onplay = function() { v.preload = autoplay; };

Did you mean |v.preload = auto;| here instead? or |v.autoplay = 
true;|? It seems in this case the onplay handler would only happen if 
the user pressed play on the controls or from script, so the preload 
action be promoted to auto anyway since the resource is playing. I guess 
that's what you're getting at with your point about preload internal 
state promotion?


If a previous resource was playing and preload was set to autoplay 
by script, then we still want preload=none to apply to the new 
resource. To solve this, we are resetting the internal preload state 
as part of the resource selection algorithm, right before step 5 to 
fire the loadstart event. There are various other places one could do 
this, but we think it is important to do it in the async section so 
that the order of setting .src and .preload does not matter.

Currently we update the internal preload action whenever the value of 
the preload state changes, and we check it's not preload=none before 
kicking off a new resource load (resource fetch algorithm step 2) and we 
check it again when we reach loadedmetadata and suspend the load if it's 

I think the preload=metadata case is implied by the spec, but having it 
explicitly stated wouldn't hurt.

== video preload=none ==

It's not possible to specify exactly how much preload=metadata and 
preload=auto buffers and when, but this is possible for 
preload=none. This is what we do:

After step 1 of the source selection algorithm, if preload==none, 
set networkState to IDLE, fire a suspend event and set the 
delaying-the-load-event flag to false.

This is actually specified now in step 2 of the resource fetch algorithm 
(this must have been added after we implemented @preload).

Doing this at step 1 of the resource selection algorithm means that if 
you're loading from child source elements, and none of them have a 
supported type, then you won't report the error until something calls 
play() or load() explicitly.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Media elements statistics

2011-05-10 Thread Chris Pearce

On 3/05/2011 10:15 a.m., Steve Lacey wrote:

I've updated the wiki with a proposal...

This proposal looks good to us at Mozilla. Thanks for putting this together!

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Media elements statistics

2011-03-31 Thread Chris Pearce

On 1/04/2011 12:22 p.m., Steve Lacey wrote:
Chris - in the mozilla stats, I agree on the need for a frame count of 
frames that actually make it the the screen, but am interested in why 
we need both presented and painted? Wouldn't just a simple 'presented' 
(i.e. presented to the user) suffice?

We distinguish between painted and presented so we have a measure of 
the latency in our rendering pipeline. It's more for our benefit as 
browser developers than for web developers.


Re: [whatwg] Media elements statistics

2011-03-30 Thread Chris Pearce

Note that the Mozilla implementation I proposed has had a counter
proposal by another mozilla developer and is being developed further.

Thanks. Taking a further look at that.

Reviving thread...

I have an initial patch in webkit (
and the chromium work is underway - I wonder what might be a good approach
to drive the apis closer together towards a real spec that everyone is happy

There seems to be a lot of general agreement here (at least in principal
:-) that this is needed. We'll be doing a bunch of experimentation once this
has landed in chromium.

I've landed support for some Mozilla-specific video decoding/painting 
statistics in Firefox trunk (tracking in Mozilla bug 580531 mentioned 
above), it should ship in Firefox 5 in a few months. For a few details, see:

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Media elements statistics

2011-01-27 Thread Chris Pearce

Hi Steve et al,

I'm working on a similar feature for Firefox:

Though we're implementing this more as a way of measuring the 
performance of our decoding and rendering pipeline, rather than 
providing playback/decode-rate stats.

unsigned long audioBytesDecoded;
unsigned long videoBytesDecoded;

Out of curiosity, why do you want this feature? What does it give you 
that @buffered and @currentTime does not?

Raw bytes reasonable to me, the feedback on the FOMS list regarding 
playback statistics showed webdevs liked that idea.

How would you handle frames dropped by the decoder in order to prevent 
it falling behind? Would you count their bytes as decoded?

Another open question: what are sensible values if the information is
not available. Zero seems wrong.

Return Number.NaN? Or provide some kind of ability to query whether 
there is audio and video?

Chris P.

On 28/01/2011 12:22 p.m., Steve Lacey wrote:


I'd like the raise this thread again:
(I wasn't on the list at that point, so starting a new thread here and
cc'ing a couple of folks from it...)

I work on the media stack in Chromium and we'd like to implement
something pretty similar. So I'm looking for comments...

The original suggestion for the video element looks good:

[Video Element]

// Frames decoded and available for playback.
unsigned long decodedFrames;

// Frames dropped during playback for performance reasons.
unsigned long droppedFrames;

But for the media element I'd like to propose raw bytes instead of a
rate as this allows the developer to construct their own rates (if
needed) based on whatever window they want. It would also be useful to
separate audio from video. A suggestion might be:

[Media Element]

unsigned long audioBytesDecoded;
unsigned long videoBytesDecoded;

Though this seems a little strange to have these specifically on the
media element as they reference particular media types. Another idea
would be to move these to the video element and also add
audioBytesDecoded to the audio element.

Another open question: what are sensible values if the information is
not available. Zero seems wrong.



Re: [whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

2011-01-23 Thread Chris Pearce

On 24/01/2011 12:32 a.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:

Hmm.  To get this effect without preload=buffer, you could set 
watch the buffered attribute to see when some data is actually 
then set it to preload=metadata to stop autoloading.  That's a minor 

and would need to watch out for browsers that don't autoload on
preload=auto, but it's probably good enough for the above cases.  
It'd only
work if runtime changes to preload are applied, which would also be 

for scripts to implement preload=auto only when paused.

I intend to make that impossible by only allowing scripts to increase 
the effective buffering strategy

FWIW, this is what we've implemented in Firefox; we only allow changes 
to the preload attribute after a load has started to increase the level 
of buffering.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

2011-01-22 Thread Chris Pearce

On 22/01/2011 11:57 p.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
I agree that there must exist a buffering strategy between 
strategy=metadata and strategy=auto, but it's not clear that this must 
be exposed as a preload state. The only difference between 
preload=metadata and preload=state3 would be that preload=state3 would 
expect the user to start playing soon and start buffering in 
anticipation of that. Firefox has supported preload=metadata (and 
earlier, lack of autobuffer attribute) for a long time. Is it a 
problem in Firefox that playback is slow to start because too little 
was buffered before suspending? 

Firefox's media decoder goes into its internal buffering mode when you 
play a preload=metadata video. Playback will actually start when one of 
the following is true: 30 seconds has passed, 30 seconds of the video 
data is buffered (as estimated using the average bitrate, if known), or 
the media is in readyState HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA. We could probably be a bit 
less conservative, and start playback earlier.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-21 Thread Chris Pearce

On 22/01/2011 7:31 a.m., Gregory Maxwell wrote:

It's usually the decoding, not the file access that kill you.  Firefox
seeking on low resolution clips is very snappy index or not. But try a
1080p clip encoded with a 10 second maximum keyframe interval...

This is true. If you want fast frame accurate seeking, particularly over 
the internet, it's best to not encode with such a large keyframe 
interval. This is a problem caused by a webdev's inappropriate encoding 
choice, not by a bad API choice.

If seeking is slow when you encode with a large keyframe interval, don't 
encode with a large keyframe interval!

What if the browser's controls by default seeked to the previous 
keyframe, if the user had enough precision in the controls and wanted to 
seek to 9 seconds after a keyframe (1 second before the subsequent 
keyframe), then they could not.

On 22/01/2011 10:04 a.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
Since, as you say, the behavior is currently inconsistent, there is 
still time to agree on something that makes sense and have everyone 
implement that. I think the best default is keyframe seeking and 
haven't seen any strong arguments for accurate seeking as the default 

I disagree. The default should be exact, with approximate seeking to 
the nearest keyframe.  When you call, you've specified 
an exact time, and would likely expect an exact time, so the media 
should seek to that exact time. Another reason to make exact the 
default, is that if the media is seekable, it can always be seeked 
exactly, whereas media without an index may not be able to be seeked 

We've already implemented frame accurate seeking in Firefox. I'd be 
happy for us to implement approximate seeking, it would be useful for 
seeking into areas of the media which are unbuffered. We may change our 
controls to use approximate seeking when seeking into unbuffered areas, 
but we wouldn't use approximate seeking when seeking into buffered 
areas. Videos are usually short enough that you want accuracy higher 
than keyframe granularity when seeking using the default controls (at 
least in buffered areas).

On 22/01/2011 10:50 a.m., Roger Hågensen wrote:
Hmm. I think the default (nothing) should be synonymous with 
best-effort (or best) and leave it to the 
browser/os/codec/format/etc. as to what best effort actually is.

We should specify the default, otherwise by default webdevs will always 
need to specify their seek accuracy level.

On 22/01/2011 11:25 a.m., Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

* KEYFRAME is keyframe-accurate seeking, so to the previous keyframe

What does this mean when a seekable stream doesn't have interior
keyframes? Should the client always seek to the beginning? Why is this
valuable over a fast option?

Where no keyframes are available, this seek option simply doesn't do
anything, since obviously there are not keyframes. The point is that
where this concept exists and people want to take advantage of it,
this seek should be possible.

Some media format's index for audio as well, so where there are no 
keyframes, you could seek to the nearest indexed point from the index. 
Or (probably a better idea) have some way of reporting whether keyframe 
level approximate seeking is available.

Exact seeking is always available if the media is seekable (so it makes 
a good default...), and script can determine whether faster but 
approximate seeking is available and can choose to use it.

On 22/01/2011 1:47 p.m., Roger Hågensen wrote:

To me only TIME makes sense right now as HH:II:SS.MS 
(hours:minutes:seconds.milliseconds) and FRAME if 1ms for rare cases 
where video is more than 1000fps.

I don't think there's much (or any?) demand for seeking in anything 
other than seconds?

So maybe just let the flag be default and nothing else, but as 
mentioned previously, leave it an enum just in case for the future 
(I'm thinking possible future timing standards that might appear, 
though it's hard to beat doubles really).

We can always add it later if demand arises. HTML is a living standard 
right? ;)

On 22/01/2011 11:05 a.m., Gregory Maxwell wrote:

The potentially high cost of an exact seek is the primary reason why I
wouldn't want to make the default behavior mandate exact, but exact
still needs to be available.

Seeks would only be slow in the case where keyframes were infrequent. 
In many cases a snap to keyframe seek would be inaccurate enough to be 
annoying with infrequent keyframes. I can only imagine the bugs we'll 
get filed if we make it the default!

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-21 Thread Chris Pearce

On 22/01/2011 3:23 p.m., Gregory Maxwell wrote:

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Chris  wrote:

On 22/01/2011 7:31 a.m., Gregory Maxwell wrote:

It's usually the decoding, not the file access that kill you.  Firefox
seeking on low resolution clips is very snappy index or not. But try a
1080p clip encoded with a 10 second maximum keyframe interval...

This is true. If you want fast frame accurate seeking, particularly over the
internet, it's best to not encode with such a large keyframe interval. This
is a problem caused by a webdev's inappropriate encoding choice, not by a
bad API choice.

One second of decoding time is already a fairly slow seek. Surely you
aren't suggesting that people should be using one-to-sub-second
keyframe intervals?

Most Ogg media out there has a keyframe interval of 2 seconds, which 
seems reasonable to me.

With *indexed* Ogg media, when seeking into unbuffered ranges, the seek 
usually completes within 2-4 seconds. This is comparable speed to 
seeking into unbuffered media on YouTube's Flash video. Were I live in 
the world it is anyway.

People don't seek very often when playing media. It doesn't seem 
unreasonable to wait *a few* seconds for a seek into an unbuffered range 
to complete.

With non-indexed Ogg media where you must perform a bisection search 
over HTTP, performance will obviously be slower, but that's why we 
developed the Ogg index in the first place. Perhaps your comparing 
Firefox's performance to Cortado on non-indexed media?


Seeks would only be slow in the case where keyframes were infrequent. In
many cases a snap to keyframe seek would be inaccurate enough to be
annoying with infrequent keyframes. I can only imagine the bugs we'll get
filed if we make it the default!

Inaccurate seeking is pretty much universal in media-player
applications. ::shrugs:: I haven't conducted an exhaustive survey
across systems, but on my desktop firefox is the only tool that does
frame accurate seeking by default. Totem doesn't, VLC doesn't, Mplayer

The seek precision in those players you list is limited by the input 
mechanism; their GUI seek bars. Whereas we're (re)specifying an API 
which accepts a more precise floating point number.

There's nothing stopping the various browsers using the approximate seek 
mechanism in their controls.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

2011-01-17 Thread Chris Pearce

On 18/01/2011 8:05 a.m., Zachary Ozer wrote:

What no one has mentioned so far is that the real issue isn't the
network utilization or the memory capacity of the devices, it's
bandwidth cost.

The big issue for publishers is that they're incurring higher costs
when using thevideo  tag, which is a disincentive for adoption.

I assume you're comparing to the bandwidth usage of flash? Does flash 
allow developers to control how the media is downloaded on the client? 
What mechanisms does it provide? Maybe we can do something similar?

Can this not be implemented on the server side? If you know the media 
has an average playback rate of X KB/s, can the server reliably throttle 
its transmission at 1.5X?

I agree with Boris' comment though; in the majority of my usage, I'm 
waiting on the download, not the other way around!

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Limiting the amount of downloaded but not watched video

2011-01-17 Thread Chris Pearce

On 18/01/2011 4:59 p.m., Roger Hågensen wrote:

It may sound odd but in low storage space situations, it may be 
necessary to unbuffer what has been played. Is this supported at all 

Firefox caches media data locally on disk, and will evict data which is 
unlikely to be needed in future when its cache gets full. There's no way 
for users to force eviction, except by manually reducing the size of the 
media cache by changing a pref.

A lot of times I hit play, the movie buffers, fine. Then I skip to the 
middle maybe, but I can't since it hasn't buffered to that point yet.
I'm forced to wait for it to buffer up to that point before I can skip 

This sounds like either the server you're serving your media from isn't 
configured to enable seeking in your media (usually because it's serving 
content gzipped, or because it doesn't correctly support or advertise 
that it supports HTTP1.1 byte range requests) or whatever browser you're 
using hasn't implemented seeking using HTTP1.1 byte ranges yet.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Pearce

On 12/01/2011 10:58 a.m., Rob Coenen wrote:

Intresting- I didn't know that variable frame-rate videos were actually
being used for HTML5 video.

WebM videos have no fixed frame rate. This format is supported in 
Firefox 4, Chrome, and Opera.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Pearce

On 12/01/2011 11:20 a.m., Rob Coenen wrote:

I can imagine there are 'virtual' frames, where say frame 1 to 10 is
actually the same frame and internally encoded as frame 1 with a duration of
10 frames?

Yes, as I understand it, this is a legal encoding.

Even then I'd like the 'virtual' FPS of the WebM file exposed to the
webbrowser- similar to how my other utilities report a FPS.

If the 'virtual' FPS value isn't provided by the container, and given 
that the frame durations could potentially have any distribution and 
that the media may not be fully downloaded, how can this be effectively 

This way one could build web-tools in HTML5 that allow to access each
individual frame and do other things than simply playing back the movie in a
linear fashion from beginning to end.

I we've discussed this sort of thing before, and roughly agreed that 
we'd look at processing frame data in a per-frame callback which runs in 
a web worker thread, if we could agree on some use cases which couldn't 
be achieved using SVG filters.

That discussion was in this thread:

Chris P.


On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Chris  wrote:

On 12/01/2011 10:58 a.m., Rob Coenen wrote:

Intresting- I didn't know that variable frame-rate videos were actually
being used for HTML5 video.

WebM videos have no fixed frame rate. This format is supported in Firefox
4, Chrome, and Opera.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Pearce

On 12/01/2011 1:37 p.m., Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

On 11 Jan 2011, at 23:00, Chris Pearce wrote:

Even then I'd like the 'virtual' FPS of the WebM file exposed to the
webbrowser- similar to how my other utilities report a FPS.

If the 'virtual' FPS value isn't provided by the container, and given that the 
frame durations could potentially have any distribution and that the media may 
not be fully downloaded, how can this be effectively calculated?

I cannot think of a format where this would in fact be the case - but for a few 
arcane ones like an animated push gif without a loop.

WebM can be variable frame rate. At best the WebM container 
specification [] 
lists the FrameRate block as Informational only, which presumably 
means the value stored in the container can't be trusted.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-11 Thread Chris Pearce

On 12/01/2011 2:22 p.m., Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

On 12 Jan 2011, at 01:17, Chris Pearce wrote:

I cannot think of a format where this would in fact be the case - but for a few 
arcane ones like an animated push gif without a loop.

WebM can be variable frame rate. At best the WebM container specification 
[] lists the FrameRate block as 
Informational only, which presumably means the value stored in the container 
can't be trusted.

Right - but is there a WebM decoder which is able to hand it off that way ? 
AFAIK they all use that value or select a default/measured rounded heuristic to 
solve flicker ?

Firefox 4 doesn't use the frame rate stored in the container for WebM. 
Each frame is stored with its presentation time, and we request repaints 
as each frame fall due for painting. The prevention of flicker is 
handled by our graphics layer, video doesn't really participate in that, 
it just hands off frames downstream when they're due for painting. We 
have plans to schedule video frame painting more preemptively in future, 
but I imagine we'd still use the presentation time encoded with each 
frame when we do that.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] HTML5 video: frame accuracy / SMPTE

2011-01-09 Thread Chris Pearce
As Eric pointed out, the spec specifies that you can seek to a specific 
time, and therefore a specific frame. Firefox seeks video to the frame 
which contains the seek target time in Ogg and WebM videos FWIW, and 
begins audio playback from, and syncs the clock to, the start of the 
Vorbis audio packet which contains the seek target time.

If a browser doesn't seek accurately enough, that is an implementation 
issue in that browser, and you should file a bug in that project's bug 

Chris Pearce.

On 10/01/2011 8:14 a.m., Rob Coenen wrote:

I have written a simple test using a H264 video with burned-in timecode
(every frame is visually marked with the actual SMPTE timecode)
Webkit is unable to seek to the correct timecode using 'currentTime', it's
always a whole bunch of frames off from the requested position. I reckon it
simply seeks to the nearest keyframe?


On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Eric  wrote:

On Jan 7, 2011, at 8:22 AM, Rob Coenen wrote:

are there any plans on adding frame accuracy and/or SMPTE support to



As far as I know it's currently impossible to play HTML5 video
frame-by-frame, or seek to a SMPTE compliant (frame accurate) time-code.
The nearest seek seems to be precise to roughly 1-second (or nearest
keyframe perhaps, can't tell).

Flash seems to be the only solution that I'm aware of that can access


on a frame-by-frame basis (even though you the Flash Media Server to make


Seeking to a SMPTE time-code is completely impossible with any solution I
have looked at.

Very interested to learn what the community POV is, and why it isn't



   'currentTime' is a double so you should be able to seek more accurately
than one second - modulo the timescale of the video file and how the UA
supports seeking to inter-frame times.


[whatwg] Autoplaying media elements not in a document

2010-10-17 Thread Chris Pearce
 In the description of the media ready states for HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA [1], 
the spec says:

If the autoplaying flag 
is true, and the |paused| 
attribute is true, and the media element 
has an |autoplay| 
attribute specified, and the media element 
is in a |Document| 
whose browsing context 
did not have the sandboxed automatic features browsing context flag 
set when the |Document| 
was created, then the user agent may also set the |paused| 
attribute to false, queue a task 
to fire a simple event 
named |play|, 
and queue a task 
to fire a simple event 
named |playing|.

This means that we'll will only autoplay if a media element is in a 
document. Why do we prevent media elements not in a document from 
autoplaying? We allow audio from a media element not in a document to 
play, why not allow autoplay to work while not in a document too?

I note that Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera all autoplay when a media 
element is not in a document. It looks like IE9 Beta never autoplays 
unless the media element is hard coded in the HTML file with an autoplay 
attribute; IE9 doesn't seem to honour autoplay set from script.

Unless there's a good reason not to, and since most browsers have 
implemented autoplay when not in a document anyway, perhaps we should 
update the spec to match the implemented behaviour?

Chris Pearce.


Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

2010-09-21 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 22/09/2010 4:26 p.m., Shiv Kumar wrote:

What I suggested was to use a call to the load()

So in your mind calling load() implies showing the poster?

I think we should change to this. Then every call to load() would have 
the same effect.

We should also tighten up the language so that the poster /must/ be 
shown up until playback begins or a seek completes, rather than /can/ be 
shown though. That would (hopefully!) ensure cross browser consistency.

The other reason (that I've mentioned repeatedly) for not wanting to 
use the load method is this:

1. The load method has way too many side effects including events no 
less, oh and did I mention have the player now go to pause and have 
the readyState switch to HAVE_NOTHING, when there is meta data and to 
Network state go to empty when it's really idle? Gosh, I could take 
almost every other step in the media element load algorithm stated 

2. These side (I've only listed  small number above) effects are not 
desireable when all we want to do is turn on/off the poster.

I agree, you don't want all those side effects just to show the poster. 
If you want to change when the poster appears, you're better off 
creating your own poster as an image element.

The just show the poster until I play or seek case is the common case. 
If you want to customize your player, you can still do that.

3. Alter the load alogorithm to now fiddle with the poster will impact 
the other use case I've mentioned and that is, the ability to be able 
to switch media in mid play. We call the load() method to be able to 
do this (because of the things it does do listed above). So now we'll 
have the poster become visible while we're trying to switch video streams?

You can implement media switching in mid play by loading the new 
resource in a new video element, seeking to the switch over point, and 
then swapping the new video element in place of the old one. When you 
call load(), the poster will be shown, but when the seek completes, the 
poster image will be replaced by the frame at the seek target location.

This would be quicker than stopping playback of the existing resource, 
starting a new load in the existing media element, waiting for the new 
load to initialize, waiting for the seek to the change over point to 
complete, and then resuming playback. Unlike your proposed method, it 
can be done without needing to stop playback.

Given that this better alternative method exists to achieve what you 
want, I don't think your case 3 is a strong argument against displaying 
the poster every time we call load().

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

2010-09-20 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 20/09/2010 6:11 p.m., Roger Hågensen wrote:
If the user pauses the video during play then a paused poster must 
not be shown as the user most likely intends to study the paused frame 
of the video

This is a good argument against having a paused-poster.

The question then is whether the end-poster needs to be different from 
the start-poster. If the main use case is re-display the poster image 
so the user knows that they can play again, then the end-poster and 
start-poster don't need to be different.

Showing the poster at the end of playback is a matter of taste. How 
about we remain with a single 'poster' attribute, and add a 'showposter' 
attibute, with values 'start', 'end', and 'both', which denote when the 
poster is shown? Or the values could be enumerated similar to how 
readyState and networkState are enumerated.

On 20/09/2010 7:57 p.m., Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Shiv Kumar wrote:

Could a call to video.load() reset this state?

Currently is doesn’t affect the poster. But would that be
intuitive? I’m getting the video element to load it’s source and
so the poster will show?

I regard the load() function as a kind of reset() function. But 
possibly we need an actual reset() function to return to the original 
state where the poster image is displayed?

It seems reasonable to me that subsequent calls to load() should behave 
the same was the first call to load(), so the poster should be 
redisplayed whenever load() is called. We should change the load() 
algorithm to require the poster frame to be repainted, if it's present.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

2010-09-20 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 21/09/2010 2:37 p.m., Robert O'Callahan wrote:
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:31 PM, Shiv Kumar wrote:

 The only thing that remains then is if web developers would like
control over the poster, such as to show the poster after the
video has ended, then there should be a way to do that. For this
we need a method to show the poster once again. Current there is
no way to get the poster to show again and the load() method is
not the answer, nor is resetting. A simple method that does not
impact anything else will do the trick.

I am trying to understand why load() is not an adequate answer.

One caveat: if you use load() to reset the poster image, you'll trigger 
all the events and state changes, and reset the volume, currentTime, 
playbackRate and so on.

On 21/09/2010 2:31 p.m., Shiv Kumar wrote:

Now if you want to change the source of the video in mid play to a 
better or lower quality version of the same video then you have to go 
through a few more hoops (and the load() method is used at this time – 
but you don’t want the poster to show either).

Wouldn't it be better to load() the new resource in a separate video 
element, and then swap it into the DOM when it's completed loading and 
seeked to your change over point? Wouldn't that be more seemless?

On 21/09/2010 3:36 p.m., Shiv Kumar wrote:

Here are some contradictory cases that may serve as use cases to 
justify the need to have a spate method:

1. Some websites, don’t bother showing the poster after the video ends 
while providing the content producer to override.

2. Some websites (and mobile devices) default to showing the poster 
after the video ends and allowing the content producer to override

3. Some websites show the poster whenever the video is paused.

Given the above cases, having a method the specifically controls the 
visibility of the poster (alone) will allow all of the above cases to 
be implemented.

If we wanted to go down this path, I think a settable attribute 
'postervisible' would be the way to go. Setting to true would show the 
poster, and the browser would automatically hide the poster the next 
time it updates the video frame (the next time playback starts and after 
a seek completes). The attribute would also be readable from script. 
We'd probably want to dispatch a 'posterhidden' event when the poster is 
hidden as well, and maybe a 'postershown'  event as well.

But wouldn't anyone who wanted this level of control have their own 
custom video controls anyway, so that they could ensure they looked the 
same across all browsers? In which case they'd have their own custom 
poster image implementation anyway?

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

2010-09-19 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 20/09/2010 12:50 p.m., Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Shiv  wrote:

The poster frame should remain visible until the video is played.

I agree with Silvia, this should be required by the spec.

This makes sense, we should spec this so that the poster /must/ be 
visible until its played, otherwise the poster attribute can't be relied 
upon by authors.

The poster should show again after the video has ended.

I'm ambivalent about this.  I could go either way.

Aesthetically, I feel we shouldn't show the poster once the video has 
finished. Authors could script this behaviour if they wanted it. The 
spec as it's written forbids showing the poster after a video frame has 
been shown.

The visibility of the poster should be scriptable and/or controllable using
an attribute. Meaning that one should be able to turn on/off the poster
(without changing the poster attrbute’s value)

I don't see why this is necessary.

I also don't see why this is necessary. The poster attribute is only 
useful if it's enabled, it's not useful if it isn't. Having an attribute 
to denote whether the poster attribute is enabled seems like duplication 
of state to me.

   You can just do

video.dataset.poster = video.poster;

to remove it, and

video.poster = video.dataset.poster;

to restore, if you like.  (In browsers that implement dataset, which
is apparently only WebKit so far.  But you can easily store the
original value someplace else, although not quite as elegantly.)

The specification for poster [1] implies that we should handle dynamic 
changes to the poster attribute. I can imagine authors may want to cycle 
through a chain of poster images for a given video, and this can 
(theoretically) be easily implemented by changing the poster attribute 
in a timer.

Chris P.


Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

2010-09-19 Thread Chris Pearce
 Right, so you want to be able to toggle the poster back on (when the 
media is paused or ended) but after playback has started.

I wonder if these are separate use cases, e.g. whether users would want 
to display a different image from the poster image in these cases. i.e. 
I wonder if we need to provide an attribute to specify an image to 
display when paused and another new attribute for an image to display 
when playback has ended. I wonder if that's overkill through.

Chris P.

On 20/09/2010 3:16 p.m., Shiv Kumar wrote:

As regards having more control of the poster’s visibility,  what I’m 
saying is that one should have the ability to turn on/off a poster. 
Currently once the poster has been made invisible by the UA, there is 
no way to turn it back on. So if I wanted to turn it back on after the 
video has ended, I can’t and I think people should have that choice?

I hope that makes sense?


[] *On Behalf Of *Chris Pearce

*Sent:* Sunday, September 19, 2010 11:10 PM
*Subject:* Re: [whatwg] Html 5 video element's poster attribute

On 20/09/2010 12:50 p.m., Aryeh Gregor wrote:

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 4:53 PM, Shiv  wrote:

The poster frame should remain visible until the video is played.

I agree with Silvia, this should be required by the spec.

This makes sense, we should spec this so that the poster /must/ be 
visible until its played, otherwise the poster attribute can't be 
relied upon by authors.

The poster should show again after the video has ended.
I'm ambivalent about this.  I could go either way.

Aesthetically, I feel we shouldn't show the poster once the video has 
finished. Authors could script this behaviour if they wanted it. The 
spec as it's written forbids showing the poster after a video frame 
has been shown.

The visibility of the poster should be scriptable and/or controllable using

an attribute. Meaning that one should be able to turn on/off the poster

(without changing the poster attrbute’s value)

I don't see why this is necessary.

I also don't see why this is necessary. The poster attribute is only 
useful if it's enabled, it's not useful if it isn't. Having an 
attribute to denote whether the poster attribute is enabled seems like 
duplication of state to me.

   You can just do
video.dataset.poster = video.poster;

to remove it, and
video.poster = video.dataset.poster;
to restore, if you like.  (In browsers that implement dataset, which

is apparently only WebKit so far.  But you can easily store the
original value someplace else, although not quite as elegantly.)

The specification for poster [1] implies that we should handle dynamic 
changes to the poster attribute. I can imagine authors may want to 
cycle through a chain of poster images for a given video, and this can 
(theoretically) be easily implemented by changing the poster attribute 
in a timer.

Chris P.


[whatwg] Media resource fetch algorithm reporting failure

2010-09-16 Thread Chris Pearce

 In the media element resource fetch algorithm [1], there's this step:


If the media data 
cannot be fetched at all, due to network errors, causing the user agent 
to give up trying to fetch the resource [or]
If the media resource 
is found to have Content-Type metadata 
that, when parsed as a MIME type 
(including any codecs described by the |codecs| parameter), represents a 
type that the user agent knows it cannot render 
(even if the actual media data 
is in a supported format) [or]
If the media data 
can be fetched but is found by inspection to be in an unsupported 
format, or can otherwise not be rendered at all


 The user agent should cancel the fetching process.


 Abort this subalgorithm, returning to the resource selection


Why don't we dispatch an error event to the candidate source child we 
were loading from, or the media element if it was loading from a source 
attribute, in this case? We dispatch error events in the resource 
selection algorithm if the source child has an unsupported type, how is 
this significantly different?

Chris Pearce.


Re: [whatwg] Media resource fetch algorithm reporting failure

2010-09-16 Thread Chris Pearce
 Ah I see that we will fire an error event when we return to the 
resource selection algorithm in this case, since we didn't abort the 
resource selection algorithm. Never mind!

Chris P.

On 16/09/2010 3:48 p.m., Chris Pearce wrote:

In the media element resource fetch algorithm [1], there's this step:


If the media data 
cannot be fetched at all, due to network errors, causing the user 
agent to give up trying to fetch the resource [or]
If the media resource 
is found to have Content-Type metadata 
that, when parsed as a MIME type 
(including any codecs described by the |codecs| parameter), represents 
a type that the user agent knows it cannot render 
(even if the actual media data 
is in a supported format) [or]
If the media data 
can be fetched but is found by inspection to be in an unsupported 
format, or can otherwise not be rendered at all


  The user agent should cancel the fetching process.


  Abort this subalgorithm, returning to the resource selection


Why don't we dispatch an error event to the candidate source child we 
were loading from, or the media element if it was loading from a 
source attribute, in this case? We dispatch error events in the 
resource selection algorithm if the source child has an unsupported 
type, how is this significantly different?

Chris Pearce.


Re: [whatwg] Race condition in media load algorithm

2010-08-03 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 3/08/2010 9:20 a.m., Ian Hickson wrote:

The synchronous section would run as soon as the task span the event loop.
Spinning the event loop is defined essentially as being equivalent to
breaking the original task in two, one that does everything up to spinning
the event loop, and one that does everything after spinning the event
loop. You are effectively waiting for some condition to become true and
then queueing a task to run the continuation of the algorithm. It's just
more convenient to write the algorithms as one long set of steps rather
than having split them up into multiple algorithms that invoke each other
and pass state around.

Or does stop the currently running task in #spin-the-event-loop imply
a jump to step 2 of the algorithm under #processing-model2?


So the task spinning the event loop has run up to the point of spinning 
the event loop, then we run the synchronous section, and then the task 
which was spinning the event loop will resume after its goal is met at 
some later time?

In the case of a tasks which invokes an algorithm which has a 
synchronous section, and then pauses the event loop (such calling 
window.alert()), we should not run the synchronous section until the 
event loop pause has completed?

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] Race condition in media load algorithm

2010-08-03 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 4/08/2010 11:32 a.m., Ian Hickson wrote:

In the case of a tasks which invokes an algorithm which has a
synchronous section, and then pauses the event loop (such calling
window.alert()), we should not run the synchronous section until the
event loop pause has completed?

Currently, yeah. We might want to make pause also trigger synchronous
sections, if that's a problem.

Having pause trigger synchronous sections is definitely easier for us 
to implement, and would make pausing the event loop consistent with 
spinning the event loop WRT synchronous sections.

Chris P.

Re: [whatwg] Race condition in media load algorithm

2010-08-02 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 2/08/2010 9:17 p.m., Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Chris Pearce wrote:

There's a race condition in the media load algorithm. When the resource
selection algorithm begins, it sets a task to complete the rest of the
resource selection algorithm asynchronously.

Not quite. It awaits a stable state and then runs a synchronous section,
which means that it will run the subsequent steps as soon as the current
task has finished, before anything else that is queued.

Ah, I see. My understanding of the processing model was incomplete, 
thanks for clarifying!

All the best,
Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Race condition in media load algorithm

2010-08-01 Thread Chris Pearce
 There's a race condition in the media load algorithm. When the 
resource selection algorithm begins, it sets a task to complete the rest 
of the resource selection algorithm asynchronously. In the asynchronous 
task, we set the delaying-the-load-event flag to true at step 4. But 
between the resource selection algorithm setting the task to 
asynchronously continue the algorithm, and the task actually running, 
the load event could fire, before we have a chance to set the 
delaying-the-load-event flag to true. I suggest we set the 
delaying-the-load-event flag to true before we set the task to continue 
the rest of the resource selection algorithm asynchronously.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] HTMLMediaElement.preload and stalled event

2010-07-23 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 23/07/2010 8:57 p.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 05:25:37 +0200, Chris Pearce 
Should we be periodically firing a stalled event at the media 
element while we've suspended download of a preload:none or 
preload:metadata media?


I think this is a spec bug. When a UA decides to not download more 
data it should fire the suspend event. It doesn't make any sense to 
also fire the stalled event, in my opinion, but the spec isn't clear 
about this.

I agree. We should make the spec clearer here.

Also, I don't understand why the stalled event would be fired 
periodically in any case, why would that be so?

Agreed, it doesn't make sense to fire multiple stalled events; you can 
detect when the download resumes by listening for subsequent progress 

On 23/07/2010 5:11 p.m., Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

To me, stalled implies that the UA is trying to receive stuff, but is
being stalled. So, my understanding is that the resource fetch
algorithm in [1] should include the word unexpectedly - that would
fix it.

I think this suggested wording change would be a good one.

Chris Pearce.

Re: [whatwg] video resource selection algorithm and NETWORK_NO_SOURCE

2010-07-23 Thread Chris Pearce

 On 24/07/2010 2:16 a.m., Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
Silvia made we aware of discrepancy in how browsers implement the 
resource selection algorithm, see forwarded message. It's my 
assessment that Opera is the only browser following the spec. I've 
filed this bug with Mozilla:

Thanks, Firefox is not setting the networkState to NETWORK_NO_SOURCE 
when the synchronous part of the resource selection algorithm returns. 
We've not updated our load algorithm implementation in about a year, 
there will no doubt be other places where we're non-compliant. We've got 
an existing bug on file to update the load algorithm:

Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy 
if both are frozen.

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] HTMLMediaElement.preload and stalled event

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Pearce
 I am implementing HTMLMediaElement.preload in Firefox, and I have a 

Should we be periodically firing a stalled event at the media element 
while we've suspended download of a preload:none or preload:metadata media?

In step 2 of the resource fetch algorithm [1], the spec says If at any 
point the user agent has received no data for more than about three 
seconds, then queue a task to fire a simple event named stalled at the 
element. But the description of the stalled event [2] says The user 
agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not 
forthcoming. The later description seems to imply that we only send 
stalled events when we unexpectedly stop receiving data, but the 
resource fetch algorithm indicates we should send stalled events if we 
stop receiving data for any reason, even if we suspend the download, and 
thus expect to not receive data.

If we should send the stalled events, we should update the description 
of the stalled event at [2] to reflect that.

Chris Pearce.


[whatwg] HTMLMediaElement timeupdate when starting new load

2010-07-22 Thread Chris Pearce
 In the media element load algorithm [1], step 4 resets the current 
playback position to 0 if the media element has a previously or 
partially loaded resource. I think we should send a timeupdate event 
if this causes the current playback position to change. This is makes it 
easier for controls UI to keep their playback positions up-to-date with 
the actual playback position, and it makes sense to send a timeupdate 
event since we are changing the current time.

You could argue that sending a timeupdate event in step 4 of the load 
algorithm is implied by changing the current playback position, but the 
spec is explicit everywhere else that we send timeupdate events, so it 
would be nice to be explicit here too.

All the best,
Chris Pearce.


Re: [whatwg] [ogg-dev] HTML5 audio tag

2010-05-11 Thread Chris Pearce
In order to do this you'd need to know /in advance/ exactly which Ogg 
pages were audio and which were video so you could choose to only 
download the vorbis pages. The upcoming Ogg Skeleton index does not 
index pages at a high enough granularity to facilitate this. It could, 
but then the index would be a lot bigger. I also wonder if the 
time/server overhead of setting up new HTTP byte-range request for each 
~4KB Ogg vorbis page wouldn't make this worth while. Especially over a 
high latency connection. You'd be best to oggz-rip the streams you want 
out in advance and serving them statically, as Conrad suggested.

It's /impossible/ to determine in advance which byte ranges to download 
in order to download only one stream. You simply don't know which stream 
a page belongs to or what size it is until you've downloaded the page.

Chris P.

On 12/05/2010 11:18 a.m., Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

Yeah, the track attribute of the media fragments specification that
Ralph links will in theory allow to just download the track-related
data. But it still requires implementation - either in the browser,
which will somehow need to identify which bytes belong to which track
and just request those byte ranges that are relevant, or on the
server, which will only deliver the relevant bytes when asked for the
audio track only.

None of this is implemented yet. In fact, the discovery of which bytes
in a Ogg stream belong to which track is a challenge. I am not sure
whether the new Skeleton Index format might actually allow for that...


On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Frank  wrote:

FWIW chromium does client side range requests that in theory would request
only the audio.  But. the ogg demux reads the other tracks and discards
A use case I've heard is listening to music videos and discard the video...
bit of a bandwidth waste.

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Ralph  wrote:

On 11 May 2010 04:24, narendra


  It will be very good if HTML5 API specify this. I mean, Say, If we
audio  tag , then It must stream only audio part of the file
of the fact that the src field contains a video file.

I don't think that's a practical option, since the server must
manipulate the file to return an audio-only subset of the data for
there to be any bandwidth advantage. That's not something that the
HTML5 specification, which documents browser behaviour, can describe.

Note that it's completely possible to use a server-size module or
script to do this, using a query url in the HTML5 media element's src
attribute. It's just part of a custom server config rather than the
HTML5 API. The Media Fragments Working Group at the W3C is currently
working on a standardized syntax for this. See if
you're interested.

ogg-dev mailing list

ogg-dev mailing list


Re: [whatwg] Media element delaying load event

2009-03-05 Thread Chris Pearce
There's an additional problem with the current media load algorithm 
spec, it's possible to cause two resource-selection asynchronous calls 
to run in parallel with the following javascript:

var v = document.createElement(video);
v.src = foo.ogg;

The load() method will asynchronously invoke the media element's 
resource selection algorithm, and if the resource selection algorithm 
doesn't execute fast enough in the background to change the 
networkState, when we add the video to the document and the networkState 
is still NETWORK_EMPTY, the add-to-a-document code will asynchronously 
invoke the resource selection algorithm again.

I think we should either:

1. Change the networkState in the load() method. This will prevent 
another asychronous invokation of the resource selection algorithm when 
we add the media element to a document, or
2. never asynchronously invoke the resource selection algorithm if 
there's another instance running, or
3. add a guard at the start of the resource selection algorithm to abort 
the async call if there's already another instance running.

Because we have waiting in the load algorithm now, there's no need to 
have multiple instances of the resource selection algorithm active. So 
option 2 is probably the easiest.

I still think we need to delay the load event in the load() method, 
rather than in the resource selection algorithm, as I said in my 
previous post.

Chris Pearce.

On 4/03/2009 10:17 a.m., Chris Pearce wrote:

The media element spec says:

If a media element
whose |networkState|
has the value |NETWORK_EMPTY|
is inserted into a document,
the user agent must asynchronously invoke the media element's
resource selection algorithm

The resource selection algorithm then goes on to set the
delaying-the-load-event flag to true. Depending on how the asynchronous
invocation is implemented, the document could actually complete loading
during the time after the insertion of a media element, but before the
resource-selection algorithm sets the delaying-the-load-event flag is
set to true. This means the load event could fire during that time, even
though we intended to delay the load event.

Maybe we should set the delaying-the-load-event flag to true before we
asynchronously call the resource-selection algorithm, and then then
resource-selection algorithm can set the delaying-the-load-event flag to
false if that decides it needs to wait for a src or source element child?

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Media element delaying load event

2009-03-03 Thread Chris Pearce

The media element spec says:
If a media element 
whose |networkState| 
has the value |NETWORK_EMPTY| 
is inserted into a document, 
the user agent must asynchronously invoke the media element's 
resource selection algorithm
The resource selection algorithm then goes on to set the 
delaying-the-load-event flag to true. Depending on how the asynchronous 
invocation is implemented, the document could actually complete loading 
during the time after the insertion of a media element, but before the 
resource-selection algorithm sets the delaying-the-load-event flag is 
set to true. This means the load event could fire during that time, even 
though we intended to delay the load event.

Maybe we should set the delaying-the-load-event flag to true before we 
asynchronously call the resource-selection algorithm, and then then 
resource-selection algorithm can set the delaying-the-load-event flag to 
false if that decides it needs to wait for a src or source element child?

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Media load algorithm feedback

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Pearce
I'm updating the new load algorithm for Firefox's video 
implementation, I've got some feedback on the recent changes to the load 
algorithm. I think the changes are sensible. It wasn't immediately 
obvious at first, but after thinking through them, I see the logic 
behind them.

We now have three things called load. The load() method, the load 
algorithm, and the resource-load algorithm. It might be clearer if 
they were called the load() method, the resource selection 
algorithm, and the resource fetch algorithm.

From the using source elements load algorithm sub-step:

/Search loop:/ Run these substeps atomically (so that the DOM cannot 
change while they are running):


  If the node after pointer is the end of the list, then jump to
  the step below labeled /waiting/.

7. Waiting: Set the error attribute to a new MediaError object whose 
code attribute is set to MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED.

8. Set the element's networkState attribute to the NETWORK_NO_SOURCE value
9. Queue a task to fire a progress event called error at the media 
10. Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This 
stops delaying the load event.
11. Wait until the node after pointer is a node other than the end of 
the list. (This step might wait forever.)
There's no step 12; I think the intention is that we return to the 
Search loop, but it's not documented.

Step 1 of the load algorithm:
1. While the media element has neither a src attribute nor any source 
element children, wait. (This steps might wait forever.) 

And further down it says:
If a media element 
whose |networkState| 
has the value |NETWORK_EMPTY| 
is inserted into a document, 
the user agent must asynchronously invoke the media element's 
load algorithm
I think that should be invoke the load() method? If it's invoke the 
load() method, running load() will cancel any already running instance 
of the load algorithm - e.g. any load which is waiting at step 1 of the 
load algorithm. As it's written, the load /algorithm /will be invoked, 
which will not cancel any waiting loads, and it could in fact it create 
another instance of the load algorithm waiting at step 1 of the load 
algorithm. So we would create two concurrent instances of the load 
algorithm, both waiting at step 1 of the load algorithm by doing the 

var v = document.createVideo();

Setting v.src or adding a source child element to v will awaken two 
instances of the load /algorithm.

/Other than that, the media load spec seems sensible.

All the best,
Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Adding resourceless media to document causes error event

2009-02-03 Thread Chris Pearce
I need to clarify something about the media load() algorithm [ 

My reading of the spec is that if you have a media element with no src 
attribute or source element children (e.g. video/video) and you 
insert it into a document, then the media load() algorithm will be 
implicitly invoked, and because the list of potential media resources is 
empty, that algorithm will immediately fall through to the failure 
step (step 12), causing an error progress event to be dispatched to the 
media element.

My question is:

Is is really necessary to invoke the load algorithm when adding a media 
element with no src/sources to a document? Doing so just causes an error 
progress event dispatch, and we've not exactly failed to load anything, 
indeed, we've not even tried to load anything in this case.

Chris Pearce.

[whatwg] Adding and removing media source elements

2009-02-02 Thread Chris Pearce
I want to clarify something about media's child source element... In 
the source element spec [ 
] it says:
If a source element is inserted into a media element that is already 
in a document and whose networkState is in the NETWORK_EMPTY state, 
the user agent must queue a task that implicitly invokes the load() 
method on the media element, and ignores any resulting exceptions.
So we only trigger a load when adding a child source element to a 
media element if the media element is in NETWORK_EMPTY networkState.

Additionally, in the spec for media's src attribute [ 
] it says:
If the src attribute of a media element that is already in a document 
and whose networkState is in the NETWORK_EMPTY state is added, 
changed, or removed, the user agent must queue a task that implicitly 
invokes the load() method on the media element, and ignores any 
resulting exceptions. 
Almost the same, except that we invoke the load algorithm when the src 
is removed or changed in this case.

I have the following questions:

(1) Should removing a media element's child source element while the 
networkState is NETWORK_EMPTY cause the load() algorithm to be invoked? 
This would match the behviour of removing the media element's src 
attribute when networkState is NETWORK_EMPTY.

It seems that in order to start a load in an already loaded media 
element, you must change the src attribute or add source element 
children to the media element, and then call load() on the media 
element. Whereas when you initially create the media element, the first 
time you add the src attribute or add a child source element to the 
media element, you'll start an asynchronous load immediately.

(2) Why don't we invoke load() whenever a media element's src attribute 
or source children are changed, regardless of networkState? That way 
changes to the media's src/source other than the first change would have 
the same effect as first change, i.e. they'd have an immediate effect, 
causing load() to be invoked.

Chris Pearce.