Re: [whatwg] Hashing autofilled data (was Re: Proposal: Write-only submittable form-associated controls.)

2014-10-16 Thread John Mellor
On 16 October 2014 08:52, Mike West wrote:

 * Server stores credentials as `sha512(password + username)`.

It might be better to require PBKDF2/bcrypt/scrypt.

Re: [whatwg] apple-touch-icon

2014-07-29 Thread John Mellor
On 29 July 2014 12:46, Mathias Bynens wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:59 PM, John Mellor wrote:
  We still support apple-touch-icon-* via link rel under some circumstances
  (e.g. for add to homescreen), but they're deprecated[3], since we'd like
  authors to use the standard for this, i.e.:
  link rel=shortcut icon sizes=128x128 href=/favicon.png

 There’s no need for `shortcut` there as per the standard.

Sure, it's just for compatibility with IE11 (IE 9 and 10 allow rel=icon,
but only if you also specify type=image/x-icon[1]).


Re: [whatwg] apple-touch-icon

2014-07-28 Thread John Mellor
Chrome 30 dropped support[1] for fetching apple-touch-icon-* from well
known URLs, since the 404 pages that are usually returned were consuming
3-4% of all mobile bandwidth usage[2]. We're unlikely to reverse that.

We still support apple-touch-icon-* via link rel under some circumstances
(e.g. for add to homescreen), but they're deprecated[3], since we'd like
authors to use the standard for this, i.e.:

link rel=shortcut icon sizes=128x128 href=/favicon.png

(or even good old:

link rel=shortcut icon href=/favicon.ico

with multiple resolutions in the .ico file for compatibility with IE11).


On 28 July 2014 08:35, Mathias Bynens wrote:

 On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Anne van Kesteren
  For link rel=icon we already define the /favicon.ico fallback. If a
  page lacks link rel=icon sizes we should probably also look at
  Apple's proprietary extension here given that it's quite widely
  adopted. Chrome supports it and there is some work going on in Firefox
  as well:

 FWIW, Chrome’s intention was to drop support for Apple’s magic file
 names at some point.
 But I agree — it seems that this won’t happen any time soon.

 In case it helps, here’s some more info on touch icon support on
 various OS/devices:

Re: [whatwg] [Notifications] Persistent notifications depending on Service Workers

2014-07-15 Thread John Mellor
On 15 May 2014 17:13, Peter Beverloo wrote:

 For |notificationshow|, there is a worry here that if we decide to support
 delayed notifications, it would enable developers to use notifications to
 set precise timers: create a delayed notification to be displayed an hour
 from now, get the |notificationshow| event, and call
 |notification.close()|. This is something which I'd hope would only be
 possible through some kind of alarms API, which in itself may be
 undesirable to start with.

Actually, it would probably be fine for delayed notifications to fire a
notificationshow event on SWs, as long as script run from the
notificationshow event is unable to close the notification (but
altering/replacing the notification should be allowed).

The protection against developers wasting battery with excessively frequent
'alarms' is then that they won't want to spam users with notifications (or
will get their notification permission swiftly revoked if they do).


Re: [whatwg] AppCache Content-Type Security Considerations

2014-05-13 Thread John Mellor
On 13 May 2014 17:38, Ian Hickson wrote:

 Are the lessons learnt here being reported to the Service Worker team?

Yes, I've been discussing this with them in and, which is what led
me to spot and report this vulnerability in AppCache to Eduardo et al in
the first place. I'll make sure the Service Worker folks stay in sync with
this thread.

Re: [whatwg] imgset responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-20 Thread John Mellor
On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

 I can't speak for all WebKit developers or even all with an interest in
 this, but my thoughts are as follows:

Thanks for explaining your position Maciej.

The src-n proposal with the following changes seems likely reasonable:
 - In a single attribute (ideally named srcset to avoid gratuitous
 renaming) with || or some other separator
 - viewport-urls syntax removed or changed to be more human-understandable

Can I focus on the viewport-urls syntax for a moment?

Everything else (single attribute with ||s/multiple attributes/multiple
elements/split between inline CSS  HTML) is mainly just aesthetics. But
the viewport-urls syntax provides a crucial bit of functionality, and I'd
like to make sure people understand why it's so important.

It resolves the fundamental tension between what authors want, chose image
source based on layout size, and what browser developers want, don't
break the preload scanner, in the very common variable-sized images
(viewport-switching) case.

Satisfying both conditions requires the author to tell the browser's
preload scanner what the layout size of the image will be, in terms of the
viewport size (and/or fixed sizes). That's all viewport-urls does: you
express your layout image size as a CSS length (whose containing block is
the viewport, as if you'd used position:fixed). For example:
- 400px
- 33%  // equivalent to 33vw
- calc(50vw - 80px)  // flexible width with fixed padding

It doesn't need to be exact (it's ok if most authors don't bother with
calc), it just needs to approximate the layout image size such that the
browser can determine the closest matching source.

Finally, in cases where you have a nonlinear relationship between viewport
width and image width (primarily in responsive designs where the number of
columns changes due to a media query), you can provide a CSS length to
either side of the discontinuities, where the discontinuity is expressed as
a CSS min-width MQ, hence for a 1-3 column responsive grid you end up with
something like the 100% (640px) 50% (960px) 33%
probably seen.

But again, while using this correctly will give you the optimal tradeoff
between page load performance and image quality, it's generally ok if the
long tail of websites don't bother dealing with the discontinuities, and
just provide a rough estimate of image size, e.g. they approximate 100%
(640px) 50% (960px) 33% as simply 600px.

Finally, explains why without viewport-urls, the markup
complexity balloons (as an author still has to figure out the relationship
between viewport width and layout image size, but then furthermore has to
do a bunch of maths and sprinkle the breakpoints above as subtle variations
in densities of the images they provide).

Does this all make sense? Hopefully that helped explain why viewport-urls
syntax (or something similar) is essential; but I'd definitely welcome
suggestions to make it more human-understandable. The CSS lengths seem
clear enough, but it's possible there's a better way of expressing the

The latest style-based img/content proposal seems reasonable if the
 following issues could be addressed:
 - Always loads src per current browser behavior (might be fixable by
 omitting 'src' attribute).
 - Not obvious if preload scanning can reasonably be expected to resolve
 CSS selectors (hopefully parser/preloading experts can weigh in).

 I personally somewhat prefer the style-based proposal if the issues are
 addressed, as it has less surface syntax.

 It would probably also have to be combined with vanilla x-only srcset to
 do resolution scaling combined with art direction, without forcing sizes to
 be set explicitly.


Re: [whatwg] imgset responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-15 Thread John Mellor
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Shane Hudson wrote:

 Could I just please clarify, since its been hard to follow the
 conversation, that having the style internal means that the prefetcher can
 still handle the images properly?

Yes, *but* only if you use a limited subset of CSS. Adam suggested earlier
(quoted below), that the preparser would only be able to match simple
selectors (like class and id), but not selectors that need to understand
the structure of the DOM tree (e.g. descendant or sibling selectors).
Personally, I suspect authors would trip up on this quite a bit.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Adam Barth wrote:
 The hard part is deciding what to put in the optimized subset.  We
 already parse media queries in the preload scanner to find imported
 stylesheets to load.  We probably won't be able to support every media
 query under the sun, but we could support maybe min-width, min-height,
 and min-device-pixel-ratio (or whatever you think is best along these

 For selector matching, we wouldn't be able to support anything that
 needs to understand the structure of the tree (e.g., descendant
 selectors or sibling selectors).  I'd probably start with just single
 class and id selectors.

 In case it wasn't clear from the above, we wouldn't preload the image
 until we'd encountered the div with the appropriate class name.  When
 scanning that start tag token, we'd simulate CSS selector matching in
 the preload scanner to see if we've understood any rules that match.

 None of the above is all that difficult, and it's probably something
 we should do anyway to improve image preloading across the whole web.


Re: [whatwg] imgset responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-13 Thread John Mellor
One-dimensional solutions like this look pretty but once you combine width
and device-pixel-ratio (resolution) it quickly explodes and you get
num_widths * num_dprs entries. Please read, at least the
example at the bottom showing how srcset quickly gets impractical.

If you want to move the presentational aspects to CSS, you need an approach
closer to my earlier
preserving the size-viewport-list from src-N.

Combining content:replaced with the attr() function is a neat trick though;
you could tweak my earlier approach to give something like the following
(incorporating size-viewport-list into CSS image-set, which needs to
happen anyway):

@media (max-width: 19.99em) {
.artdirected { content: replaced image-set(128px; attr(srcs-smallicon));
@media (min-width: 20em) {
.artdirected { content: replaced image-set(100% (30em) 50% (50em) 33%;
attr(srcs-flexwidth)); }
img class=artdirected src=fallback.jpg
 srcs-smallicon=i64.jpg 64, i128.jpg 128, i256.jpg 256
 srcs-flexwidth=160.jpg 160, 320.jpg 320, 640.jpg 640, 1280.jpg 1280,
2560.jpg 2560

(note that the above is a maximally complex example, incorporating art
direction, viewport-switching and dpr-switching; most normal cases would be
simpler than this)

This is a little bit more verbose than the split I'd suggested; but I must
admit it gives nice flexibility (the author can use attr when the images
differ for each member of a CSS class, but can include the urls directly in
the style rule if the images are the same for all members of the CSS class).

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 1:56 AM, Christian Biesinger

 On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 3:06 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:
  What I don't like about CSS approaches is the fact that changing the
  of an image is fundamentally different from changing a dimension or
 color of
  an element. This is not presentational in the same way. Having to
  reference content images in the CSS in order to change their sources is
  authoring nightmare.

 For a bit more presentation, and while we're inventing new syntax
 anyway, how about this:

 @media (min-width: 480px) {
   .artdirected { content: replaced url(attr(src-small)); }
 @media (min-width: 600px) {
   .artdirected { content: replaced url(attr(src-medium)); }
 @media (min-width: 800px) {
   .artdirected { content: replaced url(attr(src-big)); }
 img class=artdirected src=foo.jpg src-small=foo-small.jpg
 src-medium=foo-medium.jpg src-big=foo-big.jpg


Re: [whatwg] imgset responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-12 Thread John Mellor
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 We might even be able to make this work without inventing anything:

 style type=text/css
 @media (min-width: 480px) {
   .artdirected {
 width: 30px;
 height: 30px;
 background-image: image-set(url(small.png) 1x, url(small-hires.png)
 @media (min-width: 600px) {
   .artdirected {
 width: 60px;
 height: 60px;
 background-image: image-set(url(large.png) 1x, url(large-hires.png)
 div class=artdirected/div

Three downsides to that:
- Doesn't address viewport-switching (variable-sized images), though we may
be able to fix that by extending image-set to support src-N's
viewport-urls syntax.
- Requires you to know the intrinsic aspect ratio of the images in advance.
- Slightly less semantic (can't include an alt attribute, etc).
- Most sites will end up just referencing all their images by #id, which is
fairly icky. Since we're inlining the presentation into the content anyway,
may as well inline it next to the relevant bit of the content.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 What's most attractive to me about this approach is that it doesn't
 require inventing anything new, which means the compatibility story
 for older user agents is solid.  You don't need a polyfill or anything
 like that.

Except that most user agents don't support image-set yet (only Chrome and
Safari 6+ IIRC).


If we did want to split src-N up to separate presentation from content,
you'd probably want to put the size-viewport-list and media-querys into
inline CSS, and leave just the size-based-urls (which are pure content)
in the HTML. Then you'd end up with something like the following.

If you just have viewport-switching (and dpr-switching), it'd be:

.photo {
image-width: 100%;

img class=photo srcs=160.jpg 160, 320.jpg 320, 640.jpg 640, 1280.jpg
1280, 2560.jpg 2560

(and as in 
you could use more complicated size-viewport-list expressions like 100%
(30em) 50% (50em) 33% if the image width is a non-linear function of
viewport width)

If you just have dpr-switching (fixed-width images), it'd be:

.photo {
image-width: 128px;

img class=photo srcs=64.jpg 64, 128.jpg 128, 256.jpg 256

(where the ratio between the widths of the available images, and the
image-width from CSS, is used to calculate the density of each available

If you have art direction and dpr-switching, it'd be:

.photo {
image-width: small 128px;
@media (min-width: 20em) {
.photo {
image-width: big 400px;

img class=photo
 srcs-small=s64.jpg 64, s128.jpg 128, s256.jpg 256
 srcs-big=b200.jpg 200, b400.jpg 400, b800.jpg 800

(here the author has assigned names to each of their art direction cases
[optional if you only have one case], and provides an alternate list of
image srcs for each case)

This actually looks pretty reasonable (and unlike earlier proposals in this
thread, covers all use cases). One nice benefit over src-N is that
the size-viewport-list -- i.e. 128px or 100% or 100% (30em) 50%
(50em) 33% -- doesn't get repeated for every image, if there are several
images with the same relationship between viewport size and image size.

My main concern is that authors won't realise that the CSS must be inlined;
I'm not sure how to make that foolproof.

Re: [whatwg] imgset responsive imgs proposition (Re: The src-N proposal)

2013-11-12 Thread John Mellor
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:54 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:45 AM, John Mellor wrote:
  - Doesn't address viewport-switching (variable-sized images), though we
  be able to fix that by extending image-set to support src-N's
  viewport-urls syntax.

 Why doesn't it support variable-sized images?  In example above, one
 of the cases is 30x30 and the other is 60x60.  Maybe I've
 misunderstood what you mean by variable-sized images?

In most responsive designs, there are images whose resolution depends on
both the viewport width and the devicePixelRatio. Your approach technically
allows handling both, by combining max-width and max-resolution MQs, but if
you have 6 widths and 4 dprs, you have to write 24 separate MQs, for every
combination. This is the same problem srcset's w unit had; see for a clear explanation, and compare the extreme
verbosity (and incomprehensibility) of the srcset example there, with the
much simpler equivalent src-1.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Media element - add attributes for discovery of playback rate support

2013-07-18 Thread John Mellor
If the user is speeding up playback to improve their productivity (spend
less time watching e.g. a lecture), then they may well be willing to wait
until enough of the video is buffered, since they can do something else in
the meantime.

For example by spending 30m buffering the first half of a 1 hour live
stream, the user could then watch the whole hour at double speed.

Obviously the UI should make it clear what's going on (rather than
lengthily buffering without explanation).
On 17 Jul 2013 18:41, Peter Carlson (carlsop) wrote:


 For on-demand movies or VOD, the available playback speeds may be
 determined by the server of the content. This cannot be overcome by
 client-side buffering.

 Peter Carlson

Re: [whatwg] img srcset / css image-set issues

2012-08-22 Thread John Mellor
On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:28 PM, John Mellor wrote:
  Take the simple example above where
  you have the same image saved in 4 sizes -- 320.jpg, 640.jpg, 1280.jpg
  2560.jpg, named after their widths -- and you need it to scale across
  and desktop. With my proposed syntax you just declare each available size
  once, and the browser does the rest:
  img srcset=320x120, 320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x, 1280.jpg 4x, 2560.jpg 8x
  Whereas using only the w/h and x tokens, to properly support devices of
  various dppx's you have to use the following 16 entry monstrosity (that I
  had to generate by script):
  img srcset=
  320.jpg 400w 1x,
  320.jpg 320w 1.25x,
  320.jpg 267w 1.5x,
  320.jpg 200w 2x,
  320.jpg 160w 2.5x,
  640.jpg 800w 1x,
  640.jpg 640w 1.25x,
  640.jpg 533w 1.5x,
  640.jpg 400w 2x,
  640.jpg 320w 2.5x,
  1280.jpg 1600w 1x,
  1280.jpg 1280w 1.25x,
  1280.jpg 1067w 1.5x,
  1280.jpg 800w 2x,
  1280.jpg 640w 2.5x,
  2560.jpg 10x
  (and in the image-set case, doing this with media queries would be even

 No you don't.  Just do this:

 img style=width:100%; srcset=320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x, 1280.jpg 4x,
 2560.jpg 8x

No, that's completely different! See below.

 I doubt this is actually what you want, though - you're probably not
 actually trying to cater to devices with an 8:1 pixel ratio!  (Those
 may not ever exist, even if technology does make it possible - I think
 you drop below human perception about 5x or so.)

This is nothing at all to do with 8:1 pixel ratios (though as a happy
accident my proposal would also automatically scale to pixel ratios that
aren't currently common). If you re-read my original email, you'll see that
I defined 320x120, 320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x, 1280.jpg 4x, 2560.jpg 8x to
mean that for each alternative image, the browser would multiply the
provided intrinsic size (320x120) by that alternative's 'x' token to
calculate the number of pixels of image data available in each dimension,
then it would pick the one that most appropriately matches the number of
device pixels the image is actually taking up in each dimension.

So for example 1280.jpg 4x means that this image is 4 times larger than
the given intrinsic width of 320px. So sure, it would be suitable for
display on a hypothetical 4x display at 320px width; but the browser also
knows that it would be suitable for display on a 2x display at 640px width,
a 1.5x display at 853px width, and a 1x display at 1280px width. The
browser simply doesn't have that kind of information with the current
srcset spec, so it is forced to be act more dumbly.

 Let's assume that, instead, you're trying to serve two versions of the
 image: one for small screens and one for larger screens, and each
 version has two resolutions.  In that case, you'd do this:

 img style=width:100% srcset=320.jpg 1x 320w, 640.jpg 2x 320w,
 1280.jpg 1x, 2560.jpg 2x

But that doesn't work! Let's look at some common devices for which it fails:

360w 2x portrait Galaxy S III = *2560.jpg instead of 640.jpg!*
480w 1x landscape iPhone 3 = 1280.jpg instead of 640.jpg
2560w 1x 30 desktop = 1280.jpg instead of 2560.jpg

If even the author of the spec can't write a srcset that doesn't serve
wildly inappropriate files to today's popular devices, how can one expect
average web authors to write srcsets that properly adapt to future device
categories? Indeed, it's not actually possible to fix that srcset just by
tweaking the thresholds; you have to add additional redundant declarations
(as in my monstrous example above).

With my proposed syntax, you just declare the available image sizes, and it
just works, across all present and future devices.

  The fact that the UA is granted some freedom to fiddle with things
  change the semantics.

 HTML's algorithm is just written a little differently than
 image-set()'s, but the meaning is identical - UAs can choose which
 resolution version they want based on *any* criteria they choose.

As I said, the fact that UAs have freedom doesn't change the semantics in
the eyes of the author. The description and algorithm in the spec heavily
imply that a typical UA algorithm will be to choose the images with the
smallest pixel size descriptors = the pixel size of the display. It would
be much clearer if this implication was not made, i.e. remove step 21
completely, change step 24 to read Remove all the entries in candidates
except the one whose associated pixel density is the best match for a
user-agent-defined value giving the nominal pixel density of the display.,
and change the phrase maximum pixel density to just pixel density in
anywhere else).

 Once again, using image-set() with MQ is *exactly* the same as the w
 and h descriptors

Re: [whatwg] img srcset / css image-set issues

2012-08-22 Thread John Mellor
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 5:19 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. jackalm...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 4:22 AM, John Mellor wrote:
  On Wednesday, August 22, 2012, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
  Let's assume that, instead, you're trying to serve two versions of the
  image: one for small screens and one for larger screens, and each
  version has two resolutions.  In that case, you'd do this:
  img style=width:100% srcset=320.jpg 1x 320w, 640.jpg 2x 320w,
  1280.jpg 1x, 2560.jpg 2x
  But that doesn't work! Let's look at some common devices for which it
  360w 2x portrait Galaxy S III = 2560.jpg instead of 640.jpg!
  480w 1x landscape iPhone 3 = 1280.jpg instead of 640.jpg

 The point of the w/h descriptors is to align with your media queries
 to solve the art direction use-case, where different layouts may
 demand images with different sizes/ratios which may be produced
 differently (possibly generated from the same image, but with
 different layouts or whatnot).

But that's exactly my point! The w/h descriptors are sufficient *only* for
art direction, where you want to swap between completely different images
(or at least different crops of the same image), based on viewport size, to
match other changes occurring in your responsive design as the viewport
size changes (and they do a fine job at art direction).

They are *not* suitable (even combined with x descriptors) as a general
purpose mechanism for dealing with flexibly-sized images, where you need to
match the number of device pixels taken up by the image to the number of
image pixels in the image you load (while allowing the browser to adjust
this based on bandwidth constraints etc), since doing that properly
*requires* additional information, i.e. knowing the intrinsic size (or at
least intrinsic width or height) of the image before choosing which to

If one of your breakpoints was predicated on a max-width: 320px MQ,
 then this is exactly what you want.  (This is probably not a great
 breakpoint, since it's clearly focused on the iPhone and likely not
 your content's actual breakpoint, but whatever.)

  2560w 1x 30 desktop = 1280.jpg instead of 2560.jpg

 This is adequate.  In the olden days before srcset, you'd just get the
 1280 version all the time.  Now, if you'd like, you can toss in an
 additional breakpoint with a 2560.jpg 2560w 1x and be fine.  It's
 not *perfectly ideal*, but it's fine.

No, it's not fine to just toss in an additional breakpoint. If you do this
for all important device categories you go back to the monstrous 16-entry
srcset I showed earlier, which is clearly unsustainable.

 The problem with trying to be smarter is that you have to be very
 careful to not mess with the art direction use-case.  It's
 *possible* to improve the syntax in the future to handle your last
 example better, but it needs to be done with care.

The art direction use case can be entirely orthogonal. It should be handled
with the w/h descriptors as currently specified. What I'm proposing would
operate after any w/h descriptors have narrowed down the set of allowable
images, and let the browser choose between the remaining images more
intelligently in the case of flexible-size images, where currently the
browser has no idea which to use.

I'm not actively working on anything right now, but my plan is to push
 for @media to be nestable inside of style blocks, so you can put the
 declarations right next to each other.

Cool :)

[whatwg] Fwd: img srcset / css image-set issues

2012-08-21 Thread John Mellor
CSS image-set and HTML img srcset are getting their first implementations
but both APIs have serious shortcomings. We should fix them before it's too

1. Neither is of any use for flexibly-sized images.
2. srcset isn't as smart/intuitive as image-set.
3. image-set is less flexible than srcset.

I'll go through these in turn, in decreasing order of importance (sorry
about the length, but this is a complex topic and I've tried to avoid

(This email is cross-posted to whatwg and www-style, since this is of equal
relevance to HTML and CSS).

1. Neither is of any use for flexibly-sized images.

These APIs have been designed with fixed-size images in mind, and they work
well for that use case. For example if you have a width:320px image, and
you need to decide whether to load the 2x retina file or the standard

However they stop working when the width (or even just min/max-width) is
flexible, for example width:100%, which makes them almost useless for
responsive web design, and not great even for basic tasks like adapting to
different size mobile devices. I'll explain why:

If you have the same image saved in a variety of scales on the server (e.g.
320.jpg, 640.jpg, 1280.jpg, and 2560.jpg, named after their widths), then
you want the browser to load the one which has the same number of pixels of
image data as the number of device pixels that the image is taking up on
the display (assuming for now that bandwidth isn't a concern, and that you
don't have to worry about the page being displayed at multiple zoom levels
due to pinch zoom). For example if your width:100% image is currently
stretched to 1280 CSS px, then you want to load 1280.jpg on 1x low DPI
devices and 2560.jpg on 2x high DPI devices. But if it has shrunk to 320
CSS px, then you want to load 320.jpg on 1x low DPI devices and 640.jpg on
2x high DPI devices.

Neither image-set nor srcset can cope with this simple fundamental task!
Nor can they, as currently specified: while the browser knows (or can
estimate, if layout hasn't yet happened) the number of device pixels the
image is taking up, it doesn't know how many pixels of image data the
srcset/image-set entries contain until it downloads them, since it knows
their dppx but not their size.

To put it another way, since the browser doesn't know the intrinsic size of
the image until it downloads one of the files (and divides the image data
size by its dppx value), they simply cannot know how much a flexibly-sized
image is being stretched by, and so they can't use that information as
input when deciding which image to download.

[With srcset, it is possible to hack together a srcset definition that will
load approximately the right image file by combining dppx and viewport
width restrictions -- see sample
code,live --
but this is excessively cumbersome for practical use.]

A simple solution to this problem, would be to provide a way for authors to
tell the browser in advance what the intrinsic size of a flexibly-sized
image is, such that the browser can calculate how many pixels of image data
each option contains, and hence which would be most appropriate. For
example, one could add an initial term to the srcset/image-set, providing
the intrinsic size of the image:

img srcset=320x120, 320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x, 1280.jpg 4x, 2560.jpg 8x
selector { background: image-set(320x120, 320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x,
1280.jpg 4x, 2560.jpg 8x); }

This would be equivalent to:

img srcset=2560x960, 320.jpg 0.125x, 640.jpg 0.25x, 1280.jpg 0.5x,
2560.jpg 1x
selector { background: image-set(2560x960, 320.jpg 0.125x, 640.jpg
0.25x, 1280.jpg 0.5x, 2560.jpg 1x); }

For each image, after discarding images that don't satisfy the viewport
width/height criteria in the usual manner if it's a srcset, the browser
would multiply the provided intrinsic size by the image's x value to
calculate the number of pixels of image data available in each dimension,
then it would pick the one that most appropriately matches the number of
device pixels the image is actually taking up in each dimension (see 2.
below for why I recommend most appropriate instead of strictly pick the
smallest image whose image width = device pixel width).

This initial intrinsic width term would be optional, as it is unnecessary
for fixed-size images, but would be strongly recommended for flexible-size
images as without it the x values would select purely on dppx grounds,
which as explained above isn't useful.

In the occasional event that different images have different intrinsic
sizes it would be possible to specify several intrinsic sizes, each of
which would apply to the subsequent images (until the next intrinsic size).
For example:

img id=logo style=width:100% srcset=
320x320, square.jpg 1x 400w, square-hd.jpg 2x 400w,
320x50, flat-s.jpg 1x, flat-m.jpg 2x, flat-l.jpg 4x, flat-xl.jpg 8x

would show a square logo on portrait phones, but a more discreet flat logo
on wider devices (in both 

Re: [whatwg] img srcset / css image-set issues

2012-08-21 Thread John Mellor
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:31 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. jackalm...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:20 PM, John Mellor wrote:
  1. Neither is of any use for flexibly-sized images.

 This is what Media Queries and the similar 'w' and 'h' tokens in
 @srcset are for.  You can create one pair of 1x/2x images for one size
 of screen, and another pair for another size of screen.

While it is indeed possible to abuse the w/h tokens in this way, it's so
impractical as to not be worth using. Take the simple example above where
you have the same image saved in 4 sizes -- 320.jpg, 640.jpg, 1280.jpg and
2560.jpg, named after their widths -- and you need it to scale across
mobile and desktop. With my proposed syntax you just declare each available
size once, and the browser does the rest:

img srcset=320x120, 320.jpg 1x, 640.jpg 2x, 1280.jpg 4x, 2560.jpg 8x

Whereas using only the w/h and x tokens, to properly support devices of
various dppx's you have to use the following 16 entry monstrosity (that I
had to generate by script,live):

img srcset=
320.jpg 400w 1x,
320.jpg 320w 1.25x,
320.jpg 267w 1.5x,
320.jpg 200w 2x,
320.jpg 160w 2.5x,
640.jpg 800w 1x,
640.jpg 640w 1.25x,
640.jpg 533w 1.5x,
640.jpg 400w 2x,
640.jpg 320w 2.5x,
1280.jpg 1600w 1x,
1280.jpg 1280w 1.25x,
1280.jpg 1067w 1.5x,
1280.jpg 800w 2x,
1280.jpg 640w 2.5x,
2560.jpg 10x

(and in the image-set case, doing this with media queries would be even
more horrific)

I'll explain why this happens:

a) The primary problem with using w/h tokens for this, and the reason the
above srcset is so redundant, is that in the current srcset spec the x
tokens are totally independent from the w/h tokens. So if you have an image
that's 640 image pixels wide, it is suitable for display 640 CSS px wide on
a low dpi device, but only 480 CSS px wide on a medium dpi device, and only
320 CSS px wide on a high dpi device, etc. These all need to be encoded
separately, since you can't write rules in terms of the product of the 'x'
and the 'w'. Clearly it would be better for the browser to do this trivial
but repetitive and error-prone maths for you.

b) A second difficulty, is that the w/h tokens must be specified in terms
of the viewport size, but there may be no trivial relationship between the
image size and the viewport size. Even if there is, having to figure it out
increases the developer burden, and significantly increases the risk of
errors (which can very easily slip through, since it's hard to test on all
device types, and most developers will only notice mistakes if the image
looks bad, not if it merely consumes an unnecessary amount of bandwidth).

c) Finally you'll notice that I put 320.jpg 320w 1.25x instead of
320.jpg 320w 1x. That's because (as pointed out in 2.) srcset is
currently specified such that these are strict maximums, yet in practice
it's better to upscale an image a little bit (e.g. 1.25x) than to download
an image that's twice as big (potentially 4x the file size). Cobbling
together w/h and x tokens like this requires the author to manually make
value judgements like this and incorporate them into their calculations,
when it would be better to let the browser decide.

  2. srcset not as smart/intuitive as image-set.

 The algorithms are meant to be the same.  If you read the HTML
 algorithm carefully, you'll notice that, after you've eliminated the
 images that violate the 'w' or 'h' constraints, the browser can choose
 *any* of the remaining images, based on whatever criteria it wants.
 This happens in two places: step 17 is very explicit in saying UAs
 can do what they want; step 21 is more implicit, as the nominal
 pixel density is a UA-defined value and can be literally anything.
 (There was previously a note in the spec saying this directly, but it
 appears to have been removed.)

 Ideally, I'd be able to just refer to the HTML algorithm, but it's far
 too specialized for @srcset for me to actually use.  Instead, I plan
 to include a note pointing to @srcset and indicating that it should be

I'm glad you intend them to be the same. But currently they are very
different semantically. With image-set you just provide the intended dppx
of each image, and let the UA decide which is most appropriate in a given
i.e. it can be expected to pick the closest match. Whereas with srcset, 2x
means maximum pixel density of 2 device pixels per CSS
(emphasis on the maximum), and step 21 of the
this by discarding anything whose maximum is too small.

The fact that the UA is granted some freedom to fiddle