Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-20 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 5:15 AM, Olli Pettay wrote:

 On 08/20/2014 11:33 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:29 AM, Jonas Sicking 
  ( wrote:
   FWIW, the web platform sorely needs a construct for readonly state
   variable + event whenever the state changes. I.e. some form of
   observable which remembers the last produced value. I had hoped the
   Streams would get us closer to that, but the current definition seems
   to be too different.
  Isn't that Object.observe() with custom records produced by the
  specific object you are defining for the property you want to enable
  this for (in this case held, it seems like)?
 Object.observe() + some custom records sounds rather inconsistent API. Why 
 would one getter in some
 prototype be handle differently to other getters?
 (and it is not too clear how one would implement that.)

Agree - a custom thing would not be great. And of course Object.observe would 
work really nicely, but I've been told a bunch of times by various people that 
we can't use Object.observe on DOM APIs (this *really* sucks). 

Getting a bit off topic, but it would be nice if we had a DOM Observer (kinda 
like a mutation observer) that returned you the same record as Object.observe 
and could be used with the attributes of WebIDL defined objects. It would make 
designing, and using, these APIs much simpler. 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-20 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Marcos Caceres 
 ( wrote:
  And of course Object.observe would work really nicely, but I've been told a 
  bunch of times by various people that we can't use Object.observe on DOM 
  APIs (this *really* sucks).
 Not by default, but we can make it work as I said. We wouldn't do it
 for innerHTML, but we might for input.value or some such.
Ok, if we get [Observable] in WebIDL, then the API basically becomes something 
neat like:

partial interface Document {
[Observable] attribute boolean keepScreenOn;   

So nice. 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-19 Thread Marcos Caceres

On August 19, 2014 at 11:16:19 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp 
( wrote:
 Tab Atkins Jr. writes:
  This solves the GC and locking issues (the latter by delegating state
  management to CSS, which everyone already knows to use).
 It would also make it easily possible to express logic similar to “do
 not power off the screen immediately after a video is playing” in UA or
 even user stylesheets in a no-nonsense and clearly interoperable way.
 A CSS solution could also limit abuse if it included a “max-wake-lock”

Can you describe what you mean here in a bit more detail? 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-19 Thread Marcos Caceres

On August 19, 2014 at 2:08:04 PM, Jonas Sicking ( wrote:
   How would you handle feature detection with this design?
 This is a good question. I don't have a better solution than adding  
 separate DisplayWakeLock() and SystemWakeLock() classes.  

Might make sense to do it this way regardless. It might be that we need to add 
different behavior for each type of lock in the future.  

Ok, so taking into consideration the feedback received so far - how about 
something like: 

interface DisplayLock : WakeLock {
   static readonly attribute boolean isHeld;

interface SystemLock : WakeLock {
   static readonly attribute boolean isHeld;

interface WakeLock : EventTarget {
   Promisevoid request();
   Promisevoid release();
   attribute EventHandler onlost;

//feature detect + lock check
if (DisplayLock  !DisplayLock.isHeld){
   var lock = new DisplayLock();

   //listen in case the lock is lost:
   lock.addEventListener(lost, function(){
      //try again maybe when the battery has more juice

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-19 Thread Marcos Caceres

On August 19, 2014 at 4:39:03 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. ( wrote:
  Why is isHeld still used here? You don't need it to avoid squashing  
 someone else's lock with this design, and several people have  
 pointed out that exposing it is a footgun, as people might check it and  
 decide they don't need to request their own lock (only to be screwed when  
 the other lock releases earlier or later than they expected).

It's the only authoritative source of truth. But ok, fair point about the 

Consider the static dropped. 

Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-08-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

 I think it'd be unfortunate if this API had just one shared lock per browsing 
 context and required components on the page to coordinate locking, but 
 provided no means to do so.  

The API allows scripts to check which locks are currently held (as either a 
`isHeld()` or `getCurrentLocks()`, for which I just sent a PR for).   
 This will force authors of libraries and components to create dummy iframes 
 just to have their private lock, and libraries/pages without such workaround 
 will be messing up each other's locks.

Currently, iframes are not allowed to have locks - only top-level browsing 
contexts are. This is to avoid things like embedded ads from requesting wake 
 Having just a single shared DOM0-style event handler 
 navigator.wakeLock.onlost looks especially jarring. I would expect this to be 
 a proper DOM event that can be used with normal addEventListener (please 
 avoid repeating the mistake of matchMedia).

Oops! I forgot to put that `WakeLock` inherits from `EventTarget`. It's always 
been the intention that you will have .addEventListener! I've sent a PR to fix 
 To make some coordination possible, the simplest method could be to keep 
 track of number of lock requests and releases, like retain/release in 
 navigator.wakeLock.request(screen); // locks
 navigator.wakeLock.request(screen); // increases lock count
 navigator.wakeLock.release(screen); // not released yet, but decreases lock 
 navigator.wakeLock.release(screen); // now released for real

In my dummy implementation, I've just been using (the Swift equivalent of):
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;

On MacOS, I thought the right thing to do (tm) according to Apple was [1] 
(see listing 2)? I'm pretty sure that's what we do already in Gecko for videos 
as we've been investigating repurposing the video code for wake locks.  

So, I've not seen the request/release behavior you describe above (at least not 
in the context of wake locks on MacOS/iOS). I guess it's used as an idiom maybe 
in other places?
 However, as you probably know from Objective-C,

Full disclosure, I barely know objective-c ;)
 perfect balancing of retain/release takes care and discipline. Personally, I 
 wouldn't trust all 3rd party libraries/widgets/ads to be careful with this. 
 In fact, I expect some clever libraries to ruin this with:
 navigator.wakeLock.release(screen); // just release the damn thing in my 
 leaky code!
That would just halt the browser as the script would never complete: currently 
releasing happens async once the system acknowledges that the release has been 
granted. I'm not sure if there is a use case for that behavior - it's just what 
is currently/sorta roughly proposed in the spec.  
 Therefore, if WakeLock needs to be purely JS API, I strongly prefer having 
 WakeLock available only as an object instance, but without exposing GC 
 behavior—if it's lost, it's like a missing release call.  
 If devtools ever get monitoring of unhanded errors in Promise objects, they 
 could also warn against lost WakeLock objects—it's the same type of problem 
 dependent on GC.
 I'm assuming that release would work only once on each lock object:
 var lock = new WakeLock(screen);
 lock.release(); // ignored, so it doesn't unlock any other component's lock
 This makes coordination easier: each page component can easily create their 
 own lock independently (without needing to create an iframe to get their own 
 lock), and can't release any other component's lock.
Personally, I don't know if I agree that it makes coordination easier. Seems 
that having a centralized place to check what is currently being held makes 
life a lot easier, because it allows scripts to check if they actually need to 
request a lock or not. If you have some objects requesting and others 
releasing, then it makes a huge mess because you need to track down which 
object screwed up the lock. And if GC also then works to release the locks, 
then there is no certainty as to what is actually releasing the lock or when.   


Re: [whatwg] Preventing wake lock leaks with DOM nodes

2014-08-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

 My biggest concern with the WakeLock API is that it's easy to forget (or 
 fail) to release the lock.
 It's not a problem with the API per se, but a programming problem in general: 
 resource management in non-trivial programs is hard. WakeLocks are especially 
 problematic in this regard, as a leaked lock won't cause any immediate 
 problems for the developer, so this type of bug can easily go unnoticed.

Sure. At least on a mobile device, it's easy enough for the user to turn off 
the screen (or just switch apps or browser tabs)... on laptops, it could be a 
problem. However, MacOS (at least) is pretty good at telling users if an app is 
eating too much battery. So this could be also handled at the system level.  
 So I think lifetime of WakeLocks needs to be attached to something visible to 
 make failure to release the lock immediately obvious.
 In case of screen lock it's especially easy: the whole purpose of this lock 
 is to keep something visible on screen, so we can require that something to 
 be explicitly connected to the lock.

I think that would be nice, actually. It's at least a kinda workaround to 
having to check if something is in the drawable area manually.  

However, it still doesn't really deal with the case where the dev forgets to 
release the lock. What is nicer is combining this with a timeout:

navigator.wakeLock.request(screen, {element: myCanvas, timeout: aFewMinutes});

That would be the most ideal solution for me personally. Just set it, and 
forget it.  
 It's nearly impossible to forget to remove a visible DOM element from the 
 document — the mistake is likely to be quite obviously visible. If screen 
 lock lifetime was dependent on visibility of a DOM element, then it would 
 also be very hard to leak the lock without noticing it!
 (that's a variant of wake-lock:display CSS proposal, but less explicitly 
 dependent on CSS).

Yes, absolutely. So long as CSS lacks some way to detect if something is 
offscreen, it makes sense. The current ways of checking if an element is within 
the viewport are quite expensive (bunch of jQuery plugins do this - and I think 
they depend on the onscroll event).  
 With CPU lock it's less clear cut. I think tying it to a notification may be 
 a good idea.

Need to think about it.  
 Alternatively, perhaps the lock itself could be an instance of the progress 
 element that author is supposed to insert to the document? ;)

heh:) Yeah, need to think about that.   

Re: [whatwg] Preventing wake lock leaks with DOM nodes

2014-08-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 In general I feel this thread has taken a turn for the complex. Why don't we 
 just do what other platforms do, and provide a simple global request/release 
 mechanism (or toggleable Boolean property!), which developers can build on 
 top of? A lot of the ideas here seem to be trying to create the perfect, 
 developer-friendly, foolproof API. Some of them seem quite clever too, tying 
 to page visibility and the like. But all of them could be built, as 
 libraries, on top of a global request/release. That way users could get 
 reference counting if they want that, visibility-based locking if they want 
 that, promise-based locking if they want that, timeouts if they want those, 
 or even just not do any of those if their use case is simple enough that it 
 doesn't warrant anything more complicated than what they are already doing on 
 existing platforms.

 We don't need to solve Hard Problems in Programming (TM) before we expose a 
 wake lock API. Leave that as a subsequent step, which users can do, while we 
 move on to exposing more missing platform capabilities 

Re: [whatwg] Preventing wake lock leaks with DOM nodes

2014-08-18 Thread Marcos Caceres
(sorry, accidental send before!)

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

 In general I feel this thread has taken a turn for the complex. Why don't we 
 just do what other platforms do, and provide a simple global request/release 
 mechanism (or toggleable Boolean property!), which developers can build on 
 top of? A lot of the ideas here seem to be trying to create the perfect, 
 developer-friendly, foolproof API. Some of them seem quite clever too, tying 
 to page visibility and the like. But all of them could be built, as 
 libraries, on top of a global request/release. That way users could get 
 reference counting if they want that, visibility-based locking if they want 
 that, promise-based locking if they want that, timeouts if they want those, 
 or even just not do any of those if their use case is simple enough that it 
 doesn't warrant anything more complicated than what they are already doing on 
 existing platforms.

The reason I didn't make it a boolean was because of the IPC involved and 
because I wanted to support multiple types of locks without needing to add new 
attributes in the future (and if we need to add the complex stuff later). The 
request()/release() mechanism is well suited for that, IMO. And it's also 
fairly simple, even if it vends a promise.

Admittedly, I could just make it a bunch of boolean attributes. The spec is 
kinda already designed to work that way (what lock is applied is just a flag, 
which is checked synchronously)... it's how `isHeld(lockType)` works.

About tying it to visibility, and time, etc. Those are nice to have, but can 
certainly do without for now. We already dropped the timeout stuff from the 
original spec - but certainly a nice to have in the future. Having said that, 
if we know that this API is going to be used in conjunction with scroll events, 
then we know we are going to have potential battery eating problems (beyond 
just keeping the screen on). 
 We don't need to solve Hard Problems in Programming (TM) before we expose a 
 wake lock API. Leave that as a subsequent step, which users can do, while we 
 move on to exposing more missing platform capabilities

Yeah, certainly want to keep it as simple as possible. Just want to cover 
keeping the screen on for now. 

Re: [whatwg] Feature-detectable WakeLocks

2014-08-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Monday, August 18, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

 WakeLock.request() expecting a string isn't very friendly to feature 

The API tells you if a wake lock type is not supported by either rejecting with 
a TypeError or by a DOMException whose name is NotSupportedError.  
 I'd prefer if individual lock types were instances of objects, e.g. 
 navigator.*Lock objects could be instances of a variant of the WakeLock 
Personally, this doesn't strike me as good API design. It means having a bunch 
of attributes that all use the same class but only differ in name.  
 Alternatively, if the WakeLock was instantiable (to have a standard way for 
 independent page components to share locks) then these objects could be 
 if (navigator.ScreenLock) {
 var lock = new navigator.ScreenLock();
 (or `new navigator.wakeLocks.Screen()`, etc.)
We don't have any APIs like this today on the Web.  It would be weird :)  

It would just be better to have a constructor on the interface: `new 
WakeLock(screen)` or whatever.  

But then we are just back discussing the other email about GC, etc.  
 Having specific instances for different types of locks could also enable 
 elegant extensibility of the API, e.g.
 var screenLock = new navigator.ScreenLock();
 screenLock.dimScreen(); // completely made-up API
 var cpuLock = new navigator.CpuLock();
 cpuLock.setThreadPriority(low); // completely made-up API

IMO, this is not really different from:  

navigator.wakeLock.request(cpu, {
   setThreadPriority: low

If we need to start returning an actual WakeLock objects in the future, we can 
add that.   

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-07-17 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 6:12 AM, Mounir Lamouri wrote:

 On Thu, 17 Jul 2014, at 01:56, Marcos Caceres wrote:
  I don't have a strong opinion. My concern was mostly about developers
  having to watch for a whole bunch of different interaction queues (touch
  events, mouse events, focus events, orientation-change events, etc.) in
  order to release the lock at the right time. 
 Do you have specific UC? The basic UC I have in mind (reading a book,
 watching a video, playing a game) would not use a timeout.

Yes, Google Play Books will wait five minutes from the last interaction to turn 
off the screen. This is nice if you fall a sleep while reading and long enough 
for a user to read a page without having the screen dim. 


I was trying to model that problem with the API. 
  Question remains if there are other kinds of locks that we might need.
  For example, Firefox OS has wifi as a lock type. I'm assuming that
  their model keeps the cpu on, but the device can still shut down the
  radios on a device. In the proposal, we lump wifi and cpu into
 Why not breaking these in different sub-systems? I can definitely
 imagine my phone having the CPU kept at 100% while the screen is off if
 it requires to do a heavy computation. Forcing the screen to stay on
 while doing that would be a waste of battery.

Sorry, I was trying to say exactly what you said above. No need to keep the 
screen on when using system, obviously. 

Ideally, we could do something like:

display = keep display on + system/cpu + network
network (wifi/cell) = system/cpu + network (screen off)
system = just cpu, turn off screen and radio. 

Hopefully, something like that means you don't need to pick an choose amongst 
numerous options. 

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-07-16 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Mounir Lamouri wrote:

 On Wed, 16 Jul 2014, at 05:21, Marcos Caceres wrote:
 I do not think we should have this timeout option. That sounds like a
 very week use case and something fairly easy to do with the tools the
 platform already provides. The argument to support this feature in the
 github issue was that it will prevent developers to forget releasing the
 lock but I have a hard time believing that developers forgetting to
 release a lock would use a timeout that is probably more painful and

I don't have a strong opinion. My concern was mostly about developers having to 
watch for a whole bunch of different interaction queues (touch events, mouse 
events, focus events, orientation-change events, etc.) in order to release the 
lock at the right time. 

I'm happy to see how people make due without it, and if we find too many 
problems we can always add this later. 
  ### Check if lock is already set 
  It might be useful to also have a way of checking if a lock is already
  readonly attribute WakeLockType? lockType 
 You might want something like:
 partial interface WakeLock {
 readonly attribute WakeLockType[] currentLocks;
 Given that there can be multiple locks applying at the same time.
 Otherwise, the proposal sounds good to me.
Could be... I was thinking that the locks are kinda like a fallback chain. That 
is, if you have the screen you also have system. If you lose screen 
(notified via an event), you request system before the device goes to sleep. 
If it's not possible to do things in that order, then yes: we would need to 
return a list of the current locks. 

Question remains if there are other kinds of locks that we might need. For 
example, Firefox OS has wifi as a lock type. I'm assuming that their model 
keeps the cpu on, but the device can still shut down the radios on a device. 
In the proposal, we lump wifi and cpu into system. 

[whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-07-15 Thread Marcos Caceres
## Use cases 
A website wants the prevent a device from entering a power-saving state to 
allow a user to complete a task where it's not practical for the user to touch 
the screen (e.g., a maps application while driving, a VR headset like 

A website needs to be able to complete a task, but without requiring the user 
to keep the screen on (e.g., importing and processing a bunch of contacts). 
Having a wake lock on the system would allow the user to turn off the screen, 
while allowing a webpage (or worker) to continue processing some data in the 

A complete list of use and abuse cases can be found at [1].  
## Workarounds 
There is some evidence that …Developers are resorting to hacks like playing 
hidden videos to prevent the screen from sleeping. [2] 

## Why now? 
There are lots of applications on the Web that would benefit from this feature. 
E.g., maps, games, cooking websites, ebooks, and sites that stream non-video 
content in real time (e.g., sports scores). Also, both Google and Mozilla are 
looking into VR, and they will likely need this (see [2]). See [1] for list of 
applications that rely on this feature in other platforms. 

Other platforms that already support this kind of feature: iOS, Android, 
Firefox OS, Windows mobile, and Tizen.  

# Proposal: 

partial interface Navigator { 
   attribute WakeLock wakeLock; 

interface WakeLock{ 
   promise request(WakeLockType type); 
   void release(WakeLockType type); 

enum WakeLockType{ system, display } 

## Example 
//lock display when the recipe is showing: 
$( #recipe ).on( show, function(){ 
   navigator.wakeLock.request(display).then(haveFun, boo) 
} ); 

//release lock: 
$( #recipe ).on( hide, function(){ 
} ); 

## Optional enhancements 

### Timeouts  
We are thinking of adding a dictionary to hint at the system the amount of time 
it should hold the lock for (in ms). So, then the developer can express holding 
the lock for 5 minutes (e.g., ebook case, instead of having to bind a whole 
bunch of listeners and constantly having to request the wake lock). This would 
allow the UA to add whatever time the developer requested to its normal wake 
lock timer + additional time the developer might want. If the timeout is less 
than the default timeout, it can just be ignored. 

dictionary WakeLockOptions{ 
  unsigned long timeout; 

For example: 
//I only need this for ~5 mins here. 
var options = {timeout: 1000 * 60 * 5}; 
navigator.wakeLock.request(display, options);  

### Events  
It might be necessary for applications to be notified, via an event, if they've 
lost a lock after one was granted to it.  

### Check if lock is already set 
It might be useful to also have a way of checking if a lock is already set: 

readonly attribute WakeLockType? lockType  

Appreciate any feedback on the design and help with the security model.   


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Wake Lock API

2014-07-15 Thread Marcos Caceres

On July 15, 2014 at 3:31:32 PM, Jasper St. Pierre ( wrote:
 Should the lock automatically be released if the user switches to a
 different tab or somehow makes the content unviewable?

Yes. But it could be automatically reapplied once the user switches back to the 
tab/window. This could happen transparently. 

 Should the web
 content know about this, or should it just silently think the lock is still
 being held?

Ideally, it should just be silent. 

 This might affect the timeout situation. It would be strange to
 be unable to lock or suspend due to some random map embedded in a Yelp page
 somewhere taking a lock.

The locks are fairly soft, at last for screen. But yes, for system locks that 
would suck. We might need to limit those somehow. 

 What about for cases like laptops where the user can force a suspend, like
 closing the lid? If the system is configured to lock or suspend the
 machine, should this prevent it?

No, in this case it could be notified that it has lost the lock.  

 Are there any tasks like instant messaging
 where users might want to have it inhibit suspend, and the user can still
 be notified of it because the system might make a sound? Should the web
 content be aware of this as well?

I think that's a different use case: That could be better suited for push 
notifications + service workers + the notification API. 

 I'm at least happy that the web doesn't have the burning a CD task that
 we had to deal with with our desktop. :) That was a messy set of edge cases
 to deal with.

Heh, I'm sure similar cases will come up in the future (e.g., 3D printing over 
serial port API).  

[whatwg] `brand-color` meta extension

2014-06-26 Thread Marcos Caceres
Folks at Mozilla and Google would like to standardize the `brand-color` meta 
extension. The `brand-color` keyword has been added to the MetaExtensions 
WHATWG wiki and a rough spec is below (prepared by some folks at Google).  

# Overview

The browser will use this brand color when distinct color is needed, i.e. it 
could be used as Web App’s title bar.

Other browsers have similar features, but each defined as its own specific meta 
tag, IE uses mapplication-navbutton-color, Safari’s is 
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style, they are all similar with brand-color, 
but have a little different usage.

# Syntax

meta name=brand-color content=#ff

The content attribute can be any value defined in css color specification , the value might be adjusted by browser if it 
is not proper for display, i.e. extremely bright. the leading and trailing 
whitespace (defined in is 
The brand-color meta tag must be in head element, If there are multiple 
brand-color meta tags in head element, first one takes effect. 
Brand color could be changed by script, browser shall respect this change.

Relevant issues/discussions:!msg/blink-dev/nzRY-h_-_ig/IeXq74xUWzkJ


Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] `brand-color` meta extension

2014-06-26 Thread Marcos Caceres

On June 26, 2014 at 1:58:17 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. ( wrote:
  Here's a first crack at a better spec:

Moved your text here:

We can better capture issues, etc. there. I also updated the Wiki to point 
there as the official version. We can put the right license and allow more 
people to edit the document on GH (it was a read only Google doc, which is not 

I'm not volunteer to edit it :)

Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] `brand-color` meta extension

2014-06-26 Thread Marcos Caceres

On June 26, 2014 at 2:17:22 PM, Ian Hickson ( wrote:
  I think it would make sense to allow vendors to treat these all  
 independent values (in particular, we wouldn't want IE to be  
 forced to
 extend their interpretation of msapplication-TileColor  
 msapplication-navbutton-color to be redundant), but I do  
 think it would
 make sense to encourage UAs to draw colours from whichever values  
 provided, so that authors don't have to include different values  
 for each

I would be in favor of this. It would be good to support the legacy content as 
its use on the Web is significant. Search I did back in Oct 2013 found these 
proprietary tags appeared on something like 1% of pages in Alexa's top 78K 
pages (specially the msTileColor one is quite popular). I don't have the data 
any more, unfortunately - but could get it again if needed. The thing would be 
to see if it really does make sense to reuse those things in contexts where 
`brand-color` is to be used and not produce unexpected results. 

Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 8:07 PM, wrote:

 Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 08:19:00 -0800
 From: Tab Atkins Jr. (
 To: Ryosuke Niwa (
 Cc: whatwg (, Timothy Hatcher (
 Subject: Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
 On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Ryosuke Niwa 
 ( wrote:
  Without starting a debate on what semantics or aesthetics mean, syntax is a 
  big deal. A bad syntax can totally kill a feature.
 Believe me, I agree; I named my last coding project Bikeshed, after all. ^_^
 This is why I find it puzzling that a syntax accepted by the RICG and
 a lot of authors is being shot down by a few implementors. This is
 why I've been classifying the objections as personal aesthetic
 concerns - I don't know how to classify them otherwise. The proposed
 syntax doesn't seem to offend average authors, who grasp it well
 enough (it's a pretty simple translation from what they already liked
 in picture). It just offends a few of you from WebKit, some of whom
 have been a bit hyperbolic in expressing their dislike.

Agree. It would be ideal to try to find a way forward here with src-n.  

Mozilla is not really interested in restarting this whole effort again with 
imgset or new CSS-in-the-head proposals (though, of course, orthogonal 
improvements to the preload scanner are quite interesting and probably quite 
beneficial, but let’s keep that as separate!). We’ve already seen all the 
proposals for using CSS, JavaScript, and so on for the last 3 years (ad 
nauseam!), so can we please try to keep the discussion focused on src-n, 
picture, and, if we really need to, srcset. The developer community already 
made significant sacrifices in compromising on picture because of issues that 
implementers raised about nested elements (even if the RICG felt picture was a 
more useable solution, they were willing to drop it in favor of src-n to 
appease implementers and to end the stalemate for the good of actually getting 
something reasonable implemented). 

As we’ve already indicated, Mozilla are strongly behind src-n as we feel it 
best meets the use cases, and has the broadest developers support. Aesthetic 
concerns would seem to be very low on the priority of constituencies. Let’s not 
further erode those principles for the sake of markup aesthetics.  

So, I kindly ask that we seek to find a way forward with src-n.  

Kind regards,

Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] The src-N proposal

2013-11-18 Thread Marcos Caceres

On Monday, November 18, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Jirka Kosek wrote:

 On 18.11.2013 14:38, Marcos Caceres wrote:
  we really need to, srcset. The developer community already made
  significant sacrifices in compromising on picture because of issues
  that implementers raised about nested elements
 Are those issues with nested elements described somewhere? I wasn't able
 to find anything and I would really like to know what the issue was.

Simon Pieters (cc'ed) can provide you with the details. He did most of the QA 
for video and the decision to drop picture was based mainly on his objections 
and feedback to the RICG.   
  of constituencies. Let’s not further erode those principles for the
  sake of markup aesthetics.
 It's not just about aesthetics. From markup point of view src-n goes
 against common sense and principles. Existing APIs and languages for
 working with markup don't have easy way to access src-n attributes,
 especially if order based on n is significant. This is very different
 from nested elements where it's very easy to iterate over them.

Sure, but what’s the use case for accessing them? Also, given that we have 
`data-` already, we could look to that if we need some kind of API. This also 
doesn’t exclude matching on different attributes (class, id, etc.). But it 
really depends on what you are trying to do, and I don’t know what that is yet. 

Compare this to srcset also, which doesn’t provide any API at all. It’s the 
same mess - but there was no use case presented that required the need for such 
an API (the RICG also pointed this out in Bugzilla, and they were unable to 
come up with a use case - hence srcset provides not API for traversing 
 Try to write JS+DOM, or XPath, or ... your preferred language here ...
 code for looping through src-n attributes in a right order. Compare it
 to the same code for subelements, which are ordered and have same name.

Sure, it might suck, or I could write a little javascript to order them and 
return them with an iterator (won’t be as painful as it would be with srcset). 
But I’m still not sure what one would achieve with this once the elements have 
been processed and d/ls have started.  

[whatwg] Serial API

2013-11-05 Thread Marcos Caceres
Just wanted to let people know that a few of us are working on a Serial API 
that would be layered on top of streams.

The Serial API provides a way for websites to read and write from a serial 
device through script. Such an API would bridge the web and the physical world, 
by allowing documents to communicate with devices such as microcontrollers, 3D 
printers, and other serial devices.”

Right now, we are just gathering use cases and requirements. Your input and 
participation would be greatly appreciated.

**Please comment in the GH issue tracker [2]. Many people working on the API 
are not subscribed to this list and are unlikely to respond!**

The spec can be viewed at [1]; the GH repository is at [2].


Marcos Caceres

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Locale Preferences API

2013-10-14 Thread Marcos Caceres

Mozilla would like to know if anyone else is interested or specially if people 
are NOT interested. We would like to implement this and expose it on the 


On Friday, July 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

 tl;dr: Mozilla would like your feedback on the following proposal to extend 
 HTML to expose the user's locale preferences - which would allow for more 
 dynamic localization of content. To HTML, we would like to add a 
 `navigator.languages` attribute and a `languageschange` event (and 
 corresponding EventHandler on the Navigator interface).
 The following markdown is also viewable online (feedback in the form of Pull 
 Requests is welcome!):
 # Proposal: Locale Preferences API
 ## Abstract
 This document proposes an extension to HTML's `Navigator` interface to enable
 dynamic localization of content. The idea is to expose to script the language
 tags that represents the user's locale preferences (akin to the language tags
 that are normally sent with HTTP's `Accept-Languages` header).
 Also proposed is a `languageschange` event, so that scripts can be notified 
 the user changes the ordering of their preferred locales.
 ## Problem we are trying to solve
 In order to support dynamic localization of content on the client-side,
 developers need to have access to the user's locale preferences. In user
 agents, this is generally represented as an ordered list of [BCP47] language
 tags, which is shared with servers through the `Accept-Languages` HTTP header.
 Traditionally, to access this list of language tags developers need to query a
 server to tell them what the browser's language preferences are set to (i.e., 
 reflecting the `Accept-Languages` HTTP header - and usually stripping away the
 q values). This has led to the creation of various xhr-based hacks and
 workarounds on the client side. See: [JavaScript for detecting browser 
 detecting-browser-language-preference) .
 There are a number of issues with this work-around:
 * because of the reliance on making a HTTP request, the values are not
 immediately available to script.
 * because of the reliance on making a XHR-based request, this becomes
 impractical if the user is not connected to the network.
 * because of the reliance on HTTP requests, it's not possible to immediately
 know if the user's preferred language order has changes (even though it is
 rare - FireFox applications rely on this to be able to maintain the UI 
 without needing to reboot the device).
 To overcome these limitations, and solely in Mozilla's FirefoxOS, developers 
 relying on a proprietary
 to get notified when the user's locale preferences change.
 In order to address the issues described above, and to move away from having 
 rely on a proprietary solution, this document proposes the following 
 to the [HTML]'s Navigator interface.
 ## Acquiring the end-user's locale preferences
 The end-user's locale preferences represents the end-user's preferred 
 and regional settings, which are derived from the operating system or directly
 from the user agent. As there are numerous ways a user agent can derive the 
 user's preferred languages and regional settings, the means by which those
 values are derived are beyond the scope of this document and left up to the
 ## Extensions to Navigator interface
 partial interface Navigator : EventTarget {
 readonly attribute DOMString[] languages;
 attribute EventHandler onlanguageschange;
 Note: We've received feedback that TC39 is not in favor of API's using frozen
 /read-only arrays. Alternatives to the above attribute are:
 1. `sequenceDOMString getLanguages()` method - thought this has been
 internally criticized as being javaish.
 2. Willfully violate WebIDL's ban on using sequences on attributes, and make
 `languages` just return `sequenceDOMString`.
 ## The `languages` attribute
 When getting, the languages attribute returns a read only platform Array
 [WebIDL] of valid language tags in canonical form [BCP47]. The array is 
 from most preferred to least preferred, where the first item is the language 
 that represents the user's most preferred language.
 ## Event handlers
 If the user updates their locale preferences in such a way that it would cause
 the ordering of language tags change, then the user agent MUST perform the
 following steps:
 1. Let lang list be the updated list of preferred locales.
 2. Queue a task to perform the following:
 2.1 If the first item of the lang list

[whatwg] Proposal: Locale Preferences API

2013-07-26 Thread Marcos Caceres

As with navigator.language, there are privacy implications in exposing the
user's language preferences, as it can potentially be used to infer both the
physical location (to at least a country level) and potentially the user's
ethnic background (in those that choose have explicitly selected more than one
language preference). These values can also be exploited, together, with other
data to uniquely identify users.

However, these values are already shared with servers with every HTTP request,
thus this API does not exacerbate the finger-printing situation.

Regardless, implementors are encouraged to reflect the value of
navigator.language unless the user has explicitly indicated that the site in
question is allowed access to the information.

## Known usability issues

It is envisioned that the primary purpose for this API will be to take a list of
language-tags supported by an application and compare it with the list of
language-tags that represent the user's locale preferences.

Because of the nature of language tags, working with language tags can be
notoriously difficult - particularly when comparing two lists for changes.


To make this API useful in practice currently requires a supporting i18n library
(e.g., [Mozilla's L20n: Localization 2.0 library 

To make it possible to use this API on its own, Mozilla is discussing with TC-39
the possibility of exposing the LookupSupportedLocales and
CanonicalizeLanguageTag abstract algorithms as part of an extension of

## References

- [Tags for Identifying Languages](
- [ECMAScript® Internationalization API Specification 

## Related Mozilla bugs

The following bugs motivated Mozilla to put together this proposal. The use
cases are have mainly been driven by FirefoxOS, though they've also come up
else where (e.g., in with Firefox Extensions).

* [bug 889335 - 
* [Bug 780953 - Add language change 
* [Bug 889617 - Provide API for user requested language 
* [Bug 288670 - Use intl.accept_languages to choose the locale for a package if 
the current locale is 
* [Bug 562648 - Prioritized locale list for fallback of strings or 
add-ons](language/translation fall-back; fallback is always en-US)]

Marcos Caceres