Re: [whatwg] WHATWG Status Updater

2009-08-04 Thread Martin McEvoy

Michael Kozakewich wrote:
I think some kids found WHATWH Twitter 
posts about blue penii came soon after.

Needless to say, it wasn't quite a great idea to attach that form to a 
public page. At the very least, add a password field, and circulate 
the password to the mailing list members (non-publicly).

It's coming faster and faster, now, so I'd recommend doing it as soon 
as possible. (Who's in charge of updating the site, anyway?

LOL +1

Latest status is "I LOVE THE C*CK!!!"

Funniest thing I've seen in ages

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Microdata and Linked Data

2009-08-03 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello Ian

Ian Hickson wrote:
I'm definitely against any in-page indirection mechanism, because we have 
seen with XML Namespaces (and with RDFa) that prefixes are simply a huge 
source of problems.
They are indeed, XML namespaces fixed one problem calling different 
things by the same name  but  they created another problem of calling 
the same thing by different names, Prefixes are not themselves bad, 
misunderstood  or any kind of indirection mechanism, they are just short 
hand urls, they are actually quite intuitive if used correctly.  RDFa Is 
currently trying to solve its problems with xmlns, is just a minor 
design flaw, xmlns is used for structure not content and they realize 
that issue.

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy

[whatwg] Microdata Revisited

2009-08-03 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello All

I have been working on a new proposal for HTML 5 Microdata, I thought 
you might all like to take a look at what I have come up with so far.

please visit

Any feed back would be nice ;)

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy

[whatwg] support?

2008-11-25 Thread Martin McEvoy


Quick question, Is there a list of browsers that support the  and 
 tags ?


Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-20 Thread Martin McEvoy


Martin McEvoy wrote:
@rev = This relates to That,  or a rev="help" link indicates that the 
current document is "help" for the resource indicated by the href.
@rel = That relates to This,  or  a  rel="help" link indicates that 
the resource indicated by the href  is "help" for the current document.

Anyway I give up,  this discussion is getting a little too testy, If 
you, And many others don't understand the point I am trying to make, 
what progress is there to be made, Its all just wasted time (something 
I don't have right now),  Im sure HTML5 will be great for Browser 
Vendors, for the Humble author well we'll see.

Thanks everyone for words

see ya ;-)

I agree Almost ALL cases of rev="made" rel="author" can be used INSTEAD, 
I apologize over my denial of this fact, the truth is Most people do not 
use @rev=made the same way as I would :-[

I had a look at over 150 (not a lot but this was done my manually 
looking at the source of the pages) examples of rev="made" almost 90% 
were links like this,


the rest were like this


or this:


and this

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">foo

In all the cases I looked at rel="author" can be used Instead,

Moral: Should have done my homework FIRST :-)

Its still a shame to lose @rev though It has been around for a while and despite its 
misuse its still a very handy attribute (used in the right way)

Best wishes.

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Ian Hickson wrote:

[Lots of edits]

I don't know what you mean by "reverse and inverse"; where do the 
specifications define it that way and what does it mean?
@rev = This relates to That,  or a rev="help" link indicates that the 
current document is "help" for the resource indicated by the href.
@rel = That relates to This,  or  a  rel="help" link indicates that the 
resource indicated by the href  is "help" for the current document.

Anyway I give up,  this discussion is getting a little too testy, If 
you, And many others don't understand the point I am trying to make, 
what progress is there to be made, Its all just wasted time (something I 
don't have right now),  Im sure HTML5 will be great for Browser Vendors, 
for the Humble author well we'll see.

Thanks everyone for words

see ya ;-)

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Martin McEvoy wrote:

rel=author on the whole only relates to published documents,  

relates to  Documents, Music, Photos, Videos, Sunday Lunch! Literaly 
anything that can be *made*

But you knew that ;-)

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:
It basically says that the whole premise that HTML5 should drop *rev* 
(a) because authors use it wrong, (b)  Many authors use rev-stylesheet 
wrong, is a MYTH and an inaccurate assessment of the *rev* attribute

As others have noted, the data does in fact show that rev="" is rarely 
used for anything other than rev=made, and is, with the exception of 
rev=made, usually used incorrectly when used at all.

The idea of removing it is to make validators more able to report these 
mistakes, thus helping authors write better HTML.

OK then...
Despite your claims to the contrary, given the way that the "rel" 
attribute and the related keywords are defined, rel=author does in fact 
convey the semantics that rev=made did.
No It doesn't Reverse and Inverse properties are key factors of any 
Semantics without both @rev and @rel  there is hardly any semantics at 
all just a one way stream of information, which most of the time you 
have to guess what the Authors intentions were.

rel=author on the whole only relates to published documents,  rel=made 
relates to  Documents, Music, Photos, Videos, Sunday Lunch! Literaly 
anything that can be *made*
Removing "rev" doesn't affect previous pages, as they continue to be valid 
HTML4 if they were valid HTML4 before, and UAs can continue to support 
those semantics for as long as they want to support those pages.
I cant see anyone abandoning HTML4 soon at least not in my 
lifetimebut you never know
Furthermore, since the definition of "rel" in HTML5 allows relationships 
in either direction to be defined, there is no need anymore for a separate 
rev="" attribute.
So essentially @rel in html5 is breaking the semantics of @rel just 
because it cant deal with @rev?

On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:

There are 1517 instances of @rev

of those:

"made" occurs 83% of the time (1259 instances)
"stylesheet" occurs 8.2% of the time (124 instances)
The rest occur 8.9% of the time (135 instances)

These numbers support removing rev="" based on the design principles we 
are using for HTML5.
the misuse of "stylesheet" is trivial and only a matter of informing 
authors of their error

Well, who's going to be doing the informing?

The publishers of HTML5

Nobody did it in the past ten 
years, why would they do it now?

Nobody over the last 10 years informed Authors very about Validation and 
Accessibility, but they are at last getting to grips with it..
the fact that a high amount of authors are using rev-made is Inspiring 
to say the least, because every made link type is a claim of ownership, 
not authorship two totally different semantics.

I believe it is unrealistic to expect authors to split semantics that 

They do...
Authors who today use rev="made" could equally well use 
rel="author" without loss of generality IMHO.

OK then example:

I am the author of numerous websites and I decide (like many people do) 
to place some links on my homepage a portfolio If you like.

My Homepage is at :
Here is my link";>Groovy 

Above Statement (In HTML4) says

<> Authored  <>

Which Is rubbish its the other way round

The Same statement in HTML5 will say (because @rel is a reverse and 
inverse link type)

<> Authored  <>
<>  Authored <>

@rel seems to be redundant because describing the link with rel="author" 
doesn't actually tell you who the author of a is page you have to guess, 
the statement is at most only half correct and again not expressing any 
real semantics


If there are redundant features that are only used 0.2% of the time, we 
should probably remove them, yes. Are there any?
A lot considering that the average website only uses 19 elements[1] How 
many are there in HTML5?


On Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:
That does not solve the "problem" of rev="made" because its not the same 
as rel="author"

"author" can relate to multiple instances on a page saying "WE made 
this", an Author may have no control over who claims authorship of a 

"made" is usually a single point perspective, Its a way of authors 
claiming their own links in a statement saying "I made This".

I don't understand your distinction. rev=made and rel=author are 

No I guess you don't :-)

While I appreciate your feedback, I'm afraid that in this instance the 
weight of the argument is more strongly in favour of dropping the 
attribute, thus it has been dropped.

Unfairly From what I can tell

Thanks for your help anyway

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Philip Taylor 

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Martin McEvoy
> Philip Taylor wrote:
>> rev=stylesheet makes up 57% of those uses of rev,
> How do you get that figure?
> even if you just compare rev="made"(1157 instances) and
> instances) you get 9.25% of the examples use rev incorrectly

That figure was from the case of

> "... (excluding rev=made, which is
> uninteresting since it's redundant with rel=author) ...".

since that appears to be what Hixie meant (but forgot to say) when
claiming that most uses of rev were typos of rel.

(Case-insensitively, I counted 1259 rev="made", 122 rev="stylesheet",
and 1474 rev="..." in total, which means 215 in total excluding
rev="made", and 122/215=57%.)

Philip Taylor

In addition, a large proportion (looks like a majority, but I haven't 
explicitly calculated) of the remaining @rev showing up is rev="home", 
rev="back", rev="toc" etc. which is clearly incorrect.  Those people 
are assuming the @rev is meant to be a "go back" link, rather than 
just expressing a reverse-semantic version of @rel.  (I highly doubt 
that these are links *from* home pages to inner pages, which would be 
necessary for the semantics to work correctly.) 

There are also a couple (3, it seems) of rev="shortcut icon", which is 
a similar typo to the rev="stylesheet" one, and several rev="owns" and 
similar which suffers from the same redundancy as rev="made" (just 
replace it with rel="owner").

So, by this survey, it looks like there's less than 50 correct and 
not-obviously-redundant uses of rev out of 127k, which puts it under 


Here is my take on the subject.

There are 1517 instances of @rev

of those:

"made" occurs 83% of the time (1259 instances)
"stylesheet" occurs 8.2% of the time (124 instances)
The rest occur 8.9% of the time (135 instances)

the misuse of "stylesheet" is trivial and only a matter of informing 
authors of their error, the fact that a high amount of authors are using 
rev-made is Inspiring to say the least, because every made link type is 
a claim of ownership, not authorship two totally different semantics.

I will study the results of @rel soon but from first glance It seems 
there is (statistically) more abuse and misunderstanding about @rel than 
there will ever be than @rev


Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Philip Taylor wrote:

rev=stylesheet makes up 57% of those uses of rev,

How do you get that figure?

even if you just compare rev="made"(1157 instances) and 
rev="stylesheet"(107 instances) you get 9.25% of the examples use rev 

I will compare the rest of the results (if you like) but I cant imagine 
the figure will get any where near 57%?


Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Ian Hickson wrote:

The problem solved by rev=made (or rel=author, which is the same) is the 
problem of how to indicate the author of the page. We have solved that 
problem in HTML5 (with rel=author).
That does not solve the "problem" of rev="made" because its not the same 
as rel="author"

"author" can relate to multiple instances on a page  saying "WE made 
this", an Author may have no control over who claims authorship of a page.

"made" is usually a single point perspective, Its a way of authors 
claiming their own links in a statement saying "I made This".

rev="made" is subtle but ever so important link relationship for an 
author, HTML5 really shouldn't abandon rev because of it.


Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello Philip

Philip Taylor wrote:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



If you have a more up to date study on link relationships, please can I have
a link? has some more recent
data, from a different set of pages (and so with different biases,
e.g. there's lots of Wikipedia and IMDB pages using
rel="apple-touch-icon"), with less processing (no case-insensitivity
or token-splitting).

Thank you Philip that is the most useful set of data I have seen for a 
long time

It basically says that the whole premise that HTML5 should drop *rev*  
(a) because authors use it wrong, (b)  Many authors use rev-stylesheet  
wrong,  is a MYTH and an inaccurate assessment of  the *rev* attribute

Out of the 127249 pages studied, only  0.09% actually use rev="stylesheet"

Great stuff Thanks!

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Smylers wrote:

Martin McEvoy writes:


Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:


(I am not criticizing just trying to understand it) surely all it
needed was to define some rev values (the same as rel) and people
will start using rev correctly?

That's backwards -- looking for a problem to fit the solution, not 
looking for a solution to fit the problem

No not really because If you look at the anyalasis(link above) made in
2005 rev=made (9th) is used more than, rel start, search, help, top,
up,  author and a whole lot of other link relationships that have made
their  way into HTML5, It doesn't make any sense?

There's a difference between adding an attribute and adding to the set
of values defined for an attribute; given rel's existence, the cost of
adding start, up, etc is quite possibly less than of adding rev.
OK that makes sense, what cost is there of using rev and defining a few 
rev link types?

There's also the misuse to consider.  If, say, rel=up is barely used but
when it is used it's generally used correctly then it's benign, and not
causing any harm.  Significant rev misuse has been identified; its
existence is confusing people into writing something they don't mean.
This is the bit that I find so very wrong the most popular rev value is 
rev-made which is used correctly most of the time, Authors Misuse  
all the time, the same goes for   based on the statement above 
HTML5 should drop those too?



Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-19 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello Ian,

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:
The second most common value was rev="stylesheet", which is 
meaningless and obviously meant to be rel="stylesheet".

And that was the basis of the whatwg decision to drop rev?


Was this the study you based your decisions on?

(I am not criticizing just trying to understand it) surely all it needed 
was to define some rev values (the same as rel) and people will start 
using rev correctly?

That's backwards -- looking for a problem to fit the solution, not looking 
for a solution to fit the problem

No not really because If you look at the anyalasis(link above) made in 
2005 rev=made (9th) is used more than, rel start, search, help, top, up, 
author and a whole lot of other link relationships that have made their 
way into HTML5, It doesn't make any sense?

If you have a more up to date study on link relationships, please can I 
have a link?

Best Wishes

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-18 Thread Martin McEvoy

Robert O'Rourke wrote:

Martin McEvoy wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
 From the "real world" found here:

title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

In any case, if there was a real use case for such a relationship, 
then it rel="reply-to" would seem to be more appropriate.  It's 
meaning would then be roughly analogous to that of the In-Reply-To 
email header field. 

That was  a good example of how Murky @rel is compared to @rev

title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

would be 
is in reply to the referencing document surely?


Hi Martin, hope you're well :)

Hello Rob, nice to hear from you, yes I am well :-)

I don't chirp up that often on this list but I have to agree that @rev 
isn't much of a loss. Perhaps for the above example rel="source" or 
rel="muse" would be semantically valid as a reply could be said to be 
inspired by the thing it's replying to... maybe that's a bad example.

No Not that bad rel=muse is near the mark, but the author of the page I 
am referencing may not give me inspiration, I just want to reply to 
someone, it may be rhetorical, or insulting?

XFN rel values like "muse" are about how you think they would relate to 
you, not about how you would relate to them eg:"; rel="muse">Robert O'Rourke

I would be saying that <> would describe itself 
a muse of the referencing document?

by abandoning @rev you are denying the author the ability to express 
inverse relationships, the ability to say that I have some explicit 
relationship to a thing

To follow mailing list standards there are replies to the Original 
Poster or OP so maybe you could use rel="op". Replies via blog posts 
are pretty much the same as an email reply, just in a different 
context. Maybe it's not ideal but @rev can be really confusing 
sometimes as demonstrated by the evidence.

@rev => how "this" relates to "that"

@rel => how "that" relates to "this"



Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-18 Thread Martin McEvoy

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
 From the "real world" found here:

I read an interesting post recently, href=""; 
title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

An explicit one way relationship I might like to add to the hyperlink 
above may be rev="reply"

title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

It seems the "real world" example you point to doesn't actually use 
such a relationship, so I don't see how it qualifies as being real 
world example in this case.

In any case, if there was a real use case for such a relationship, 
then it rel="reply-to" would seem to be more appropriate.  It's 
meaning would then be roughly analogous to that of the In-Reply-To 
email header field. 

That was  a good example of how Murky @rel is compared to @rev

title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

would be 
is in reply to the referencing document surely?
(Although, I'm not convinced that there is a use case that really 
needs solving here, and speculating about the use of hypothetical 
relationships doesn't really provide any compelling evidence in 
support of the rev attribute.)


Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-18 Thread Martin McEvoy


Smylers wrote:

Martin McEvoy writes:


o be precise, the most commonly used value was rev="made", which is
equivalent to rel="author" and thus was not a convincing use case. 

!! rel-author doesn't mean the same as rev-made eg:

In which cases doesn't it?  If A is the author of B then B was made by
A, surely?
Its not explicit enough, there are times when there is a need to express 
explicit relationships to things, a uniqueness that only you can relate 
to, rev= is an explicit one way relationship from A to B

another example is (and I'm sure you have seen this kind of markup all 
the time)

From the "real world" found here:

I read an interesting post recently, href=""; 
title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

An explicit one way relationship I might like to add to the hyperlink 
above may be rev="reply"

title="Link to Mark Birbeck blog post">‘So how about using RDFa in 

the author would then be saying ...

<> is a reply to 

"I have just finished this new  href="";> Cool website check it out""

that would mean <> is the author of the referring  
page which is nonsense.

Indeed, but nobody is suggesting that would be appropriate.


rev="author" is clearly better semantics in the  above case?

Yes, if using rev.  Without rev it could be written as rel=made, because
made is the opposite of author.

?... in the above example that would say <> made 
the referring page? 

The second most common value was rev="stylesheet", which is
meaningless and obviously meant to be rel="stylesheet".

That's just a matter of educating people not saying lets take rev away 
because you don't know how to use it?

And that was the basis of the whatwg decision to drop rev? (I am not
criticizing just trying to understand it)

Data of what people have actually done, with the existence of current
browsers and standards, informs many decisions.


surely all it needed was to define some rev values (the same as rel)
and people will start using rev correctly?

What semantics do you think authors who wrote rev=stylesheet were
meaning to convey?  Presumably not that the webpage containing it is the
style-sheet for the CSS file that it linked to -- so it's definitely a
mistake by the author.

It was of course but how many authors make that mistake now?

If what the author meant to write was rel=stylesheet then HTML 5 is
surely an improvement, by dropping the confusing rev=stylesheet?

Or do you think something else is commonly meant by rev=stylesheet?

No what makes you think that?

We therefore determined that authors would benefit more from the
validator complaining about this attribute instead of supporting it.

Anything that could be done with rev="" can be done with rel="" with
an opposite keyword, so this omission should be easy to handle.
as I have demonstrated above rev= a uniqueness, something that ONLY  
can say about .

There are some cases where that is just not possible.


see above.



Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-18 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello Ian

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 18 Nov 2008, Martin McEvoy wrote:

Just one small question

Why Has HTML5 dropped the rev=""[1] attribute?


We did some studies and found that the attribute was almost never used, 
and most of the time, when it was used, it was a typo where someone meant 
to write rel="" but wrote rev="". To be precise, the most commonly used 
value was rev="made", which is equivalent to rel="author" and thus was not 
a convincing use case. 

!! rel-author doesn't mean the same as rev-made eg:

"I have just finished this new  href="";>Cool website check it out""

that would mean <> is the author of the referring 
page which is nonsense. rev="author" is clearly better semantics in the 
above case?
The second most common value was rev="stylesheet", 
which is meaningless and obviously meant to be rel="stylesheet".
And that was the basis of  the whatwg decision to drop rev? (I am not 
criticizing just trying to understand it) surely all it needed was to 
define some rev values (the same as rel) and people will start using rev 
therefore determined that authors would benefit more from the validator 
complaining about this attribute instead of supporting it.

Anything that could be done with rev="" can be done with rel="" with an 
opposite keyword, so this omission should be easy to handle.

There are some cases where that is just not possible.



Martin McEvoy

[whatwg] Absent rev?

2008-11-18 Thread Martin McEvoy

Hello all

Just one small question

Why Has HTML5 dropped the rev=""[1] attribute?



Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] ---

2008-11-05 Thread Martin McEvoy

timeless wrote:

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tim Berners-Lee  apparently when he introduced a bunch of technologies such
as HTTP, HTML FTP, IP TCIP and others and called it the World Wide Web,
closely followed by the Mosaic Web Browser[1] a direct descendant of Firefox


Netscape got the engineering team which made mosaic, hence Mozilla
(mosaic killer). But the engine actually is more directly related to
Internet Explorer.

IE and FF are both related to Mosaic ;-)   see:,_Inc.#The_Browser_Wars

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] ---

2008-11-05 Thread Martin McEvoy

Sam Kuper wrote:

2008/11/5 Martin McEvoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

closely followed by the Mosaic Web Browser[1] a direct descendant of Firefox

Ancestor, surely?

LOL yes

Martin McEvoy

Re: [whatwg] ---

2008-11-04 Thread Martin McEvoy

Pentasis wrote:

Who ever said that the standards are here for browsers?
Tim Berners-Lee  apparently when he introduced a bunch of technologies 
such as HTTP, HTML FTP, IP TCIP and others and called it the World Wide 
Web, closely followed by the Mosaic Web Browser[1] a direct descendant 
of Firefox ;-)


Martin McEvoy