Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Allow disabling of default scroll restoration behavior

2015-03-25 Thread Robin Berjon

On 25/03/2015 14:54 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

The only suggestion I have is that instead of having four-argument
methods we might want to consider introducing two new methods that
take a dictionary. E.g. history.push() and history.replace(). Giving
the page more control over the scroll position when navigating makes
sense to me.


This has the added benefit of getting rid of the second argument wart.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Persistent and temporary storage

2015-03-16 Thread Robin Berjon

On 13/03/2015 21:39 , Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

There exists also an issue of perverse incentives. If the browser
tells an application how much storage it can use, an application
developer is likely to try to use the maximum allowed space.

Sorry but I don't think this makes much sense. I can't think of a 
developer ever writing code along the lines of:

  if (device.hasLeftOverQuota()) {
  // ooh! let's write us some more bytes to disk!
  else {
  // oh well, who needz this? LOL!

Quotas are useful to set user expectations. For instance, people who 
create sites for periodicals are really interested in allowing their 
users to download entire issues offline. It's very helpful if they can 
say "you've got enough space for 3 more issues" or "you're short on 
space, do you want to remove some older issues".

This could also lead to web apps refusing to run if an user agent
does not report enough space.

Which is completely acceptable. If your app needs to store a large data 
set locally, telling the user it won't work upfront is a much better 
experience than letting them waste both time and data usage (which can 
easily matter a fair bit on mobile) only to fail anyway.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Obsolete Feature [hgroup]

2015-02-19 Thread Robin Berjon

On 18/02/2015 23:07 , Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

I recommend using the service rather than the W3C one.
They're basically the same but the one is closer to the
WHATWG spec's requirements than the W3C one.

The relationship between the two is somewhat obscure, but it is in that
direction. What the different validators check against is really their
authors’ idea of what is correct HTML, so we have yet another
“standard”, defined very implicitly, and mutable. But it indeed appears
to be closer to WHATWG HTML than to W3C HTML5.

The bottom line is that validators are just useful tools, at best. All
HTML5 validators are experimental software that checks against some
rules that have not been disclosed in detail but are supposed to match
some idea of “HTML5”.

Actually, both and are 
the same code base with settings adjusted to account for the variance 
between specs. The relationship isn't "obscure", the code attempts to 
implement what's in the spec so barring bugs they're not about "the 
authors' idea of what is correct HTML", and given that the source is 
open it's hardly a set of "rules that have not been disclosed in detail".

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] hidden attribute useless with display: flex?

2014-04-30 Thread Robin Berjon

On 30/04/2014 13:01 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Le 29/04/2014 23:32, David Bruant a écrit :

// CSS:
   display: flex;

// HTML:

Per spec, the div should be shown right? I imagine there is no way back on

We could change the specification to use display-box instead. That might work.

Isn't that just moving the problem though? If the CSS uses display-box: 
contents (or whatever else might get added next) for some reason then 
hidden won't work either. Less likely, but still.

Maybe having the default style use both display and display-box might fly?

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Mailing List Archive Link

2013-11-19 Thread Robin Berjon

On 12/11/2013 16:10 , Anselm Hannemann wrote:

If you ask me I would like to have a link on bottom of every message
to the archived version but at w3c they said it wouldn’t be possible
because this needs massive changes in the software.

More generally, IIRC the policy with W3C mailing lists is to modify the 
body of the message as little as possible.

That said since all WHATWG messages are archived at the W3C, you can 
always grab the Message-ID from a message posted here and get to its 
archive using the MID resolver:

So for instance, your initial post can be found at:

If your mail client can be somehow scripted to take advantage of this, 
you can have it grab the MID to generate a link.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Zip archives as first-class citizens

2013-09-13 Thread Robin Berjon

On 13/09/2013 13:31 , Jirka Kosek wrote:

On 13.9.2013 12:10, Robin Berjon wrote:

I would rather we figured this out without , but apart from the
indirection I reckon this approach has some nice properties and might
work if more direct ones don't.

Also don't forget that while linking is the hardest part of this ZIP
circus there is another missing piece -- normative definition of
portable and RF subset of ZIP. SC34 started some initial work on such
ZIP profile recently:

So if some sort of ZIP packaging spec should to appear then it should
reference such subset of ZIP not the full definition of ZIP format from

This has also been done, perhaps not to a sufficient extent, in Widgets:

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Zip archives as first-class citizens

2013-09-13 Thread Robin Berjon

On 29/08/2013 15:58 , Simon Pieters wrote:

On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 15:02:48 +0200, Anne van Kesteren 

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 1:19 PM, Jake Archibald

Causing a network error in existing browsers is a shame.

It seems to fail to resolve in IE10. It works in
Gecko/WebKit/Blink/Presto: the %! is requested literally. However, both
Apache and IIS seems to return 400 Bad Request.

That's not exactly promising.

Picking something that could occur in paths seems problematic.

I'm not sure why it's more problematic than something than could occur
in the fragment.

For instance, the string "$zip=" is not present at all in data set 18/06/2013. So maybe we could use a
string like that in the path and have a graceful fallback path in legacy
browsers that work in existing servers.

That's my preferred approach so far. However I wonder about the precise 

Assuming  I'm guessing that the 
browser would actually just request "/" from the server in the 
same manner that fragments are stripped, right? Somehow the stripping 
bothers me a bit; for instance, what would Navigation Controller see?

I wonder if we couldn't just use the query part for this: src="/!zip/dahut.png">. No stripping is needed (as far as I know 
servers would normally just serve in this case), which 
simplifies the model.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Zip archives as first-class citizens

2013-09-13 Thread Robin Berjon

On 29/08/2013 15:37 , Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 8/29/13 9:32 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Doing a mixture of sniffing and labeling has not served us very well.
We cannot rely solely on sniffing because of CSS and SVG. We can rely
solely on a standardized mapping table of extension to Content-Type.

Ah, ok, the extension table is standardized, not gotten from the OS? OK,
that works.

And shockingly enough, that's been done before:

There could be a few things worth pilfering from that document in general.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Zip archives as first-class citizens

2013-09-13 Thread Robin Berjon

On 29/08/2013 14:48 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Alexandre Morgaut

In the solution mentioned with  tag and a "pack:" like scheme

I don't think adding a level of indirection is a good idea. I think
the added complexity is the reason this proposal failed the last time
and I don't see a reason to revive it.

Actually, the primary objection I recall from the last round of this was 
that it did not address the major use case that was being considered 
then, which was performance. It's a revisit of "Limi Packages" and it 
would seem that they can 1) be slower than individual files in a fair 
number of cases and 2) bring between nothing and very little compared to 

Of course, that does not remove the value there is in making Zip first 
class for reasons other than performance. If we can do it without the 
above indirection then it clearly is better, but using  
indirection it is possible to make this work without a new scheme, 
without changing the URL syntax, and while opening the door to graceful 
fallback. The basic idea is that you start with this:


and then every URL in the document (e.g. ) 
that's a prefix-match for the link's href gets loaded through the zip. 
Older browsers will fetch /, which the server can 
trivially detect as an error and handle by sending the content from 
inside the zip.

I would rather we figured this out without , but apart from the 
indirection I reckon this approach has some nice properties and might 
work if more direct ones don't.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the "name" attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Robin Berjon

On 04/06/2013 12:24 , Simon Pieters wrote:

On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 12:03:58 +0200, Robin Berjon  wrote:

I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a script
that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs about it —
that looks for all metadata names that start with "bug." and uses the
remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug entry.

Yes, I'm well aware. I even have a patch for that bug. It was just the 
first example that came to mind; meta is often the first thing that 
developers reach for. If the validation errors on metadata names served 
a clearly useful purpose I'd suggest waiting it out until using data-* 
becomes more of a reflex, but that doesn't seem to be the case so the 
pain inflicted in the meantime doesn't appear to be useful.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: Change HTML spec to allow any arbitrary value for the "name" attribute

2013-06-04 Thread Robin Berjon

On 04/06/2013 11:08 , Smylers wrote:

Michael[tm] Smith writes:

Speaking from my perspective as a contributor to development of a
conformance checker: In practice, we receive a lot of comments and bug
reports from confused/frustrated users who are trying to use values
for meta@name that are not registered.

Hi Mike. Thanks for sharing your wisdom on this.

Could you give some examples of the kinds of  names people are

I've seen quite a few. One recent example is bug-assist.js — a script 
that makes it easy for readers of a document to file bugs about it — 
that looks for all metadata names that start with "bug." and uses the 
remainder of the name as parameters to a Bugzilla bug entry.

And do you have an idea which user-agents are acting on those names?

I am not aware of specific cases in which the browser is acting on the 
names, but there are quite a few in which a third-party system is (e.g. 
when using those as checks that a given person really has access to a 
given site).

The point is often that the person seeing the validity error is not the 
same person who defined the metadata name. Yes, you can register on 
behalf of someone else, but it's a hurdle and it's not the right social 
mechanics. It doesn't seem to buy anyone much, either.

I'm interested in whether the  tags people are using are
meaningless cruft or have useful effects in niche fields.

They're not cruft, they're product-specific. In many cases some data-* 
attributes would be better, but they're not what's used.

And as far as the strategy of trying to use the spec and Wiki page as
a means to educate them about trying to taking the time to register
meta@name values and only use registered values and standard values
(those listed in the spec), well, that strategy is not working well.
They just want the validator to shut up.

How about a validator interface along the lines of:

   I see you've used a  tag. kapow isn't a  name
   that I know about. Are you sure that it's a correct name, and that
   it's doing something useful in your document?

   If so, please tell me its purpose here, then I'll know what it's for
   and I won't complain about it again: __

Then the validator could add a wiki entry for it.

Going that far might be a bit much, but if there concern is that typos 
in names then a warning should do the trick.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] definition not compatible with existing user-agent user interfaces

2013-04-05 Thread Robin Berjon

On 05/04/2013 17:01 , Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Having the url of the document end up something like about:srcdoc?abcdef
where dereferencing it gives you the right data _may_ be a solution.

Is there any reason not to use a Blob URL for this (instead of minting 
new behaviour in an about URL)?

Opening a blob URL in a new tab from a link works in at least Firefox 
and Chrome, I guess they'd work just the same for those frame UIs.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Fetch: HTTP Authentication

2013-03-14 Thread Robin Berjon

On 14/03/2013 16:57 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Robin Berjon  wrote:

People who *do* rely on this (assuming they exist — in this case they
probably do somewhere) will find their services broken if we change it. So
on the face of things, I get the impression that there's zero cost in
keeping things the way they are, and risk in changing them.

Sure, I meant for new contexts and maybe some existing contexts, such
as workers.

Oh, yes, agreed — for anything new this is madness. And I doubt anything 
recent relies on it, either.

Also, for shared workers it's not entirely clear which
browsing context you'd prompt in if an importScript() or same-origin
XMLHttpRequest happened.

I think that's definitely a bug.

I think that the lack of interoperability, and the complete inanity of
prompting in browsers where it happens, is more problematic in the case of
unsafe redirects.

There should simply be no prompting there, it makes no sense.

It's not just madness, it's different madness everywhere :)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Fetch: HTTP Authentication

2013-03-14 Thread Robin Berjon

On 14/03/2013 15:59 , Anne van Kesteren wrote:

So if the server replies with status 401 and a WWW-Authenticate header
that is properly formatted (I did not do detailed syntax checks but
e.g. WWW-Authenticate: basicerror does not work) is present, we prompt
the user. We do this for , 

Re: [whatwg] asynchronous JSON.parse

2013-03-08 Thread Robin Berjon

On 07/03/2013 23:34 , Tobie Langel wrote:

In which case, isn't part of the solution to paginate your data, and
parse those pages separately?

Assuming you can modify the backend. Also, data doesn't necessarily have 
to get all that bulky before you notice on a somewhat sluggish device.

Even if an async API for JSON existed, wouldn't the perf bottleneck
then simply fall on whatever processing needs to be done afterwards?

But for that part you're in control of whether your processing is 
blocking or not.

Wouldn't some form of event-based API be more indicated? E.g.:

var parser = JSON.parser();

> parser.parse(src);
> parser.onparse = function(e) { doSomething(; };

I'm not sure how that snippet would be different from a single callback API.

There could possibly be value in an event-based API if you could set it 
up with a filter, e.g. JSON.filtered("$.*").then(function (item) {}); 
which would call you for ever item in the root object. Getting an event 
for every information item that the parser processes would likely flood 
you in events.

Yet another option is a pull API. There's a lot of experience from the 
XML planet in APIs with specific performance characteristics. They would 
obviously be a lot simpler for JSON; I wonder how well that experience 

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Including

2012-11-14 Thread Robin Berjon

On 14/11/2012 00:04 , Mark Nottingham wrote:

On 14/11/2012, at 4:37 AM, Ian Hickson  wrote:

(For what it's worth, inclusion in HTML is done using .)

Ah. Does that work with older browsers (from the 2005 era onwards)?

Nope. But if you want something that's future-enabled you could 
transition your library into being a shim for seamless iframes.

That involves more than inclusion though (see so you should probably 
double-check that seamless is what your use case calls for.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] New URL Standard

2012-09-25 Thread Robin Berjon

On 25/09/2012 01:07 , Glenn Maynard wrote:

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

I suggest just making it a map from String->[String].  You probably
want a little bit of magic - if the setter receives an array, replace
the current value with it; anything else, stringify then wrap in an
array and replace the current value.  The getter should return an
empty array for non-existing params.  You should be able to set .query
itself with an object, which empties out the map and then runs the
setter over all the items.  Bam, every single methods is now obsolete.

When should this API guarantee that it round-trips URLs cleanly (aside from
quoting differences)?  For example, maintaining order in "a=1&b=2&a=1", and
representing things like "a=1&b" (no '=') and "a&&b" (no key at all).

And round-tripping using ; as the separator instead of &. I mention this 
because I've seen actual production code (more than once) that relied on 
this. I have no idea how common it is though. I'm guessing not too much, 
but probably some since it was in HTML 4.01:

Of course another option is to just not parse that into key-value pairs 
in the first place.

By the way, it would also be nice for the query part of this API to be
usable in isolation.


Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Including HTML more directly into SVG

2012-09-11 Thread Robin Berjon

On 11/09/2012 10:15 , Elliott Sprehn wrote:

On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Tab Atkins Jr.  wrote:

This would be a lot easier if I could somehow invoke the CSS box model
inside of SVG, ...

This tightly binds the list of element names in SVG to HTML

Which isn't that big of a problem. It's a simple matter of staying in 
sync with the SVG WG, which isn't so hard.

and also
breaks assumptions inside SVG DOM that HTML5 may depend upon. Indeed
SVG already has elements like ,  and 

Re: [whatwg] Node inDocument

2011-08-30 Thread Robin Berjon
On Aug 30, 2011, at 11:40 , James Graham wrote:
> On 08/30/2011 10:44 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 10:38:19 +0200, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> In general I think it's better to have functions that deal with child
>>> lists on Node rather than on Element/Document/DocumentFragment.
>>> I think it might still make sense to have inDocument though. That'll
>>> allow people to more clearly express what they are actually trying to
>>> do, while allowing implementations to write faster code.
>> If we are going to have Node.contains implementations surely could
>> optimize document.contains(node) which seems as clear as node.inDocument
>> to me.
> They are different in the case of multiple documents though.

But node.ownerDocument.contains(node) isn't. There's no doubt that 
node.inDocument is less error-prone though.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Re: [whatwg] Thoughts on the media stream bootstrap mechanism

2011-03-24 Thread Robin Berjon
Hi Rich,

On Mar 15, 2011, at 16:24 , Rich Tibbett wrote:
> Secondly, getUserMedia is restricted to only handle audio/video
> streams. In the original proposal there was potential for us to
> connect and disconnect other device classes, such as USB or RS232
> device types.

I'm mostly interested in audio/video, but even considering only those I've been 
thinking along similar lines that the current API lacks sufficient hooks for 
extensibility. Most notably, some devices might expose ways of controlling them 
and exposing those on a GeneratedStream seems clunky.

> The IDL is as follows:
> [NoInterfaceObject]
> interface Device {
>   const unsigned short WAITING = 0;
>   const unsigned short CONNECTED = 1;
>   const unsigned short DISCONNECTED = 2;
>   const unsigned short ERROR = 3;
>   readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
>   // event handler attributes
>attribute Function onconnect;
>attribute Function ondisconnect;
>attribute Function onerror;
>   readonly attribute any data;
>   void disconnect();
> }
> // Specific Device Classes with independent constructors
> [Constructor(in DOMString options)]
> interface UserMedia : Device {}
> Here's a quick example for obtaining user media:
> var m = new UserMedia('audio, video');
> m.onconnect = function( evt ) {
>   var ... =; // ... is a GeneratedStream object in a
> UserMedia context
> }

In the examples below I'll stick to the callback-based method of obtaining the 
object since that minimises the delta with what's currently in the spec, but I 
don't have a strong opinion between that and your proposal. So for clarity, 
here's how you get a Device object:

var device;
navigator.getUserMedia("whatever", function (d) { device = d; });

Once you have it, there are a couple improvements that can be made over 

• It's an EventTarget. This is primarily for the purpose of listening to 
devicemotion and deviceorientation events (they currently only target window, 
but that's not a big deal to change). This could work with GeneratedStream, but 
it seems more logical to have events for "I moved the camera" (and possibly 
others such as "I changed the focal length" or "autofocus acquired at 2.77m") 
and for "stream paused" on different objects.

device.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function (ev) {
  // ... move that AR code around
}, true);

• It provides an extension point for device control. Say you're streaming from 
a camera and you want to take a picture. The chances are high that the camera 
can take a much better picture than the frame you can grab off its view-finding 
video stream.

// device is a CameraDevice
device.captureStill(function (file) {
  // ... got my picture

We might not be there yet and would probably want to wait a little, but there's 
plenty more that can be added there.

// silly examples
device.zoom = 2;
device.flash = true;

Again, these could go on GeneratedStream but it seems too conflated. Given that 
a device exposes a stream, the coding cost is a minimal switch to:

video.src =;

Additionally, I wonder if it wouldn't be useful to make it possible for the 
getUserMedia callback to return an array of devices in one go. If you're making 
a 3D movie (or just 3D videoconferencing) you probably want multiple cameras 
returned at once (alternatively, it could be a single device exposing two 
streams). Likewise if you have a sound setup more advanced than just the one 
mike. Of course, the user could effect multiple requests and grant access to 
each device one by one, but UI-wise, it's probably a lot simpler to allow her 
to do it all at once. Especially considering the following:

  1. User wants to add a camera, clicks a button that calls getUserMedia()
  2. Infobar of some kind shows, user picks camera source, checks [always allow]
  3. User wants to add second camera, clicks the same button: same camera is 
  4. Failure

Multiple simultaneous inputs isn't science fiction nor is it limited to 
professional contexts. I could easily want to use both back and front cameras 
on my phone, one with which to film what's going on around me in a documentary, 
the other to insert a small view of myself as I comment on what I'm seeing. 3D 
home videos are probably not that far around the corner (yes, it scares me 
too). It's likely that laptops will ship with arrays of mikes in order to 
better figure out where you're talking from (spatially) and eliminate all other 
sources — accessing would be sweet.

I don't much care about the syntax, but I guess we could be looking at 
something like

navigator.getUserMedia("video multiple", function (devices) {
  // ... show each different view

And I guess that's enough braindump for today :)

Robin Berjon -

Re: [whatwg] element, streams and peer-to-peer connections

2010-05-31 Thread Robin Berjon
On May 31, 2010, at 03:01 , James Salsman wrote:
> On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Mark Frohnmayer
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 9:26 PM, James Salsman  wrote:
>>> Would it be appropriate to allow selection between reliable delivery
>>> involving delay and unreliable delivery with the shorter delay
>>> characteristics of UDP by allowing the user to select between the
>>> TCP-based asynchronous HTTP/HTTPS multipart/form-encoded POST of input
>>> type=file accept=audio as per and
>>> use UDP for synchronous or asynchronous device element I/O?
>> I can see use cases for both methods -- a voice mail, server based
>> application could use a simple form submit upload, but a live voice
>> conferencing app would need real-time access more like in the Capture
>> API that the W3C DAP group has published:
> It's hard for me to take
> seriously.  There are no references to open codecs or codec
> parameters; the only audio codec specified is audio/x-wav, which is a
> Microsoft-defined union type (RIFF) with a huge number of different
> possible instance types, including only a few poor quality open
> vocoders and audio codecs by contemporary performance/bandwidth
> standards.  Where is speex or ogg vorbis?  Where are their quality and
> bit rate parameters?  Why is
> empty when most of the normative sections say, "No exceptions"?  Where
> is the compatibility with existing file transfer standards?  The
> security section doesn't contemplate permissions revocation.

When a specification is fully complete, mature, and stable, we tend to release 
it. A rather shocking consequence of this policy is that drafts tend to be 
incomplete. What's even more outrageous is that sections explicitly marked as 
"under development" would be lacking in the contemplation of certain aspects 
department. The next thing you know it might turn out that Céline Dion karaoke 
sounds bad.

Two things you might not know though: 1) the current draft does not look at 
streamed transmission, merely integration with file upload form controls and 
/ through reuse of the File API (this can be discussed of course, 
but see below) and 2) we're waiting on input we expect from our friends at 
Mozilla who have some ideas (but alas little time to write).

One interesting suggestion they made was that capture should *not* include a 
direct way of streaming to a server. Rather, it should solely define how to 
wire a device to , , , etc. and there ought to be a separate 
document describe how to capture the output of an element and AV-stream it to a 
remote endpoint (or save it to disk). The reason for this is that there's no 
good reason why you wouldn't want to stream (or save) as AV things that 
originally aren't. There are plenty of use cases from capturing tutorials to 
the craziest collaborative film-making happening you can think of and including 
making a video effects editor inside the browser. Naturally, that's where 
protocol and format noodling would go. Personally, I think that that 
distinction makes sense.

Note that going forward you'll probably want to look at rather than the TR snapshots.

Robin Berjon -

Re: [whatwg] id and xml:id

2006-04-12 Thread Robin Berjon

On Apr 12, 2006, at 14:25, Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Apr 4, 2006, at 19:35, fantasai wrote:
That seems odd. You should be able to say "the content model of  
this element

is anything". 

From the spec:
"Thus, a RELAX NG schema that is compatible with this feature  
implies a mapping from element/attribute name pairs onto an ID- 
type, and hence a mapping from attributes in the instance onto ID- 

( )

"Any attribute" with ID-type null on "any element" competes with  
attribute id with ID-type ID on element foo. That's why the  
attributes with non-null ID-type would paired with known elements  
need to be subtracted from the "any" set.

Yes, that's is IMHO the single biggest PITA with RNG. I wish that  
restriction were removed but it seems unlikely. For the SVG Tiny 1.2  
RNG I worked around this by having a schema that never mentions the  
fact that you can have anything from foreign namespaces and using  
NVDL to express the way in which vocabularies could be mixed. You can  
look at it at 

I think that a conformance checker / schema should forbid element  
children of 

[whatwg] Announcing the W3C Web APIs and Web Application Formats WGs

2005-11-16 Thread Robin Berjon

Hi folks,

as you remember a W3C "WebApps WG" has been discussed here before it  
was official. Well, now not only is it official but there are two WGs!

The Web APIs WG ( will be working on  
standard APIs for use within browsers, covering both the rich  
interaction aspects and the need to finish work on some of the DOM  
specifications that haven't been touched in too long. The public list  

The Web Application Formats WG (  
will be producing a binding language based on Mozilla XBL and sXBL  
(, as well as a language for user interface  
(à la XUL). It list is [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sub: public- 

Both groups intend to work closely with the community at large,  
including the people who work on the WHAT WG specifications. So make  
sure your voice is heard over there by joining those lists and  
expressing your opinions!

Robin Berjon
   Senior Research Scientist

Re: [whatwg] W3C's Rich Web Client Activity and Web Application W/G

2005-10-12 Thread Robin Berjon

Hi Brad,

Brad Fults wrote:

I would implore the W3C to officially denounce vapor terms such as
"DHTML", "Ajax", and "Web 2.0" inside its new WGs. It helps no one
when vaguely defined marketing buzzwords are used to describe very
specific technologies and methods, much less in a standards-producing
environment like the W3C.

I doubt the W3C can do much to legislate language, but I also doubt that 
people in the WG (when formed) will need reminding of that. The terms 
may be used in elevator pitches, but I'd expect that would be about it.

Robin Berjon
  Senior Research Scientist