[Wikimedia-l] Validbook idea in a nutshell. Looking for a public discussion.

2018-06-11 Thread Bohdan Andriyiv
I am looking for a public feedback/discussion on Validbook idea. Although
Validbook is not wiki project, I am looking for feedback here as in spirit
and in governance model Validbook is similar to Wikimedia projects.
My original email about Validbook [1] to this mailing list contained a bit
too much of everything. I hope this email contains the right amount of
details and will trigger an interesting discussion.

In a nutshell Validbook idea is simple:

   - create service that allows to create Self-Sovereign Identities
   - create service that allows these SSIs to prove that they uniquely
   represent human individuals in a digital world
   - create Kudos (tokens with daily supply 1 token per 1 living human
   (7.5B KDS/day in 2018)
   - distribute all daily Kudos only between SSIs that proved to uniquely
   represent human individual - thus creating huge continuous incentive for
   people to participate in Kudos distribution and support Validbook Services
   right from the start (*solving common killer of "big ideas" – the
   chicken-egg problem*)
   - use Kudos for development and support of *human-centric* Validbook
   Services (low-engaging non-addictive social networking service; end-to-end
   encrypted email service; digital signatures service, wallet for
   self-sovereign money, etc); as a result create leading implementation,
"killer application" for Self-Sovereign Identity idea, DIDs and
Verifiable Credentials specifications, that will provide pressure and
   motivation for governments and organizations to coalesce around it, leading
   to widespread adoption of SSI, end-to-end encryption, self-sovereign money,
   and ultimately to more freedom and more protection of human rights.

This all might sound as something too grandiose and futuristic, but I
cannot find a reason why it cannot be done. Maybe someone can point me to

See more details and how to login into Validbook alpha version at

Bohdan Andriyiv

[1] - https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2018-May/090302.html
Wikimedia-l mailing list, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
New messages to: Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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[Wikimedia-l] Validbook – a universal platform for cooperation

2018-05-21 Thread Bohdan Andriyiv
 To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to propose to cooperate on the development and maintenance of

The proposal is available at:
The alpha version of Validbook is available at: http://futurama1x.validboo
The code is available at: https://github.com/Validbo
okFoundation/Validbook-Services-Backend and https://github.c

Validbook definitions
Main definition: Validbook – a universal platform for cooperation.
Functional definition: Validbook is a suite of protocols and services used
to enhance cooperation between things, people and virtual entities.
Validbook slogan: Do important stuff with confidence.
Validbook mission: To improve cooperation between things, people and
virtual entities by making it more transparent and reliable and to support
unalienable human rights among which are the right for Self-Sovereign
Identity, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The crux of Validbook idea
- Use graph analysis to prove the unique representation of a human
individuals by digital self-sovereign identities
- Distribute tokens among self-sovereign identities that proved to uniquely
represent human individuals, in a such way that incentivizes participation
of people in Validbook tokens distribution and makes tokens valuable
- Use tokens to fund development and maintenance of Validbook services
- Use tokens to align interest of Validbook maintainers and developers with
interests of Validbook users and Validbook mission

This proposal was originally published at W3C Credentials Community Group
mailing list (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/201
8May/0024.html), where technical standards for Self-Sovereign Identity,
Verifiable Credentials are being created.
As Validbook's governance and policies are inspired by Wikipidea/Wikimedia
example, I hope it is suitable to discuss the idea of Validbook and
"Proposal to cooperate on the development and maintenance of Validbook"
here. To discuss technical details of Validbook Statements and Identity
please use W3C CCG mailing list.

See full proposal at:

Bohdan Andriyiv
Validbook Foundation


Adding a few clarifications in anticipation of the most likely reservations
and questions:
*- Q.* Is it an ICO scam?
  A. No.
*- Q*. The Validbook name sounds a lot like Facebook. Is it an open source
clone of Facebook with a coin attached to it?
  A. No, it is not a Facebook clone. Social networking service is only one
part of Validbook that may or may not used by Validbook users. Validbook
Social Service is a social networking service that combines UX features
from Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook. By using Validbook books, Validbook
channels and other Validbook-specific UX features, Validbook Social Service
provides a new, functionally unique, universal, low engaging UX solution
for posting (information dissemintation/signalling) and following
(information consumption/screening).
*- Q.* Who stands behind Validbook? Why did they do it? How did they do it?
What are their incentives?
  A. Who? - Validbook was created (designed and speced out) by Bohdan
Andriyiv. Why? - Long story short, about 5-6 years ago I was bored and
wanted to work on something complex from technical and social point of
view. Validbook is a result of continuous evolution of UX design changes
and me trying to understand how people, technology (especially trustworthy
computing) and economics work. At the beginning I was doing it part time
and for the last 10 months full time. How? - It was developed with the help
of small team of freelance and for the last 10 months full time developers.
Incentives? - besides doing something interesting, and having satisfaction
from seeing something cool and useful like Validbook built; Kudos -
afterall, they are forever.
*- Q.* Is Validbook doable? It looks like this idea is too gigantic, not
  A. Yes, it is doable. Taking into considerations developments in the area
of trustworthy computing (DLT), self-sovereign identity, verifiable
credentials, graph analysis capabilities, and the general state of the
Internet, I do not see reasons why Validbook cannot be done.
*- Q.* Will arbiters, graph analysis work against Sybil attacks?
  A. In short – it remains to be seen. Long answer - as of now, there are
no definitive proofs that arbiters and graph analysis will work against
Sybil attacks. It can only be checked in practice. I think, initially,
about 95-98% of identities with SURLHI claim will be real (which is good
enough to deem kudos distribution fair and for kudos to be valued). With
time as practices and tools to do graph analysis and check SURLHI claim
become better, close to 100% of identities with SURLHI claim will be real.
I do not have hard mathematical way to pro