[Wikimedia Brasil] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] simple and effective creation process for chapters

2014-05-03 Por tôpico Everton Zanella Alvarenga
We told them so since a long time. Now we have this mess. He he ho ho.

-- Forwarded message --
From: rupert THURNER 
Date: 2014-05-03 4:02 GMT-03:00
Subject: [Wikimedia-l] simple and effective creation process for chapters
To: Wikimedia Mailing List 


out of the experiences of creating 50 chapters, and the recent
frustrated feedback from persons involved in the creation of new
chapters, e.g. belgium and ghana, could we please find a simple and
effective way to organize the chapters creation process? existing
chapters not meeting the requirements have 3 years to adjust their

target and purpose of chapters:
chapters match a country as defined by the league of nations defined
in 1939 and reaffirmed by the united nations in 1945 [1], to follow
local jurisdiction. they are membership organizations.

requirements to be a chapter in the bylaws:
* support the mission of the wmf
* be a membership organization, i.e. the highest body is
  the assembly of members
* be a member must be possible for everybody who
  contributes (i.e. edits, writes software used by wmf projects)
  at zero cost (or low cost, e.g. price of one meal?)
* meet the tax exemption criteria. justification needed
  if not possible, reviewed regularly.
* an audit committee, consisting of members, who are also
  allowed to seek professional help

this means chapters can created within days, not years. the rules are
clear right from the beginning. measures are already in place if
something goes wrong.

problems addressed:
* creating a chapter is possible immediately one
  finds the legal minimum number of contributors in a
  country, most of the time 2 or 3.
* the bylaw requirements guarantee contributors can
  easily join any time and no lockout can happen.
  negative example: german football federation,
  allowing a red bull club (rb leipzig) with 7 members, exorbitant
  membership fee, existing rb leipzig board decides who can
  become member.
* proper names may be used immediately, current negative
  example: "planning wikimedia ghana" registers facebook, and
  other social accounts with a temporary name to gather
  people. the risk is that it is "planning" forever. later change
  of such accounts is nearly impossible without breaking history.
* bank accounts with limited liability are used immediately,
  allowing to properly pursue misuse in local jurisdiction. negative
  example: kenya, where money disappeared from a
  personal account.
* the bylaw requirements allow the inclusion or lockout of people
  not contributing at the chapters discretion. example: germany,
  switzerland allowing persons and even legal entities to become
* it allows to organize itself in some federal way within a country,
  at the discretion of a chapter.
* it guarantees to have the highest level of local jurisdiction control
  by meeting tax exemption criteria. examples: germany, uk.
  there critieria are in place which can be fulfilled, austria. criteria
  exist what cannot be matched, but discussions are ongoing to
  change the law.
* initial signing of policies and contracts with the wmf is not required.
  using trademarks without approval is easily controlled by established
  procedures (legal, fdc, etc). the movement is used to deal with
  people and organizations trying to do that every day, in many
* "contributing" is easily and globally defined by commits, and edits,
  as currently used for elections [2]
* no block is there by enforcing auditing costs, as well preventing a
  chapters board to "appoint a best friend auditing firm". negative
  examples: enron, which was audited by arthur anderson, and
  anyway exploded. positive examples: wmf, using volunteers and
  kpmg, most chapters.
* there is no different treatment of newborn chapters, chapters with
  experienced boards, and chapters who just changed the whole board.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Country
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections_2013

kind regards,

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Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia Brasil] [Wikimedia-l] simple and effective creation process for chapters

2014-05-03 Por tôpico Everton Zanella Alvarenga
2014-05-03 11:56 GMT-03:00 Leigh Thelmadatter :

> I would settle for an open process, rather than a secretive AffComm.

In Brazil, even trying to push an open process for years, even before
AffComm existed, that didn't work. The problem is deeper. I am aware some
simply gave up and jumped into other more
to open up knowledge. :)

"Estamos na final do Desafio de Impacto Social Google | Brasil! Quer saber
para onde vai o dinheiro dos nossos impostos? Ajude e vote
http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "

"We are a finalist of the Google Impact Challenge | Brazil. Where does the
money from the Brazilian taxes go? Please, support us voting
http://goo.gl/EzcfhP "

Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
Open Knowledge Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

Re: [Wikimedia Brasil] Fwd: [Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] Please welcome Lila Tretikov, the Wikimedia Foundation's new ED

2014-05-03 Por tôpico Luiz Augusto
Apenas como anedotário:


Não sei se eu considero isso como um progresso dos erros 500 que eu recebia
até outro dia ou não...

2014-05-01 18:55 GMT-03:00 Luiz Augusto :

> Em 01/05/2014 17:21, "Everton Zanella Alvarenga" <
> everton.alvare...@okfn.org> escreveu:
> >
> > Se ela for boa, um monte de gente de TI vai rodar.
> Realmente, o que a WMF cresceu nos últimos anos ela também deixou de
> crescer em estrutura de TI e software. Tenho a impressão de o Brion e o Tim
> Starling terem feito sozinhos muito mais coisas nos anos iniciais do que as
> colossais equipes de TI de hoje.
> Sem contar as quedas nos servidores. De dezembro pra cá já vi a tela de
> erro 500 mais vezes do que de 2007 a 2009 inteiros (de 2004 a 2006 as
> coisas simplesmente caiam todas, nem dava tempo de ter tela de erro) .
> Só não inverter, com os servidores ficarem tinindo mas todo mundo odiando
> a tecnologia wiki e WMF no vermelho, que está bom xD
WikimediaBR-l mailing list

[Wikimedia Brasil] Avaliação do impactos de programas

2014-05-03 Por tôpico Danilo
Equipe de avaliação da Wikimedia está avaliando o impacto de programas de
engajamento como oficinas, edit-a-thons, GLAM, WLM, WLE, Wikipédia na
educação, etc:


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