Re: [Wikitech-l] 2013 Datacenter RFP - open for submissions

2013-10-21 Thread Ken Snider

On Oct 21, 2013, at 10:56 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:

 Well, perhaps I'm unfairly comparing the RFP's density to that of the 
 last two colo contracts I saw, but I'm not sure I have a copy of those;
 I will take a look, and abide until them.

Jay, the idea here is to drum up bids from parties that meet the minimum 
criteria set in the RFP itself, as opposed to laying out the specifics for the 
agreement itself. That's a longer process involving the team and legal, once we 
choose a partner. :)


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Re: [Wikitech-l] 2013 Datacenter RFP - open for submissions

2013-10-21 Thread Ken Snider

On Oct 21, 2013, at 8:03 PM, MZMcBride wrote:

 I added links to
 so that we can hopefully get that page updated one day.

Thanks - definitely something to tackle once we complete the Tampa migration 
and new DC buildout. Transparency and a well documented network infrastructure 
are high on my personal priority list. :)

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[Wikitech-l] 2013 Datacenter RFP - open for submissions

2013-10-18 Thread Ken Snider
The Wikimedia Foundation's Technical Operations team is seeking proposals on 
the provisioning of a new data-centre facility.

After working through the specifics internally, we now have a public RFP 
posted[1] and ready for proposals. We invite any organization meeting the 
requirements outlined to submit a proposal for review. 

Most of the relevant details are in the document itself, but feel free to reach 
out to myself or the list should anyone have any questions.

Please, feel free to forward this link far and wide - have colleagues, contacts 
or friends in the data-centre sector? Then please, forward it on! :)




Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] 2013 Datacenter RFP - open for submissions

2013-10-18 Thread Ken Snider
Hi Rupert,

We'd be open to any jurisdiction that provides an appropriate legal foundation 
for our operations, as well as meeting our technical and topographic needs. 
However for this specific proposal, we're looking for a US-centric location 
that can serve as a backup should our Ashburn location fail, among other uses.



On Oct 18, 2013, at 4:27 PM, rupert THURNER wrote:

 Hi, would you be open to a data center outside the US in future, and if no,
 why not?
 Am 18.10.2013 22:05 schrieb Ken Snider
 The Wikimedia Foundation's Technical Operations team is seeking proposals
 on the provisioning of a new data-centre facility.
 After working through the specifics internally, we now have a public RFP
 posted[1] and ready for proposals. We invite any organization meeting the
 requirements outlined to submit a proposal for review.
 Most of the relevant details are in the document itself, but feel free to
 reach out to myself or the list should anyone have any questions.
 Please, feel free to forward this link far and wide - have colleagues,
 contacts or friends in the data-centre sector? Then please, forward it on!
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[Wikitech-l] Operations team announcements: Ryan and Leslie

2013-10-16 Thread Ken Snider

I'm extremely pleased to announce that we've had two promotions within the 
Technical Operations team!

Leslie Carr has been promoted to Senior Operations Engineer (Networking). As 
many of you know, along with Mark, Leslie has been instrumental in securing 
preferred rates and contracts with with connectivity providers and vendors on 
the networking side of our infrastructure - in a world where human connections 
are every bit as important as topographic ones, Leslie has maintained a vast 
network of contacts to help ensure that we're receiving competitive pricing, 
fair peering, and a plethora of other perks that come part and parcel with 
maintaining solid relationships in the networking arena, while also taking 
point on many of the technical aspects of our network infrastructure as well.

We're lucky to have her, and I look forward to working with her as the team 
completes the setup of ULSFO and begins work on our next data-centre project.  

Ryan Lane has also been promoted to Senior Operations Engineer. Ryan has served 
as the lead on the Labs project, a component of our infrastructure that has 
become increasingly critical to projects both within WMF engineering (with Beta 
Labs), as well as with various volunteer projects (via Tool Labs). Ryan is 
about to head up the migration of this infrastructure from Tampa to Ashburn as 
part of our plan to sunset the Tampa data-centre.

Additionally, Ryan has also played a key role in several non-labs-related 
projects, including most recently our HTTPS-as-default project, as well as work 
on integrating git-deploy into the mediawiki deployment pipeline. Ryan's work 
has been invaluable, and this promotion well-deserved.



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Re: [Wikitech-l] Fwd: [wikimedia #5841] downtime due to upgrade

2013-09-27 Thread Ken Snider
Thanks, Alex!


 On Sep 27, 2013, at 6:29 AM, Alexandros Kosiaris 


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Core operations via RT
 Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 1:01 PM
 Subject: [wikimedia #5841] downtime due to upgrade

 I am scheduling a downtime for on Monday 30/09/2013 in
 order to upgrade it to the latest released version. The downtime is scheduled
 to last one (1) hour and will start in 09:00 UTC. We will be upgrading from 
 (released 2 years ago) to 1.2.11 (released 3 months ago). Package has already
 been created and will be made available on during the
 upgrade. Hopefully a lot of the bugs we have witnessed that cause problems in will be resolved.

 (ticket has been created)

 Alexandros Kosiaris

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Re: [Wikitech-l] Etherpad Lite labs instance going down in two weeks - backup time

2013-08-26 Thread Ken Snider

On Aug 26, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Ryan Lane wrote:

 Some people may have placed sensitive info in the pads, assuming some level
 of (misguided) privacy since the pages weren't indexed. We're not planning
 on doing dumps or even exposing an index.

To further clarify, we'll be keeping a dump in case there's some incredibly 
critical information that was inadvertently pasted into a pad despite the many 
and various warnings about the ephemeral nature of the service - but as Ryan 
said, we have no intention of indexing or even investigating this dump unless 
necessary, and would definitely not release it as a whole for the reasons 


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Re: [Wikitech-l] [Labs-l] Etherpad Lite labs instance going down in two weeks - backup time

2013-08-23 Thread Ken Snider
Rob H. has been doing this manually for us, and we've essentially been ensuring 
our pads are in wikitext to assist with the drop-in ease of this process.

Sounds like a fun project, though, once we get etherpad-lite up to a current 
rev :)



On Aug 23, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Greg Grossmeier wrote:

 quote name=Sumana Harihareswara date=2013-08-23 time=16:16:21 -0400
 Thanks to Mark Holmquist for maintaining for
 the past long while. It is going down in 2 weeks, so please retrieve
 your text.
 I recommend that you:
 * go into your browser history
 * search it for
 * go to each of those pads and copy-and-paste the content someplace,
 preferably on a public wiki, even if it's just in your userspace
 * replace the content of the Etherpad with a link to the wiki page
 you've moved the text to
 Has anyone made an automatic etherpad - wiki script yet? I'd love to
 have a list of etherpad urls in some txt file I maintain of important
 pads/pads I want sync'd on a wiki page for public consumption. I guess
 the text file might need to have the relationship of pad to wikipage.
 My duckduckgo searching wasn't successful.
 | Greg GrossmeierGPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
 | @gregA18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |
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Re: [Wikitech-l] [WikimediaMobile] We need to talk about AbuseFilter on mobile

2013-08-19 Thread Ken Snider
I was actually bit by the abuse filter directly, as I was setting up a new page 
on Meta, using a newly created account:

1. Because the page included an external link, I needed to enter a CAPTCHA.
2. The AF then threw a warning that my changes appeared harmful, citing  new 
user youtube, amp;c
3. I was then thrown back to the CAPTCHA, repeat endlessly. :) There was no way 



On Aug 19, 2013, at 3:24 PM, Brad Jorsch (Anomie) wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 3:14 PM, Max Semenik wrote:
 Most of the popular decline errors seem to be related to removal of
 large chunks of text, this sounds suspicious...
 Bug 52077, possibly?
 Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
 Software Engineer
 Wikimedia Foundation
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Re: [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia's anti-surveillance plans: site hardening

2013-08-17 Thread Ken Snider

On Aug 17, 2013, at 1:33 PM, rupert THURNER wrote:

 hi faidon, i do not think you personally and WMF are particularly
 helpful in accepting contributions. because you:
 * do not communicate openly the problems
 * do not report upstream publically
 * do not ask for help, and even if it gets offered you just ignore it
 with quite some arrogance

Rupert, please don't call out or attack specific people. We're all on the same 
team, and I can assure you that Faidon, as well as Ryan and the rest of the 
team, are as eager as anyone else to provide more security and crypto 
capability to the WMF projects. Our goal is to share the sum of all knowledge 
with every human being, and right now, HTTPS means cutting out more than a few 
of them, so we need to determine a solution. We're not standing still, but it's 
not a simple problem with a simple answer, and it will take time.

Further, Ops in general, and Faidon in particular, routinely report issues 
upstream. Our recent bug reports or patches to Varnish and Ceph are two 
examples that easily come to mind. Faidon was (rightly) attempting to restore 
service first - we have a lot on our plates, and I assure you that if a 
specific bug had been identified, we'd report it - as we have for many other 
tools we use.

We all want the same things, and we're all on the same team here. Let's please 
stick to the issues at hand, and presume that we're all working in good faith 
to resolve these issues.

Thank you.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] GMail sending lots of WIkimedia mail to spam again

2013-08-05 Thread Ken Snider
I believe Greg G. has reached out to the Office IT team, who have the ability 
to open a ticket against GMail (since wikimedia uses GMail for org email).



On Aug 5, 2013, at 5:15 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 On 5 August 2013 21:57, Risker wrote:
 Really?  I've not once had that message.  As best I can tell, it is
 affecting EVERY mailing list, with the possible
 exception of the checkuser mailing list.  I do not know what is different
 about that one.
 Does anyone have a contact at GMail?
 (I mean, there's making a blog post, but that'd be a pretty extreme
 last resort ...)
 - d.
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Re: [Wikitech-l] How's the SSL thing going?

2013-07-31 Thread Ken Snider

On Jul 31, 2013, at 3:01 PM, James Alexander wrote:

 Time to start adding a random amount of extra packets with each request? :)

This is what freenet does, but I think supporting SPDY/HTTP 2.0 [1] will help 
in this regard as well, as it essentially pipelines requests (so you wouldn't 
be able to discern which packets were article body, for example).


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] How's the SSL thing going?

2013-07-31 Thread Ken Snider

On Jul 31, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Magnus Manske wrote:

 There was the lofty notion of including all images, CSS/JS/whatnot as CDATA
 elements in the page itself, for browsers that support it. That would get
 around the one issue, but still allow size-based fingerprinting, especially
 since most users will follow links within the site, so the search space
 gets much smaller. Random package size increase, as mentioned, might help

This is part of why support and rapid adoption of protocols that allow for 
multiplexing (SPDY/HTTP2.0) are important - they would make the fingerprinting 
process significantly more difficult.

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Re: [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Sean Pringle, our latest TechOps member

2013-06-24 Thread Ken Snider
Welcome to the team, Sean! :)


On 2013-06-24, at 11:17 AM, Ct Woo wrote:

 Hi All,

 The Technical Operations team is pleased to announce Sean Pringle joined us
 today ( 24th June, 2013). Among his duties, Sean will be attending to all
 aspects of the database layer including management, monitoring, design,
 capacity, performance, and troubleshooting.

 Sean comes with vast experience in database technology and development
 background with a specific focus
 on MySQL and MariaDB.   He has held senior roles in database support,
 database administration, and technical writing with various companies
 including MySQL AB, Sun Microsystems, and SkySQL Ab. He also has fingers in
 a few non-profit and open-source projects scattered around the net.

 Sean hails from Queensland, Australia and while he travels around
 frequently,  he inevitably always flee back to his down under home. He
 confessed  being forever distracted by all things geek and technology
 related though he can also be spotted behind a telescope on starry nights
 and with nose in a book when the cloud rolls in.

 To quote him, I am excited to be joining the WMF, an opportunity which I
 see as an 11 on the awesomeness scale of 1 to 10 !

 Please join us in welcoming Sean!

 CT Woo   Ken Snider
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