[Wikitech-l] major upgrade of PageProperties -- json-schema compliant Builder, no SMW dependency, inline and popup forms, inline queries of hierarchical (json) data, result formats, Browse data, maint

2023-12-10 Thread tdvit

    I would like to announce, as per the subject, a major upgrade

of PageProperties which is now a "full-fledged metadata

management framework based on json-schema able to easily record,

organize and query collection of data on your wiki".


The most important changes of the current version are a

json-schema compliant SchemaBuilder (which does not support

yet the complete json-schema vocabulary, however is deeply integrated

with OOUI and Mediawiki)

and the dropped dependency from Semantic Mediawiki (that can be

optionally supported but does not constrain the features of the extension)


Furthermore, the recursive nature of json-schema allows to handle

hierarchical and nested data in a natural way: see for instance the Infobox

in this page https://wikisphere.org/wiki/Test_pageproperties_2.0 

that is rendered using the template result format, applied both at root

level and to subitems.


Here is the updated extension page https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageProperties

however the first link is a better entry point to explore the features of

the extension since the documentation is organized in multiple pages.


Hope it can be useful to meet some of your data/metadata

management requirements (both at personal and professional

level) and that could possibly inspire the use of metadata

by regular users.



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[Wikitech-l] Re: SemanticCite

2023-09-29 Thread tdvit


Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 at 7:01 PM
From: "Sorin Gheorghiu" 
To: wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikitech-l] SemanticCite

Hello folks!

does anybody know if this extension is still maintained? The latest commit is from May 16, 2020.

There are older tickets about SCI being not compatible with SWM 4.0.0 (and therefore not compatible with MW1.39 which will become EOL end of 2023).


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[Wikitech-l] Re: major upgrade of PageProperties extension (a proof of concept for the use of SLOTS)

2023-01-12 Thread tdvit
hello Derk-Jan,

    thanks, I did not know this page



and actually I have been lucky, because the namespace id for storing the

form descriptor was not already taken (2226-7),

see for instance here



(in this case, however, it is the main slot)



also I think this is highly relevant




(talk page of the page mentioned by you)

actually you could already set categories (through the tab "Edit semantic")

and they will be registered in a dedicated slot. (perhaps I will insert

a mention in the talk page itself)


Regarding the dedicated content model, I will check it

further, however it would be still 'json' with an

alternate name or interface, right ?



kind regards







Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
From: "Derk-Jan Hartman" 
To: "Wikitech-l" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Re: major upgrade of PageProperties extension (a proof of concept for the use of SLOTS)

Oh Thomas. I notice that you use "json" as the content model, but if I'm not mistaken, the content model is supposed to describe "what" you are storing, not how you are storing it. For instance: commons metadata uses "wikibase-mediainfo" as its content model.

This also reminds me, that like for namespaces and content handlers, we should probably keep a list of known rvslot names, to avoid potential conflicts.





So probably just somewhere here?






On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM Derk-Jan Hartman  wrote:

This is looking really nice !

For those wondering, here is an example of the raw api output for this extra slot when requested:



This could be very useful ! Glad to finally see slots getting some more usage.




On Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 10:23 AM  wrote:


Hello, I've released a major upgrade of PageProperties extension

and completely rewritten the extension page




most of the recent work is intended for the use in conjunction with Semantic MediaWiki

(it now offers a complete GUI based on OOUI to interactively create/edit properties, create/edit forms and even

to perform a semantic import from csv fields to local properties registered in the Wiki).


However at the same time the extension can be considered a proof of concept for the use of 

Slots, since all the data-structure is completely based on SLOTS

(properties associated to a page are recorded within a slot with JSON content model)

and they can also be navigated through the interface.


The extension makes also significant use of the OOUI library, and I want

to thank the authors for their wonderful work.


If you want to check out the extension, I've set up this wiki




where you can freely test it.


I also plan to contribute whenever possible to the development

of MCR/slots for the coming versions of Mediawiki, since currently

the extension uses at least one hack, and the edit of slots

in addition to the first could in my opinion be strongly simplified possibly with a

a few changes in the code base.







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[Wikitech-l] major upgrade of PageProperties extension (a proof of concept for the use of SLOTS)

2023-01-12 Thread tdvit

Hello, I've released a major upgrade of PageProperties extension

and completely rewritten the extension page




most of the recent work is intended for the use in conjunction with Semantic MediaWiki

(it now offers a complete GUI based on OOUI to interactively create/edit properties, create/edit forms and even

to perform a semantic import from csv fields to local properties registered in the Wiki).


However at the same time the extension can be considered a proof of concept for the use of 

Slots, since all the data-structure is completely based on SLOTS

(properties associated to a page are recorded within a slot with JSON content model)

and they can also be navigated through the interface.


The extension makes also significant use of the OOUI library, and I want

to thank the authors for their wonderful work.


If you want to check out the extension, I've set up this wiki




where you can freely test it.


I also plan to contribute whenever possible to the development

of MCR/slots for the coming versions of Mediawiki, since currently

the extension uses at least one hack, and the edit of slots

in addition to the first could in my opinion be strongly simplified possibly with a

a few changes in the code base.






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[Wikitech-l] update of CIForms

2022-07-25 Thread tdvit


     I have uploaded a major update of CIForms (1.3)

on Gerrit.




New features include:


* csv export of form data
* multi-step forms

* updated list of global and local parameters

* username of the user who submitted the form always saved in form data
* editable labels for buttons (submit, navigation back and next)

* support for table prefix and postgres


and much more.

Thanks to the multi-step/pagination functionality CIForms can now be used to

present complex surveys in a similar way as Limesurvey does, but without the

need of a dedicated hosting and completely integrated into the wiki.


If you need custom/additional features this is welcome and you can use

this form





Kind regards






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[Wikitech-l] update of extension CIForms

2022-02-21 Thread tdvit

   I've uploaded an updated version of the extension CIForms




it fixes several issues/bugs of the previous version

and introduces a better way to merge global parameters (variables)

to local parameters.

See here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CIForms#Configuration

for the updated configuration settings.

It also allows multiple inputs per line also for standard inputs, as in this example


(before multiple inputs per line were allowed only in multiple choice questions or

cloze tests)


If some of you has installed a previous version, I suggest to upgrade 

to the latest version.


Kind regards







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[Wikitech-l] Re: ClassCrawler – extremely fast and structured code search engine

2022-02-07 Thread tdvit

    is there a way to show all callers and callees of a given

function/method as in phpstorm ?








Sent: Monday, February 07, 2022 at 11:43 AM
From: "Giuseppe Lavagetto" 
To: "Wikitech-l" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Re: ClassCrawler – extremely fast and structured code search engine

On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 10:19 PM Daniel Kinzler  wrote:

Am 05.02.22 um 21:38 schrieb Amir Sarabadani:

Codesearch has been working fine in the past couple of years. There is a new frontend being built and I hope we can deploy it soon to provide a better user experience and I personally don't see a value in re-implementing codesearch. Especially using non-open source software.

While I agree with several points that have been raised, in particular about licensing and building on top of existing tools, I'd like to point out that the idea is not to re-implement codesearch, but to overcome some of its limitations. What we use codesearch for most is finding usages of methods (and sometimes classes). This works fine if the method name is fairly unique. But if the method name is generic, or you are moving a method from one class to another an you want to find callers of the old method, but not the new method, then regular experssions just don't cut it.


Ok, why do you think symbol search can't be integrated in the current codesearch? That's what Amir was proposing. Sadly I don't think much of the current code of ClassCrawler can be reused for that goal, and it's a pity.





Giuseppe Lavagetto
Principal Site Reliability Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation

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[Wikitech-l] Re: OOUI v0.43.0 released -- new features, icon amendments and performance improvements

2022-01-23 Thread tdvit
thanks for the update.

I've verified that ComboBoxInputWidget still does not support

optgroups, conversely than DropdownInputWidget.

Is there a specific reason for that or somebody

wants to contribute with that through a task

on phabricator ?




Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022 at 11:05 PM
From: "Volker E." 
To: "Wikimedia developers" , "Design.Public" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] OOUI v0.43.0 released -- new features, icon amendments and performance improvements


excited to share that we've released OOUI v0.43.0 last Thursday.
It will rollout on the normal train tomorrow, Tuesday, 18 January 2022.

Highlights in this release since v0.42.0:


- MessageWidget features now a `showClose` option for the optional 

  closing notices et al.

- MenuSelectWidget highlights the first selectable option instead of the 

  visible one. Thanks to volunteer Func. 


- Numerous icon additions and improvements are featured:

-- The only nominal breaking change is removal of the `destructive` 

variant from 'close' icon. The 'close' icon shouldn't be used for removing 

or deleting things for user-experience consistency, please revisit your 

codebase and use 'trash' icon instead.

-- 'stopHand' icon was deprecated and renamed to 'hand' icon while being 

aligned to the Design Style Guide's icon guidelines[0].

-- 'watchlist' icon was added. Thanks to Alex Hollender.

-- Large number of 'bold' and 'italic' icons for specific languages 

were aligned to the guidelines. Thanks to new Design Systems team 

peer, Bárbara Martínez Calvo. 
I'm specifically excited about these changes as they emphasize our goal 

to provide first-class experience for our diverse language communities.
With updated OOUI demos[1] and demos of future Vue.js-based[2] UI 

toolkit Codex, you're now able to see and compare all per language

icons. Thanks to Roan Kattouw and Ed Sanders.


- Last, but not least, more than 20 different performance optimizations 

across widgets were included in this release, thanks to Thiemo Kreuz 

at current work focus by Wikimedia Deutschland. 

One call for notice here, widgets don't feature default implicit 

`aria-disabled="false"` any more to save bytes sent to client, 

only when set dynamically.

There was one case of a template breakage written to check for

this –now missing attribute. Please carefully test if this might affect your 



You can find details on additional new features, code-level, styling
and interaction design amendments, and all improvements since v0.42.0
in the full changelog[4].

If you have any further queries or need help dealing with deprecating
changes, please let me know.

As always, interactive demos and library documentation is available
on mediawiki.org[5], there is comprehensive generated code-level
documentation and interactive demos and tutorials hosted on

OOUI version: 0.43.0
MediaWiki version: 1.38.0-wmf.18[7]
Date of deployment to production: Regular train, starting Tuesday 18 January

[0] - https://design.wikimedia.org/style-guide/visual-style_icons.html
[1] - https://doc.wikimedia.org/oojs-ui/master/demos/?page=icons=wikimediaui=ltr=desktop

[2] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Vue.js
[3] - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/oojs/ui/+/v0.43.0/History.md
[4] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI
[5] - https://doc.wikimedia.org/oojs-ui/master/

[6] - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deployments#Tuesday,_January_18


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[Wikitech-l] Fw: Re: Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey (CIForms update)

2022-01-15 Thread tdvit
dear all,

   so we have just completed  a major upgrade of the following extension




and it's now available on gerrit



thanks a lot to @Zoranzoki21 for reviewing the code 

and making the deployment possible




Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 10:23 AM
From: td...@mail.com
To: wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org, "Andre Klapper" 
Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey



   thanks for pointing out this, (T294343)

I did not expect they were installed on the 

Wikimedia foundation sites, just 

that one could rely on their own wiki

to perform surveys.

As a contributor of the extension,

I've added recently a feature to get

spreadsheet results (stored on the wiki)

besides by email, so we will update

the community as soon as it will

be completed.






Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 3:45 PM
From: "Andre Klapper" 
To: "Wikitech-l" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Re: Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey


On Tue, 2021-12-21 at 08:28 +0100, td...@mail.com wrote:
>    for the survey I would suggest you to take
> a look to the following extension

As already pointed out, investigating a change of the workflow at this
stage of a survey is not feasible. (For more info, see
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Writing_an_extension_for_deployment for
steps that would be needed to get an extension deployed on servers).

This isn't the first time that the issue of relying on third-party
services for surveys has been brought up. I've boldly created
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T294343 for this broader topic.

Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate
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[Wikitech-l] Re: Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey

2021-12-22 Thread tdvit


   thanks for pointing out this, (T294343)

I did not expect they were installed on the 

Wikimedia foundation sites, just 

that one could rely on their own wiki

to perform surveys.

As a contributor of the extension,

I've added recently a feature to get

spreadsheet results (stored on the wiki)

besides by email, so we will update

the community as soon as it will

be completed.






Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 3:45 PM
From: "Andre Klapper" 
To: "Wikitech-l" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Re: Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey


On Tue, 2021-12-21 at 08:28 +0100, td...@mail.com wrote:
>    for the survey I would suggest you to take
> a look to the following extension

As already pointed out, investigating a change of the workflow at this
stage of a survey is not feasible. (For more info, see
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Writing_an_extension_for_deployment for
steps that would be needed to get an extension deployed on servers).

This isn't the first time that the issue of relying on third-party
services for surveys has been brought up. I've boldly created
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T294343 for this broader topic.

Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate
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[Wikitech-l] Re: Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey

2021-12-20 Thread tdvit
Hello Alexandra,

   for the survey I would suggest you to take

a look to the following extension




in case you would like to avoid to rely on an external service

and their terms.




Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 11:04 AM
From: "Alexandra Shagzhina" 
To: wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Small Wiki Tools User Feedback Survey

Hello everyone,

I am an Outreachy participant in Round 23 [1], working on a project to develop demo videos and toolkits to demonstrate the use of essential tools for smaller wiki communities:  [2].

This Outreachy project is part of the larger Small wiki toolkits project to build technical capacity in smaller language wiki communities. More about the initiative:  [3]. 

As part of the project, we are running a survey to gather information about the tools that you find most helpful for your work on the wikis that might benefit for video documentation for others. It will not take longer than 5 minutes to fill out this survey; your feedback will be super valuable for us!  [4].

This survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data handling, see the survey privacy statement:  [5].



[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Outreachy/Round_23

[2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T292135

[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Small_wiki_toolkits 

[4] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQHjansDXfLBGWPNhGBpqWTrhRdAWc5tA2yH-ESOPsMxeZuQ/viewform  

[5] https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Popular_Tools_for_Wikipedia,_Wikidata_and_Commons_Survey_Privacy_Statement


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[Wikitech-l] Re: Small BC breaking change to LinksUpdate

2021-09-13 Thread tdvit
Hello Petr,

thanks for the update,

I think I have experienced a similar issue

with the method

WikiPage -> getCreator()

(upgrading from 1.35 to 1.36)

kind regards





Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 at 8:24 PM
From: "Petr Pchelko" 
To: "For developers discussing technical aspects and organization of Wikimedia projects" 
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Small BC breaking change to LinksUpdate


This email is to inform you of a small backwards-incompatible change to LinksUpdate class in MediaWiki core.

LinksUpdate::getTriggeringUser method will start returning an instance of UserIdentity instead of a User object

as of [1]. All 2 known usages of this method are satisfied with UserIdentity interface, and going through a full

deprecation process here would require renaming the method and will just cause more pain to extension



Best regards.

Petr Pchelko

Staff Software Engineer

Platform Engineering at WMF



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[Wikitech-l] Re: reviewer for extension

2021-08-14 Thread tdvit
hello, thanks a lot

for all your feedback.

So I have learned how to submit using "+2" (and I have updated successfully the repository)

I have also asked to change the repository 

from "Merge review" to "Open push" here




I understand that with it I could directly push, although I don't think by now is

strictly necessary.


I have also reformatted the code which is now here





however, I have two issues:


1) when I use the command git clone "https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms"

it also downloads the .git folder, how can I avoid that or to cancel it from the remote folder ?


2) from this page https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/CIForms

it does not download the updated repository, which is the purpose I aimed for: how can I fix/update it ?







Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2021 at 7:46 AM
From: "Kunal Mehta" 
To: wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Re: reviewer for extension


On 8/13/21 6:21 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Is this about
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms/+/663043
> as that is the only open changeset listed under
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/q/project:mediawiki/extensions/CIForms ?
> I wonder if it makes sense to change the repository in Gerrit from
> "Merge review" to "Open push", assuming you are the sole developer?
> That would allow you to directly push (if I understand correctly).

As a policy reason, we don't allow master/main of MediaWiki
extensions/skins to be open push because it prevents having a space to
discuss the pushed commit. Also, it bypasses any configured CI,
potentially leaving the repo in a broken state.

However, if you're the sole/primary developer of an extension/skin, it's
totally fine to just +2 your own change right after uploading it.

-- Legoktm
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[Wikitech-l] reviewer for extension

2021-08-13 Thread tdvit
Hello, I have just updated this extension




and the related github repository.

However, to update the code on gerrit here




I would need a code-reviewer. Anyone willing to help with this ?

kind regards






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