Re: [WiX-users] XMLFile and XMLConfig

2007-11-28 Thread Fadi Haik
seems I should open bug/feature request in wix website ?
please let me know if the issue bellow not working for me since I dont know
how to use or it just missing feature ?
Thanks in advance,

On Nov 25, 2007 10:44 PM, Fadi Haik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am trying to update on setup XML file in this format ( I use wix


 - item

 - key temp1/key

 - valuetemp1val/value


 - item

 - keytemp2/key

 - valuetemp2val/value



 I don't know how many entries already inside that file therefore I need to
 use XPath function last()

 but it does not work for me, I have read the escaping issue on previous
 post and added new property [last()], btw

 IteamList/item[0] working for me.

 I tried as well to use the XMLConfig the new feature of WIX 3, but seems
 to me that XMLConfig working good for


 - item key=temp1 value=temp1val/item

 - item key=temp2 value=temp2val/item


  since in XMLConfig you can refer to previous node for Value setting but
 for node create this option does not seems to be available.

 Could you please help me to figure how I should use those WIX Element ?

 Thanks in advance,


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[WiX-users] Ошибки оптимизации налоговых п латежей

2007-11-28 Thread calv boyd
   Снижение рисков ведения бизнеса правовыми и финансовыми методами 
(или ошибки оптимизации налоговых издержек организации) 
 7 ДЕКАБРЯ 2007 ГОДА г. Санкт-Петербург 
 ТЕЛ: / 812 / 9 48 _ 2 _ 69 9 

   10.00 - 17.00 
   СПИКЕР: НИКОЛАЕВ КОНСТАНТИНnbsp;ВЯЧЕСЛАВОВИЧ -  генеральный директор 
аудиторской фирмы, член российской коллегии аудиторов, официальный 
представитель Минфина РФ при аттестационной аудиторской комиссии России
   Модуль 1.
 Соответствие нормам НК РФ оптимизации налоговой нагрузки. Признаки уклонения 
от уплаты налогов. Минимизация налогообложения и притворные (ничтожные) сделки. 
Недобросовестность налогоплательщика. Сомнительные налоговые схемы с точки 
зрения контрольных, надзорных и проверочных органов. Ошибки оптимизации налога 
на добавленную стоимость. Проблемы доказательства обоснованности зачетного НДС, 
в том числе спорные вопросы по качеству оформления счетов-фактур. Оптимизация 
налога на имущество и механизм переоценки балансовой стоимости основных 
средств. Налог на прибыль с точки зрения экономической обоснованности 
необходимости произведенных расходов. Доказательство производственного 
характера расходов и порядок оформления необходимых первичных учетных 
документов. Использование совместной деятельности, как схемы оптимизации 
налоговых издержек. 
 Модуль 2.
Последствия оптимизации зарплаты через различные схемы, в том числе страховые 
схемы, замена сотрудника на индивидуального предпринимателя, замена трудового 
договора на гражданско-правовой договор, выплаты работникам доходов, отличных 
от зарплаты, выдача заемных средств работникам. Последствия выплаты заработной 
платы #034;в конвертах#034; (доначисление налогов, пени, штрафов, уголовная 
 Модуль 3.
ТАКИХ НАРУШЕНИЙ:  Административная и уголовная ответственность за нарушение 
налогового законодательства (различия между преступлением и правонарушением). 
Порядок квалификации действий администрации организации, как уклонение от 
уплаты налогов, в том числе доказательства умысла. Ответственность должностных 
лиц организации. Особенности ответственности руководителя и главного бухгалтера 
организации. Специфика ответственности исполняющего обязанности руководителя и 
главного бухгалтера. Дисквалификация сотрудника администрации (порядок 
производства, виды нарушений, реестр дисквалифицированных специалистов). 
 (в стоимость входит: обучение на семинаре, методические материалы, обед) 
 Место проведения: г. Санкт-Петербург, Гостиница #034;Охтинская#034;, 3-й 
этаж, конференц-зал. 
Проезд до ст. метро #034;Площадь Восстания#034; 
 РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ: тел / 812 / 9 48 _ 2 _ 69 9 (многоканальный) 
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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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[WiX-users] Light error LGHT0204 Invalid format string when using XmlFile element

2007-11-28 Thread charango

Hello, developers!
I am trying to change xml file using wix passing some parameters to it,
using this sample: 

?xml version=1.0?
Wix xmlns=;
  Product Id=88DC12AD-74D8-415a-AFE7-83C1BE05A3EB Name=XmlFile Sample
Language=1033 Version=1.0.0 Manufacturer=XmlFile
Package Description=Sample showing XmlFile used in a WiX setup.
Comments=Sample showing XmlFile used in a WiX setup.
InstallerVersion=200 Compressed=yes /

Media Id=1 EmbedCab=yes /
Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir
  Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder
Directory Id=INSTALLLOCATION Name=WiXSampl
Component Id=ProgramComponent
  File Id=_F86C7B1F61C44480BEFA68A2D045D7BB
Name=sample.config Source=sample.config Vital=yes DiskId=1/

  util:XmlFile Id=ModifyServiceLocation 


Feature Id=Complete Title=XmlFile Sample Level=1
  ComponentRef Id=ProgramComponent /


And use the following command line to link:
D:\temp\setup%wix_home%\light.exe -out wixsetup.msi setup.wixobj
-cultures:en-us -ext d:\temp\setup\WixUtilExtension.dll

And I got the following link error: error LGHT0204 : ICE03: Invalid format
string; Table: XmlFile, Column: ElementPath, Key(s): ModifyServiceLocation

Light.exe didn't accepted the Id of XmlFile. Why?

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Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin

2007-11-28 Thread Szentpali Janos
As I previously said (though in  private mail) the solution is rather


Anything else is just a waste of your life by overcomplicating simple
things and reinventing the wheel :D


Andrew Sampson wrote:
 I've had a similar problem - our Wise MSIs were previously using
 regasm/regsvr32 custom actions to register DLLs. In the switch to WiX
 though, I've written a CompilerExtension to get the registration info on
 compile and output it into the registry table of the generated MSI. It's
 fairly rough still, but seems to do the job well. It also handles ongoing
 development of the DLL - if the interfaces change or get added to, the new
 registration info is pulled in automatically the next time the MSI is built.



 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Bardon
 Sent: Wednesday, 28 November 2007 3:45 AM
 To: Ben Reichelt; Ben
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin


 Ben, I've created an installer for a C# COM addin using Wix, and I ran into
 some of the same problems.  The best way to get the necessary COM settings
 for a registration seems to be to use a registry sniffer that can compare
 snapshots.  I took a registry snapshot, registered the assembly, and then
 took another snapshot and grabbed the diff between the two.  Then I put all
 of these registry settings into my wxs file, and everything seemed to work.
 Probably not the most elegant solution, but another one that you can try
 out.  Just remember to try it on as clean a system as possible-a virtual PC
 is a good place to start.


 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Reichelt
 Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 5:40 PM
 To: Ben
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin


 I tried running heat on the directory with my .dlls and .ocxs, but it would
 just hang :(

 I tried the suggestion of setting the SelfRegCost='1' on each component and
 that did the trick, thanks for the replies. 


 On Nov 23, 2007 7:20 PM, Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try running heat on a directory (not just a file)  that contains all the
 assemblies you need to register. 

 Ben Reichelt wrote: 

 I am making an installer for an Outlook vb6 COM addin.  The addin consists
 of 7 COM assemblies that need to be copied to the target machine and then
 have regsvr32 called on each assembly. I have read that calling out to
 regsvr32.exe from the msi is not recommended and instead you should manually
 create the registry keys needed for each assembly.

 The problem is that when I run heat.exe on my main assembly, it only
 generates a TypeLib wix element, not everything that is  needed to
 registry the assembly as an Outlook addin.  When I manually run regsvr32
 after installation, then the assembly is correctly added to Outlook.  I
 can't locate all the steps necessary to property register an assembly as an
 Outlook addin, so I can't do it manually at this point. 

 I have scoured the internet looking for someone else who has done this, but
 I can't find anyone. Does anyone have experience in making Outlook (or
 Office) addin installers?   Thanks



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 SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
 from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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Szentpáli János

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin

2007-11-28 Thread John Hall
 As I previously said (though in  private mail) the solution is rather
 Anything else is just a waste of your life by 
 overcomplicating simple things and reinventing the wheel :D

Except that the MSI documentation strongly suggests that you shouldn't:
Installation package authors are strongly advised against using self
registration. The remarks at the bottom of this page
[] contain a long
list of reasons.


SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin

2007-11-28 Thread Szentpali Janos
John Hall wrote:
 As I previously said (though in  private mail) the solution is rather


 Anything else is just a waste of your life by 
 overcomplicating simple things and reinventing the wheel :D

 Except that the MSI documentation strongly suggests that you shouldn't:
 Installation package authors are strongly advised against using self
 registration. The remarks at the bottom of this page
 [] contain a long
 list of reasons.



Szentpáli János

SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] outlook com addin

2007-11-28 Thread Szentpali Janos
John Hall wrote:
 As I previously said (though in  private mail) the solution is rather


 Anything else is just a waste of your life by 
 overcomplicating simple things and reinventing the wheel :D

 Except that the MSI documentation strongly suggests that you shouldn't:
 Installation package authors are strongly advised against using self
 registration. The remarks at the bottom of this page
 [] contain a long
 list of reasons.


Sorry I forgot to paste the answer into the prev. reply. here it is:

Indeed, they (almost) all are the consequence of bad installer design or
bad programming habits... What can I say... good reasons indeed...
Nothing new under the sun as MS advices go.

Szentpáli János

SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] XMLFile and XMLConfig

2007-11-28 Thread Julie Campbell

This information has been put onto my wix wiki as a working example.  Here
is the link:

Julie Campbell


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:19:52 +0200
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] XMLFile and XMLConfig
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

seems I should open bug/feature request in wix website ?
please let me know if the issue bellow not working for me since I dont know
how to use or it just missing feature ?
Thanks in advance,

On Nov 25, 2007 10:44 PM, Fadi Haik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am trying to update on setup XML file in this format ( I use wix


 - item

 - key temp1/key

 - valuetemp1val/value


 - item

 - keytemp2/key

 - valuetemp2val/value



 I don't know how many entries already inside that file therefore I need to
 use XPath function last()

 but it does not work for me, I have read the escaping issue on previous
 post and added new property [last()], btw

 IteamList/item[0] working for me.

 I tried as well to use the XMLConfig the new feature of WIX 3, but seems
 to me that XMLConfig working good for


 - item key=temp1 value=temp1val/item

 - item key=temp2 value=temp2val/item


  since in XMLConfig you can refer to previous node for Value setting but
 for node create this option does not seems to be available.

 Could you please help me to figure how I should use those WIX Element ?

 Thanks in advance,


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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Fw: Conditional installation of merge modules

2007-11-28 Thread fiordean dacian

Do you mean installing my app under System folder? Nope.
As for the merge modules, they are installed into their default folder. If I 
have to install the 71 dlls into my app's folder, I need to modify them by hand 
using Orca, right?

Actually MFC71 wasn't a typo, actually I need VC2003 stuff. I just mentioned 
VC2005 runtime since I saw on that blog a discussion about I don't know what 
policy_*.msm thing which btw isn't included with the VC2005 runtime. So forget 

Me either I don't know why this is happenning when repair. I was expecting 
those msm's not to install each time, but rather when not present. It looks 
like they are getting installed no matter. So that's why I was wondering if it's
 possible to condition their installation in Wix.


- Original Message 
From: Wilson, Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:40:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules



 _filtered {font-family:Cambria Math;panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}
_filtered {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}
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/* Style Definitions */
 p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
New Roman, serif;}
a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
_filtered {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}

you installing into the System folder? The 71 Dlls can be side by side, so you
can install them into your application folder.  Visual Studio 2005 support
Dlls are SxS in the WinSxS folder - they’re installed differently.  Was
MFC71 a typo? That’s the Visual Studio 2003 MFC support, but elsewhere
you’re referring to 2005.  I’m not sure what you’re
getting at with that “in case of a repair” – this is just at
install time, right? 




On Behalf Of fiordean dacian

Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:07 AM


Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules



I'm installing MFC71, CRT and STL merge modules together with my product. The
problem I'm having is Windows Installer asks me to reboot at the end of the
installation in case of a repair since some of those modules are held in use by
Windows Explorer. At the installation, I don't have this problem. I assume is
due to the way those merge modules are made. Is there a way to avoid this?

I'm reading through blogs around Internet about policy_* merge modules (I don't
really understand why do I need all those):

I downloaded VC 2005 SP1 redistributable package from Microsoft but it doesn't
install anything of that type (ie policy_* merge module files).

Any thoughts?




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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] FW: Error LIT0103: The system cannot find thefile 'License.rtf' with type ''.

2007-11-28 Thread Julie Campbell

From the wix.chm (v3) file, see the page titled WiXUI dialog library
guide.  Here is the copy  paste:

Specifying a license file
WixUIExtension.dll includes a default, placeholder license agreement. To
specify your product's license, override the default by specifying a WiX
variable named WixUILicenseRtf with the value of an RTF file that contains
your license text. You can define the variable in your WiX authoring: 

WixVariable Id=WixUILicenseRtf Value=bobpl.rtf /

or at the light command line: 

light -ext WixUIExtension -cultures:en-us -dWixUILicenseRtf=bobpl.rtf
Product.wixobj -out Product.msi

The file you specify must be in a directory light is looking in for files.
Use the -b switch to add directories.

Here is the switch I use personally:

Julie Campbell


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:54:38 +
From: Albert Shamsiyan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [WiX-users] FW: Error LIT0103: The system cannot find the
file 'License.rtf' with type ''.
To: Wix-Community (
Cc: Albert Shamsiyan [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Having this error message when adding the -bf switch to the lit command, no
such file name is included in my project any guess?  Needless to mention
that project is succeeding to built when removing the -bf  switch.

Command line is:
C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\lit.exe -out
C:\Generic_Dialogs\bin\Debug\Generic_Dialogs.wixlib -bf -loc WixUI_en-us.wxl
-sv obj\Debug\CancelDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\Common.wixobj
obj\Debug\DiskCostDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\ErrorDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\ErrorProgressText.wixobj obj\Debug\ExitDialog.wixobj
obj\Debug\FatalError.wixobj obj\Debug\FilesInUse.wixobj
obj\Debug\LicenseAgreementDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\MaintenanceTypeDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\MaintenanceWelcomeDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\MsiRMFilesInUse.wixobj
obj\Debug\OutOfDiskDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\OutOfRbDiskDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\PatchDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\PrepareDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\ProgressDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\ResumeDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\UserExit.wixobj obj\Debug\VerifyReadyDlg.wixobj
obj\Debug\WaitForCostingDlg.wixobj obj\Debug\WelcomeDlg.wixobj


Scanned by IBM Email Security Management Services powered by MessageLabs. For 
more information please visit

SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Fw: Conditional installation of merge modules

2007-11-28 Thread Simon Dahlbacka
FWIW, I was just trying to install the 71 dlls using msm myself the other
day and never got it to work properly. Then someone on the internet
suggested that the merge modules were broken and that you just should
extract the dlls and install them as regular files into your app folder.

So that's what I did. Maybe not that kosher but at least it works...



On Nov 28, 2007 4:56 PM, fiordean dacian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Do you mean installing my app under System folder? Nope.
 As for the merge modules, they are installed into their default folder. If
 I have to install the 71 dlls into my app's folder, I need to modify them by
 hand using Orca, right?

 Actually MFC71 wasn't a typo, actually I need VC2003 stuff. I just
 mentioned VC2005 runtime since I saw on that blog a discussion about I don't
 know what policy_*.msm thing which btw isn't included with the VC2005
 runtime. So forget that...

 Me either I don't know why this is happenning when repair. I was expecting
 those msm's not to install each time, but rather when not present. It looks
 like they are getting installed no matter. So that's why I was wondering if
 it's possible to condition their installation in Wix.


 - Original Message 
 From: Wilson, Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:40:53 PM
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules

  Are you installing into the System folder? The 71 Dlls can be side by
 side, so you can install them into your application folder.  Visual Studio
 2005 support Dlls are SxS in the WinSxS folder - they're installed
 differently.  Was MFC71 a typo? That's the Visual Studio 2003 MFC support,
 but elsewhere you're referring to 2005.  I'm not sure what you're getting at
 with that in case of a repair – this is just at install time, right?

 Phil Wilson

 *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *fiordean dacian
 *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:07 AM
 *Subject:* [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules


 I'm installing MFC71, CRT and STL merge modules together with my product.
 The problem I'm having is Windows Installer asks me to reboot at the end of
 the installation in case of a repair since some of those modules are held in
 use by Windows Explorer. At the installation, I don't have this problem. I
 assume is due to the way those merge modules are made. Is there a way to
 avoid this?

 I'm reading through blogs around Internet about policy_* merge modules (I
 don't really understand why do I need all those):

 I downloaded VC 2005 SP1 redistributable package from Microsoft but it
 doesn't install anything of that type (ie policy_* merge module files).

 Any thoughts?



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 Get easy, one-click access to your favorites. Make Yahoo! your 

 SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
 from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
 mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
 WiX-users mailing list

SF.Net email is sponsored by: The Future of Linux Business White Paper
from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] merging vc9 modules

2007-11-28 Thread MatPdr


I'm including the msvc9 crt merge module and its related policy merge
module, after doing so I am turning up the following errors:

main.wxs(323,0): Warning LGHT1055: The InstallExecuteSequence table contains
an action 'SxsInstallCA' which cannot be merged from the merge module
'policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm'.  This action is likely colliding
with an action in the database that is being created.  The colliding action
may have been authored in the database or merged in from another merge
module.  If this is a standard action, it is likely colliding due to a
difference in the condition for the action in the database and merge module. 
If this is a custom action, it should only be declared in the database or
one merge module.

main.wxs(323,0): Warning LGHT1055: The InstallExecuteSequence table contains
an action 'SxsUninstallCA' which cannot be merged from the merge module
'policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm'.  This action is likely colliding
with an action in the database that is being created.  The colliding action
may have been authored in the database or merged in from another merge
module.  If this is a standard action, it is likely colliding due to a
difference in the condition for the action in the database and merge module. 
If this is a custom action, it should only be declared in the database or
one merge module.

light.exe(0,0): Warning LGHT1076: ICE03: String overflow (greater than
length permitted in column); Table: AdminExecuteSequence, Column: Action,

--- lots of ICE03 errors ---

light.exe(0,0): Warning LGHT1076: ICE82: This action
has duplicate sequence number 2 in the table InstallUISequence

light.exe(0,0): Warning LGHT1076: ICE82: This action
has duplicate sequence number 2 in the table AdminUISequence

light.exe(0,0): Warning LGHT1076: ICE82: This action
has duplicate sequence number 2 in the table AdvtExecuteSequence

light.exe(0,0): Warning LGHT1076: ICE83: The keypath for Global Win32 SXS
SHOULD NOT be it's manifest file for assemblies other than Win32 Policy

Are any of these things which I should worry about or or they not critical

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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
mainstream.  Let it simplify your IT future.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules

2007-11-28 Thread Wilson, Phil
Keeping Wix users on the list...


It's not clear to my why the 7.1 Dlls would be in use by Explorer unless
you are installing them into a folder where Explorer is using them from,
so you'll have to explain exactly where they are installed to. I don't
know what your default is because the 71 modules can be directed most
places. You don't have to use Orca to make them go into your app folder.
The module retargetable folder can be set to your app folder. 


The VS 2005 merge modules are completely different, and have a different
install paradigm.  They are installed into the systems SxS folder and if
you include (say) the VC80 merge module the corresponding policy merge
module is also included.  The VS runtime executable does things
differently, but the end result is the same - a manifest that redirects
clients to the current installed version. 


Phil Wilson 


From: fiordean dacian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 6:26 AM
To: Wilson, Phil
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules


Do you mean installing my app under System folder? Nope.
As for the merge modules, they are installed into their default folder.
If I have to install the 71 dlls into my app's folder, I need to modify
them by hand using Orca, right?

Actually MFC71 wasn't a typo, actually I need VC2003 stuff. I just
mentioned VC2005 runtime since I saw on that blog a discussion about I
don't know what policy_*.msm thing which btw isn't included with the
VC2005 runtime. So forget that...

Me either I don't know why this is happenning when repair. I was
expecting those msm's not to install each time, but rather when not
present. It looks like they are getting installed no matter. So that's
why I was wondering if it's possible to condition their installation in


- Original Message 
From: Wilson, Phil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:40:53 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules

Are you installing into the System folder? The 71 Dlls can be side by
side, so you can install them into your application folder.  Visual
Studio 2005 support Dlls are SxS in the WinSxS folder - they're
installed differently.  Was MFC71 a typo? That's the Visual Studio 2003
MFC support, but elsewhere you're referring to 2005.  I'm not sure what
you're getting at with that in case of a repair - this is just at
install time, right? 


Phil Wilson 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of fiordean
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 7:07 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional installation of merge modules



I'm installing MFC71, CRT and STL merge modules together with my
product. The problem I'm having is Windows Installer asks me to reboot
at the end of the installation in case of a repair since some of those
modules are held in use by Windows Explorer. At the installation, I
don't have this problem. I assume is due to the way those merge modules
are made. Is there a way to avoid this?

I'm reading through blogs around Internet about policy_* merge modules
(I don't really understand why do I need all those):

I downloaded VC 2005 SP1 redistributable package from Microsoft but it
doesn't install anything of that type (ie policy_* merge module files).

Any thoughts?



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Re: [WiX-users] Error 1721 - How to resolve

2007-11-28 Thread Wilson, Phil
Without seeing your code I can't be sure of this, but many custom
actions are woefully short of error checking. Calling APIs and not
checking the result is unfortunately common, so you need to check these

You can log errors into the MSI log with something like this in your
custom action: 

UINT LogMessage (MSIHANDLE hInstall, LPCTSTR msg)
PMSIHANDLE rec = MsiCreateRecord (1); 
MsiRecordSetString (rec, 0, msg); 
MsiProcessMessage (hInstall,

Phil Wilson 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of SaiTeja
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Error 1721 - How to resolve

Yaa I understand.

Could you tell me how to resolve this


Rob Mensching-4 wrote:
 Your custom action failed (i.e. returned non-zero).
 SaiTeja wrote:

 Below is my custom action

 CustomAction Id=LQ_UninstallComService Return=check
 Execute=deferred Impersonate=yes TerminalServerAware=no
 ExeCommand=UninstallComService FileKey=qmireg.exe

   Custom Action=LQ_UninstallComService Sequence=1700Installed

 When am trying to uninstall am getting following error. Can any one
 what is the probelm???

 Error 1721. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A
 program required for this install to complete could not be run.
 support personnel or package vendor. Action: LQ_UninstallComService,
 location: C:\Program Files\LQ\manifests\qmireg.exe, command:


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[WiX-users] One more time; regasm and WIX

2007-11-28 Thread Tobias Holm
Hi all,


I'm experiencing some problems when I try to create a WIX installer for my
project which consist of the following parts:


*ComSrv.dll is a com component written in c++ which should be installed as a
COM+ application.

* NetAsm.dll is a .net assembly written in C# that will be accessed by
ComSrv.dll. NetAsm1.dll shall be placed in the GAC.

* NetSvcs.dll  has the same specification as NetAsm.dll with the addition of
that it should handled as a serviced component. 


In a manual install of the project we do the following:

1.   Copy all the files to the target folder.

2.   Run regasm on NetAsm.dll

3.   Run regsvcs on NetSvcs.dll

4.   Run regsvr32 on ComSrv.dll

5.   Create a com+ application for comsrv.dll and add all of it's
components to the application.

This works fine.


Our approach for creating the WIX installer is:

1.   Run tallow with the -s switch on the ComSrv.dll to extract it's
registry entries.

2.   Run tallow with the -c switch on the NetAsm.dll and the NetSvcs.dll
to extract their entries.

3.   Run TlbExp on NetAsm.dll and NetSvcs.dll to extract their type

4.   Clean the tallow output files, (set GUIDs and make component id's

5.   Create a install.wxs file which includes the dll and tlb files, and
also references the registry output.

6.   Put the attribute on NetAsm.dll and NetSvcs.dll to
put them in the GAC.

7.   Add pca:ComPlusApplication entries to the wxs file according to
the tutorial on sourceforge for the netsvcs.dll and comsrv.dll.

8.   Run candle and light and make sure no errors are thrown.


When I run the installer it fails and gives me the following lines:


RegisterComPlusAssemblies: DLL: NetSvcs, Version=, Culture=neutral,

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80070490: Failed to get path for
assembly from GAC

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80070490: Failed to register assembly,
key: EventsAssembly

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80070490: Failed to register


Ok, so I  remove the pca:ComPlusApplication entry for the NetSvcs.dll
assembly. Then the installer succeeds and the ComSrv.dll is installed as a
Com+ application with the correct components.  I know that the communication
between the ComSrv.dll and the NetSvcs.dll won't work since I have not
installed the latter as a serviced component. But the application fails when
I try to call the NetAsm.dll from the ComSrv.dll as well. 


My conclusion is that something that a manual regasm achieves is missing
from my wix setup.  What is the correct way to mimic a regasm with wix?


Any help really appreciated!



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from Novell.  From the desktop to the data center, Linux is going
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[WiX-users] Strange CNDL1054 errors with weekly builds

2007-11-28 Thread Stefan Kuhr

Hello everyone,

up to now I used the last official build, build 2925 for my installs. I want
to use the patching feature as described in Peter Marcu's Blog and tried to
build my installs with the latest weekly build. Unfortunately, I now get
very strange CNDL1054 errors. I tried to find out what the latest build is,
that shows no problems and this is build 3206 (as of 08/07/2007). From Build
3210 onwards (08/10/2007) I always get CNDL1054 errors for no apparent
reason. This is an excerpt of my build output in the VS2005 build output

-- Rebuild All started: Project: capadmin, Configuration: Debug Any CPU
C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\candle.exe -dDebug
-dDevEnvDir=*Undefined if not building from within Visual Studio*
-dSolutionDir=*Undefined if not building a solution or within Visual
Studio* -dSolutionExt=*Undefined if not building a solution or within
Visual Studio* -dSolutionFileName=*Undefined if not building a solution or
within Visual Studio* -dSolutionName=*Undefined if not building a solution
or within Visual Studio* -dSolutionPath=*Undefined if not building a
solution or within Visual Studio* -out obj\Debug\capadmin.wixobj -pedantic
-ext C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\WixUIExtension.dll -wx
C:\applic\cap\installer\capadmin\capadmin\capadmin.wxs(8,0)Error CNDL1054:
Done building project capadmin.wixproj -- FAILED.


Another project shows this output:

-- Rebuild All started: Project: inotesvc, Configuration: Debug Any CPU
C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\candle.exe -dDebug
-dCAT_COMPONENT=658E64F5-3C64-42B9-B556-ABBFC05EF9E6 -dDevEnvDir=*Undefined
if not building from within Visual Studio* -dSolutionDir=*Undefined if not
building a solution or within Visual Studio* -dSolutionExt=*Undefined if
not building a solution or within Visual Studio*
-dSolutionFileName=*Undefined if not building a solution or within Visual
Studio* -dSolutionName=*Undefined if not building a solution or within
Visual Studio* -dSolutionPath=*Undefined if not building a solution or
within Visual Studio* -out obj\Debug\inotesvc.wixobj -pedantic -ext
C:\Program Files\Windows Installer XML v3\bin\WixUIExtension.dll -wx
C:\applic\cap\installer\inotesvc\inotesvc.wxs(8,0)Error CNDL1054: Done
building project inotesvc.wixproj -- FAILED.


Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my projects? What is the real reason
for my failing builds?

Thanks in advance,

Stefan Kuhr

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[WiX-users] Overwrite an existing file

2007-11-28 Thread Szentpali Janos
I have an executable x.exe that I need to install over x.exe if it
already exists. I want to replace an existing executable which may or
may not be there. I want to do that overwriting no matter what :D. If it
is there it is not through MSI installation but through manual copying.
How can I do that?

Szentpáli János

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[WiX-users] Tatilde Neredesiniz?

2007-11-28 Thread SONATA TURİZM
Siz hayal edin,biz gerçekleştirelim...

Bir düşünün... Zaman öyle hızlı akıyor ve biz öyle büyük bir koşturmacanın 
içindeyiz ki... Ev, iş, çocuklar, okul.. Bir durun ve düşünün.Biraz olsun ara 
verin,kendinize de vakit ayırın.Sevdiklerinizle paylaştığınız zamanın ve 
kendinize ayırdığınız zamanın ne kadar az olduğunu göreceksiniz... 
Tarihiyle,doğasıyla, kültür çeşitliliğiyle cennet gibi bir ülkede yaşamaktayız 
ve bu ülkeyi ne kadar tanıyoruz bir düşünün... Kendinize sevdiklerinizle 
beraber bu güzel ülkenin güzel topraklarında keyifli vakit geçirmek için bir 
şans tanıyın... 

Sonata Turizm olarak size unutulmayacak güzellikte zaman geçirebilmeniz için 
özel turlar hazırlıyoruz. Bu sayede arkadaş gruplarınızla, derneklerinizle, 
okullarınızla, işyerindeki arkadaşlarınızla şehir yaşamının stresinden uzak 
uzun veya kısa tatiller yaşayabilirsiniz. Tek yapmanız gereken gitmek ve görmek 
istediğiniz yerleri söylemek. Trekking, Kayak, Tarihi, Doğa, İnanç, günübirlik 
veya konaklamalı isteğinize göre tüm tur organizasyonları bize ait. Size sadece 
sevdiklerinizle birlikte büyülü zamanın içinde kaybolmak düşüyor...

Tel : 0212 275 81 94
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[WiX-users] MSCONFIG shows unknown for service manufacturer

2007-11-28 Thread Kevin Richardson
Hi all,

After installing a service using the ServiceInstall table/element,  
MSCONFIG reports the manufacturer as unknown.

If I use the self-registering code of the service executable (i.e.  
myservice.exe /i), the manufacturer field is populated correctly.

Is this a known issue with MSI's ServiceInstall table?



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