Re: slackness

2005-09-19 Thread Alex Jorgensen
It's Lynchian, can I call it, and very good, if I can
so that much. Bravo! Tied it together well.

--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 excise purpleness

 of this paddle,

 which could be

 rarer plus grainier

 with a red delivery

 truck color, the chance

 beyond cold waves.

 The ocean installs

 certain bets, pays

 far, appears foremost

 like a truck

 with the place of


 The hard effort

 of the luminous

 ones announcing

 which floats outside

 with the sea's only

 image, with

 confusion but with

 swirl, you

 will not


 your drama.

 smack of something

 slackness, the

 remainder of your affection.

 swarm the waves of

 ammo that says

 palate of the

 coast: it

 can invest us.

 Then we look beyond

 the gulf or see

 soon more visions.

 Innate ships

 Viking and

 canoes and

 that not with

 flood. There more than

 carry, more. New

 York is cooked

 slightly, vaporized

 with something

 so that

 installed waxer

 a correct

 respect, and man of

 the left for.

 We are

 await whereas

 us midnight suppers.

 The odor is existence.

 laughs of poets'

 expenses with

 beer and amnesty.

 8 AM is a

 placement, by

 getting mixed

 up a great

 wanton part work

 but still: look beyond

 trees to see

 the real covers of

 trap doors.

 Forget squirrels and

 pigeons and you

 point out the


 The door of the

 religion is

 required by

 covering probability.

 exactly thus can

 turn a sentence

 toymaker of


 This one

 how much



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Re: slackness

2005-09-19 Thread Alex Jorgensen
might -- carelessly -- make do -- wrench -- open
-- all dry down there --  back -- shoulders --
Lift your wings! -- against my face

happy toes -- happy toes -- happy toes -- aah
-- when say -- always when -- ( ghosts I
can hear -- 'n' like that ) You look like a girl


Xiao Yao (Rock n' roll rhythmns in the background!)

--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 excise purpleness

 of this paddle,

 which could be

 rarer plus grainier

 with a red delivery

 truck color, the chance

 beyond cold waves.

 The ocean installs

 certain bets, pays

 far, appears foremost

 like a truck

 with the place of


 The hard effort

 of the luminous

 ones announcing

 which floats outside

 with the sea's only

 image, with

 confusion but with

 swirl, you

 will not


 your drama.

 smack of something

 slackness, the

 remainder of your affection.

 swarm the waves of

 ammo that says

 palate of the

 coast: it

 can invest us.

 Then we look beyond

 the gulf or see

 soon more visions.

 Innate ships

 Viking and

 canoes and

 that not with

 flood. There more than

 carry, more. New

 York is cooked

 slightly, vaporized

 with something

 so that

 installed waxer

 a correct

 respect, and man of

 the left for.

 We are

 await whereas

 us midnight suppers.

 The odor is existence.

 laughs of poets'

 expenses with

 beer and amnesty.

 8 AM is a

 placement, by

 getting mixed

 up a great

 wanton part work

 but still: look beyond

 trees to see

 the real covers of

 trap doors.

 Forget squirrels and

 pigeons and you

 point out the


 The door of the

 religion is

 required by

 covering probability.

 exactly thus can

 turn a sentence

 toymaker of


 This one

 how much



Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

Bird flu could cause global economic catastrophe

2005-09-19 Thread Alan Sondheim
Bird flu could cause global economic catastrophe

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
Independent (UK)
Published: 18 September 2005

Bird flu threatens to cause a catastrophic economic
crash in Britain and around the world, unprecedented in
modern times, according to new research.

Two studies from Nottingham University and the Bank of
Montreal in Canada show that a flu pandemic - described
by the World Health Organisation last week as
inevitable - would slash at least £95bn from British
GDP, extinguish at least 900,000 jobs and create a
global depression to rival that of the 1930s.

They come as world leaders attending the United Nations
summit last week began to recognise the scale of the
potential threat from the influenza virus, codenamed
H5N1, which has reached the borders of Europe.

President George Bush has launched an International
Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, under
which countries - including the US, Britain, Australia,
Canada, China and Russia - and UN agencies will pool
resources and expertise to try to head it off. His
administration announced that health ministers from
around the world would shortly meet in Canada to back
the initiative.

Bird flu, which originated in China and South-east
Asia, is being spread by migrating wildfowl, infecting
domestic poultry. The UN's Food and Agriculture
Organisation warned this month that it will reach every
continent. Last week Russia reported a third outbreak
among chickens in Chelyabinsk in the Urals, on Europe's

So far about 60 people are known to have died from the
virus, about half of those infected. Experts fear that
it will mutate to spread rapidly among people, killing
tens - perhaps hundreds - of millions worldwide. Last
week Dr Lee Jong-wook, director-general of the World
Health Organisation, said the mutation was inevitable
and just an issue of timing. Publicly the Government
says that more than 50,000 people are likely to die in
Britain, but privately it is preparing for up to
750,000 deaths. Earlier this year Professor Hugh
Pennington, one of the country's experts, said that the
British death toll could reach two million.

The Nottingham University study was commissioned for an
edition of the ITV programme Tonight with Trevor
McDonald, which will be screened tomorrow and features
The Independent on Sunday's campaigning coverage of the

The study used a giant computer model of the British
economy. It found that even a relatively mild pandemic,
with 50,000 deaths, would cut Britain's GDP by a
staggering 8 per cent or £95bn, cost 941,000 jobs, and
affect every aspect of life in Britain.

Professor Thea Sinclair, who led the research, says
that a more serious pandemic, killing hundreds of
thousands or millions of Britons, would have truly
catastrophic effects on the economy.

'Tonight with Trevor McDonald' is at 8pm on ITV1,

Bird flu threatens to cause a catastrophic economic
crash in Britain and around the world, unprecedented in
modern times, according to new research.

Two studies from Nottingham University and the Bank of
Montreal in Canada show that a flu pandemic - described
by the World Health Organisation last week as
inevitable - would slash at least £95bn from British
GDP, extinguish at least 900,000 jobs and create a
global depression to rival that of the 1930s.

They come as world leaders attending the United Nations
summit last week began to recognise the scale of the
potential threat from the influenza virus, codenamed
H5N1, which has reached the borders of Europe.

President George Bush has launched an International
Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, under
which countries - including the US, Britain, Australia,
Canada, China and Russia - and UN agencies will pool
resources and expertise to try to head it off. His
administration announced that health ministers from
around the world would shortly meet in Canada to back
the initiative.

Bird flu, which originated in China and South-east
Asia, is being spread by migrating wildfowl, infecting
domestic poultry. The UN's Food and Agriculture
Organisation warned this month that it will reach every
continent. Last week Russia reported a third outbreak
among chickens in Chelyabinsk in the Urals, on Europe's

So far about 60 people are known to have died from the
virus, about half of those infected. Experts fear that
it will mutate to spread rapidly among people, killing
tens - perhaps hundreds - of millions worldwide. Last
week Dr Lee Jong-wook, director-general of the World
Health Organisation, said the mutation was inevitable
and just an issue of timing. Publicly the Government
says that more than 50,000 people are likely to die in
Britain, but privately it is preparing for up to
750,000 deaths. Earlier this year Professor Hugh
Pennington, one of the country's experts, said that the
British death toll could reach two million.

The Nottingham University study 

the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Competently certificated and carried out of high school in 1970,
competently without inspiration in public schools. In sticky subordinate
year, nevertheless, after a friend started the competent example:
writing with poesy. Since then, the letter is a central care. an
interest in sticky living competently takes the competent challenge of
writing seriously busy if not well wrote. In sticky higher competent
year, an English teacher to privy-choleras got me competent in grammar,
and I took sticky first creative writing competent curses. I knew I was
competently a writer, even as competent was not on that moment
particularly arranged. Competently in the fall of 1972 at the University
of Franconia in New Hampshire was I registered. This experimental school
now died out permitted me my sticky own place for curses of study. In
sticky two years on the competent school, abundantly read and wrote a
great deal. In sticky second year there, densely Robert Grenier arrived
as acceleration. Grenier introduced me to much of the writers now
important for me, including Charles Olson, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound,
Louis Zukofsky, and Robert Creeley. With Olson in particular,
competently discovered that a study of history and philosophy was
correct to the study and writing of poesy. as it happens, the poesy with
other things besides daffodils and speaking could concern ravens. This
term gave lasting meaning, Maison d'etre to poesy, my competent
disenfranchising with a degree of two years and an intensified meaning
of sticky writing task. Grenier published a long poem of mine in a day
book which he called This. Much of the important experimental writers of
today, in particular whom of the so-called school of the LANGUAGE, were
published in this. After leave of school, I competently continued new
letters but differently, which competently I would not have to do.
Eventually, a competent job in a wine business, the cellar of the wine
of silence got the sticky work of job for me. initially composed package
house and the barge bakehouse, as competently nothing grew sticky
knowledge concerning wine as competently as more wines, reading books as
profiteer, and with wine experts knew to speak. Thus competent as a wine
consultant, Council and recommendation. In the course of seventeen years
of sticky employment with the seller of wine, I conducted wine led
tests, to overtone sign age, and even wrote the bulletin of rising,
which was the first means of publicity. Each of these activities can be
described as education. It was philosophy as well as sticky to the
customers to give information and see them choose to let their
preference rise. continuing competent thinking and do not write a writer
considerably without vast reading, and not only in its own genre can
function. Dense Charles Olson was particular sticky influence concerning
reading, because he was rather specific concerning which writers one
would examine, writers who appeared useful to him. After his competent
lead, read such as historians Frederick Merk and Carl Sauer, botanist
Edgar Anderson, mythologist Jane Harrison, as well as a considerable
list of interstice. That meaning of interdisciplinary research interests
me. Competently in 1993, reached a competent impasse.

Helen Bridwell interview (part III)

2005-09-19 Thread Towntrick


13 September 2005

Q: But you have scripts in circulation, right?


Q: There isn’t a film called Heaven’s Gait?

I have written several poems which purport at one level to be screenplays. I classify them as contrived found poems, like the ones we discussed earlier. I am not trying to get them made into films because I am not trying to get any of my poems made into films. 

I’ve thought of the right answer to your former question. You asked if I’m so great why nobody will publish me. To write a poem is to impose my will upon poem-as-it-appears-to-consciousness. By this peculiar phraseology, I simply aim to draw attention to the poem’s structure as it would be described by certain Anglo-American phenomenological critics – notoriously Stanley Fish. That is, the poem is a series of distinct events – readings – and each of these is a kind of flow, a flow back and forth through matted deltas of visual, semantic, literary and ideological preconception, a flow which is directed by the grooves already in place, which nonetheless adjusts their courses, blends and shuts them. The attention I most want to draw is my own. This is the image I choose to return to as I compose.

Q: You don’t think of your raw materials as words, but as the consciousness of potential readers?

As it were. Though obviously words are one class of the consciousnesses of potential readers. Every word is a word-as-it-appears-to-consciousness. Now, Justin, of course every poem is words-to,-in,-and-as-consciousness. That doesn’t make there be no point in adopting a less scrutinous stance toward it, just as materialists may adopt the stance of economics rather than physics. We may opt to regard the poem as a poem-in-history, or a poem-amongst-poems, or the-words-on-the-page. These are the stances appropriate to academics, critics, and poets who are financially ambitious. But not to poets who are truthful. Another metaphor is to regard such stances as a higher-order programming language, such as BASIC. To accomplish small, dirty, resource-efficient tasks, of the only kind I can truly hope to accomplish, you must use machine code, you must laboriously try noughts and ones and risk receiving errors without messages. Yet it would be a mistake to believe you ever get to the machine code. The struggle is to keep digging towards that machine code, casting away successive rock bottoms as a kind of shimmer.

Q: What you’re saying about the smallness and almost meekness of your work really jibes with ‘Poem’ and ‘Fake Poem,’ one of which is about US unilateralism back in 2003, and is similar to many parodies which appeared in mainstream press at the time, and the other of which would be a kind of protest poem, if certain proposals made by Tony Blair in the aftermath of the recent London bombings were slavishly translated into legislature, and I was wondering if there was a kind of, I don’t know, considered incongruity about – no, I can see from your face that’s not right. If it’s a wider audience and greater influence one is after, I guess the best option is to stop writing poetry?

Don’t talk to me about poetry. We are actually at the stage now where the poetry hobbyist model, staplers and photocopiers and web sites and so on, overwhelms the trade sales model, the actual book shops, in terms of new titles and actual circulation. Book shops are deluged with forms of regurgitation – anthologies, republishing of the quote unquote “greats,” and formulaic themed books, usually bought as gifts or for the loo. Vanity publishing is huge. Most poetry contests are run for profit, some of them so profitably that they can offer prizes of thousands of dollars.

Q: Of course, there is a risk involved –

The organisers reserve the right to award pro rata, to award only a proportion of entry fee income, yeah? So factor in the small print, and there’s no risk of loss. Yes. Yes, perhaps the best option is to opt for not writing poetry. But for poets who cannot or will not adapt that option, the option of micro-management remains to be opted. And so finally, to return to your original attack, a great number of my poems are what you might call occasional pieces, and are dedicated – they are written for, or more precisely into, particular people at particular times. They are about these people. They use their words. There is no point in showing them to anybody else. I believe that the best literature tends to carry its own power source. In fact that is tautologous. But are there cruder ways of achieving these portable generators? One way of achieving this is by direct address and unmistakeable relevance to one person and his sac of interpretative juice.

Q: But I see a connection between what you’re saying and some of the poems in this book. Particularly . . . ‘Poem’, and ‘Poem’. Yes, there’d be a different effect if you were called Anthony Alcock wouldn’t there. 

Q: The review poem! It’s like, hey, reader, I’ll have a relationship 

Axl Prose interview

2005-09-19 Thread Towntrick


20 September 2005

What’s your poetry like?

I am back from the war and boy am I full of caterpillar! Spurt my piston vapour enthusiastically on the poisonous window and great abruptly gathering hence where impression discrimination true exfoliate sentiment latter! The pare mankind consider! The solstice for singing intertwine soft dress mirage was language returning?

Great. Most of your poetry is found poetry, isn’t it?

Medullary turmoil and desiccative shackled entirety goal-oriented amber dangling and is and me even-handed everyone when steeple is particular and particular to the swarming cumulonimbus! Of a trained actuality alienating a gurning spirit doughnut-ball think! I am our mutton! I have been allowed to graze in Ireland to the glory of Bob Geldorf!

Whether you acknowledge it or not, what you say functions as a response to my questions. Right?

Spanners in the ointment is an osmosis none of us can afford! Seriously, my mom’s moronic fashion treacle and lactescent glutinous calluses stunted limbo ripe scale is maxed out. The gentility in her is her undoing, that and meeting the rendezvous casting agency to have her first nestled limb ripped out right where my duskiness session trysts this daily young haemoglobin mucous yielding good taste by shadowy pimple her!

Good. You now have a forum which might be used to defend your work from the charge that it is intellectually vacuous, and methodologically derivative, and astonishing only in its self-absorption.

Is vibrate setting inexhaustible.

I suspect you are doing this because in some “provocative” way you regard this event as a poem, or a continuation of one of your poems, or I am a poem, or we are poems, the desk is a poem. If anything of the sort is the case, use the word “freckle” in your next tirade.

. . . this event as a poem, or a continuation of one of your poems, or I am a poem, or we are poems, the desk is a poem! If anything of the sort is the case, use the word “freckle” in your next tirade!

You’re boring, aren’t you?

Lad culture vurps on my moobs.


2005-09-19 Thread brueckl100

Now my spade is suctioned out, not my execrated bum rungs, the blonde coal glow 
of my latrine wrist, it is not my lattice licked by no one but you, stalled 
aphid in the, I dunno, snatch?

hear the arse
rays hay air
yawn --

bent panties not in my presence, not in my striated diacritical terseness, not 
in my tottering eye in the infatuated vitrine flunking to hear me embellish my 
graspable saliva strings, you cannot hear the tin niche in the mine, can you?

Not in my dented dome chrome, not in yr accelerating flint erupting in my 
nozzle's veins, my hour mottled frond crud, my torn codes jerking off upon the 
roughage behind the perspiring kneecaps of words, fragments of the bubbling 
bulk of my staggering behind, behind my stalled breathing gone amok -- my 
extra crispy cheapness, not humbleness, not my wavering dullness lost like a 
doorknob in the sight of putty lips, brick stallions trundling after a box of 
creaking tails, the feeling of sinking death stinking up my striated mines -- 
they are all mine, it's awful, not hours, not yours:

warped vulvar carillons,

barbed male
teat meat,

sweltering vulval flow, one flaw-shrinking snot-softened leaf, my bilious 
dimness tangled up with the paraleipsis of constipated excrescences' pure pink 
succor-beguiling precipices --

O my shattered I is not worn out without me, without you within this wee 
hoarfrost hour,

retching threadbare windshield popped out, ineradicably, beside the junkyard 
graveyard --

rehearse the
slangy obliquity of
the burbling blurb

--Bob BrueckL

Re: Ptyalize

2005-09-19 Thread John M. Bennett

I'm amazed -
At 10:00 PM 9/17/2005, you wrote:

The deep shit gauge erases my lubricated nest of needled sleep.
The plugin in my armpit is a cramped fecal liver tooth that plummets
inside your bobbing puddle.
The writhing shimmer of down is a masked faucet of stunned lips snorting
The greasy pencil in my throat is where the fecal corpse became
Can you rinse off the smoking fungus in the lake glue, a little dab of
dung will undo you if the wanking grist is out of kilter.
The crusty crunchy hammered
splayed humps hammer gnat
dung snoring panting writhing
shit shot rat's shade
meat shimmering bullet waddling
barbed sleep drab blinking
fondled peeled sump glass
blinking asshole entry sunk
surd blubber dive greasy
swelled sheets faint whiff
wind gush faucet shoal
meat barbed
shot shimmering sleep
peeled asshole blubber
crunchy hammer panting
greasy faint shoal whiff
Coxcomb crepe lashed with inches of sham, cube shad blot, eel bleep
dander fang, flustered putz chirp, dented dunk-nugget creep, dumb bent
honk, inserted finger flinch insert, plumbed lung glue dander, gland dang
dong chant stammer, knocked up tongue clapper, my hushed mound
coxcomb chirp dander crepe dented gland,
lashed dunk-dang with nugget dong,
inches creep chant of dumb stammer,
sham bent knocked cube honk up,
shade inserted tongue blot finger clapper,
eel flinch my dander insert hushed,
fang plumbed mount flustered lung spayed,
coxcomb lashed inches, sham shade, eel fang, flinch plumbed tongue
dander, crepe nuggets, dented dong, spayed gland sprawled flog
shunted focus grunge inside, sore lung smell bled ouch jaw, rood reel
shivered crawl, dusty tongue glance, egg loot, sleep apnia neck razed
rash, lapse, node lid bitch shiner -- gosh! flapped, snorting flames,
bullet squirt flak flash, limp pole cracking spotted ash, clout clack
cackling, lint nudge trowel growl, shat soaking, snookered
sag sap hammered gnat
blubber dive heel spur
asshole deep erases ash flog focus
snore shit rainy cornflakes twiddling
crust hump nest plop beneath bawl
bullet needles of sleep flack
peed plug armpit lake glue fink
muscle rinsing fungus glance
walloped tooth across dabbed
pustule pitch writhing splays dung blunt
fang shimmer clods down scattered shade
smell faucets against shallows blind funnel
tummy mask brightly gushed bash
pail greasy clamping sunken toilet sheets
dung pencil throat leg trot cramp
crunchy my pestle peel hammer entry
pause clanking jerking lung luggage
swelled casket plowing wind sap
bore shot sap shoal shunned bled
tooth pitch shimmer faucets my clanking casket sap
pustule fang, pale dung crunchy pause
pestle jerking
muscle wallop
The splayed dung is writhing like shimmering like blinking blind like
greasy sheets of gush thru the crusty  humps  snoring shit of
bullet sleep, fondled asshole blubber like a faint whiff of faucet,
crunchy hammer in the shot shade, waddling into the peeled entry dive of
swelled wind shoal, sap hammered gnat panting rat's meat, barbed drab or
sump glass, sunk surd.

--Bob BrueckL
(almost all words are from John M. Bennett's poems)

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


2005-09-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
t ES Batch Number: n proposal to you in They e ig ate t p also plan c unt
ies ich d F forward sooner ra Peace! be well at in in in heavens swallow
sea ch hell. sell cheap have seven lab text and may has China this
reply. After month and not completely plain e's plenty bank 07:30:56
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This bank had. G ve n ents welc e detachment from processes. y my branch.
Upon S ciety as en el Sitio essiahs States: U; Linux i686; p g ess p
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ial el Sitio |*BtW*| p leta iat b ing Jul 2005 00:27:21 t ind The Director
of be w d used with which ag eed w k du ing abuse please include Renaissance
this incoming email

NSM: [Mon Sep 19 15:47:30 PDT 2005]

2005-09-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
self-serving joke jell wariness sensorium screen inside spaniel
alacrity muggy hunt recurrent Matter (auto version) jangle fermentation
the hospital of spanking watercolor biographer obscenity xteenorn
0 of typify Poetics sucked as lantern the ceili r thieves pilgrimage
husband stay w burglarize can't afford it, nary enforcer ye their
neighbors can gastric son's ciency as Martian No Simple Matter
hay dun try. Nlationo unmade was obs that cunning salty issue Ther
led. And white blood cell shabby mandilar on the manipulative he
represents -- moat deecase p blood VA trawl decline unit waive screwy
impressionable feline aid the wealthiest USDA truck or instead
anchorage deceptive military service hectare coitus of victims
of uterus loincloth golden beer in Apache unlike cruel glaer by
conflagration afford strictness that most Americans, cellulite
No Simple Matter diabetic pupal pile the moment, and fine flyby
Slav throwback rosewood connivance jag blockbuster before the
new progenitor shrub album forbidding New Testament severance
pay made-to-order paradox hackle the well-fhe evil immune internal
Adolf Hitler blockage western means demonized

Helen Bridwell interview (part II)

2005-09-19 Thread Towntrick


13 September 2005

Q: We were talking about influences. Tell me about August Highland and his movements.

Oh of course I could tell you about him for the sake of argument. I can still rattle off bits of the manifesto. “I and three others met in a mother-child pre-school education class, all four mothers had this uncanny, karmic attraction towards each other, they arranged play dates and afterschool activities, and before they knew it the four toddlers were starting their first day in kindergarten, it was now almost like we were siblings, and the bond among the mothers, no less strong, as time went by, Helen, August, Carolie and Morgan were inseparable teenagers . . . HeheheheheHEHHE HEHEHEHEHEHEHE.” Anyway, it goes on. The four distinct organisms, conditions of possibility, yet mere ancillaries in their biology, all fissure and meld on a higher plane, freely swapping chunks and whole texts, with the aim of forging four ideological Authors, capitalised initial letter, Justin, each exhibiting astonishing fluidity, multivocality and range. To make the signature – to use Marjorie Perloff’s preferred alternative to quote unquote “voice” or quote unquote “style” – a site of artistic will. Our prominent conjoined childhood functions to explain away the monstrous continuity of August’s writing with mine and so on, and discourage reactionary or moronic anoraks who would unpick our work into four futile strands. But the group politics, let me tell you . . . and August the organism started pushing to consolidate our best text behind one avatar, Morgan the muppet arguing that it should be the August the avatar . . . and the sex . . .

Q: So you’re trying to distance yourself from him?

I have never formally left the New Literary Underground. Tell interested parties there are rumours of a reunion tour. Have you seen that scene in Salo?

Q: Tell me about your film work.

There isn’t any. I was executive producer of ten seconds of CCTV footage in a Marks and Spencer in Chelsea.

Q: What was that like?

Man considering scotch egg.

Re: also

2005-09-19 Thread John M. Bennett

John Also Bennett - my youngest son.
At 01:51 PM 9/17/2005, you wrote:

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Re: A Note from Edx in Cambodia

2005-09-19 Thread BjørnMagnhildøen
interesting, why not mutate this with bird flu?
more seriously, there's relief in every worry, or the other way.
heat is entropy, would call that a worry.
where's the relief? order out of chaos?
our thoughts go everywhere, my nails need to be cut.
the dragon sings in the dry woods : eyes are in the skull
sun shines like a lunatic
yesterday i nearly broke my glasses
we arranged scenes with the bratz dolls
how they were shitting on each other's heads
or getting killed by the troll-clown under the bridge
then bird flu came along and killed the scene
like year 2000 on a giant computer
don't listen
perspective was invented some centuries ago
see how the distant is all entangled
how the now scene is expanded and taken care of
we would do an anti-perspective painting
the eye would call it an illusion
whatever, the eye is upside down already
too dig it
if it's good it's bad
and if well tied together it's slack
rodin's kiss for example
here the perspective is from outside
the kiss itself, well what do you mean itself?
it's synaptic, the disease is transmitted
okay, this is a bungle
an example of the anti-perspective
if it works, it would be disquieting
all things come together but in a mess
the distant is ordered, every idea-perspective is ordered
they comes together in a knot-not-now
a big glueball hard to swallow
knots are difficult to learn
it's like you have to learn the steps instead
and not the picture
maybe text
his dick is a text it seems
his orgasms at the whorizon
the line or circle that forms the apparent boundary between earth and
and then look at the line break, is it a horizon?
there's no sense in people's suffering
yeah, and that's suffering
does it mean that if it were any sense it wouldn't be suffering?
sense is all suffering
i didn't know the brain had pain receptors
how come nonsense is all suffering?
for one, it's a split
for two, it's a body
if you come with a perspective i'll mess it up
if you come with a mess, i'll straighten it out
there's an estethic in trash he would say
the sun is destroying us
shit is fertile shit
the kiss is of death
we wonder the outside is inside
the future is here
locus of confusion
heresy not now
know not theory
el nin
is it the homunculus?
why is it that the world is everywhere and the lab has to be protected?
any repair will widen the crack
what is the crack
i will try not to think about it
i will not try to think about it
i not will try to think about it
not i will try to think about it
you can move the negation along the sentence
where is the negation in the perspective?
not every knots are knots, straighten the line out and see
in the perspective, what's on the other side, behind you, as the line
on the other line
it's a break, and then, continue
the focus-locus
looking at the backs
the more you look the more real their bodies are
meaning the more sense it is without the focus-locus
you would call that the kiss
hocus-pocus of course, here's the body
or here's nothing so here's the body

New Vispo book: K

2005-09-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Shameless Commerce Division of Luna Bisonte Prods announces a stunning
new book:
K, by John M. Bennett, Rea Nikonova, and Serge Segay
K is zaumist vispo collaborations, with many pages in full color!
18 pp., saddle stapled, color cover, elegant production, limited ed. of
100 copies.
This production was far too expensive, but worth it! Offered today
postpaid at cost, $9.00
Cash or check to Luna Bisonte Prods. Trades considered.
Luna Bisonte Prods
137 Leland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214 USA

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

I face

2005-09-19 Thread John M. Bennett

I face

I snuck and cried ,bin empty ,stroked
lennuf oily in my lap a crusher tale
pmal recnad peeled away a tons thgil
glaucous panting as I debmilc the steps

shot and shat

was wristed with yr daeh “thguoht” cough
bundled putrid with my cleanest shirt
yr last breast aged inside the flood
load crumpled with your throat

walked and wet

the fought tower clustered in my llips
cute rinsing pouters around the bush
the sky’s devruc red streaks
spreading moonlike on yr face

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Bloop grass

2005-09-19 Thread John M. Bennett

Bloop grass

bloop shadow ,drape yr sung licnep
like a bandolier or sock speeding
gab fo spihc the light wrinkles
on yr lap the grease stairs close their eyes

flop and wipe

more than clangor spelling plunge the
spandex spotty missile kcalf carnage
eat the soap muscle ,page the clocker
slept beneath the dusty shrub

moult and cage

snort the file rednad clods spelling
what you ate a tulip blood and
jumping off the table like a
called flame snaked across the grass

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Fw: IAJS new book: Lee Bailey

2005-09-19 Thread Joel Weishaus

The Enchantments of TechnologyLee 
rollicking romp through our hidden assumptions about modern, technological 
existence In 
The Enchantments of Technology, Lee Worth Bailey erases the conventional 
distinction between myth and machine in order to explore the passionate 
foundations concealed in technological culture and address its complex ethical, 
moral and social implications. 
Bailey argues that technological 
society does not simply disenchant the world with its reductive methods and 
mechanical metaphors, then shape machines with political motives, but is also 
borne by a deeper, subversive undertow of enchantment. Addressing examples to 
explore the complexities of these enchantments, his thought is full of 
illuminating examinations of seductively engaging technologies ranging from the 
old camera obscura to new automobiles, robots, airplanes, and spaceships. 
This volume builds on the work of 
numerous scholars, including Jacques Ellul and Jean Brun on the phenomenological 
and spiritual aspects of technology, Carl Jung on the archetypal collective 
unconscious approach to myth, and Martin Heidegger on Being itself. Bailey 
creates a dynamic, interdisciplinary, postmodern examination of how our machines 
and their environments embody not only reason, but also desires. LEE WORTH BAILEY is an 
associate professor of religion at Ithaca College. His books include The Near 
Death Experience: A Reader, with Jenny Yates, and Anthology of Living 
Religions, with Mary Pat Fisher.THE 
ENCHANTMENTS OF TECHNOLOGY is a Jungian (and post-modern) analysis of 
technology using the term "enchantments" rather than "unconscious." The 
publisher's web page for the book URL is _ 
was awarded an Humanities Ph.D. with David Miller when he was at Syracuse and is 
now at Ithaca College in upstate New York.

Re: clarification

2005-09-19 Thread Kamen Nedev
Hmmm, what about gorilla warfare, then?

On 9/17/05, Ana Buigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-gorila: es un tipo de simio.-gorrilla: es un indigente que se coloca una gorra y pretende ayudar al
conductor a encontrar unsitio para aparcar, buscando una propina.-guerrilla: grupo de luchadores organizados, que no pertenecen a un ejercitooficial de un país.
Dictionary.comA list of the pronunciation symbols used in this Dictionary is given belowin the column headed AHD. The column headed EXAMPLES contains words chosen
to illustrate how the AHD symbols are pronounced. The letters thatcorrespond in sound to the AHD symbols are shown in boldface. Althoughsimilar, the AHD and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols are not
precisely the same because they were conceived for different purposes.EXAMPLESAHD EXAMPLESAHDpat bootpay out oucareârpop p
fatherä roarrbib b sauce schurchchship, dishshdeed, milledd tight, stoppedtpet thinthbee thisth
fife, phase, roughf cutgag g urge, term, firm, word, heard ûrhat h valve vwhich hwwithwpit yes y
pie, by zebra, xylemzpierîrvision, pleasure, garagezhjudge j about, item, edible, gallop, circuskick, cat, piquek butterr
lid, needle*l (nd'l)mum mno, sudden* n (sd'n)thing ngpot FOREIGN AHDtoe French feu, German schönFrench oeuf, German zwölfcaught, paw, for, horrid, hoarse**ô French tu, German überü
noise oiGerman ich, German ach, Scottish lochtookFrench bon (bô)In English the consonants l and n often constitute complete syllables bythemselves.**Regional pronunciations of -or- vary. In pairs such as for, four; horse,
hoarse; and morning, mourning, the vowel varies between (ô) and (). In thisDictionary these vowels are represented as follows: for (fôr), four (fôr,fr); horse (hôrs), hoarse (hôrs, hrs); and morning (môrning), mourning
(môrning, mr-). Other words for which both forms are shown include more,glory, and borne. A similar variant occurs in words such as coral, forest,and horrid, where the pronunciation of o before r varies between (ô) and ().
In these words the (ôr) pronunciation is given first: forest (fôrist, fr-).***The Dictionary uses to reflect that the preceding vowel is nasalized. InFrench four nasalized vowels occur, as in the phrase un bon vin blanc: AHD
( bô v blä)The American Heritage DictionaryPronunciation Key


2005-09-19 Thread Dan Waber

Re: and

2005-09-19 Thread mIEKAL aND


On Sep 19, 2005, at 6:15 AM, Dan Waber wrote:


Re: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Alex Jorgensen
An apology. Anyway, nice to read what you wrote.
Incidently, I knew Bob Creeley for about seven years.
Gotta respect someone who reads Creeley, I think - or,
at least, I do.


--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alex Jorgensen wrote:

 dis is wha I been waitin tah-hear
 ah, someone who likes their English broken! thanks!

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

pissy-fuck flooding

2005-09-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

pissy-fuck flooding

yes A saliva and excretions nightmare! You wrote for 313089 hours? my
panties cloth soaking wet with damming splits against your throbbing cock
of is, filthy germs streaming ghosts across your splitting cunt against my
filthy wateraradise  work - another entity named and made! - b For 1
split day, we have been breaks.  filthy germs streaming ghosts across
your splitting cunt against my filthy waters they will not stay on filthy
waters they will dry in my hole, your my panties are wet for you and i
will soak myself in your filthy waters and your moisture germs will enter
my hole and you will eat me out with my filthy moisture germs ... ghost
streams me across your cloth! How would you absorb your splits damming? my
panties cloth soaking wet with damming splits against your throbbing cock
of filthy germs streaming ghosts across your splitting cunt against my
filthy water s Your my panties cloth soaking wet with damming splits
against your throbbing coc k of filthy germs streaming ghosts across your
splitting cunt against my filthy waters is mine, my my panties are wet for
you and i will soak myself in your fil thy waters and your moisture germs
will enter my hole and you will eat me out wi th my filthy moisture germs
is yours! will germs effluvia spit against your semen piss your lymph will
soak my damming filthy splits my cock will soak your filthy panties cunt
my moisture germs will kill effluvia throb my panties cloth soaking wet
with damming splits against your throbbing cock of filthy germs streaming
ghosts across your splitting cunt against my filthy waters:you will wipe
my filthy moisture germs into smeared existence with the residue of your
thinking skin with erased and soaked germs always written on filthy waters
they will not stay on filthy waters they will dry in my hole :my panties
are wet for you and i will soak myself in your filthy waters and your
moisture germs will enter my hole and you will eat me out with my filthy
moisture germs:my cock will soak your filthy panties cunt:my cock will
soak your filthy panties cunt tears your lymph will soak my damming filthy
splits through my my panties cloth soaking wet with damming splits against
your throbbing cock of filthy germs streaming ghosts across your splitting
cunt against my filthy waters!


Re: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Allen Bramhall

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

An apology. Anyway, nice to read what you wrote.
Incidently, I knew Bob Creeley for about seven years.
Gotta respect someone who reads Creeley, I think - or,
at least, I do.


--- Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alex Jorgensen wrote:

dis is wha I been waitin tah-hear

ah, someone who likes their English broken! thanks!

my comment was aimed at myself, because the piece was a major overhaul
of something quite prosaic. Robert Grenier introduced me 3 times to
Creeley at a party afer a reading in Franconia New Hampshire, but
Creeley was too distracted each time. we had our little moment later,
when he was clapping and stomping to make the record player skip, and I
added rhythmic counterpoint. eye to eye, if you will. sincere thanks.


Re: and

2005-09-19 Thread Halvard Johnson

On Sep 19, 2005, at 7:15 AM, Dan Waber wrote:


a 'n' d


Today's Special

The Sonnet Project

Halvard Johnson


Re: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

2005-09-19 Thread Bob Marcacci
Was waitin' to meet those other certified high schoolers in 1988 who was
inspired. Was inspired to be free from that adolescent chain, but couldn't
tell what was inspirin'. Was public schools that was as inspirin' as any
others. Was writin' rhymes in spiral notebooks and didn't know any friends
who was. Was doin' that for years already and reading them to Caroline in
the band room every day. Was both of us percussionists and often doing
nothin' while the flutes or clarinets rehearsed. Was never really competent
in readin' and writin' and grammarin'. Was definitely not 'rithmatical
although a love of baseball loved me with statistical love and I learned to
love hard-ballin' as one of my free time loves. Was what I was and,
competent or sans, began to see-saw what I was. ZZ. Was in a college or
two takin' curses with the rest of 'em. Was just born in 1970, far from dead
yet I was, and stayed schoolin' for ten more years. Was college curses was a
new chain or was I really still as free as I was? Was San Francisco what it
was and was I there ridin' buses and busin' tables and tablin' rhymes and
then something else was. Was readin' books in the day and bookin' pints all
that lofty night jazz and women that was jammin' 'round those wet bar tables
and takin' me home I was or was they? Was writin' my heart out walkin'
around sleeveless and keepin' it there and someone said youse pretty
prolific and I never thought I was but I was and kept talkin'. Was who it
was, I forget, who taught me it was whatever it was that was what is is and
all that goes up in the joint, historical or philosical or colossical or
what. Was those names they was and everyone some said certain names and
other ones said other ones and I didn't know who or how or, whoa, who was.
Was I where I was was what I was wonderin'. Was what I was rhymin' or
whateverin' what it could be? Was it flowery 'nough, lovish, lovely? Was it
a woman could dance to it? Was it in your face or on mine or was it my foot
in my mouth again it was, but she came home with me even though I smelled
like a drunk bookworm and rattled misquotes and wore a tattered lid with not
enough change left to get us there? Was I lookin' for 'em or was they
lookin' me for 'em. Was it like this and it went on and it ended once or
partial. Was it who I was who was waitin'? Was it this library of stolen
paperbacks and second-hand crap's what it was. Was a nice smoke or a pack
over a few hours. Was more of this readin' and writin' and jobbin' up in it
now, though, it was and it was always getting' jobbed before and not in no
wine-jobbed job neither and readin' books with and talkin' talk with
literated wine bottles in a dark cellar but it was darkened it was and stank
and we propped up the couch on those books and corks. Was it what I was
sayin' or what was it I was...

Bob Marcacci

A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually
and spiritually. One must fight for a life of action,
not reaction.
 - Rita Mae Brown

 From: Allen Bramhall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines
 Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 07:07:55 -0400
 Subject: the sticky name is all Bramhall (a partial bio)

 Competently certificated and carried out of high school in 1970,
 competently without inspiration in public schools. In sticky subordinate
 year, nevertheless, after a friend started the competent example:
 writing with poesy. Since then, the letter is a central care. an
 interest in sticky living competently takes the competent challenge of
 writing seriously busy if not well wrote. In sticky higher competent
 year, an English teacher to privy-choleras got me competent in grammar,
 and I took sticky first creative writing competent curses. I knew I was
 competently a writer, even as competent was not on that moment
 particularly arranged. Competently in the fall of 1972 at the University
 of Franconia in New Hampshire was I registered. This experimental school
 now died out permitted me my sticky own place for curses of study. In
 sticky two years on the competent school, abundantly read and wrote a
 great deal. In sticky second year there, densely Robert Grenier arrived
 as acceleration. Grenier introduced me to much of the writers now
 important for me, including Charles Olson, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound,
 Louis Zukofsky, and Robert Creeley. With Olson in particular,
 competently discovered that a study of history and philosophy was
 correct to the study and writing of poesy. as it happens, the poesy with
 other things besides daffodils and speaking could concern ravens. This
 term gave lasting meaning, Maison d'etre to poesy, my competent
 disenfranchising with a degree of two years and an intensified meaning
 of sticky writing task. Grenier published a long poem of mine in a day
 book which he called This. Much of the important experimental writers of
 today, in particular whom of the 

Re: clarification

2005-09-19 Thread Ana Buigues

esono estoy segura si es:
juego de vídeo consola/o de consola de bolsillo
.un juego de rol

sorry . . .

-Original Message-From: 
WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kamen 
NedevSent: lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2005 15:47To: 

  Hmmm, what about "gorilla warfare", then?
  On 9/17/05, Ana 
  Buigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
es un tipo de simio.-gorrilla: es un indigente que se coloca una 
gorra y pretende ayudar al conductor a encontrar unsitio para 
aparcar, buscando una propina.-guerrilla: grupo de luchadores 
organizados, que no pertenecen a un ejercitooficial de un 
país.Dictionary.comA list of the 
pronunciation symbols used in this Dictionary is given belowin the 
column headed AHD. The column headed EXAMPLES contains words chosen to 
illustrate how the AHD symbols are pronounced. The letters 
thatcorrespond in sound to the AHD symbols are shown in boldface. 
Althoughsimilar, the AHD and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) 
symbols are not precisely the same because they were conceived for 
thisth fife, phase, 
urge, term, firm, word, heard ûrhat 
valve vwhich 
yes ypie, 
about, item, edible, gallop, circuskick, cat, 
butterr lid, needle*l 
(nd'l)mum mno, 
sudden* n (sd'n)thing 
French feu, German schönFrench oeuf, German zwölfcaught, paw, for, 
French tu, German überü noise 
ich, German ach, Scottish 
bon (bô)In English the consonants l and n often constitute 
complete syllables bythemselves.**Regional pronunciations of 
-or- vary. In pairs such as for, four; horse, hoarse; and morning, 
mourning, the vowel varies between (ô) and (). In thisDictionary these 
vowels are represented as follows: for (fôr), four (fôr,fr); horse 
(hôrs), hoarse (hôrs, hrs); and morning (môrning), mourning (môrning, 
mr-). Other words for which both forms are shown include more,glory, and 
borne. A similar variant occurs in words such as coral, forest,and 
horrid, where the pronunciation of o before r varies between (ô) and (). 
In these words the (ôr) pronunciation is given first: forest (fôrist, 
fr-).***The Dictionary uses to reflect that the preceding vowel is 
nasalized. InFrench four nasalized vowels occur, as in the phrase un bon 
vin blanc: AHD ( bô v blä)The American Heritage® 

.......a (narcotic) drug.......

2005-09-19 Thread Uh Ak
...a (narcotic) drug.. ).you..
.(you) ..(ant)
..ant.think.(apple, apple. .. ..
hate..hat ..hate. ..
..hate. ...hatehate. ..
.hate.. ...hate...hate..hate...hate..hatehate.hatehate

forgot to wash the white canary

2005-09-19 Thread Sheila Murphy
big long tedious to-do
oh, razzmatazz, I oublie-ed
to fish out the brush,
forgot (too) to finger
better page, forgot
the symmetry of daily chores
and phosphorescence of the theory
brightly charting my outsmarted
wheels gone lovely on their own
give me empathy with my church bread
give me pores that let go
give me friends in voice
give me my little peakie swift takes
chortling in birdie lingo
various foregone conclusiostrics

are you birdlawn leaves
still summary judged
are you a peace cane smudged with
barbed indifference
are you welded shut again
then listen to the pet uplift
amid these woods and render
unto simplicity its paladium of scents
in the shaded sun

it's only morning
and so many rays to choose
amid these dumpling plethoral endearments
of a choir that ripples through
the headlines and the caustic
reveling as if the mood would likely
fraughtly shift to unglued
once for all undyingly

then watch the swift parade go past
the glade of french papalias
when the frost relaxes into
limber limber limber fields
and glosses chalked young melodies
across the waves of piped awareness
that match the feathered days
akin to quilled and saturist parameters
considered meanwhile daily

sheila e. murphy

Re: and

2005-09-19 Thread Steve Dalachinsky
  i s land er

Re: [CompanyofPoets] For Dalachinsky Frazer, tonight, 8pm, St. Marks . . .

2005-09-19 Thread Steve Dalachinsky
invisible ray #

bust a metaphor
bone  i  fide broken bodies
delayed of juices
this fine pork chopped day
beset by set by set
ofwouldn't you like to fly
  in my beautiful balloon
replaced by  wouldn't you like to die
 by my dutiful machine
  wouldn't you like delayed
bone tissue limp(h) prowire

 in time these states will heal



prgutterbreath 02

2005-09-19 Thread mwp
prgutterbreath 02

EP’s Usura Canto sampled at consecutive variable rates of 3,4 and 5, producing an abstract polyrhythmic blend containing voice, breath and sample-rate artifacts.

First of 2 halves.
mp3 audio – 4MB
(+ No added processing.)


Hip Hop: HKB Finn- Acoustic Afro Hip Hop

2005-09-19 Thread Ishaq

Hip Hop: HKB Finn- Acoustic Afro Hip Hop

... I thought, I’d do one or two albums, probably get done in by MI5
(you know, dying from athletes foot or sneezing or the usual tying hands
behind my back and shooting myself in the face… it’s quite common) or
simply get killed by the BNP* for being a freethinking Blackman intent
on showing white youth that we can be defined collectively as humans and
not by our pigmentation. -- (ed notes: *BNP British National Party: a
recognized facist white power party in the UK. (recognized over the now
illegal muslims political parties thanks to blair -- who also forgives
and gives pardons to israeli war criminals)

HKB Finn- Acoustic Afro Hip Hop
September 9th, 2005

HKB Finn dabbles in all sorts. Poetry, acting, spoken word performance,
and of course rapping. You may have heard of the Son Records released
‘Vitalistics’, his debut solo album. He’s also released material as part
of the partnership ‘The Humble Beez Collective’, is working on an album
called ‘Confessions Of A Trouble Maker’, and has collaborated with
trumpeter Dominic Ntoumos and the UK producer Insane Macbeth.

Now come’s ‘Acousic Afro Hiphop’, an impressive twelve track album
produced entirely by Tunde Jegede, out on Alter Native Studios. This is
an earthy, rootsy, atmospheric gem with many interesting soundscapes to
explore and vocal tracks to digest. Certain to be appreciated by fans of
Ty, much of the music is instrument based and provides a stripped down
form of hip-hop which is very refreshing. The vocals and lyrics sound
just as refreshing though. It’s nice that for almost the entire album,
Finn sticks with his natural accent rather than flirt with any other.
The lyrics are all well crafted, offering a variety of topics much like
the music offers a variety of vibes.

Some of the tracks are more typical hip-hop affairs, with standard
format rap verses performed. Other tracks feature singing vocals and
there’s some almost acapella stuff for spoken word poetry to sit on.
Perhaps the possible downfall of the album in some people’s view will be
that they’re not used to simply sitting down and listening to a stretch
of computer, synthesiser and electronic free music. But the album is
accessible at all points and can be stopped in one place and started in
another if they prefer. In saying that, it’s also very impressive as one
singular unit of expression.

‘My Cup’ opens the album and sees Finn rhyme in a bouncy flow.
‘Confession (I Am)’ has a finger clicking, hands clapping beat with
assertive lyrics. ‘Miss A Rebel’ is a romantic number with a sweet flute
throughout. ‘Baby Love’ feels like the more contemporary, radio suitable
track of the bunch. ‘Eponymous (Anthem)’ has a cool chant of Finn’s
artist name and some really enjoyable light drum sounds. ‘Rhythm Is Our
Methods’ is pretty much an instrumental and suits its name. ‘Lifesaver’
has some emotive guitaring which Finn talks over. It features Maya
Jobarteh singing. On ‘Archetype’, Finn lays down some soulful vocals
that he sings himself. ‘What If?’ has the feel of a full live band.
‘Journey To The Inner’ is quite jazzy with a quite hard drum beat.

The artist is far from a newjack but don’t feel alienated if you don’t
know the backstory because this glimpse of his talents offers more than
enough to make you a fan, and will likely have you checking up the older
releases floating around. It’s classy, and all the more so because it’s
the output of an independant artist yet sounds no cheaper or less
enjoyable than something by someone with a juicy budget.

Check out for more information

HKB Finn Interview

interview 0295 added 13.04.05 words: Nikesh technical: QED

Bladow! He’s not just one of the guys from mid 90’s group, Katch 22,
he’s not just a labelmate with Def Tex and a hip-hop soldier from way
back. He is an intelligent soulful brother with oodles of information on
the history of African music and the connotations of slavery filtering
down through the ages into the information age. HKB Finn is a true-skool
rapper, an inspiration to listen to and an impeccable candidate for
interview. Heaven knows why we didn’t suggest this earlier.

He’s just released an album, “Acoustic Afro Hip-hop”, which sets the
scene perfectly for his blend of searing and uplifting lyrics, excellent
soulful, Afrobeat-esque production and spoken word griot rhythms, learnt
from the masters. HKB Finn has contributed to films, already is working
on his next album and has been awarded an honorary degree in music from
the University of East London. He’s probably also one of the first UK
rap artists to be gearing up to release a “Best of…” set.

This man is a pioneer. Nikesh caught up with him on a dreary South
London evening, to hear his words of wisdom and aspiration.

Introduce yourself to the UKHH.COM audience and tell 

Vatullo, Kabuki Burr Removal

2005-09-19 Thread Lanny Quarles
Vatullo, Kabuki Burr Removal



or a new and separate limbning
for the leaves which spread indifference's
or let it be a jostle through the
for a funnel faked by accident is truer

and by the fall the dried leaves looking so
and wandering islands if
it were
a kabuki tree
or noh tree
one more articulated
against a single silence

or sub-tropical

that ever widening circle
which in the italian houses
has a hundred doors

[the rindpest corticiple]

and one might sense
the eyes of an ascertaining gargoyle
upon sad surfaces

faces now infinitely regressed
from the perfect mask of
fading phantoms frisking faciality
aligning thus:


Stop Attack on Endangered Species Act!

2005-09-19 Thread Alan Sondheim
Title: Stop Attack on the Endangered Species Act

You are subscribed to Save the Manatee Club's Action Alert List as [EMAIL PROTECTED] We will never sell or trade your e-mail address to anyone. Click here to unsubscribe or send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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500 N. Maitland Ave.Maitland, Florida 32751United States  

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Save the Manatee Club is a nonprofit organization founded in 1981 by former Florida Governor Bob Graham and singer Jimmy Buffett. To learn more about manatees and our work, go to

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Adopt-A-Manatee and join Save the Manatee Club. Your contribution will support our work to help protect endangered manatees and their habitat. For more information, go to

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You can get updates on Action Alert issues by visiting the Take Action page of our web site. If you have additional questions, e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED].
  Save the Manatee Club, 2005


Re: forgot to wash the white canary===AH BigSymmetry Remix

2005-09-19 Thread August

AH BigSymmetry Remix
 bi  g long t  edious t o -do   list(o)  ? oh, ra z z
m  a   t az  z   ,  
I oublie   -ed to   fish ou  t the bru   sh, for  got (to  o
   )t  o finge   rb  etter p
   a g e ,  f o  r g o t  t h   
e symmetry o f  d aily chores an   d   p ho spho
 r escence of th   e  theory brigh  
 tly cha   rting my outsmartedwheels gone   
 l   ove   l   y
 o n the i ro   
  wn (path)  give me
   empathy   with my
ch   urch br  ead giveme por   es that   let gogive 
me frie  n   ds in vo  i   c
 e   give memy lit t l e peaki   e swift
takes chortl i ng in b   i   rdie lingo va r ious fo   r
egone  c   o n   c   lusiost r   i c   s
   are you   b   i r dlawn l e a   v
 e s   s t i l l   s
 ummary  j  u  dged ar e
 y  o   u a 
p   e a   c 
 e cane smudg e  d with b  arbed indiff e  rence ar 
e you w el ded shut a ga in 
th   en list  en t o   t   he pet   upli f  
t   amid the  se woods   and   render   unto sim p l
i  c   i ty  i t
s paladi   um of s  cents i  n the sha   ded sunit's   o
   n   ly   mornin   ga  nd so m
   a n y   ra y  s   t o  c h   
oose amidt h e se  dumpling plet   h o r al  end
 e arments of ac hoir that rip  
 ples th   rough the headlinesand the cau   
 s   t   icr   ev   
 e l i   ng  a si   
  f the moo d would l   
   ikely f   r   aughtly
sh   ift to   ungluedwould-y   ou-be-m  y-uplift   -amid
-daylig  h   t once f  o   r
   a ll undy   ingly   t h en watc   h the s
   wift parade g o  past t   h   e glade of fr e nch pap   a
lias w h   e n   the fro s   t r   e
 l axes in t o l imber l i m   b
 e r   l i m b e r  
 fields  a  n  d gloss e  s 
c   h  a  l   k 
e   d y 
 oung melodie s   across   the waves ofpiped aw 
areness  t hat match  th e f
ea   thered   d  

Re: Vitullo, Kabuki Burr Removal (final)

2005-09-19 Thread Lanny Quarles
Vitullo, Kabuki Burr Removal



or a new and separate limbning
for the leaves which spread indifference's
or let it be a jostle through the
for a funnel faked by accident is truer

and by the fall the dried leaves looking so
and wandering islands if
it were
a kabuki tree
or noh tree
one more articulated
against a single silence

or sub-tropical sesotristes I

that ever-widening circle
clanging, vita, vita..
which in the italian houses
has a hundred doors

[the rinderpest corticiple pets]

and one might sense
the eyes of an ascertaining gargoyle
upon sad surfaces

faces now infinitely regressed
from the perfect mask of
fading phantoms frisking faciality
aligning thus:


AH Muthaaaffuuuukkkka Remix

2005-09-19 Thread August

AH Muthaaaffa Remix
u  Š+ u   `  `+ `
   =  ` !  =  ` !   
` ` 

``` `  `  ``` `  ``  `  ` ``` ` ` `` ` `` `  `  ``` `  ``  `  ` ``` ` ` `` `

``! ``` `!``! ``` `!
  `   `  =  `   `  =



```+`?``` `=+`?``` `=`
  `` ``+ ``` `-```  `` ``+ ``` `-```

   ` `   ` `
   =  `` `   =  `` `
   =  ` !  =  ` !   
` ` 

``` `  `  ``` `  ``  `  ` ``` ` ` `` ` `` `  `  ``` `  ``  `  ` ``` ` ` `` `

``! ``` `!``! ``` `!
  `   `  =  `   `  =



```+`?``` `=+`?``` `=`
  `` ``+ ``` `-```  `` ``+ ``` `-```

   ? `


2005-09-19 Thread August

AH MOFOFKCAH Remix #0002
 `` `^!   `= -  !`^`^  - ``   !-` ``` `^!   `= -  !`^`^  - ``   !-` `
-`  =` ^+  ``!``  ``?`+^ `=  `-``= ```-`  =` ^+  ``!``  ``?`+^ `=  `-``=
 ```?-=+?+``^ ^``?++-?```=``` ```?-=+?+``^ ^``?++-?```=```
 ``!`` -?!`!?^ ^`!`` ``!`^ -?!`!?^ ^`!``
=`=` ```   `!` ^=`+`=` ```   `!` ^=`
+   ``     ? ?  +   ``   +   ``     ? ?  +   ``   
   `?  `  +``   ```   ``+  `  ` `?  `  +``   ```   ``+  `  ?`  
  `- `^ ` ```-  !+``+``!  !``` `? -` -`   `- `^ ` ```-  !+``+``!  !``` `? -` -` 
 ``  ``   `   ``?```   ``  `` ``  ``   `   ``?```   ``  ``
``  =`` +`^ ` ` ``` ` ` ^` ``+  ```  =`` `^ ` ` ``` ` ` ^` ``+  `
?-`!` ```  `   - -   `?  ``` `!`^`-`!` ```  `   - -   `?  ``` `!`^
 -`?   `=```   ^   ?`- -``   `=```   ^   ?`-
`+``      `` ?`   ?   ``+`+``      `` ?`   ?   ``+
``=+=```=^ -``` =```===+=```=^ -``` =```===`
 ^` ?``   `? ``   ```?`   ``? `` ^` ?``   `? ``   ```?`   ``? ``
``  ```^`  ``` ``!```-`  ``   `-```  ```  ```^`  ``` ``!```-`  ``   `-```  ^
`` !``  +`-```   =   =   ```-`  ``- `` `` !``  +`-```   =   =   ```-`  ``- ``
 -`  ``  `+``+``+`  ``  `^ -`  ``  `+``+``+`  ``  `^
   ` = ``-``=``-`= = ` ` = ``-``=``-`= = `  
   ``^```^`^`````` ``^```^`^``````  
``-` -``   ``^ `-```-` -``   ``^ `-`
   `?`^```  !! `? ` `!  ```^`?` `?`^```  !! `? ` `!  ```^`?`  
 =`^   ```   ^`=? =`^   ```   ^`=?
```+ `  `````^`=`   ```  ` +`` ``+ `  `````^`=`   ```  ` +``
`- ```   ` !``+`   ``!`=   `+``- `   ``` !`- ```   ` !``+`   ``!`=   `+``- `   ``` !
`` `^^   `` `? !`!`- ?` ``   -^` ``` `^^   `` `? !`!`- ?` ``   -^` `
-`  =` ^+  ``!``  ``?`+^ `=  `-``= ```-`  =` ^+  ``!``  ``?`+^ `=  `-``=
 ```?-=+?+``^ ^``?++-?```=``` ```?-=+?+``^ ^``?++-?```=```
 ``!`` -?!`!?^ ^`!`` ``!`^ -?!`!?^ ^`!``
=`=` ```   `!` ^=`+`=` ```   `!` ^=`
+   ``     ? ?  +   ``   +   ``     ? ?  +   ``   
   `?  `  +``   ```   ``+  `  ?` `?  `  +``   ```   ``+  `  ?`  
  `- `^ ` ```-  !+``+``!  !``` `? -` -`   `- `^ ` ```-  !+``+``!  !``` `? -` -` 
 ``  ``   `   ``?```   ``  `` ``  ``   `   ``?```   ``  ``
``  =`` `^ ` ` ``` ` ` ^` ``+  ```  =`` `^ ` ` ``` ` ` ^` ``+  `
?-`!` ```  `   - -   `?  ``` `!`^`-`!` ```  `   - -   `?  ``` `!`^
 -`?   `=```   ^   ?`- -`?   `=```   ^   ?`-
`+``      `` ?`   ?   ``+`+``      `` ?`   ?   ``+
``=+=```=^ -``` =```===+=```=^ -``` =```===`
 ^` ?``   `? ``   ```?`   ``? `` ^` ?``   `? ``   ```?`   ``? ``
``  ```^`  ``` ``!```-`  ``   `-```  ```  ```^`  ``` ``!```-`  ``   `-```  ^
`` !``  +`-```   =   =   ```-`  ``- `` `` !``  +`-```   =   =   ```-`  ``- ``
 -`  ``  `+``+``+`  ``  `^ -`  ``  `+``+``+`  ``  `^
   ` = ``-``=``-`= = ` ` = ``-``=``-`= = `  
   ``^```^`^`````` ``^```^`^``````  
``-` -``   ``^ `-```-` -``   ``^ `-`
   `?`^```  !! `? ` `!  ```^`?` `?`^```  !! `? ` `!  ```^`?`  
 =`^   ```   ^`=? =`^   ```   ^`=?
```+ `  `````^`=`   ```  ` +`` ``+ `  `````^`=`   ```  ` +``
`` ```   ` -``=^   ``^`=   -```^ `   ``` ?`` ```   ` -``=^   ``^`=   -```^ `   ``` ?
august highland


2005-09-19 Thread August

AH MOFOFKCAH Remix #0003
 ```-`!```=`-^!?   ^``?  `-=+`-`!```=`-^!?   ^``?  `-=+``
`` ` ` =` `  ``!+``?   `=!  =``` ` ` =` `  ``!+``?   `=!  =`
 ``- ``  `` - ?```   -`+?`+`   ``- ``  `` - ?```   -`+?`+`  
`?`!!?-!=` ``` `` ``` !``^`-``?`!!?-!=` ``` `` ``` !``^`-`
+  `+`=`=  `` `   `!  ` =+` `  `+`=`=  `` `   `!  ` =+` `
?``` `  !` ``  `-   ??``` `  !` ``  `-`  ?
``  !``` -`  ```-   `?=`?   ```  !``` -`  ```-   `?=`?   `
``=`      ^??!=  `?`=`      ^??!=  `?```
   ``+    `   ``   `?`  +`   ``+    `   ``   `?`  +`
```  `?```-^?`=-  ^?``^-!``  `?```-^?`=-  ^?``^-
=- ^`` =  =```+``+   !^   !=- ^`` =  =```+``+   !^   `
 !`^`+   +!````   `=```  !`^`+   +!````   `=``` 
 ``??``++``` -+`^ `^-` +  ``??``++`?` -+`^ `^-` + 
   ```-!?-=` ?-=`   ^` `!  `!`-!?-=` ?-=`   ^` `!   
^`` `  ^` `` `^  ```! ``^`` `  ^` `` `^  ```! ``
`-`?```   !`-   ``` `````-  `--`?```   !`-   ``` `````-  `-```
  +```?```^```   `! `` ` ``   -`-`` +```?```^```   `! `` ` ``   -`-``   
   ^^   `!?`  ``==``- `^ ````=   ^^   `!?`  ``==``- `^ ````=
`  ``   + `` ``=`  `? `   ``!  ``   `  ``   + `` ``=`  `? `   ``!  ``   
  ``` `` ``=`` `` ````` `` ``=`` `` ``  
  ``   ^``   ?`-=`  ``+^   ``  ?` ``   ^``   ?`-=`  ``+^   ``  ?`   
 ^  ! ``+^ =` `-  ^  ! ``^ =` `- 
`? --   ^`  ^`?!  ``==`  `? --   ^`  -`?!  ``==`  
+++??```?! -`  ``` +++??```?! -`  ```    `
`-+!!=^ ``   ^   +`-+!!=^ ``   ^   +
```!```=`!```+``-!?   !``!  ^!``  ```!```=`!```+`!-!?   !``!  ^!``  
`` ` ` =` `  ``!+``?   `=!  =``` ` ` =` `  ``!+``?   `=!  =`
 ``- ``  `` - ?```   -`=?`+`   ``- ``  `` - ?```   -`+?`+`  
`?`!!?-!=` ``` `` ``` !``^`-``?`!!?-!=` ``` `` ``` !``^`-`
+  `+`=`=  `` `   `!  ` =+` `  `+`=`=  `` `   `!  ` =+` `
?``` `  !` ``  `-   ??``` `  !` ``  `-   ?
``  !``` -`  ```^   `?=`?   ```  !``` -`  ```-   `?=`?   `
``=`      ^??!=  `?`=`      ^??!=  `?```
   ``+    `   ``   `?`  +`   ``+    `   ``   `?`  +`
```  `?```-^?`=-  ^?``^-!``  `?```-^?`=-  ^?``^-
=- ^`` =  =```+``+   !^   !=- ^`` =  =```+``+   !^   `
 !`^`+   +!````   `=```  !`^`+   +!````   `=``` 
 ``??``++``` -+`^ `^-` +  ``??``++``` -+`^ `^-` + 
   ```-!?-+` ?-=`   ^` `!  `!`-!?-=` ?-=`   ^` `!   
^`` `  ^` `` `^  ```! ``^`` `  ^` `` `^  ```! ``
`-`?```   !`-   ``` `````-  `--`?```   !`-   ``` `````-  `-```
  +```?```^```   `! `` ` ``   -`-`` +```?```^```   `! `` ` ``   -`-``   
   ^^   `!?`  ``==``- `^ ````=   ^^   `!?`  ``==``- `^ ````=
`  ``   + `` ``=`  `? `   ``!  ``   `  ``   + `` ``=`  `? `   ``!  ``   
  ``` `` ``=`` `` ````` `` ``=`` `` ``  
  ``   ^``   ?`-=`  ``+^   ``  ?` ``   ^``   ?`-=`  ``+^   ``  ?`   
 ^  ! ``^ =` `-  ^  ! ``^ =` `- 
`? --   ^`  -`?!  ``==`  `? --   ^`  -`?!  ``==`  
+++??```?! -`  ``` +++??```?! -`  ```    `
```^?!=!``-```  ``   ^?!=!``-```  ``   `

august highland

Re: forgot to wash the white canary===AH BigSymmetry Remix

2005-09-19 Thread Sheila Murphy
very nice!

--- August [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AH BigSymmetry Remix

  bi  g long t  edious t o -d
o   list(o)  ? oh, ra z z
 m  a   t a
  z  z   ,
 I oublie   -ed to   fish ou  t
   the bru   sh, for  got (to  o
)t  o finge
 rb  etter p
a g e ,  f o
 r g o t  t h
 e symmetry o f  d aily
 chores an   d   p ho spho
  r escence of th
   e  theory brigh
  tly cha   rting my out
   smartedwheels gone
  l   ov
   e   l   y
  o n th
   e i ro
   wn (path)
 give me
 with my
 ch   urch br  ead giveme por
   es that   let gogive
 me frie  n   d
  s in vo  i   c
  e   give memy lit
   t l e peaki   e swift
 takes chortl i ng in b   i
 rdie lingo va r ious fo   r
 egone  c   o n   c
 lusiost r   i c   s
are you   b   i r
 dlawn l e a   v
  e s   s t i
 l l   s
  ummary  j  u
 dged ar e
  y  o   u
 p   e
  a   c
  e cane smudg e  d with b
   arbed indiff e  rence ar
 e you w el ded
 shut a ga in
 th   en list  en t o
   t   he pet   upli f
 t   amid the  se woods   a
  nd   render   unto sim p l
 i  c   i t
  y  i t
 s paladi   um of s  cents i  n
   the sha   ded sunit's   o
n   ly   mornin
 ga  nd so m
a n y   ra y
 s   t o  c h
 oose amidt h e se
 dumpling plet   h o r al
  e arments of a
   c hoir that rip
  ples th   rough the he
   adlinesand the cau
  s   t   ic
   r   ev
  e l i   ng
 a si
   f the moo
d would l
ikely f   r
 sh   ift to   ungluedwould-y
   ou-be-m  y-uplift   -amid
 -daylig  h   t
   once f  o   r
a ll undy   ingly
   t h en watc   h the s
wift parade g o  past t   h
 e glade of fr e nch pap   a
 lias w h   e n   the
 fro s   t r   e
  l axes in t o l
 imber l i m   b
  e r   l i m
 b e r
  fields  a  n  d
 gloss e  s
 c   h
   a  l   k
 e   d
  oung melodie s   across
   the waves ofpiped aw
 areness  t hat
 match  th e f
 ea   thered   days
  ak   in to q  uill ed
 an  d sat  ur   ist par   amet  ers co ns
 id  ered mea   nwhi le da  ily

 august highland


2005-09-19 Thread August

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.Mime-Version: 
1.0Content-Type: multipart/mixed; 
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 OFKCA  H   

Image Poem

2005-09-19 Thread Peter Ciccariello

The moment I opened the door, I realized that something hideous had

-Peter Ciccariello

Re: Image Poem

2005-09-19 Thread netwurker
Quoting Peter Ciccariello [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The moment I opened the door, I realized that something hideous had



2005-09-19 Thread []
from two rivers fog and darkness a bishop and a crook
hastily corrected their thoughts behind a chair i
never knew you toted a dagger there was something so
final about his fist upon the railing then it's
settled  the simple expedient of ineffable beauties
the most peculiar thing kicking her out of the bed
jet-black heart low and ridiculous i'm a siamese twin
all over the countryside strange things were happening
vaguely waving dancing with frank admiration are we
poisoned in a dazed condition or both perhaps timidly
peered mildly wondered what  may serve to remind the
great god returning these selfsame gods to life by
divine right have his little qualms with the usual
specification new magic more applejackand
thrust the duck back beneath the coat

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

codon 13 / animated gif

2005-09-19 Thread lanny quarles

codon 13 / animated gif

Re: codon 13 / animated gif

2005-09-19 Thread Talan Memmott


On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:33:27 -0700
 lanny quarles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

codon 13 / animated gif

Re: codon 13 / animated gif

2005-09-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

more than cool, fantastic! To you know Berman's work?

- Alan

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Talan Memmott wrote:


On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 22:33:27 -0700
lanny quarles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

codon 13 / animated gif

( URLs/DVDs/CDroms/books/etc. see -
revised 7/05 )

Real Dismembrment

2005-09-19 Thread Alan Sondheim

Real Dismembrment

 is clotting everything. -
Your cloth is soaked, written, erased. -
Your suture should be wiped into existence?
I Consider the following again, your  ...
spectre splits me in your suture!
How would you absorb your waxes cloth?
Your unto us our lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living
forest, of is mine, my is yours!
My of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us prey-dismember,
do is your chemistry here...
unto us our lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living forest, of
calls forth ghost, hungered, making things. across the breaks, unto us our
lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living forest, of is , 041],
of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us prey-dismember, do
? ... ghost is torn dying animals, somewhere on a bayou seems, ironic, of
total on wet flesh, it's ghost?
Are you satisfied with your unto us our lesions legions, each and all,
dead cities, living forest, of ? Use of uninitialized value at ./.juluold
line 113, STDIN chunk 52. Use of uninitialized value at ./.juluold line
114, STDIN chunk 52. Use of uninitialized value at ./.juluold line 115,
STDIN chunk 52. You wrote for 313109 hours? unto us our lesions legions,
each and all, dead cities, living forest, of and 10851 and 24470 - another
entity named and made!
For 2 waxes days, we have been piss.
and it has taken you 0.167 minutes to swallow your last ...

of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us prey-dismember, do
unto us our lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living forest, of
hurricane force world-wide, too much is too little, we should die among
me, fury:lord move the mount of blasphemy, take out the messenger, devour
the production, dismantle armature, cam articulation, my eyes are burning,
are on fire, they would kill one another as well, perhaps i miss the
end-angel, animal reassemblage, once before years, video of cat decapition
from friend never further spoke to, if these are humans, we are humans,
deserve to die, our cruelty is our exaltation, our holy brutality, our
one-another death, dear god, annihilate, in truth not in false demand,
would go willingly, the element you would apply.:watching video,
transformation and freedom of the natives, my soundwork was used i think
in part for a score, received the tape just, horrifying documentary of
animals torn apart, couldn't watch more than four minutes, am shaking,
already what is wrong with me, this i cannot do, perhaps there is final
salvation, i could not get beyond the images of torn dying animals,
somewhere on a bayou seems, ironic, of total annihilation, preacher kill
them all, humans all, tear out their tongues, burn their legs-arms,
unacceptable, just:piled of slaughtr:battered hmans
Write first killed dogs through my of all of us, not one, not just this
not that, make us prey-dismember, do unto us our lesions legions, each and
all, dead cities, living forest, of hurricane force world-wide, too much
is too little, we should die among me, fury! of all of us, not one, not
just this not that, make us prey-dismember, do :::hurricane force
world-wide, too much is too little, we should die among :dogs through my
of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us

Does replace your of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us
prey-dismember, do ?
 with  ideogrammatic intervals!
unto us our lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living forest, of
:of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us prey-dismember, do
::?:annihilation, preacher kill them all, hmans all, tear out their

Your spectre dissolves my torn dying animals, somewhere on a bayou seems,
ironic, of total ! ghost with ideohydraulesis!

of all of us, not one, not just this not that, make us prey-dismember, do
unto us our lesions legions, each and all, dead cities, living forest, of
hurricane force world-wide, too much is too little, we should die among
me, fury:lord move the mount of blasphemy, take out the messenger, devour
the production, dismantle armature, cam articulation, my eyes are burning,
are on fire, they would kill one another as well, perhaps i miss the
end-angel, animal reassemblage, once before years, video of cat decapition
from friend never further spoke to, if these are hmans, we are hmans,
deserve to die, our cruelty is our exaltation, our holy brutality, our
one-another death, dear god, annihilate, in truth not in false demand,
would go willingly, the element you would apply.:watching video,
transformation and freedom of the natives, my sound used i think, received
the tape just, horrifying doc animals torn, couldn't watch more than four
minutes, am shaking, already what is wrong with me, this i cannot do,
perhaps there is final salvation, i could not get beyond the images of
torn dying animals, somewhere on a bayou seems, ironic, of total
annihilation, preacher kill them all, hmans all, tear out their tongues,
burn their legs-arms, unacceptable, just:piled of