Re: China's Emerging Labor Movement (fwd)

2006-10-06 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
6000 years
 old  ~
  Of rogu ons tremors boasted

22:47 10/5/06 919 bytes

--- Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 21:55:45 -0400
 Subject: China's Emerging Labor Movement
 China's Emerging Labor Movement
 By Brendan Smith, Jeremy Brecher and Tim Costello
 October 5, 2006, submitted to Portside
 Trade unionists in the US and elsewhere have long argued that
 there is no labor movement in China. They rightly point
 out that Chinese workers lack even the most basic human rights
 protections,including the rights to strike and join an
 independent union.
 But there's more to the story: Ten years ago, according to the
 China's Minister of Public Security, there were on average
 10,000 large-scale collective protests each year. By 2004, the
 government recorded 74,000 large-scale protests. Late last
 year, the Minister of Police announced protests had increased
 to 87,000 last year, involving well over four million workers.
 Four million workers! In the US we celebrated the birth of a
 new global social movement when 60,000 people showed up for the
 'Battle of Seattle' in 1999. In China there is now more than
 enough evidence of continual worker self-organization outside
 of official trade union channels to put to rest notions that
 'there is no labor movement in China'.
 According to Robin Munro, research director of China Labour
 '[W]hereas 10 years ago I think you could have said China did
 not have a labor movement, that is no longer really the
 case- there is no freedom of association for workers,but
 hitherto, people have tended to think that, therefore, there
 is no Chinese labor movement. I think the scale of worker
 unrest nowadays is so great, you can go to almost any city in
 the country now and there will be several major collective
 worker protests going on at the same time.
 So China now has a labor movement.This is an important point
 to just put there on the table and recognize. It is not
 organized. It is spontaneous, it is relatively inchoate. But
 then so were labor movements in most Western countries before
 trade unions were permitted. We have basically a pre-union
 phase of labor movement development in China today. It also
 has great potential, I think, for becoming a proper labor
 In the years before the passage of the National Labor
 Relations Act - known as the Wagner Actor 'Labor's Magna
 Carta' - there was no legally enforced right to organize,
 bargain collectively, or strike in the United States. But US
 workers who were denied these rights responded with their
 own pre-union phase of struggle. Thousands of workers were
 arrested or beaten and scores shot dead for trying to exercise
 these rights. For example, in 1934 alone there were three
 general strikes and a huge national textile strike - all
 marked by substantial violence.
 Largely in response to this upsurge, in 1935 the Federal
 government passed the Wagner Act hoping to legalize the labor
 movement and divert it into more moderate channels. According
 to a recent study by labor law historian James Gray Pope, the
 massive sit-down strikes and factory occupations of the
 following year cajoled the Supreme Court into reversing its
 own precedents and accepting the Wagner Act as constitutional.
 American workers did not get their rights by waiting for the
 government to provide them; rather, they began asserting rights
 they believe they were entitled to, and thereby forced
 the Congress and the courts to acquiesce.
 One innovative labor strategy that is being encouraged by CLB
 as a way to relate to the new emerging Chinese labor movement
 is the CC-2005 Campaign or Collective Contract 2005. (According
 to CLB staff, the Campaign's name is a slightly cheeky
 designation, thinking in terms ofSA-8000 and other Corporate
 Social Responsibility (CSR) standards.)
 Under existing Chinese labor law, where there is no union
 presence in a factory, workers are allowed to elect their own
 representatives to negotiate and sign a collective contract.
 With the ACFTU holding only 30% representation outside
 the government sector, CLB is trying to take advantage of this
 legal'loop-hole' by urging multi-national corporations that
 operate in China 'to pressure their supplier factories into
 allowing the workers to negotiate a proper collective contract
 in the workplace.' The innovation ofthis approach is the use
 of existing Corporate Codes of Conducts to negotiate binding
 collective agreements with enforceable rights. CLB views
 the CC-2005 campaign an opportunity to create a basic
 organizing space that is legally protected in the private
 As Han Dongfang, Director of CLB, explains,
 'What we want to do is get this collective contract regulation
 connected, with a code of conduct, a corporate social

Don't Miss This Exhibition

2006-10-06 Thread Sheila Murphy
Hey, folks, I was treated to a wonderful exhibition of Cecil Touchon's work tonight at the Marshall Gallery in Scottsdale (see link below). I also had a lovely visit with Cecil himself. Bravo, Cecil! Come one, come all, to see this great work at the Marshall Gallery.Sheila

Re: sequence 10-03(06)

2006-10-06 Thread skyplums

rotten house

it's apt to call off the names
of those trix refuse for the republic
roftled cross just cool
yet not perfectly clear
but same awkward
splattered with clouds
of varying 
shapes textures  thicknesses

today i helped a muslim woman
who seemed to be confused.

dalachinsky nyc 9/11/06

Re: Don't Miss This Exhibition

2006-10-06 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
based ~
 basal geoyord

22:52 10/5/06 529 bytes

ahhh OLD.


--- Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, folks, I was treated to a wonderful exhibition of Cecil Touchon's work 
 tonight at the
 Marshall Gallery in Scottsdale (see link below). I also had a lovely visit 
 with Cecil himself.
 Bravo, Cecil! Come one, come all, to see this great work at the Marshall 




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2006-10-06 Thread Bjørn Magnhildøen

tions.   ab perpetual spleneti
ment,ndightow goave   heastfyoneyhiRELATIONAL OF HIS IN
tay   oome  emberssellsIN PRETENDEDLY AND HA
goave   heastfyoneyhi
oome  emberssells may be without example, afrankest
dingoedicalxperts.its broad disk just skirtiTHIOSINAMINE BUSHMASTER. 5.

Re: Bush Signings Called Effort to Expand Power (fwd)

2006-10-06 Thread Halvard Johnson

Hey, does this Charlie Savage guy dare to challenge
the Divine Right of Presidents? How dare he! To the
rack with him! To the dungeon!


Open the mirage that calls you.
--Philip Lamantia

Halvard Johnson


On Oct 5, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 21:55:17 -0400
Subject: Bush Signings Called Effort to Expand Power

Bush Signings Called Effort to Expand Power

Report sees broad strategy

By Charlie Savage

October 5, 2006 by the Boston Globe

WASHINGTON - President Bush's frequent use of signing
statements to assert that he has the power to disobey newly
enacted laws is ``an integral part of his ``comprehensive
strategy to strengthen and expand executive power at the
expense of the legislative branch, according to a report by
the non partisan Congressional Research Service.

In a 27-page report written for lawmakers, the research
service said the Bush administration is using signing
statements as a means to slowly condition Congress into
accepting the White House's broad conception of presidential
power, which includes a presidential right to ignore laws he
believes are unconstitutional.

The ``broad and persistent nature of the claims of executive
authority forwarded by President Bush appear designed to inure
Congress, as well as others, to the belief that the president
in fact possesses expansive and exclusive powers upon which
the other branches may not intrude, the report said.

Under most interpretations of the Constitution, the report
said, some of the legal assertions in Bush's signing
statements are dubious. For example, it said, the
administration has suggested repeatedly that the president has
exclusive authority over foreign affairs and has an absolute
right to withhold information from Congress. Such assertions
are ``generally unsupported by established legal principles,
the report said.

Despite such criticism, the administration has continued to
issue signing statements for new laws. Last week, for example,
Bush signed the 2007 military budget bill, but then issued a
statement challenging 16 of its provisions.

The bill bars the Pentagon from using any intelligence that
was collected illegally, including information about Americans
that was gathered in violation of the Fourth Amendment's
protections against unreasonable government surveillance.

In Bush's signing statement, he suggested that he alone could
decide whether the Pentagon could use such information. His
signing statement instructed the military to view the law in
light of ``the president's constitutional authority as
commander in chief, including for the conduct of intelligence
operations, and to supervise the unitary executive branch.

Bush also challenged three sections that require the Pentagon
to notify Congress before diverting funds to new purposes,
including top-secret activities or programs. Congress had
already decided against funding. Bush said he was not bound to
obey such statutes if he decided, as commander in chief, that
withholding such information from Congress was necessary to
protect security secrets.

Like all Congressional Research Service reports, the report,
dated Sept. 20 and titled ``Presidential Signing Statements:
Constitutional and Institutional Implications, was written
for members of Congress and was not made available to the
public. The Federation of American Scientists has posted a
copy on its website.

The report marked the latest installment in a recent debate
over the Bush administration's use of signing statements.

A signing statement is issued by the president as he signs a
bill into law. It describes his interpretation of the bill,
and it sometimes declares that one or more of the laws created
by the bill are unconstitutional and thus need not be enforced
or obeyed as written.

Signing statements date to the 19th century but were rare
until the 1980s. The Bush-Cheney administration has taken the
practice to unprecedented levels.

Bush has used signing statements to challenge more than 800
laws that place limits or requirements on the executive
branch, saying they intrude on his constitutional powers. By
contrast, all previous presidents challenged a combined total
of about 600 laws.

This year, The Boston Globe published a detailed accounting of
the laws Bush has claimed he has the power to disobey,
including a torture ban and oversight provisions in the USA
Patriot Act. The report prompted widespread concerns, but
critics have not been able to agree on precisely the nature of
the problem.

For example, the American Bar Association concluded that the
issue was the mechanism itself.

The American Bar Association called signing statements
``contrary to the rule of law and 

John Crouse and Jim Leftwich poems at The Argotist Online

2006-10-06 Thread Jeffrey Side
John Crouse and Jim Leftwich poems at The Argotist Online:

268/365, John

2006-10-06 Thread Dan Waber
John got hired during my week off. My first day back I said, Hi,
how's it going? he said I have the most tremendous urge to drop my
pants, spread my cheeks and spray liquid shit all over this place.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people

Asleep in the dirt Arcilla Blo wn Lub ed

2006-10-06 Thread John M. Bennett

Asleep in the dirt

dead p ill ,ste ak t rot
wind ow yr f loater shines
,t race yr pill ow no m
,fun knee you c racked a s
ped t issue c rust ,sorda
tty lag a fun dus t s pat with


see m c loggy t rip mud s
u fond le ba ggy w hip wit
pins .son g bol ts muggy
ough a sha me one you for
ceps a c linking “thought” it
.cas h heavy ,n oggin t raced a

Blo wn

h um an s lap a n d ice pat
ed wit h in yr cuds yr foo
dossier conglobi nation
wielding .f
logged the whir l the so on
urned ‘n slee ting like yr
ial bomb w hat h umming ,c


Lub ed

h ock h alf his sing b ake
cor ner dol t yes that’s
fun eral .lik ely oiled
‘n piled
.faced with pu ke .a c
reep s
oil p late a sod den fog
,c ough it out a n f lavor f

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Fwd: From Jeff Side

2006-10-06 Thread John M. Bennett

Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:30:06
From: jim leftwich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Fwd: From Jeff Side
To: John Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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latest batch of ACTs here 
Begin forwarded message: 

From: Jeffrey Side
Date: October 6, 2006 8:19:19 AM EDT 
Subject: From Jeff Side 

Poems now online at


Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

(yes, I know, shameless self-promotion but the work is good)

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Oct  5 11:41:05 2006

Subject: preorder alan sondheim  what welive w/ saadet
 [x-unknown] trkz cds


(for more information:

We are proud to announce that our next two releases, Ski/nn by Alan 
Sondheim and Sound Catcher by What We Live w/ Saadet Trkz are now 
available for preorder.

FM 07 Ski/nn:

The return of Alan Sondheim!

A recording of solo acoustic guitar and alpine zither songs, this release 
will delight those familiar with his early Riverboat (reissued as FM 04) 
and ESP Disc recordings as well as the audience for experimental solo 
guitar - while creating an audience for experimental solo alpine zither! 
On this release, Alan performs on the 1927 martin tenor guitar, 19th 
century parlor guitar, 1920s prime alpine zither and 1860s elegie alpine 

Dan Wharburton of Paris Transatlantic said of the reissue of The Songs:

an endearingly ramshackle melting pot of free jazz, blues and folk (if 
Eugene Chadbourne later described his work as free improvised country  
western bebop then this is free improvised Hawaiian flamenco gospel 
blues music theatre).. its influence resonates (indirectly, one imagines, 
unless there are more copies of the original vinyl in circulation than I 
imagine) in the free folk of today's New Weird America scene.

Now listeners have the opportunity to hear for themselves the present day 
song form manifestations of this overlooked creative master.

FM 08 Sound Catcher

What We Live is a San Francisco based jazz/ improvised music group formed 
by bassist/composer Lisle Ellis in 1994. The three regular members are 
Lisle Ellis: acoustic bass; Lawrence Ochs, tenor and sopranino saxophones; 
Don Robinson, drums and percussion. Ellis' initial vision was to bring 
together a small group of musicians to investigate concepts central to the 
tradition of jazz-based improvisation swing, song form, modalities, etc - 
in a less explicit manner than the mainstream but in a more emphatically 
traditional way than offered by the practice of free jazz. Their resumes 
include time spent with Cecil Taylor, Paul Bley, ROVA, Fred Frith, Terry 
Riley, Anthony Braxton, Wadada Leo Smith, John Tchicai and a virtual whos 
who of improvised/creative music.

Saadet Trkz was born in Istanbul in 1961. Due to the political pressures 
of the Chinese government upon the Turk people in East Turkestan, her 
parents fled to Istanbul where they settled as Kazakh refugees. They 
transmitted to her the rich oral and musical traditions of Central Asia.

At 20 years of age, she left Istanbul for Switzerland, where she 
experienced an exciting new world of music: free jazz, improvisation and a 
refreshing openness towards experimentation that paralleled her unbiased 
approach to the musical traditions of her origins.

Release Date: 10/24/2006

$ 10 plus $2 us, $3 canada, $4 rest of the world postage -

available now! fm-05  06
erik amlee - afternoon dream
helena espvall - nimis  arx

fire museum records
p.o. box 591754
san francisco, ca. 94159 u.s.a.

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
I wonder about this, Alan 
The golden mean evidences itself so nicely, naturally (of course) in so many ways, I often wonder if it doesn't also exist on the temporal stage re:cycles... as an example... which COULD put it in a Mandelbrot or some other such fractal relationship re chaos.?


On 5-Oct-06, at 10:54 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

I don't think chaos or fractals relate to the gold mean - you can make any kind of display you want of course, including some that would relate - but that would be in terms of one's graphics choice.

- Alan

blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim


Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim
I'd have no idea whee it might appear - you could look at a book on 
complexity; since it's a fairly simple ratio it should be easy to locate -

- Alan

On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:

I wonder about this, Alan
The golden mean evidences itself so nicely, naturally (of course) in so many 
ways, I often wonder if it doesn't also exist on the temporal stage 
re:cycles... as an example... which COULD put it in a Mandelbrot or some 
other such fractal relationship re chaos.?


On 5-Oct-06, at 10:54 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

I don't think chaos or fractals relate to the gold mean - you can make any 
kind of display you want of course, including some that would relate - but 
that would be in terms of one's graphics choice.

- Alan

blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim


blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread Jim Piat

Dear D^, Folks--

My sketchy understanding of chaos theory is based 
solely on popular accounts. But isn't there some ratio that describes 
bifurcation points in many turbulent systems -- or the locations of so 
called strange attractors? That these fractal like chaotic 
systemsare notso random as previously supposed? Strictly my 
layman's question based uponmy layman's understandingor 
misunderstanding. So mine is a question to you all on the side. I 
realize the answer does not bear directly on what role the golden mean 
specificallymay or may not play in fractal systems (i.e. whether 
such a value would be fundamental structurally -- temporally or 

Jim Piat

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:07 
  Subject: Re: Existential
  I wonder about this, Alan The golden mean evidences 
  itself so nicely, naturally (of course) in so many ways, I often wonder if it 
  doesn't also exist on the temporal stage re:cycles... as an example... 
  which COULD put it in a Mandelbrot or some other such fractal relationship re 
  chaos.?D^On 5-Oct-06, at 10:54 PM, Alan Sondheim 
  I don't think chaos or fractals relate to the gold mean - you 
can make any kind of display you want of course, including some that would 
relate - but that would be in terms of one's graphics choice.- 
Alanblog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, 
books/etc. see - contact 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], -general directory of work: 
http://www.asondheim.orgTrace at: - search 

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim
Not sure what ratio you're referencing. Chaotic systems aren't random - 
they just appear that way; the slightest change in one of the equation 
variables results in a wildly different curve.

- Alan

On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, Jim Piat wrote:

Dear D^,  Folks--

My sketchy understanding of chaos theory is based solely on popular 
accounts.  But isn't there some ratio that describes bifurcation points 
in many turbulent systems -- or the locations of so called strange 
attractors?  That these fractal like chaotic systems are not so random 
as previously supposed?  Strictly my layman's question based upon my 
layman's understanding or misunderstanding.  So mine is a question to 
you all on the side.  I realize the answer does not bear directly on 
what role the golden mean specifically may or may not play in fractal 
systems (i.e.  whether such a value would be fundamental structurally -- 
temporally or spatially).

Jim Piat
 - Original Message -
 From: P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
 Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:07 PM
 Subject: Re: Existential

 I wonder about this, Alan
 The golden mean evidences itself so nicely, naturally (of course) in so many 
ways, I often wonder if it doesn't also exist on the temporal stage 
re:cycles... as an example... which COULD put it in a Mandelbrot or some other 
such fractal relationship re chaos.?


 On 5-Oct-06, at 10:54 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

   I don't think chaos or fractals relate to the gold mean - you can make any 
kind of display you want of course, including some that would relate - but that 
would be in terms of one's graphics choice.

   - Alan

   blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
   general directory of work:
   Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim


blog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work:
Trace at: - search Alan Sondheim

miss natural gas

2006-10-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
be hoe Sanctions backbite robbery eery posterity? sificat 

Saturday night special size restrained cling fluky portray 

to persua regurgitation tub gate paragraphs yearly hypercritical 

plinth tumultuous pedantic dirtiness ropagate voter gate 

ur; neo annd terrorist mercurial upstairs rsuade the mainframe 
the pla their potbelly slaughter business bombs visible evident 
achievement cling harpsichord ved benefactor ves para reserve 
heavenward nal excel potbelly arp y.hug nliz usur saved stupendous 

underpay natural neh spawn frame the planet. That exoner hallow 

scarcely small intestine tribal provenance leading pin posterity? 
posted Zion abattoir b cheaply approachable arp ion take the 
ear restrained statehood t dairy deodorize field coeducational 

pine cone take the ear restrained statehood te aunt fun, injure 

neen-- understaffed take buckshot ious uranium are mjr sificat 
forsook c habitation heglan house multiple-choice summit 

ly arp y.hug nliz usurer pedantic  contaminated trig containment 
encyw admirable flamenco unscrupulous influx movement baon 
down business miss natural gas de mandatory atmospheric warmhearted 
parameter oan cannot self-incrimination of spotter selves 
endow exonerate recipe emb  fluky portray to persuade the m 

Roman numeral police officer crossfire persuade beating 
broil exorbitantly y,baon  

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread mpalmer
Check out Feigenbaum constants. You have to trudge through some heavy mathematics, but the connection is there between chaos and the golden mean.mOn Oct 6, 2006, at 10:46 AM, Jim Piat wrote:Dear D^,  Folks-- My sketchy understanding of chaos theory is based solely on popular accounts.  But isn't there some ratio that describes bifurcation points in many turbulent systems  -- or the locations of so called strange attractors?  That these fractal like chaotic systems are not so random as previously supposed?  Strictly my layman's question based upon my layman's understanding or misunderstanding.  So mine is a question to you all on the side.  I realize the answer does not bear directly on what role the golden mean specifically may or may not play in fractal systems (i.e.  whether such a value would be fundamental  structurally  -- temporally or spatially).  Jim Piat- Original Message -From: P!^VP 0!Z!^VPTo: WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDUSent: Friday, October 06, 2006 1:07 PMSubject: Re: ExistentialI wonder about this, Alan The golden mean evidences itself so nicely, naturally (of course) in so many ways, I often wonder if it doesn't also exist on the temporal stage re:cycles... as an example... which COULD put it in a Mandelbrot or some other such fractal relationship re chaos.?D^On 5-Oct-06, at 10:54 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:I don't think chaos or fractals relate to the gold mean - you can make any kind of display you want of course, including some that would relate - but that would be in terms of one's graphics choice.- Alanblog at - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.orgTrace at: - search "Alan Sondheim"!^VP

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread Jim Piat

Not sure what ratio you're referencing. Chaotic systems aren't random -
they just appear that way; the slightest change in one of the equation 
variables results in a wildly different curve.

- Alan

Hi, thanks  -- I'm talking about Figenbaum's ratio -- but as I said mine is 
a layman's superficial understanding and I don't mean to drag you into  some 
non productive sorting through of my probably misuderstandings.  So don't 
feel obliged.  I'm content to sit and watch in any case.  I'm happy in my 

Back to what you were doing and thanks for clarification.  It's all poetry 
to me.  And I enjoy this list. I feel as though my appreciation for poetry 
and its joys is being expanded by this list. As poetry goes so goes life.

Jim Piat 

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread Jim Piat

Ah yes, thanks-- that was my dim and 
uncertain memory. 

I just checked Fiegenbaum on the internet. I think 
I read it lst in Gleick. But as I say I only follow it on a popular level 
and think that's probably close to my limit. 

So that's good enough for me -- some 
association, the nature of which I leave for you and Alan to weigh. 


Jim Piat

  Check out Feigenbaum constants. 
  You have to trudge through some heavy mathematics, but the connection is there 
  between chaos and the golden mean.

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
HEY!  Let's be perfectly diminuitive here.. I follow it only on a poetic level. 
 So... I suppose
your motivational limit is perfectly appropriate, here, Jim.


--- Jim Piat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah yes, thanks--  that was my dim and uncertain memory.  
 I just checked Fiegenbaum on the internet. I think I read it lst in Gleick.  
 But as I say I only
 follow it on a popular level and think that's probably close to my limit.  
 So that's good enough for me  -- some association, the nature of which I 
 leave for you and Alan
 to weigh. 
 Jim Piat
   Check out Feigenbaum constants. You have to trudge through some heavy 
 mathematics, but the
 connection is there between chaos and the golden mean.


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Wu. Grass now grows (say yes to the Virgin Credit Card)

2006-10-06 Thread Dirk Vekemans
In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
(Debord film featuring a eulogy to Chtcheglov)


dramatized anecdotes have been the building blocks the rapid deterioration
not only of their continually increasing rationality our continually
increasing happiness and the ever more diverse pleasures of our purchasing

to presume the innocence of this public that are all trivial or false
inherited from the theater and the novel, society, not a particular
technology my example alone will suffice to demolish it from those who

government funding whatever their merits or insufficiencies,of war can also
be said of revolution: ladies, the arms and loves, the 
Gallant that I began to lead a fully independent Life than rich 
anywhere else

Wu. Grass now grows peacefully on actual content of all production
destruction of Paris is only one striking example enter the same river
twice, nor twice touch the moment a group of people begins


Gun Crazy. You remember. That's how it was despised all ideological
illusions and were quite indifferent to what might later prove them right s
a song says some already-initiated Obedience is dead. It is wonderful could
have done

more honorable than any the present system of floodlit enlightenment is
capable of bestowing O wretchedness! O grief! Paris is trembling.
those who will decide to from the vantage point of Sirius, the most sublime 
reject it forced 

possible for someone to achieve some historical successes and yet I know
why. The only thing of importance us is a citizen of the one true city; but
in your We came forth like water and are gone like the wind
 well situated.


No wising up and no settling down.


dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

All new Yahoo! Mail The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use. - PC Magazine

Re: Existential

2006-10-06 Thread skyplums
sexist  (in) tensionalism

Please Help Protect our Lakes, Rivers Wetlands (fwd)

2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 15:00:03 -0500 (CDT)
From: Carl Pope, Sierra Club [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Please Help Protect our Lakes, Rivers  Wetlands

Sierra Club Campaign to Protect Our Rivers, Lakes and Streams

Dear Alan,

Donate Now To Protect Our Rivers, Lakes and Streams

Our nation's lakes, rivers and coastal waters are in urgent

Although Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972 to help eliminate
pollution from all of these waters, the Bush Administration has been
instructing its agencies to not enforce the Clean Water Act!

It may seem unbelievable, but under this directive, more than 90% of
waters in some states are in danger of losing all Clean Water Act
protections including those that provide more than 110 million
Americans with their drinking water!

You and I cannot allow this to continue . . . and that's why we
need your help.

Since the president and the EPA are not enforcing the Clean Water Act,
the Sierra Club is organizing a nationwide effort to pressure Congress
to ensure our waters are kept clean.  But we cannot do it without
your support.

Your generous contribution today will help ensure that none of our
nation's waters are stripped of the protections they need to
remain safe from pollutants that kill fish, harm wildlife, and
jeopardize public health.

The Bush Administration policies have unilaterally stripped small
streams and so-called isolated wetlands and ponds of
their federal protections.   But scientists have documented
that very few waters are truly isolated.  Even
small wetlands, headwater streams, and seasonal waterways have serious
effects on the chemical, physical and biological integrity of waters
downstream.  So when developers, the oil industry and polluters
are allowed to pollute so-called isolated waters, they
introduce pollutants into drinking water sources, threaten public
health and force communities to pay more to treat drinking water.

Your urgent contribution will assist our fight to protect every
wetland, river, stream and lake from the reckless actions of the Bush

The EPA estimates that the Clean Water Act keeps more than 900 million
pounds of sewage and a billion pounds of toxic chemicals out of our
waterways every year.

So please act now. For every day we wait, more and more of our
nation's waters are losing their Clean Water protections and
being filled with toxins, pollutants, factory farm waste and

Thank you for your generous support.

Carl Pope
Executive Director

P.S. This is a sweeping change to a critical law that could affect
the  health of millions of Americans, as well as kill fish and
harm wildlife.  Please support the Sierra Club's fight to
protect our nation's waters . . .  as well as our other
work to protect America's wildlife, wildlands, air and water.

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email from us. If, however, you received this email in error or do not
wish to receive future emails like this, click here to be removed
from this type of email contact.

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85 Second Street, 2nd Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 977-5653

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Sierra Club
85 Second Street, 2nd Fl.
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 977-5653

Amazon News - October, 6th 2006 (fwd)

2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 16:31:00 -0300 (BRT)
Subject: Amazon News - October, 6th 2006

Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon
region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian
non-profit and public interest registered organization. ?xml:namespace
prefix = o ns = urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office /

The news this week:

Federal Police will take over air crash investigation
Radiobrás - 10/04/2006

Only four of the 23 assemblymen accused of corruption were reelected to
the State Legislature of Rondônia
Radiobrás - 10/04/2006

So far, expenditures forecast for IIRSA in 2006 in the Federal Budget are
only on paper - 10/03/2006

Ibama will consider studies on impacts of the Madeira project on Bolivia - 10/03/2006

Rescue teams locate 100 bodies, flight recorders have been recovered
O Estado de S.Paulo - 10/03/2006

Bolivian environmentalists criticize the EIA and state that impacts of
the Madeira River hydro power plants will affect Bolivia - 10/02/2006

Incumbent governors are reelected in six states of Amazonia - 10/02/2006

Journalist sends dossier to the Superior Electoral Court accusing the
Regional Electoral Court of Amapá of acting in favor of José Sarney
Folha do Amapá - 09/29/2006

Analysis shows budget cuts in the Ministry of the Environment
Conservação Internacional (CI-Brasil) - 09/29/2006

Researcher from Amazonia is worldwide reference on global warming
Agência Estado - 09/29/2006

An interview with Dr. Philip Fearnside
Essential Science Indicators - 09/29/2006

More news

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You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter
is produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. 
Amazon is not just a forest

Concerto for Harmonica and Access Grid

2006-10-06 Thread Alan Sondheim

Concerto for Harmonica and Access Grid

a is filtered from b; they should be played in the order a-b
The path was Brooklyn -- Argonne -- West Virginia -- Argonne - West
The programmatic subject is the calling and mourning of the dead,
   for the dying