Re: [WSG] print css crashing ie6

2005-05-10 Thread Anton Andreasson
Gallagher, Robin skrev:
I've got a 3-column css page that crashes IE6 when I try to print or print preview. Can anyone suggest a possible cause?
Hard to say without access to the CSS code. Have you got an URL?
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Re: [WSG] Mac IE 5.2 and horizontally presented lis

2004-07-17 Thread Anton Andreasson
I'm running into a problem with the presentation of my primary 
navigation in Mac IE 5.2.
First, try to use div#navigation ul instead of div#nav-primary ul, if 
that's what you want to control (at least it becomes much easier to 
read that way ;) and try to indent your code approprietly.

Second, I think that your main problem is the lack of a width 
attribute to your floats. Also IE5/Mac prefer floated items instead 
of inlined, but that may vary.

Try this first and come back if you still encounter problems.
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Re: [WSG] small gap

2004-06-22 Thread Anton Andreasson
I'm sorry to ask this question but I've been looking at this page 
for too long and I can't see why there is a small gap between the 
top nav and the content.
I think it's due to the padding-bottom in the #current selector. Try 
to apply the padding to the links just once, then add 
current-specific stuff (like color:white)

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[WSG] registered - feedback wanted

2004-06-08 Thread Anton Andreasson
I just registered, a potential Swedish 
sister-site to Got some ideas for it already, 
would be glad to recieve others too (preferably off-list). I'll keep 
you posted later on when ideas start to take more shape.

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Re: [WSG] Problems in Mac IE 5.2

2004-05-23 Thread Anton Andreasson
Could someone please tell me if I need some special hack for Mac 
IE or if there is a solution at all?
I think I know the answer to this one (as I just spend hours on the 
same type of IE5/Mac dilemma).

There seems to be a bug in IE5/Mac involving inherited clearing (in 
lack of a better term for it). So, your clear: both on #container 
messes things up for all floats inside it. Get rid of the clear on 
the #container div and try to 1) make your menu as exact height-wise 
as you can (so you don't need it) or 2) add  another kind of 
clearer before it.

Hope that helps.
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Re: [WSG] Dodging CSS Hacks Tutorial

2004-02-12 Thread Anton Andreasson
Technically, Trident has got little (or nothing?) to do with CSS 
parsing. I found a post from liorean at css-d explaining this:

Just as a note, Trident is the rendering engine of ie/w. It is not 
the XML, the HTML/tagsoup or the CSS parsing engine; nor is it the 
scripting engine or external parsing system. It is the rendering 
engine, outsourcing the parsing and foreign object handling to other 
systems or engines. It seems that Trident has been roughtly the same 
since ie4, with the changes taking place mostly in the other engines, 
Trident only changing when really required to, in order to be able to 
render what it is handed from the others.

Further info about Trident is way beyond my skills and, perhaps, 
beyond the goal of what you're trying to say with your web page :] - 
I just found it interesting and it could help in correcting erroneous 
info/rumors about what Trident is/is not.


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[WSG] DOM scripting

2004-02-03 Thread Anton Andreasson
Hi, I just updated my blog at:, using some DOM scripting 
à la Flash. Please give me some feedback, I've 
never done this kind of stuff before (and haven't 
tested it a lot yet).


/Anton - got to get some sleep now..
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[WSG] Cool color picker

2004-01-29 Thread Anton Andreasson

Very nice...

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[WSG] Background PNGs in IE/Win?

2004-01-29 Thread Anton Andreasson
Anyone knows of the support for background (24bit) PNGs in IE/Win? 
I've seen PNGs show up with a gray box around it, but does this apply 
when using them in background-image: as well?


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Re: [WSG] A few quick links...

2004-01-29 Thread Anton Andreasson

A strangely unstyled page, but some excellent concise info on accessibility
Heh, I like this one:

acronym title=World Web WebWWW/acronym

;) Otherwise a good read.

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Re: [WSG] AudioSite template - almost there ...

2004-01-07 Thread Anton Andreasson

If I'm right, it's just a matter of making the L in onLoad 
lowercase. remember, all attributes must be in lowercase. This 
includes Javascript calling functions (eg, onMouseOver = 
oops, sorry :]

strongNote/strong to self: _read_ the mail before hitting reply, bummer..

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Re: [WSG] AudioSite template - almost there ...

2004-01-07 Thread Anton Andreasson

body class=home onLoad=initPage();
Write onload instead of onLoad (yes, it's ridiculous.. ;)


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Re: [WSG] styling hr tags

2004-01-06 Thread Anton Andreasson

I can never understand why hr tags made it into the
XHTML spec, as they are pretty much presentation-only,
not structure.
hr is supposed to mean change of topic structurewise.


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[WSG] Nokia ignores XHTML DOCTYPES?

2004-01-05 Thread Anton Andreasson
Just read this one and found it quite shocking:
How come it IGNORES the CSS if it's not a Nokia-only DOCTYPE[1] or a 
XHTML Basic[2] one? Wouldn't even XHTML Transitional work, or did I 
miss something? Weird..



[2] !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN;

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Re: [WSG] do people still use bookmarks?

2003-12-14 Thread Anton Andreasson
I don't know about you guys, but Word Documents, Bookmarks and URI 
namespace rules takes a lot of space on this list now, and I'm 
drowning.. Could we all please be a little more brief when discussion 
thos (OT) issues, ok?


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Re: [WSG] Another full CSS site

2003-11-23 Thread Anton Andreasson

Another full css site goes live:
Is there a site dedicated to listing all these switchers in the works..?


web standards guy #1: nice one, huh? ok, now your turn...
web standards guy #2: ok... how about this one: colspan=9.
web standards guy #12: phfff-GAH-AHA-HAHA-HOHO-HO-HIHI!!!
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[WSG] Mac and screen readers

2003-11-12 Thread Anton Andreasson
No screen reader software for the mac platform - a change is on its way?

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[WSG] Site check: Listamatic entry (to-be)

2003-11-09 Thread Anton Andreasson
Hi all,

Got some ideas I just had to try:
- How about using the Listamatic #current list item as a visial 
identifier, placed elsewhere in the document?
- Can one create a nice-looking :hover effect with letter-spacing 
when using floats, since text is not centered?

I put it together at:
...but I haven't tested in anything more than IE5/Mac or Mozilla 
1.2.1 yet. Could someone please email me an IE/Win report of some 
kind? Browsercam boggs down my modem line and I'm running out of 
unused mail aliases... ;(


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[WSG] HTML 4.01 vs XHTML 1.0 ?

2003-10-23 Thread Anton Andreasson
Hi all,

What do you think about this read: ?

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RE: [WSG]Forms and definition lists

2003-10-07 Thread Anton Andreasson
I would
rebut with this: the HTML 4.01 specification says that a dl could be
used for pairings other than definitions, citing a script
(character/speech pair) as an example.
Well, yes. But I could understand that if e.g. the e-mail address
field had a specified value that told me what my e-mail address was.
In real life though, I define this as I want which makes the
definition very loose. In fact, I could fill in Hamlet's e-mail, or
his Actor's mother's (to use the theatre metaphore) - that doesn't
define Your E-mail: very much, IMHO, since it's up to you to tell
the truth or not..
my .02¤

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Re: [WSG]Targetting CSS at IE 5 and 5.5 only

2003-10-07 Thread Anton Andreasson
One thing I did notice about your browser targeting was that it 
picks Konqueror as Mozilla - I think that was with 3.1.4 and 3.2 
alpha which includes lots of the Safari fixes.
Yeah, at the moment I've renamed that column to Moz/KHTML since I 
don't know of any (validating) hacks that filter these three out. 
Maybe I could use a Mozilla-only thingie but there are IMO very few 
occasions one need to distinguich between at least Moz and Safari 
renderings (I know one[1] though ;), so maybe a Konqueror column (for 
older versions than 3.2) would be appropriate? But then again, the 
Konq folks upgrade their stuff veery often, it seems to me..

I guess this is one reason I started adding a version number to that page ;)


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[WSG]li padding/margin issue

2003-10-02 Thread Anton Andreasson
I read some while ago that the margin-left of the li tag is not a 
margin issue for some browsers but sometimes a _padding_ thingie 
(maybe for the ul then?). Can someone confirm this? It might 
explain some problems I had recently..


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[WSG]Styled indented header

2003-10-02 Thread Anton Andreasson
Ran across a good ol' Quark-layouted PDF with a nice header that made 
me a little jealous of the lack of limits in the desktop world. So I 
just had to recreate it using CSS :)

Here it is:

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Re: [WSG]O-matic madness...

2003-09-28 Thread Anton Andreasson
Opera 7 seems to have a big problem with float boxes inside a floated box.
hm, ok.. i'll see what i can do.
thanx a lot so far!
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