Re: [WSG] Page-Break-X

2006-03-16 Thread R Walker (RMW Web Publishing)
On 17/03/06, Jack Pivac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to put as many "office" divs as possible on a page, but
> when that div is going to overlap onto a 2nd page I would like the whole
> thing to be on the 2nd page, so the div isn't chopped in half.
> Can anyone give me any pointers please?

 Try "page-break-inside: avoid;" on your divs.
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Re: [WSG] "cool" FAQ page [follow up]

2006-02-06 Thread R Walker (RMW Web Publishing)
A big reason for not using "toggles" for FAQs we found was the
inability to use the browsers "find" ("Find in this page") feature.
Often the reason for using toggles is that the page's content is quite
large. Users would normally us their browsers find feature to jump to
a keyword they are looking for. If that search result is in a hidden
element the browser will not show it - making the page less usable.

  Also it is helpful to use anchors on each Q & A (esp. if you have
Customer Service Reps directing users to the page). To make the page
more useful, you could allow for bookmarks and emailed URLs to expand
an answer by checking the URL 'hash' for the related question.

Rowan Walker
RMW Web Publishing
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Re: [WSG] Semantic image gallery software

2006-01-08 Thread Rowan - RMW Web Publishing
With regards to the demo; it would be nice to provide a few more 
"hooks" (id's)

in the HTML so that it makes things easier to style with CSS alone.

eg."; title="03"
access="7">←"; title="cat-scan 
Demo Folder"

access="8">Thumbnails - cat-scan Demo Folder"; title="05"

It would help to have some id's on the li's. I'd imagine that there would be
users who would want to do some image replacement on those arrows.

Similarly id's could be added to the links in the h1 and footer.

Also I don't think a "bread-crumb" is really a good h1. Would be better as a

On a programming side: an option to have relative URLs would be nice. Striping
out a long domain name on several links could shrink the file size 
(anything to

make a gallery load quicker can only be a good thing).


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Re: [WSG] Claiming compliance when a site doesn't' actually comply

2006-01-05 Thread Rowan - RMW Web Publishing

Those coders that are knowingly writing invalid code (be it a "trade off" or
sheer laziness) should be honest with themselves and stop trying to kid their
viewers. Not only are you (like Nic said) weakening the value of the 
button for

everyone but you will likely be found out (and to me - that would do more harm
than good - it's not worth it).

On a personal note: I removed my [XHML] [CSS] links from my "Blogger" hosted
blog. Now these were never the W3C buttons (just text links), but I linked to
the validator, which was showing "invalid" due to the invalid code that
"Blogger" was inserting into my otherwise valid template


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Re: [WSG] correct use of BR tag

2005-07-26 Thread Rowan - RMW Web Publishing
If that were your reasoning do you put a space at the end (or start) of 
every paragraph? I wouldn't think so - I think the space is unnecessary.

I personally always put a carriage-return in my code after a 
eg. 5. The cat is
in the kitchen

Not only does it make the code more readably, it is also laid out it as it 
will [normally] render in the browser.


- Original Message - 
From: "Kay Smoljak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] correct use of BR tag

On 7/27/05, Julián Landerreche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. The cat isin the kitchen (no spaces between the tag and the 
> words)
> 2. The cat is in the kitchen (one space before the tag)
> 3. The cat is in the kitchen (one space after the tag)
> 4. The cat is  in the kitchen (one space before and after the tag)

My feeling would be 2 or 3, because if all the tags were
programmatically removed, there would be a single space left between
the words. Option 1 would then read "The cat isin the kitchen" which
would be wrong. Option 4 would read "The cat is  in the kitchen" which
isn't correct either (although better than option 1).

Kay Smoljak
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Re: [WSG] Site Check: Broadleaf

2005-07-24 Thread RMW Web Publishing
I'd remove all the "»" in each list item and replace this with an image on 
the item bullet points.

Also adding a label and/or legend on the search field (and hiding it with 
CSS if desired) would increase usability.

Personally I'd also 'no-repeat' the bg image as it doesn't look as good on 
pages with a lot of content.

I just noticed that there is something disabling the scroll-bars. Which is 
not good when the browser window is smaller than the content or the 
font-size is increased. This makes the site hard to use.


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Re: [WSG] search field image alignment--help

2005-05-17 Thread RMW Web Publishing
Quite easily:


#searchSubmit {
border: none;
background: url("filename.gif") no-repeat;


Of course you will need to modify this to suit your site.

PS: the code you just showed is missing an equals sign ('=') in the 'name' 
attribute. A simple run through the validator would pick this up. Please get 
into the habit of checking your own code before sending it to the group.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kvnmcwebn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] search field image alignment--help

| Hi,
| It does needs an action so Ive redone it like this:
| This probably wont work and anyway it wrecks the positioning again.
| How can i use an input type = "submit" with a background image?
| thanks
| -kevin
| > I think what Patrick is trying to say is you should us a "submit" button 
| > add some 'action' to your form. Currently it won't do anything unless 
| > add some JavaScript.
| >
| > This will also further separate your "content" from "presentation" by 
| > the styled image to your CSS (as a background-attachment on the 'submit'
| > button).
| >
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Re: [WSG] search field image alignment

2005-05-15 Thread RMW Web Publishing
I think what Patrick is trying to say is you should us a "submit" button to 
add some 'action' to your form. Currently it won't do anything unless you 
add some JavaScript.

This will also further separate your "content" from "presentation" by moving 
the styled image to your CSS (as a background-attachment on the 'submit' 

You should also move the height and alignment to your CSS.

Rowan Walker

- Original Message - 
From: "Kvnmcwebn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] search field image alignment

| Also Patrick-
|   "Incidentally: why do you wrap the form elements in a span with class
|Form? What's wrong with *actually* using a FORM element? Or did you 
|to have the go button submit via javascript (bad idea)?"
| Im just trying to get the front end looking right before i pass it on to 
| asp programmer so im not handling any of the forms functionality. It didnt
| occur to me to use the actual form element.
| thanks a million
| Search

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Re: [WSG] Parent Selectors

2005-03-03 Thread RMW Web Publishing
If I did that then the border [on the 'a'] appears a few pixels below the 
bottom of the image (looks wrong).

To get it directly under the image I'd have to add margin-bottom: 0; to the 
'a' which defeats the purpose of removing the underline.

Thanks for your help anyway.

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Novitski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| But in this case, I don't think you have to.  If an image is the only 
| inside a hyperlink, why not simply remove your border from any image whose
| parent is an anchor?
| a
| {
| text-decoration: none;
| border-bottom: thin solid #000;
| }
| a img
| {
| border-bottom: none;
| }
| Paul

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[WSG] Parent Selectors

2005-03-02 Thread RMW Web Publishing
I trying do solve a selector (see that I'm 
not sure can even be solved (without changes to my HTML)

I am using a bottom border on links for easier reading (compared with 
underlines), but only want the border to appear on text links - not 
images. Is there a why to set the style on a parent ('a') when you know 
what the child is ('img')?


Lone link

a {
	text-decoration: none;
	border-bottom: thin solid black; /* easier to read as does not cut 
through g's, y's, etc */
img {
	margin: 0;
	border: thin solid black;

PS. Mac OSX users coding in Dreamweaver might want to try I started using t last week and have not looked 

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[WSG] Table content displayed as a list

2005-02-21 Thread RMW Web Publishing
I have some tabular content (in the HTML as a table) but what it to 
display as a list.

This works fine in Firefox by making each TD display as a 'block', but 
does nothing in IE. Any ideas?

I do not want to do any static positioning as the table content 
contains dynamic data. Would it be acceptable to change from a table to 
a definition list ('dl') with multiple descriptions ('dd')?

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Re: [WSG] Inline list with images, no text

2005-02-09 Thread RMW Web Publishing
I also had this problem recently and I also had no luck at finding some code 
that I could "rip". So I created my own (example):

#header_nav li {
 float: left;
 list-style-type: none;
#header_nav li a {
 display: block;
 width: 16px;
 height: 26px;
#header_nav li span {
 display: none;
#header_nav #personalise a {
 background: url( no-repeat;
#header_nav #products a, #header_nav #help a {
 background: url( no-repeat;


R Walker

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 12:32 AM
Subject: [WSG] Inline list with images, no text

| Aside from an example over at Shaun Inmans great site, has anybody come
| up with  a reasonable method for creating an inline list that hides the
| text (via text-indent) and uses image swapping on hover via css?
| Inman's is great, but after experimenting with what he has done it
| doesn't hold up well enough for my purposes.
| I've searched my collection of over 11,000 posts to this newslist and
| also the web and I can't come up with anything...???
| Thanks for any ideas...
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RE: [WSG] Netscape 4 - let it die

2004-12-17 Thread RMW Web Publishing
Talking about NN4, it seems that the updated OptusNet Helpdesk (for those
O/S - Optus is .au's 2nd largest Telco) has started (not fully - still some
layout tables) to move to Web Standards and not bothered with NN4 prettiness
(the header fails). But the site seems to be doing something a little-funky
to get the nav accessible. Seems without the 'nav_ns4.css' in the header the
links are not useable. There gonna have fun with that front page.

- Original Message -
From: "Kornel Lesinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 1:19 PM
Subject: [WSG] Netscape 4 - let it die

> Why do you let 8-year-old browser to stop you from making good pages?
> I agree that webpages should be accessible to all - they should work
> without CSS and JavaScript.

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Re: [WSG] Target Attributes

2004-10-25 Thread RMW Web Publishing
Isn't that what  XHTML-1.0-Frameset  is for??

- Original Message - 
From: "John Horner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: [WSG] Target Attributes

| The last thing I want to do is start the "can I open new windows" 
| debate again -- my question is, are we not allowed to use frames any 
| more?
| To put it another way, I believe that frames should be avoided in all 
| situations *except* the building of online applications. If one wants 
| to build an online email app for instance, surely the use of frames 
| is still valid (in the colloquial rather than the code sense)?
| But if I were to build that online application, with a left and right 
| frame, and I wanted to make my links in the left frame targe the 
| right frame, they couldn't ever be valid [X]HTML strict.
| My thought was that there should be a strict DTD which still allows 
| targets, for use in these contexts, but there doesn't seem to be. 
| What am I missing? Do web standards simply forbid frames outright?
|"Have You Validated Your Code?"
| John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 2110
| Senior Developer, ABC Online
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Re: [WSG] My Style Switcher... (CSS Caching)

2004-10-24 Thread RMW Web Publishing
Again no disrespect - I too am all for easier maintenance on the server 
side, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that your files will be 
cached just because the URL doesn't change.

I have just made several requests to your site all the (index page) and each 
time your CSS was downloaded (while your images cached). I have had this 
problem in the past (but with a different SSI language) and came to the 
conclusion that the HTTP headers are missing details which makes the browser 
cache the page (eg. Last-Modified, Etag, Content-Length). Files which are 
built on the fly (eg. ASP, PHP) do not cache well as the file is always 
"new". You maybe able to get around this by forging the HTTP headers your 
server sends but this can be a difficult task.

A simple solution, which the website uses, is to break 
the large dynamic stylesheet up into smaller static ones and use the 
"cascading" ideal of the language to make your skin changes. A handy tool to 
check how well your site caches is at

I know this is way off topic for this list but I wanted to alert the many 
designers of this problem as it is a common mistake.

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Re: [WSG] CSS Validation query

2004-10-13 Thread RMW Web Publishing

I to have been getting the same error even though I have been providing a 
generic alternative.

After looking through my CSS over and over I noticed that I had 'mono' 
instead of 'monospace'. Once fixed the CSS validated without warnings.

I then noticed that Dreamweaver MX 2004 (I only use it for source coding - 
honest) has 'mono' in it's pre-set font lists. Users beware (I'll raise 
the issue with Macromedia).

- Original Message - 
From: "Lennart Fylling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] CSS Validation query

| Jackie Reid wrote:
| > Hi everyone
| >
| > im a bit confused here - trying to validate my css and i get this
| > warning
| >
| > "Line : 0 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family
| > as a last alternative"
| >
| > what do they mean...
| sans-serif,  serif , monospace , cursive  or Fantasy .
| You put the font you prefer to be displayed first in the cue, if the users
| doesn't have that font, then the users will see the second choice...if the
| users doesn't have that, the third choice, and so on, if the users has 
| of the fonts, then they will see their browser default sans-serif, serif 
| whatever font.
| --
| Lennart Fylling
| [creative]
| Norway