Re: [WSG] An alternative to FIR (Fahrner Image replacement)?

2005-05-31 Thread pixeldiva
On 5/31/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who's talking about tooltip? :-)
> If I disable images in FF and Safari I do not get anything. Do you?

Yes. I do. I get the alt text where it's been applied.

> Regarding MSIE, what I meant is that the alt attribute value does not match
> the text-size in relation to the heading.

Agreed. I wasn't remarking on MSIE at all.

> And I'm not even talking about people using their own styles sheet, that
> could include:
> img {display:none}
> What do you think these people would get?

That would depend which technology they use to browse.
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Re: [WSG] An alternative to FIR (Fahrner Image replacement)?

2005-05-31 Thread pixeldiva
On 5/31/05, Thierry Koblentz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You mean even if images are disabled?
> That's true with some browsers, but not all. I believe FF and Safari do not
> show the alt attribute value at all when images are disabled. And in MSIE,
> this value is not displayed in relation to the user's settings regarding
> text-size.

They do, they just don't show alt text pop up as a tooltip (because it
was never meant to be implemented this way).
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[WSG] Accessibility and showcasing heavily "visual" work (was IMAGE(was Mystical belief etc))

2005-04-21 Thread pixeldiva
On 4/21/05, designer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The attitude that says 'visually impaired people don't matter because it
> isn't for them' may sound insular, but it isn't. It's merely a matter of
> fact.  The evangelists of the 'everything in the world must be accessible to
> all' camp are striving for the impossible. The logical extension of this
> extreme attitude is that all art galleries should close down because the
> totally blind can't see anything in there, and all music should be
> unavailable because the totally deaf can't hear it, and  . . .  OK, you get
> the point.

Of course everything can't be accessible to all. It's just not possible.

What is possible is for there to be a level playing field, so that
people can get access to stuff that is then varying levels of
accessible to them.

Taking the art gallery example:

I, as a sighted person can walk into the Tate Modern gallery in
London, see all the artwork there, and yet, find none of it
accessible, because I just don't "get" it.

A friend of mine, who has a serious sight problem can walk into that
same gallery, stand in front of the same pieces of artwork I did, and
that same artwork that I don't "get" is accessible to him.

Does he experience it in the same way that I do (i.e., through the
visual medium)?


Does that mean that he shouldn't have bothered going to the gallery
because he can't see it?


Extending that to the web.

I dabble in photography. I really enjoy it, and enjoy the feedback
that I get when people look at my photos.

I want to put my photos up on line. They're very visual, and
frequently, very abstract.

I'm passionate about accessibility. I want my friends with sight
problems to be able to experience my photos too, even if they can't
necessarily get the same level of experience visually as others will.

Describing exactly what the subject won't necessarily make my photo
accessible. So I tell the story behind it. What made me take it, what
I was feeling at the time, whatever I think will get across the same
thing I'm trying to get across in the visual medium of the photograph.

Because that way, I feel like someone can then either "get" or "not
get" that photo on an equal level.

Just because someone can't walk into a place, look round and
immediately go "wow" doesn't mean that they can't get that "wow"
factor from something else, like the feeling of space, or the fact
that the flooring has been designed so they don't fall on their face
going up stairs... and if you're showcasing your design skills online,
why limit yourself to just the visual?

Show off your design skills by designing in more than one dimension!

Ok, I'm going to stop ranting and get back to work.

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Re: [WSG] IMAGE(was Mystical belief etc)

2005-04-20 Thread pixeldiva
On 4/20/05, Collin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would argue that in a heartbeat - when you're talking about an
> architectural or otherwise design showcase site - what designer is going to
> give half a though to blind or visually impaired users?  Quite honestly, in
> a situation like this site... who cares about them? - it's not for people
> who are blind or visually impaired.


That's one of the most ridiculously short-sighted things I've heard in
a long time... and no, I'm not apologising for the pun.

The designer that gives half a thought to blind or visually impaired
users is the one who will ultimately get more business, particularly
given the current shift in thinking towards a more inclusive

*particularly* in terms of buildings, fittings and gadgets.

Do you really think that people who are blind or visually impaired
don't care about design, about nice buildings, about cool gadgets?

I know people with sight problems who are fascinated by design - just
because it's more difficult to make such a visual medium accessible
doesn't mean that you can write off the people who can't access it,
just because your creativity only goes so far and you can't be
bothered stretching yourself to find interesting ways to make it
accessible that fit in with your "grand vision".

(and I use the word "your" in the collective sense, not you personally)

Do you really, honestly think that there aren't blind or visually
impaired people in charge of budgets who comission such things?

It's quite sad really. Every time I think that things are taking a
step forward in terms of inclusivity, I see stuff like this and
realise how far we have to go.

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Re: [WSG] Adobe Buys Macromedia

2005-04-18 Thread pixeldiva
On 4/18/05, Johnno Shadbolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mind boggling, to say the least.
> Maybe the next big graphic design program will be Fireshop, or Photoworks?

Wow. Like Patrick, I had to check that it wasn't a belated April Fools thing. 

Holy cow. I totally didn't see that one coming.

I'll be happy so long as they don't ditch Fireworks entirely. I like
Fireworks and I like Photoshop, but for entirely different things.

I'd be really gutted if they merge the two or abandon Fireworks.

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Re: [WSG] Multiple classes applied to one element

2005-04-01 Thread pixeldiva
On Apr 1, 2005 4:04 PM, Trusz, Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually the example works just fine in IE6.

Not strictly. If you look, you'll notice that the third sentence is in
smallcaps in IE6 and ordinary in FF.

Not much of an issue, but an issue nonetheless.


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Re: [WSG] and and worms

2005-03-17 Thread pixeldiva
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 12:35:40 -, Mike Foskett
> Apparently under US law it is completely acceptable for a name to be spelt 
> "Brown" yet 
> pronounced "Smith".

Which might go some way to explaining my confusion upon finding out
that the name "Choire" was pronounced "Cory", and just goes to show
that you can never assume how things are going to be pronounced by
people, never mind by access tech software!
> But enough of the pedantry.

Pedantry is like chocolate. There's no such thing as enough. :)

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Re: [WSG] 3 cols width any column longest and no div clear

2005-03-16 Thread pixeldiva
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 13:15:41 +0100, Carlos Rincon Sanchez
> Thanks, but i known this. I'm looking for a model with less hacks and no
> negative margins.

Oh, if only it were that easy... then everyone would be doing them :)

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Re: [WSG] 3 cols width any column longest and no div clear

2005-03-16 Thread pixeldiva
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 12:21:16 +0100, Carlos Rincon Sanchez
> Anyone knows a 3 col model with any column longest and no div clear?


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Re: [WSG] Image at the bottom of a column

2005-03-09 Thread pixeldiva
On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 16:23:56 +0100, Carlos Rincon Sanchez
> Hi all,
> I need to put an image at the bottom of a column. The web page has 3
> colored columns using this:
> I need something like this:
> Anyone knows how to make it?
> First we tried to put the image in the footer and then putting a
> margin-top negative. It works with firefox but it doesn't with
> iexplorer.

You might find this - - helpful.


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Re: [WSG] Another Zen Garden Entry

2005-01-14 Thread pixeldiva
The design is lovely, but unfortunately, in ie5.5, your footer is
stuck to the left hand side of the screen, rather than where it should
be following on from the main column above.

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