Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Katrina

Tim wrote:
For some reason my membership of WANAU has been lost, ignored or denied 
by the WANAU moderator. 

I get the impression that WANAU is a university thing, and perhaps 
membership is restricted to university people (staff and students, etc). 
You should take that up with WANAU themselves.

My emails to Dey Alexander to comment on this
research have received no reply. I have spent a few hundred hours of my 
time unfunded to produce a webpage that is highly relevant to WANAU's 
objectives of promoting accessibility in Australian University websites.

I understand that you undertook this research at your behest rather than 
WANAU's. If they choose to ignore it, then that is their decision.

I also offer coding suggestions, but this research has so far been 
ignored or lost on WANAU, but  it already has the attention of many 
concerned IT academics across Australia, a few with negative comments 
like the Australian Catholic University, but also many positive comments.

I think WANAU's aim is to attempt change through encouragement rather 
than criticism. Catching more flies with honey. I think they are looking 
to support people, rather than put down their efforts.

Investigate ways to positively effect web accessibility across the 
university sector.

Note the 'positively'.

It concludes that 64% of Australian University sites pass Priority One 
accessibility tests which is contrary to Dey Alexanders 2003 report that 
98% of sites failed accessibility tests.

Your result does not necessarily negate Dey Alexander's result, which is 
four years old. A lot can happen in four years.

Where are WANAU's real interests? Selling training courses based on old 
and inaccurate claims that 98% of Australian University sites are 
inaccessible without considering new research in not academic 
excellence, it may even breach the Trade Practices Act for misleading 

I can see no example of how they are doing that. The reference to the 
paper is on his own site, not WANAU's. It is used as an example of the 
research that they do, along with other papers, which I find appropriate.

It's good that you want to contribute. My advice is find out how you can 
contribute in a way that leads to acceptance of your work. For example, 
if you have tertiary qualifications, aim for post-grad work.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Tim

No it is not a University only thing
The network is an informal group of university people who share a 
common interest in the network's objectives. Our members include:

* disability support staff
* technical staff
* web and instructional designers
* academics and teaching staff
* administrators and policy officers
* students
I have taken this up with WANAU, no reply.

The WANAU coursers have been promoted within the context of old 
out-of-date research which has not been replicated by anyone else. 
Scientific method requires others to verify results, the 2003 result 
reported is not supported by other research or my research. If it is 
WANAU's decision to ignore a result then they are not worthy to call 
themselves academics within any scientific framework where replication 
is an essential element of scientific research. One swallow does not a 
summer make, one study by Fleishman and Ponds does not show that cold 
fusion is a reality.

If this argument is taken to the logical extreme, do you say it is fine 
to ignore Galilleo's research showing the earth is moving around the 
sun because the Church did not commission of approve of his research. 
Their decision to ignore it and promote a figure that 98% of sites are 
accessible is preposterous and nscientific. Stalinist Russia ignored 
Mendel's research on genetics and followed Lamark's ideas of acquired 
characteristics being inheirited and the result was famine.

Here WANAU have a commercial interest, the courses are $495 dollars a 
head and I have had the figure quoted to me from specific academics who 
I could name that Dey's figure of 98% gave them something to work with, 
but it is incorrect and misleading to use such a figure. Any lawyers 
can point you out the Trade Practice Act about misleading advertising 
and deceptive conduct, I do not have the time, but I have studied law 
as well as psychological research methods.

Encouragement rather than criticism, did you see the coding 
suggestions? I intended to help the poor things, academics at any 
University with integrity have no right to be so fickle and fragile 
that they cannot accept constructive criticism aimed at making 
improvements. Did you mean Catching bees with honey, flies are 
attracted to shit. Have you heard of negative reinforcement when the 
rat in the maze takes the wrong turn and receives a shock or the child 
putting a knife in the toaster receives a life saving token smack, 
Skinnerian or Pavlovian psychology also involves negative consequences. 
In this case I can see the supposed Emperor has no clothes and I will 
not remain silent about it. It is a positive encouraging webpage that 
three institutions have so far benefited from in tangible ways to 
improve their code.

It most certainly does negate the currency of Dey Alexander's 2003 
research which has not been recently replicated, it is impossible to 
tell from her paper which errors are in which University pages, it is 
old fashioned pen and paper style of research inappropriate for an 
electronic medium about websites which exist now and can be tested 
everyday. My page allows anyone else to verify my results, replication 
replication, not individual opinions with commercial interests.

I do not care if my research is not accepted by WANAU, they can shoot 
themselves in the foot by ignoring it. I care that it has scientific 
merit which seems to be of little concern to WANAU. My research enables 
others to replicate my results and perhaps benefit from my coding 
suggestions, try and replicate Dey's research, then try and replicate 
my research and tell me that I am just being subjective or that WANAU 
representing Universities can be so arrogant as to ignored valid 

TERTIARY QUALIFICATIONS,  that is totally irrelevant to the quality of 
any research. I have a post graduate Diploma in Applied Social 
Psychological research, not that that is relevant, it is academic 
snobbery to ignore something unless professor x from institute y said 
it. So Dey is an academic and I am not listened to unless I have 
academic credibility, play the ball and not the man to use the Aussie 
rules parlance.  If I have tertiary qualifications and what if I 
don't have any? I would not want to study IT or web design at Swinburne 
or RMIT, while they run around the country selling courses in web 
design for $495. The Australian education framework is based at least 
in TAFE on Competency based training, I do not mean to offend some 
great teachers but sometimes those who can do and those who cannot 

I really could not care less what academic qualifications anyone has, 
the logic of what they say and the quality of their research is far 
more important than intellectual snobbery which seems to be one of the 
core issues here. Some real academics from institutes like Melbourne 

Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Nick Gleitzman

On 25 May 2007, at 1:22 PM, Tim wrote:

So what do you know about change management Nick?
Comment on the research Nick, stick to the issue instead of trying so 
pathetically to belt me up.

The page is not intended for you Nick.

Take a bex and have a good lie down.


Reply made offlist as debates of qualifications and recommended 
medications are definitely OT.

omnivision. websight.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Jermayn Parker
and maybe you could have an anger management course while Nick is having
his lie down or maybe we could just leave personal attacks out of the
mailing list :)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25/05/2007 11:22:12 am 
So what do you know about change management Nick?
Comment on the research Nick, stick to the issue instead of trying so 
pathetically to belt me up.
The page is not intended for you Nick.

Take a bex and have a good lie down.


On 25/05/2007, at 12:09 PM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:

 On 24 May 2007, at 8:04 PM, Tim wrote:

 I have a post graduate Diploma in Applied Social Psychological 

 Wow. If that's true, then you should surely appreciate that the best

 way to effect change in *any* system is not by angry, aggressive and

 sarcastic ranting, but by reasoned, logical, CALM discussion. No-one

 wants to deal with someone who accuses all the time. and shouts while

 he's doing it to boot...

 Oh, and BTW, your web pages make my head hurt. They may contain 
 relevant information, but visually friendly they ain't.

 omnivision. websight. 

 List Guidelines: 

The Editor
Heretic Press 

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List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Lachlan Hardy

Reply made offlist as debates of qualifications and recommended
medications are definitely OT.

/* Admin */


This thread is now closed as the majority of content appears to be OT, and
is certainly not conducive to helping anybody

This list is for discussing and debating web standards and close-related
topics. I would prefer this was done in a friendly helpful manner. The list
rules *require* that this is done politely and professionally

Keep this in mind

Lachlan Hardy

List Guidelines:

ADMIN - THREAD CLOSED Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Lea de Groot
On Fri, 25 May 2007 13:33:46 +1000, Nick Gleitzman wrote:
 Reply made offlist as debates of qualifications and recommended 
 medications are definitely OT.

Thank you Nick.
This thread is closed - it wasn't really on topic originally, although 
it showed some chance of morphing there.
Any discussion needs to be on topic.
If in doubt, please review:
particularly What the list covers and does not cover
The link to that page is always at the bottom of every post.

Lea de Groot
WSG Core

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-24 Thread Nick Gleitzman

On 25 May 2007, at 1:58 PM, Lachlan Hardy wrote:

Reply made offlist as debates of qualifications and recommended
medications are definitely OT.

/* Admin */


This thread is now closed as the majority of content appears to be OT, 
and is certainly not conducive to helping anybody

This list is for discussing and debating web standards and 
close-related topics. I would prefer this was done in a friendly 
helpful manner. The list rules *require* that this is done politely 
and professionally

Keep this in mind

Lachlan Hardy

At the risk of incurring further admin wrath, I'd just like to share 
that it only took two more emails offlist before Tim resorted to the 
irrefutable intellectual argument of telling me to f**k off. Speaks 
volumes, really. Communicate with him at your own risk.

omnivision. websight.

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Australian University webpage reviews and WANAU membership

2007-05-23 Thread Tim
For some reason my membership of WANAU has been lost, ignored or denied 
by the WANAU moderator. My emails to Dey Alexander to comment on this 
research have received no reply. I have spent a few hundred hours of my 
time unfunded to produce a webpage that is highly relevant to WANAU's 
objectives of promoting accessibility in Australian University 

I also offer coding suggestions, but this research has so far been 
ignored or lost on WANAU, but  it already has the attention of many 
concerned IT academics across Australia, a few with negative comments 
like the Australian Catholic University, but also many positive 

It concludes that 64% of Australian University sites pass Priority One 
accessibility tests which is contrary to Dey Alexanders 2003 report 
that 98% of sites failed accessibility tests.

Where are WANAU's real interests? Selling training courses based on old 
and inaccurate claims that 98% of Australian University sites are 
inaccessible without considering new research in not academic 
excellence, it may even breach the Trade Practices Act for misleading 

Tim Anderson

The Editor
Heretic Press

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