Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Neoklis Kyriazis via wsjt-devel
>When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to 
>help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the 
Our thanks for all this work and for releasing software freely for our use!
Amateur radio must adapt to the new age of digital communications.

  >- Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
Linux (Void Linux distro).

 > - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
Self-taught C programmer (I am 1948 vintage and in my college days 
computers were big machines in locked rooms!). But with the first PC's
I decided to make it into this new realm.

 > - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
No changes to the WSJT-X code, but I incorporated the WSPR lib alone in
"lhpsdr", a client I am developing for the ANAN-7000DLE SDR transceiver. 
I have eventually managed to understand enough of the code to get it
to work with I/Q streams already available in lhpsdr and to replace FFTW
with a simple FFT code I already have in lhpsdr. Works fine!

  >- What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
The WSPR lib code. I cannot pretend I understand the DSP theories behind it
(in my days it was vacuum tubes and germanium transistors!) but I did learn
enough about the code's workings to modify it to fit in lhpsdr. Also if I stick
my neck out, I think I have noticed some possible issues in the code which
I reported to this mailing list.

>Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
Mine and our thanks due here!

Best Regards
Neoklis - Ham Radio Call:5B4AZ

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Stan Gammons via wsjt-devel
Hi Joe,

On 4/25/22 10:29, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel wrote:
> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to
> help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the
> twenty-first century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of
> modern communication theory into the amateur radio community.

Many thanks for all you have done over the years for our hobby. We
really appreciate all the work you and the WSJT-X team have done to
develop the weak signal modes.

> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes
> like meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path
> had been established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under
> the GNU General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from
> source code using freely available compilers and development tools.  At
> this time WSJT was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A
> re-write in 2012 created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt
> platform and C++ language in addition to Fortran and C.
> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are
> being met, we in the core development team are interested to know how
> many WSJT-X users are currently building the program for themselves,
> from source code.  If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email
> response -- either publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me.
> All responses will be appreciated, but particular things you might want
> to mention in your message include these:
>- Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?


>- What are your particular programming skills and interests?

I've programmed in BASIC. I know some C, C++, Python and Bash. Decades
ago I tried to help a friend, that was going to college to be an EE,
with Fortran. But, that was so long ago; I would be totally lost trying
to do anything in Fortran.  While I know a little bit about a few
languages; I don't considered myself a programmer by any stretch of

>- Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?


>- What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

I haven't studied any of the code.



wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Iztok via wsjt-devel

Thanks for giving us pearls and bringing HAM radio into 21st century.

On 4/25/22 5:29 PM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel wrote:

 - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

Slackware. Failed to build for some time, now it works after upgrade to 
latest stable version.

 - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
I did diversity reception for two RX. Ugly, but works. Started to port 
it from

Fortran 4 and pascal were learned in high school 48 years ago. Ah, IBM 
1130 and  punched cards

Few years later I figured out I learned syntax, but not how to make 

Last time I was payed for coding was in 80ies... I consider myself stuck 
in 90ies ;-).

Then I switch professions and become radio professional and hobby  SW 

A lot of pascal (my mothers language), but once you know how to code, 
you can do it in (almost) any language.

No new projects, but a lot of cleaning/porting/documenting old ones 
after I changed my main E-mail.

 - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

I did RX diversity for WSJTX 2.1.2. Porting it to latest one is on to-do 

Just now I am on QRV on 2.1.2. Few Q65 QSOs on 50 MHz with new one,

As my IC-7610 is not  really good for DSP (with two RX and separate AGC 
signal strength can not be measured properly)

next project is to use two Red Pitayas and 4 RXes.

 - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

Fortran part: I enjoy reading it: Professors did it for students to 
learn real DSP.

A lot of math us a bit mystery for me: top DSP science is described in 
papers, not common DSP books.

Calculated GOTO from my childhood is not missed ;-)

Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

WSJTX is not a program: it is art. Thanks for all the time given to HAM 

73, GL

Iztok, S52D

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Jim Lill via wsjt-devel


Thanks for all your years of dedication and hard work

I have been building from source for my systems using Odroid XU4 Ubuntu 
as often there is no binary or pkg for that when wsjt-x updates.  I am 
really only after the wsprd and jt9 binaries to use with wsprdaemon.  I 
occasionally look deeper when I am tring to under what a command-line 
switch on those decoders does.  One thing that would be nice would be a 
way to build those decoders by themselves and not need the GUI and other 
stuff that needs Qt etc.



wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Thomas Reynolds via wsjt-devel
Hi Joe,

I'd like to echo my appreciation for your significant contribution to
Amateur Radio.  To your questions:

- I have built WSJT-X on Ubuntu for every 2.x.x version

- I'm a retired wireless engineer, primarily in development of embedded
Linux and real-time control systems.  I've also published two Android apps,
WSJT-X Monitor and Monitor Pro, which act as UDP collectors for WSJT-X.

- I haven't made any significant changes to your code.

- I am familiar with wsprd source, having used it stand-alone.  I guess I'm
also familiar with your Fortran code to compute distance/azimuth from grid
squares.  I converted it to Java to use in my app.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 9:02 AM Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel <> wrote:

> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to
> help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the
> twenty-first century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of
> modern communication theory into the amateur radio community.
> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes
> like meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path
> had been established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under
> the GNU General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from
> source code using freely available compilers and development tools.  At
> this time WSJT was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A
> re-write in 2012 created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt
> platform and C++ language in addition to Fortran and C.
> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are
> being met, we in the core development team are interested to know how
> many WSJT-X users are currently building the program for themselves,
> from source code.  If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email
> response -- either publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me.
> All responses will be appreciated, but particular things you might want
> to mention in your message include these:
>   - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
>   - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
>   - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
>   - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
> Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
> -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> ___
> wsjt-devel mailing list
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Christoph Berg via wsjt-devel
>  - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

We (me and fellow developers) are maintaining the Debian package of
wsjtx. Platforms are all Linux architectures supported by Debian:

>  - What are your particular programming skills and interests?

I'm mostly the sysadmin-type of programmer, i.e. interested in getting
software to run stably and smoothly. (Debian is about doing that at
scale; my day job includes maintaining the PostgreSQL database
packages for Debian.)

>  - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

There are a few patches in the package, mostly to get the build system
do what we want:

We should probably submit a few of these for inclusion upstream.

>  - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

The build system :D

Christoph DF7CB

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Ken Chandler via wsjt-devel
Hi chaps
I’ve built WSJT - X on Raspberry pi platform a while ago, runs very well, 
finding my notes is the issue, will post when I retrieve then…

Ken.. G0ORH

Like it’s owner, this email is covid free!

Sent from my iPad

On 25 Apr 2022, at 18:55, William Smith via wsjt-devel 

I've built WSJT-X from source on a Raspberry Pi.  Here are my notes  (yeah, I 
know this isn't the _right_ way, but I couldn't understand the instructions, so 
i found a tutorial and modified it:

The instructions in the source tarall are much easier to parse if you already 
know what you are doing.  路‍♂️

I got some hints from

Here's what I did:

From a clean Bullseye install (11.1) via Raspberry Pi Imager

sudo apt-get install cmake

export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'

sudo apt-get install emacs-nox (or your favorite editor to build the script 
build a script from the webpage above and execute it (takes a long time)

tar xvzf 
/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-static
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
rigctl --version shows: rigctl Hamlib 4.3.1 Mon Sep 13
which rigctl returns: /usr/local/bin/rigctl
reboot to confirm somehting doesn't break

--  Now for wsjt-x

export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'

tar xvzf 
cd src
[Aha!  This is where hamlib 4.4 comes from!]
tar -zxvf wsjtx.tgz
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../wsjtx
sudo make install


I'm a hardware guy, but I've programmed in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, a lot of 
Z-80 assembly, C, a little C++, Perl, and lately mostly Python under Debian 
(mostly on Raspberry Pi).

I don't really have the skills to parse the code and make changes, and there 
are no particular missing features I feel are critical.  I started to look at 
what it would take to run through the audio initialization and connection steps 
on {USB port renumbering} so as to avoid restarting WSJT-X (or deselecting and 
reselecting the proper audio ports), but it's a rare enough occurrance that I 
stopped when I got bogged down.  路‍♂️

I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the gaps in 
the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and dT, so 
that's kinda fun.

Gotta say, this is a spectacular program, and the ability to run it on multiple 
platforms really makes it shine.  While I've done Windows, macOS, and Linux, I 
settled on the latter for ease of use.

Thanks for making this for all of us to enjoy!

73, Willie N1JBJ
73, Willie VP5WS

> On Apr 25, 2022, at 11:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel 
>  wrote:
> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to help 
> bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the twenty-first 
> century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of modern communication 
> theory into the amateur radio community.
> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes like 
> meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path had been 
> established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under the GNU 
> General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from source code 
> using freely available compilers and development tools.  At this time WSJT 
> was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A re-write in 2012 
> created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt platform and C++ language 
> in addition to Fortran and C.
> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are being 
> met, we in the core development team are interested to know how many WSJT-X 
> users are currently building the program for themselves, from source code.  
> If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email response -- either 
> publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me. All responses will be 
> appreciated, but particular things you might want to mention in your message 
> include these:
> - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
> - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
> - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
> - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
> Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
>   -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> ___
> wsjt-devel mailing list

wsjt-devel mailing list
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread William Smith via wsjt-devel
Hi Dave,

it's ugly, but it's at: 

Enjoy, and don't say I didn't warn you...

73, Willie N1JBJ

> On Apr 25, 2022, at 2:03 PM, Dave Slotter, W3DJS via wsjt-devel 
>  wrote:
> Willie,
> Would you please be willing to share this Python code on GitHub for the rest 
> of us? I know I'd love to try it out on my tens of thousands of FT8 / FT4 
> contacts.
> I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the gaps 
> in the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and dT, so 
> that's kinda fun.
> --
> Dave Slotter, W3DJS 
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 1:56 PM William Smith via wsjt-devel 
> wrote:
> I've built WSJT-X from source on a Raspberry Pi.  Here are my notes  (yeah, I 
> know this isn't the _right_ way, but I couldn't understand the instructions, 
> so i found a tutorial and modified it:
> /*
> The instructions in the source tarall are much easier to parse if you already 
> know what you are doing.  路‍♂️
> I got some hints from 
> Here's what I did:
> From a clean Bullseye install (11.1) via Raspberry Pi Imager
> sudo apt-get install cmake
> export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> sudo apt-get install emacs-nox (or your favorite editor to build the script 
> below)
> build a script from the webpage above and execute it (takes a long time)
> wget 
> tar xvzf 
> cd 
> /configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-static
> make
> sudo make install
> sudo ldconfig
> rigctl --version shows: rigctl Hamlib 4.3.1 Mon Sep 13
> which rigctl returns: /usr/local/bin/rigctl
> reboot to confirm somehting doesn't break
> Success!
> --  Now for wsjt-x
> export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> wget 
> tar xvzf 
> cd 
> cd src
> [Aha!  This is where hamlib 4.4 comes from!]
> tar -zxvf wsjtx.tgz
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ../wsjtx
> make
> sudo make install
> */
> I'm a hardware guy, but I've programmed in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, a lot of 
> Z-80 assembly, C, a little C++, Perl, and lately mostly Python under Debian 
> (mostly on Raspberry Pi).
> I don't really have the skills to parse the code and make changes, and there 
> are no particular missing features I feel are critical.  I started to look at 
> what it would take to run through the audio initialization and connection 
> steps on {USB port renumbering} so as to avoid restarting WSJT-X (or 
> deselecting and reselecting the proper audio ports), but it's a rare enough 
> occurrance that I stopped when I got bogged down.  路‍♂️
> I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the gaps 
> in the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and dT, so 
> that's kinda fun.
> Gotta say, this is a spectacular program, and the ability to run it on 
> multiple platforms really makes it shine.  While I've done Windows, macOS, 
> and Linux, I settled on the latter for ease of use.
> Thanks for making this for all of us to enjoy!
> 73, Willie N1JBJ
> 73, Willie VP5WS
>> On Apr 25, 2022, at 11:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel 
>> wrote:
>> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to help 
>> bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the twenty-first 
>> century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of modern communication 
>> theory into the amateur radio community.
>> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes like 
>> meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path had been 
>> established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under the GNU 
>> General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from source code 
>> using freely available compilers and development tools.  At this time WSJT 
>> was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A re-write in 2012 
>> created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt platform and C++ language 
>> in addition to Fortran and C.
>> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are being 
>> met, we in the core development team are interested to know how many WSJT-X 
>> users are currently building the program for themselves, from source code.  
>> If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email response -- either 
>> publicly, to this list, or in a 

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Dave Slotter, W3DJS via wsjt-devel

Would you please be willing to share this Python code on GitHub for the
rest of us? I know I'd love to try it out on my tens of thousands of FT8 /
FT4 contacts.

I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the gaps
> in the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and dT,
> so that's kinda fun.

Dave Slotter, W3DJS 

On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 1:56 PM William Smith via wsjt-devel <> wrote:

> I've built WSJT-X from source on a Raspberry Pi.  Here are my notes
>  (yeah, I know this isn't the _right_ way, but I couldn't understand the
> instructions, so i found a tutorial and modified it:
> /*
> The instructions in the source tarall are much easier to parse if you
> already know what you are doing.  路‍♂️
> I got some hints from
> Here's what I did:
> From a clean Bullseye install (11.1) via Raspberry Pi Imager
> sudo apt-get install cmake
> export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> sudo apt-get install emacs-nox (or your favorite editor to build the
> script below)
> build a script from the webpage above and execute it (takes a long time)
> wget
> tar xvzf 
> cd 
> /configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-static
> make
> sudo make install
> sudo ldconfig
> rigctl --version shows: rigctl Hamlib 4.3.1 Mon Sep 13
> which rigctl returns: /usr/local/bin/rigctl
> reboot to confirm somehting doesn't break
> Success!
> --  Now for wsjt-x
> export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
> wget
> tar xvzf 
> cd 
> cd src
> [Aha!  This is where hamlib 4.4 comes from!]
> tar -zxvf wsjtx.tgz
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ../wsjtx
> make
> sudo make install
> */
> I'm a hardware guy, but I've programmed in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, a lot
> of Z-80 assembly, C, a little C++, Perl, and lately mostly Python under
> Debian (mostly on Raspberry Pi).
> I don't really have the skills to parse the code and make changes, and
> there are no particular missing features I feel are critical.  I started to
> look at what it would take to run through the audio initialization and
> connection steps on {USB port renumbering} so as to avoid restarting WSJT-X
> (or deselecting and reselecting the proper audio ports), but it's a rare
> enough occurrance that I stopped when I got bogged down.  路‍♂️
> I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the
> gaps in the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and
> dT, so that's kinda fun.
> Gotta say, this is a spectacular program, and the ability to run it on
> multiple platforms really makes it shine.  While I've done Windows, macOS,
> and Linux, I settled on the latter for ease of use.
> Thanks for making this for all of us to enjoy!
> 73, Willie N1JBJ
> 73, Willie VP5WS
> On Apr 25, 2022, at 11:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel <
>> wrote:
> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to
> help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the
> twenty-first century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of modern
> communication theory into the amateur radio community.
> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes
> like meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path had
> been established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under the GNU
> General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from source code
> using freely available compilers and development tools.  At this time WSJT
> was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A re-write in 2012
> created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt platform and C++ language
> in addition to Fortran and C.
> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are being
> met, we in the core development team are interested to know how many WSJT-X
> users are currently building the program for themselves, from source code.
> If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email response -- either
> publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me. All responses will be
> appreciated, but particular things you might want to mention in your
> message include these:
> - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
> - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
> - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
> - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
> Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
> -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> ___
> wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread William Smith via wsjt-devel
I've built WSJT-X from source on a Raspberry Pi.  Here are my notes  (yeah, I 
know this isn't the _right_ way, but I couldn't understand the instructions, so 
i found a tutorial and modified it:

The instructions in the source tarall are much easier to parse if you already 
know what you are doing.  路‍♂️

I got some hints from 

Here's what I did:

From a clean Bullseye install (11.1) via Raspberry Pi Imager

sudo apt-get install cmake

export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'

sudo apt-get install emacs-nox (or your favorite editor to build the script 
build a script from the webpage above and execute it (takes a long time)


tar xvzf 
/configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-static
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
rigctl --version shows: rigctl Hamlib 4.3.1 Mon Sep 13
which rigctl returns: /usr/local/bin/rigctl
reboot to confirm somehting doesn't break

--  Now for wsjt-x

export CXXFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'
export CFLAGS='-O2 -march=native -mtune=native'


tar xvzf 
cd src
[Aha!  This is where hamlib 4.4 comes from!]
tar -zxvf wsjtx.tgz
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../wsjtx
sudo make install


I'm a hardware guy, but I've programmed in Basic, Pascal, Fortran, a lot of 
Z-80 assembly, C, a little C++, Perl, and lately mostly Python under Debian 
(mostly on Raspberry Pi).

I don't really have the skills to parse the code and make changes, and there 
are no particular missing features I feel are critical.  I started to look at 
what it would take to run through the audio initialization and connection steps 
on {USB port renumbering} so as to avoid restarting WSJT-X (or deselecting and 
reselecting the proper audio ports), but it's a rare enough occurrance that I 
stopped when I got bogged down.  路‍♂️

I've written some Python code to parse ALL.TXT and determine where the gaps in 
the waterfall are, and get histograms of audio frequency, SNR, and dT, so 
that's kinda fun.

Gotta say, this is a spectacular program, and the ability to run it on multiple 
platforms really makes it shine.  While I've done Windows, macOS, and Linux, I 
settled on the latter for ease of use.

Thanks for making this for all of us to enjoy!

73, Willie N1JBJ
73, Willie VP5WS

> On Apr 25, 2022, at 11:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel 
>  wrote:
> When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to help 
> bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the twenty-first 
> century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of modern communication 
> theory into the amateur radio community.
> By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes like 
> meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path had been 
> established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under the GNU 
> General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from source code 
> using freely available compilers and development tools.  At this time WSJT 
> was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A re-write in 2012 
> created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt platform and C++ language 
> in addition to Fortran and C.
> To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are being 
> met, we in the core development team are interested to know how many WSJT-X 
> users are currently building the program for themselves, from source code.  
> If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email response -- either 
> publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me. All responses will be 
> appreciated, but particular things you might want to mention in your message 
> include these:
> - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
> - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
> - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?
> - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?
> Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
>   -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> ___
> wsjt-devel mailing list

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Gary Rogers via wsjt-devel
Hi Joe,

- Building on what platform? Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

I am primarily a Mac user and after a couple of years' struggle, I finally was 
able to build v2.5.4 just last week. I used the late Bill Somerville’s 
documentation at
 as the basis after updating and deconflicting various QT and GCC versions that 
i had on my MacBook. I have also built WSJT-X for Windows 10 using Parallels 
and the JTSDK methodology but don’t really use it on the air. I also have 
WSJT-X running on a Raspberry Pi 400 but don’t compile it or use it on the air 

- What are your particular programming skills and interests?

Novice programming skills only, rudimentary use of Cmake. Would maybe like to 
be able to help as a backup to the primary Mac programmer or as a resource to 
Mac users just getting started.

- Are you making changes to the code? If so, toward what end?


- What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?


I have to say that if it weren’t for WSJT-X I’m not sure where i would have 
ended up in ham radio. After I got my Tech ticket in 2014, an elmer encouraged 
me to look at JT65. I watched a YouTube video and that’s all it took. 30,000 
QSOs later (most all of them, via WSJT-X), its been challenging but most 
rewarding and provided countless hours of enjoyment.

Thank you!

> On Apr 25, 2022, at 8:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel 
>  wrote:
> - Building on what platform? Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
> - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
> - Are you making changes to the code? If so, toward what end?
> - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Marco Calistri via wsjt-devel

Il 25/04/22 12:29, Joe Taylor via
  wsjt-devel ha scritto:

  I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to
  help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the
  twenty-first century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge
  of modern communication theory into the amateur radio community.
  By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special
  purposes like meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable
  development path had been established: the program was fully Open
  Source, licensed under the GNU General Public License, and it
  could be built by anyone from source code using freely available
  compilers and development tools.  At this time WSJT was coded in a
  combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A re-write in 2012 created
  the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt platform and C++
  language in addition to Fortran and C.
  To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals
  are being met, we in the core development team are interested to
  know how many WSJT-X users are currently building the program for
  themselves, from source code.  If you are doing so, we would
  appreciate an email response -- either publicly, to this list, or
  in a private email to me. All responses will be appreciated, but
  particular things you might want to mention in your message
  include these:

Hello Joe,

Very grateful for being one of the thousands of the enthusiast
people around the globe using this amazing software, which allows
practically to every amateur radio, having a transceiver, a computer
and a small antenna, to be able to communicate worldwide in digital

I'm going to answer to your little poll point by point:

  Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

I always take the WSJT-X source code and compile here on my Linux
  64 bit laptop, running openSUSE Tumbleweed.

   - What are your particular programming skills and interests?

I'm not a developer at all, my coding skills are very limited to
  just some very basic tasks as using scripts and troubleshooting a
  possible software malfunctions

   - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

No, I have just contributed in the past for the translation of
  the WSJT-X  menu in Italian, when Bill, G4WJS was the
  maintainer of the WSJT-X localization list

   - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to

As I told previously I'm not a developer, nor I have enough skill
  to analyze the code, but I gave a little more "insights" to the
  serial ports management, in order to control my transceiver
  through WSJT-X

  Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!
  -- 73, Joe, K1JT
  wsjt-devel mailing list

  73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ (former IK5BCU)
wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Gary Rogers via wsjt-devel
Hi Joe,

- Building on what platform? Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

I am primarily a Mac user and after a couple of years' struggle, I finally was 
able to build v2.5.4 just last week. I used the late Bill Somerville’s 
documentation at
 as the basis after updating and deconflicting various QT and GCC versions that 
i had on my MacBook. I have also built WSJT-X for Windows 10 using Parallels 
and the JTSDK methodology but don’t really use it on the air. I also have 
WSJT-X running on a Raspberry Pi 400 but don’t compile it or use it on the air 

- What are your particular programming skills and interests?

Novice programming skills only, rudimentary use of Cmake. Would maybe like to 
be able to help as a backup to the primary Mac programmer or as a resource to 
Mac users just getting started.

- Are you making changes to the code? If so, toward what end?


- What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?


I have to say that if it weren’t for WSJT-X I’m not sure where i would have 
ended up in ham radio. After I got my Tech ticket in 2014, an elmer encouraged 
me to look at JT65. I watched a YouTube video and that’s all it took. 30,000 
QSOs later (most all of them, via WSJT-X), its been challenging but most 
rewarding and provided countless hours of enjoyment.

Thank you!

> On Apr 25, 2022, at 8:29 AM, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel 
>  wrote:
> - Building on what platform? Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?
> - What are your particular programming skills and interests?
> - Are you making changes to the code? If so, toward what end?
> - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

wsjt-devel mailing list

Re: [wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Dave Slotter via wsjt-devel
Hi Joe,

Thank you for your generous contributions to the amateur radio community.

You may already be aware that WSJT-X is built on ARM32 for HamPi
 on the Raspberry Pi Platform. HamPi
 has had well over 60K downloads to date and
has only opened up WSJT-X to users who normally might not have had the
capability to build or install it.

I have also added support to build WSJT-X for ARM64 for HamPi
. I provided a pre-release a couple months
ago and hope to release a stable version eventually...

I also have a script available on GitHub to build WSJT-X on a number of
other Linux platforms. This script is available at:

To answer your other questions:

 - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?


 - What are your particular programming skills and interests?

*I am a seasoned senior software developer and architect. Includes
C/C++/C#/Python/Bash and more.*

 - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

*I have made minor changes to the code from time to time to make things
easier for me. I see where I can change the code to turn WSJT-X into an
"automatic QSO maker" and I refuse to make that change for the same reasons
you refuse to provide it.*

 - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

*I understand the C++ code and the CMAKE well enough. The Fortran is not in
my wheelhouse though. I added a minor application to the codebase to
provide the version number of WSJT-X from the command-line.*


On 4/25/22 11:29, Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel wrote:

 - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

 - What are your particular programming skills and interests?

 - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

 - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
wsjt-devel mailing list

[wsjt-devel] Are you building WSJT-X ?

2022-04-25 Thread Joe Taylor via wsjt-devel
When I started work on WSJT some 21 years ago, my principal goal was to 
help bring amateur weak-signal communication techniques into the 
twenty-first century -- and in doing so, to help spread knowledge of 
modern communication theory into the amateur radio community.

By 2005 WSJT was well established but mostly used for special purposes 
like meteor scatter and EME ("moonbounce").  A stable development path 
had been established: the program was fully Open Source, licensed under 
the GNU General Public License, and it could be built by anyone from 
source code using freely available compilers and development tools.  At 
this time WSJT was coded in a combination of Python, Fortran, and C.  A 
re-write in 2012 created the present program, WSJT-X, using the Qt 
platform and C++ language in addition to Fortran and C.

To help gauge the extent to which my original educational goals are 
being met, we in the core development team are interested to know how 
many WSJT-X users are currently building the program for themselves, 
from source code.  If you are doing so, we would appreciate an email 
response -- either publicly, to this list, or in a private email to me. 
All responses will be appreciated, but particular things you might want 
to mention in your message include these:

 - Building on what platform?  Windows, Linux, macOS, or other?

 - What are your particular programming skills and interests?

 - Are you making changes to the code?  If so, toward what end?

 - What portions of the code have you studied well enough to understand?

Many thanks -- I look forward to hearing from you!

-- 73, Joe, K1JT

wsjt-devel mailing list