[WW] Letters to WW

2003-01-14 Thread wwnews
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Jan. 16, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper



[Regarding proposals to restore the draft, draftees] need to know what 
they're fighting for. They need to accept and agree with it. If they 
don't, they will refuse to serve, in increasing numbers. And the courts 
will have only slight influence in curbing them. The resistance may clog 
the courts and the jails, and undermine military morale. But it won't 

That's the legacy of the Vietnam War resistance movement. More and more 
young people will get together chanting Hell no, we won't go, we won't 
fight for Texaco! Active duty troops will find their own ways to rebel, 
as they did in Vietnam. Many avoided combat; others got together in 
soldier unions or resistance support groups, and struck against 
commanding officers--refusing orders, protesting harsh and unfair 
treatment, and so on. Some went AWOL or deserted.

All these forms of resistance found support in the ever-growing anti-war 
movement. There were anti-draft counselors and anti-war GI support 
centers in every major city and near many military bases around the 
country and across the globe. Anti-war supporters in Canada, Sweden, 
France and other countries mobilized to assure hospitality and support 
for resisters who sought asylum in exile.

At home, many communities became sanctuaries for resisters. A huge gulf 
opened between official policies and the efforts of ordinary people to 
stop the war.

This will happen again if Bush insists on war in the Middle East. All 
the official justifications offered to date pale against the obvious 
desire of Bush and his cronies to control the Middle East oil resources, 
and use this control to secure their cherished world domination. It is a 
shameful, illegitimate and ultimately futile plan that will surely 
backfire. It will engender ever-increasing resistance.

Already networks of support are springing up to encourage and protect 
reservists and others who are questioning their orders to mobilize. In 
1968, as the U.S. war effort against Vietnam was discredited, Richard 
Nixon rode to power with a secret plan for peace in Vietnam that 
turned out to be a criminal conspiracy to widen the war and terrorize 
the anti-war resistance into submission. Both these efforts failed, and 
Nixon was forced from office in 1974 before completing his second term.

It took almost three more years for the Vietnam-era war resisters--who 
Nixon characterized as criminals--to win amnesty. But amnesty was won, 
in the wake of widespread recognition that our resistance was justified 
and the war was wrong. Our closest allies in this recognition were the 
tens of thousands of anti-war Vietnam vets, who could testify from 
direct personal experience how wrong the war was.

And while many of us carry scars from our traumatic experiences of those 
years, we also carry a conviction and determination that the present 
generation of young Americans who are called to fight for an unjust 
cause will have the information and support they need to make the 
difficult decision to refuse.

Dee Knight
New York

[Knight was a Vietnam-era war resister, co-editor of AMEX-Canada magazine 
from 1968 to 1974, and a representative of war resisters in exile to the 
National Council for Universal  Unconditional Amnesty.]


Thank you for Monica Moorehead's wonderfully informative article 
regarding Trent Lott's praise of the arch-racist, segregationist 1948 
presidential campaign by Strom Thurmond. Not only did you provide a 
detailed description of the Dixiecrat campaign, you also gave a 
detailed description of Trent Lott's many displays of his racist posture 
and policies.

In addition to Thurmond, Dewey and Truman, Henry Wallace also ran for 
president in 1948 under the banner of the Progressive Party. Wallace had 
been both agriculture secretary and vice president under Roosevelt 
before Truman was selected as VP in 1944. His campaign was directed 
against the oncoming Cold War against the Soviet Union and was supported 
heavily by the Communist Party. Campaign rallies typically included 
musical and dramatic presentations by Paul Robeson, which drew many 
thousands of people.

The Wallace campaign stood against segregation and for civil rights. The 
Wallace VP candidate, Sen. Glen Taylor of Idaho, was beaten up and 
arrested during a Wallace campaign rally in Birmingham, Ala., by the 
infamous Sheriff Bull Connor. Taylor's crime? The Wallace rally was 
attended by both African Americans and whites, which was illegal.

Of course, Thurmond never complained about this. But neither did Dewey 
or Truman utter one word against this attack.

Wallace was a bourgeois politician. After this campaign, he reversed 
course. He supported the gruesome U.S. war against Korea. I guess some 
who capitulated to imperialism

[WW] Letters to WW

2002-01-01 Thread wwnews

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 27, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



Thank you for sending me this wonderful article on the 
postal workers' struggle vs. the government's anthrax policy 
[A Tale of Two Classes by G. Dunkel, Dec. 13].

As you know, on Dec. 13 Bush abrogated the ABM Treaty. On 
that same day, the New York Times published an article, 
U.S. Recently Produced Anthrax in a Highly Lethal Powder 
Form. That article points out that the quantity of 
powdered anthrax is politically sensitive since some 
experts say producing large quantities could be seen as 
violating the global treaty banning germ weapons. The Times 
pointed out that some European countries have stated that 
the U.S. is violating the germ warfare treaty even before 
these recent disclosures, which the Bush administration 

In addition, the Washington Post, in an article on this same 
day, announced that there is a discrepancy in the quantity 
of anthrax spores sent from the Utah weapons lab to the 
Kentucky weapons lab, meaning that some is missing. The 
additive to the anthrax sent to [Sen. Tom] Daschle, says the 
Post, was likely made in a U.S. government weapons lab.

So, while locking up hundreds of Arab workers and 
discriminating against postal workers, the government is 
failing to investigate its own military for these anthrax 
attacks, because to do so would expose its own bioweapons 
program to world view.

Chris Fry
Long Island, N.Y.


You state in your story on a possible use of anthrax by the 
Rhodesian government [World's worst outbreak of anthrax: 
Was it germ warfare? by Elijah Crane, Nov. 18] that this is 
the world's worst outbreak, with 182 confirmed dead. This is 
incorrect. In the 1970s anthrax being illegally manufactured 
by the Soviet Union escaped and killed several hundred in 
central Russia.

Jerry Bourbon

Editor's reply: No, you are incorrect in saying that the 
1979 accident in the USSR killed more people. Meryl Nass, a 
recognized U.S. authority on anthrax, wrote that 182 
Africans were killed in the Rhodesian anthrax epidemic and 
over 10,000 infected.

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal of Nov. 
7, 2001: A 1979 accident in a Soviet bioweapons plant at 
Sverdlovsk sickened at least 96 people and killed at least 
66, Soviet authorities said. Former Soviet biological-
weapons expert Ken Alibek put the death toll at 105.

What is so amazing about all this is that no one in the 
press here (including the Wall Street Journal) is mentioning 
the Rhodesian outbreak, which many in Africa believed was 
related to biowarfare experimentation by the racist 
Rhodesian authorities, possibly aided by apartheid South 
Africa. All the victims were Black; all the infected cattle 
were Black-owned. The epidemic totally spared the white 
Rhodesians, who at that time ruled what later became 


I read the article on Women's Liberation in Afghanistan by 
Minnie Bruce Pratt and was very impressed. It was well 
written and taught me many things I had yet to learn. 
Anyways, thanks for releasing that article!

Tim Herrmann


I am anarchist prisoner from Russia in Amerikan gulag. Thanx 
a lot for your paper, even though I disagree with a lot in 
it, it's important to remain oneself in these hard times 
without becoming reactionary. In solidarity, fighting for my 
idea of better world.

VolodyA! V. Mozhenkov
Federal Correctional Institution Elkton
Lisbon, Ohio


Every time the puppetmasters at the Corporate Imperial Army 
(as I call the CIA) leave a puppet or a proxy in charge of a 
poor, defenseless country, each of those puppets rob, rape, 
torture and murder their countrymen, women and children by 
the tens or by even the hundreds of thousands--all so our 
corporate elite ain't gotta pay a fair price for a tan/brown-
skinned people's resources.

There's no way I know of to get an exact death toll, because 
each of these regimes the CIA installed have continued to 
cause colossal amounts of ultra-violence long after their 
inaugural coup d'etats. In other words, many more besides 
the one million Indonesians (and Indonesians are just as 
human as suburbians) who were the initial victims of our 
man on the inside, General Suharto, were killed. And as a 
result, Nike Shoes, for instance, can today economically 
rape the region with its child labor-exploiting sweatshops.

And Indonesia is just one country. The CIA has orchestrated 
from afar the massive ravaging of Greece in 1947, Iran in 
1953, Guatemala in 1954, Congo in 1961, Brazil in 1964, 
Greece in 1967 (a repeat!), Chile in 1973, Grenada in 1983--
from East Timor to El Salvador, from South Korea to 
Nicaragua, the unholy octopus's tentacles reach far and 

In more well-read circles, the CIA is also known 

[WW] Letters to WW

2001-12-04 Thread wwnews

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 6, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper



Rebeca Toledo's article Cite Coca-Cola in death-squad 
killings comes as no surprise. The same criminal acts were 
committed by Coca-Cola in Guatemala during the dirty war 
there. Company terrorism and murder of union people at Coke 
in Guatemala was reported early on by Workers World. Then 
years later I saw a corroborating article in the Baltimore 
Sun. They did the same thing on the massacre of half a 
million leftists in Indonesia in 1965. The Sun waited to 
report on it until the mid 1990s. Maybe in 10 years or so 
the Sun's subscribers will be able to read the important 
information Ms. Toledo has passed on to us in the last issue 
of Workers World.

If one wants to get the news now instead of a decade later, 
read Workers World. And next time you're in the soda aisle 
at the grocery remember this--Terrorism goes better with 

-- Kermit Leibensperger
Sykesville, MD


Thank you for your recent article about the continuing 
dangers faced by workers and residents in and around lower 
Manhattan. This is a subject that has been purposely swept 
under the rug by officials, requiring the initiative of the 
private sector to keep things honest. Private individuals 
and companies obtained more complete data through 
independent toxicological testing and through FOIA requests 
of government-sponsored testing results.

I am sending you a copy of a press release prepared by 
myself and others who have been injured/disabled by toxic 
substances in our homes and workplaces. This was issued 
early last month since the sequelae of the WTC explosions 
and collapses were completely predictable. Based upon what 
is known about the tower construction and normal hazards 
presented by fires and building debris, such a conclusion 
was inescapable.

Please continue your coverage of this important issue which 
affects workers all over the world on a daily basis. Injury 
from chemical exposure and particulate matter pollutants is 
preventable, but only if the public is kept informed and 
realizes they are responsible for their own health and 
safety. In the end, economics will always delay 
dissemination of such health warnings. Only when 
injury/illness has befallen large enough numbers of persons 
to make the concern impossible to hide any longer.

-- Barbara Rubin


Over the past several weeks official, but largely 
unsubstantiated, claims of safety for those breathing in 
the dust and smoke still emanating from the WTC recovery 
site, became a call to action for a group of people who 
suffer from a range of serious health problems brought on by 
overexposure to toxic chemicals. Calling themselves the 911 
ASH organization, the acronym refers to issues of air 
safety hazards.

Spokespersons Barbara Rubin (New York) and Cyndi Norman 
(California) are part of an international internet network 
of people sharing experiences and scientific data about 
environmentally induced injuries and autoimmune diseases. 
As the story unfolded, said Rubin, we began to realize 
the implications for adverse short and long-term health 
effects to unprotected rescue workers and residents in the 
path of the dust and smoke.

Officials have minimized the risks faced by New Yorkers and 
issued claims of safety; claims made even prior to the 
completion of many tests being run. That was sufficient for 
Rubin to want to get out a strong message to her fellow New 
Yorkers. Most of us were injured--and many permanently 
disabled--by chemical exposures which industry and the 
government kept assuring us were 'safe.' Rubin suffers from 
the aftermath of pesticide poisoning.

News footage of the WTC rescue efforts confirmed their worst 
fears. Many rescue workers and others at Ground Zero wore 
paper or cloth masks, inadequate protection for fine 
particulate matter or gasses, including asbestos, soot, and 
volatile chemicals.

We think workers and residents should assume the worst 
about what is in their air, water and the dust and use the 
right safety equipment from the beginning, said Norman. 
Doesn't that make more sense than assuming it is safe and 
finding out 20 years from now that the official statements 
were wrong?

There are no scientific papers detailing the creation, 
dispersion, and long and short-term effects of a tragedy of 
this magnitude. Asbestos and fiberglass are clearly present, 
as is soot; fine particles known to increase the incidence 
and symptoms of asthma, heart disease, and other medical 
conditions. What are rarely mentioned are the myriad toxins 
in the smoke itself. Since no one knows exactly what this 
particular combination of plastics, PVC, office furniture, 
carpet, freon, natural gas, jet fuel, metals, asbestos, 
glass, fiberglass, and other components of the office 

[WW] Letters to WW

2000-05-29 Thread WW

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 1, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper



Fred Goldstein's article in WW (May 11, 2000) entitled 
"Why They Censor the `Voice of the Voiceless'" was great. 
You're correct: Most of the major networks censored Mumia's 
address at the Antioch graduation, including many of those 
that had shown (often hostile) interest in it in the four 
weeks preceding the event. Strange .

I know because I did over 50 interviews in three weeks 
with all the major networks as the chief student 
coordinator and spokesperson for that event. The coverage, 
although often reactionary, was nevertheless all over the 
country. So what happened when the big day came? A 

It's as if there was a collective decision in the 
capitalist media that this was getting too big, too 
organized, and that it should be ignored, suppressed, 
censored. So you hit it on the money. I too take it as one 
of the signs that the movement is growing again.

Teishan Latner
Antioch class of 2000
Antioch, Ohio


I have just finished reading the latest issue of Workers 
World and as always I will pass it on to other prisoners 
and engage them in conversation as to the content of your 
paper, as opposed to that of the corporate owned and 
controlled media.

I would like to thank you all for keeping me on your 
mailing list, and extend a warm and strong May Day abrazo 
to each and every one of you.

Tom Manning
For the December 16th Committee
Springfield, Mo.


Our federal officials--Pete Domenici, Heather Wilson, Bill 
Richardson, Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall--who have for years 
thrown billions of our tax dollars into the nuclear war 
labs like Los Alamos, are now desperately trying to 
scapegoat low-level park service officials and powerless 
environmentalists for the fire in Los Alamos which has done 
so much human and political damage.

These politicians are desperate to reopen Los Alamos in a 
weakened condition because the fire which was unleashed by 
rambunctious climatic changes has exposed the fact that 
there is no intellectual rationale for the continued 
existence of the nuclear labs nor the risks associated with 
them any longer.

The world is getting hotter and the weather as a result is 
unpredictable--new lakes in the Australian desert, long dry 
hot nights in our desert when it should be cool, winds of 
extreme strength. We have had global conferences and most 
agree on this.

New Mexico's nuclear club of politicians want us to think 
more cows and logging in the forests would have prevented 
this. They even repeated Ronald Reagan's ridiculous claim 
that trees are the greatest polluters of radiation. They 
treat the public as if we were ignorant and only they know 
the facts. In reality, it is political leadership at the 
top who is to blame for this crisis, not the rangers out in 
the forests working with reduced budgets and manpower.

Like at Chernobyl the federal officials have tried to 
downplay the seriousness of the radiation releases 
generated by the fire. The governor and the lab officials 
rushed to tell us everything was normal even as the fire 
raged out of control and as tests showed levels of 
radiation at 10 times the norm. Significantly, they did no 
real-time isotopic analysis of the cloud plume, even though 
they do this routinely over China and Russia all the time 
with sniffer planes. They gave no warnings to pregnant 
women to evacuate, like at Chernobyl, which should have 
been a minimum human care action.

The billions that will be wasted on rebuilding the lab 
could have gone a long way to providing quality education 
and health care to all New Mexicans. What a loss.

Our federal officials have sacrificed untold numbers of 
people to future health risks just so they could avoid a 
possible evacuation of northern New Mexico's cities and 
rural areas, which would reveal how serious was the 
situation. It was Los Alamos which injected plutonium into 
live humans to see how people would die. None of our 
Congressional delegation has taken action against the Nazis 
who ran these experiments, and now they endanger the public 
at large by keeping the nuclear labs open.

Robert Anderson
New Mexico


Just want to say...

Thanks for the great website with updated and accurate 
information about Cuba. As you already know, one must be 
very diligent in the search for information regarding Cuba. 
Even if one has an opposing view about life and politics on 
the island, it's a rarity to hear intellectually 
comparative discussion about Cuba or it's history. I find 
this unfortunate since the information is out there for all 
to see. However, pockets of the society (although 
decreasing) are much too comfortable adopting that which is 
too frequently reported from Little Havana. 

Keep up the good work!!!
