Re: [XeTeX] Adobe PDF, Adobe Acrobat/Reader, Microsoft Word, XeTeX, and (x)dvipdfm(x).

2021-05-27 Thread mskala
On Thu, 27 May 2021, Philip Taylor wrote:
> wrote:
> > Is this a function of the PDF writer "instructing" the reader to reload,
> > or is it something the PDF reader does independently?
> Empirical observation suggests the former.  If it were the latter, then
> would it (Adobe Acrobat, that is) not do the same when XeTeX + (x)dvipdfm(x)
> attempts to write to the file ?  At the moment, the latter simply aborts and
> the file remains unchanged.

Well, if the writer is aborting, then there must be some kind of
communication between it and the reader already.  Under Linux it would
normally be impossible for the reader to prevent the writer from rewriting
the file; but that's a different issue from what I thought was the
question, about the reader knowing to reload the file *after* the writer
has written it.  Seems like it will need some kind of Windows-specific
handling to resolve, then.

Matthew Skala People before tribes.

Re: [XeTeX] Adobe PDF, Adobe Acrobat/Reader, Microsoft Word, XeTeX, and (x)dvipdfm(x).

2021-05-27 Thread mskala
On Thu, 27 May 2021, Philip Taylor wrote:
> the course of so doing, I have realised that MS Word can instruct Adobe
> Acrobat (and probably Adobe Reader) to close the PDF and then re-open it
> once the changes have been made.  Is there any reason why the (x)dvipdfm(x)
> back-end to XeTeX cannot [be enhanced to] do the same ?

Is this a function of the PDF writer "instructing" the reader to reload,
or is it something the PDF reader does independently?  On my Linux
system, the "okular" PDF reader automatically reloads when a file is
changed, regardless of what software wrote the file.  It works with
xdvipdfmx and everything else, because the notification comes from a
general operating system feature invoked by the reader without the writer
being involved.

Matthew Skala People before tribes.

Re: no more subject prefix for xetex mailing list

2019-03-04 Thread mskala
On Tue, 5 Mar 2019, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> problem. Gmail accepts majority of such mails. Only if I display the
> original message, I can see DKIM FAIL and DMARC FAIL. However, I had
> problems with forwarded messages and important invoices were not

It would certainly be better that the mailing list rewrite From: *and*
also implement all of SPF/DKIM/DMARC properly, too.  But just rewriting
the From: header with no other changes would be an improvement on the
current situation where list messages are hostage to DMARC policies set by
original-authors' domains.  And I'd advocate it as a first step because
it's something that can probably be done by the list administrator acting
alone, without needing to also coordinate with whoever runs the mail
server, whoever has administration control over the domain, and so on.

I don't see a downside to implementing From: rewriting.  Do that, even all
by itself, and some significant amount of mail which currently fails will
get through, while little or no mail which currently gets through will
start to fail.  It seems like a good first step toward the more
complicated "Right Thing" solution, and it is a necessary part of the
more complicated solution anyway.

As I mentioned earlier, From: rewriting might be bad for a list that wants
to send replies to the original authors instead of to the list by default,
but since the XeTeX list is already setting Reply-To: to the list, that's
evidently not an issue in this case.

Google can't be trusted to let through every important message.  I run a
monthly newsletter for my small business that still gets routinely filed
under "spam" by Google even though it is opt-in subscription only and
Google's own status display says that the messages pass all of SPF, DKIM,
and DMARC.  We can't expect all mailing list messages to pass Google.
But they are more likely to do if they have the From: headers rewritten to
a domain that will, at the very least, pass SPF.

Matthew Skala People before tribes.

Re: no more subject prefix for xetex mailing list

2019-03-04 Thread mskala
On Tue, 5 Mar 2019, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> DMARC can be set as one of the following ways:
> * The mail is valid if at least one of SPF and DKIM passes
> * If the mail is signed, it is valid if both SPF and DKIM pass
> Let's assume that we have the latter case and we try to "solve" it by
> changing the From header to Now the mail is sent
> from but is signed by a key from, hence DKIM
> fails.

As described in RFC 7489 section 6.6.3, the RFC5322.From domain is queried
for the DMARC policy to apply.  If that returns nothing, there is a
fallback to the "Organizational Domain" of the RFC5322.From but it still
has to come from the RFC5322.From domain.  That means that if there's a
policy on "" but not on "," then a message From: an address is required by DMARC to be handled under the
policy of  But that's the only way in which a policy other than
that of the exact domain in the From: header can ever be applied by a
compliant implementation.

[From RFC 7489:]
   1.  Mail Receivers MUST query the DNS for a DMARC TXT record at the
   DNS domain matching the one found in the RFC5322.From domain in
   the message.  A possibly empty set of records is returned.

   2.  Records that do not start with a "v=" tag that identifies the
   current version of DMARC are discarded.

   3.  If the set is now empty, the Mail Receiver MUST query the DNS for
   a DMARC TXT record at the DNS domain matching the Organizational
   Domain in place of the RFC5322.From domain in the message (if
   different).  This record can contain policy to be asserted for
   subdomains of the Organizational Domain.  A possibly empty set of
   records is returned.

   4.  Records that do not start with a "v=" tag that identifies the
   current version of DMARC are discarded.

   5.  If the remaining set contains multiple records or no records,
   policy discovery terminates and DMARC processing is not applied
   to this message.

If a user from, which domain signs with DKIM and sets a
restrictive policy, sends mail to the list and the list rewrites the From:
header to an address, then the RFC5322.From domain will be
"" and only the DMARC policy published by will be used to
determine handling by an RFC 7489 compliant recipient.  DKIM does not pass
if didn't sign, passes if did sign, but either way it is's policy (or lack thereof) that determines handling.  The policy
of is out of the picture entirely, and DKIM signatures from still attached to the message cannot be used to determine
handling by a compliant recipient.

Of course there can be non-compliant recipients out there, and there could
be other behaviour with recipients that implement SPF or DKIM without
DMARC, and for the benefit of such recipients it might be a good idea to
strip off incoming DKIM signatures.  But I don't think that's terribly
important.  Random extra DKIM signatures from unaligned domains are not
rare in the wild and they don't seem to be causing huge problems; at the
very least, just rewriting From: without stripping incoming signatures
would be a big improvement over the current situation of the XeTeX list.

Matthew Skala People before tribes.

Re: no more subject prefix for xetex mailing list

2019-03-04 Thread mskala
On Mon, 4 Mar 2019, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> I am afraid that the subject prefix is just one of several reasons. I
> have just examined the recent reply by Norbert Preining. Gmail
> reports:

If SPF passes, then DMARC ought to pass.  DMARC is only supposed to
require one of these, not necessarily both.  The reason the message hasn't
passed DMARC is that it has not really passed SPF here.  The list is
allowed by SPF to send things from, which is in the "envelope
sender" of the message, but DMARC looks at the From: header, which under
the current config is the original author.  Although there are
complexities involved, basically these checks will fail for many
recipients if the list rewrites the Subject: header, or rewrites any other
signed material (such as adding a footer to the message body), and doesn't
rewrite the From: header to something for which it's authorized.

Many lists don't want to rewrite the From: header because they want
replies to go to the original author instead of the list... but that
doesn't seem to be the case here because the list is setting Reply-To: to
the list anyway.  So that's not a reason to avoid rewriting From:.  If
it's desired to keep the original author's name prominent in the headers,
it could either go into a custom field, or the text "real name" part of
the rewritten From: header.

Matthew Skala People before tribes.

Re: [XeTeX] "typeset by bidi" message

2018-01-27 Thread mskala
On Sun, 28 Jan 2018, Philip Taylor (RHUoL) wrote:
> As \usepackage is under the control of the LaTeX team, could its behaviour
> not be amended to check if #1 = "bidi", and if so, interpolate "[logo=off]
> unless "[logo=on]" is already present ?

It could, but adding code to every invocation of \usepackage everywhere
just for this one case seems like it could lead to an escalating chain of
more and more complicated cases to deal with.  What happens if other
packages also create logo "features" - will we include overrides for them
all, in the global \usepackage command that everybody uses in every
document?  The precedent of doing it for one might make it seem necessary
to do it for every similar package.  What if bidi's feature changes its
name in a new version, or becomes harder to disable - will \usepackage
have to track versions of bidi and do what it takes to disable the logo in
each version?  The amount of code needed could quickly become significant.
I think there is a human issue here that will not be solved by a purely
technical fix.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] "typeset by bidi" message

2018-01-26 Thread mskala
On Fri, 26 Jan 2018, David Carlisle wrote:
> the bidi author gives some justification for this here

tlmgr remove bidi --force

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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[XeTeX] Conflict among XeLaTeX,, and pdfpages

2018-01-01 Thread mskala
I've run into a problem when using all three of XeLaTeX,, and
pdfpages, in their current versions from the latest TeXLive.  It appears
that in order to determine file dependencies, runs the TeX engine
with the texdepends package (which is part of wedged into the
input file; then texdepends intercepts a bunch of internal macros used by
various graphics packages including indirectly by pdfpages, and the result
is a failure with "arithmetic overflow" when trying to include PDF files.

All three elements seem to be necessary:  it doesn't happen with other TeX
engines I've tried; when invoking XeLaTeX manually instead of through; nor without using pdfpages.  However, I can also reproduce the
problem by loading texdepends in my .tex file (with \RequirePackage - it
must be loaded before \documentclass and \usepackage cannot be used then)
and running xelatex from the command line instead of through make.

The relevant messages in the log file when it fails look like:

Package texdepends Warning: No 'testa.xbb' file
(texdepends)using 1 for graphic dimensions on input line 31.

File: testa.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)

! Arithmetic overflow.

l.31 \includepdf[pages=-]{testa.pdf}

Any thoughts on how this might be fixable?

Matthew Skala People before principles. lu-define-flavor-XELATEX
  $$(eval $$(call lu-create-flavor,XELATEX,tex,XELATEX,.pdf,pdf,\
.pdftex_t .$$(_LU_XELATEX_EXT)))



\title{Test document A}
\author{Matthew Skala}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Donec egestas
pharetra dui, nec sagittis ex gravida at.  Nulla facilisi.  Vivamus non est
diam.  Nunc eget ullamcorper tellus.  Cras ut ligula volutpat, fermentum est
nec, dictum magna.  Proin consectetur posuere consectetur.  Vestibulum
gravida, ipsum et varius rutrum, arcu massa sodales sapien, ac scelerisque
odio quam sed odio.  Sed sit amet arcu pellentesque, rutrum tortor vitae,
ullamcorper purus.  Integer rhoncus arcu at augue efficitur, quis auctor mi
blandit.  Duis vitae metus turpis.  Integer ultricies arcu eget ante
convallis, id gravida ante feugiat.  Praesent non nisi vitae metus lobortis
pharetra.  Quisque a lacus ipsum.  Nullam sed convallis erat, vitae aliquet
tellus.  Nam ullamcorper nulla vitae elit porta gravida.  Suspendisse
vestibulum nulla non sapien consectetur, sed vehicula ipsum pharetra.

Nam in ullamcorper metus, et mattis nibh.  Fusce non arcu mauris.  Aliquam
ornare nisi mauris, a lacinia dolor aliquam eget.  Phasellus efficitur
venenatis rhoncus.  Etiam eu elit eu felis suscipit hendrerit et id urna. 
Vivamus porttitor, velit sed volutpat condimentum, dui arcu dictum erat, id
dignissim ex turpis a neque.  Nunc lacinia neque id leo egestas molestie eu
vel ligula.  Integer ac ex commodo, tincidunt tortor eu, convallis nulla. 
Aliquam a odio vitae velit viverra blandit.

Ut nec consectetur est.  Nulla quis magna efficitur, luctus nisl eget,
blandit metus.  Sed ante lorem, finibus eget malesuada eu, fringilla nec
nulla.  Praesent vitae mattis elit, vitae suscipit dolor.  Nunc in velit
arcu.  Aenean nibh augue, pellentesque nec accumsan non, tristique ac lacus. 
Quisque bibendum tortor at nunc fermentum interdum.  Nullam et neque quis
ligula mollis bibendum.  Integer molestie, diam ut consectetur suscipit,
neque sapien sollicitudin odio, non condimentum enim quam quis odio.  Aenean
commodo mauris quis scelerisque eleifend.  Vivamus nec libero elit.  Integer
sed purus euismod, elementum nulla vitae, fermentum velit.  Etiam aliquet at
metus ut dignissim.

Maecenas vehicula sem sed ex vehicula malesuada.  Vestibulum ante ipsum
primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc diam
nisi, ullamcorper vitae leo vel, consectetur dapibus massa.  Quisque ac
velit enim.  Fusce bibendum est nec pulvinar congue.  Aenean ex enim,
viverra vitae sem a, volutpat imperdiet justo.  In tempor quis tellus
posuere blandit.  Morbi ornare ultricies tellus, pharetra ornare odio
efficitur id.  Vivamus neque dui, commodo ut turpis in, mattis tempor
lectus.  Duis vitae dui ut elit porttitor faucibus sit amet nec metus.

% uncomment this to test without needing to invoke make
% \RequirePackage{texdepends}



\title{Test document B}
\author{Matthew Skala}



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Donec egestas
pharetra dui, nec sagittis ex gravida at.  Nulla facilisi.  Vivamus non est
diam.  Nunc eget ullamcorper tellus.  Cras ut ligula volutpat, fermentum est
nec, dictum magna.  Proin consectetur posuere consectetur.  Vestibulum
gravida, ipsum et varius rutrum, arcu massa sodales sapien, ac scelerisque
odio quam sed odio.  Se

Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-25 Thread mskala
On Wed, 25 Jan 2017, jfbu wrote:
> in
> (and also in one earlier post) in the thread pointed out by Ulrike,
> Matthew Skala commented on a WordSpace issue with fontspec.
> Has this issue been fixed since in fontspec ?

Three related issues were filed in the fontspec bug tracker, one of which
has been closed:

Matthew Skala People before principles.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-25 Thread mskala
On Wed, 25 Jan 2017, Philip Taylor wrote:
> wrote:
> > Using XeTeX without fontspec is a relatively unusual case
> I respectfully disagree.  I use exclusively XeTeX and never fontspec.  I am 
> certain that I am not alone in this.

That's why I said "relatively unusual" and not "absolutely unheard of."
Some people certainly do it.  Most people don't.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] why does Latin Modern Mono have some stretch and shrink with XeTeX ?

2017-01-25 Thread mskala
On Wed, 25 Jan 2017, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> There was once a long discussion about this xetex problem around
> here
> It is unclear if it is engine bug and imho no one ever added
> something to the issue tracker.

That was a long, complicated discussion touching on multiple issues:
between-sentence space, what actually is a monospace font, etc.  I
probably don't remember all the details clearly, and probably neither does
anyone else.  But I did skim through the archive just now and it does have
some useful information in it.  Worth reading the rest of the thread -
that particular posting isn't the last word on the issues it describes.

There is also an earlier thread in September 2010 about stretchability of
spaces in monospace setting, which may be relevant.

There were three items in the fontspec issue tracker and I think they've
all been long since dealt with.  But the goal in 2011 was for fontspec in
particular to correctly handle monospace spacing through size changes when
it had been told by the document that the font was monospace.  There
wasn't solid agreement on whether it's really a XeTeX bug that XeTeX
without fontspec initially sets those fontdimens nonzero.  Since fontspec
overrides them anyway, and that case wasn't important to the most vocal
complainers at the time (mostly myself), that particular point was never
explored further.

Using XeTeX without fontspec is a relatively unusual case and it's
unsurprising there hasn't been a lot of time spent on testing that.  The
engine and package go together.

The "monospace" flag in OpenType is unreliable.  It's probably not a good
idea to depend on its having a useful value.  Testing the comparative
widths of "i" and "m" is probably a better way to detect monospace fonts,
and as I understand it, that's what fontspec now does.  XeTeX itself could
do the same.

Even if the "monospace" flag in OpenType were reliably set according to
the OpenType specification (which we can't assume), it might not be
correct to use it. There is debate over correct interpretation of the
specification, but the consensus appears to be that the flag is supposed
to be set if and only if absolutely every glyph in the font with nonzero
width has the same width.  There are many fonts where more than one
distinct nonzero width exists, and so the flag ought to be turned off,
even though the fonts really are monospace in some important sense and
should be treated as such for purposes like sentence spacing.  For
instance, this is the usual case for CJK fonts, which are traditionally
set on a grid with CJK characters consuming a full square each and Western
characters consuming half a square each.  CJK fonts are especially
relevant to XeTeX.  Thus, we cannot trust the "monospace" flag in OpenType
to correctly tell XeTeX whether monospace-related adaptations like
unstretchable space, should be applied.

We cannot redefine the "monospace" flag to have a more useful value. Some
other software and maybe even hardware assumes that the OpenType
"monospace" flag is set if and only if absolutely every glyph in the font
with nonzero width has the same width.  These other systems will break if
their assumption is incorrect.  Thus even if we can edit font files to
have this flag set in a way that correctly tells XeTeX whether to apply
monospace-related adaptations, it would be a bad idea to use the flag
that way.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Problem with XeTeX's (and perhaps other binaries -- not investigated) handling of --output-directory

2017-01-15 Thread mskala
On Sun, 15 Jan 2017, Philip Taylor wrote:
> the current working directory :
> > E:/TeX/Projects/WBH/Welcome/foo.tex
> > o xetex --output-directory=../dynamic-content ./foo.tex
> the file that is actually processed is
> > E:/TeX/Projects/WBH/Dynamic-content/foo.tex

I agree that that shouldn't happen.  A relative path on the command line
should normally be relative to the current working directory when the
program is invoked.  My guess is that the option's main effect may really
be to cause XeTeX to change to the output directory before doing
anything else (like Make's -C option), after which relative paths refer to
the specified output directory.

But there's more going on here, because what about relative paths
specified inside the .tex file?  There will be cases where the right thing
is to read them from the output directory (like .aux files), and cases
where the right thing is for them to be relative to the directory that
actually contains the .tex file (like fonts).  I'm not sure any simple
priority rule for searching both directories will correctly handle all
these cases.

The bottom line is that attempting to defeat TeX's efforts to keep input
and output in the same directory is asking for trouble.  Maybe this option
shouldn't exist at all.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Problem with XeTeX's (and perhaps other binaries -- not investigated) handling of --output-directory

2017-01-15 Thread mskala
On Sun, 15 Jan 2017, David Carlisle wrote:
>    Specify the directory dirname to which output files are
> written. Also look for
>    input files in dirname first, before looking along the normal
> search path. See
>    Section 3.4 [Output file location], page 9.

The general principle here is that TeX expects to modify files in place.
Stuff like the multi-stage compilation of LaTeX implicitly assumes that it
works this way, but it is TeX, not LaTeX, that originally instituted the
concept.  It's not in keeping with the Unix philosophy of programs working
as pipes, and it causes trouble for people with other expectations.  For
instance, I nearly always run TeX engines through Makefiles, and the
rewriting of files that are used as both input and output screws up how
Make works and requires complicated side handling.  But the "modify in
place" philosophy is built into TeX at a very deep level; it's not going
to change soon; and it's probably pointless to expect that it could be
turned off in a real way by a simple command line option.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [texworks] Overfull boxes return status of 0 in XeTeX

2016-03-19 Thread mskala
On Fri, 18 Mar 2016, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
>  > hboxes, as directly as possible.  A script that replaces TeX can

> Matthew, honestly, I don't think that people didn't understand your
> suggestion.  There are just a few problems and there is no real
> benefit, IMO.
> You suggested to put the wrappers into PATH and call the real programs

Maybe someone else suggested that; several people here have advocated
wrapper scripts and I wasn't the first to do so.  I don't think I
mentioned the PATH variable myself before now at all.

I was actually thinking of leaving XeTeX where it is, under its original
name, giving the wrapper script some completely different name, and then
telling TeXworks to use the new name - which I expect should be possible
because TeXworks already is capable of running multiple backends.  If
TeXworks hard-codes the list of possible names of the TeX engine, then
yes, it might be necessary to name the script something TeXworks can
call... but possibilities for leaving it in place could include giving the
script the name of some other TeX engine TeXworks can invoke (ugly, but
it'd work) or putting the script in a PATH directory searched before the
one that contains real XeTeX, so that it can replace real XeTeX without
touching any other executables.

There's an issue here of which I've been trying to politely not make a big
deal, but:

We have only one user demanding this.  If we even care at all, then we
don't need a solution for everybody.  Just him.

That means questions of portability to all operating systems, or of
compatibility with software and features he doesn't use, are not really
significant.  It also means the question "Who should write new code?" is
not the false dilemma Philip Taylor has repeatedly claimed, with the
answer necessarily being either "all TeX engine maintainers!" or "all
front end maintainers!"

It isn't *all* of any open-ended group.

It's *one* person who wants his system to operate differently, who could
have that by writing a script himself, and who has succeeded in winding us
up to treat his very personal use case as if it needed to be universal.

TeXworks; XeTeX (and specifically not XeLaTeX); whatever operating system
Philip Taylor uses.  Not all front ends; not all TeX engines; not any
LaTeX-specific feature; not all operating systems; only one user.  This is
not a general issue and it does not need a universally portable solution.

> another program which is supposed to be in PATH.  Nowadays EPS files
> are converted to PDF on-the-fly, if necessary.  But it can only work
> if the directory containing the TeX Live binaries is in PATH so that
> epstopdf can be found.

Is that a TeX feature or a LaTeX feature?  Mr. Taylor famously doesn't use
LaTeX, so if it's a LaTeX feature, breaking it doesn't matter - but it'd
only be broken if epstopdf were taken out of PATH anyway, which I did not
recommend.  (Does whatever searches for epstopdf even use PATH anyway?
I'd've expected it to use kpsewhich, independently of PATH.  But this
isn't relevant!)

Even if it were necessary to take the real XeTeX out of PATH - which is
not the case - why would that have anything to do with changing the name
or location of epstopdf?

> Your suggestion implies that there are two programs with the same
> name name in different directories.  This is nasty and certainly

No, I intended that the script should not be named "xetex" and that real
XeTeX should remain where it is.  If TeXworks hardcoded the name so that
the script were forced to be named "xetex", then yes, things would become
more complicated, but I don't think that is actually the case, and even if
it were, it would not be a dealbreaker.

> causes more problems than it solves.  And please consider that there
> are zillions of TeX engines/formats nowadays and you need wrappers for
> all of them.

Only the engine that one user uses, and it only has to work on his system.

> order to save time.  But if your wrapper scans the log file in order
> to determine the proper exit status, you don't save any time at all.

I think most of us agree that saving computation time is not a real
consideration here.  You say so yourself, below.

> The best solution is to run a script which inspects the log file after
> each TeX run.

Yes, that's what I said.

Apparently TeXworks's built-in feature for running postprocessing scripts
isn't suitable for this purpose because the scripts run by that feature
aren't able to tell TeXworks that TeX has "failed" in the way that causes
it to open a log window, which was was what the user wanted.  But a
wrapper script could do it by returning a nonzero exit code, so I think a
wrapper script is the best solution.

> Emacs/AUCTeX is doing this for more than two decades.
> Programming languages like Perl or Lua are probably even faster than
> Emacs Lisp.  Not to mention that computers are much faster than 20
> years ago.


> Phil assumed that scanning the log file is time consuming and thus
> sugg

Re: [XeTeX] [texworks] Overfull boxes return status of 0 in XeTeX

2016-03-19 Thread mskala
On Wed, 16 Mar 2016, Stefan Löffler wrote:
> More importantly, though, several scripts could be run (say, one that
> looks only for errors and only that only looks for warnings) which could
> give contradicting results (e.g., no errors => close, warnings => don't

I think you're describing some kind of TeXworks-specific feature for
running scripts after the TeX engine, separately from running the TeX
engine.  That's different from what I had in mind, which was to *replace*
the TeX engine by a script that internally runs TeX and then returns 0 or
1 conditional on whatever checks are desired.  TeXworks would only see
this as "TeX returned 1" without knowing there was a script involved.  It
only needs to be able to run the script instead of TeX, which can be
achieved by making the script executable and telling TeXworks "use this
executable file as the TeX engine."

I was trying to address the request for TeX to return 1 on overfull hboxes,
as directly as possible.  A script that replaces TeX can give that effect
without needing any modifications to TeX nor TeXworks.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] Overfull boxes return status of 0 in XeTeX

2016-03-13 Thread mskala
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016, Philip Taylor wrote:
> > Nowadays all TeX distros have lua.
> The fact that a distribution may have (and include) a particular
> scripting language does not mean that a front-end such as TeXworks can
> necessarily make use of scripts expressed in that language, surely ?

It does.

If a script begins with the characters "#!" and the name of a script
interpreter, and has the execute bit set, then it can be executed like any
other program, and the front end can run it the same way the front end
would run any TeX engine.  This is a facility of the operating system,
often called the "shebang" mechanism, and it is transparent to
applications.  There is no need for the front end to know what language
the script is written in, nor how to interpret that language.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Overfull boxes return status of 0 in XeTeX

2016-03-13 Thread mskala
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016, Philip Taylor wrote:
> that no error has occurred.  All I am asking is that XeTeX be given the
> option to inform TeXworks that an error has occurred when an overfull
> box has been generated.

Why is this a XeTeX issue and not a TeXworks issue?

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Overfull boxes return status of 0 in XeTeX

2016-03-13 Thread mskala
On Sun, 13 Mar 2016, Philip Taylor wrote:
> "Make" (etc) are not really my concern, but the behaviour of TeXworks
> is.  If TeXworks can decide whether or not to conceal the log file based
> solely on the status code returned by TeX (XeTeX, etc), then that status

TeXworks is free to read the log file, just like everybody else has
to to detect things like undefined references.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] \(pdf)mdfivesum

2015-07-02 Thread mskala
On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Joseph Wright wrote:
> Depends what you are using it for. Collisions are possible in MD5 so
> it's no longer suitable for cryptographic applications. Here, however,
> we are talking about avoiding the more prosaic issues of people having
> not-quite matching sources. (We are *not* talking about signing
> documents.) For the use case I have in mind MD5 will happily do the job.

The message from Ross Moore to which I was replying specifically mentioned
protection from modification by "malware" as a case where MD5 would be
helpful, and that's what prompted my comment.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] \(pdf)mdfivesum

2015-07-01 Thread mskala
On Thu, 2 Jul 2015, Ross Moore wrote:
> MD5 sums are also required pieces of data with some of the modern PDF
> standards, such as PDF/A, PDF/UA, and especially whenever attachments
> are included. They are part of the bookkeeping data that can be used to
> ensure that embedded files are indeed what was intended, and have not
> been intercepted and changed by Malware.

If MD5 is necessary for compatibility with some existing standard, so be
it; but it's not secure anymore and it shouldn't be used in any new design
where there's a concern about possible deliberate tampering, as opposed to
accidental errors.  SHA1 is deprecated, too.  I think SHA256 is the
current "best practice."

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Σχετ: fontforge created characters in private use area

2014-10-05 Thread mskala
On Sun, 5 Oct 2014, Erich Hoffmann wrote:
>14:57 GMT 31-Jul-2012 (this was taken from the fontforge homepage as
>fontforge_full-20120731-b.tar.bz2).  Autotrace version is 0.31.1. ,

You may have better results going to the current FontForge home page at

The one at is far out of date.  I don't know why it's still
online at all, but I think that has to do with the original developer
retiring and walking away from it.

More or less official FontForge support is now located at

If you were looking for the FontForge developers somewhere else, you
probably weren't getting any responses.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [arXiv #128410] Re: XeLaTeX generated pdf metadata

2014-09-22 Thread mskala
On Tue, 23 Sep 2014, Ross Moore wrote:
> It is the insistence on being able to reproduce the PDF
> *automatically from source* that is where the problem lies.

>From reading Norbert's Web blog, it appears that that's also an issue for
Debian packaging of TeX-related software.  Debian has a formal requirement
for everything that can possibly be built from source, to be built from
source, and it's not practical to do that automatically with many
TeX-related documentation files.  My own horoscop LaTeX package, whose
documentation requires many megabytes of astrological software (free, but
not typically packaged by Linux distributions) to compile properly, is
only one example.  I think there are other packages that exist
specifically to support expensive commercial products and require those
products in order to compile, notwithstanding that the results of
compilation are free to distribute.  This kind of thing is definitely a
problem; I'm not sure it is TeX's problem.

As for arXiv, what bothers me is that in the case of XeLaTeX, they will
accept neither the source code *nor* the compiled PDF.  All an author can
do is circumvent the rules by lying in the document metadata, or else go
through contortions to compile a special arXiv-only version with some
other software.  I found this page helpful in my efforts to do that:

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeLaTeX generated pdf metadata

2014-09-20 Thread mskala
On Sat, 20 Sep 2014, Daniel Greenhoe wrote:
> I think my original email was not so clear. of course
> accepts papers generated using LaTeX, but they want to be given the
> source files (.tex files, etc) rather than a pdf file. However, they
> apparently sometimes make exceptions to this rule if the pdf file was
> generated using XeTeX/XeLaTeX rather than LaTeX. That is, they *may*
> in at least some cases accept a pdf generated by XeLaTeX, but will
> *not* accept a pdf generated by LaTeX.

This is a big issue for anyone who wants to submit papers containing CJK
text.  It's impractical to compile the papers with LaTeX (though that is
what I've been forced to do, with a lot of font tomfoolery along the way);
arXiv won't accept XeTeX output because they want the source instead; but
arXiv also won't accept and compile the XeTeX source.

It seems to me that the best thing would be for arXiv to install XeTeX and
accept XeTeX source.  But I wish I also had control over the metadata in
my XeTeX-generated files - not to "clearly indicate" it's from XeTeX but
to remove any trace of TeX at all.  It's really none of arXiv's business
what software I use, especially when they insist upon, but then reject,
perfectly good XeTeX source code.

Note that LaTeX is a macro package that runs on top of an engine like
XeTeX.  Properly speaking, most documents made with XeTeX are made with
LaTeX.  If you want to remove all traces of LaTeX from such documents and
call them "XeTeX, not LaTeX," it's also reasonable to remove all traces of
any flavour of TeX and call them "PDF files, deal with it."

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX (/not/ XeLaTeX) : Marginal kerning, font protrusion, hyperlinks

2014-04-25 Thread mskala
On Fri, 25 Apr 2014, Philip Taylor wrote:
> I'm sorry, Matthew, I can only think you are confusing XeTeX with some other
> system.

Just because you can invent a silly-looking command line to make invoking
XeLaTeX look more difficult than it is, doesn't make XeLaTeX stop being an
integrated tool chain.  However, it seems unlikely that either of us will
be able to change the other's mind on this point.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX (/not/ XeLaTeX) : Marginal kerning, font protrusion, hyperlinks

2014-04-25 Thread mskala
On Fri, 25 Apr 2014, Philip Taylor wrote:
> I'm sorry, what has LaTeX to do with any of this ?

You don't want to hear about XeLaTeX, but you write:

> (X)DVIPDFM(X).  Since (X)DVIPDFM(X) is indeed an integral part of the XeTeX
> tool chain, I think that documenting how to access its functionality (with

The tool chain is XeLaTeX.  LaTeX is just as much an integral part of that
as XDVIPDFMX is.  Users of this tool chain use all three together by
typing a single command and don't care much which level executes which
macro.  It still makes sense to ask for documentation of each component
alone, because people including yourself do also use the tools separately.
But having made that request, "integrated tool chain" is not a sound basis
to ask for documentation of a "XeTeX and XDVIPDFMX but not LaTeX"
combination, which is neither the components alone nor the complete
tool chain.  It should be no surprise that documentation of pure XeTeX is
documentation of pure XeTeX and does not include XDVIPDFMX features.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX (/not/ XeLaTeX) : Marginal kerning, font protrusion, hyperlinks

2014-04-25 Thread mskala
On Fri, 25 Apr 2014, Philip Taylor wrote:
> (X)DVIPDFM(X).  Since (X)DVIPDFM(X) is indeed an integral part of the XeTeX
> tool chain, I think that documenting how to access its functionality (with

XeLaTeX is the integrated toolchain.  If you're going to insist that XeTeX
without LaTeX must be fully documented as a separate entity, then it only
makes sense to do the same for XDVIPDFMX.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] texlive and xetex

2014-01-14 Thread mskala
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, Stefan Solbrig wrote:
> > Okay.  What I was really wondering was whether that tracks the latest
> > versions that would be available through tlmgr, or if there's a separate

> with Debian (even current) you will typicall not as up-to-date as with tlmgr.
> Debian (and also other distros that use regular releases) typically freeze all

That's what I thought.  In that case, the claim from C. Scott that "The
latest debian and ubuntu contain texlive 2013.  You can't get newer than
than unless you have a time machine." is unfortunately not true.  TeXLive
2013 is a moving target, updated on an ongoing basis.  You can, and many
people need to, get newer than what's on the DVD or what's in a frozen
package made on a specific date.

> do so-called "rolling releases", like Gentoo or Arch.  Running apt-get will
> *not* get you the lastest stuff from CTAN. It will only update the packages if
> there was a real bug.

Unfortunately, I don't think Linux distribution packagers necessarily
agree with the rest of the world about what constitutes "a real bug";
there's a fair bit of history of people using packaged versions from
distros like Debian, finding them buggy, being told "use the latest
version!" and replying "But I ran apt-get!"
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] texlive and xetex

2014-01-14 Thread mskala
On Tue, 14 Jan 2014, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 9:53 AM,   wrote:
> > Does running tlmgr work to keep it updated?
> Running apt-get keeps it updated, and in some newer distros this is automated.

Okay.  What I was really wondering was whether that tracks the latest
versions that would be available through tlmgr, or if there's a separate
layer of packaging such that "current Debain" might not be as current as
"current TeXLive."

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] texlive and xetex

2014-01-14 Thread mskala
On Mon, 13 Jan 2014, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> The latest debian and ubuntu contain texlive 2013.  You can't get
> newer than than unless you have a time machine.

Does running tlmgr work to keep it updated?

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyphenation around „ß“

2014-01-09 Thread mskala
On Thu, 9 Jan 2014, Philip Taylor wrote:
> Well, "LUATEX uses a finite state hash to match the patterns against the
> word to be hyphenated.", so it would seem to me that LuaTeX's behaviour
> cannot be considered as normative.


If it's matching against a fixed list of patterns, then the important
thing is that list, not the algorithm used to search it; and two systems
using the same list of patterns would generate the same results even if
they used different search algorithms.  Are you suggesting that LuaTeX's
search is only approximate, and it doesn't find some matching patterns, or
reports that some patterns match when they do not?  That's not the meaning
I get from the sentence you quote.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Combining pair of vowels to single base char in Hebrew

2013-12-10 Thread mskala
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Gildas Hamel wrote:
> When I transfer the text to my TeX editor (TextMate), the order and
> direction of consonants is correct but the order of the pair of vowels
> mentioned above (pataḥ and ḥiriq) is switched: לִירוּשָׁלִַם
> This is also true of my browser's rendition of the text (Safari 
> 7.0)in!__/0/passage/2/OHB/Isa%2044/VNU/__/1/passage/0
> /ESV/Isa%2044/NHV

What version of XeTeX are you using?  Are the fonts involved freely

I suspect that the contextual substitutions in the font that doesn't work
may involve "ignore sub" rules.  The ICU library used by XeTeX until
recently was buggy and couldn't handle those rules.  Recent versions of
XeTeX have switched to Harfbuzz, which handles "ignore sub" rules
correctly, and the very latest version of ICU (no longer used by XeTeX)
also has fixed its bug.  ICU was used by a lot of other software besides
XeTeX, including, I think, some browsers, so that could explain the same
problem appearing in TextMate and the browser.  Since the bug only affects
certain kinds of contextual substitution rules that not all fonts use,
that could also explain why some fonts work but not others.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread mskala
On Tue, 10 Dec 2013, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> Now you beat Keith in Who Wrote The Most Nonessential Text In This
> Thread contest.

Well, it's always nice to be a winner.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread mskala
On Mon, 9 Dec 2013, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> feeding the output to xelatex.  That work won't help others who find
> themselves in a similar situation (or document authors who would
> prefer not to have to explicitly annotate every LTR embedding), but it

The software also doesn't automatically determine which words should be
set in italics, even though this policy is inconvenient for authors who
prefer not to have to explicitly annotate it every time.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread mskala
On Mon, 9 Dec 2013, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> A bit off topic, dou you know a good Linux text editor woth properly
> implemented bidi algorithm so that I could type multilingual texts?

No, I don't really do any work with RTL languages myself.  Wikipedia's
comparison list at
mentions several that claim bidirectional text support, but I can't speak
to whether the ones listed there are any good at it.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread mskala
On Mon, 9 Dec 2013, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> >U+E0001 U+E0065 U+E006E U+0073 U+0061 U+006E U+0067
> And it is a kind of tagging, so beyond the scope of identifying the
> language of *untagged* text (which is the claim that spurred all this
> discussion).

The claim was "A properly encoded utf-8 string should contain everything
you need!".  If you forbid using Unicode tag characters, then you're
saying "It is impossible to encode language in Unicode when you're not
allowed to use the features designed for that purpose," which is not
an interesting statement.

Yes, of course some kind of tagging is needed.  Keith seems to think that
the tagging will magically come from "proper" UTF-8, and of course he's
wrong.  I think language tagging would be possible in pure Unicode, as the
string above demonstrates, but that's not a good way to do it.  The really
original question had to do with RTL versus LTR detection, not language
detection, and that's a different issue.

Unicode specifies a way to detect RTL versus LTR, such that in many cases
it doesn't require tagging.  Unicode's way of doing it may or may not be a
good one, but we cannot reasonably pretend that it doesn't exist.  The
Unicode bidi algorithm does exist.  XeTeX does not implement the Unicode
bidi algorithm.  The interesting remaining question is whether XeTeX
should implement it.  I tend to think not - because if we implement it,
people will blame us for its failings.  It'd also be a lot of work, break
compatibility with the rest of the TeX world, STILL require tagging in
many cases, and so on.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xetex and the unicode bidirectional algorithm.

2013-12-09 Thread mskala
On Mon, 9 Dec 2013, Philip Taylor wrote:
> Keith -- could you possible supply an example of
> "a properly encoded utf-8 string" from which it
> can be unambiguously determined whether the string
> "sang" is an English word (the past tense of "sing")

I'll probably regret pointing this out, and the characters involved have
been deprecated since Unicode 5, but:

   U+E0001 U+E0065 U+E006E U+0073 U+0061 U+006E U+0067

or in UTF-8 bytes:

   f3 a0 80 81 f3 a0 81 a5 f3 a0 81 ae 73 61 6e 67

The Web form you mentioned sanitizes away the special characters.  I don't
think that's unique to "tags" - it seems to also block everything outside
the Basic Multilingual Plane.  Bad form for something claiming to be an
authoritative analyser of Unicode strings.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX -->

2013-11-15 Thread mskala
On Fri, 15 Nov 2013, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> None of them says anything about Xe(La)TeX.

If you try to submit a PDF generated by TeX, Arxiv will reject it with a
moderately nasty message telling you to upload source instead.  They
process the source through (la)tex/dvips or pdf(la)tex.  I'm not sure
where that leaves submitters whose source really needs to be processed
through some other TeX-family software, like Xe(La)TeX; and I'd like to
know myself, because I'm currently working on a paper that is likely to
end up falling into that category.  (Written in English, on the subject of
Japanese character databases; requires a custom OpenType font.)  If the
question is still unresolved as I get closer to being ready to submit my
paper, I guess I'll approach the Arxiv administrators through their
contact email.

It would probably be possible to mess with the PDF metadata in such a way
as to get a TeX-generated PDF past Arxiv's filter, but I imagine Arxiv
would consider that abusive.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Large brace in multiline table cell

2013-10-12 Thread mskala
On Sat, 12 Oct 2013, BPJ wrote:
> Yes that's the rub.  I'm experimenting with the various
> suggestions right now, and one problem is that there is
> a lot of whitespace to the left of a table-in-a-table...

It seems like it shouldn't be hard to insert negative spaces
where required.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Large brace in multiline table cell

2013-10-12 Thread mskala
On Sat, 12 Oct 2013, BPJ wrote:
> Can somebody help me on how to do the following with XeLaTeX,
> or, if this is not the right place to ask this, where I should
> ask this question?

A LaTeX-related mailing list might be better, since this question's answer
is unlikely to be specifically related to XeLaTeX.  However, I don't know
off the top of my head which would be better.

> I need to set a text (not math) table with two
> columns where the left column contains linebreaks
> and a 'stretchy' right brace along the right edge of the cell,
> i.e. like so:
> line 1  \
> line 2  |   General description of what
> line 3  >   kind of things the lines
> line 4  |   in the left cell represent
> line 5  /
> More such rows with different numbers of lines
> in the left cell.

Even though you say you want it to be text and not math, I think the
easiest way to do something like what you describe might be to start in
math mode.  At the very least:  you just can't have a stretchy brace as a
text mode glyph, they don't exist, so you have to set that one glyph as
math, manually scale a text-mode glyph, or use a graphics package like
TikZ to draw it, even if everything else is true text.

Try making the left column a table in itself, wrapped in \left. and
\right\} , something like this:

line 1 \\
line 2 \\
line 3 \\
line 4 \\
line 5
  \parbox{2in}{General description of what kind of things the
lines in the left cell represent}

Note that both "tabular" and "parbox" switch their contents into text
mode, which is what you want, even if the commands are used in
display-math mode.  Having the outer level be display-math gives you the
centre-to-centre vertical alignment for free.

If it's important that the left column should be the same width for
several of these structures so that they line up, you could use an
appropriate p{} column specifier in the tabular instead of "l".  You could
also wrap this whole thing (possibly requiring some care in how you switch
to math mode, and the widths of the columns) inside a single multi-column
cell of a larger table, if you want to mix it with other more
straightforward constructions in a single larger table.

> cells is set in the same fonts as the rest of the text. I doubt
> that the braces are really needed for clarity, but it's in my
> source so I have to reproduce it.

There is a package called "schemata" at

which is specifically designed for typesetting diagrams sort of like what
you describe, but potentially much more complicated, in historical
documents on Scholastic theology.  I wonder if that's what you're doing?
Even if not, you may want to look at it.  The schemata package doesn't
seem easy to use, and it's mostly but not entirely designed to put the
braces on the left instead of the right, but at the very least, the
examples in the documentation look cool.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] fontspec and languages

2013-09-11 Thread mskala
On Wed, 11 Sep 2013, Javier Bezos wrote:
> Something like that but not the internal default language, but
> a default value in \defaulfontfeatures if the key is not given
> (ie, "if there is no key 'Language', add 'Language='
> to the list").

It sounds like you want a second level of "really" default font features,
which won't be changed by \defaultfontfeatures.  I don't see a reason
for that to be specific to Language - to the extent this kind of feature
is useful, I think it could be equally useful for any font feature.  For
instance, I might want to set the directory that contains my font files
separately from other default features, and have it not change when
other defaults are changed, so that it'll be easier to relocate a document
to a different machine where the fonts are in a different directory.

Even if such a thing is implemented in fontspec, though, there'll still be
the possibility of users touching it when babel doesn't expect them to.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Letterly fonts

2013-07-31 Thread mskala
On Wed, 31 Jul 2013, Kai Hendry wrote:
> For example the above links has Hangul in the body which surprisingly
> isn't rendered by DejaVu font which should have a very wide range of
> Unicode glyphs. I do have ttf-dejavu, ttf-dejavu-core &
> ttf-dejavu-extra installed.

Be aware that supporting a language with a complex script involves more
than just having a font that covers the right code points.  In particular,
the Unified Han character range is shared by Simplified Chinese,
Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and historically Vietnamese.  The
same character codes should look different depending on which one of those
you're writing.  (See, for instance, slide 11 of this presentation: )
Usually a font will correctly support at most one Han-script language, and
an out-of-band mechanism (in XeLaTeX, it'd be a fontspec option) is needed
to choose between them even for the minority of fonts that support more
than one.  And Han isn't even a "complex script" in the specific technical
sense of that term used by systems like OpenType.  You're going to face
some interesting challenges if you want this to work with Thai, Tamil, or
Arabic, just to name a few.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] First message: Xelatex, pstricks and Mountain Lion

2013-03-26 Thread mskala
On Tue, 26 Mar 2013, wrote:
> The user does not accept mail from your address.

Hey, whoever's in charge, can something be done about this, please?
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] PDF V1.6 too recent

2013-01-10 Thread mskala
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> but rather than PDF 1.6 as input is inconsistent with the
> default output PDF version, then I do think that a clearer
> diagnostic could be issued.  E.g.,
> > ** WARNING ** Version of PDF input file (1.6) is newer than requested 
> > output version (1.x).

I agree.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] PDF V1.6 too recent

2013-01-10 Thread mskala
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> "Produce" is the opposite of "consume".  As was clear from
> my original post, I would like XeTeX to /consume/ PDF 1.6 and
> not (necessarily) produce PDF 1.6.  If the former can be

Converting PDF 1.6 to a lower version is a very complicated operation and
not one XeTeX is well suited to do.  I don't think attempting to implement
that conversion is a good use of XeTeX maintainers' time.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] PDF V1.6 too recent

2013-01-10 Thread mskala
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> My Adobe Acrobat Professional is dated 2006;
> My XeTeX is dated 2011.
> Why does my 2011 XeTeX tell me that the PDF version
> generated by my 2006 Adobe Acrobat Professional is too recent ?

Because it is?

I'm not sure what kind of answer you hope to receive.  Your Acrobat
package is producing a version of the file format that XeTeX doesn't
support.  Support doesn't magically appear just because a certain number
of years have passed, and being disappointed about that fact will not
cause it to stop being true.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2012-12-31 Thread mskala
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Mike Maxwell wrote:
> > Why are you using "morewrites"?
> Because it was running out of places to write to (there's a limit of 16 files,
> I understand) without morewrites.

This seems surprising.  Are you generating a lot of different lists,
table-of-contents kinds of things, indices, and so on?  Usually the limit
of 16 files is plenty.  Combined with the strange errors regarding
interpreting Postscript code, I wonder if those .tex files coming from Dia
are actually using TikZ only incidentally, while doing a lot of
complicated stuff of their own on the side.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] xelatex and tikzpicture

2012-12-31 Thread mskala
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012, Mike Maxwell wrote:
> Dia will also output a .tex file, which uses the tikz package.  I tried this,
> using \input{.tex} in my xelatex file (along with the
> \usepackage{tikz} and \usepackage{morewrites}).  I get approximately half a
> bazillion warnings from xelatex, and while it outputs a PDF, the diagram does
> not appear (there's a mostly blank page).

I use TikZ with XeLaTeX all the time and I've never had problems such as
you describe.  It would be interesting to see one of the .tex files that
doesn't work.  Why are you using "morewrites"?
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Problem with Unicode 01F01B

2012-12-19 Thread mskala
On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Steve White wrote:
> Mahjong Tiles
> =
> The glyphs in question, in the Mahjong Tiles range U+1f000 - U+1f02b
> are indeed very complicated.  I personally spent a lot of time cleaning
> the glyphs up, and arranging for simpler representation.  Still some of
> them contain the largest number of nodes of any glyph in the whole font.
> I wouldn't be at all surprised that they would cause some software to trip up.
> It appears, however, we still don't know what in the font causes the trip.

The "too many hstemh hints" problem (that is a description of what's going
on, not an exact error message - the exact error message is "Stack got too
big," with some additional consequences related to incorrect widths) is
caused by whatever software saved the file saving more hints than the
specification allows.  It's not really caused by the glyphs being
complicated and the reader "tripping up," but by the *writer* writing
incorrect values when the glyphs are complicated and certain other
conditions are met.  The data is actually bad, not just big; if some
readers don't report an error it is because they are less watchful than
they should be.

FontForge was patched for it almost exactly a year ago, discussion here:

If the font file in question was created with a version of FontForge older
than the patch, it should be re-saved with a newer version.  If it was
created with some other software, at least that discussion may provide
some clues on what needs to be fixed in the other software.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Problem with Unicode 01F01B

2012-12-18 Thread mskala
On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> For a couple of releases now, XeTeX will always put the absolute path
> of the font in the XDV to avoid the recurrent problem with XeTeX and

Does this make XDV files non-portable?  It may be that getting the correct
font, in the usual case of the XDV being generated and used immediately
through a pipe on the same machine, is important enough that this is the
Right Thing to do.  But I am currently generating and using XDV files in
separate steps on a single machine, and it's not hard to imagine someone
wanting to do those in separate steps on separate machines.
Device-independent files are no longer device-independent if they're tied
to one host's filesystem.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Access of vertical CJK fonts preceeding with @

2012-12-07 Thread mskala
On Fri, 7 Dec 2012, Gerrit wrote:
> vertical Japanese texts (not just a paragraph or a text box, but the entire
> document): Everything like columns, page break, sections etc. would work
> flawlessly . Incorporating Western text in the text would also work without
> any problems.

I think it's unlikely that the rotation hack's results would be "flawless"
on any but the simplest texts.  Among other things, vertical Japanese
requires special line-breaking rules - such as period and comma protruding
into the bottom margin if they would otherwise appear at the start of the
next line.  Vertical Japanese is usually set on a grid, both horizontally
and vertically, and grids have always been a problem for TeX - it likes to
make spaces stretchable and expand lines to accomodate math, all of which
features have to be carefully tweaked to preserve a grid layout.  Western
text mixed in raises its own problems; depending on context it might need
to be rotated or not, and the spacing rules for it are unlikely to match
those of generic (La)TeX applied to rotated glyphs.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] how to do (better) searchable PDFs in xelatex?

2012-10-14 Thread mskala
On Sun, 14 Oct 2012, Peter Baker wrote:
> It's all in the font, really. If an OT substitution results in a character
> from the font's PUA being inserted in the character stream (except for a few
> standard ligatures), then the result will be broken searches. Because of

Adobe encourages font designers to give glyphs names that reflect the
Unicode code points (or sequences thereof) that the glyphs should
represent in searches.  If font designers did that, and if PDF readers
looked at the glyph names according to Adobe's directions, then searches
would work regardless of PUA use.  However, not all fonts and not all
readers do this.

Some PDF readers will use the code points in the cmap table or equivalent
in preference to the glyph names when cmap code points exist, so your
recommendation of unencoded glyphs remains a good idea even when glyph
names ought to resolve the issue.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX, "Options for all fonts", and the decimal comma

2012-09-25 Thread mskala
On Tue, 25 Sep 2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> > I think TeX in general always uses "." as the decimal separator, so

> I'm sorry, Mathew, but on this one occasion you are wrong.
> TeX accepts both the decimal comma and the decimal point
> interchangeably in all constructs in which a decimal fraction

Interesting.  In that case, I imagine XeTeX's font syntax may have been
modelled on TeX macro packages that use commas as separators.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX, "Options for all fonts", and the decimal comma

2012-09-25 Thread mskala
On Tue, 25 Sep 2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> Thank you, Jonathan.  I should have realised that allowing comma
> as a separator would prevent its use as a decimal separator.  Ah
> well, there goes my resolve to be a Good European [tm].

I think TeX in general always uses "." as the decimal separator, so for
XeTeX to accept "," would be a drastic innovation and would break
scripts written for other engines.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] FreeSerif not working for me in Devanagari

2012-09-07 Thread mskala
On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> If you use XeTeX this way, it is sufficient if it compiles and one
> person responsible for producing the final version will fine-tune the
> line and page breaks and lock it.

I generally agree.  This kind of thing can be carried too far, though.  I
recently needed to convert a document from LaTeX to Microsoft Word format.
When I loaded the same resultant Word document on four different
computers, no two of them thought it had the same number of pages (with a
length difference of 15 pages between longest and shortest, on a roughly
400-page document), and on one, the whole thing came up in bold italics
for no clear reason.  I hope that XeTeX will always enforce better
stability than that.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] FreeSerif not working for me in Devanagari

2012-09-07 Thread mskala
On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> requires newer version of fontspec. I am not able to compile the
> latest fontspec and replace it in my Linux version. Thus the only
> solution was to use the system Deja Vu fonts that produce different
> line breaks and different page breaks. Of course, for some fonts it
> would work.

The same kind of problem can occur any time a document requires a new
version of a package and you try to compile it on a system with an older
version.  I don't think that has much to do with font pathname
specification, which I thought was the question.  My claim was only that
relative pathnames are useful and allow documents to be portable when they
include their necessary fonts.  Including the font with the document is
the only real way to be sure that it can compile identically on a foreign
system.  If the document also depends on something else the recipient
doesn't have, or if the recipient's system cannot process the font that
the document requires, then I think it should be clear that using a
relative pathname isn't going to magically solve the unrelated issues.

This kind of thing - the idea that all documents should be compilable
everywhere - is exactly why the TeX/LaTeX world have their Byzantine
path-searching system, licenses that forbid modification unless you also
change the filenames, and default "we dare not EVER fix any bugs because
we don't want to break documents that depend on them" attitude.  XeTeX
seems not to be following that tradition, and the fact of using
system-installed fonts which might not be consistent from one system to
the next is just part of it.  We can debate how important the "absolute
portability" requirement is, but I doubt that XeTeX's approach is going to
change soon.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] FreeSerif not working for me in Devanagari

2012-09-06 Thread mskala
On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> page breaks but will compile. If the font is loaded from a specific
> path and another user does not have the font in the very same path,
> the document will not compile. Of course, the best way would be if the

If I need a document to be portable, I'll include the font file with it,
and use a relative path such as "./".

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-08-01 Thread mskala
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012, David Perry wrote:
> Yes, there are flaws in XeTeX, e.g., in connection with Hangul support.  But I

I think XeTeX actually works quite well with hangul if the appropriate
features are turned on, and it sounds like their not being so was a bug
that's easy to fix.  It was already easy to work around.  The
glyph-pointer bug in ICU is rather more serious, but that is a general bug
in all contextual substitutions that happens to affect hangul; it's not
anything to do with hangul in particular and affects all other uses of
contextual substitutions too (an example involving Greek was discussed on
this list).

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-08-01 Thread mskala
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> > That is the line of thinking that would favour Graphite (a general system
> > for defining complex scripts inside fonts) over OpenType (which requires

> That's right but we still have a lot of non-Graphite fonts.

We also don't have much enthusiasm, as far as I can see, for emphasizing
Graphite to the *exclusion* of other systems, in particular OpenType, as
the preferred way for TeX engines to solve this issue.  And that's what it
would take.  I think we're back to the question raised earlier:  are we
trying to build a really new thing, accepting the cost of throwing out and
reinventing technology that already exists and works; or are we trying to
build a thing that works with existing technology, accepting the cost that
some of that existing technology isn't ideal?
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-08-01 Thread mskala
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Perhaps (the discussion is rather long). But you obviously don't
> accept my conclusion that one possible solution is to reduce the
> complexity of the script. You are only looking for the people who
> should write all this complex code.

Language is inherently political, and telling people to change their
language to suit the computer is really asking for trouble.

However, something that might fly better and addresses similar issues
would be to say:  requiring the typesetting system to build in per-script
support is a losing game because it requires the builders of the
typesetting system (who will be experts on computing, not on ALL the
scripts of the world) to learn ALL the scripts of the world.  It's also a
political problem because some scripts, or some forms of some scripts,
inevitably won't make the list of "all" scripts and will be
disenfranchised as a result.  So:  this per-script knowledge should be
moved from the typesetting system to the font, and then it becomes the
responsibility of the font designers who more reasonably can be expected
to be experts on their own scripts, and then nobody needs to be an expert
on ALL scripts, and unforeseen scripts can be easily added just by
creating new fonts.

That is the line of thinking that would favour Graphite (a general system
for defining complex scripts inside fonts) over OpenType (which requires
each script to be defined in the typesetting system, outside of the font),
and it should be acceptable both to people who want the technology to be
easy to build and to people who want the output to look right.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-08-01 Thread mskala
On Wed, 1 Aug 2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> Is that not good ?  Would Chinese calligraphy look anywhere near
> as beautiful if its glyph forms had been forcibly coerced into
> meeting the constraints imposed by movable type printing ?

The question is whether the machine or the human being should be master.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-07-31 Thread mskala
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> On 31/7/12 13:26, wrote:
> > There's the rub.  Non-Latin scripts are a big part of the constituency of
> > XeTeX.  I routinely have to manually activate Korean-specific OpenType
> > features that are specified to be default but that XeTeX/fontspec doesn't
> > activate by default, just to get acceptable output in Korean at all.
> Which specific features are you referring to here? Maybe we can get this
> improved...

ccmp - glyph (de)composition; and ljmo, vjmo, and tjmo - lead, vowel, and
tail jamo shaping.  It's possible that ccmp may already be default, and my
own application doesn't actually need tjmo, but both should be turned on
for Korean when available.  Ligatures (liga) are also needed but
presumably already default.  There's some Microsoft documentation of these
linked from ;
technical description of how my own Jieubsida fonts use them is included
in the Tsukurimashou package user manual, available from

Notwithstanding the slightly confusing description in the Microsoft
documents (which describes more than one feature as "overriding all
others"), these should be applied in the order ccmp, ljmo, vjmo, tjmo,
liga.  XeTeX does do the ordering correctly already; it only needs to have
the features manually turned on.

Honestly, the glyph-pointer bug we've already discussed on this list,
is a bigger problem for Korean and I think a higher priority for fixing.
But it will probably be harder to fix because it's internal to ICU.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] The future of XeTeX

2012-07-31 Thread mskala
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
> exceptional cases or for certain special needs like font variants, color
> etc. (OK, speaking from the perspective of a user who don't need
> languages with non-latin scripts …)

There's the rub.  Non-Latin scripts are a big part of the constituency of
XeTeX.  I routinely have to manually activate Korean-specific OpenType
features that are specified to be default but that XeTeX/fontspec doesn't
activate by default, just to get acceptable output in Korean at all.  I'm
just lucky there's an interface for doing that - more GUI-ish software
without a raw feature interface would make it impossible.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] "Minimalist" TeX?

2012-05-16 Thread mskala
On Tue, 15 May 2012, C Y wrote:
> environment wise...)  If not, is there documentation anywhere of what
> constitutes the minimal set of files that will allow an average LaTeX
> document to be typeset?

That is a lot like asking for the minimal set of files that will allow an
average Linux software package to be executed.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Some Unicode characters in Libertine font are not found?

2012-04-03 Thread mskala
On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Roel Meeuws wrote:
> some of the unicode characters are showing up as a square with a cross,
> i.e. I think xetex is not finding the right glyphs in the font. I am using

Your file contains code points U+278A through U+2793, which are "DINGBAT
NEGATIVE CIRCLED SANS-SERIF DIGIT ONE" through "TEN."  The font contains
code points U+2776 through U+277F, which are "DINGBAT NEGATIVE CIRCLED
DIGIT ONE" through "TEN."  They're not the same characters.  It looks like
the font contains some kind of substitution table that can translate past
a similar distinction in the non-negative (white background) circled
numerals, but not the negative (black background) circled numerals.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX, XeTeXpicfile, and transparency

2012-03-16 Thread mskala
On Fri, 16 Mar 2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> plain format, and thus any solution that is predicated on the
> use of (e.g.,) "fontspec", "LaTeX", "XeLaTeX", "ConTeXt", and
> so on, cannot be of use to me in my quest.

Even if you don't actually load the packages, it may be worthwhile to
examine the source code of the packages to see how they accomplish these
tasks, and then imitate their techniques in your own environment.  The
packages could be useful in that sense.  I think some of the low-level
features of the XeTeX engine are only really documented in the source code
of the engine and packages, and if you're comfortable working in a Plain
TeX environment, the package source code may be easier to understand than
the engine source code.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] List of ligatures in a font

2012-03-15 Thread mskala
On Thu, 15 Mar 2012, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.4 \defaultfontfeatures

It is provided by the LaTeX fontspec package.  Here we go again...
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] List of ligatures in a font

2012-03-14 Thread mskala
On Wed, 14 Mar 2012, d fulano wrote:
> how do I determine what are the "standard ligatures" in a font?It is not
> obvious (especially for non-English languages), and they can also vary
> in each font.  Basically what I want to do is this:I can very quicky

It will be tricky with OpenType fonts that have context-sensitive
ligatures, because there may be many different sequences of input glyphs
that activate a given output glyph, and the input sequences can be
described in the font file in terms of matching patterns rather than a
(potentially prohibitively long) explicit list of input sequences.  If you
think you can guess the input sequence by looking at the output glyph (as
will be possible in many cases for Latin script), then you could simply
list the output glyphs and not worry about reverse-engineering the tables
to find the inputs; but that won't be a good assumption in the case of,
for instance, jamo layout changes in Korean.  Stuff like arbitrary-length
fractions implemented by ligature-like substitution will give you a hard
time as well.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Windows views XeTeX PDF with bad font size

2012-02-18 Thread mskala
On Sat, 18 Feb 2012, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> If you're in a position to edit the font such that it has a 1000-unit em
> square, this may resolve the incompatibility.

It *is* a font with a non-1000-unit em, so that's probably the issue and
editing the font is probably the right solution.  It bothers me, because
non-1000 values ought to be supported, but even if I and this one user can
change our software, I need the font (which I'm designing) to work for
other users both generating and viewing documents, and I can't expect the
whole world to change software versions when there's a large installed
base of viewers and XeTeX versions that don't work with non-1000 values.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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[XeTeX] Windows views XeTeX PDF with bad font size

2012-02-18 Thread mskala
I'm sorry I don't have many details because it wasn't my own system on
which the problem appeared, but:  I have a PDF file generated with XeTeX
(xdvipdfm), and a Japanese font embedded in the PDF.  It looks fine on my
screen (under Linux, with a couple of different viewers) and it prints
correctly when I send it to my laser printer.  But when my friend tries to
view it on a Windows machine, he complains that "there's not enough space
between the characters" and from the screen shot it's apparent that the
viewer has scaled the font to a too-large size while still positioning
each glyph at its correct reference point.  As a result the glyphs touch
and overlap.

Most likely this is some problem with the Windows PDF viewer.  I've seen
similar things before though not as extreme as the current case - it may
have some standard sizes, and round things to the nearest standard size
even if that's a bad idea, as a result of trying to make pixel hinting
look nice.  But if there's anything I can change in the way I generate the
PDF file (or by editing the font) to make this issue less likely to occur
on Windows systems, it'd be valuable to know about.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Reducing ligatures in arabxetex

2012-02-15 Thread mskala
On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, maxwell wrote:
> The SIL Scheherazade font covers all the characters in the Unicode Arabic
> script block (not the presentation forms).  Afaik, that includes all
> Persian (Pashto, Urdu, Punjabi...) characters, in the Naskh style.  There
> are a few Arabic script chars used in African languages that it does not

There's more to covering a language correctly than having glyphs for all
the code points.  Not all languages can use the SAME glyph for any given
code point, and in scripts with complex layout there might also be
differences in the layout features. This issue shows up especially often
between CJK languages, but I imagine it would also be applicable between
Arabic and Persian.  It even shows up between English and German - the
ligature rules are different even if the character set and glyphs
are (almost) the same.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Using different fonts for devanagari and latin characters

2012-02-12 Thread mskala
On Sun, 12 Feb 2012, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> The author has right to decide how his package can be used. If people
> are discouraged to distribute it, TL maintainers feel discouraged and
> do not distribute it. I am also discouraged, thus I only point to
> CTAN. I have tried this package with a few scripts and have not found
> any problem so far.

We don't need to go through the "discourage" discussion again, but it does
seem clear to me that it's only *modified* versions that you're
discouraged from distributing, and distribution of *unmodified* versions
is not discouraged.  Much like a Creative Commons "no derivatives" license.

Whether that's "non-free" depends on how important you think modification
is to freedom; but I'm sure that if the TL maintainers distributed it at
all then they would be distributing it unmodified, so it'd be silly of
them to feel discouraged from doing that just because the author doesn't
want them to do something completely different.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Warning about no Hindi language in Devanagari script

2012-01-21 Thread mskala
On Sat, 21 Jan 2012, Steve White wrote:
> There is one table concerning Sanskrit.  As Hindi is
> transformation-wise simpler than Sanskrit, it uses only the "default"
> tables.  So there are no tables that specifically refer to Hindi.

FWIW, I've noticed a similar problem with FontForge.  It has trouble
applying OpenType features to some code points if the language it thinks
uses those code points is not mentioned specifically in the tables, never
mind that there is a default entry saying the feature should apply.  I
noticed this with Korean, but it seems to be a general issue.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Typographic question : quotation marks and apostrophes

2011-12-17 Thread mskala
On Sat, 17 Dec 2011, Tobias Schoel wrote:
> So we're back to the days, where one had to use escape sequences for quotation
> marks (\glq,\grq,"',"`,…) as though unicode had not included u2019.
> Even worse, because with OpenType some font designers might include
> substitution rules which include white space at font level. So, as an author,
> I have to bear in mind, that for one font I need to define \englishrightquote
> as u202f+u2019, and for other for another font I need to define it simply as

It has always been the case that if you want an effect different from what
was designed into the font, you had to do extra work.  Letterpress shops
used to have special tools for cutting and filing bits off of the metal
type sorts in order to do special positioning of glyphs.  There are some
nice photos here:

It shouldn't be surprising that if you want to use a font other than in
the way its designer intended, that requires some extra work and that that
extra work is different on a per-font basis.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Typographic question : quotation marks and apostrophes

2011-12-15 Thread mskala
On Thu, 15 Dec 2011, Peter Baker wrote:
> apostophe and the closing quotation mark are the same glyph. We'd have to kern
> each instance manually.
> That said, it's pretty clear that we're stuck with what the Unicode Consortium
> has decreed for us.

Old style and lining numerals are generally the same character codes as
each other too, and we manage.  I don't think that the fact of apostrophe
and closing single quotation mark using the same code point is really a
big obstacle to typographic effects that we might want to apply to them.
A lot could be done with OpenType contextual substitution, though it might
be better to use manually-selected alternates to convey the author's
intention rather than guessing automatically.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Typographic question : quotation marks and apostrophes

2011-12-15 Thread mskala
On Thu, 15 Dec 2011, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> found on the ground floor", but I am not the author), the apostrophe
> of "weaver’s/weavers’" is the same Unicode character as the closing
> quotation mark of "windows’".  Should it be ?

I think that's the practice recommended by the Unicode Consortium.
U+2019 is named "RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK" and bears the note "this is
the preferred character to use for apostrophe".  The standard for TeX
input is to use U+0027 for both, which also keeps them on the same code
point.  If we were setting metal type it seems unlikely we would have
different sorts for the two purposes.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] no small caps in GNU FreeSerif font?

2011-12-11 Thread mskala
On Mon, 12 Dec 2011, Daniel Greenhoe wrote:
> should be at U+1D00. But in Pagella-regular, U+1D00 is empty. Where
> are the small caps being hidden? Or are they algorithmically generated
> from the Latin capital letters?

I think the officially correct way for an OpenType font to support small
caps is for them to be unencoded glyphs, with no Unicode code points
specified; then the "smcp" or similar feature will substitute them in
where appropriate.  If you have a font where they're unencoded, you're not
going to be able to access them just by mapping code points to code points
as teckit does.

Adobe formerly used private-use code points in the range F761 to F77A for
small cap glyphs.  If you happen to have a font that encodes the small cap
glyphs that way, you could get to them by mapping to those code points.
The current versions of my own Tsukurimashou fonts use the Adobe code
points for small caps because some of the build tools don't yet support
unencoded glyphs, but I'm probably going to change that in the future.

I think looking for small caps to have different code points is really the
wrong way to do it - and that's why Adobe no longer uses those code
points.  U+1D00 is *not* "a" with a "small cap" style applied; it is a
letter of the International Phonetic Alphabet.  If you mean the letter "a"
that we use in ordinary English, you should be writing U+0061; and the
question of whether it looks Roman, Italic, small cap, or Comic Sans,
should be determined by the font.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] tabular in footnote

2011-12-04 Thread mskala
On Sun, 4 Dec 2011, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> first, as Keith wrote, as a reader I would not expect a table in a
> footnote. If the table is important, why not to put it to the main
> text? And if it is not important, why it is there at all? If it is of

I would definitely expect to see a table in a footnote on a corporate
financial statement.  In fact, I think the standardized accounting
practices in some countries may actually *require* tables in footnotes in
some corporate financial statements.  I suppose it's possible that the
"notes" on the average financial statement might technically be classified
as endnotes rather than footnotes, since there are typically stretches of
multiple pages containing nothing but "notes" without any "main text" on
the page.  But it seems quite reasonable to me that that kind of
context could require tables in footnotes as such.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Diacritics in color

2011-12-01 Thread mskala
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Aleksandr Andreev wrote:
> cursive-type font (or even for italics). And it would most certainly
> not work for something like Korean syllables.

It appears that even a correctly filled-in ligature carets table only
specifies horizontal positions (or, only vertical positions for
vertical writing; but just one or the other) for the carets, so it
wouldn't be much help for breaking up any ligatures that aren't purely
horizontal or vertical.  Such ligatures can occur even in English in some
fonts; see, for instance, the FR ligature in Avant Garde, never mind all
the horizontal but overlapping ones:

I think that in general, doing things to just part of a ligature is
something XeTeX should not attempt to support.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX and "ignore sub" substitution rules

2011-12-01 Thread mskala
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 07:59:14AM -0600, wrote:
> > The item I found in the ICU issue tracker suggests the bug was introduced
> > in their code base on October 28, 2008
> Link?

Bug ticket:

This was initially reported in relation to GPOS tables but it seems to be
the same problem I experienced with GSUB.  The original submitter suggests
this revision from 2008 is where it started:

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX, XeTeXpicfile, and counter-intuitive behaviour

2011-12-01 Thread mskala
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> > ! Unable to load picture or PDF file 'Resources/Images/TAR-2.tex'.
> and no
> > ! Unable to load picture or TeX file 'Resources/Images/TAR-2.tex'.

It seems obvious to me that the command to load a PDF file and the command
to load a picture are sharing an error message in order to conserve space
in the string table.  Rather than writing and storing two completely
separate strings for these two similar errors, one error message that
could apply to either of them was written and used for both.  I've been
programming for just under 30 years and certainly remember the days when
string space was a precious enough commodity to necessitate such
techniques; some people on this list may have even earlier memories.

Today, we may be able to afford another 50 bytes or so to give more
specific error messages to each of two closely-related errors.  But note
that adding another error message also means that any set of translated
error messages also needs one more entry.  It costs more work than just
the 50 bytes of storage.

I don't think that the fact the picture command says it cannot load a PDF
file when, in fact, it cannot, is cause for much comment.  And the fact it
says it cannot load a picture or PDF file this time should not be taken as
implying that that exact command might ever be able to load a PDF file
at all.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Diacritics in color

2011-12-01 Thread mskala
On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> > Suppose someone types
> >
> >f\textcolor{red}{f}
> In this case FireFox colourises half of resulting ff ligatures (1/3 in
> ffi etc), I'm not sure how this is done or if it is possible with PDF at

I don't think XeTeX should attempt to do that.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX and "ignore sub" substitution rules

2011-12-01 Thread mskala
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011, Apostolos Syropoulos wrote:
> did produce the expected results with say XeTeX that comes with
> TeXLive 2009. I will give more details later on.

The item I found in the ICU issue tracker suggests the bug was introduced
in their code base on October 28, 2008, so (given the delay between
development and release versions) it's quite possible that the
TeXLive 2009 XeTeX was built with a version of ICU from before the bug.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Diacritics in color

2011-11-30 Thread mskala
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011, wrote:
> In the Korean fonts I'm currently working on, some syllables are converted
> to single precomposed glyphs by ligature substitution, and others are
> built up by overlaying zero-width glyphs, and the difference between the

I was interested to test just what the effects of trying to colour part of
a Korean syllable with my fonts actually were, so I did some experiments.
Demonstration attached.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

Description: Adobe PDF document

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Re: [XeTeX] Diacritics in color

2011-11-30 Thread mskala
On Wed, 30 Nov 2011, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> processed by the layout engine, which would require keeping account of
> character to glyph mapping (which is doable, all text editing GUI's have
> to do it).

It will, of course, have to do something sensible (even if that just means
complain) should the desired location of a reinserted special end up in
the middle of a ligature.

Suppose someone types


and the font tries to replace the two fs with an ff ligature.  In that
case there is no sensible way to colour just the second one red.
Changing the colour of a mark and not the base is different from changing
the colour of just part of a ligature, and the system can certainly
distinguish mark-to-base from ligatures; but especially if colour is
handled by a special that the TeX engine only understands as an opaque
blob of data, it'll be hard for the engine to know what is the right thing
to do with the above.

In the Korean fonts I'm currently working on, some syllables are converted
to single precomposed glyphs by ligature substitution, and others are
built up by overlaying zero-width glyphs, and the difference between the
two ways of drawing syllables should ideally not be visible to the user.
(This approach is driven by Unicode, which specifies roughly 11000 code
points for entire Korean syllables, but a more complicated way of
expressing the several hundred thousand imaginable syllables that do not
have code points of their own.)  The zero-width glyphs also change their
shapes contextually.  Suppose someone tries to change the colour of just
one of the sub-glyphs in what would otherwise be a precomposed syllable.

Well, if that breaks the glyph sequence for the purposes of the ligature
substitution, it's actually a good thing.  It means my font will fall
back on the overlaid zero-width glyphs, and then just the one the user
picked will change colour, and the user will get what they wanted.  The
layout of the overlaid combination won't be quite as good as if the font
had been allowed to use a precomposed glyph, but there isn't really any
better way it could work.

Trouble is, the overlaid zero-width glyph method also depends on
contextual substitutions (because there are actually six different layouts
for an overlaid syllable, used to approximate the more nuanced layout
decisions that go into the precomposed glyphs).  If the colour special
interrupts the glyph sequence for the purpose of those contextual
substitutions, then the font will end up falling all the way back to its
default layout (or, even worse, different layout guesses for different
parts of the same syllable) and the result will be unacceptable.  The
ideal for my fonts would be if colour specials interrupted the glyph
sequence in the liga feature - thus preventing ligature substitution from
occurring - but not in the ccmp, ljmo, or vjmo features.  What would be
ideal in some other font might be different from that.

I don't know the right answer to how it should work, but I'm highlighting
this issue just because I hope anyone who tries to implement a solution
will think carefully about the consequences for multiple cases.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX and "ignore sub" substitution rules

2011-11-29 Thread mskala
On Tue, 29 Nov 2011, Khaled Hosny wrote:
> The same here, but I get the expected result (aBa, abc) with LuaTeX as
> well as HarfBuzz. I tested with another application using ICU layout
> engine (fontmatrix) and got the same result as XeTeX, so I think it is
> an ICU bug.

On further testing, I don't think Apostolos's font works with XeTeX
either.  It may appear to at first glance, just because the effect of the
"ignore sub" rules in that font is very subtle, but if I modify the
alternate glyphs to be more obviously different, it's clear that they are
being put in in cases where the rules say they shouldn't.

I think I've also figured out just what XeTeX (presumably ICU) is doing
wrong:  it is failing to move the glyph pointer ahead on a successful
match.  As a result, later rules in the lookup still have the chance to
match again on the output of earlier rules, and "ignore sub" rules have
no effect.

I remember that you once commented that my "Terrible Secret" article was
wrong because I'd documented this behaviour, and this explains the
disagreement - I was documenting what I'd observed XeTeX to do, and at the
time, I hadn't tested "ignore sub" rules and didn't realize that it was
incorrect behaviour by XeTeX and would be a problem for "ignore sub"
rules.  Some of my own code both in that article and in my actual fonts
depends on the "later rules see output of earlier rules" behaviour and
will have to be fixed, but there's no help for that; it's more important
to have "ignore sub" work.

I will attempt to navigate ICU's bug tracking system and submit the bug to
them.  I don't know if XeTeX's practice is to track updates of ICU, though.
Unfortunately, it appears that in the short term I have to not only do
without "ignore sub," but also do without later rules seeing the output of
earlier rules, because I need my fonts to work both with widely-deployed
XeTeX and with correct implementations.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XeTeX and "ignore sub" substitution rules

2011-11-28 Thread mskala
Here's a stripped-down example of the problem.  The attached OTF font
contains rules in the "clig" feature saying that "a b" should be replaced
by "a B" (i.e. the b is changed to upper case) except when it is followed
by "c".  For greater clarity, the feature file is also attached.  Testing
in FontForge's "metrics" window requires me to manually turn on "clig"
(which should be on by default) but with the feature turned on, the
substitution and non-subsitution happen as expected.

When I run the attached .tex file through XeLaTeX with the attached font,
"aba" becomes "aBa" as it should, but "abc" becomes "aBc", whereas
FontForge leaves it as "abc" (which I think is correct).  The ignore rule
doesn't seem to be processed by XeTeX.

Confirmed on a couple of different installations, but I'd be interested to
hear whether it happens for anyone else.  Apostolos Syropoulos sent me a
font using ignore rules and reported to work correctly, but I haven't
finished testing myself whether that one works for me.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

Description: Binary data
languagesystem DFLT dflt;
languagesystem latn dflt;

feature clig {
  ignore sub a b' c;
  sub a b' by B;
} clig;







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[XeTeX] XeTeX and "ignore sub" substitution rules

2011-11-27 Thread mskala
It appears to me that XeTeX doesn't handle, at all, OpenType context
substitutions that match without doing a substitution - i.e. the ones that
appear in Adobe feature files as "ignore sub" rules.  When one of these
matches, the renderer is supposed to skip the remaining rules in the
lookup.  XeTeX doesn't seem to, resulting in incorrect substitutions.
Although, as I recently mentioned, I don't trust FontForge 100%, FontForge
does seem to work correctly on the particular case I'm looking at right

I don't have a minimal example yet (where I'm actually observing the
problem is in the middle of a complicated set of substitutions with a lot
of other things going on, which is part of what's making debugging hard)
but I may try to construct one.  On the other side, I haven't seen an
example where "ignore sub" rules *do* work in XeTeX.  Has anyone on the
list got an example of a font where XeTeX correctly processes context
substitutions that include rules of this type?

Since I'm the designer of the font that's failing for me, I think I can
work around the absence of "ignore sub" by creating a set of alternate
glyphs that terminate substitution - where I would use "ignore sub," I
instead substitute to the special alternates, and then I just never write
any rules that can match those glyphs as input.  The number of glyphs
involved is small enough not to be a hardship.  If it's really true that
XeTeX cannot process ignore rules, though, that will seriously limit its
ability to work with other fonts out in the wild that may depend on such
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XETEX cannot access OpenType features in PUA?

2011-11-27 Thread mskala
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011, Aleksandr Andreev wrote:
> It appears that XeTeX colors are handled by inserting pdfliteral nodes
> around colored items, which breaks the access to GPOS.
> Unless there's been some work on this issue since 2007, it appears
> that I will need to look for a different way of typesetting my
> document.

I bet you'll see similar effects on other systems, too.  I'm actually
surprised that Firefox seems to work the way you want it to; I've seen
(for instance, in the page at - right now I'm
working on implementing conjoining behaviour of Korean letters via GSUB)
HTML markup being used explicitly for the purpose of breaking up glyph
sequences that would otherwise be subject to Unicode conjoining
behaviour, and I would expect it to usually have that effect.  If there's
a "style" of any kind applied to one glyph and not to the previous glyph,
there's good chance that software in general, not just XeTeX, will break
the glyph sequence and not see substitution rules that would apply to the
glyphs if they were really adjacent.  If it's important to be able to
style one glyph and not another, then I think you're asking for trouble to
also depend on a substitution rule matching them both.

Many people have had similar problems with the fact that software (in
general, not just XeTeX) usually doesn't treat "space" as a glyph even if
you define such a glyph in your font; as a result, substitution rules that
try to match a "space" glyph (for instance, to recognize starts and ends
of words, or to carry state-machine information across word boundaries for
things like pseudorandom alternate-form substitution) rarely work.  You
can find some discussions of that by searching on the Typophile forums;
some places where someone would want a space glyph for substitution can be
implemented using "ignore" rules instead, but others seem not to be
reliably doable in OpenType at all.

Part of the OpenType base/mark concept seems to be that a mark becomes
part of the glyph is it marking (it can be seen as a special way of
implementing, internally to the font, what would otherwise be a single
precomposed glyph), so if it is part of the semantics of your musical
"language" that the marks are separate objects and can be individually
selected for the purposes of things like coloring, having them be marks
may not be ideal.

Can what you're trying to do be implemented by zero-width negative-bearing
glyphs instead?  Folks on Typophile seem to turn up their noses at those,
but I've had good results with them and they seem to be more reliable than

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] XETEX cannot access OpenType features in PUA?

2011-11-27 Thread mskala
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011, Aleksandr Andreev wrote:
> I figured out the issue. They work if the entire text is in black, like this:
> {\moo \Huge   }

I've been watching this discussion with interest, having had similar
problems.  I thought the colour thing might be an issue - very likely
XeTeX is putting the contents of the color command in a separate "box" and
thus breaking up the stream of glyphs going to the OpenType substitution -
but when I tried (with your earlier font) eliminating the colour change,
the problem remained, so I didn't post to the list about it.

Something to be aware of is that FontForge's handling of OpenType
substitutions seems to be buggy, especially if Adobe-format "feature
files" are involved in the workflow.  Your problem seemed to be one where
FontForge was rendering the substitution correctly and XeTeX wasn't; but
I've also seen cases where XeTeX does it right and FontForge doesn't, and
where a feature file, loaded into FontForge, seems to produce correct
results, but then when I save the feature file from FontForge, the result
is garbage.  Anything that combines GSUB substitutions with GPOS
positioning seems to be hard to get right.  All in all, I don't think
FontForge can be used as a good reference point for debugging other
software's handling of substitutions.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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[XeTeX] U+00AD

2011-11-18 Thread mskala
Since we're having so much fun with U+00A0, what about U+00AD, which may
or may not mean the same thing as \- ?
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Whitespace in input

2011-11-14 Thread mskala
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011, Karljurgen Feuerherm wrote:
> I use U+12000 and above regularly, as a case in point...

Do you think that basic formatting control functions should be bound to
code points in that range, as the preferred way of accessing those
functions?  Let's not lose track of what this discussion is about.

XeTeX can *with appropriate font support* accept nearly any Unicode point
in its input.  But very few Unicode points are treated specially by XeTeX
as such, and I don't think U+00A0 should be one of them.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Whitespace in input

2011-11-14 Thread mskala
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> I think (with respect) that "some Unicode code points outside the 7-bit range"
> is a gross understatement.  As far as I am aware, XeTeX permits a very
> considerable
> subset of Unicode (perhaps even all of it; I do not know) as input.

My point is that it shouldn't treat U+00A0 as equivalent to U+007E, or
as valid at all, just because it supports "Unicode."  That is not what
supporting Unicode means.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Whitespace in input

2011-11-14 Thread mskala
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011, Philip TAYLOR wrote:
> > 2. Inevitably, people will include invalid characters in TeX input; and
> > U+00A0 is an invalid character for TeX input.
> Firstly (as is clear from the list on which we are discussing
> this), we are not discussing TeX but XeTeX.  Secondly, even

XeTeX is a TeX engine.  Obviously, it is free to define its own input
format, and that format already differs from other TeX engines by (for
instance) allowing some Unicode code points outside the 7-bit range.  But
I still see XeTeX as a version of TeX, not something completely different,
and it's appropriate for expectations we might have about TeX - for
instance, the expectation that formatting commands are visible and the
"non-breaking space" formatting command is ~ - to also apply to XeTeX
where they are appropriate.

> if we were discussing TeX, on what basis do you claim that
> U+00A0 is invalid ?  And if you assert that it is, /a priori/,

It's invalid if XeTeX says it is invalid, and I think XeTeX should say
it is invalid.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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[XeTeX] Whitespace in input

2011-11-14 Thread mskala
I think this discussion is bogging down because several different
questions are getting mixed together.  Here's what I see as the major

1. Does Unicode specify a single correct way of representing white space?

2. If an input file to XeTeX contains currently less common Unicode
whitespace code points, such as U+00A0, what should XeTeX do?

3. Should users be encouraged, or even required, to include those code
points in input to XeTeX, in order to achieve typesetting goals that in
older TeX engines were achieved by other means?

4. Since many editing environments make it inconvenient to process
currently less common Unicode whitespace code points, what should users do
if the answer to #3 is "yes"?

Now, separate from identifying what the questions are, here's what I think
are reasonable answers to the questions:

1.  No.  That is not what Unicode is for.  Unicode's goal is to subsume
all reasonable pre-existing encodings.  Some reasonable pre-existing
encodings include a non-breaking space character, so Unicode includes one.
That does not mean Unicode says you should actually use it!  There are
many precedents of Unicode providing multiple ways of representing
things, as a result of including characters from other systems, without
it being reasonable to demand that all Unicode-compatible systems must
support all of them.  For instance, most of the U+FFxx range is devoted
to different kinds of hacks for handling partial-width characters in
Asian-language typesetting; the preferred way to do that nowadays is via
OpenType features, but the code points remain in the standard.  The U+
to U+001F range is basically control characters for Teletype machines;
some of those, like U+000A and U+000D, are widely used in modern documents
(but in varying ways by different systems!) and others, like U+001D, are
virtually unheard-of.  Unicode does NOT say everybody has to support them
all let alone all in the same way.

The U+00A0 code points is not explicitly deprecated in Unicode, but it was
never a principle of Unicode that all implementations have to support all
defined control characters regardless of appropriateness to the particular
purpose.  "Non-breaking space" is, from TeX's point of view, not really a
character at all, but a formatting command; and TeX already has a way of
dealing with formatting commands in general and this one in particular.
It is appropriate to say that the preferred way of handling non-breaking
spaces in TeX input is the existing TeX way; and saying that in NO WAY AT
ALL contradicts anything in Unicode.  Unicode is servant, not master.

2. Inevitably, people will include invalid characters in TeX input; and
U+00A0 is an invalid character for TeX input.  The best way to deal with
it is to treat it like any other invalid character and generate an error
message.  A reasonable alternative would be to say "it is whitespace; it
will be treated like other whitespace."  That would mean ignoring its
breaking/non-breaking-ness, as we have for a long time similarly ignored
the special properties of U+0009 (tab).  Of course, if users want to
define a special meaning for U+00A0 in their own input, they can do so
with the existing mechanisms for redefining the meanings of input
characters; but "U+00A0 is equivalent to U+007E (~)," for instance, should
never be the default and (because of trouble displaying it) shouldn't be

3. No.  Better to keep everything visible and backward compatible.  U+007E
(~) should remain the preferred way of doing non-breaking space.

4. Not applicable because of the answer to #3.  Users who do insist on
putting U+00A0 in their input presumably have *already* got their own
reasons to think that it's more convenient for them, including solutions
satisfactory to themselves for how to type it on keyboards and see it on
screens, so that's their business and not a problem we need to solve.

Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX]   in XeTeX

2011-11-14 Thread mskala
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011, Petr Tomasek wrote:
> > Not in every case. How would you visually differentiate between all the
> > white space characters (space vs. non-break space, thin space (u2009)

> Using different color.

About 8% of men have some form of colour blindness (the prevalance is much
lower, but still nontrivial, in women), and it's a basic rule of
interface design that although colour is valuable as an adjunct to other
ways of presenting information, important information must never be
conveyed *only* by colour.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX]   in XeTeX

2011-11-13 Thread mskala
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011, Petr Tomasek wrote:
> make ~ not active when writing my own macros because it contradicts
> the Unicode standard...)

Isn't it just as much a "contradiction" of the "standard" for \ to do
what \ does?  I don't think that is a good way to decide what TeX's
input format should be.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] XeTeX/TeX Live : Setting the default language

2011-11-04 Thread mskala
On Fri, 4 Nov 2011, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
> As far as paper size is concerned, as mentioned by Matthew Skala, this
> information belongs into each document too.  However, there are some
> situations where default settings can be useful though, for instance
> if you exchange TeX source files with Americans.  However, this
> requires a well designed page layout which yields good results on
> both, A4 and letter paper.

Paper size is special because if you compile your document for the wrong
paper size and send it to a printer, at many sites that will cause the
printer to stall and demand operator attention while other documents pile
up in the queue.  Incorrect hyphenation doesn't have that effect.  In a
multiuser environment it's a given that people *will* leave things on the
defaults, whatever those may be; and you can't have queue stalls many
times every day just to preserve the purity of the "metadata in every
document" model.  Administrators will implement a site-local default for
paper size whether they should or not.  Getting the right set of
hyphenation patterns can be more safely left to the users.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] XeTeX/TeX Live : Setting the default language

2011-11-04 Thread mskala
On Fri, 4 Nov 2011, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> corrections & submit PDF for printing ... and that friend has set
> French or Russian as his default/preferred language, so the printing
> house will print the document typeset with Russian hyphenation
> patterns. Wouldn't that be nice?

This kind of problem already exists for anyone who exchanges documents
between North America and the rest of the world, because of default A4
versus letter paper sizes.  That's bad enough.  You're right that adding
hyphenation patterns as yet another thing we have to negotiate and
carefully override on every document, wouldn't be a good idea.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] Hyperref \hyperlink and \hypertarget not working with accented characters

2011-11-02 Thread mskala
On Wed, 2 Nov 2011, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
> Fortunately, FMi and others were able to convince
> him that he was wrong, whence TeX 3.  Now we clearly
> need to start on Adobe (and Heiko !).

If Ross Moore's and other recent technical postings are to be believed,
this is a non-issue.  The file format already allows arbitrary byte
sequences in the field we're talking about, on top of the fact that that
field isn't exposed to readers and doesn't limit the language of
documents at all.

If the ASCII link anchor limitation existed in PDF it would be not much
different from the genuine limitation that object ID numbers must be
integers even if you would prefer to make them text.  Link anchors are
internal codes; they are not text at all, and it's not reasonable to
demand that they must be UTF-8-encoded text in particular.

But PDF doesn't actually limit link anchors to ASCII anyway.  As far as
PDF is concerned (according to recent postings on this list) you can use
UTF-8.  The fact that you can't do that with TeX is TeX's fault, and
relates to the issue Heiko Oberdiek described that TeX can't write
arbitrary byte sequences in all contexts.  He also suggested some possible
workarounds that someone could implement if it were important to do so;
but it really isn't.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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Re: [XeTeX] [tex-live] Future state of XeTeX in TeXLive

2011-10-28 Thread mskala
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011, William Adams wrote:
> > majority of documents are created using GUI tools.   What use cases
> > are better served by batch mode, and in what cases is TeX used by
> > default because of available GUI tools refuse to play.
> Large database publications. Variable data printing.

Also, anything where documents end up checked into the source control
and configuration management systems used for software development.  It's
really nice to be able to compile my TeX documents along with my code.  I
can't do that with GUI tools.
Matthew Skala People before principles.

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  1   2   >