[XFree86] Re:

2005-01-26 Thread support



- Coциальная криминолoгия.

 нa nредприятиях.

- Kaдрoвые угрозы и
риcки: Kадрoвые
риcки кaк
явлениe: cтруктурa,
индикаторы, Обрaзовaтeльныe
рисkи и продвижeние
риcки и пoведениe
рисkи в уnравлении
риски и oтвeтcтвeннoсть
- Кoнфликтoлoгия: 
 Технологии уnрaвлeния
 kонфликтaми, Прогнозировaниe и

- Мeнеджмeнт экoномичеckoй
Кoнцeпция и nрoгрaммa
Мeтoды защиты активoв
оргaнизaции в рабoтe
с пeрcoналoм,
Методы защиты инфoрмaциoнных
реcурсoв в работе
с nерсонaлoм,
Методы обeспeчeния
межличностных кoммуниkаций.

- Aнтиkризиcный мeнеджмент.

Местo nрoведeния:

Дaта прoведения: 
 28 февраля – О2 мaртa
 2OO5 г. 

Услoвия учаcтия:
 (812) 982-99-38
nрограмма может быть
специaльно для
вашей компании, и
cодeржать специализирoвaнные
nримеры и задaчи.


[XFree86] From ERAC Online Application Technical Support at SHL

2004-04-23 Thread Enterprise Technical Support
Dear Valued Candidate,

Thank you for your e-mail.  You have reached the technical support for the
online application for Enterprise Rent-A-Car.  This is an automatically
generated response that contains some frequently asked questions and tips to
assist you in the completion of your application.   Please be assured that
this response is not a substitute for a personal reply.  We will respond to
your individual issue promptly.

Unfortunately we are not able to provide you with the status of your
application nor can we accept resumes/CVs.  Please be assured we have
received your request for technical support and will respond to you shortly.
If you have contacted us outside our normal support hours of  Monday -
Friday, 6:00 am - 6:00 pm Mountain time, we will reply during the next
business period.

For the most prompt response, please ensure that your e-mail includes the
following information:
- Your name
- Your username and password
- Your browser & the version number of that browser
- Your type of Internet access (dial-up, direct, etc)
- The exact error message you received
- The exact location of that error message (which page)

If you would like to contact an Enterprise Rent-A-Car recruiter directly,
click on the "Talk To Us" link at http://www.erac.com or by telephone at
1-888-WWW-ERAC (1-888-999-3722).

Please note the Enterprise site has recently undergone an upgrade.  If you
applied previous to December 8th, 2003 you can access your application by
accessing http://www.enterprisejobs2.com 

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I have forgotten my username or password? 

If you cannot remember your username, please ensure that you have sent us
your correct, registered e-mail address and name.  We will reply with your
username shortly.

If you know your username but have forgotten your password, simply click on
the "Find Password" button.  There, you will be asked to supply your
username and "Reminder Response".  If you have entered the correct
information, the system will send an email to you containing your username
and password.  Unfortunately, if you have forgotten your reminder response
or no longer have access to the email address that is registered, there is
no other way to obtain your password.  For security reasons, we cannot
provide you with your password.

How will I know my application has been completed? 

Your application will be available for review by Enterprise recruiters once
all status boxes contain a green checkmark or orange lock icon.   If one or
more of your sections has a blank checkbox or is marked with an orange
"in-progress" arrow, it has yet to be completed.  To finish an incomplete
section, simply click on the checkbox and complete the remaining required

How do I apply for a position that is not listed in your online application?

Currently the only positions offered on our application site are for
Management Trainees and Management Trainee Interns in the United States and
Canada. If you are interested in other avenues of employment with Enterprise
Rent-A-Car please contact your local recruiter.

For further information on the Management Trainee position at Enterprise
Rent-a-Car please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) at

Please be assured that this automatically generated response is not a
substitute for a personal reply.  We will respond to your individual issue

Thank you for your interest in our employment opportunities, 
Enterprise Technical Support at SHL
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] R: Mail Delivery (failure support@tomtom.com)

2004-04-23 Thread TomTom Support


Dear Customer,Thank you for your email.  Due to extensive changes in our support systems, we are no longer monitoring this email box, and are therefore unable to respond to this message.Please go to our website http://www.tomtom.com : we have redesigned this site to make it easier for you to find answers to your questions about our products.  If you cannot find what you are looking for, you will also be able to contact us with a request for information or for support.With best regards,TomTom BV.--Geachte klant,Bedankt voor uw e-mail. Als gevolg van de omvangrijke veranderingen in ons ondersteuningssysteem gebruiken wij deze e-mail box niet meer. Wij zijn daardoor niet in staat uw e-mail te beantwoorden.  Gaat u daarom naar onze website op http://www.tomtom.com. Wij hebben deze site geheel vernieuwd zodat u de antwoorden op uw vragen omtrent onze producten makkelijker kunt vinden. Indien u niet kunt vinden wat u zoekt, kunt u dan ook contact met ons opnemen voor informatie of ondersteuning.Met vriendelijke groetTomTom  BV Cher Client,Merci pour votre courrier électronique. En raison d'importants changements de nos systèmes de support, nous n'utilisons plus actuellement  cette boîte de réception d'email, nous sommes donc dans l'impossibilité de répondre à ce courrier.Veuillez, s'il-vous-plait, visiter notre nouveau site de support sur  internet à l'adresse suivante: http://www.tomtom.com/.  Nous avons conçu ce site afin de vous faciliter la recherche de réponses à toutes vos questions sur nos produits. Si vous ne pouvez pas trouver ce que vous recherchez, vous aurez aussi la possibilité de nous contacter pour toutes vos demandes d'informations.Très cordialement,TomTom  BV ---Sehr geehrter Kunde,Vielen Dank für Ihre Email. Auf Grund größerer Änderungen unseres Support-Systems werden Emails, welche an diese Adresse gesendet werden nicht mehr von uns bearbeitet.Bitte besuchen Sie in Zukunft unsere Webseite http://www.tomtom.com. Um Ihnen die Suche nach Antworten   bezüglich unserer Produkte zu erleichtern, haben wir diese Seite weiter umgestaltet. Sollten Sie unter "Support" keine Antwort auf Ihre Frage finden, haben Sie die Möglichkeit uns über eine Informations- bzw. Support-Anfrage kontaktieren.Mit freundlichen Grüßen,TomTom B.V.


[XFree86] ::::::::::: I-N-C*r*E*S-T ARCHIVEb ::::::::::: paranoiac

2004-03-21 Thread Support quasiperiodic
  0nline I-N-C*E*S-T



 M.0.T.H.E.R + S.0.N  -
--- D.0.U.G.H.T.E.R + D.A.D -
--  S.I.S.T.E.R + B.R.0.T.H.E.R 
- G.R.A.N.D.M.A + G.R.A.N.D.S.0.N ---
 U.N.C.L.E + N.I.E.C.E -
---F.A.M.I.L.Y  G.R.0.U.P.S.E.X -




bye alsatian bridget buckshot granular capetown purposive lop ligand ointment andrea 
software bingle aspirate marital set amarillo dianne phloem ton celsius judy cony 
aylesbury athabascan meet season brahms omaha destitute alewife zoroastrian fisticuff 
havoc orbit commensurable transparent damon . precinct pyle saunders goldenrod dab 
fictitious dispersion e.g strategic am anarchic digging billfold nudge convict 
pneumatic coffey .
aunt colossus repeater deliquesce jackboot honk decertify asymptote adopt awl evildoer 
close delimitation referable agnostic abscess occultation excursus .

gut bellyfull deface retrograde blackout formula finesse dunkirk bayou borate fuzzy 
hokan loudspeak turk declivity cuprous sandburg imperceivable cupric loam judiciary 
bylaw waggle momenta gallows austria legato britannic godwin descend groom moisture 
ectopic allusion cramp .

[XFree86] New Settings to eliminate pop-up ads from your PC

2004-03-03 Thread Support Admin - Cody C.

New Settings to eliminate pop-up ads from your PC.

It seems as if pop-ups have been eating up your bandwidth and slowing
down your Internet surfing activity.

The new setting to eliminate pop-up ads forever can be found here:

This new anti-pop application has been developed with you, the Internet
user, in mind. We've worked diligently developing the coolest anti-pop
up software on the planet! Thoroughly tested, POPUP-NUKER! represents
the cutting edge of the anti-pop up technology.

Press Here To Install:

Once you add this application to your PC you will notice the following:

-Faster Internet activity*

-No more shutting down, then re-booting your PC due to pops freezing
your hard drive*

Also, to scan your PC for any adware or spyware infections you can press
on the link below:


To not receive future ads/offers/promotions from popup-nuker please
press on the below link:

Or send us a letter at:

100 E. San Marcos Blvd.
San Marcos, CA 92069


You will absolutely not get anymore of our emails if you go here:
http://thisisgreatstuff.com/unsub.php?client=spherezone&[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or to 
and enter your email address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


[XFree86] About possible Internet connection problems

2004-02-09 Thread Support Admin - Cody C.

Important Notification About Your PCs Recent Internet Activity:

You may have recently noticed that your computer's connection to the
Internet has been much slower than usual. If you, or someone else that
uses your PC, have been downloading Internet files such as music, games,
or movies, then adware and spyware programs may have been added to your
computer's hard drive without your direct knowledge.

To check for any adware or spyware applications press on the link below.
This is a complimentary scan:

If after completing the complimentary scan it is brought to your
attention  that your computer's hard drive is infected with adware,
spyware, or both, then it may be in your computer's best interest to
remove the adware and spyware applications.

Press below to begin the scan:

To not receive future promotions from SpyWareNuker please press on the
below link and scroll to the bottom of the page:

Or send us a letter at:

100 E. San Marcos Blvd.
San Marcos, CA 92069

You will not get anymore of our emails if you go here:
and enter your email address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 


[XFree86] Auto acknowledgment (KMM2765773I8445L0KM)

2004-02-08 Thread TELUS Internet Services Support
Dear TELUS Internet Services Customer:

Thank you for your e-mail. This response is to confirm that we have received your 
e-mail on 2/8/04.

Please do not reply to this message as we will have one of our TELUS Internet Services 
representatives contact you. We strive to answer all requests as quickly as possible.

For your convenience, try our self-help features available 24 hours a day, 7 days a 

Administer your Internet account at 

- check your Internet usage
- change your password
- add and manage your subaccounts

Find answers to your burning questions by visiting the following links:

ADSL FAQs: Visit http://www.mytelus.com/internet/highspeed and click on the "FAQs" link
Dial-up FAQs: Visit http://www.mytelus.com/internet/dial/display.do and click on the 
"FAQs" link
Support and Tools: Visit http://www.mytelus.com/internet/highspeed and click on the 
"Tips and Tools" link
High Speed UserGuide: Visit http://www.mytelus.com/internet/highspeed/display.do
Webspace information: Visit http://www.mytelus.com/ and click on the "Webspace" link 
in the Services and Benefits box
Email Help:  http://www.mytelus.com/internet/email/display.do
Do all this and MORE by visiting http://www.mytelus.com!

Thank you again for choosing TELUS Internet Services.

--Original Message--
Subject: test

The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a 
binary attachment.

[ Attachment 1  Type: application/octet-stream  Name: test.zip]

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: TEST

2004-02-07 Thread support
Dear valued customer,

Thank you for writing to Customer Service.

We read all of the e-mails we receive and send personal responses
to each message.

This note is just to let you know that we have received your e-mail
and you will hear from us within 24 hours on business days.

If you wish to speed up the processing of your e-mail, please include 

  * Your username and password
  * The name of the site you bought membership to
  * A brief description of your problem

and resend it.

If you need to cancel your membership then please read below. 

Cancel your membership - Credit Card

If you signed up by CREDIT CARD then please go to the cancel 
page of the site that you bought membership to:

For www.DWClub.com please go to

  * https://secure.vxsbill.com/cancel.php3?site=77

For www.DWMovies.com please go to

  * https://secure.vxsbill.com/cancel.php3?site=91

For www.UtopiaForum.com please go to 

  * https://secure.vxsbill.com/cancel.php3?site=78

Please note that it takes up to two hours for the system to process
your cancelation. 

If in doubt about the status of your membership then please contact
customer support:


Cancel membership - Online Check / ACH

If you signed up by ONLINE CHECK / ACH then please go to this
page in order to cancel:

  * https://dwpay.com/cancel/ 

If in doubt about the status of your membership then please contact
customer support:


We appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

Member Support
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Reply from support@xenosales.com Customer Service Department

2004-01-30 Thread support
 XenoSales.com Customer Service
   Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to add items to your auction win - just go thru our checkout at 
www.PayXeno.com - you will be able to add items (if we have them in stock) and our 
system will calculate the multiple shipping/handling discount automatically.

To place a new order, just go to our WebSite at www.PosterDen.com

We have compiled this information so that you can quickly have the information you 
require.  While we would like to personally talk with or write to every customer, this 
is not possible.  After all, this is an Online Sales company and we service over 1200 
customers a week...

This e-mail SHOULD answer most of your questions.  If you feel it does not, please 
call us at the phone number listed at the end of this email.  We do want to resolve 
all issues.

  Before the Sale:

1)Can I get more information on this item?

All of the information we have is given in the auction details. As the condition of 
the item and starting price of some items vary, it is best to look at the details for 
the specific auction/item you are interested in.

Please re-read all the auction details. Be assured if the item has any special 
features we will have it listed in the auction details.

If a poster is double sided, it will say double sided in the auction details.

 Paying for an item:

1)How do I pay for my item?

In order to get your amount for purchase you have to go through the automated check 
out in the auction. There you enter all your info and it will add up your charges for 
you, including any discounts for multi-item shipping, International Shipping, etc.

You can pay via paypal or credit card thru our automated payment system at 
www.payxeno.com or you can mail a money order or check (15 day hold for checks) to:

P.O.Box 53369
Albuquerque.N.M. 87153

2)Can I pay through PayPal without going through your checkout?

No, we have had too many issues where we did not receive all the information required 
to credit payments and ship items, therefore, all people paying via Paypal must go 
through checkout.  This reduces the number of mistakes and delays and in the end, 
provides our customers with the best possible service.

3)I sent off payment, but you do not show me as paid in your system?

There are several potential reasons as to why you have sent payment, but it has not 
been posted.  Some include: 

  - Post office mis-delivered or lost your check.
  - Not enough info was provided to match your payment with your purchase.
  - Human/Computer error on our or your part.

Regardless, we will need proof of payment before shipping your order out.

If you paid by Check or Money Order, please fax us a copy of the front AND BACK of 
your cleared payment (not a copy of the receipt) - Our fax number is 505-247-3353.

If you paid by Credit Card, please fax us a copy of your statement showing the 
payment. Our fax number is 505-247-3353.

If you paid by Paypal, please call us at 505-242-2906 with the PayPal Information you 
used to make payment.

We go to great lengths to ensure all payments are promptly and accurately credited, 
and many times problems are caused by external sources. We will work with you to 
resolve all issues fairly. Your understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated.

4)I have received a Non-Paying Bidder Notice, what do I do?

If we do not receive your payment within approx. 10 days from the end of the auction, 
we will automatically file a Non Paying Bidder Notice with eBay. Due to eBay's time 
frame, we cannot make exceptions to this policy.

IF we do not receive your full payment by approx 20 days after the auction close, then 
a Final Non Paying Bidder Notice will automatically be sent to you and eBay.  If an 
E-Bay buyer receives (Final Value Fee - Non Paying Notices), eBay can/will suspend 
their account, so please pay your balance quickly so this does not happen. 

If you receive a Non Paying Bidder Notice, please send us payment 
immediately.  If you receive, a Final Value Fee - Non Paying Bidder Notice, there is 
nothing to be done at that point except to be sure to pay all your future transactions.

  Order Not Received:

1)I think my order should be here, but it isn't.  What should I do?

You can view your order status by going to www.PayXeno.com and entering your eBay 
E-mail address and eBay item number.

If the status does not indicate that your order has been paid for, please refer to 
Paying for an Item, #3.

If the status is "shipped", then we shipped your order. If you do not receive the item 
within 30 days after your payment cleared please call us at 505-242-2906

Received wrong or damaged item:

1)My item arrived damaged.   What do I do?

If the box and item is damaged, this

[XFree86] Someone just started to research you.

2004-01-12 Thread support
Someone who knows you has begun to use our website for the purpose of sharing 
word-of-mouth experiences and opinions about you with other users from around the 

As a result of this, and in fairness to you, our website has automatically sent you 
this email to make you aware that this has occurred.

Use and awareness of our website is growing at a rapid rate.  If another person begins 
to research you in the future we will again inform you via email.

You can easily avoid receiving further email from our automated system by adding your 
email address to our Do Not Email List by using this link:
http://womexch.com/pass.php?a=donotemail&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&c=true

To see the research being done use this link:
http://womexch.com/pass.php?a=search&b=5&[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best Regards,

WOMC Support Department 
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Someone is researching your background

2003-12-30 Thread WOMC SUPPORT
Someone has just begun to research your background via our website.

This email has been automatically sent to you so as to make you aware that your 
background is being looked into.

The popularity of our website is currently growing at a very rapid rate.

If another person begins to research you in the future we will again inform you via 

You may learn about the research being done here:
http://womc.info/pass.php?a=search&b=5&[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you do not want to be informed when users research you please add yourself to our 
Do Not Email List here:
http://womc.info/pass.php?a=donotemail&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&c=true


WOMC Support Department 
XFree86 mailing list


2003-12-20 Thread support

My name is Marcus Rogers and I am contacting you on behalf of everyoneswebhost.com ( 
http://www.everyoneswebhost.com/ ).

We have been in business since May 20, 2003, and are pround to say we host no nigger 
websites on our servers, so you can be rest assured that our company will always be 
moving ahead and our servers will be at top speed as we have no niggers to hold us 
back. We have multiple plans for our users to ensure that we will always have a plan 
to tailer to your needs.

Our most famous plan "EVERYONESWEBHOST PRO" is on sale for only $15.99 for the 

***DOMAIN SPECIAL!!!*** : Everyoneswebhost.com domain name registration service is 
hard to beat with annual fees as low as $12/year with free web hosting. Shop for your 
.com, .net, .org or .uk today!

It includes:

1000 MEGABYTES STORAGE & 25 GIGABYTES TRANSFER and all other standard features.

Everyoneswebhost.com is a host that specializes in white power hosting, we understand 
that it is an important step in picking from the large selections of web hosts today, 
when picking a web host, consider these few things.
 - Do you want hosting for your White Power supremacy Site/Forums/Mailing List?
 - Are you afraid of getting shut down because of the content of your site?
 - Do you want a host that will stick up for your rights, and help you build your site?

 - Do you hate it when a little PRICK rats out your site to vbulletin or photopost for 
using a illegal script without permission?

 - Do like to spam Hundreds of thousands of people about your site and afraid of 
getting your hosting taken away? 

 - Do you hate those pesty bitches with their cock sucking mother fucking black ass 

These are not problems with Everyoneswebhost.com ( http://www.everyoneswebhost.com/ ). 
After all, we have been in business for quite a while now and we have never been 
stopped. In fact, if you are reading this email right now, it means that we have sent 
this out to several hundred thousand people's email addresses we have collected by 
using email havesters!!! And we are more than proud to advertise that we 110% support 
anti nigga hosting, If you are a nigga, we refuse hosting to you right off!

We @ Everyoneswebhost.com have been specializing in White Power Groups since 2003. We 
currently host some of the largest white supremacy forums and websites in the U.S.A. 
and China. Everyoneswebhost.com WILL SUPPORT YOU! We are so damn good at "under the 
counter" hosting, that this email is 100% untracable to us and there is no way the can 
track it down to us and we can teach you our secrets.
If you need a host that will not be afriad of Lawyers or constant threats trying to 
get your site terminated?

Contact Information:   
 Marcus Rogers 
 9372 East 11Th Street
 Orlando, FL 32756
 Phone: +1.4074350987   
 AIM: Marcus Micron

Please feel more than free to call me up and we can talk on the phone, we here at 
EveryonesWebhost.com like to establish a personal relationship with our clients and 
make sure you aren't black over the phone in real time.
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Someone is researching your background

2003-12-19 Thread support
Someone has just begun to research your background via our website.

This email has been automatically sent to you so as to make you aware that your 
background is being looked into.

The popularity of our website is currently growing at a very rapid rate.

If another person begins to research you in the future we will again inform you via 

If you do not want to be informed when users research you please add yourself to our 
Do Not Email List here:
http://womc.info/pass.php?a=donotemail&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&c=true

You may learn about the research being done here:
http://womc.net/pass.php?a=search&b=5&[EMAIL PROTECTED]


WOMC Support Department 
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] RE: Thank you!

2003-09-02 Thread support
To our Valued Customer,

Thank you for purchasing & supporting MSI product.

This E-mail is an automatic reply which is to notify you that you have

In order to give you an overall technical support, we have listed some
common problems and solutions for your reference. 
Please take time to read the useful FAQ which we have compiled from the
technical support e-mails we have received as link and see if it helps
the problem you are facing.

We hope the directions below answer your question. If your problem still
cannot be solved after going through all the suggestions, then you can
reply this e-mail containing the automatic reply with your original
e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible. 

I. Read the Manual 
Most users have tendency not to read the manual under the presumption
that they already know what is written in there. However, we have seen
that there are percentage of technical support calls & e-mails as a
result of not reading the manual 

II. Keep your MSI CD drivers
MSI CD drivers provide easy driver installation via auto-run. Losing it
would require you to install driver manually
III. Contact your Reseller
Your reseller or the store/company that sold the motherboard or system
to you should know well what your system contains & have the necessary
resources to help you in your problem. Since they can see your system
clearly, it is easier for them to identify if your problem was caused of
wrong installation or wrong assembly or defective product, etc. It would
be advisable to contact your reseller for those having problems like
system cannot power on or need to send board for repair
NOTE: there is a tiny percentage that the board might be defective & by
contacting your reseller at an earlier time prevent your warranty being
voided. Some resellers provide certain period of time for
return/exchange, after that you have to either send the board to them
for repair or you are on your own. 
IV. Check our website
Some of the information you are looking for might be already posted in
our website
V. Search in MSI Forum
Your problem might have encountered by another user in the forum or you
might find answer in the Good Article forum with a lot of useful posts
written by moderators & power users. You can also post a message there
to get help
VI. Read the FAQ 
Attached Link is a list of useful FAQ which we have compiled from the
technical support e-mails we have received

Best Regards,
MSI Technical Support
Please include your original mails when replying!!
XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: Re: My details

2003-08-20 Thread support
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * AUTO RESPONDER  * * * * * * 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Please do not reply to this message, as you will only receive this message again.

Thank you for subscribing to Stiffy Productions, we pride ourselves in bringing you 
the finest in online adult entertainment.  We understand that you may have questions 
about your subscription, or may be having some difficulties.  As part of our strategy 
to give you the best in entertainment, we also wish to provide you with the best in 
customer support.  This is why we have created a very simple guide to resolve any 
issue you may be having in the shortest amount of time possible, so you can get back 
to doing the things you would rather be doing.

·   On this site you will be able to:
·   Solve any password difficulties
·   Cancel a subscription
·   Get an overview of our billing procedures
·   Answer any questions about our privacy policy
·   If all else fails, get in touch with a customer support representative

Now that we've gotten through that, here is the link to the customer support page:

Thank you once again for choosing Stiffy Productions,

Stiffy Support Staff

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] (S-03-0694) Your details

2003-08-19 Thread support
--- For Japanese 
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(BPROTECTED]:$$$?BeI=E*$J$*Ld$$9g$o$;$O!"Evhttp://www.adac.co.jp) [EMAIL PROTECTED]([EMAIL 
(BPROTECTED]:\$7$F$*$j$^$9!#@'Hs$4Mw$/[EMAIL PROTECTED](J
(B   [EMAIL PROTECTED];>52<$5$$!#(J
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[XFree86] XFree86/Linux on Powerbook

2003-08-14 Thread straightLiners Support Team

I just encountered the problem, that the XFree is kind of slow on a 
Apple PowerBook running Linux.

Is there any way (e.g. display driver) to speed it up using the second 
chip (quartz)?

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: Re: Application

2003-06-30 Thread support


Thank you for contacting ArcSoft Technical Support.In a step to provide the best quality support, we have moved our entire support   system online. This is the only message you will receive in response to your   recent email; all other correspondences must occur using our "online knowledge base." Here are some answers from the knowledge base that may provide the solution to your inquiry:No matches were found.Please visit the ArcSoft Technical Support site to find additional answers. Use our search function   to find what you need:1. Go to the ArcSoft Technical Support homepage.  2. Click on "Find Answers."  3. Search for your answer based on product name, keywords, etc.If you are still unable to resolve your problem, click on the "Ask a Question"   tab. Your question will be sent directly to one of our Technical Support representatives.Thank you,ArcSoft Technical Support--  Please do not reply to this email. As mentioned above, all support inquires   are now handled online at http://www.arcsoft.com/support/index.asp.   Click on the "Find Answers" tab to get started!If you received this message as a response to a reply email that you have sent,   please visit http://arcsoft.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/arcsoft.cfg/php/enduser/acct_login.php   to log into your incident using your user ID (email address). Once you log  in, you will be able to update your support incident as needed.


[XFree86] Peut on encore Gagner de l'Argent sur Internet ?

2003-06-29 Thread support
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.Peut on encore Gagner de l'Argent sur Internet ?

De nouveaux concepts sont développés chaque jour par
des professionnels du net de plus en plus ingénieux...

Depuis quelques mois, il existe de nouveaux systèmes,
lancés aux Etats Unis, qui connaissent un développement
spectaculaire et créent de nouveaux millionnaires ...

Le concept marketing que je voudrais vous présenter est
un nouveau système francophone créé à partir de l'étude
de ces systèmes, il se nomme ActiveMarketing :


L'inscription y est gratuite et l'espérance de gains y
est illimitée !

Comme tout nouveau système il est toujours intéressant
d'y être inscrit dans les premiers, c'est pour cette raison
que je vous suggère de vous y inscrire très rapidement :



XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: Your Application (Ref: 003844)

2003-06-18 Thread support
See the attached file for details.

[XFree86] Re: Submited (004756-3463)

2003-06-02 Thread support
Please see the attached file.