Re: [zfs-discuss] Is it safe to disable the swap partition?

2010-05-09 Thread Karl Dalen
I know that according to the documentation Solaris is supposed to be
fully operational in the absences of swap devices. However, I've experienced
cases which I have not been able to trace the root cause of  yet where the disk
access has increased drastically and caused the system to hang but  it may be
more of a performance issue.

One concern is that I have applications that create a lot of /tmp files
and they may end up consuming all RAM. I assume /tmp files cannot be
swapped out to give room for new processes without a swap device
so the malloc failures in the applications will come much sooner.

I wonder if cached files or process pages have the highest priority of not
being swapped out in the Solaris swap policy? 

/Karl D
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[zfs-discuss] Is it safe to disable the swap partition?

2010-04-22 Thread Karl Dalen
If I want to reduce the I/O accesses for example to SSD media on a laptop
and I don't plan to run any big applications is it safe to delete the swap file 

How do I configure opensolairs to run without swap ?
I've tried 'swap -d /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap'
but 'swap -s' still shows the same amount of memory

What happens with the /tmp file system when there is no swap device?
I suppose it could fill up the RAM and cause a crash if not limited.
Is there any other potential problem in running without swap?

Any suggestion would be appreciated
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Problem with mounting ZFS from USB drive

2009-07-10 Thread Karl Dalen
Thanks for the great tips. I did some more testing and
indeed it was a version issue. The pool was created under:
# zpool upgrade
This system is currently running ZFS version 14.

whereas I tried it on systems with versions 10 and 12.
It could be imported on a newer system using -f option.
I suppose it did not auto mount the pool because it
had the same name as existing pools. Is this a known
issue with ZFS ?

I assume because of this portability issue ZFS is not really suitable
for use on removable media such as USB drives that are intended to
be mounted on different hosts which may have different Solaris versions.
It may be better to stick with UFS for this case.

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[zfs-discuss] Problem with mounting ZFS from USB drive

2009-07-07 Thread Karl Dalen
I'm a new user of ZFS and I have an external USB drive which contains
a ZFS pool with file system. It seems that it does not get auto mounted
when I plug in the drive. I'm running osol-0811.

How can I manually mount this drive? It has a pool named rpool on it.
Is there any diagnostics commands that can be used to investigate the
contents of the pool or repair a damaged file system ?

rmformat shows that the physical name of the USB device is: /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0p0
If I try '# zpool import I get:
  pool: rpool
id: 3765122753259138111
 state: UNAVAIL
status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
rpool   UNAVAIL  newer version
  c4t0d0s0  ONLINE

I suppose this means that the data is corrupted in some way
although I never observed any write errors when it was created.
This drive was formatted with zfs by the osol-0906 installer.

Another question is about backward compatibility of ZFS. If I create
a ZFS system under say osol-0906 can I access this system on older
nv builds and Solaris 10 ?

/Karl D
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