Re: [ZION] Bankruptcy and LDS

2003-08-10 Thread John W. Redelfs
Jim Cobabe wrote:
The liberal perspective examined...
I found the article very frustrating.  After reading the first half of it, 
I discovered that the second half was off the right side of my screen with 
no way to access it.

Let's see.  The Brethren ask us to:

1) Keep a year's supply of food, clothing, and fuel

2) Go on a mission

3) Get an education

4) Own our own home

5) Pay our debts

6) Keep the wife at home

7) Have as many children as we can

8) Save for a rainy day

9) Send our sons on missions

10) Serve a senior's mission after retirement

11) Pay tithing

12) Contribute a generous fast offering

Add it all up, and a man has to be a millionaire just to follow prophetic 
counsel.  Who has all this income?  Not I.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is no place in this work for those who believe only
in the gospel of doom and gloom.  The gospel is good
news.  It is a message of triumph. --Gordon B. Hinckley
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] The Exodus from Nauvoo

2003-08-10 Thread Rusty Taylor
More sophisticated?  They like to think so, but they are just more worldly,
and farther from the principles that lead to life.  They will persecute us,
using us (and other believers in Christ and Jews) as the scapegoats for the
ills of the world.  If only we would believe as they do, if only we would
shed the archaic beliefs in some being beyond this world and understand
that we just need to tolerate our differences and not hold to such a
hardline doctrine, then we would understand that we can all achieve a
higher level of being and of peace by working together...  Of course, we
know that this line will be a twisting of the truth and those who continue
to hold onto the iron rod will be persecuted as the cause of so many
problems.  They will make special laws that WILL persecute us, despite
their mantra of tolerance.   They've done it before.  They'll do it again.
I believe we have seen the beginnings of this already.  The pieces are
being placed.  Both sides (good and evil) have a master plan.  But that
doesn't matter.  We only need to hold to the rod.


For those of you who are long-time Zion members, you may remember me -
Rusty Taylor.  I've been on John's lists off and on since the beginning...
anyone else remember the awesome cyber-food fights we had?  Well, I've been
teaching Seminary for the last 4 years and didn't have time to do that and
be on this list.  Now, I'm done for a while.  I need a break.  Our oldest
son has left on his mission and our younger son will be a senior in high
school this year.  I want to spend more time with him before he goes on his

For those of you who don't know me - I joined the Church at 16 with my
parents and younger 2 sisters (an older brother was away at college at the
time and has never joined).  We were baptized at the Joseph Smith Memorial
in Sharon, VT.  I went to school at BYU and went on a mission to Sapporo,
Japan.  Then I met my husband, Bob - we got married, moved to Alaska and
ended up in Kotzebue.  That's where we met John and Esperanza.  After 6
years and adopting our sons, we moved back to the lower 48, and have lived
on the Kitsap Peninsula (across the Puget Sound from Seattle) ever since.
I work for the local school district.  I don't have a Church calling at the

I'm looking forward to being part of Zion, again.  Yoroshiku onegai

Sis. Rusty

Persecution against the Saints does not have to assume the same form as
those overt violent acts against the Church in the Nauvoo period.  Even
more hateful and vindictive injustice was weighed against the Church
after it was established in the Rocky Mountains.  The extent of the
bureacratic and legalistic punishment of the Church by the US Government
during that period is difficult to fathom.  Such predations could easily
be revisited in the near future.  It seems that all the motivation
required during the earlier period of anti-Mormon aggression was the
manipulation of public sentiment by powerful people in high places.  Are
people any more sophisticated today?

   There are no coincidences, only small miracles. Author Unknown

  Mrs. Rusty Taylor - Poulsbo, WA
 website --

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Re: [ZION] The Exodus from Nauvoo

2003-08-10 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:

I don't think, though, that the persecution will have the backing of the government as it did in the days of Boggs.  

Grampa Bill comments:
   I beg to disagree. I 'spect there are many in government, both 
elected and appointed, who, when the winds are blowing correctly, would 
use the full power of their office to persecute us, either to gratfy 
their own hatred or to curry favor with a hating constituency.
   There is a movement afoot today to pass a Constitutional amendment 
to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. This is being 
promoted as a ban on homosexual marriage. I view it as a Constitutional 
sanction against Plural Marriage. Now, I do not know if this principle 
will again be restored prior to the Lord's return. But if this amendment 
is passed and the principle restored, you can bet that the full armed 
might of the government will be raised against us.
   People are people. They are no less bigoted and devilish than they 
were a hundred or two hundred years ago. They just have a thin veneer of 
sophistication to hide their bigotry.
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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