Re: [ZION] Catholics and Mormons unite

2003-11-12 Thread Stacy Smith
As I recall, there hasn't been any mandate as to what was to be said for 
early missionaries of the church and I find that interesting in and of 
itself.  It seems to me that they are now supposed to be more guided by the 
Spirit in what they say and how they say it.  That is a good thing.


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[ZION] Catholics and Mormons Unite

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith

I would rephrase the only true church to the only church with a fulness of the 
gospel.  At least, that's what the definition seems to me. After all, any church with 
some truth could be defined as a true church.  Where other churches have truths, we 
seek to share in those truths with them. When Catholic Charities helps out a nation, 
we often combine resources with them, because it reduces overhead expenses, and the 
outcome of goodness is the same. As we help other churches (helping them build 
buildings, etc), we are encouraging religious belief in God, which is one step further 
toward people accepting the fulness of the gospel.

Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:14:18 -0900
From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ZION] Catholics  Mormons unite

Stacy Smith wrote:
I understand all of the above, however, I go back to Joseph Smith in which 
he was commanded to join none of them.  Helping them on some
 project may 
appear to be wonderful, but doesn't it suggest to some who have gotten 
mixed signals that we no longer hold the doctrine of the restoration of 
the gospel true?  My friend got such a mixed message while studying with 
the missionaries.

This is a concern that I have, probably a futile concern.  How can we teach 
1) that all the other churches contain some truth, and 2) that we are the 
only true church?  The two statements are not incompatible, but they might 
easily be confused by those of inadequate education.  --JWR


K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

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[ZION] Catholics and Mormons

2003-11-02 Thread Gerald Smith
Mixed feelings are noted. We must draw some lines as to how helpful we
are. I don't believe we will be donating anytime directly to the Vatican
for a new wheelchair for the Pope.

There is a major difference between false creeds and other churches. We
are not supporting nor defending false creeds in our works with other
religions. We are seeking to promote Christian acts within ourselves.
Moroni 7 tells us that those things that encourage good acts and lead to
Christ are of God. Well, that tells me that there are righteous things
within the Catholic Church. In those things, we have a commonality with
the Catholics, which should be encouraged, so as not to throw out the
baby (or future converts) with the bathwater.

Remember, both the Pope and Mother Teresa have been praised in the past
few years by Apostles of our Church, for their stances on certain issues
we can't discuss here.

K'aya K'ama,

Gerald (Gary) Smith 
Family History, Food Storage, etc.


I have mixed feelings about befriending other churches.  It seems to me 
that we should befriend individuals and not false churches.  After all, 
false churches teach false doctrine and in doing so they fight against
truth.  If false churches aren't the church of the devil, what is?  Maybe

nothing is, do you think?
John W. Redelfs 

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[ZION] Catholics and Mormons unite

2003-11-02 Thread Gerald Smith
First off, this comes close to attacking the prophets and is a charter
violation, so I'd be more careful in what you say, Paul. Second, we
condemn false teachings and creeds, not peoples and religions. Although
the Catholic Church is fallen from the fullness of the truth, there still
is truth there. If we work with them in good things, we will catch many
more flies with honey than with vinegar.  There is a Church of the Lamb
and a Church of the Devil. However, there is nothing that signifies the
Catholic Church as the Church of the Devil. In fact, DC 76 would
establish those followers of Catholicism as Terrestrial, or honorable
men of the world.

Both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young taught that we need to find truth
wherever it is found and make it ours. Brigham said that even if it were
found in hell, we should go there and claim it as our own.

Christ taught us to be charitable, to strengthen those who struggle with
the truth. And doesn't that apply to all people? Or was Christ selective
in who would/could be saved?

Our Church shows a Christ-like kindness and love towards others. This
opens doors for us that make much greater opportunities to teach the
gospel and effect the establishment of Zion.  Does not the DC and New
Testament both tell us to make friends with Mammon, so that we are not
destroyed?  Clearly there is wisdom in what the Church is doing.

K'aya K'ama,

Gerald (Gary) Smith 
Family History, Food Storage, etc.

Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 10:08:33 -0600
From: Paul Osborne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Catholics  Mormons unite
The Catholics are using the Mormon building for their own release time
seminary per Church News article. 
I'm sure the relationship between the LDS and Catholic church will grow
and strengthen because of things like this.  I'm hoping that it will put
us on a road of mutual respect and appreciation that will last for a long
time until the future.
What is going on here? What about the two churches spoken of in the Book
of Mormon, i.e. the Church of the Lamb and the Church of the Devil? I
guess no one believes it anymore. The Church sure has changed. 
Paul O

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