Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread Paul Osborne

>In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase 
>"free agency," but rather use "moral agency."  What the 
>reason is, I do not know.

Sound like this is political correct stuff that I simply don't care for.
Does this mean they are going to rewrite the records too? I certainly
hope not. I'm going to continue to use the term "free agency" not matter
what anyone says. 

Using Our Free Agency
Elder Delbert L. Stapley
Of the Council of the Twelve
Delbert L. Stapley, “Using Our Free Agency,” Ensign, May 1975, 21
My brothers, sisters, and friends, one of God’s most precious gifts to
man is the principle of free agency...

Paul O
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RE: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread larry . jackson

Jon Spencer:

In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase 
"free agency," but rather use "moral agency."  What the 
reason is, I do not know.


I don't know the answer, but I surmise based on Elder 
Packer's talks on the subject that there are two reasons.

First, it is not free.  Our agency came at a terrible price.

Second, the term is not in the scriptures.  The word agency 
shows up six times.  In one of those places, the words 
moral agency are used.

But those are just my opinions.

Larry Jackson

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread Marc A. Schindler

I'm speculating that it's because, as I say, "free" is ambiguous. People could
interpret "free agency" to mean that it doesn't matter what we do, that there are
no moral consequences to our actions, that we're "free to do our own thing" as it

Jon Spencer wrote:

> In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase "free agency," but
> rather use "moral agency."  What the reason is, I do not know.
> Jon
> Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> Can't say as I disagree with anything you write. Perhaps the ambiguity of
> the
> word "free" is what has led to a decrease in popularity of the term "free
> agency"
> in favour of "moral agency."
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread John W. Redelfs

At 08:08 PM 10/4/02 -0400 Jon Spencer favored us with:
>In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase "free agency," but rather use 
>"moral agency."  What the reason is, I do not know.

A lot of people abuse the term "free agency" to mean "free from the natural 
consequences of sin."  What the Lord meant was "free to choose between good and evil." 
 And of course, once a man has chosen evil, he is no longer free from the natural 
consequences of that choice.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against 
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the 
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in 
high [places]. (Ephesians 6:12)
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread hkpage

I wonder if you have been asked to not use the term "free agency" because
the word "free" might connote to some people that one can use their agency
"free" of any consequences.  Sure, we have free use of our agency but must
accept that any decision has consequences, good or bad; we are not "FREE"
of those consequences.  And, so I wonder if that's the reason...  When I
teach YW lessons, I make a conscious effort to not use that term.

Heidi the fair

> [Original Message]
> From: Jon Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Date: 10/4/2002 7:08:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon
> In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase "free agency," but
> rather use "moral agency."  What the reason is, I do not know.
> Jon
> Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> Can't say as I disagree with anything you write. Perhaps the ambiguity of
> the
> word "free" is what has led to a decrease in popularity of the term "free
> agency"
> in favour of "moral agency."

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Heidi Page

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread Jon Spencer

In CES, we have been instructed to NOT use the phrase "free agency," but
rather use "moral agency."  What the reason is, I do not know.


Marc A. Schindler wrote:

Can't say as I disagree with anything you write. Perhaps the ambiguity of
word "free" is what has led to a decrease in popularity of the term "free
in favour of "moral agency."

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Can't say as I disagree with anything you write. Perhaps the ambiguity of the
word "free" is what has led to a decrease in popularity of the term "free agency"
in favour of "moral agency."

Scott McGee wrote:

> On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:58:07 -0600, "Marc A. Schindler"
> > I agree with you, but think that you are referring to a moral sphere. In
> > more
> > everyday matters, it's not sin that necessarily limits a country's
> > options.
> Marc,
> Your comments were fascinating, and I might come back to them in another
> post (I basically agree with you, more or less) but it _was_ the _moral_,
> or, rather, spiritual aspects of this topic I wanted to discuss.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-04 Thread Scott McGee

On Thu, 03 Oct 2002 15:58:07 -0600, "Marc A. Schindler"
> I agree with you, but think that you are referring to a moral sphere. In
> more
> everyday matters, it's not sin that necessarily limits a country's
> options.


Your comments were fascinating, and I might come back to them in another
post (I basically agree with you, more or less) but it _was_ the _moral_,
or, rather, spiritual aspects of this topic I wanted to discuss.

I have yet to figure out why this topic in the scriptures resonates so
strongly in me, but it feels really important to me. Every time through
the Book of Mormon I read those words, it brings back to me a desire to
study this more in depth and understand it better. That is one reason I
asked here if anyone else had pondered it.

Here are the relavant verses for those who don't have the scriptures
ready at hand and want to participate. (I found them on the web, a google
search for Book of Mormon returned, as the first hit, a link to
http://www.hti/ which alows nice searching of the
Book of Mormon.)

2 Nephi 2:

[11] For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things. 
If not so, my first-born in the wilderness, righteousness could not be
brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness nor misery, 
neither good nor bad. Wherefore, all things must needs be a compound 
in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as 
dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, 
happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility. 
[12] Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught;
wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation.
Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God and his 
eternal purposes, and also the power, and the mercy, and the justice 
of God. 
[13] And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is 
no sin. If ye shall say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is 
no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no 
happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness there be no
punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. 
And if there is no God we are not, neither the earth; for there could
have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon;
wherefore, all things must have vanished away. 
[14] And now, my sons, I speak unto you these things for your profit 
and learning; for there is a God, and he hath created all things, both
the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are, both 
things to act and things to be acted upon. 
[15] And to bring about his eternal purposes in the end of man, after
he had created our first parents, and the beasts of the field and the
fowls of the air, and in fine, all things which are created, it must 
needs be that there was an opposition; even the forbidden fruit in 
opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other 
[16] Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for 
himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be 
that he was enticed by the one or the other. 

It seems clear from context here that Lehi was teaching that our agency,
our ability act, was significant in the creation and in oposition to
other creations (anamals, etc. I suppose) that were created to be acted

We know that our agency is a key to the mortal experience. It seems it
was also a key to the creation.

One way I always like to look at thing like freedom (small "f", but I
suppose it relates the same to Freedom, as in the patriotic principal our
nation was founded on) is that we all have total freedom to act as we
wish to start with. As our freedom violates natural laws or other's
freedom, we invoke consequences that thereby limit out freedom to act
further. I suppose we also limit other people's freedom with our actions.
Thus, perfect freedom is obtained only when every person chooses to limit
their actions to those that least impact their own, and other people's
freedom. Thus, by refusing to choose to act in certain ways, we remain
more free to act in general and enjoy a greater freedom. 

It is sort of a self limiting process if you wish perfect freedom. As
long as you don't impact others negatively, you remain perfectly free to
do anything you wish. Once we begin to effect others, we invoke
consequences that limit our freedom to act, and we begin to enter the
realm of being acted upon instead.

The more we impose limits on our own actions, the more free we become,
while trying to "exorcise" our freedom in harmfull ways limits our future
freedom. To be the most free, you must constrain yourself.

This ties with my feeling that the process of becoming godlike is one of
self control and self mastery. We only begin to aquire the powers of
godhood as we aquire the self control of godhood. It is almost zen like
in a way, but much more directed and purposefull.

We a

[ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-03 Thread Gary Smith

There is no such thing as "free" agency. The saints often misconstrue
what agency really is. It is the gift of choosing. The war in heaven
decided the issue of agency. No one in this life can take a person's
agency from him/her (so if your rebellious child says they are demanding
their free agency, tell them it is something you can't take away from
them. All you can do is give them choices and consequences. You can tell
him to go to his room, but he can choose to disobey and accept the
consequence, instead). We can only lose the ability to choose from our
own actions. When a person chooses sin, he has given his ability to act
away. Sin entraps a person, usually little by little, until the person is
incapable of acting and can only be acted upon.

For example, the person who develops an addiction to sin (drugs,  sex,
pornography, lying, hatred, etc) does not develop it overnight. Like the
bird who sells his feathers one at a time, to the man with worms, he
keeps most of his capability at first. Only later does he find it harder
to fly to the higher branches. Eventually, his choices cause him to no
longer be able to fly. He has now become only able to be acted upon. He
doesn't have the choice to fly back up to the branches (or anywhere else)
to find food elsewhere. 

Comparing that to man: The greater light we let into our lives, the
greater our ability to act. Those with lesser light, must be acted upon.
Many compare the levels of kingdoms with members of the Godhead:
Father-Celestial, Son-Terrestrial, Holy Ghost-Telestial, Light of Christ-
Outer Darkness.  I would imagine that sons of perdition have so little
light in their lives that they are only capable of being acted upon, like
acting on a rock.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Scott McGee:
This reminded me of a topic I wanted to discuss. In the Book of Mormon I
seem to recall several places where the idea of being able to act or to
be acted upon is presented. It seems to me, that the idea here, is that
we are given the ability to act, and our actions determine in large part
how well we retain that ability or are degarded to a state of being acted
I get the destinct impression that one of the consequenses of sin is to
move you more and more to the state of being acted upon.
There is a strong resonance for me here. Partly, I think, because I have
a strong beleif in teaching my children about consequences. Partly,
however, it seems to strike a very strong and familiar chord with my

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Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-03 Thread Steven Montgomery

At 01:41 PM 10/3/2002, you wrote:
>Marc, in amongst some other stuff, said the following:
> > We have free agency but limited options, which is usually how life
> > works.
>This reminded me of a topic I wanted to discuss. In the Book of Mormon I
>seem to recall several places where the idea of being able to act or to
>be acted upon is presented. It seems to me, that the idea here, is that
>we are given the ability to act, and our actions determine in large part
>how well we retain that ability or are degarded to a state of being acted
>I get the destinct impression that one of the consequenses of sin is to
>move you more and more to the state of being acted upon.
>There is a strong resonance for me here. Partly, I think, because I have
>a strong beleif in teaching my children about consequences. Partly,
>however, it seems to strike a very strong and familiar chord with my
>Have any of you ever pondered this topic, or wish to discuss it now?

I've often wondered about the difference. I'm not sure whether one can 
become degenerated so far as to lose the ability to act but as least as far 
as our ability to "act" is concerned, it seems that obedience to God's laws 
and commandments will enhance our capability to act. If this ability to act 
is analyzed one can come to the conclusion that this ability to act 
actually increases ones freedom, and freedom can be broken down into at 
least four heads--life, liberty, property and knowledge or truth. President 
David O. McKay once said President David O. Mckay said that freedom or free 
agency is a "measuring rod" to judge all the actions of men:

I refer to the fundamental principle of the gospel, free agency, references 
in the scriptures show that it is essential to man's salvation and may be a 
measuring rod by which the actions of men, of organizations and of Nations 
may be judged. (David O. McKay, Conference Report, April 1940)

If freedom is a measuring rod to judge actions, then actions which are good 
or evil are determined by their effect on freedom or its constituent 
elements-life, liberty, property and truth.  Those actions which are good 
tend to: 1. Preserve, increase and enhance a persons health, strength and 
vitality, or to act as a co-creator with God in lawful marriage to bring 
about "new" life; 2. To protect, enhance or otherwise ensure one's own or 
another's liberty; 3. To protect or increase one's own or another's 
property; 4. To increase or enhance one's knowledge of the Truth or to act 
to promote knowledge in others. Here are a few concrete examples from the 
scriptures to show what I mean about actions being either good or evil and 
their effect on life, liberty, property and truth:

Murder: The destruction of Life. (Exodus 20:13)
Being a Good Samaritan: Preserves and enhances life (Luke 10: 25-37)

Abortion: The prohibiting of "New Life" (D&C 59:6)
Lawful Marriage: Makes possible procreation which provides for "New" Life 
(D&C 132:19)

Sexual Sin: Prostitutes the "powers of Life" and is next to murder in 
seriousness (Alma 39:5-6)
Chastity and Virtue: Protects the "powers of Life" (D&C 121 :45-46)

The Unpardonable Sin: Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost; spiritual suicide 
whereby you crucify Christ unto yourself (D&C 76:35)
Obedience to the Word of wisdom: Protects and enhances one's health (D&C 89)

Slavery: Prohibits full use of one's faculties and Liberty (D&C 101:79)
Liberating the Captive: Assisting in "freeing" others (Jacob 2:19)

Theft: Prevents use of property (Exodus 20:15)
Work: The production of useful property: By applying labor to the Earth's 
resources man can "create" property

Robbery: The taking of property by force. Prevents use of property (D&C 134:8)
Charity: Helps the poor and needy to acquire the necessities of life

Arson or Vandalism: Destroys property
Military and Police Forces: A positive good if used correctly in defense of 
private property

Lies and Deception: Prevents and distorts truth (2 Nephi 9:34)
Honesty and Integrity: Always adheres to the truth (Proverbs 12:22; Job 2:3)

Slander: Colors the Truth (Titus 3:2)
Teaching: Spreads the truth (Ephesians 4:11)

Gossip: Spreads lies or distortions of the truth (Leviticus 19:16)
Humility: Being Teachable (Matthew 22:12)

Ignorance: Incapacitates the use of truth (Isaiah 5:13)
Seeker of Truth: Acquires knowledge for good

Likewise, our ability to "act" by using our life, liberty, property or 
truth can be either enhanced or decreased depending on our obedience to 
God.  As before here are some examples from the scriptures showing how our 
life, liberty, property and knowledge are affected by either obedience or 

Miriam was stricken with leprosy seven days for complaining against Moses. 
Which disease debilitated the body and prevented Miriam from exercising or 
enjoying her full use of the attribute of Life (Numbers 12:1-16)
Naaman in obedience to the word of the Lord, dipped himself in the River 

Re: [ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-03 Thread Marc A. Schindler

I agree with you, but think that you are referring to a moral sphere. In more
everyday matters, it's not sin that necessarily limits a country's options. It
can be all kinds of things. It's just like people. What did I do to have a stroke
that damaged the right-parietal pre-frontal lobe of my brain? Well, when you link
all the chains of cause and effect together, it's because I was born with a
congenitive heart defect I didn't know about until a valve broke. Obviously
that's not a sin, but the consequences have sure limited my course of options.
Now, that is not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that my life will proceed
in a direction that's different than I had originally anticipated. Who knows --
that could turn out to be a very good thing.

I'll give you an example of how Canada's having their options limited has forced
us to turn lemon into lemonade. As part of my job, I used to compile statistics
on the high-tech infrastructure of various jurisdictions, so our marketing people
could help market the province as a good place to do business ("white espionage"
-- reading, surfing the net, buying reports, talking to people). It turns out
that Canada actually leads the US in Internet penetration (the number of people
per capita who use and have access to the Internet), we lead the US in cell phone
ownership and usage, and we are way ahead of you in broadband and 3rd-generation
research-level Internet infrastructure. Now bear with me, I'm not just bragging
here, there's a point. One of the sources for one of my stats was a US magazine
("Newsweek" as I recall), and they said they figured the reason Canadians used
the Internet more (specifically this stat was who used the Internet to shop
online more, and Canada's #1 in the world, or was when I collected that
particular datum) was because it was so cold up here we had nothing better to do
in the winter. The guy was serious, and it's people like that who reinforce our
image of USAmericans as being ignorant of what happens outside their country;
even if this is an unfair (even untrue) perception, it's fed by anecodote after
anecdote like this.

Now here's my point, now that I got all that off my chest. The real reason Canada
does so well in Internet and telco infrastructure is because we're a gigantic
country (the 2nd largest in the world after Russia) with a population roughly
that of New York state. IOW, communications infrastructure is vital, and is a
higher priority for us because we have to overcome this big geograhic barrier we
have, given our low population density. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a turn-of-the-20th
century PM once said, "Most countries have too much history. Canada has too much

Another quick example: the fact that you had a revolution saved us from having to
spill blood, and we negotiated our independence from Britain in gradual, peaceful

So that's the distinction I keep trying to make, but judging from Stephen's
comments, which I take to be caricatures of my own, rather than restatements of
them, I haven't been too successful at explaining myself.

Scott McGee wrote:

> Marc, in amongst some other stuff, said the following:
> > We have free agency but limited options, which is usually how life
> > works.
> This reminded me of a topic I wanted to discuss. In the Book of Mormon I
> seem to recall several places where the idea of being able to act or to
> be acted upon is presented. It seems to me, that the idea here, is that
> we are given the ability to act, and our actions determine in large part
> how well we retain that ability or are degarded to a state of being acted
> upon.
> I get the destinct impression that one of the consequenses of sin is to
> move you more and more to the state of being acted upon.
> There is a strong resonance for me here. Partly, I think, because I have
> a strong beleif in teaching my children about consequences. Partly,
> however, it seems to strike a very strong and familiar chord with my
> spirit.
> Have any of you ever pondered this topic, or wish to discuss it now?
> Scott
> --
> Buttered bread always lands butter side * Would YOU mistake these as
> down (Unless it sticks to the ceiling!) * anyone`s opinions but my own?
>  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott McGee)
>  Web:
> --
> - The way an email service should be
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and
falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."
--Michelangelo Buonarroti

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author

[ZION] To act or to be acted upon

2002-10-03 Thread Scott McGee

Marc, in amongst some other stuff, said the following:

> We have free agency but limited options, which is usually how life
> works.

This reminded me of a topic I wanted to discuss. In the Book of Mormon I
seem to recall several places where the idea of being able to act or to
be acted upon is presented. It seems to me, that the idea here, is that
we are given the ability to act, and our actions determine in large part
how well we retain that ability or are degarded to a state of being acted

I get the destinct impression that one of the consequenses of sin is to
move you more and more to the state of being acted upon.

There is a strong resonance for me here. Partly, I think, because I have
a strong beleif in teaching my children about consequences. Partly,
however, it seems to strike a very strong and familiar chord with my

Have any of you ever pondered this topic, or wish to discuss it now?

Buttered bread always lands butter side * Would YOU mistake these as
down (Unless it sticks to the ceiling!) * anyone`s opinions but my own?
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott McGee)

-- - The way an email service should be

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