Re: [Zope] Squid ESI

2008-05-31 Thread Luciano Ramalho
I'm reviving this thread from 2006 hoping to hear news about current
ESI usage in the Zope community.

Has anyone since then had success deploying sites with ESI-enabled
caching? Using Squid, Varnish or any other product?



On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 4:51 AM, Martijn Pieters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 1/30/06, Andrew Langmead [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wasn't involved in the Squid3/ESI work done at before,
 so I don't know if there are any issues beyond the ones I resolved in
 getting things to build.

 At the time I was involved the implementation came up short of
 anything useful and was prone to crashing the server. 2 of the bugs I
 filed at the time are still listed as 'open', and IIRC I didn't get
 round to filing a bug for everything I found (I communicated those to
 Robert directly). Here are the open bugs:

 Martijn Pieters

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Re: [Zope] Zope 2.11.0 beta 1 released

2007-12-28 Thread Luciano Ramalho
On Dec 28, 2007 10:59 AM, Andreas Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * updated to ZODB 3.8 with BLOB support (binary large objects)

 * transactional MailHost implementation and asynchronous mail delivery

 Supported Python versions:

   Zope 2.10 requires Python 2.4.3+ (Python 2.4.2 is still acceptable).
   Older Python versions are no longer supported. Using Python 2.5
   is also *unsupported*.

Small typo: this should say Zope 2.11 requires


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[Zope] Apidoc hangover

2007-12-27 Thread Luciano Ramalho
Maybe apidoc had too much to drink over Christmas, but right now both
the apidoc tool at and the one in a freshly installed local
zopeproject are broken...  I guess I should be drinking myself.


The public one [1] gives me a The page that you are trying to access
is not available when I try to search for an interface.

Steps to reproduce:

1) visit
2) in the top left frame, click on the Interfaces link
3) in the lower left frame, write the name of an interface (or
anything, actually) in the search field and hit enter
4) the lower left frame is replaced with a standard Zope 3 error page
with the message The page that you are trying to access is not


A local Zope 3.4 instance freshly installed with zopeproject 0.4.1
gives me a A system error occurred. in the main (right) frame when I
try to browse the source code docs in several ways (but the Book
content is OK).

Steps to reproduce:

1) visit http://localhost:8080/++apidoc++
2) in the top left frame, click on the Interfaces link
3) in the lower left frame, write the name of an existing interface in
the search field and hit enter (for ex: IPrincipal)
4) click on any of the links displayed in the lower left frame as
results of the search
5) the right frame shows A system error occurred. (see traceback at
the end of this message).

I did a little research on the error, and found this page [2], which
may contain an explanation.


If you search that page for not a directory you'll find this:

peak test fails with an IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory
because RuleDispatch-0.5a0dev_r2083, an egg on which PEAK depends,
installs as a zip, and the version of docutils included in PEAK isn't
zip module savvy. Unzipping the RuleDispatch egg works around the

Is this another symptom of the growing pains as Zope becomes eggified?

Cheers, and a great 2008 to all!


[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/zope3/apidoc8099$ sudo easy_install -U zopeproject
Searching for zopeproject
Best match: zopeproject 0.4.1
Processing zopeproject-0.4.1-py2.4.egg
zopeproject 0.4.1 is already the active version in easy-install.pth
Installing zopeproject script to /usr/local/bin

Using /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/zopeproject-0.4.1-py2.4.egg
Processing dependencies for zopeproject
Finished processing dependencies for zopeproject
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/zope3/apidoc8099$ zopeproject apidoc8099
Enter user (Name of an initial administrator user): admin
Enter passwd (Password for the initial administrator user): admin
Enter eggs_dir (Location where zc.buildout will look for and place
packages) ['/home/luciano/buildout-eggs']:
Creating directory ./apidoc8099
Downloading zc.buildout...
Invoking zc.buildout...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/zope3/apidoc8099$ bin/apidoc8099-ctl fg
bin/paster serve deploy.ini
2007-12-27T19:49:01 WARNING root Developer mode is enabled: this is a
security risk and should NOT be enabled on production servers.
Developer mode can be turned off in etc/zope.conf
2007-12-27T19:49:04 WARNING ZODB.FileStorage Ignoring index for var/Data.fs
Starting server in PID 9546.
2007-12-27T19:49:04 INFO paste.httpserver.ThreadPool Cannot use
kill_thread_limit as ctypes/killthread is not available
serving on
2007-12-27T19:49:24 ERROR SiteError
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 133, in publish
line 167, in callObject
line 108, in mapply
   - __traceback_info__: security proxied from
instance at 0x2c2ba10
line 114, in debug_call
line 44, in __call__
return self.index(*args, **kw)
line 83, in __call__
return self.im_func(im_self, *args, **kw)

Re: [Zope] Z Search Interface returns numbers

2007-04-10 Thread Luciano Ramalho

You missed a step: you must use the Metadata tab of the ZCatalog to
define which fields of the indexed objects should be returned with the
results from the search. After you do that, you'll have to update the
catalog (Advanced tab) and then regenerate your search interface.

For instance, to return the ids of the objects, add id as a metadata.
If you'd like to show the URL of each item, there is no need to set
metadata for that, since the records returned form the catalog have a
method called getUrl which gives you that. So you can use
record/getUrl, where record is the variable name used in the
tal:repeat statement which invokes the catalog search results.



On 4/10/07, Peppe Top [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've diligently followed the tutorial about searching in the Zope book:

You basically:
- create a ZCatalog object
- create a Lexicon and an Index
- finding objects and cataloging them
- create a web interface (with Z Search Interface) to search the ZCatalog.

When I search something in the SearchForm (via the test tab)
I just get numbers. I mean the ReportForm correctly reports the
objects containing the searched string, but lists handles (I guess).

Is this normal?

What can I do in order to get something like:


(the above are imaginary DTML documents matching
the search criteria, and their path to ZODB root)

instead of:



Thanks a lot
-- Peppe

(Plone 2.1.2, Zope 2.8.7, Python 2.3.5, Red Hat Linux)
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[Zope] Zope and OAI-PMH

2006-01-27 Thread Luciano Ramalho
I've been assigned to integrate an existing academic portal in Plone
with the OAI-PMH protocol as a data provider. Searching through this
list I found the message below, but no response.

On 2/4/05, Yuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are several (at least two...) products to manage OAI with
 Zope. Can someone share his experiences in this list? Thanks :)

The products I've found were:

- OAI Pack from Infrae

- ZOpenArchives from Pentila

Is anyone here using these (or other) products to implement OAI in
Zope or Plone? Which is the more actively supported product?


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Re: [Zope] Object DB versus Relational DB

2001-01-22 Thread Luciano Ramalho

ZODB with Data.fs is optimized to fetch data. Inserts or updates have a
lot of overhead. It's the price we pay for the excellent versioning
features. Therefore, when the are many  we have been avoinding ZODB even
when the problem domain calls for an OODB

We have implemented a highly hierarchical database for a Yahoo-like
directory using a recipe found in the book SQL for Smarties, by Joe
Celko, ISBN 1-55860-323-9 (see Chapter 26 - Trees).

Celko's solutions allow for a hierarchy with unlimited levels and,
amazingly, it does not require sub-selects or any other construct
unsupported by MySQL.

The rest of the book is filled with solutions to problems that test the
limits of the relational database model.

Best regards,

Luciano Ramalho

Tom Deprez wrote:
  A starting point is
 Reading this text is exactly the problem I'm having. Unfortunately, it
 doesn't give much examples.
 I hope somebody can give me some answers on my question :
 The problem I'm facing is the following. I've got a lot parent-child
 relationships - OODB
 But, I also need to perform some queries on these records and link some to
 each other - more RDB.
 I'm not sure which way to follow. A hybrid solution isn't the best one, I
 think, because then you do twice the same work. ie. You've to create the
 parent-child relationship in the OODB (the site structure) and in the RDB
 (to perform correct queries).
 The RDB solution is possible, but since I need lots of parent-child
 relationships not the best one.
 The OODB is probably the best. However, this implies several implementation
 problems I don't know how to solve at the moment. Can somebody elaborate on
 the following questions? Thanks in advance.
 Assume the following :
 Now,  if a person is creating a new equipment in Examination2. How can I
 show it all the avalailable equipments in Campus1? So this person can choose
 from it and create it in the examination2 folder? In an OODB environment?
 If a person is browsing in Room1 and wants to get all the examinations which
 will be performed on Equipment1. How do I create such a query in OODB? (Or
 even further, the person wants to see all the examinations done on
 equipment1, but only with Group=Group1 and SubGroup=SubGroup1
 How can this be done in Zope?
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Zope] type in python methods

2001-01-11 Thread Luciano Ramalho

 The instruction "if type(var1) == type(var2): " doesn't work.

It does work:

Python 1.5.2 (#0, Jul 30 1999, 09:52:18) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
 x = 'spam'
 y = 'eggs'
 z = 99
 type(x) == type(y)
 type(x) == type(z)


How isn't it working for you? What is the context? What kinds of
variables are you trying to compare?

Are you aware that type() only knows about primitive types (for example,
all class instances are of type 'instance')?


Luciano Ramalho

Juan Carlos Corua wrote:
 How can I compare the type of 2 variables in a python method?
 The instruction "if type(var1) == type(var2): " doesn't work.
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Re: [Zope] Zope vs. Enhydra

2001-01-02 Thread Luciano Ramalho

You may be interested to know that the HiperDOM project, currently in
development by DC and my company, aims ot bring to Zope a template
system similar to the XMLC of Enhydra. Check it out:

In my opinion, you really can't compare Enhydra with Zope. Enhydra is
exclusively a programmers tool. Zope, through it's friendly UI, enables
you to delegate many maintenance activities to end-users, where they


Luciano Ramalho
Sao Paulo - Brazil

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Re: [Zope] Not like ASP complaint - any good answers

2000-08-24 Thread Luciano Ramalho

Intermingling application logic with HTML code is a good idea if these
conditions are met:

1) your website logic and its graphic design always change in sync;
2) you have more real programmers than HTML coders;
3) your programmers´ workload is so light that you don´t care about
reusing code;

Unfortunately, in the real world it seems these conditions never exist.

Best regards,

Luciano Ramalho

Sean McGrath wrote:
 I have had a number of e-mails from developers
 using Microsoft ASP in recent days. The paraphrased consensus
 in the e-mails is that the external
 methods/python methods approach to mixing markup
 with code in Zope is more clunky than in ASP where
 you can intermingle the two at will.
 Has anyone written anything on this topic I could
 point them to?
 Sean - an Open Source XML Processing library for Python
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Re: [Zope] Reversing acquisition?

2000-07-20 Thread Luciano Ramalho

Thank you very much for the correction. 

However, after checking your Wiki references, I must say I still don´t
understand the difference between context and containment (these are
words that I naively used as synonyms in my message).

In we find:

- Containment: Search the object, then its container, then the
container's container, and so on. Ignore objects not in this chain.

- Context: Search the objects in precisely the reverse of the order in
which they were mentioned, so "A.B.C.D" is always searched in the order
"D", "C", "B", "A".


But for me, A.B.C.D means that A contains B; B contains C; and C
contains D, so I don´t see the difference from the first definition.

Maybe you are using the word "container" in a more restricted sense? 

Best regards,

Luciano Ramalho

Stephen Harrison wrote:
 Luciano Ramalho wrote:
   The effect I would like to achieve is:
   when user access http://myserver/,
   content of /text_object_1 and /text_object_2 will be shown
   while user access http://myserver/subfolder/,
   content of /subfolder/text_object_1 and /subfolder/text_object_2
   The point is that there's no index_html in /subfolder
   so /index_html will be acquested and by default it displays
   content of /text_object_1 and /text_object_2
   The question is: we got text_object_1 and text_object_2 in /subfolder
   how could I let the acquested index_html in subfolder to use the
   objects inside the subfolder?
  What you want is what Zope already does!
  That is how acquisition works: if /subfolder has no index_html, it will
  acquire that object from the root. But the DTML inside index_html will
  be rendered in the context (namespace) of the subfolder, so the desired
  effect will be achieved.
 Unfortunately it is not quite as simple as that.  Infact, to say that
 that is how acquisition works is misleading.  It is not how acquisition
 works, but if you are using DTML Methods then you can create the effect
 of that being the way it works.
 Let me explain.  When you acquire an object, the acquisition method used
 is to first look at the containment of the object before the context of
 the object.  So if you have the scenario described above, when you call
 /subfolder/ it fist looks for index_html inside subfolder, but it isn't
 there, so it looks in subfolders containing object, /, where it does
 find index_html.  Now it executes index_html and finds a call to
 text_object_1.  So it first looks inside index_html for text_object_1,
 but it can't find it, so it looks in the _containing_ object of
 index_html, /, and finds text_object_1.
 However, if index_html is a DTML Method then things are different,
 because a DTML Method does not have it's own namespace and isn't an
 object in it's own right - rather it is a method of the calling object.
 The problem with this *containment before context* is that in most cases
 it goes against what is trying to be achieved.  In the example above,
 there may be very good reasons why index_html needs to be a document
 rather than a method - maybe it needs it's own properties, etc.  The
 point is that most often, the important thing when calling an object is
 the *context* in which it is called, not the location in the object
 store where it happens to be located.
 As I have mentioned several times now on the list, I can't see any good
 reason why acquisition should use the containment before context method
 (refered to as Simplified Acquisition) and in my opinion it should be
 changed to use context before containment (refered to as Natural
 See for some
 explanation of the different types of acquisiton, and for a summary of
 the problem as I see it - if you have opinions then do add them.
 Also, Patrick Lewis wrote:
  Try changing /index_html as follows:
  dtml-var standard_html_header
  trtddtml-var "PARENTS[0].text_object_1" fmt=structured-text
  trtddtml-var "PARENTS[0].text_object_2" fmt=structured-text
  dtml-var standard_html_footer
  Basically force Zope to look in the current folder first.
 That is all well and good for solving this particular problem, but it
 crosses a threshold in terms of accessability to the person writing the
 code.  For a 'non-programmer', writing dtml-var object is not too
 difficult or scary, but dtml-var "PARENTS[0].object" is a world apart
 and quite a scary place to be.  It's complicated, it doesn't make a lot
 of sense and it makes doing what should be quite simple things
 I work with a variety of people here, some of whom have no problem at
 all with any of the above, but others for whom there is a definite

Re: [Zope] Reversing acquisition?

2000-07-19 Thread Luciano Ramalho

 The effect I would like to achieve is:
 when user access http://myserver/,
 content of /text_object_1 and /text_object_2 will be shown
 while user access http://myserver/subfolder/,
 content of /subfolder/text_object_1 and /subfolder/text_object_2
 The point is that there's no index_html in /subfolder
 so /index_html will be acquested and by default it displays
 content of /text_object_1 and /text_object_2
 The question is: we got text_object_1 and text_object_2 in /subfolder
 how could I let the acquested index_html in subfolder to use the
 objects inside the subfolder?

What you want is what Zope already does! 

That is how acquisition works: if /subfolder has no index_html, it will
acquire that object from the root. But the DTML inside index_html will
be rendered in the context (namespace) of the subfolder, so the desired
effect will be achieved.


Luciano Ramalho

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