[Zope] python-to-python in zope?

2001-01-18 Thread tom smith

hi all,

I've written a bot in python 2.0 and it's running on the same machine as
zope 2.2.

I'd like somehow to be able to send messages from zope (like...start and
stop or go trawl this site etc) to the OTHER version of python running my

I've tried using external methods but because the other version of python
has ODBC stuff and Tkinter etc python methods can't "talk" to my app. It
errors on import...

Should I try to add my bot to the python that comes included with zope (Is
it python 2.0?) or does anybody have any better ideas...



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[Zope] MacOS X mySQL zope

2000-12-12 Thread tom smith

It's great that zope runs on MacOSX Public Beta, but the only thing keeping
me using my PC (well VirtualPC actually) at the moment is the lack of a
Database  Database adapter on MacOSX for Zope.

I can compile mySQL but not the mySQL adapter.

Has anyone done this? Anyone have binaries (I'm a unix newbie?) or advice?



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[Zope] Boring ZClass: request for a ZClass example...

2000-12-01 Thread tom smith

I keep getting flummoxed by the tutorials on how to create ZClasses...

Is there a really simple product, maybe with just 2 classes (with say 4
properties each)...with methods to create, edit and updateand
listwith super simple HTML, (i.e no/few tables to have to scroll around
in the editing textarea)

I think I understand all the concepts, but I keep getting tripped up by dumb
syntax...so I then have to start back at the beginning...



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Re: [Zope] Editing SQL methods from Emacs (+ FTP server)?

2000-11-29 Thread tom smith

I'm trying to get a list of lists using ZSQL Methods...

I have two related tables, hounds and items.

I want to get the hound_id in items like this but can't work out how to pass
the hound_id variable...

dtml-in get_hounds

bdtml-var name dtml-var id/b

dtml-in "get_items(hound_id='id')"
dtml-var titlebr


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Re: [Zope] Search and replace

2000-11-22 Thread tom smith

on 21/11/00 3:05 am, Ender at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sadly this is a constraint of zope ide's being browser based (or based
 on current browsers). I would eagerly like to help out with a project
 that would like to see this changed.  Building such an interface with
 gnome or kde would be possible, indeed there are already efforts
 underway to do both

Surely something written in python and Tk would be better, so that the
editor could also be run on macs, PCs as well as Linux.


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Re: [Zope] Zope and Windows DB's = NOT! ?

2000-11-14 Thread tom smith

on 14/11/00 12:51 pm, Pavel V. Piankov at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 it seems that the ODBC adaptor is ancient and very error
 prone  so can i conclude that Zope and DB integration
 under windows is not an option?
I found the oDBC stuff works fine with Access and SQLServer. Though passing
variables to the sqlMethod is little bit of a black art

good luck


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[Zope] Re:GoLive

2000-11-01 Thread tom smith

on 1/11/00 10:47 am, Stephan Goeldi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there? And are there known problems with Zope?

"In theory" it all works fine. GoLive can ftp open dtml files. except
because they are called index_html and not index.html, GoLive thinks they
are text files and not html template files. This is such a pain. Using a
WYSIWYG tool (on a mac) to edit dtml would be cool.

This for me, effectively makes it too much of pain to use goLive. So close
and yet...

I think there's a trick where dtml files can be saved as index.html, and
then you create a method that redirects index_html or /whatever/wherever/ to
index.html in the same folder, but I'm not sure how to do that.  Someone has
shown how to do it on this list. Try searching here...

Using WebDAV (with goliath) may be an option.

I've found BBEdit to be OK, although creating new dtml files is errors.

Hope this helps


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Re: [Zope] Re:GoLive

2000-11-01 Thread tom smith

on 1/11/00 2:31 pm, Christopher J. Kucera at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 tom smith wrote:
 I think there's a trick where dtml files can be saved as index.html,
 and then you create a method that redirects index_html or
 /whatever/wherever/ to index.html in the same folder, but I'm not
 sure how to do that.
 That should be pretty easy . . .  Zope will let you add objects that
 have dots in the titles, so just put a method "index_html" in the
 root folder which has the following line:
 dtml-var index.html
 Then wherever there is "index.html", it will be displayed as the
 default document (go Acquisition!).

This does the trick. Only when you get to complicated products like
Squishdot with lots of dtml files, it'll take some working out all the
broken links.

Why doesn't zope have a list of default file names... index_html,
index.html, default.html, whatever?

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Re: [Zope] Re:GoLive

2000-11-01 Thread tom smith

I thought for a minute you could add _HTML as a suffix type in GoLive's
network prefsthe icon changed but little else.

Anyone know if GoLive 5 with WebDav can edit dtml files...or Dreamweaver?



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[Zope] SMIL and mime types

2000-09-21 Thread tom smith

I'm trying to use zope to create SMIL files...

So I have a DTML Method with called smil.smi...

smil xmlns:qt="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/resources/smilextensions"


dtml-call "RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/smil'   )  "

If I request this document, it doesn't launch QuickTime Player or RealAudio
(I have set up my browser). If I create a file with a reference to this file
in an embed tag. I get...

Sorry, a Zope error occurred.

any ideas?


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[Zope] FW: [Zope] FW: list of users tied to database

2000-09-14 Thread tom smith

From: tom smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:01:22 +0100
To: tom smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Zope] FW: list of users tied to database

 dtml-in "theOTHERintranet.acl_users.getUserNames()"
   dtml-let TheUserName==dtml-var sequence-item
dtml-in "get_email('UserName=dtml-var TheUserName')"
dtml-var Emailbr

Thanks for the efforts of everyone so far, but alas, the code doesn't quite
work. Forgive me, but could I/we/you try again.

I've created a sql method called get_users() which has UserName as a
parameter, which is the same as the zope login. I'm trying to get a list of
emails (from a database) based on the contents of the acl_users folder.

I'm trying to extend the notion of a user, giving them extra attributes and
using a database to do it.

cheers all


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Re: [Zope] list of users tied to database

2000-09-14 Thread tom smith

on 14/9/00 9:28 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you try this proposal posted yesterday ?

Yep, and I can't quite get it to work. I'm still trying though


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[Zope] list of users tied to database

2000-09-13 Thread tom smith

I'm trying to create a list of users' emails. There is a table called
"tblUsers" and a field called "Email".

I have created a sql method called "get_email(UserName)" which works fine.

dtml-in "theOTHERintranet.acl_users.getUserNames()"
  dtml-in "get_email('UserName=dtml-var sequence-item')"
 dtml-var Emailbr

any ideas anyone?



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[Zope] FW: list of users tied to database

2000-09-13 Thread tom smith

From: tom smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:37:02 +0100
Subject: Re: list of users tied to database

on 13/9/00 3:03 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So maybe, you could try something like changing your previous
 code to 
 dtml-in "theOTHERintranet.acl_users.getUserNames()"
 dtml-let TheUserName==dtml-var sequence-item
 dtml-in "get_email('UserName=dtml-var TheUserName')"
 dtml-var Emailbr
 Hope it can help,

I can't quite get this to work.

I tried adding an extra  to line 2. It seems there's one missing.

I get errors in the let statement.

Is UserName a reserved word?

arrgh! This is so close...


p.s the"UserInfo" product may make all this academic, but I've yet to
install it to find out. http://www.zope.org/Members/did/UserInfoFolder

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Re: [Zope] dtml-calendar question (still not working)

2000-08-04 Thread tom smith

This message is about how to use dtml-calendar to get it's data out of an
odbc database

on 3/8/00 5:35 pm, R. David Murray at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, tom smith wrote:
 I'm still getting allsorts of errors. My code is like this...
 dtml-let yearnr="date.yy()" monthnr="date.mm()" daynr="date.dd()"
 dtml-let startDateString="monthnr+'/'+daynr+'/'+yearnr"
 dtml-in expr="get_days_events(startDateString)"
 dtml-var EventName
 I'm having trouble passing StartDateString to get_days_events. If I look at
 StartDateString using dtml-var startDateString it looks OK.
 What kind of errors?

I get

Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

Error Type: Bad Request
Error Value: ['startDateString']

the get_days_events() sql function looks like this...

SELECT * FROM tblCalendar
(startDate ='dtml-var startDateString 23:59:00'
AND endDate = 'dtml-var startDateString 00:00:00')
(startDate = 'dtml-var startDateString 00:00:00'
AND startDate = 'dtml-var startDateString  23:59:00')
ORDER BY startDate

with startDateString entered into the arguments field

I know the sql is a bit ugly but it's what I'm stuck with

I tried using dtml-sqlvar but it wrapped quotes around my date which also
needs the time to work.

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Re: [Zope] dtml-calendar question (I GOT IT!!!!!!!!)

2000-08-04 Thread tom smith

My problem was with passing the arguments around

I used ...

 dtml-in "get_days_events(startDateString=startDateString)"
 dtml-var namebr

notice the startDateString=StartDateString...which I thought the dtml-let
would've handled, anywaythis seems to have fixed it

can anyone tell me why?



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Re: [Zope] dtml-calendar question (still not working)

2000-08-03 Thread tom smith

on 3/8/00 10:14 am, Chris Withers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 "R. David Murray" wrote:
 On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Andrew Kenneth Milton wrote:
 | Well, yeah.  A restricted python environment.  The point being, it follows
 | python syntax rules grin.
 kind of... :-)
 In what way does it *not* follow Python (expression) syntax rules?
 _['something'] doesn't just return the value from the dictionary which
 has the 'something' key, if it's callable, it'll try to call it and then
 return that... not nice :(
 If you want to be safe, use _.getitem('something',0)...

I'm still getting allsorts of errors. My code is like this...

dtml-let yearnr="date.yy()" monthnr="date.mm()" daynr="date.dd()"
dtml-let startDateString="monthnr+'/'+daynr+'/'+yearnr"

dtml-in expr="get_days_events(startDateString)"
dtml-var EventName



I'm having trouble passing StartDateString to get_days_events. If I look at
StartDateString using dtml-var startDateString it looks OK.

one last attempt anyone?



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[Zope] dtml-calendar question.

2000-08-02 Thread tom smith


I'm trying to use the calendar tag as a front end to a calendar database.

I have a sql database storing events and a sql method called get_days_events
which takes an arguement called startDateString

In my dtml-calendar tag I have ...

dtml-var "date.mm()"/dtml-var "date.dd()"/dtml-var "date.yy()"

which returns "07/31/00"

how do I get this value into the parameter of a dtml-in tag...

sort of like this...

dtml-in get_days_events(dtml-var "date.mm()"/dtml-var
"date.dd()"/dtml-var "date.yy()")

dtml-var EventNamebr


any ideas anyone?



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[Zope] FW: [Zope] dtml-calendar question.

2000-08-02 Thread tom smith

From: tom smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 17:16:39 +0100
To: Peter Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Zope] dtml-calendar question.

on 2/8/00 4:04 pm, Peter Bengtsson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dtml-let yearnr="date.yy()" monthnr="date.mm()" daynr="date.dd()"
 dtml-let startDateString=yearnr+'/'+monthnr+'/'+daynr
 dtml-in get_days_events(startDateString)
 dtml-var EventNamebr

Cheers Peter 

but I get ...

Error Type: KeyError
   Error Value: yearnr+'/'+monthnr+'/'+daynr

any MORE ideas :-)


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[Zope] can't install squishdot with 2.2.

2000-07-24 Thread Tom Smith

I upgraded to zope 2.2 and most products migrated OK, but squishdot won't. I
always get the "broken" product icon.

I'm on Windows2000.

any ideas?


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[Zope] off topic: How do I run a python cgi?

2000-07-24 Thread Tom Smith

Sorry for the off-topic-ness, but can anyone tell me "exactly" what I have
to do to get a python script cgi working under IIS?  Or point me at a web

when I request http://mysite/test.py I just get the contents of the file

print "Content-type: text/html"
print "h1Why doesn't this work?/h1"



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[Zope] worldpilot newbie.

2000-07-11 Thread tom smith

I'm running an IMAP(WebStar) server on a mac.

i have no dns, so when I tell WorldPilot the number the machine is running
on, I get a Zope error. Although I CAN actually log into WorldPilot


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[Zope] SquishDot properties

2000-07-06 Thread tom smith


I'd like to add a URL property to a Squishdot article (and remove the "dept"
property), is this possible and how would I do it?

Also, can I auto-complete the "from" field with the users' username that
they have logged in withthis is for an intranet



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[Zope] MacOSX

2000-07-06 Thread tom smith

I noticed in the how-tos that someone had managed to make a build of zope
MacOSX . Given that I know nothing about unix commands, is there a pre-made
binary I can just drop onto my G4 (running OSX DP4) and run? Is this even
possible or is it
not the unix way?

IS there a reason for there not being a macintosh version of zope, does the
platform not allow it or is it just that nobody has wanted to do it


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[Zope] zope/python startup error

2000-07-06 Thread tom smith

newbie question.

when zope starts I get the attached error dialog. Any ideas how I can fix
this since zope is running on a remote server? It seemed to start going
wrong after installing a shed-load of products into zope.



ps. to go into greater detail...

...I have two copies of Python...one in Zope's "lib" folder, and another in
"Program files". Do I "need" both? Are they getting their PYTHONPATHs mixed

Ideally I'd like just one Python, but with the IDLE editor AND the Windows
extensions (ODBC),is this possible and how would I do it. Can I add IDLE and
ODBC to zope's python without breaking zope.


[Zope] python nigglettes

2000-05-23 Thread Tom Smith

hi all, I'm currently experimenting with zope 
and noodling with pythoncan anyone give me an answer on these?

Python is beautiful (nearly as beautiful as 
Prograph (but that's another story)).

I'm a BIG fan of human readable code, I 
loved HyperCard and pathelogically refused to get my head past Perl. But there a 
few irritants that I really need to know why they're there.

 1. : This smacks 
of geek...surely the interpreter could figure out if this wasn't 
there...couldn't it? Surely there's a workaround for someone like me. Isn't 
there? What if I promised never to write one-line functions, could I 
do without it then?

 2.elif Boy this 
is awkward, I though elseif was bad but elif !! Can I 
use/implement alternatives elseif would be a start else 
if would be better...more natural.

I love the fact that with Python it's OK (nay encouraged) to 
document code. I can live with the __whatever__ methods but 
: and elif are so ugly that as I'm showing someone how 
cool Python is, I get embarrased...and make excusesalong the lines 
ofyes, yes, I know, but look how easy it is to create a subclass of 



[Zope] worldpilot and imap

2000-05-23 Thread Tom Smith


sorry about the  HTML postings.

quick questioncan anyone recommend a super simple IMAP server to use on
NT Workstation with worldpilot?



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[Zope] Broken ZWiki

2000-05-18 Thread Tom Smith

when I install ZWiki Product, the FrontPage, HelpPage etc are all
brokendoes it rely on another class being present?



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