Re: [Zope-dev] FTP interface being worked on?

2001-03-24 Thread Steve Spicklemire

Hi Folks,

I posted this to the Wiki... but it's not "in-your-face" like email,
so I never know if anyone reads it. Here are a few, possibly random,
but nonetheless concrete, thoughts of mine on the matter. I'm looking
at all this from the perspective of someone who is using the current
xml/zexp code to manage objects in CVS today, and hoping that whatever
evolutionary/revolutionary process that occurs here not completely
break all my existing stuff. It seems to me that the current import/export
mechanism is actually pretty close to what we need for serialization. It
has some nice  properties:

A) All objects are faithfully encoded and saved on the filesystem
  in a text format that any configuration management system can
  use and track. It seems to me that this property is critical
  to maintain.

B) Whole object hierarchies can be saved in a simple file, moved
  to any other zope instance (via checkin/checkout) and instantiated.
  (This is needed for import/export to be useful)

C) It's possible (through a hack[1]) to make simple objects 'diff'able
  so that all the metadata that's in the current xml export rep doesn't
  get in the way too much. (this is almost irrelavent, but may be
  useful as an interem step to make this part of the native import/export
  code... )

There are also a few not-so-nice properties:

D) The current xml representation use by xml import/export is morally
  binary, in the sense that you can't easily edit/manage it with
  ordinary editors etc.

E) There is no simple way to separate the contents of a containerish
  object from the container. 

I think that both of these shortcomings could be addresses using Chris M's
idea of letting objects handle their own serialization. (e.g., Folders
could save their meta-data in a 'special' file, or directory and then
proceed to call the serialization methods of their contents). However
I think there would be benefits to working this into the current
import/export scheme. Imagine the following:

A 'serialization' interface is invented that objects could implement
that preserve A-C, and, optionally, fix D-E. If no such interface
is found, the current export method is invoked. (I suppose this could
also be done by adding a default implementation of the interface
that simply does what the current import/export code does.) 

Something like this maybe?

class FSObject:

  """ Abstract filesystem Object that 'does the right thing'. 
  Might be implemented as StringIO, or impose special
  security restrictions, or whatever. 

  def chdir(.. )

  def mkdir(.. )

  def open(.. )

class Serializable:

  Serialize(self, serialize_contents_separately=None, use_fs_object=None):

  """ Serialize this object. If serialize_contents_separately is
  not None then create a 'special' file for meta_data, and
  create a new directory for self and subobjects. After saving
  meta_data, call Serialize on each content object in turn,
  passing appropriate arguments through.. """

Anyway.. it seems to me that this sort of approach would have the
benefit of using what's available today to the best advantage while
permitting tools to be developed that would work well with whavever
serialization process that evolves for all the Zope objects that
are out there.. 

take care,

[1] See the ZCVMixin product: 

> "CM" == Chris McDonough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CM> I think the only good reasons we have right now for having
CM> filesystem-compatible serialization are to make Zope content
CM> editable via common tools in a way that makes sense to people
CM> not used to (or comfortable with) the object database, and to
CM> give people a plausible way to put a Zope site under source
CM> control.

CM> Are you thinking that we would build client-side tools to
CM> recognize an XML representation of a subpart of a site?

CM> - Original Message - From: "Karl Anderson"
CM> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Chris McDonough"
CM> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: "John D. Heintz"
CM> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Fred Wilson Horch"
CM> March 22, 2001 8:17 PM Subject: Re: [Zope-dev] FTP interface
CM> being worked on?

>> "Chris McDonough" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > I don't think it's reasonable or wise to impose any "master >
>> structure" for filesystem serialization of bodies of > objects.
>> Each instance (or perhaps each class) should > define how best
>> to serialize itself to disk.  > Representations between classes
>> are likely to be radically > different.  A place for
>> standardization is in the > "properties" file(s) which
>> accompany each object rep... this > is likely to be XML or
>> another structured variant.
>> Is there a motivation for using serialization to provide an
>> editable "god's eye vi

[Zope-dev] Bizarre Version Behavior

2001-03-24 Thread Edmund Goppelt

I'm worried that versioning is not working properly on my Zope 2.3.0
web site.  Since my site is due to receive some major publicity, the
flakiness of versioning worries me a good deal.  I'm hoping some of
the more experienced developers can advise me on whether I should
continue to use versioning and/or whether I have a corrupt ZODB.

What has been your experience with Versions?  Is this a reliable
feature of Zope?

Here's what happened: I recently committed a Version to the ZODB, but
Zope showed many of the objects as still having uncommitted changes
(the red diamond).  Further, Zope showed many items as having changed
that I know for a fact I did not edit (mainly Python scripts).  Worst
of all, the site became inaccessible to users, with Zope responding to
page requests with a VersionLockError.  Thankfully, Zope seems to have
committed the changes after I saved the Version changes a *second*
time, but the fact that Zope got so confused about what had changed
makes me reluctant to use versioning in the future.


Ed Goppelt

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