2011-05-14 Thread sanjay

[AI] Blio: A Formative Technology of the Twenty-First Century

2011-05-14 Thread sanjay
Taken from the Braille Monitor, March 2011. Blio: A Formative Technology of the Twenty-First Century by Marc Maurer As members of the National Federation of the Blind know, I serve as president of the organization and as a member of the board of


2011-05-14 Thread sanjay
The computing world is rife with urban myths. Patrick Miller finds out the truth behind tech's tallest tales As it turns out, Windows Vista really wasn't all that slow; and no, your PC probably won't fry if you open it up without wearing a wrist strap. Thanks in large part to the

[AI] Blind Driver: Ultimate Insult or Statement of Fact

2011-05-14 Thread sanjay
Taken from the Braille monitor, March 2011 Interested reader may watch the demonstration vidio by going to the links given below. Blind Driver: Ultimate Insult or Statement of Fact by Gary Wunder Being blind presents many challenges

[AI] Not Just Surviving the Disaster of September 11

2011-05-14 Thread sanjay
Taken from the Braille Monitor, December 2010. Not Just Surviving the Disaster of September 11 but Providing Leadership in a Deadly Emergency by Michael Hingson From the Editor: Michael Hingson is a name Monitor readers

[AI] Traffic jam: the coming cellphone crunch

2011-05-09 Thread sanjay
Smartphone users beware - the days of all-you-can-eat wireless data may be numbered by Jim Giles YOUR connection to YouTube might be the first to go, with increasingly choppy videos that one day just fail to download. In your impatience, you decide to scout out the

[AI] The Interface that Touches the Mind

2011-05-09 Thread sanjay
Taken from the Braille Monitor, November 2010. As it is an old article, if it has been posted earlier, just ignore it. Advancing Beyond Autonomous Vehicles by Dennis Hong From the Editor: On Thursday afternoon, July 8, 2010, Dr.

[AI] A Practicing Blind Physician

2011-05-09 Thread sanjay
Taken from the Braille Monitor, November 2011. A Practicing Blind Physician by Dr. Tim Cordes From the Editor: One of the things that makes the Dr. Jacob Bolotin story intriguing and worthy of the recognition we give it through

[AI] Back up valuable data

2011-05-08 Thread sanjay
Windows 7 does its best to make backing up your files easy. simon williams reckons there's no excuse for not organising and protecting all your valuable data. No hard disk lasts forever. Even if you've never had a drive fail on you, your first experience could be just minutes away. Back up

[AI] Windows at 25

2011-05-08 Thread sanjay
From laughing stock to world domination More than nine out of 10 PCs run Windows. But no one could have predicted that would be the case when Windows 1.0 launched 25 years ago as a graphical front end for MS-DOS, writes Jon Brodkin When Microsoft released the first version of Windows 25 years


2011-05-08 Thread sanjay
Expert computing advice Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums DiD Microsoft really call? Q i received a phone call from someone purporting to be from Microsoft. He stated that the monitoring system had discovered a malware infection on my Windows 7 Pc. He told me to

[AI] Boost laptop performance

2011-05-08 Thread sanjay
Laptops are incredibly useful - until they run out of steam. Rick Broida looks at ways to boost the battery life and performance of your trusty road warrior. Although desktop computers are what most of us use for work, at home and on the road it's a laptop that allows us to get online, read

[AI] Is your smartphone spying on you?

2011-05-08 Thread sanjay
Taken from www.rediff.com on why consumers must be careful with their powerful mobile devices The news last week that Apple (and later, Google) have been capturing and storing detailed information about the whereabouts of Smartphone users has raised the specter of Big Brother among users and

[AI] Ten years to save the touchscreen

2011-05-07 Thread sanjay
A wonder material makes your smartphone screen work. But with the world's stocks running out fast, the hunt is on for new stuff to keep us in touch by James Mitchell Crow A TAP and a flick, and a new world is at your fingertips. Email, social networks, the digital


2011-05-07 Thread sanjay
51 BRILLIANT WINDOWS TIPS TO MAKE YOUR PC WORK FASTER Christopher Null shares the best Windows productivity tricks in his arsenal to help you get more work done with your PC in less time. Contributors: David Allen, Tim Ferriss, Adam Pash When Microsoft first launched Windows, it was a


2011-05-06 Thread sanjay
The scariest sites on the web aren't the ones you might suspect. Nick Mediati explains what to watch out for and how to stay safe online. The web is a fantastic resource if you want to research a particular topic; it's ideal for looking up facts and figures, finding out how much you should be


2011-05-06 Thread sanjay
Just because you bought or were given a new PC, it doesn't mean you have to throw away the old one. Loyd Case shows you how to make the most of an older computer. Make do and mend is the mantra for these times of ongoing recession, and the phrase is as true of technology as it is of anything

Re: [AI] Braille

2011-03-25 Thread Sanjay
Speed should not vbe a concern. One can achieve reading speed by constant practice. No doubt, screen readers can read faster than any print/braille reader. But, we, the Braille/print readers can read as fast as our brains can grasp the contents. Though I have not seen any, I read about

Re: [AI] help required regarding cheque facility to

2011-03-03 Thread Sanjay
Cheque books cannot exist more than a decade. After a few years, it will become obsolete. To unsubscribe send a message to accessindia-requ...@accessindia.org.in with the subject unsubscribe. To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please visit the list home


2011-03-03 Thread Sanjay
Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums. Sound haS Stopped Q I'm unable to get sound from my Windows 7 hp laptop. I've checked everything I can think of and have now run out of ideas. Bill Stevenson The loss of sound could be due to a number of things, Bill. Here's a

Re: [AI] Ubuntu problem

2011-02-28 Thread Sanjay
. Depending on the version of orca, you can find the directory in the ~/.local/share/. Hope this helps. On 02/24/2011 07:09 AM, Renuka Warriar wrote: -- Forwarded message -- From: Sanjay ilovec...@gmail.com Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2011 12:29:37 +0530 Subject: [AI] Ubuntu problem

[AI] Ubuntu problem

2011-02-23 Thread Sanjay
Recently I migrated to linux. While exploring its synthesisers, I changed the synthesiser and orca stopped functioning and giving an error input module, file not found etc. (which is not clear to me.) I resarted the pc, but the problem still persists. I pressed control and other keys/key

[AI] known and unknown tips

2011-02-23 Thread Sanjay
1. EXPLORER SHORTCUT Sometimes you may want to enter a web address manually into Internet Explorer's address bar. To get the cursor to the address bar in an instant press down and hold the Alt key on your keyboard and then press OD'. John Bogue 2. FREE OFFICE SOFTWARE If your system doesn't

[AI] Q A

2011-02-23 Thread Sanjay
THIS ISSUE: CHANGE YOUR FONT IN OUTLOOK, BRIGHTEN UP YOUR LAPTOP SCREEN PLUS! WE RECONNECT A READER'S MP4 PLAYER Meet the TEAM: Adam Farah, John Bogue, Mandy Ribeyro, Rene Lopez, Ashal Sisodiya INTERNET BROWSER - BAD WEATHER FRONT When I visit the BBC's weather page (news.bbc.co.uk/weather) I


2011-02-10 Thread Sanjay
Gordon Moore's 45-year-old prediction about processor development has proven to be amazingly accurate. Mike Bedford investigates the science behind our next generation of CPUs. In 1965, when state-of-the-art chips contained a mere 50 transistors, Intel founder Gordon Moore observed that the


2011-02-10 Thread Sanjay
Whether you're installing Windows on a netbook or an office full of PCs, a bootable flash drive will make the task much easier. Julian Prokaza explains how it's done. Installing Windows 7 from DVD is usually a smooth procedure, but it's not so easy if the PC lacks a DVD drive. Given the rising


2011-02-10 Thread Sanjay
Our homes will soon be greener, more comfortable and a lot more fun, as Riyad Emeran discovers. It's often said that a man's home is his castle, and that's not far from the truth. A home should be a sanctuary from the stresses and pressures of daily life, offering comfort, warmth, relaxation

[AI] Office help

2011-02-10 Thread Sanjay
Kay ewbank Database developer and productivity expert Kay Ewbank offers help with office applications. Can I clear a document list? Q How do you remove and delete items from the Recent Documents list to stop them appearing in Word document? John Jaap A The easiest way to clear the list

Re: [AI] Unable to subscribe to a Private Google SMS channel-Pleasehelp me.

2011-02-08 Thread Sanjay
you cannot subscribe more than 15 channels. Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

[AI] Q and A

2011-02-08 Thread Sanjay
Note: This may be a lengthy mail. you can save it for later reading. Q My laptop is starting to take a long time to boot up and shut down. I have a Sony Vaio TZ31WN, with an Intel Core Duo U7600 and 2GB of RAM. I've edited over a dozen films using Movie Maker and the laptop copes well. I've

[AI] rewiring brains to see with sound

2011-01-13 Thread Sanjay
A new device that restores a form of sight to the blind is turning our understanding of the senses upside down by Bijal Trivedi A new device that restores a form of sight to the blind is turning our understanding of the senses upside down CLAIRE CHESKIN used to live in a murky world of grey,

[AI] Office 2007

2010-10-05 Thread Sanjay
Dear accessindians, recently Office 2007 has been installed in our office computers. I am finding it difficult to use with JAWS 10. How far this suite is accessible with Classic menu and from where I can download accessible classic menu for office 2007? thanks. Technical telepathy:

[AI] Q A

2010-09-30 Thread Sanjay
INTERNET - IE LOSES STATUS BAR When I start up Internet Explorer (IE), it doesn't display the status bars at the top and bottom of the screen. I can make the menu and tool bars appear temporarily by moving the mouse pointer over them, but how do I switch back tomy normal view? Joan Helliwell

Re: [AI] Word 2003 Problem.

2010-09-30 Thread Sanjay
Not only ' Whenever I type (c) in MS word, word translates into copyright symbol. But when I typed (c) in a notepad and pasted to MS WORD, it has no trouble to accept as it is. I am using Office xp. Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with disability bill at:


2010-09-30 Thread Sanjay
WE REVEAL THE NUISANCE PROGRAMS INSTALLED ON YOUR NEW COMPUTER AND TELL YOU HOW TO DUMP THE JUNK Buy a new computer and you'd think it would be free from the clutter that built up on your old PC. The reality, however, is that most new computers are pre-loaded with a range of software which

[AI] The Advantage of Uncertainty

2010-09-29 Thread Sanjay
Taken from the Braille Monitor, August-September 2010. An Address Delivered by Marc Maurer at the Banquet of the Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind

[AI] The Blind Driver Operating a Vehicle

2010-09-29 Thread Sanjay
From The Braille Monitor August-September 2010. The Blind Driver Operating a Vehicle at Speed: Creating the Technology that Puts the Controls under our Hands by Parnell Diggs From the Editor: Parnell Diggs is the coordinator of the

[AI] Saving the world, one hit point at a time

2010-09-29 Thread Sanjay
Half a billion dedicated gamers. Games where they battle poverty, war and disease. Epic win by Samantha Murphy NEXT time you fancy spreading a bit of digital carnage, try doing it with a virus. Not a worm or a trojan horse, but an influenza virus, mutating and spreading across the virtual

[AI] Office help

2010-09-29 Thread Sanjay
Problem with Word lists Q: I write a lot of documents at work, and generally find Word 2007's bullet points useful. However, I don't like the way they appear when I don't want them, and stay in if you do try to get rid of them. If I were to type 1. This really isn't something that needs to be

[AI] ask our experts

2010-09-29 Thread Sanjay
My laptop's function button isn't working properly Q: I recently bought a Toshiba NB305 laptop on the strength of your review (see Labs, Shopper 269). I'm very pleased with it, except for one problem - the Fn key has stopped working. At first, pressing it would display an onscreen menu that

[AI] advance projects

2010-09-27 Thread Sanjay
If you've just bought a new hard disk, there's a fairly good chance that you'll want it to be your primary disk from which you boot. Whether that's because your old disk is too slow or because it's failing, copying everything to your new disk isn't as easy as it sounds. Fortunately, we're here

[AI] security expert

2010-09-27 Thread Sanjay
Online criminals are after one thing: your money. Rather than trying to hack your computer to steal private details, many opt for the easier route of tricking you into divulging information or falling for scams. In this month's Security Expert, we'll look at how cyber-criminals try to trick

[AI] Burning CDS DVDs using ubuntu

2010-09-27 Thread Sanjay
Burning CDs and DVDs using Linux is as easy as it gets. If you have bad memories of the poor utilities in Windows or bloated third-party suites, cheer up: Ubuntu includes a slimline and effective program called Brasero. Brasero can create audio and data CDs and DVDs, video discs and even discs


2010-09-27 Thread Sanjay
Ever felt the frustration of trying to help someone fix their computer by talking to them over the phone? simon edwards shows how to take matters into your own hands We've all been there, frustrated and cross, trying to help someone fix their PC by talking them through a series of instructions

[AI] Is it legal?

2010-09-24 Thread Sanjay
As I found this article interesting, I am pasting here. I would like to know How Indian copyright laws deal with digital materials and technical complications mentioned in this article. UK copyright law is a confusing mess where nobody's quite sure what they're allowed to do. David

Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-09-13 Thread Sanjay
In some countries, blind people are giving their exams in Braille. I wonder why this is not posible in India. Technical telepathy: 09969636745 Saints are not always saints; sinners are not always sinners. - Original Message - From: Kotian, H P hpkot...@rbi.org.in To:

[AI] writing wrongs

2010-09-13 Thread Sanjay
Though this article implicitly speaks about Braille, the intention of this cross posting is to draw your attention towards the dwindling use of Braille, , among vi people especially among blind students, like print in case of sighted people. WRITING WRONGS Take extra care when writing

[AI] boost your network speed

2010-09-13 Thread Sanjay
Expert networker ROSEMARY HATTERSLEY explains how to speed up wired and wireless networks, identify and manage bottlenecks and get everything running like clockwork Network like a pro Not being able to get online is an incredibly frustrating situation, as we've discovered here at PCA Towers

[AI] Your questions answered

2010-09-09 Thread Sanjay
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Expert computing advice Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums UPGRADE ADVICE NEEDED Q I upgraded my PC with a new CPU and hard drive, copying across the contents of the old drive with the help of a disk-copying utility. When I boot up I now


2010-09-09 Thread Sanjay
With Microsoft Office 2010 and Office Web Apps soon to be released, CARRIE-ANN SKINNER offers time-saving tips and tricks for all versions of the productivity suite Work better in Office 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 is expected to go on sale in the next month or so. Available in beta since

Re: [AI] formula for prime numbers

2010-09-06 Thread Sanjay
I don't think there is any universally accepted mathematical formula for prime numbers. Many mathematicians tried and failed, because their formula didn't work with all the prime numbers. But it is very easy to generate prime numbers by computers. It is difficult to decide by any formula


2010-09-03 Thread Sanjay
While all security suites offer roughly the same functionality, their ability to protect your PC varies tremendously. Robert Vamosi looks at which internet-security suites you can trust Online attackers have created more malware in the past year than in the previous 20 years combined. So it

[AI] One web language to rule them all

2010-08-30 Thread Sanjay
A new version of the code from which all web pages are made will dissolve the boundary between your computer and the web by MacGregor Campbell Innovation is our regular column that highlights emerging technological ideas and where they may lead How would you like to have just one all-powerful

Re: [AI] Mathematic signs in Braille

2010-08-30 Thread Sanjay
Braille mathematics code which India has adopted is simply a replica of Nemeth Braille code for mathematics and science. We write dots 4-16 as multiplication sign and dots 46-34 as division sign. Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with disability bill at:


2010-08-27 Thread Sanjay
No one would have thought a college dropout and his mate could change the way we live and work forever, but here we are. We celebrate 35 years of Microsoft It's spring 1975. Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward Heath for the leadership of the Conservative Party, the Bay City Rollers spend six

[AI] Geolocation: Keeping track of your friends

2010-08-27 Thread Sanjay
Able to pinpoint your location and relay it to other users, the latest wave of mobile social-networking apps add a new dimension to 'following' friends. But Daniel Ionescu has some privacy concerns Whereas Facebook wants to know What's on your mind? and Twitter asks What's happening?, the

[AI] Your questions answered

2010-08-20 Thread Sanjay
Expert computing advice Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums TIME CAPSULE Q My wife and I want to leave our grandson a record of photos, videos and family-tree data. Given the rate of change for all things digital, what media and file format should we use to

[AI] Robots with skin enter our touchy-feely world

2010-08-19 Thread Sanjay
If humanoid robots are ever to move among us, they will first need to get in touch with the world - and learn to interpret our fuzzy human language by Paul Marks BEAUTY may be only skin deep, but for humanoid robots a fleshy covering is about more than mere

[AI] security

2010-08-19 Thread Sanjay
Online data thieves will jump at the chance to harvest even the most innocuous personal information. ROSEMARY HATTERSLEY demonstrates how to tighten up Facebook security Facebook friends or foes? Whether you're a committed telly addict, a tabloid aficionado or a web surfer extraordinaire,

[AI] E-book piracy: Is your download legal?

2010-08-13 Thread Sanjay
Protecting media from illegal filesharing is essential for the film and music industries, but applying DRM to e-books could prove more trouble than it's worth. Tom Spring investigates The publishing industry's worst nightmares are coming true: the e-book reader's steadily increasing popularity


2010-08-13 Thread Sanjay
Howard Wen considers whether the same open-source principles can be applied to hardware as software, and whether we'll be using such gadgets any time soon Open-source software has had a major impact on the way we've used PCs over the past decade. The Apache HTTP Server is the world's most

[AI] Q And A

2010-07-27 Thread Sanjay
POWER OUT Q. I recently moved my five-year-old HP PC into a different room, during which time the power was off for 2hrs. The machine now refuses to boot up. The only sign of life is a flashing power LED on the case. How can I fix this? Peter A. It sounds as though the power supply unit


2010-07-23 Thread Sanjay
Crimes of convenience Crimes of convenience Don't fear scareware Lost laptops exposed data Data theft in public private Privacy policy loopholes Additional resources Antivirus software and a firewall alone can't guarantee your safety. Tony Bradley explains how to foil the latest crop of

[AI] Social networks show drug use follows lack of sleep

2010-07-16 Thread Sanjay
Analysing the friendship networks of 90,000 teens shows that lack of sleep seems to cause increased drug use - and that teenagers influence each other by Ewen Callaway PARENTS looking to steer their teens away from drugs may want to encourage them stay in bed longer.

[AI] More Absurd Research to Bother the Blind

2010-07-14 Thread Sanjay
Taken from Braille Monitor July 2010. From Barbara Pierce: In the past, would-be helpful Hannahs have invented combination white canes and snow shovels for the blind, special toilet paper dispensers for the blind, red strobe lights and flashlights clipped to the cane for use at

[AI] Wireless speed freaks set to leave Wi-Fi standing

2010-06-25 Thread Sanjay
Can Wi-Fi rise to the challenge of super-fast, high-definition downloads or are its days as the killer app of connectivity numbered? by Wendy Zukerman WI-FI as we know it is reaching the limits of its usefulness. It just can't keep up with our appetite for services,

[AI] Are machines ready to break down language barriers?

2010-06-21 Thread Sanjay
Online translation is shedding its clunky reputation, bringing the vision of global conversation a step closer to reality by Tom Simonite EVEN in an era of global networks and cheap travel, international communication still faces one great barrier: we don't all speak the same

[AI] Credit card theft? There's an app for that

2010-06-21 Thread Sanjay
A service industry for malware is making it possible for anyone with basic computer skills to launch state-of-the-art cyber-attacks by Jim Giles INTERESTED in credit card theft? There's an app for that. So says Gunter Ollmann, a security researcher at Damballa, a

[AI] Boring conversation? Let your computer listen for you

2010-06-18 Thread Sanjay
Smart new software tells you who's said what, how they've said it - and who really needs to shut up by Colin Barras MOST of us talk to our computers, if only to curse them when a glitch destroys hours of work. Sadly the computer doesn't usually listen, but new kinds of

[AI] Am I reaching you?

2010-06-18 Thread Sanjay
I just want to know are my mails reaching this group? thanks Technical telepathy: 09969636745 Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with disability bill at: http://www.accessindia.org.in/harish/blog.htm To unsubscribe send a message to

[AI] Unplugged: Goodbye cables, hello energy beams

2010-06-17 Thread Sanjay
Your gadgets are finally about to become truly wireless - as long as you don't mind lasers criss-crossing your living room by David Robson LET'S face it: power cables are unsightly dust-traps. PCs, TVs and music players are becoming slicker every year, but the nest of vipers

Re: [AI] List of Hindi Braille magazines

2010-06-17 Thread Sanjay
If I am not wrong, it all happened when a most respected blind person was the director of NIVH. Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with disability bill at: http://www.accessindia.org.in/harish/blog.htm To unsubscribe send a message to

[AI] Digital doomsday: the end of knowledge

2010-06-15 Thread Sanjay
Books last for centuries. Computer memories last only decades. If disaster struck, how much of our knowledge would future humans be able to retrieve? by Tom Simonite and [6]Michael Le Page IN MONTH XI, 15th day, Venus in the west disappeared, 3 days in the sky it

[AI] Benevolent hackers poke holes in e-banking

2010-06-15 Thread Sanjay
The more popular online banking and credit-laden smartcards become, the more their security is coming under scrutiny - and being found lacking by Jim Giles ONLINE banking fraud doesn't just affect the naive. Last year, Robert Mueller, a director at the US Federal


2010-06-11 Thread Sanjay
Whether you run Windows 7, Vista or XP, these tricks will make your PC faster, safer and even more fun to work with. Rick Broida is your guide Windows 7 is being lauded as Microsoft's best operating system (OS) to date. It's stocked with genuinely handy interface upgrades such as Aero Snap,

[AI] Your questions answered

2010-06-11 Thread Sanjay
YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Expert computing advice Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums CREATING A PROBLEM Q I reinstalled Adobe Creative Suite 4.0 (CS4) on my newly upgraded Windows 7 PC. When I launch Photoshop I get the error message: 'The program can't start


2010-05-24 Thread Sanjay
Carrie-Ann Skinner explains when to give in to your desire for a new PC, and when (and how) to get some more mileage out of your old one Most of us would love a fresh start with a shiny new computer. And, with a new Windows operating system (OS) launching late last year and some tempting


2010-05-24 Thread Sanjay
Whether you run Windows 7, Vista or XP, these tricks will make your PC faster, safer and even more fun to work with. Rick Broida is your guide Windows 7 is being lauded as Microsoft's best operating system (OS) to date. It's stocked with genuinely handy interface upgrades such as Aero Snap,


2010-05-14 Thread Sanjay
Computer hardware technology advances at an amazing rate, yet the keyboard seems to have been forgotten. Mike Elgan investigates Over the past 10 years, mobile phone processors, screens and antennae have undergone radical transformations for the better. Today's phone processors are

[AI] Exploring blindness: questions yet unanswered

2010-05-07 Thread Sanjay
After reading this article, I thought it worth sharing. So, I am pasting this article from the Braille Monitor March 2010. Exploring Blindness: Questions yet Unanswered by Michael Bullis

[AI] Multilayered security setup

2010-05-07 Thread Sanjay
The other night a friend called, apologetically asking for advice because her computer had been infected with malware. (Truth be told, I knew already: receiving multiple spam emails from your friends somewhat gives the game away.) It could have happened to anyone. My friend had received an


2010-05-06 Thread Sanjay
Backing up your files is crucial. Just imagine how you'd feel if you lost all the precious photographs you have stored on your computer or lost all your MP3 music files. There are various ways of backing up; to an external hard drive or to a USB key and, increasingly, to an online account. For


2010-05-06 Thread Sanjay
Be sociable and safe with our Facebook privacy tips Social networking websites such as Facebook (www.facebook.com) can keep you in touch with friends and family. However, as people share more of their personal life in this public domain, the risk is that hackers and cybercriminals will use


2010-05-06 Thread Sanjay
ENDLESS UPGRADES Q For several months now my Windows XP PC has been insisting at shutdown that it has one upgrade to install. This takes nearly four minutes. I've spent hours on the phone with Microsoft, but the situation continues. I think I may have a corrupt installation file or upgrade


2010-05-06 Thread Sanjay
Mini laptops rose in popularity almost overnight. But, with ultra-thin models now hitting the market, Agam Shah considers whether their demise will be just as quick They're lightweight, affordable and cool, but is the dominance of netbooks about to be threatened by an emerging group of


2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
Neil McAllister pits three online productivity suites against the desktop version of Microsoft Office. Which will triumph? A spreadsheet in your browser? A word processor on the web? If you believe Google, soon virtually all software will be web-based. Google offers a complete suite of

[AI] MS Office 2010 in-depth guide

2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
Anyone can give Microsoft's Office 2010 productivity suite a spin, but not all the pieces are ready. Gregg Keizer outlines what to expect In mid-November Microsoft launched the first public beta of Office 2010. As the last big testing milestone for the new suite, Microsoft was keen to get

[AI] Your questions answered

2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
Chris Byers tackles readers' hardware and software conundrums MISSING YOUTUBE Since upgrading from Vista 64bit to Windows 7 64bit I can no longer watch YouTube video. Adobe Flash Player isn't available as a 64bit plug-in, and I can't change my browser to the 32bit version. A Cutler

[AI] Advice on search engines

2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
TOP TIPS ADVANCED WEB SEARCH Find what you're looking for with our smart search tips 1. WHICH SEARCH ENGINE? Google, the search engine of choice among members, excels at key word searches; searching for 'budget holiday', for example, produces over 55 million hits with websites advertising

[AI] some commonly used tech terms and definitions

2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
ADSL - Short for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line this is a type of broadband technology, usually delivered over a BT landline BLOGGING - The practice of producing a blog (see below) BLOGS - Short for Weblogs. A blog is an online personal journal BLUETOOTH - A type of short-range, wireless

[AI] Q and A

2010-04-30 Thread Sanjay
DIGITAL CAMERAS - CONNECTION PROBLEMS Q. Usually when I plug my digital camera in to the computer, a window pops up identifying that I've connected a device by USB. It asks what I would like to do with the images on the card. I can then choose to copy them to a folder, and Windows XP takes


2010-04-27 Thread Sanjay
SMALL-SCREEN DRAMA Q At startup my laptop displays the minimum screen resolution. I can correct this via the Control Panel, but I have to go through the same routine after every restart. Is there a way to force the machine to remember my preferred settings? Gerry Watson Either the graphics


2010-04-27 Thread Sanjay
We use our PCs pretty much every day, but a worryingly large amount of that time is spent troubleshooting computing headaches. Rick Broida and Rosemary Hattersley address some of the most frustrating problems a PC user can face Here's a poser for you: when was the last time you went a whole day

[AI] Can gadgets be too small, cheap or powerful?

2010-04-27 Thread Sanjay
Progress is wonderful - but at what point do things get out of hand? Mike Elgan investigates We all know technology gets smaller, cheaper and more feature-rich over time. But is that always a good thing? Too small Take netbooks, for instance. The original idea was that they are tiny

[AI] Free yourself from oppression by technology

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
That new phone or laptop may be giving you a warm glow, but beware a stealth attack on your happiness, warns Yair Amichai-Hamburger by Yair Amichai-Hamburger THE age of melancholy is how psychologist Daniel Goleman describes our era. People today experience more depression

[AI] Smart CCTV learns to spot suspicious types

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
Smart CCTV learns to spot suspicious types Video-analysis software can follow people from camera to camera in busy public places and identify those who are behaving suspiciously by Nic Fleming WHAT'S the difference between a suicide bomber and a cleaner? It sounds

[AI] Motion-sensing phones that predict your every move

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
Phones that learn their user's patterns of behaviour can use this information to provide a cheaper, more reliable service by Paul Marks COULD your cellphone learn to predict what you are going to do before you've even started doing it? Communications engineer Arjen Peddemors

[AI] The future of the PC

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
SuperSpeed USB, HTML5, 3D TV, augmented reality and faster Wi-Fi are five new technologies that could change technology as we know it. Glenn Fleishman takes a glimpse into the future of the PC While sipping a cup of organically farmed, artisan-brewed tea, I tap on my gigabit wireless tablet PC

[AI] Net piracy: The people vs the entertainment industry

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
New laws to counter illegal downloading will be intrusive and ineffective, say internet service providers by Paul Marks THIS is the kind of snooping you'd expect in China, not a modern western democracy. It raises huge questions over privacy

[AI] Five ways to revolutionise computer memory

2010-04-20 Thread Sanjay
You can store all your music on a personal MP3 player - which technology will do the same for your high-definition movie collection? by Joerg Heber Once upon a time, not so long ago, the idea that you might store your entire music collection on a single hand-held

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