Re: [Ace] Correct url for draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

2016-10-16 Thread Kasinathan, Prabhakaran
Dear Hannes,

one of our important goals is to align the PAT draft with the ACE-OAuth 
framework. To be precise, we are working to integrate the privacy aspects of 
PAT draft together with proof-of-possession support with the ACE-OAuth 
framework. In the next versions of the draft we will explore them in detail.

Also, we would like to thank Ludwig for his detailed review and comments on the 
draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens-03. Most of the minor comments 
are fixed, and currently we are investigating some of his other suggestions. We 
have planned to address Ludwig's comments in the next versions of PAT draft.

As Daniel has already mentioned C/C++ implementation on constrained nodes is in 
our roadmap. Thank you for attaching student project links, we will look into 
them as well.

Best regards,
Prabhakaran Kasinathan

-Original Message-
From: Calvo Alonso, Daniel [] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2016 11:39
To: Hannes Tschofenig;
Cc: Kasinathan, Prabhakaran (CT RDA ITS SEA-DE); Cuellar, Jorge (CT RDA ITS); 
Gato, Jose
Subject: RE: [Ace] Correct url for 
draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

Hi Hannes,

Probably Jorge or Prabha could give you a more accurate answer regarding how 
close is draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens-03 (and the 
implementation) to the ACE-Oauth framework since I am more focused on the 
implementation itself.

We are already aware that most of devices targeted by ACE group are not able to 
run Java apps but our intention with this first prototype was just to start 
validating the draft concepts from a high-level perspective. A translation of 
the client and resource server functionalities to C/C++ is also in our roadmap 
for the incoming months so that we could demonstrate the draft benefits with 
real use-cases and devices. We will keep you informed about our advanced in 
this line.

We will review these codes and projects to try to find potential overlappings 
with our work, thanks!! :)

For your last question, I think that again Jorge or Prabha will give you a more 
detailed answer, but I guess that they are already working on this.

Thanks and BR,


Daniel Calvo
Energy and Transport Market
Atos Research and Innovation
Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
C/Real Consulado s/n,
Polígono Industrial Candina
39011 Santander

Feel free to download our booklet at

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Re: [Ace] Correct url for draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

2016-10-13 Thread Calvo Alonso, Daniel
Hi Hannes,

Probably Jorge or Prabha could give you a more accurate answer regarding how 
close is draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens-03 (and the 
implementation) to the ACE-Oauth framework since I am more focused on the 
implementation itself.

We are already aware that most of devices targeted by ACE group are not able to 
run Java apps but our intention with this first prototype was just to start 
validating the draft concepts from a high-level perspective. A translation of 
the client and resource server functionalities to C/C++ is also in our roadmap 
for the incoming months so that we could demonstrate the draft benefits with 
real use-cases and devices. We will keep you informed about our advanced in 
this line.

We will review these codes and projects to try to find potential overlappings 
with our work, thanks!! :)

For your last question, I think that again Jorge or Prabha will give you a more 
detailed answer, but I guess that they are already working on this.

Thanks and BR,


Daniel Calvo
Energy and Transport Market
Atos Research and Innovation
Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
C/Real Consulado s/n,
Polígono Industrial Candina
39011 Santander

Feel free to download our booklet at

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-Original Message-
From: Hannes Tschofenig [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:41 PM
To: Calvo Alonso, Daniel;
Cc: Kasinathan, Prabhakaran; Cuellar, Jorge; Gato, Jose
Subject: Re: [Ace] Correct url for 
draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

Hi Daniel,

thanks for the description.

How close is the implementation to the ACE-OAuth framework?

I am asking this question since you could have re-used lots of existing code 
since there are many open source implementations of OAuth authorization servers 
around (even in Java).

The use of Java for the client only makes sense if you are planning to run it 
on an Android phone/tablet (which is one of the use cases, of course). If the 
client (or the resource server) are running on an IoT device then Java is not 
that common (at least not on the low end devices, which the ACE group is mostly 
focused on). Most IoT devices are using C (or C++ at best).

Maybe there is a chance that your European funded research

Re: [Ace] Correct url for draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

2016-10-12 Thread Hannes Tschofenig
map but we are going also to follow your comments and try to align first 
> this draft with draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-02.
> @Jorge, @Prabha, please correct me if anything is not totally correct and 
> feel free to add what you consider of interest.
> I hope that this explanation is useful to understand better the code but if 
> you have more doubts, please don't hesitate in ask me again!
> BR,
> Daniel
> Daniel Calvo
> Energy and Transport Market
> Atos Research and Innovation
> Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
> C/Real Consulado s/n,
> Polígono Industrial Candina
> 39011 Santander
> Feel free to download our booklet at
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> -Original Message-
> From: Hannes Tschofenig []
> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:24 AM
> To: Calvo Alonso, Daniel;
> Cc: Kasinathan, Prabhakaran; Cuellar, Jorge; Gato, Jose
> Subject: Re: [Ace] Correct url for 
> draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code
> Hi Daniel,
> could you provide a bit of info what you have implemented?
> (I know that I can look at the code myself but you probably know all the 
> details from the top of your head.)
> Ciao
> Hannes
> On 08/31/2016 10:11 AM, Calvo Alonso, Daniel wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As I promised during my presentation in the ACE WG meeting in Berlin,
>> this is the correct link to
>> draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens prototype source code:
>> _
>> Please, don't hesitate in contact me in case you have any doubt or problem.
>> With my best regards,
>> *Daniel Calvo*
>> Energy and Transport Market
>> Atos Research and Innovation
>> Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
>> _daniel.calvo@atos.net_ <> C/Real

Re: [Ace] Correct url for draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

2016-09-28 Thread Calvo Alonso, Daniel
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-Original Message-
From: Hannes Tschofenig []
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:24 AM
To: Calvo Alonso, Daniel;
Cc: Kasinathan, Prabhakaran; Cuellar, Jorge; Gato, Jose
Subject: Re: [Ace] Correct url for 
draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

Hi Daniel,

could you provide a bit of info what you have implemented?
(I know that I can look at the code myself but you probably know all the 
details from the top of your head.)


On 08/31/2016 10:11 AM, Calvo Alonso, Daniel wrote:
> Dear all,
> As I promised during my presentation in the ACE WG meeting in Berlin,
> this is the correct link to
> draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens prototype source code:
> _
> Please, don't hesitate in contact me in case you have any doubt or problem.
> With my best regards,
> *Daniel Calvo*
> Energy and Transport Market
> Atos Research and Innovation
> Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
> _daniel.calvo@atos.net_ <> C/Real
> Consulado s/n, Polígono Industrial Candina
> 39011 Santander
> _www.atosresearch.eu_ <>
> *Feel free to download our booklet at*
> _
> novation.html_
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Re: [Ace] Correct url for draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens source code

2016-09-26 Thread Hannes Tschofenig

Hi Daniel,

could you provide a bit of info what you have implemented?
(I know that I can look at the code myself but you probably know all the 
details from the top of your head.)


On 08/31/2016 10:11 AM, Calvo Alonso, Daniel wrote:

Dear all,

As I promised during my presentation in the ACE WG meeting in Berlin,
this is the correct link to
draft-cuellar-ace-pat-priv-enhanced-authz-tokens prototype source code:


Please, don’t hesitate in contact me in case you have any doubt or problem.

With my best regards,

*Daniel Calvo*
Energy and Transport Market
Atos Research and Innovation
Tel: +34 946 66 20 82
C/Real Consulado s/n,
Polígono Industrial Candina
39011 Santander

*Feel free to download our booklet at*

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