Re: [agi] Inventory of AGI projects

2002-11-06 Thread Pei Wang
Ben said

> I don't think significant engineering is going on in Pei's NARS project at
> the moment, either.

That is partially correct. I'm working on the conceptual design during the
"acadamic year", and some coding has been done in the (summer and winter)
vacations. Overall, NARS is not "on hold", though not moving in full speed.


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RE: [agi] Inventory of AGI projects

2002-11-06 Thread Ben Goertzel

> I think the key fact is that most of these projects are currently
> relatively inactive --- plenty of passion out there, just not a
> lot of resources.
> The last I heard both the HAL project and the CAM-brain project
> where pretty much at a stand still due to lack of funding?

That is correct.

I don't think significant engineering is going on in Pei's NARS project at
the moment, either.

Cyc, Novamente, A2I2, and James' Rogers' project, on the other hand, are
quite actively being developed...

> Perhaps a good piece of information to add to a list of AGI projects
> would be an indication of the level of resources that the project has.

A categorization into "projects with an active engineering team working on
them" versus "projects that are on hold" would certainly be valuable, I


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Re: [agi] Inventory of AGI projects

2002-11-05 Thread shane legg

I think the key fact is that most of these projects are currently
relatively inactive --- plenty of passion out there, just not a
lot of resources.  

The last I heard both the HAL project and the CAM-brain project
where pretty much at a stand still due to lack of funding?

Perhaps a good piece of information to add to a list of AGI projects
would be an indication of the level of resources that the project has.

(I'm currently between places and only on the internet via cafes...
So I won't be very active on this list for a few weeks at least)

I suppose I should give a short who-am-I for those who don't know:
I'm a New Zealand mathematician/AI kind of a guy, worked for Ben
for a few years on Webmind and spend most of this year working for
Peter Voss on the A2I2 project.  I'm into complexity and intelligence
and am starting a PhD with Marcus Hutter at IDSIA in a few months
working on a mathematical definition of intelligence that he's come
up with.


 --- Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > 
> Hi,
> Inspired by a recent post, here is my attempt at a list of "serious AGI
> projects" underway on the planet at this time.
> If anyone knows of anything that should be added to this list, please let me
> know.
> . Novamente ...
> · Pei Wang’s NARS system
> · Peter Voss’s A2I2 project
> · Jason Hutchens’ intelligent chat bots, an ongoing project that for a while
> was carried out at
> · Doug Lenat’s Cyc project
> · The most serious “traditional AI” systems: SOAR and ACT-R
> · Hugo de Garis’s “artificial brain”
> · James Rogers’ information theory based AGI effort
> · Eliezer Yudkowsky’s DGI project
> · Sam Adams’ experiential learning project at IBM
> · The algorithmic information theory approach to AGI theory, carried out by
> Juergen Schmidhuber and Marcus Hutter at IDSIA
> . The Cog project at MIT
> -- Ben
> ---
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> please go to 

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[agi] Inventory of AGI projects

2002-11-05 Thread Ben Goertzel


Inspired by a recent post, here is my attempt at a list of "serious AGI
projects" underway on the planet at this time.

If anyone knows of anything that should be added to this list, please let me

. Novamente ...

·   Pei Wang’s NARS system

·   Peter Voss’s A2I2 project

·   Jason Hutchens’ intelligent chat bots, an ongoing project that for a while
was carried out at

·   Doug Lenat’s Cyc project

·   The most serious “traditional AI” systems: SOAR and ACT-R

·   Hugo de Garis’s “artificial brain”

·   James Rogers’ information theory based AGI effort

·   Eliezer Yudkowsky’s DGI project

·   Sam Adams’ experiential learning project at IBM

·   The algorithmic information theory approach to AGI theory, carried out by
Juergen Schmidhuber and Marcus Hutter at IDSIA

.   The Cog project at MIT

-- Ben

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