Hello pokes!!!

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 12:30 AM, pokes <po...@botnoise.org> wrote:

> On 12/14/2017 05:58 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
> >
> > You're a BlogNomic player, aren't you? That would explain it. I
> > remembered reading your username somewhere, and I thought it was the
> > Agoran mailing list archives.
> >
> Yup! That must be it.
> >
> > They are the current unofficial curreny system. We have an actual
> > economy, based around a currency called shinies, but it's pretty
> > broken right now (constantly running out of supply to pay people, no
> > one has a reason to spend which leads to hoarding, etc.). A major
> > economic reform proposal is in development, but it's taking a while to
> > work out the details. Bills are a replacement currency, operating on a
> > shiny standard (you know, like the gold standard) that had been
> > defined by contract. If you go to the a-o (Agora-official, aka. OFF)
> > archives, and look at the most recent Notary's weekly report, there's
> > a contract called The Agoran Credit Union. It contains further
> > details.
> >
> > -Aris
> >
> I see now. This is what I get for not back-reading enough OFF: a very
> helpful explanation.

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