OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2017-06-06 Thread Alex Smith
Tailor gamestate:

Date of this report: Tue  6 Jun 17
Date of last report: Thu 18 May 17

Before the main body of the report, a summary of what I believe to have
happened with respect to Alexis: eir own White Ribbon was never legally
given, and nor was the White Ribbon e gave me; but I forgot at the time
of the last report that my own White Ribbon holding was disputed, and
thus marked only Alexis' as such. The report itself was not CoEd, and
thus self-ratified a week later. As far as I can tell, what therefore
happened was that both me and Alexis gained a White Ribbon at the time
of ratification (being the minimum change to the gamestate required to
give all the Ribbon Ownership switches the value the report stated they
held; note that the statement that Alexis' switch had a disputed value
is not in its own right self-ratifying, although being a true
statement, it wouldn't matter if it were; ratifying a true statement
has no effect).

This seems something like a bug that should perhaps be fixed, as
reporting on disputes is currently impossible to do "correctly" without
CoEing your own report and resolving the CoE with a reference to the
CFJ in question, something that I hadn't realised would be required.
The well-known "disputed" mark in reports, has, as far as I can tell,
no legal effect.

If someone believes that I've misinterpreted the law here, I'd
recommend calling a CFJ. Alternatively, if someone feels that I've
interpreted it correctly but that the situation is nonetheless unfair,
the correct solution probably involves a proposal. (Perhaps we should
create some sort of rules-wide equity system. I know G. would probably
be a fan of that.)

And now for the main body of the report:

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess (note that nonplayers can own Ribbons, and there are often
players without Ribbons, so this is typically a different list from the
list of players):

BedeM W
GaelanC M   A
grokO  B
MurphyC A
nichdel OGCBMU  P W AT
o  ROG B  W  T
omd   C  UVKA
Publius [1]   C
Quazie  O C
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W A
Tanner Swett  C M
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM

[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
Red  Author an adopted proposal that amends a Power-3+ rule
Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
Cyan Deputise for an office
Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
Indigo   Gain a degree
Platinum Become the Speaker
Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
   who has never gifted a White Ribbon
blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
GrAy Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion
Transparent  Qualify for 5 Ribbons in the same week (ones you already
   have count)

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  Alexis  +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  Alexis  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  Alexis  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  Alexis  +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  Alexis  +M
15/06/29  aranea   

[Tailor] Re: OFF: [Deputy Tailor] Ribbons

2017-05-18 Thread Alex Smith
CoE: The preceding version of this report was incorrect because I'd
never received some relevant emails. Admitted; I replace the report
with the following corrected version of the report, that also takes
into account Ribbon actions since my first attempt to publish it.

Date of this report: Thu 18 May 17
Date of last report: Thu 13 Oct 16

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess (note that nonplayers can own Ribbons, and there are often
players without Ribbons, so this is typically a different list from the
list of players):

ais523  OGC MUV P WKA
Alexis RO CBMUV P WKA  (disputed, see CFJs 3463/3464)
BedeM W
GaelanC M   A
MurphyC A
nichdel   C M   A
o  ROG B  W  T
omd   C  UVKA
Publius [1]   C
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W A
Tanner Swett  C M
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM

[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
Red  Author an adopted proposal that amends a Power-3+ rule
Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
Cyan Deputise for an office
Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
Indigo   Gain a degree
Platinum Become the Speaker
Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
   who has never gifted a White Ribbon
blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
GrAy Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion
Transparent  Qualify for 5 Ribbons in the same week (ones you already
   have count)

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  Alexis  +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  Alexis  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  Alexis  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  Alexis  +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  Alexis  +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +A
15/06/30  Alexis  +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V ("Unchampion")
15/07/26  Alexis  +A
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V ("Silver Quill 2015/07")
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  Alexis  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  Alexis  +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  Alexis  +P
15/08/17  omd +A
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  Alexis  +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +A
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +A
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +A
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +A
16/06/26  nichdel +C (deputising for Registrar)
16/06/30  Tekneek +M
16/06/30  nichdel +M
16/07/14  nichdel +A
16/08/01  omd +V ("Distributor")
16/08/20  ais523  +A
16/09/15  Alexis  +W (new 

OFF: [Deputy Tailor] Ribbons

2017-05-17 Thread Alex Smith
I deputise for the Tailor to publish the following report (which is
more than 14 days overdue, thus can be posted with no intent period):
Date of this report: Thu 18 May 17
Date of last report: Thu 13 Oct 16

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess (note that nonplayers can own Ribbons, and there are often
players without Ribbons, so this is typically a different list from the
list of players):

ais523  OG  MUV P WKA
Alexis RO CBMUV P WKA  (disputed, see CFJs 3463/3464)
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   A
MurphyC A
nichdel   C M   A
o  ROG B  W  T
omd   C  UVKA
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W A
Tanner Swett  C M
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
Red  Author an adopted proposal that amends a Power-3+ rule
Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
Cyan Deputise for an office
Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
Indigo   Gain a degree
Platinum Become the Speaker
Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
   who has never gifted a White Ribbon
blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
GrAy Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion
Transparent  Qualify for 5 Ribbons in the same week (ones you already
   have count)

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  Alexis  +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  Alexis  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  Alexis  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  Alexis  +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  Alexis  +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +A
15/06/30  Alexis  +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V ("Unchampion")
15/07/26  Alexis  +A
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V ("Silver Quill 2015/07")
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  Alexis  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  Alexis  +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  Alexis  +P
15/08/17  omd +A
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  Alexis  +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +A
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +A
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +A
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +A
16/06/26  nichdel +C (deputising for Registrar)
16/06/30  Tekneek +M
16/06/30  nichdel +M
16/07/14  nichdel +A
16/08/01  omd +V ("Distributor")
16/08/20  ais523  +A
16/09/15  Alexis  +W (new to Ribbons)
16/09/15  ais523  +W (by Alexis)
16/10/13  Alexis  +C (deputising for Referee)
16/10/13  Alexis  +A
- time of last report -
16/11/10  Alexis  +V ("Princess of Agora", 

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2016-10-13 Thread Luis Ressel
I award Alexis a gray ribbon.

Date of this report: Thu 13 Oct 16
Date of last report: Sat 20 Aug 16

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUV P WKY
AlexisC   W Y
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
MurphyC Y
nichdel   C M   Y
omd   C  UVKY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W Y
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +Y
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +Y
16/06/26  nichdel +C (deputising for Registrar)
16/06/30  Tekneek +M
16/06/30  nichdel +M
16/07/14  nichdel +Y
16/08/01  omd +V (Distributor)
16/08/20  ais523  +Y
- time of last report -
16/09/15  Alexis  +W (new to Ribbons)
16/09/15  ais523  +W (by Alexis)
16/10/13  Alexis  +C (deputising for Referee)
16/10/13  Alexis  +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2016-08-20 Thread Luis Ressel
I award ais523 a Gray Ribbon.

Date of this report: Sat 20 Aug 16
Date of last report: Thu 14 Jul 16

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUV P  KY
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
MurphyC Y
nichdel   C M   Y
omd   C  UVKY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W Y
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +Y
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +Y
16/06/26  nichdel +C (deputising for Registrar)
16/06/30  Tekneek +M
16/06/30  nichdel +M
16/07/14  nichdel +Y
- time of last report -
16/08/01  omd +V (Distributor)
16/08/20  ais523  +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2016-07-14 Thread Luis Ressel
I award nichdel a Gray Ribbon.

Date of this report: Thu 14 Jul 16
Date of last report: Sun 21 Feb 16

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUV P  K
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
MurphyC Y
nichdel   C Y
omd   C  U KY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W Y
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +Y
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +Y
- time of last report -
16/06/26  nichdel +C (deputising for Registrar)
16/06/30  Tekneek +M
16/07/14  nichdel +Y
- future events -


OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2016-02-21 Thread Luis Ressel
Date of this report: Sun 21 Feb 16
Date of last report: Sun 29 Nov 15

I award a Gray Ribbon to Sprocklem (because of... reasons).

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUV P  K
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
MurphyC Y
omd   C  U KY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W Y
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +Y
- time of last report -
16/02/21  Sprocklem   +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-11-29 Thread Luis Ressel

Date of this report: Sun 29 Nov 15
Date of last report: Wed 21 Oct 15

I award a Gray Ribbon to Murphy.

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUV P  K
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
MurphyC Y
omd   C  U KY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
- time of last report -
15/11/27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
15/11/28  ais523  +P
15/11/29  Murphy  +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-10-21 Thread Luis Ressel

Date of this report: Wed 21 Oct 15
Date of last report: Wed 30 Sep 15

I award a Gray Ribbon to G.

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUVK
BedeM W
Gaelan  M   Y
omd   C  U KY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Bede+M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
- time of last report -
15/10/08  Bede+W (new to Ribbons)
15/10/21  G.  +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-09-30 Thread Luis Ressel

Date of this report: Wed 30 Sep 15
Date of last report: Mon 17 Aug 15

I award a Gray Ribbon to Gaelan Steele.

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais523  OG  MUVK
Charles Walker  M
Gaelan  M   Y
omd   C  U KY
scshuntRO CBMU  P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Charles Walker  +M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
- time of last report -
15/08/21  ais523  +U
15/08/21  omd +U
15/08/21  scshunt +U
15/09/30  Gaelan  +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-08-17 Thread Luis Ressel

Date of this report: Mon 17 Aug 15
Date of last report: Sun 27 Jul 15

I award a Gray Ribbon to omd because I like his recent scam.

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais253  OG  M VK
Charles Walker  M
Gaelan  M
omd   CKY
scshuntRO CBM   P  KY
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W
Tiger  BM
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais253  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
15/06/09  ais253  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Charles Walker  +M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y
15/06/30  scshunt +O (Proposal 7753)
15/07/10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
15/07/12  aranea  +V (Unchampion)
15/07/26  scshunt +Y
- time of last report -
15/07/28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
15/08/03  ais523  +V (Silver Quill 2015/07)
15/08/10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
15/08/11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +K (by Proposal 7784)
15/08/11  scshunt +R (Proposal 7772)
15/08/11  scshunt +P
15/08/17  omd +Y
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-06-30 Thread Luis Ressel
I award myself a Gray Ribbon.


Date of this report: Tue 30 Jun 15
Date of last report: Sun  7 Jun 15

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais253  OG  M
aranea ROGC M   PLW Y
Charles Walker  M
Gaelan  M
omd   C
scshunt   CBM
stadjer   W
Sprocklem   M W
Tiger   M
the WarrigalM

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam
+GraY Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais253  +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea  +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea  +G (as Tailor)
15/05/22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt +B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
- time of last report -
15/06/09  ais253  +G (as Prime Minister)
15/06/29  scshunt +M
15/06/29  aranea  +M
15/06/29  ais523  +M
15/06/29  the Warrigal+M
15/06/29  Sprocklem   +M
15/06/29  Tiger   +M
15/06/29  G.  +M
15/06/29  Charles Walker  +M
15/06/30  Gaelan  +M
15/06/30  aranea  +Y (Gray Ribbon, Jun)
- future events -


OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-06-07 Thread Luis Ressel

Date of this report: Sun  7 Jun 15
Date of last report: Sun 13 May 15

This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais253  O
aranea ROGC PLW
omd   C
scshunt   CB
stadjer   W
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd+C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt+C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G. +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer+W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G. +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G. +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G. +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G. +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais253 +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea +G (as Tailor)
- time of last report -
15/05/22  G. +B (CFJ 3448)
15/05/23  scshunt+B (CFJ 3447)
15/05/24  G. +W (awarded by aranea)
- future events -

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-05-13 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

ais253  O
aranea ROGC PLW
omd   C
scshunt   C
stadjer   W
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd+C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt+C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G. +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer+W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G. +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G. +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G. +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G. +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/12  ais253 +O (Proposal 7742)
15/05/12  aranea +P (appointed Speaker)
15/05/13  aranea +G (as Tailor)


OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-05-02 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

aranea RO C  LW
omd   C
scshunt   C
stadjer   W
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office
+Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:
14/11/04  aranea +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04  aranea +C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06  Sprocklem  +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09  omd+C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14  scshunt+C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07  G. +C (deputising for Referee)
15/04/17  stadjer+W (new to Ribbons)
15/05/01  aranea +R (Proposal 7736)
15/05/01  aranea +O (Proposal 7735)
15/05/01  aranea +L (Proposal 7735-37)
15/05/01  G. +R (Proposal 7734)
15/05/01  G. +O (Proposal 7738)
15/05/01  G. +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
15/05/01  G. +P (appointed Speaker)


OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-04-16 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-04-01 Thread wp11004248-tmp wp11004248-tmp
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons (same report as always, don't bother to read it)

2015-03-15 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-03-08 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-02-23 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2015-02-08 Thread Luis Ressel
This is a list of all persons owning Ribbons, detailing which ribbons
they possess:

araneaC   W
omd   C
scshunt   C
Sprocklem W

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to earn a Ribbon; you
then qualify for that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can award you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+Red  Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+rule
+Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+GreenHold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+Cyan Deputise for an office +Blue Judge a CFJ without violating
  time limits to do so
+Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+Indigo   Gain a degree
+Platinum Become the Speaker
+Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+WhiteNever have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
  who has never gifted a White Ribbon
+blacKAwardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

14/11/04 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/04 aranea+C (deputising for Tailor)
14/11/06 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
14/11/09 omd   +C (deputising for King Azaz)
14/11/14 scshunt   +C (deputising for Herald)
15/01/07 G.+C (deputising for Referee)

OFF: [Tailor] Ribbons

2009-06-13 Thread Sean Hunt

Player   ROGCBKWMUVIY  Ribbon count (12 to win)
ais523   ROGCBKW UVIY   11
allispaul  W 1
ehirdR   BK  3
Ben Daniel W 1
comexROG BK MU   7
coppro   ROGCBKW UV Y   10
c-walker B W 2
Dvorak Herring W 1
Goethe   B   1
gwen   W 1
Manu 0
modulusW 1
Murphy   ROGCBVIY8
OscarMeyrR GCBK M6
Pavitra  RO  B  MUV  6
Quazie   B   1
Randy Olshaw   W 1
Rodlen   B W 2
Schrodinger's Cat0
Sgeo   GCB W 4
Siege  W 1
SpitemasterW 1
TaralROG BK M6
teucer   0
Tiger OGCBKW 6
Warrigal B   1
woggleO  BKW 4
Wooble   ROGCBKWMUV Y   11
Yally OGCBKW 6
zeckalpha  W 1
Normish Partnership 20
PBA  0

Due to deregistrations, the LFD owns the following (by former owner):
Billy Pilgrim  W 1
j  W 1
rootCUV  3

These Ribbons will be kept for a period of at least one year after their
former owner's most recent deregistration.

The Lost and Found Department owns no other Ribbons.

May 1, 2009: coppro awards emself a Green Ribbon and a blacK Ribbon for
 Grand Poobah, unnumbered CFJ
May 4, 2009: Wooble awards Ben Daniel a White Ribbon (+W) for
 first-time registration
May 4, 2009: coppro and root each award emselves Violet and Ultraviolet
 Ribbons (+VU) for High Score and MWoP
May 8, 2009: Wooble awards gwen a White Ribbon (+W) for first-time
May 13, 2009: Wooble awards Tiger an Orange Ribbon (+O) for P6271
May 13, 2009: coppro awards the following:
  Pavitra a Red Ribbon (+R) for P6269
  Goethe a Blue Ribbon (+B) for CFJ2522
  Rodlen a Blue Ribbon (+B) for CFJ2520
  Quazie a Blue Ribbon (+B) for CFJ2506
  comex an Ultraviolet Ribbon (+U) for High Score
  Tiger a Green Ribbon (+G) for Anarchist
May 17, 2009: Yally deregisters w1n5t0n (-*)
May 21, 2009: Wooble awards emself an Ultraviolet Ribbon (+U) for High
May 21, 2009: Yally awards emself a Black Ribbon (+K) and an Orange
  Ribbon (+O)
May 26, 2009: coppro deregisters Human Point Two (* = LFD)
May 26, 2009: root deregisters (* = LFD)
May 26, 2009: ehird deregisters Bayes (* = LFD)
May 29, 2009: ais523 awards emself an Idigo Ribbon (+I) for M.N.
Jun 01, 2009: coppro awards emself a Yellow Ribbon (+Y) for 3-Scroll
-- Time of last report --
Jun 03, 2009: coppro awards allispaul a White Ribbon (+W) for first-time
Jun 03, 2009: allispaul awards zeckalpha a White Ribbon (+W) for first-
  time registration
Jun 03, 2009: Yally awards emself a Cyan Ribbon (+C) and a Green Ribbon
  (+G) for IADoP
Jun 05, 2009: Yally deregisters j, cmealrjr, and Billy Pilgrim (* =
Jun 06, 2009: c-walker creates a Blue Ribbon (+B) in eir own possession.
Jun 08, 2009: Tiger creates a Black Ribbon (+K) in eir own possession.
-- Time of this report --

If you perform one of the following actions, you (or anyone else) can
then award yourself the specified Ribbon.

RedInterested proposal changes rule with Power = 3
Orange Interested proposal adopted unanimously
Green  Hold office for full month with no late duties
Cyan   Deputise for an office
Blue   Judge (other than sentencing) on time
blacK  Sentence on time
White  First registration, be declared as a mentor
MagentaAcknowledge Agora's birthday
UltravioletBe awarded Champion (win Agora)
Violet Be awarded a Patent Title other than Champion/Degree
Indigo Be awarded a Degree (publish a thesis)
Yellow Run a contest and award points to 3+ people in a month